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Academic year: 2021



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Contractor shall submit plans, supported by sketches and calculations for providing external approach to work such as scaffolding, suspended platforms etc. Contractors are also requested to take care of following aspect while erecting the scaffolding.

A. All scaffold shall be of steel tubular in the form of ‘H’ frames etc. All scaffolds shall be supported on perfectly leveled and firm ground.

B. Scaffolds resting on parking slabs shall be supported properly at parking floor.

C. Avoid erection of scaffold on drainage covers.

D. All scaffolds shall be connected to the building with proper inclined/horizontal supports. At least 3 m vertical interval shall be maintained for fixity.

E. At working levels cantilever brackets protruding from scaffold and inserting in the boxes/Gaps between RCC lintel and sill shall be provided. On the top of the bracket G.I. sheets shall be laid, over that wooden planks, bamboo chellies shall be laid to form a platform to collect the debris at working level.

F. Horizontals of scaffold frame are not designed for taking heavy load. Care shall be taken to transfer the load to main verticals of the frame. Check the position of the runner for loading.

G. Remove the debris from the scaffold platform regularly. Don’t stock heavy materials on the scaffold frame.


H. Do not remove any bracings for ease of access to the working locations and bracings should be properly connected to main frame. I. Erect ladder/staircase fabricated on site at one corner of the

scaffolding to have access for supervisors/engineers to work level. J. Report immediately if any support to the permanent structure is


K. Before start of work at every time scaffolding must be properly inspected.

For the safety of the scaffolding material used for the scaffolding should meet following requirements :

A. All verticals and horizontals are ‘B’ class structural pipes.

B. For old scaffolding, hammer each pipe and check that it should give ringing sound that will ensure non corroded pipes.

The rate shall be inclusive of providing and erecting of steel scaffolding with necessary working platforms including removing the same after completion of work. The work shall be measured in Sq.m.


All windows and exposed areas shall be covered with plywood or any hard unbreakable material before commencement of the work. Scaffolding and platforms at working level shall be firmly erected. Cutters with sufficient number of blades shall be made available at site.

The damaged areas shall be first marked by contractor’s engineer which will be counter checked by Engineer. Damaged area shall be divided into vertical and horizontal grids and cutting shall be done along the grid lines.



Chiseling shall be done in an inclined/vertically down position and not perpendicular to the surface, Electrical connections should be disconnected. Brickwork shall not be disturbed due to the work. Also RCC members should not be damage. Debris shall be removed from the platforms at regular intervals. Salvage value should be adjusted in the rate for unserviceable materials such as rotten wooden member and unwanted plumbing materials. At the end of the day, the debris collected shall be carted away outside the premises.

The rate shall be inclusive of removal of existing plaster with mechanical dry cutters and using sharp chisels after mechanical cutting. The work shall be measured in Sq.m. of actual area of removed plaster with cladding tiles.



Marking of the area to be exposed shall be done by Contractors Engineer and the same shall be counter approved by Engineer/consultant’s site representative. Exposing of members shall be carried out with the help of light hammer and sharp chisels.

If the columns are found extremely damaged and the reinforcement snapped (almost 60% damaged) the following procedure shall be followed :

a) Expose 1/4th of the cross-section of columns b) Remove snapped stirrups

c) Provide new stirrups dipped in epoxy by drilling holes in concrete d) Remove rust and corrosion


e) Apply required thickness of epoxy mortar (the formulation and mixing proportion of epoxy shall be checked)

If junctions are found badly damaged the possibility of providing propping shall be considered and the matter shall be discussed with Engineer. All measurements for epoxy, normal, polymer trowelling shall be done on exposed areas. Irregular shapes shall be converted to regular shapes like squares, rectangles etc. for calculations and thickness shall be measured randomly at a number of locations and the average thickness shall be taken for payment.

The rate shall be inclusive of propping and removing debris as directed. The rate shall also inclusive of removal of plaster beyond main reinforcement. The work shall be measured in Sq.m.


