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The Role of ATP Hydrolysis for Kinesin Processivity*


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The Role of ATP Hydrolysis for Kinesin Processivity*

Received for publication, September 12, 2001, and in revised form, January 10, 2002 Published, JBC Papers in Press, February 25, 2002, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M108793200

Christopher M. Farrell‡§, Andrew T. Mackey‡¶, Lisa M. Klumpp, and Susan P. Gilbert From the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260

Conventional kinesin is a highly processive, plus-end-directed microtubule-based motor that drives membra-nous organelles toward the synapse in neurons. Al-though recent structural, biochemical, and mechanical measurements are beginning to converge into a common view of how kinesin converts the energy from ATP turn-over into motion, it remains difficult to dissect experi-mentally the intermolecular domain cooperativity re-quired for kinesin processivity. We report here our pre-steady-state kinetic analysis of a kinesin switch I mutant at Arg210(NXXSSRSH, residues 205–212 in Dro-sophila kinesin). The results show that the R210A

sub-stitution results in a dimeric kinesin that is defective for ATP hydrolysis and a motor that cannot detach from the microtubule although ATP binding and microtubule as-sociation occur. We propose a mechanistic model in which ATP binding at head 1 leads to the plus-end-di-rected motion of the neck linker to position head 2 for-ward at the next microtubule binding site. However, ATP hydrolysis is required at head 1 to lock head 2 onto the microtubule in a tight binding state before head 1 dissociation from the microtubule. This mechanism op-timizes forward movement and processivity by ensuring that one motor domain is tightly bound to the microtu-bule before the second can detach.

Kinesin is a highly processive, dimeric mechanoenzyme that travels along microtubules toward their plus-ends in discrete 8-nm steps, each step tightly coupled to a single ATP turnover (1–3). Recent evidence from a variety of experimental ap-proaches has focused our attention to the proposal presented by Rice et al. (4) that ATP binding induces a pronounced confor-mational change in the neck linker region, which docks the neck linker onto the catalytic core and propels the unattached kinesin head forward to find the next binding site on the microtubule. This model is based on a disorder-to-order tran-sition in the neck linker region for monomeric kinesin con-structs. The neck linker of the Mt䡠K1complex was shown to be

mobile in the presence of ADP, existing in an equilibrium with two predominant conformations trapped by cryo-electron mi-croscopy. However, upon the addition of ATP or nonhydrolyz-able ATP analogs to the Mt䡠K complex, the neck mobility ceased with the neck linker element tightly associated with the catalytic core. This ordered state was reversed by the addition of ADP or loss of nucleotide. In addition, the cryo-electron microscopy of this proposed ATP state revealed a single dis-crete orientation of the neck linker with the carboxyl termi-nus of the motor domain directed toward the plus-end of the microtubule (4).

Xing et al. (5) have reported for a monomeric kinesin motor domain two discrete structural transitions induced by ADP binding and another produced by ATP binding. These three conformations revealed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer were consistent with the results reported by Rice et al. (4). Furthermore, biochemical studies of dimeric kinesin have demonstrated that ATP binding (or nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP) to one of the two kinesin heads will trigger ADP release from the other (6 – 8). These pre-steady-state kinetics were the basis of the alternating site ATP hydrolysis model for kinesin motility. Another important contribution to our understanding of kinesin stepping was advanced by a molecular force clamp study that revealed a load-dependent isomerization that followed ATP binding (9). These results eliminated models in which ATP hydrolysis triggered the major conformational change for the 8-nm step and most loose coupling models, which predict that the ATP coupling ratio will decline with load. Therefore, the results from a variety of experimental approaches are converging into a model for kinesin plus-end directed motility and processivity. However, these studies have provided information predomi-nantly for ATP-induced structural transitions. The results presented here focus on the role of ATP hydrolysis for motor domain coordination and tight coupling of ATP turnover with kinesin stepping.

We present the kinetics of a dimeric kinesin motor construct in which the target amino acid, switch I Arg210, has been

mutated to an alanine. The mutant kinesin motor, R210A, can be expressed and purified; therefore, we can evaluate the im-portance of Arg210 for ATP-dependent interactions that are

required for ATP turnover and coordination of the motor do-mains. The results presented here show that the steady-state ATPase kinetics are dramatically reduced, yet ATP binding is comparable with wild type. R210A is defective for ATP hydrol-ysis, and the dissociation kinetics suggest that this mutant cannot detach from the microtubule, a step essential for micro-tubule-based movement. We propose a model in which ATP hydrolysis at the rearward head is required for the leading head to bind tightly to the microtubule, and this tight binding * This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant

GM 54141 (to S. P. G.). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

‡ These authors contributed equally to this work.

