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BBC Young Musician 2022


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Welcome page 1

About BBC Young Musician pages 2-3 Notes for filling in the entry form pages 4-8

Entry Form pages 9-10

BBC Broadcast Terms and Conditions page 11

Follow us



BBC Young Musician 2022


We’re really pleased that you’re thinking of applying for BBC Young Musician 2022.

This document contains information about the format of the competition, how to enter, and what you can expect if you take part. You will find a copy of the entry form at the end of the document, or you can complete it online at:


Alternatively, you can request a separate pdf or hard copy by emailing/writing to us:

[email protected] BBC Young Musician 2022, Zone 4, Roath Lock, Cardiff CF10 4GA

We want all talented and eligible musicians to be able to enter and are committed to removing any barriers which could impact this goal.

BBC Young Musician is a fully inclusive project and we positively welcome applications from musicians with apparent and non-apparent disabilities. All our printed material is available in Easy Read, as a downloadable audio file, and in Braille. Please contact us if you require this information in an alternative format (including any not referenced here).

BBC Young Musician is free to enter. We will cover all reasonable travel costs to and from auditions and live performance rounds. Hotel accommodation will also be provided should it be required.

To enter you should send us your completed application form and documents by

17th December 2021


Contact us:

[email protected] 07731 347152

BBC Young Musician, Zone 4, Roath Lock, Cardiff CF10 4GA

Follow us:

@BBCYoungMusician @BBCYoungMus bbc.co.uk/youngmusician

BBC Young Musician 2020 trophy designed by Anne Morgan


About BBC Young Musician

BBC Young Musician is the BBC’s long running platform for young, classical instrumentalists. It was first staged in 1978 and takes place every two years.

It celebrates UK talent and showcases it on BBC television, radio and online.

We want to hear from you if you are a classically trained musician aged 18 or under and resident in the UK.

The most recent edition of the contest was memorably won by percussionist Fang Zhang, making him only the second winner to come from the percussion category since it was introduced in 1994. The much-delayed Grand Final was held in April 2021 at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester and also featured exceptional performances by fellow finalists French horn player Annemarie Federle and oboist Ewan Millar.

If you enter you’ll have the chance to test yourself in front of some of the best musicians in the UK and have feedback on how you did. If you make it to the Grand Final, you’ll perform a concerto with a professional orchestra and leading conductor, following in the footsteps of our illustrious previous finalists and winners.

The later stages of BBC Young Musician are filmed for broadcast on BBC television.


Please note that while we’re currently planning to work to the proposed timeline, we are aware that we might have to rethink due to the evolving Covid situation. We’ll be keeping our plans

carefully under review throughout the contest and will be following the latest official safety advice as well as the BBC’s own policies. If things do need to change to keep you and us all safe, or to follow government guidelines, or for any other reason, we will let everyone know as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about the impact of Covid-19 at any stage of the process, please do contact us.

Contact us:

[email protected] 07731 347152

What instruments are accepted?

You can enter BBC Young Musician in five instrumental categories - Brass, Keyboard, Percussion, Strings and Woodwind. We will accept any instrument that has an existing repertoire of works for soloist and symphony orchestra. This can include electric/electronic instruments and those from outside the western classical music tradition.

Key Stages

BBC Young Musician is made up of five competitive rounds.


To enter you must send us your application form and documents by 17th December 2021.

Everyone who enters and meets the criteria will be offered an audition. These will be held in January and February 2022 at a number of venues across the UK including London, Cardiff, Manchester and Glasgow. There’s space on the form to tell us which of these venues you would prefer and we will do our best to accommodate as many preferences as possible. A maximum of 25 musicians from each instrumental category will go through to the Category Auditions.

Category Auditions

The Category Auditions will be held in March 2022 and will take place in front of a new panel of judges. They will select five musicians from each category to go through to the Category Finals.

Category Finals

The Category Finals will be staged in early July 2022 and will be filmed for broadcast on BBC television. If you reach this stage, you will play in front of a live audience. Our expert judging panel will choose a winner for each category.