Wire brushing/tapping shall be done to all the exposed reinforcement so that mill scales are removed from the main reinforcement, stirrups and their junctions. Phenolphthalein shall be used to check carbonation levels behind the bars. The reinforcement then, shall be washed by clean water to remove all rust stains.

Then, first coat of rust preventor (Polyalk Fixoprime) shall be applied. The seal of the container shall be checked and manufacturing and expiry dates shall be noted before application. Sample shall be taken out and sent for testing before use. Second coat shall be applied after an interval of 4 hours. The work shall be measured in Sq.m.




The surface shall be cleaned of all dust and loose material with the help of vacuum cleaner and made wet to receive the bond coat. The bonding coat shall be in the proportion of 1:1 or 1:1.5 of cement and polymer.

The quantity by weight of polymer, cement and sand for preparation of polymer mortar shall be checked.

Acrylic Polymer : 1 Kg.

Cement : 5 Kg.

Quartz : 15 Kg.

Water : 1 to 1.5 litres depending on the consistency

(Design mixed quartz sand shall be used). Polymer to be used shall be tested for physical and chemical properties)

The mortar shall be mixed in a mixer and the bonding coat shall be applied only when the mix is ready. The mortar shall be applied by pressing hard and each layer of 10mm shall be compacted with hand vibrator. The mortar shall be applied to match the existing surface and refuse material should not be used again unless mixed with additional quantity of polymer.

No bonding coat is needed if the 2nd layer of mortar is applied within 4 hours. Curing shall be done by sprinkling after 48 hours. No direct splashing of water shall be permitted.


6.0 PROVIDING & FIXING M.S./TOR STEEL REINFORCEMENT The Tor steel to be used in reinforced concrete work shall be of tested quality and shall comply with the requirements of Indian Standard Specifications No. 1786-1985 as amended from time to time. The result of the test made in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Standard Specifications No. 1786 – 1985, as amended from time to time shows that the steel does not comply with this specifications the Engineer will reject the lot or lots from which the sample or samples were taken for testing and the same shall not be used in the works, and same shall be removed from site at his own cost. If the work already executed with such bars may be ordered to be demolished.

All reinforcement shall be free from loose scales of rust which must be removed with stiff wire brush, bars must also be free from oil or paint.

The steel shall be properly braced, supported and otherwise held in position so as to prevent displacement while concreting the RCC members. The correct number and sizes of reinforcing bars, stirrups and binders shall be provided and placed in position strictly according to the structural drawing or as may be ordered by the Consultant from time to time. This must be looked after with proper care and checked over by a competent supervisor personally and finally before placing the concrete.

All protruding bars from columns, beams and slabs to which other bars are to be spliced later, must be protected from rusting by a coat of thin neat cement slurry. All bending shall be done cold, gradually, evenly and without jerks. All steel shall be fixed in position with G.I. binding wires not thinner then 18 gauge. Special well cured concrete blocks shall be used for covering purpose. No plastic spacer blocks shall be allowed to be used.



Weight of reinforcing bars should be as per standard IS table. If there is any deviation, it should be brought to the notice of the Engineer well in advance before actual placement of the reinforcement in position, and decision obtained for the same.

Diameters of bars shall be checked and samples shall be sent for testing before fixing. Pitting in steel shall be checked for. For fixing stirrups, holes shall be drilled in comparatively sound concrete and filled with epoxy. Holes shall be drilled slightly inclined to avoid spillage of epoxy.


7.1 Materials :

Approved brand of epoxy resin and hardeners of approved make shall be used in proportion as per manufacturer’s recommendations. The material shall be of Grouting Grade only.

7.2 Mix Proportions :

Suitable holes shall be drilled in masonry surfaces and 12mm dia. Grouting nipples shall be inserted at required interval and minimum 30 to 40mm deep.

