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December, 2012


69 !"#$%&'($)*+%,*-'./0


Energy security management

Abstract: </4'!"#*8)4'="4%42#%'#/4'="$84%%'$6'9!2!>*2>'424">5'%48?"*#5'?2@4"'2!#*$2!)' 8$2@*#*$2%A'B#'="4%42#%'#/4'@46*2*#*$2%'$6'424">5'%48?"*#5'!2@'#/4'*9=!8#'$6'#/4' =)!22*2>'="$84%%'6$"'*#%'*9=)4942#!#*$2A'(/$;2'@4=42@428*4%'8)4!")5'@4%8"*C D4'#/4'*9=!8#'$2'#/4'48$2$95'$6'#/4'(#!#4A'B2%#*#?#*$2%'*23$)34@'!2@'"4%=$2%*C D)4'6$"'#/4'%48?"*#5'$6'424">5'!"4'8/!"!8#4"*&4@A''</4*"'"$)4'*2'#/4'="$84%%'$6' %!64#5'9!2!>4942#'*%'@46*24@'!2@'#/4'9$@4)'$6'9!2!>4942#'/!%'D442'D?*)#A

Key words: Energy,'9!2!>4942#-'energy security-'424">5'=$)*85


Ensuring security is one of the most important areas of state activity. Due to the extension of conceptual security events and because of the strategic

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Energy markets and the global economy is subject to dynamic changes, so it is necessary to build long-term energy security strategy and effective management of the process to ensure stable economic development of a State.

The main role in this process accounts for the State, because security is a key in its task, one of its primary objectives and existing development priori-ties17*8, /** /**4,&%*%,)*9%&%)/*/%$ 5)*+#$0*1)(&3/)*#+*/%$&%)- (*$)&/#'/* '*%,)*


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control of upstream energy, international energy trading, storage and produc-tion of fuels and energy. At the same time the States are trying to create a

+&5#$&16)*6)-&6*&'2*&2! ' /%$&% 5)*+$&!)4#$<0*&/*4)66*&/*%,)*"#6 % (&6*(6 !&%)*

and economic conditions in order to ensure and enhance energy security. Managing energy security in a market economy is a necessity especial-ly ensuring that security is an ongoing and a long-term process. Therefore, because of lack of energy and self-sufficiency in the majority of European countries, this process is international, and its effectiveness depends primar-ily on the ability to anticipate strategic decisions not only in response to the changing environment.

The concept of energy security

8,)* 4#$2* L/)(3$ %.M* (#!)/* +$#!* %,)* N&% '* 4#$2*securitas (sine cura -

4 %,#3%*(&$)O2. A security situation is free from anxiety or fear giving

confi-dence and guarantees its continuity.

Energy security is one of the fundamental concepts of energy management and is one of the major elements of energy policy. There are many definitions of security as it is possible to distinguish several aspects and meanings of

%,)* %)$!0* 4, (,* &$)* 2 /% '-3 /,)2* 1)(&3/)* #+* * 2 ++)$)'%* ($ %)$ &7* P')* #+* %,)*

general definitions defines energy security as “#/4' !3!*)!D*)*#5' $6' %?66*8*42#' resources at an affordable price7Q3 Another defines it as “#/4'!3!*)!D*)*#5'$6' 424">5'!@4E?!#4-'!66$"@!D)4'!2@'"4)*!D)4-';/*8/'*%'2484%%!"5'D$#/'*2'#4"9%' $6'#48/2$)$>*8!)'@434)$=942#'!%';4))'!%'/?9!2'%48?"*#5'=4"%=48#*347Q4*G#4 -)5)$0*&((#$2 '-*%#*%,)*R'%)$'&% #'&6*S')$-.*T-)'(.*URSTO*V424">5'%48?"*#5-'*2' ="!8#*84-'*%'D4%#'3*4;4@'!%'!'="$D)49'$6'"*%,'9!2!>4942#-'%?8/'!%'"4@?8*2>' #/4'"*%,'!2@'8$2%4E?4284%'$6'@*%#?"D!284%'#$'!2'!884=#!D)4')434)AQ5

2 Kumaniecki K., (F$;2*,'F!8*+%,$C=$)%,*0*D&$/?&4&*WXXY

3 !" #$%&'() *(+,%'(& *($%&- .$/,%'0-) 12%$'&( 3445'%+) 627"89) :2";) ;<<=) +"><?>@"