The winners will go on to compete in the BBC Young Musician Semi-Final.


Winner of BBC Young Musician 2020, Fang Zhang, performing at the Grand Final

Grand Final

The Grand Final will be held in front of an audience in October 2022. The three finalists will perform a concerto (or other work for their instrument and orchestra) with a BBC orchestra.

A panel of distinguished musicians will select the winner who will become BBC Young Musician 2022.


The five category winners will return to compete for three places in the Grand Final. The Semi-Final will take place in front of an audience and will also be held in early July 2022. If you make it to this stage of the contest you will play to a new panel of judges and will be able to repeat your Category Final recital audition if you so choose.


Closing date 17th December 2021

Regionals January / February 2022

Category Auditions March 2022 Category Finals / Semi-Final July 2022

Grand Final Autumn 2022


Who can enter?

Anyone who fulfils the following eligibility criteria can enter BBC Young Musician 2022:

Qualification You must have achieved Grade 8 standard on your instrument

Age You must be aged 18 or under on 1 January 2022

Residency You must be a resident of the UK, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, at the time of entry and for the duration of the competition (until October 2022)

We are unable to accept entries from anyone closely related to a BBC staff member or anyone involved in the administration of the competition or production of the programmes.

Students who live overseas but study full-time at a UK school or college are resident for these purposes.

What to do?

To enter BBC Young Musician, you need to fill in and send us your application form, along with a photo and proof of your age. This could be a copy of your birth certificate, passport, driving licence or national ID card. In addition, you must send us either a copy of your Grade 8 or Diploma certificate, or ask your teacher to sign the accreditation to declare that you are Grade 8 standard on your instrument.

You should use the information in this document to help you fill out the form, and be sure to read the rules, terms and conditions before completing it. This is very important, because the form becomes the contract between you and the BBC.

How to get your entry to us?

• You can fill in our online form and upload your documents at bbc.co.uk/youngmusician

• Or you can download the entry form at bbc.co.uk/youngmusician, and email it to us

• Or you can use the hard copy of the entry form at the end of this brochure and return it to us by post If you’d like us to email or send you a pdf or hard copy of the entry form, just let us know.

If you’re emailing or posting your form to us, don’t forget to include a photo of yourself, a scan or photo of your proof of age and your Grade 8 or Diploma certificate.

Anything sent in the post should be clearly addressed, and you should get a receipt from the Post Office, just in case it goes missing. If you email your application to us, you will receive an auto reply acknowledging its safe arrival in our inbox. An email containing several large files may not arrive – it would be better to send one attachment per email, or use a file-sharing application. We can’t accept entries after the closing date unless you can show us that your entry was emailed or posted on time.

However your application reaches us, we will email you to let you know that it has been processed. If you haven’t heard from us within a couple of days, please contact us.

What instrument can you play?

You can enter BBC Young Musician in five instrumental categories - Brass, Keyboard, Percussion, Strings and Woodwind. We will accept any instrument that has an existing repertoire of works for soloist and symphony orchestra. This can include electric/electronic instruments and those from outside the western classical music tradition.

If you’d like to play different instruments from the same family (eg descant and treble recorders / trumpet and flugelhorn) you may enter these on a single application form.

If you’d like to enter on instruments of different characters (eg flute and oboe, piano and organ), you must submit separate entry forms for each one and you’ll be auditioned separately on each instrument.

Your contact details

We will contact you by email so please take care to avoid typos and use an account you check regularly. If you’d like us to contact you using the email address of your parent or guardian, or to copy them in, please include their address on the form.

Notes for filling in the entry form


BBC Broadcast terms and conditions

Page 11 is where you will find the contractual part of entering BBC Young Musician and an explanation of what you and the BBC are agreeing to. Most importantly, by submitting a complete and valid application either online, by email or post, you are consenting to the filming of your performances and allowing us to broadcast them.

We also list the rules, explain how we handle your data and our approach to working with young people. If you’re under 18 you’ll need to get your parent or legal guardian to give their consent by countersigning the entry form. If you apply online, we will contact your parent / guardian and ask them for their consent directly.