In case of concrete or brick masonry, the nipples shall be inserted along crack lines, after making “V” grooves by means of suitable chisels. The grooves shall be made dust free by thoroughly vacuum cleaning. The distance between injection nipples along crack lines shall be sealed with epoxy putty/epoxy mortar with powder of same stone to match the patch of existing stone shade and texture.


7.3 Covering :

All stone area round crack shall be covered with tape suitable stitch tape line PVC etc. Care shall be taken to avoid spilling over of epoxy on stone area. After grouting the tape should be removed.

7.4 Mixing of Grout and Injecting :

The grout shall be mixed in following proportion

Resin – 1.0 kg. It shall be mixed in container. Stirring shall be done for homogeneity.

Hardner – 0.50 Kg.

Above resins and hardners shall be mixed properly until a uniform colour is obtained. The grout shall be pumped using 4 to 5 kg/cm2 pressure in continuous fashion. Remove the nipples by cutting after grouting.

7.5 Precautions :

All eye contaminations shall be avoided. In case of eye contaminations, the eyes shall be thoroughly washed immediately with plenty of water and medical advice shall be sought.

7.6 Cement Concrete Trowelling Materials :

Cement : The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement



Aggregate :

a. Sand for mortar shall comply with the requirements given in IS-383 and graded evenly from fine to coarse per zone-II and zone-III grading of IS-383. Sand filling to satisfy these gradings may, however, be used if permitted by Engineer.

b. Coarse aggregate when used shall comply with the requirements of IS-383 and shall be of size 10mm downwards.

c. All over size pieces shall be rejected by screening.

d. Gradation of combined coarse and fine aggregate mixture where used for repair work shall be generally 1 of fine aggregate and 2 of coarse aggregate.

Water :

Water used for cement mortar/concrete trowelling shall conform to the requirements of IS:456.

Admixture :

Approved admixture shall be used by the contractor to achieve water cement ratio of 0.45 or less.

Application of Cement concrete :

Cement shall be properly mixed with the aggregates and water.

The mixing shall be carried out in efficient concrete mixer. However, the Engineer may allow hand mixing in case total weight of mix per batch is less than 50 kgs. In case of hand mixing 10% additional cement shall be mixed.


The mixer shall be charged with the required quantity of coarse aggregate (where used), fine aggregates, cement and premixing shall be carried out for approximately half minute.

Required quantity of water shall then be added and further mixing carried shall be carried out for 1 to 1 ½ minutes to obtain working consistency. Care shall be taken to avoid excessive water.

Rendering of cement concrete shall be done as soon as possible after applying the bonding coat of epoxy/polymer/hack-aid-plast to the prepared surfaces.

Inspection and Quality control :

The concrete application work shall be continuously inspected by a qualified supervisor who shall check materials, application of concrete. Each completed work of cement concrete shall be systematically sounded with a hammer to check for debonded areas after hardening.

In all the suspected areas, the contractor shall dismantle the work and redo the same as per the instruction of Engineer.


Two coats sand faced plaster shall be applied as follows. The first coat of cement mortar in the proportion of (1:4) mixing with approved waterproofing compound at the rate 1 Kg./50 Kg. of cement, shall be applied uniformly all over the surface to be plastered to a thickness of 15mm with a trowel and flat board and in exact plumb. This coat shall be allowed to set for not less than half-hour. Impermo and Accoproof shall be used as waterproofing compound and Hack-Aid plaster shall be used as bonding coat. The blended cement shall be used for plastering



work. Necessary cement mortar test shall be done. The work shall be inclusive of raking of joints of existing masonry and pointing with cement mortar 1:3 proportion etc. complete. The work shall be measured in Sq.m.

Indentation shall then be made in the form of waves by a broom over the surface to form a key for the second coat. The first coat shall be cured for atleast four days.

The second coat of 8 mm thick with cement mortar (1:4) shall be applied to a uniform thickness by trowel and flat board in exact plumb. Sand used shall be clean, screened through a mesh of not less than 1.5mm and not more than 3mm.