4 1" ABC5/D) !$C50$+ 2( *($%&- .$/,%'0- 5(E FBG5/0+ 2( H$%B5(-I+ ;<<>"*A J%$+'E$(/- KLMN

O" 3(02('2) *($%&- .$/,%'0-" 6'+'2(+ 4%2B 3+'5 5(E *,%2G$) P5+'(&+02Q$) J57&%5R$ O5/B'775() :$L #2%Q ;<<8) +" @?;S"



State of energy security may properly be described as continuous access to energy in various forms, in sufficient quantities and at a reasonable price,

1)(&3/)*%,)*"$ !&$.*)'% %.*(#'()$')2* /*%,)*(#'/3!)$*U(3/%#!)$*)')$-.O7*R'*

a broader sense, this definition could be complemented by environmental and

,3!&'*$ -,%/*&22 '-*%#*%,)*$)/%$ (% #'/*%,&%*(#362*)!)$-)0*U777O*4, 6)*%&< '-*

into account issues related to environmental protection and respect for human rights during the extraction and exploitation of natural resources.

R'*A#6&'20*%,)*2)+ ' % #'*#+*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.* /*"$)/)'%)2* '*%,)*S')$-.*N&4*

Act6: 424">5'%48?"*#5'C'#/4'%#!#4'$6'#/4'48$2$95'42!D)4%'#$'8$34"'="$%=48#*34' @49!2@'6$"'6?4)'!2@'424">5-''#48/2*8!))5'!2@'48$2$9*8!))5'3*!D)4-'944#*2>' #/4'"4E?*"4942#%'$6'423*"$2942#!)'="$#48#*$2. In fact, all of the above

defini-% #'/**)Z"$)//*defini-%,)* 2)&*#+***)')$-.*/)(3$ defini-%.0*,#4)5)$0*"&$defini-% (36&$6.*defini-%,)*2)+ ' defini-% #'* "$)/)'%)2* '*%,)*S')$-.*N&4*T(%*4&/*!)%*4 %,*4 2)/"$)&2*($ % ( /!77

The process of managing energy security

S'/3$ '-*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.* /*&*(#'% '3#3/*&'2*6#'-[6&/% '-*"$#()//*4, (,* /*

taking place in a dynamically changing environment. Therefore it requires an appropriate strategic approach to decision making and effective management of the entire process. Due to the lack of energy self-sufficiency in the major-ity of European countries, this process is international, and its effectiveness depends primarily on the ability to make strategic decisions and to anticipate future problems not only in response to the changing environment. Managing energy security in a market economy - as already mentioned - is therefore a necessity:

6\/%&4&*?*2' &*WJ*<4 )%' &*WXXY*$7*."!;$'424">4#58&24 (Dz.U. z 2006 r. N 89, poz


7por. Bojarski W., 4&=*48&4+%#;$' 424">4#58&240* LD#<HF* S')$-)%.< Q* B* (?)$4 )(*


rynkowych0*b&%)$ &F.*cR*<#'+)$)'(d *B*e.')<*)')$- *)6)<%$.(?')df*>)?" )(?)@/%4#* )')$-)%.(?')*"#6/< *4*/%$3<%3$?)*\' *S3$#")d/< )d0*8#!*R0*N316 '*IJJ^*/7W^


S')$-.*/)(3$ %.* /*'#%*&*#')[% !)*&(%*#+*4 66*&'2*!3/%*1)*&*6#'-[%)$!*"$# -cess to build the market, ensuring the safety of the cost internalization8, a key

factor is the division of responsibility9. But there are many contentious issues #'*4, (,*%, /*2 5 / #'*#+*$)/"#'/ 1 6 % )/*/,#362*1)*1&/)27*9#!)*&3%,#$/*%3$'*

to the market mechanisms10 and others on the contrary say that the reduction #+*/%&%)*(#'%$#6*&'2*$)-36&% #'*&/*4)66*&/*%,)* '%$#23(% #'*#+*%,)*+$))*!&$<)%* '*

this area is devoid of any logic and content-related reasons11.