We strongly recommend that you read these terms and conditions and if you have any questions or would like us to clarify anything, please contact us at any time. You can find all the information on our website: bbc.co.uk/youngmusician

Other useful information How we support you

We will let you know what’s involved before every stage of the contest and we’re always available to answer questions – just send us an email or call us. If you take part in the Category Finals, our competition and television teams will guide you through the process. We provide lots of advice about appearing on television and how to handle social media. We employ an independent psychologist to work with us to support you on site. BBC press officers will also help all finalists to deal with any press attention and this support continues after the Grand Final. For the three finalists we have arranged aftercare with the Young Classical Artist Trust, funded by the BBC (see below).

Annemarie Federle, finalist, and winner of the Brass Category in 2020



We want as many of you as possible to feel able to apply to BBC Young Musician and we don’t want cost to be a barrier. We will pay your travel costs for all audition and performance rounds, and will provide hotel accommodation for you if you need it. We can book trains for you or reimburse the cost of travelling by public transport (you will need to give us your receipts). If you’re driving, we will pay you a rate per mile towards your petrol costs. If you’re aged 16 or under, we will also pay travel expenses for an adult to come with you. We are unable to cover expenses for rehearsals or for travel from outside the UK.

Who are the judges and what do they do?

The judges at BBC Young Musician are all professionals in the music industry, including practising instrumentalists, composers,

administrators and educators. They will not be told anything about you apart from your name, and will judge everyone in exactly the same way, scoring each person according to the following criteria:

Performance communication and overall impact

Musicality musical intelligence and interpretation

Technique technical ability and achievement The judges will write feedback on your audition, which you can request afterwards.

Time limits

Each round has a maximum time limit to make sure that everyone has the same chance to

impress the judges. The time limit applies to music only, so any gaps between pieces don’t count.

If you go over the time limit at the Regionals or Category Auditions, you will be stopped by the panel. At the Category Finals, any over-run will be highlighted at deliberation and will be a consideration when deciding the result.

Regionals 10 minutes Category Auditions 12 minutes Category Finals 16 minutes Semi-Final 16 minutes Grand Final 15-30 minutes


There are five categories of instrument in BBC Young Musician: Brass, Keyboard, Percussion, Strings and Woodwind.

We will now accept any instrument that has an existing repertoire of works for soloist and symphony orchestra. This can include electric/

electronic instruments and those from outside the western classical music tradition.

Apart from pianists, organists and percussionists, you must provide your own instrument. Any amplification equipment for your programme must also be supplied by you.

A piano will be provided for accompanists at every stage. You may use other accompanying instruments (up to a maximum of two for any single piece) but they must be supplied by you.

Pianists must play the piano provided, which will be a Steinway or equivalent. Please note that page turners will not be provided, so please bring one if you need one.

Percussionists must include tuned and non-tuned percussion. You may bring up to two accompanists (eg piano and double bass) but percussion must be the dominant solo instrument. The BBC will provide a range of professional percussion instruments for performers at each stage; you may bring your own small instruments (eg cymbals) at your own expense, but you must play the larger instruments supplied by the BBC (eg marimba, vibes).

Ewan Millar, finalist, and winner of the Woodwind Category in 2020



At each stage you can choose your own programme. We recommend that you show some variety of style and period. A well-selected programme might be taken into account by the judges in the event of a tie.

You must let us know your choice of music for the first two rounds on the entry form. You can change your mind, as long as you let us know by the following dates:

10th January 2022 for the Regionals

4th March 2022 for the Category Auditions If you go through to the later rounds, you must send us your programmes for the Category Finals, Semi-Final and your choice of concerto by 3rd June 2022.

At the Category Auditions and Category Finals, you can play one piece that you have played before in the competition. The rest of your repertoire must be new each time. A different movement does not count as a repeated piece. The exception to this rule is the Semi-Final, where you can repeat your entire Category Final if you wish, or can change some or all of your pieces. There’s no obligation to change your repertoire for the Semi-Final and you won’t be disadvantaged if you repeat your Category Final programme.