For plastering, all joints in brick masonry work shall be raked out to a depth of atleast 20mm, all RCC and concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly roughened to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer, surfaces to be plastered shall be washed and wetted thoroughly before plastering is commenced. The cement mortar shall be used within 30 minutes after it leaves the mixing board or mill – internal plaster shall be finished smooth and external sand faced or rough cast as directed. Before new work is started, patches of plaster 150mm x 150mm must be put, approximately 3 metres apart as gauges to ensure an even thickness and plane surface and the cement plaster must be applied in even squares or strip. Care must be taken to keep the whole surface thoroughly wetted for atleast a week in case of external plaster. The blended cement shall be used for plastering work. Necessary cement mortar test shall be done. The work shall be inclusive of raking of joints


of existing masonry and pointing with cement mortar 1:3 proportion etc. complete. The work shall be measured in Sq.m.



Terrace office bearers shall be informed in advance and necessary propping shall be done at the terrace flat.

First, waterproofing shall be cut with tile cutter and inclined chiseling can be done at the joints. Light hammers and sharp long chisels shall be used for the purpose. No vertical hammering shall be permitted. All the dirt, patches, tarfelt etc. shall be thoroughly cleaned from the surface. Brick bat shall be sorted out and stored for reuse if any. At the end of the day, debris shall be lowered down with proper care to avoid dust pollution to the extent possible. Contractor will not be permitted to throw down the debris from higher levels. Ready made shoot/shoots fabricated for the purpose shall be used for lowering down the debris. Salvage value should be adjusted in rate for unserviceable materials such as rotten wooden member and unwanted plumbing materials.

The rate shall be inclusive of removing existing brick-bats with IPS, all dirt dust, tarfelt, china chips if any. The work shall be measured in Sq.m. in plan area.


11.1 Various reputed and experienced chemical companies offers waterproof coatings through their approved applicator or under their direction. RCC slab shall be treated with approved chemical integral cement based waterproof coating. Slopes to RCC slabs are achieved by laying the same while concreting or by laying screed / light weight concrete. Treatment is carried over to watta and on parapet at least 300 mm above



finished surfaces. Chemical coated areas are further finished with 40 mm thick IPS or by laying paving stone, tiles, china mosaic etc. The actual steps shall be as directed by manufacturer chemical and approved by the Engineer. For guidance following steps shall be followed.

11.2 Surface Preparation

a) All minor, medium cracks shall be marked.

b) All cracks shall be well defined and ‘V’ groove made. These shall be cleaned with compressed air, grouted with cement sand mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) slurry mixed with non shrinking and waterproofing compound. Areas well cured.

c) Then again surfaces shall be well cleaned of all loose particles, laintances, moss, oil/greasy material, cement etc.

d) Prepared surface shall be finished smooth with cement sand mortar mixed in ratio C.M. 1:4 and applied about 8-10 mm and finished smooth by trowel. (This is basically to get smooth surface) for application of cement based chemical coating.

e) Smooth surface cured and moistened.

f) Chemical added with cement as per directed of approved manufacturer shall be mixed, stirred and applied in one, two or three coats allowing required curing (minimum time gap between two consecutive coats).

g) Surfaces cured as per direction.

h) Surfaces shall be finished with screed about 15-20 mm if to be left long as protective coarse to receive further specified finish.


All water-proofing systems described above are to be referred as guide-lines only. The contractor shall propose the system along with his tender, giving full descriptions.


The system shall be guaranteed for 10 years against all defects and liabilities thereof from the date of completion of project. The guarantee shall be on Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- in proforma to be approved by Engineer. The cost of Stamp Paper shall be to the contractor’s account. An amount equal to 10% deducted through monthly payments @ 10% as performance guarantee deposit and shall be released only after successful execution of the guarantee period of 10 years from the certified date of project completion by the Engineer. If the Contractor fails to rectify the defects observed during the defect liability period and performance guarantee period, the Employer reserves the right to rectified the said defects at the risk and cost of the Contractor. The bond shall be valid for a period of 10 years from the certified date of project completion.