9#*4,&%* /*%,)*!&'&-)!)'%*#+*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.g*T((#$2 '-*%#*#')*#+*%,)*

definitions the management is an activity consisting of managers setting goals and causing their implementation in organizations reporting to management

#'*%,)*1&/ /*#+*#4')$/, "*#+*%,)*!)&'/*#+*"$#23(% #'*#$*2 /"#/&6*#+*%,)!12,

and another defines a set of management functions13.

We can say that energy security management is the activity of determin-ing strategic goals and causdetermin-ing their implementation by relevant organizdetermin-ing, coordinating by the use of the subsystem management, resource processes and information in order to ensure safety. Managing energy security includes

%,)*+#66#4 '-*!&'&-)!)'%*+3'(% #'/f*"6&'' '-0*#$-&' ? '-0*(##$2 '&% '-0*/3

-")$5 / '-*&'2*(#'%$#66 '-*U!#' %#$ '-O*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.7

It seems that a proper look at the entire process of managing energy secu-rity, requires consideration of a systematic approach, and then a construction of the model - according to the author. According to a common definition of

%,)*/./%)!0* %* /*2)+ ')2*&/*&*/)%*#+*(#!"#')'%/0*&!#'-*4, (,*%,)$)*&$)*$)6&

-% #'/*U '-%)$&(-% #'/O0*&'2*4,)$) '*)&(,*(#!"#')'-%* /*(#'')(-%)2*-%#*)&(,*#-%,)$*

8 Popczyk J.,op.cit. s. 13

9*A#$7*A#"(?.<*=70#"7( %7*/7*KJ*a*0$,#"52!'&!"&H@&!2*!'D4&=*48&4+%#;49'424">4#58&259'.

Mini-/%)$/%4#*h#/"#2&$< * *A$&(.0*D&$/?&4&0*!&d*IJJ`7'.$)*#5,!'424">4#58&2!'=$)%,*'@$'JKJL'"$,?,

e&2&*b ' /%$H4*`*/%.(?' &*IJJ^*$#<30*D&$/?&4&*IJJ^*a*A$)*#5,!'424">4#58&2!'=$)%,*'@$'JKMKA'

;&FC(?' <* 2#* 3(,4&F.* '$* IJIiIJJX* e&2.* b ' /%$H4* ?* 2' &* WJ* 6 /%#"&2&* IJJX* $70*D&$/?&4&*


10 Popczyk J., op.cit. s.26-32 11P2V5%+Q' T") !"#$%"

12&'#()* !+,$$-./01'$21#3$-$-41/25,21'$167-A&@/%4#4)*D.2&4' (%4&7*S<#'#! (?')0*WXjW



directly or indirectly147*G#4)5)$0*%,)*(#'()"%*#+*&*!#2)6* /*!)&'%*&/*&*$)6&

-tively isolated system, possibly not too complicated, acting similarly to the original15. The system models that are multi-dimensional and multi-faceted

intentional simplifications are the recognized test objects, phenomena and processes in their complexity and dynamics of the interrelationship16.

This approach is examining the process of managing global energy

secu-$ %.0*&'2*&66* %/*)6)!)'%/*&'2*"secu-$#")secu-$% )/*/,#362*1)*/,#4'*%,)*(&3/)[)++)(%*secu-$)

-6&% #'/, "/*&'2* '%)$'&6*$)-6&% #'/, "/*&'2* '%)$&(% #'/*4 %,*%,)*)'5 $#'!)'%7 T*(#'/%$3(%)2*!#2)6*U+ -7*WO*/,#4/*%,)*"$#()//*#+*'&% #'&6*(#'2 % #'/0* %* /*

based on three dimensions of energy security: subject, object and space. Ad-ditionally, you can take into account the aspect of time, highlighting three of

%/*,#$ ?#'/f*/,#$%[%)$!0*!)2 3![%)$!*&'2*6#'-[%)$!*U+#$*/&+)%.O7*8, /*!#2)6* /,#4/*%,)*"$#()//*#+*!&'&- '-* '%)$&(% #'/*4 %,*%,)*)'5 $#'!)'%0* '"3%0*#3% -put and energy security management functions being represented.