At the Grand Final, you must play an entire work and you must not have played any part of it at an earlier round.

At the Regionals and the Category Auditions, you must provide copies of your music for the judges.

Please bring these copies with you on the day (three copies at the Regionals and four copies at the Category Auditions). Photocopies are acceptable for audition purposes – they will be recycled immediately afterwards. If you get through to the Category Finals, we will ask you to email us copies of your music for the judges in advance.

At the Category Finals, Semi-Final and Grand Final you are encouraged to play from memory.

However, music stands will be available at every stage should you require one. There is no penalty for using copies of the music.

The order of performance will be decided by the BBC at every stage.


At the Regionals and Category Auditions, if you require an accompanist, you must provide one at your own expense. You will not be disadvantaged in the scoring if you choose to play solo, however we would recommend that you choose pieces written for solo instrument, instead of playing chamber music with one of the parts missing.

At the Category Finals and Semi-Final, you can either provide your own accompanist, or you can choose to work with an accompanist provided by the BBC.

You may perform with up to two accompanists in any single piece, but any additional accompanists must be provided by you.


At the Regionals and Category Auditions, results are usually sent by email on the first working day after the last audition. We will confirm the results date when audition dates have been fixed.

At the Category Finals, Semi-Final and Grand Final, results will be announced on stage at the end of the concert.


The Category Finals, Semi-Final and Grand Final will all be filmed for possible broadcast on BBC television. Footage from the Category Auditions might also be used in our programmes, and we may interview you on camera at various stages in the process if you get through to the latter rounds.


Performance licences

If you are 16 or younger and you get through to the Category Finals, you may need a Child Performance Licence. This is required by legislation designed to protect young people working in the entertainment industry. If this applies to you, we will let you know what to do.

It’s an easy process and doesn’t cost anything.


Each category winner will receive a prize of £1000, a trophy and a place in the BBC Young Musician Semi-Final. The winner of the Grand Final will receive a prize of £3000, a trophy and the title BBC Young Musician 2022.

The Walter Todds Bursary

In memory of the late Walter Todds, one of the founders of BBC Young Musician, a total bursary of £1000 will be allocated at the discretion of the BBC to the performer or performers who show great promise but do not reach the Grand Final.


The BBC has arranged an aftercare scheme for the three performers who reach the Grand Final.

It is with the Young Classical Artist Trust (YCAT), a charitable organisation which provides expert advice and guidance on career development to outstanding young musicians at the outset of their professional careers. From this organisation the finalists receive advice on concert engagements, repertoire, fee negotiations and other matters.

Contact details

[email protected] 07731 347152

Zone 4, Roath Lock, Cardiff CF10 4GA

Follow us

@BBCYoungMusician @BBCYoungMus

You can find lots more information, including clips of previous participants at our website


The BBC Young Musician 2020 Category winners,

(L-R) Fang Zhang, Annemarie Federle, Thomas Luke, Ewan Millar and Coco Tomita


Please fill in this entry form using the Entry information. The completed form and relevant documentation should be emailed to [email protected] by 17th December 2021 Or sent with proof of posting to

BBC Young Musician 2022, Zone 4, Roath Lock, Cardiff CF10 4GA Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS & attach a passport size photo

I would like to enter BBC Young Musician 2022. I agree to abide by the rules, terms and conditions, which I have read.

Name . . . . Family name . . . . Instrument . . . Date of birth . . . . Home address . . . . Town/city . . . Postcode . . . . Telephone + STD code . . . . Mobile no . . . . . Email THIS IS HOW WE WILL CONTACT YOU, PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY!

. . . . Name of parent/legal guardian . . . . Email address . . . . Name of instrumental teacher . . . . . . . Email address . . . . Name of School/College . . . . Town/city . . . Postcode . . . .