Work shall be carried out as per method of working approved in writing by the Engineer.

The work shall be executed in accordance with all relevant IS codes and description of item mentioned in BOQ or otherwise as directed by Engineer.


12.1 General 12.1.1 Standards

Work shall be carried out to Indian Standards and Code of Practices. In absence International Standards shall be followed. These shall be latest issue. List given hereunder is not to be considered as conclusive and is for reference and guidance only. Any discrepancies /conflict noticed



shall be directed to the Engineer for his direction/approval. However as a general rule more stringent specification shall take precedence.

(1) IS 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources.

(2) IS 2645 Specification for integral cement water proofing compound.

(3) IS 3495 Method of Test for Burnt clay building bricks. (4) IS 6494 Code of practice for water proofing of

underground reservoirs and swimming pool.

(5) IS 8112 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement.

(6) IS 12118 Specification for two part polysulphide based cement :

Part – I General requirements. (7) IS 13826 Method of Test.

12.2 Materials 12.2.1 Cement

Cement shall be ordinary Portland Cement conforming to IS and shall be of grade 43. Approved blended cement shall be used for waterproofing work.

It shall be received in bags of 50 kg and each batch shall be accompanied with a test certificate of the factory. Also it shall be tested before use to ascertain its strength, setting time, etc. In case cement has been stored for over 6 months or for any reasons the stored cement shows signs of deterioration or contamination, it shall be tested as per the direction of the Engineer prior to use in the works.


Cement shall be stored in such locations so as to prevent deterioration due to moisture dampness. A dry and water proof shed shall be provided. Bags shall be stacked on rigid water-proof platforms about 15 to 20 cm clear above the floors and 25 to 35 cm clear or away from the surrounding walls. A maximum high stack of 12 bags is permitted. Stacks shall be so arranged that the first batches are used first and that they permit easy access for inspection and handling.

12.2.2 Sand

Natural sand deposited by stream or glacial agencies as a result of disintegration of rock is the best form of sand and shall be used.

Sometimes it is obtained from crushed stone screenings but often contains a high percentage of dust and clay. If tends to be flaky and angular. This type produces harsh concrete and should be avoided.

Sea sand shall not be used. Only Silpoze sand from Gujrat or approved quality shall be used in cement mortar for brick-bat coba work.

Sand shall be hard, durable, clean and free from adherent coatings and organic matter and shall not contain any appreciable amount of clay. Sand shall not contain harmful impurities such as iron, pyrites, coal particles, lignite, mica shale or similar laminated material, alkali, and organic impurities in such form or quantities as to affect the strength or durability of concrete or mortar.

When tested as per IS 2386 Part I and Part II, sand shall not exceed permissible quantities of deleterious materials as given in table 1.



Sand shall be stored in such a way that it does not get mixed with mud, grass, vegetables and other foreign matter. The best way is to have a hard surface platform made out of concrete, bricks or planks. It should be to the approval of the Engineer.

12.2.3 Brick bats

It shall be prepared from well-burnt bricks. In no case shall under-burnt bricks be used. Flaky and elongated pieces shall be avoided. It should also be free from adherent coatings of soil or silt. Brick bats should be free from alkalies, soft fragments, organic impurities, etc. in such quantities as not to affect strength and durability of concrete / waterproofing treatment.

Water absorption for the bricks after 24 hours immersion in cold water shall not exceed 20%.

12.2.4 Water

Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean, reasonably clear and free from objectionable quantities of silt, oils, alkalies, acids, salts so as not to weaken mortar, or concrete or cause efflorescence or attack the steel in RCC while curing. It shall be free of elements, which significantly affects the hydration reaction. Potable water is generally satisfactory but it shall be tested prior to use in the works.

Water tested shall be in accordance with IS 3025. Maximum permissible limits of deleterious materials in water should be as given in IS 456.


Water storage tanks shall be such as to prevent any deleterious materials getting mixed with it.

Water shall be tested and approved in writing by the Engineer prior to use in the works.