14 Ackoff R.L., .-:(:%+;$+-! 3<=-:(:%+; >(#?0*LA$&</)#6#- &Q*k$*I0*WXYK7*97*I^*?&f*:#_! @/< *

T70*A #%$#4/< *D7*0*41/25,21'$+-8-9+ /$1-$-!/1)%()10*ADk0*D&$/?&4&WXX^*/7^IW

15*9F#4' <*4.$&?H4*#1(.(,*ADk0*D&$/?&4&*WXYI0*/7*`X

16* :#_! @/< *T70* \dl( )* /./%)!#4)0* m4fn*D/"HF(?)/')* %)#$ )* #$-&' ?&(d 0* ADk0*D&$/?&4&* 1983, s.83


feedback loop

National level

Local level

State government


CONTROLLING Local government

Energy companies ("$#23(% #'O

Energy companies (dist$ 13% #'O

President Transmission system operator

ENVIRONMENT (economy, society, natural environment) Local - Region - National - Europe – World


Aspects /political - economy and business - technology - ecological - administrative

Subjective dimension

The various sources of energy (conventional and renewable) and their value chains

Recipients - Consumers

Fig. 1. Energy security management model


The division of competences and responsibilities

in the management model energy security and management functions

The energy security management model is an included division of compe-tencies and responsibilities resulting from existing legislation, energy policy and other analysis17. These duties determine the model management functions

performed by relevant actors in the field of energy security.

17*9))f*\/%&4&*?*2' &*WJ*<4 )%' &*WXXY*$7*."!;$'424">4#58&24 (Dz.U. z 2006 r. N 89,



424">4#58&259A'$=A8*#A'N'A#"(?.<*=70*#"7( %*a*>#d&$/< *D70*#"7( %0*:&6 /< *b70*9%&o<#*

D., 4&=*48&4+%#;$'424">4#58&24';'>$%=$@!"84'=!)*;$;4I'=$)%,*7*9%32 &*$#?"$&4.*



The division of responsibilities in the subjective dimensions

The division of responsibilities and competencies of subjective means is clear from the provisions of the Polish Constitution. One of the responsibili-ties of the state is to ensure the safety of citizens and the environment, based on the principle of sustainable development. The state is thus a basic entity responsible for energy security.

8, /*/,#4/*%,&%* %* /*%, /*#16 -&% #'*4, (,*4 66*1)* !"#$%&'%* '*%,)*+ $/%*"6&()*

and in very general terms, involving the creating and monitoring of policies, responsibilities of the President of the State and the Council of Ministers. The

A$)/ 2)'%*")$+#$!/*, /*%&/</*4 %,*%,)*,)6"*#+*%,)*k&% #'&6*9)(3$ %.*>3$)&30* 4,#/)*%&/</* '(632)*%,)*&1 6 %.*%#*&(%* '*%,)*+ )62*#+*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.0*4, (,* /* #')*#+*%,)*1&/ (*(#!"#')'%/*#+*&*1$#&2[1&/)2*'&% #'&6*/)(3$ %.]7*G#4)5)$0*

the competence of the Council of Ministers on energy security focuses on making strategic actions. These actions relate to the overall principles of the functioning of the energy sector as a strategic sector of the economy and to the leadership role of the government and the local supervisory authorities, relating to the duties of these entities in the energy sphere.

T/* '2 (&%)2* '*&$%7*WI%,*#+*%,)*S')$-.*N&4*T(%0*%,)*/3"$)!)* '/% %3% #'*#+*

government administration competent in matters of energy policy and energy

/)(3$ %.* /*%,)*! ' /%)$*$)/"#'/ 16)*+#$*%,)*)(#'#!.*Ub ' /%$.*#+*S(#'#!.O7* T((#$2 '-*%#*%,)*S')$-.*N&4*&'2*%,)*S')$-.*A#6 (.* '*+#$()*3'% 6*IJKJ0*%, /*

obligation is also implemented by the relevant government authorities and local governments, through the imposition of obligations on entities such as:

– 8,)*S')$-.*e)-36&%#$.*P++ ()*U\eSO7

– The Ministry of the Treasury.

– The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. – Province Government

– Community Government.

Obligations on energy policy and also in terms of energy security also apply to:



– S')$-.*(#!"&' )/*)'-&-)2* '*%,)*"$#23(% #'*#+*)6)(%$ ( %.*U4 %,*&*%#%&6* '/%&66)2*(&"&( %.*#+*'#%*6)//*%,&'*^J*bDO7

– the transmission system operator.