If you are away from home during term-time please provide this address below:

Term-time address . . . . Town/ city . . . Postcode . . . . I would like to audition in London / Cardiff / Manchester / Glasgow

(delete as appropriate and we will do our best to accommodate)

Name(s) of weekend music school/college (if any) . . . . . . . . Do you have any apparent and/or non-apparent disabilities? Yes No please tick

If yes, we will contact you via email to ask how we can support your application Continued on next page

Entry Form

Please attach passport photo



Please write your choice of repertoire for the Regionals in the table below (10 minutes max)

(Please note that you can play as many pieces as you like within the time limit – no need to fill every box)


Please write your choice of repertoire for the Category Auditions in the table below (12 minutes max) (Please note that you can play as many pieces as you like within the time limit – no need to fill every box)


I agree to take part in BBC Young Musician 2022 and to abide by its rules, which I have read. I hereby consent to the recording of my contribution and performance subject to the Broadcast Terms and Conditions

I enclose a copy of my birth certificate, passport, driver’s licence or national ID card to prove my age I enclose a copy of my Grade 8 or Diploma certificate, OR a signed accreditation from my teacher below

Signature of entrant . . . . Signature of parent or guardian if aged under 18 . . . . Teacher accreditation

I certify that . . . .(entrant’s name) has reached Grade 8 standard.

Teacher’s Name . . . .

Phone Number . . . .

Signature . . . .

Please check that you have completed your form accurately and return it with all the required documents to:

BBC Young Musician 2022, Zone 4, Roath Lock, Cardiff

CF10 4GA or

[email protected]


BBC Broadcast Terms and Conditions

Who are we?

• BBC Studios Productions Limited, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the BBC registered in England under company no: 09463829 whose registered address is 1 Television Centre, 101 Wood Lane, London, England W12 7FA (“BBC Studios/We/Us”). BBC Studios is the production company responsible for the production and management of BBC Young Musician 2022, including the related television programme on behalf of the BBC.

• BBC means the British Broadcasting Corporation whose principal address is BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA and which expression shall include any wholly or partly owned associated or subsidiary companies of the BBC and any assignee or licensees of the foregoing ("the BBC").

By submitting a complete and valid application including a signed entry form, either online or by email or by post:

1. I agree to take part in BBC Young Musician 2022 and to abide by its rules, terms and conditions;

2. As a condition of entry, I hereby consent to the photographing and recording (in audio or audio-visual) of my participation in BBC Young Musician 2022, the nature and content of which has been fully explained to me;

3. In particular I acknowledge that the judges’ comments, both positive and negative, will be recorded and may be included in any BBC output;

4. I hereby assign the complete copyright in my contribution(s) and give all consents as may be required under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended) and grant to BBC Studios any and all rights necessary to enable BBC Studios to make the fullest use of its photographs and recordings without restriction in any and all media throughout the world for the duration of such rights. In particular I hereby grant to BBC Studios the unlimited right to edit, copy, alter, add to, take from, adapt or translate my contributions hereunder and in relation to such contributions hereby waive irrevocably all ‘moral rights’ which I have now or in the future, including without limitation any rights under section 77 to 85 inclusive of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or any similar law of any jurisdiction;

5. BBC Studios may without further consent use my name, likeness, biography, photographs of me and recordings of interviews with me in promoting and publicising the Programme(s) in all media formats worldwide;

6. BBC Studios reserves the right to alter, amend or cancel the selection process and/or the programme at its absolute discretion. It is under no obligation to make or broadcast any programme containing my contributions. BBC Studios reserves the right to repeat any programmes made on any of the BBC’s services;

7. I warrant that I have truthfully and accurately completed the entry form and acknowledge and agree that BBC Studios may in its sole discretion disqualify any applicant from any part of the selection process or the programme itself and that it may disqualify me if I have breached this or any other rule, term or condition. I understand that if I reach the later stages of the competition, I may be contacted and asked for further information about myself, including a background check;

8. If you provide BBC Studios with special category personal data (for example, in relation to your health for the purposes or dietary requirements or access needs), we will only process this for the purposes of journalism, arts and literature, or in circumstances where you have provided your consent, or otherwise where the law allows. Such personal data will generally be restricted to relevant members of the programme’s production team and crew and the programme’s external experts and professional advisers (where relevant);