12.2.5 Waterproofing compounds

Waterproofing compounds shall be cementious (cement based) non-shrinking, self curing mixtures. These shall be

Free from sodium and chlorides

Free from material detrimental to concrete and reinforcement. Able to create a membrane in one or multiple coats as per manufacturer's instruction.

Membrane capable to prevent infiltration when applied to interior faces and ponded.

Permeability, shear bond strength, compressive strength, volume changes meets minimum requirements of codes.


All other accessories materials such as primers, bonding agents, polymers etc. shall be as recommended by waterproofing manufacturer.

12.2.6 Polysulphide based joint sealant of pouring grade or two part as required for specific location and as approved by Engineer shall be used.

12.2.7 Delivery / Storage.

All materials shall be delivered and stored at site conforming to following minimum requirements.



Material is in unopened container and labeled with manufacturer’s name, brand name and instructions for use.

Material received shall be along with manufacturer’s certificate for quality and period of manufacture, date of expiry etc.

Material shall be stored in dry, well ventilated and covered storage if so desired by manufacturer.

Primers, adhesives etc. shall be as recommended by the membrane manufacturer.

12.3 Workmanship 12.3.1 Preparation of Surfaces

a) The surfaces to receive the treatment shall be thoroughly cleaned of

Laitances, scales, loose material on surface.

Grease, oil or other contaminants by etching with 10-15% of solution of muriatic acid using commercial grade alkaline cleaner, flushing with clean water drying and vacuuming.

b) Surfaces shall be examined and well-defined cracks shall be grouted by making ‘V’ groove / notches with cement slurry, shall be cured and dried well before treatment.

c) Any honeycombs shall be carefully cut and plugged, and cured well before treatment.

d) Examination of surface shall account for the fact that,

Surfaces are cured for 14 days and no condensation has taken place.

Horizontal and vertical surfaces have smooth finish, free from defects.


Surfaces are dry, clean, free of grease, oil, dirt, rust, corrosion, other coatings and contaminants which could affect bond of water proofing system.

12.3.2 Terrace waterproofing (Brick bat coba laid over chemical treatment)

Experienced water proofing specialists shall carry out the following or similar types of water proofing treatments. Terraces and roof slabs shall be treated with integral cement based waterproofing consisting of brick coba concrete laid to slope. The treatment shall be taken over vertical surfaces as required / specified. Final finished surfaces may be laid with paving tiles, stones or finished smooth in cement and marked with false chequered marking. Points given below are just for guide lines. The actual steps and details shall be submitted by the contractor for approval of the Engineer. Work shall be carried out as per approved method by the Engineer.

Surface preparation

The surface to be treated shall be cleaned and inspected thoroughly a) All minor, medium cracks shall be marked.

b) All cracks shall be well defined and `V' groove made. These shall be cleaned with compressed air, grouted with cement sand mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) slurry mixed with non shrinking and waterproofing compound. Areas well cured.

c) Then again surfaces shall be well cleaned of all loose particles, laintances, moss, oil/greasy material, cement etc.

d) Roof areas shall be well marked with spot datums to create ridge, lines, slopes and drain points for easy draining of water (Nominal slopes shall be about 1:100).



e) Apply coat of polymer modified chemical waterproofer, fix nylon / fibre mesh and apply second coat of polymer modified acrylic coating with required curing.

f) Cement sand mortar mixed in ratio 1:4 along with waterproofing and nonshrinking compound as specified by manufacturer shall be mixed with clean water and layer of about 20 to 30 mm laid over the entire area to be treated with chemical coatings in ‘e’ above; then well soaked saturated brick bats shall be arranged by proper placing to create required slope as per datum established. Minimum thickness at draining point shall be 50 mm.