T6/#0*2#*'#%*+#$-)%*$)( " )'%/*U(#'/3!)$/O*4,#0*#+*(#3$/)0*&$)*<).*"6&.)$/*

concerning energy security.

The division of competences and responsibilities

in the management model energy security and management functions

Duties imposed on individual entities determine their responsibilities and commitment involved in various management functions described in the

!&'&-)!)'%*!#2)6*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.7*8&16)*W*/,#4/*%,)*2 /%$ 13% #'*#+*(#!")

-%)'( )/*"$#"#/)2*1.*%,)*&3%,#$7*8&16)*I*&'2*K*/,#4/*%,)*2 5 / #'*#+*$)/"#'/ -bility for energy security as a function of area and time.

Tab. 1. The competence of actors and energy security management functions

planning organizing coordinating

supervising and controlling

U!#' %#$ '-O*

State Government +++ +++ +++ +++

Local Government +++ ++ ++ +++

Energy companies

(distri-13% #'*#+*-&/*#$*)6)(%$ ( %.O ++ + + +

Energy companies

(pro-23(% #'*#+*)6)(%$ ( %.O ++ + Transmission system operator +++ +++ +++ +++ Recipients + + Legend: p*6#4*6)5)6*#+*(#!")%)'( )/

++ medium level of competencies +++ high level of competencies



The greatest competence in all phases of managing energy security has been imposed on the State and relevant bodies, both central and local govern-ments. In terms of time, the State is particularly responsible for the short term and long term, and considering spatial concerns the responsibility of

govern-!)'%*U'&% #'&60*S\O0*6#(&6*-#5)$'!)'%*U6#(&6*&'2*$)- #'&6O7

q#!")%)'%*/./%)!* '*&*+& $6.*4 2)*$&'-)*U '*%)$!/*#+*!&'&-)!)'%*+3'(

-% #'/O*!3/-%*&6/#*,&5)*&*-%$&'/! // #'*/./-%)!*#")$&-%#$*&'2*-%#*&*6)//)$*)Z-%)'-%0* 2 /%$ 13% #'* /./%)!* #")$&%#$/* #")$&% '-* 6#(&66.7* R%* 6 )/* 4 %,* %,)!* %#* )'/3$)*

security of supply and reliability, in fact in every aspect of time and space.

P%,)$*"6&.)$/*4, (,*/,#362*)'/3$)*%,)*/&+)%.*#+*)')$-.*&$)*%,)*(#!"&' )/* "$#23( '-*)')$-.*&'2*+3)67*P'*%,)!*4)$)* !"#/)2*!& '6.*"6&'' '-*$)/"#'

-/ 1 6 % )-/* U+#$* -)')$&% '-* )6)(%$ ( %.O0* 4 %,* '#% + (&% #'* #+* "6&'')2* "$#d)(%-/* U!#2)$' ?&% #'0* )Z"&'/ #'0* (#'/%$3(% #'* #+* ')4* /#3$()/O7* 93(,* #16 -&% #'/*

should be imposed on refining and gas companies. All of these entities oper-ate in market conditions. Their decisions must have a business base, so that it is necessary to develop mechanisms for joint ventures by the State and

pri-5&%)*)'% % )/0*/3(,*&/*%,)*+#$!36&% #'*#+*"316 (["$ 5&%)*"&$%')$/, "/* '*4, (,*

there is a threat to energy security of this type of investment (such a

mecha-' /!*&mecha-'2*#16 -&% #mecha-'/* !"#/)2*#mecha-'*\eSO7*

T6/#0*2#*'#%*+#$-)%*$)( " )'%/*U(#'/3!)$/O*4,#0*#+*(#3$/)0*&$)* !"#$%&'%*

players concerning energy security. Recipients also should ensure the energy security through the conclusion of bilateral and appropriate forms of

insur-&'()*U)/")( &66.*(3/%#!)$/*#")$&% '-*3'2)$*8ATO7

Tab. 2. Division of responsibility for energy security in an area function

Local Regional National S3$#")&'i* international

State Government + + +++ ++

Local Government +++ +

Energy companies

(distri-13% #'*#+*-&/*#$*)6)(%$ ( %.O +++ +++ + +

Energy companies


Transmission system

operator +++ +++ +++ ++

Recipients +++ ++

*p*6#4*6)5)6*#+*$)/"#'/ 1 6 %.