9. I have informed my parent or guardian before providing their personal data to BBC Studios and our affiliates. I understand I may withdraw my consent to the disclosure or use of my special category personal data at any time prior to my participation in the Semi-Final;

10. I agree at the request of BBC Studios and/or the BBC to take part in publicity events in connection with BBC Young Musician 2022;

11. BBC Studios shall not be liable to me or my legal representative for any loss or damage or injury to me or my property caused or suffered in connection with BBC Studios’ making of the Programme(s) unless caused by the negligence of BBC Studios and

12. I agree that my contribution shall not contain anything which is an infringement of copyright or which is calculated to bring BBC Studios and/or the BBC into disrepute or which is defamatory provided however that the BBC shall not be entitled to bring claim against me in respect of any defamatory material that was included in my contribution without negligence or malice on my part;

13. The Courts of England and Wales shall have sole jurisdiction in relation to this declaration which shall be interpreted to the laws of England and Wales.

Privacy Notice

Thank you for applying to take part in BBC Young Musician 2022. You have provided Us (BBC Studios and our affiliates (“BBCSPL”)) with information (“personal data”) about yourself in your entry form. This personal data includes your name, your date of birth, address, email address, phone number, school or college name, your teacher’s details, a photo of yourself, and a copy of your proof of age. You will also be asked to provide diversity data about yourself, if you wish to (see below). If you are under 18, you have also provided us with personal data about your parent / legal guardian. This data includes their name, email address and signature.

BBCSPL is responsible for handling personal data you provide, including your contribution(s) to BBC Young Musician 2022, in accordance with data protection law. BBCSPL has a legitimate interest in using your personal data for journalistic, artistic and literary purposes and for the performance of your agreement with BBCSPL and the BBC and fulfilling our legal obligations. You may also provide special category data, for example in relation to your health for the purposes of dietary requirements or access needs which may be used for the purposes of journalism, arts and literature, or in circumstances where you have provided your consent, or otherwise where the law allows. Where we process your personal information for our legitimate interests, we will carefully consider any impact on you and will not use your personal information where such impact overrides our interests.

Your personal data will generally be restricted to relevant members of the competition’s production team and crew, as well as the competition’s third-party experts (where relevant). Where necessary, we may also share information with other BBCSPL or BBC Studios staff and the BBC, with our professional advisers, and from time to time with other programmes that may have an interest in your contribution to BBC Young Musician 2022.

Your auditions and performances will be filmed and may be used in future broadcasts. The Category Finals and Grand Final will be recorded for broadcast on BBC Television and other media. If you are selected to be part of any broadcast, BBCSPL and the BBC may retain some information relating to your contribution in perpetuity. We will retain other information (such as your application form, contact details, and any relevant information collected in connection with fitness to participate (including relevant medical information)), for up to 7 years in line with our data retention schedule. We will delete your data no later than 12 months from the end of the audition process. The copy of your birth certificate, passport or driving licence will be destroyed once your entry has been validated. If you wish to withdraw your entry, we will delete the data from our system and/or destroy your postal application, as relevant.

For more information about how BBCSPL and the BBC use your personal data and your rights, visit www.bbc.co.uk/contributors/privacy-notice Broadcasters and Creative Diversity Network (CDN) are monitoring diversity on UK television through Diamond. There is a legitimate interest in collecting diversity information about our industry, and if you provide us with your name and your email address we will enter this in a system called Silvermouse. You will be invited to provide, and may do so at your option, diversity characteristics. The characteristics you will be invited to provide are age dependent. The broadcasters and CDN, as data controller, are responsible for this data and will retain your name and your email address for this purpose in Silvermouse for as long as diversity is monitored by them. They also collect information about how viewers might perceive diversity on screen. If you would prefer not to be involved in Diamond, please let us know. Further information about Diamond can be found here: www.creativediversitynetwork.com/


You can find the BBC’s Child Protection Policy and information about the BBC’s guidelines for working with children and young people here:



BBC YOUNG MUSICIAN 2022 Zone 4, Roath Lock, Cardiff, CF10 4GA



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