Rain water inlet, pipes etc. shall be well grouted; edge, corners shall be well rounded (watta) by taking up treatment about 300 mm above proposed finished level.

g) These mortar laid and bat fixed area shall be ponded with in water for atleast 3 days.

h) Slab and roof sofits shall be examined for dampness from under. Any leakage / dampness noticed shall be treated with pressure grouting and again checked by ponding the area for 3 days.

i) When no dampness noticed, area shall be drained out and cement sand mortar mixed in ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) shall be spread over the entire area and bats well grouted.

The top surfaces shall be finished to a neat horizontal datum level to achieve well defined ridges, gutters, watta etc. Edges shall be tucked in grooves in wall / parapet about 400 mm above proposed finished level.

j) Surfaces shall be finished / prepared to receive about 40 mm thick IPS (Indian patent stone) or stone paving etc.


k) All expansion joints shall be cleaned, primed and finished with sealant as specified by manufacturer of sealant and approved by Engineer.


Treatment shall be tested by ponding water about 250 mm high for 72 hours. Surfaces shall be examined for leakage seepage, dampness, sweating etc.

The surface shall be finished neatly with cement mortar in a ratio of 1:4 and marked with false marking. It may be covered with china mosaic flooring in specified proportions. These shall be bedded in 12 mm thick cement sand mortar 1:3. Joints shall be pointed with CM in a ratio of 1:3, mixed with 5% water proofing compound by weight.

Measurements shall be in square metre for finished surface plan area only inclusive of vertical treatment as specified in BOQ, no separate payment will be made for waterproofing treatment to parapet wall including making of watta and notch to the waterproof plaster. Rates shall include all items right from cleaning of surface to completion and required guarantee against defects such as leakage, seepage, dampness, sweating etc. for a period of 10 years after the final completion of entire project on Rs.100/- Stamp Paper.


The following are the guidelines for carrying out this treatment. All specialized Water Proofing Contractors have their own methods that may be used as per the approval of the Engineer.



13.1 The surface that shall receive the treatment shall be cleaned and all well-defined cracks shall be cut to a "V" groove, cleaned and filled up flush with cement-sand slurry.

13.2 Well-defined cracks other than hair cracks in the roof shall be cut to "V" groove, cleaned and filled with cement-sand-mortar mix in a ratio of 1:3. The treated surface shall be cured for 7 days. It shall then be treated with chemical polymer modified coating sandwitch with nylon mesh hand then provided with slopes 1:120. These slopes shall be achieved by laying brick bat coba cement concrete as detailed above. It shall be cured and the following treatment shall be carried out.

13.3 Testing

Treatment shall be tested by ponding water about 250 mm high for 72 hours. Surfaces shall be examined for leakage seepage, dampness, sweating etc.

13.4 The well-cured and dust-free surface shall be screeded with cement sand mortar in a ratio of 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand), 12 mm thick.

13.5 While screed is still plastic but hardened a 3 mm thick floating coat of cement paste shall be applied. Whilst the floating coat is still green, china mosaic pieces (fully soaked in water) shall be set flat as close as possible in a pattern as specified or directed by the Engineer. A light wooden roller or suitable tool shall be used to make sure pieces are placed firmly and the cement paste oozed out.



After removing of IPS over chajja all dirt, dust shall be cleaned, then laying of tukda brick bats shall be done on top. IPS 38mm thick shall be laid using waterproofing compound namely Impermo or Accoproof. After completion of work curing shall be done. The rate shall be inclusive of fixing brick bats and laying IPS using waterproofing compound etc. complete.

The work shall be measured in Sq.m. in plan area.


15.1 Materials :

Cement – 43 grade Portland Cement conforming to IS:8112.

Water – Water used for grout shall conform to the requirements of IS:456

Additive – approved product.

In case of cracks, the aluminium perforated 12mm dia. Nipples shall be inserted along crack lines, after making “V” grooves by means of suitable drills. The grooves shall be made dust free by thorough washing and drying. The distance between injection nipples along crack lines shall be sealed with epoxy putty or M-Seal.

The grout holes shall be flushed with water prior to application of grout to prewet the structure. However, the substrata so wetted shall just be moist and there shall not be standing or free water present.