++ medium level of responsibility +++ high level of responsibility

9#3$()f*&3%,#$/*#4'*/%32.*1&/)2*#'f*Popczyk J.,op.cit.;0$,#"52!'O'$=A8*#A'.$)*#5,!'

424">4#58&2!' =$)%,*' @$' JKJL' "$,?-' $=A8*#A-', .$)*#5,!' 424">4#58&2!' =$)%,*' @$' JKMKA'


Tab. 3. Division of responsibility for energy security in a time function

Short-term Medium-term Long-term

State +++ + +++

Energy companies

(distribu-% #'*#+*-&/*#$*)6)((distribu-%$ ( (distribu-%.O +++ ++ ++

Energy companies

(produc-% #'*#+*)')$-.O + + +++

Transmission system

ope-rator +++ ++ ++

Odbiorcy + +

*p*6#4*6)5)6*#+*$)/"#'/ 1 6 %.

++ medium level of responsibility +++ high level of responsibility

9#3$()f*#4'*/%32.*1&/)2*#'f*Popczyk J.,op.cit.;0$,#"52!'O'$=A8*#A'N'.$)*#5,!'424"C


The significance of the planning function in the management of energy security

The management of energy security is a very important stage in planning, as the implementation of the project for improving security requires long-term activities related to the implementation of time-consuming and

'%)'/ 5)* '+$&/%$3(%3$)* "$#d)(%/* $)6&%)2* %#* %,)* (#'/%$3(% #'* #+* %,)* ')%4#$<* U%$&'/! // #'0*2 /%$ 13% #'0*" ")6 ')/0*)%(7O*&'2*-)')$&% '-*%,)*')()//&$.* ' -stallations. In addition, the implementation of this type of energy investment in a strategic area for each country affects the economic development of the



country, so it requires the use of management strategies taking into account relevant aspects of energy, and also environmental and social factors. Plan-ning must also take into account the context of ensuring the availability of

)')$-.*$)/#3$()/0*1)(&3/)*4 %,#3%*%,)!*&(()//*%#*%,)*!#/%*2)5)6#")2* '+$& -structure does not provide security.

It is also necessary to ensure operational safety, revealing a short-term skill and ability to respond quickly to sudden energy changes in the system of supply and the demand for energy. The importance of an appropriate strategy

&6/#*3'2)$6 ')/* '* %/*2)+ ' % #'*#+*/)(3$ %.*T7*b#'&-,&'0*&((#$2 '-*%#*4,#!0*

the security of energy is conditioned by strategic planning, focused on fuel diversification, resource efficiency and flexibility in the energy sector18.


Energy security is one of the most important areas of activity of the State. Formulation of energy policy in the EU in terms of energy security of a State is no longer fully autonomous. It has an impact on a variety of subjects, in the international, national or local range. In particular, it must be adapted to

%,)*S3$#")&'*)')$-.*"#6 (.*[* '*4, (,*.#3*(&'*&6/#*/))*&*+#(3/*#'*%,)* //3)* #+*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.7*q#'/%$3(%)2*!#2)6/*/,#4*%,&%*%,)*2 5)$/ + (&% #'*#+*%,)* $)/"#'/ 1 6 %.*+#$*)')$-.*/)(3$ %.* /*%,)*$ -,%* 2)&7*G#4)5)$0*&*(6)&$*2 5 / #'*

of competencies and a high level of coordination is required.


T(<#++*e7N70*P*/./%)! )*"#dlr*/./%)!#4.(,0*LA$&</)#6#- &Q*k$*I0*WXYK* >7*>&$%#'0*q7*e)2-4)660*T7*es'')0*t7*k7*; 66!&'0*S')$-.*/)(3$ %.f*!&'&- '-*

risk in a dynamic legal and regulatory environment, Oxford University Press 2004

4&=*48&4+%#;$'424">4#58&24'=$)%,*7*>)?" )(?)@/%4#*'&$#2#4)**'$*W0*IJJ]

Bojarski W., 4&=*48&4+%#;$'424">4#58&240*LD#<HF*S')$-)%.< Q*B*(?)$4 )(*


18 3" O2(&5D5() W,++'5( U'7 5(E *A *($%&- .$/,%'0-) W,++'5( .$%'$+ <9X=9) Y2(47'/0 .0,E'$+


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