15.2 Mixing of Grout and Injection :



Cement 50 kg.

Additive 225 gms.

Cibex-100 additive shall be premixed with dry cement which shall be then gradually added to the water and mixed for 3-5 minutes until thorough dispersion is achieved.

After mixing all grout shall be passed through a 5mm sieve to remove lumps. The grouting pump shall be used for grouting. The grout shall be pumped using 2-3 kg/cm2 pressure, in a continuous fashion. All nipples shall be cut flush and sealed after the grout has hardened.

15.3 Precautions and cleaning :

All eye contamination shall be avoided. In case of eye contamination, the eyes shall be thoroughly washed immediately with plenty of water and medical advice shall be sought.

All tools shall be washed with clean water immediately after use.


The rain water pipes and fittings shall be removed carefully and checked for serviceability. The pipes material which could be reused shall be stacked properly in the premises without causing any damage. The damaged material shall be handed over to the client as directed by the Engineer.


17.0 PAINTING WORK 17.1 Scaffolding :

The contractor shall provide, erect and remove all the required scaffolding. It should be sufficiently sway from surface to be easy to work. It should be rigid and safe.

17.2 Painting equipment :

All the brushes, spraying machines, tools, plants etc. used shall conform to their respective code of practice. They shall be maintained and serviced regularly as specified therein.

17.3 Paints :

The 100% Acrylic paints used shall be procured from one manufacturer for the system installed. They shall conform to Indian Standards as specified in Tender and as detailed in drawings.

17.4 Drying time :

It is essential that each coat shall be thoroughly dry before the subsequent coat is applied.

17.5 Flatting down :

Flatting down of primer coat, undercoat and the first finished coat is essential to provide a key for the subsequent coats in order to improve the inter-coat adhesion.

17.6 Mixing before application :

Paint shall be applied only after the content of the drum are thoroughly stirred. Paint while in use, shall also be stirred from time to time to ensure that the pigment remains in suspension.



17.7 Thinner/dilutions :

Paint manufactured to IS shall have correct consistency and shall not require any further dilution. If there is doubt, the viscosity of the paint may be checked. If slight adjustment to the viscosity is necessary, use the thinner as recommended by the manufacturer of the paint.

17.8 Environment :

Painting operation should be carried out in a well ventilated place, free of dust, drought and direct sunlight in coastal regions and areas with moderate or high humidity, it is generally not safe to paint exteriors in the early morning hours. Painting during the monsoon shall be avoided both in the exterior and interior, as humidity is high which will effect the during, resulting in paint defects.

17.9 Surface :

Paint surface should be clear of dust, grease, oil, alkalinity, fungus and surface should be totally dry.

17.10 Finishing :

Paint coats and systems specified are to guidance. Finishing shall have to be carried out to the entire satisfaction of Engineer. If any defects are noticed later, the contractor shall repair the same or re-installed his complete system as required under the contract. Additional coats, if required, shall be carried out over the minimum specified finish to the approval of the Engineer and shall be at the cost of the contractor and no additional charges shall be payable to the contractor on account of the additional cost.

17.11 Item shall include the cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and protective/safety measures involved in all operations described in workmanship and of the item of the Schedule ‘A’. It shall also include,


unless otherwise stated, conveyance, delivery, handling, unloading, storing, waste, return of packing etc.


Colour As per shade card

Finish Smooth with slight sheen

Volume Solids 38 +2%

Specific gravity Kg./L 1.30+0.05

Theoretical spreading rate 50-70 Sq.feet/ltr./2 coats and 100-140 sq.feet/Ltr./one coat

Recommended (DFT) Microns


Drying Time @ 30oC Temperature, humidity, air movement, film thickness and number of coats all affect the drying time.

Touch dry (hours) : 1 Dry to recoat (hours) : 3-4 17.13 MODE OF MEASUREMENT :

Mode of measurement on Sq.m basis for the actual area covered by painting.

__________________ ________________________________ Signature of Tenderer Chief Engineer & General Manager (T)


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