§ A University of Pittsburgh Honors College Scholar and the recipient of a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship, a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, and a Norman H. Horowitz Award for Under-graduate Research.

¶The recipient of an Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship. 储To whom correspondence should be addressed: Dept. of Biological Sciences, 518 Langley Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Tel.: 412-624-5842; Fax: 412-624-4759; E-mail: spg1⫹@pitt.edu. 1The abbreviations used are: Mt䡠K, microtubule-kinesin complex; Mt, microtubule; K401-wt, kinesin heavy chain construct containing the N-terminal 401 amino acids of the Drosophila kinesin heavy chain gene; mantADP, 2⬘(3⬘)-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)adenosine 5⬘-diphosphate;

mantATP, 2⬘(3⬘)-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)adenosine 5⬘-triphosphate; AMP-PNP, 5⬘-adenylyl imidodiphosphate; ATP␥S, adenosine 5⬘-O-(thiotriphosphate).

© 2002 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

This paper is available on line at http://www.jbc.org



ciation. This strategy ensures forward motion of kinesin step-ping and tight coupling of ATP turnover to movement.


Materials—Radiolabeled ATP ([␣-32P]ATP, ⬎3000 Ci/mmol) was purchased from PerkinElmer Life Sciences, Paclitaxel (taxol, Taxus

brevifolia) from Sigma, polyethyleneimine-cellulose F TLC plates (20⫻ 20 cm, plastic-backed; EM Science of Merck) from VWR Scientific (West Chester, PA). ATP, GTP, DEAE-Sephacel, and S-Sepharose from Am-ersham Biosciences. MantATP and mantADP were synthesized and characterized as described previously (8, 10, 11).

Kinetic Assay Conditions—The steady and pre-steady-state kinetic

experiments were performed in ATPase buffer (20 mMHepes, pH 7.2, with KOH, 5 mMmagnesium acetate, 0.1 mMEGTA, 0.1 mMEDTA, 50 mMpotassium acetate, 1 mMdithiothreitol) at 22–25 °C. All concentra-tions reported are final concentraconcentra-tions after mixing.

Expression and Purification of Kinesin Mutant R210A for Kinetic Analysis—The R210A kinesin mutant plasmid was constructed by

in-troducing a single amino acid change in the K401-wt plasmid (12) using the Chameleon Mutagenesis protocol (Stratagene). The arginine to alanine substitution at residue 210 was verified by DNA sequencing. The K401-wt motor contains the first 401 amino acids of the kinesin protein and when expressed is dimeric (13). The R210A plasmid was transformed into BL21(DE3)pLysS for expression in Escherichia coli and purification as described previously (14).

The R210A protein concentration was determined by the Bradford method using Bio-Rad Protein Assay with IgG as a protein standard. It was also measured spectrophotometrically at A280(12) based on the calculated extinction coefficient of 29,240M⫺1cm⫺1(26,740 protein⫹ 2,500 ADP) and Mr⫽ 44,994 for R210A.

Bovine Brain Microtubule Preparation—Microtubules were

polymer-ized from tubulin and stabilpolymer-ized with 20␮Mtaxol as previously de-scribed (12). Sedimentation assays followed by SDS-PAGE confirmed that the microtubules were stable as the microtubule polymer. The concentrations of tubulin reported reflect the tubulin assembled into microtubules and stabilized with 20␮Mtaxol.

Active Site Measurement—The active site experiments were based on

the binding of [␣-32P]ATP (15). R210A (K䡠ADP) at 5

Mwas reacted with trace amounts of [␣-32P]ATP, and the reaction was quenched with 5

M formic acid at various times ranging from 5 s to 100 min. The products [␣-32P]ADP⫹ P

iare separated from

[␣-32P]ATP by TLC and quantified. Because ADP product release is so slow, each active site under the conditions of the assay retains [␣-32P]ADP. The data were fit to a single exponential function,

关ADP兴 ⫽ A*exp共 ⫺ kofft兲 ⫹ C (Eq. 1) where A is the amplitude and t is time. The rate constant, koff, repre-sents the rate of ADP release from the active site in the absence of microtubules, and the constant term C provides the active site concentration.

Steady-state ATPase Assays—Steady-state ATPase measurements

were determined by following the hydrolysis of [␣-32P]ATP to form [␣-32P]ADP䡠P

ias previously described (12).

Microtubule Equilibrium Binding Experiments—These experiments

were conducted as described previously (16). R210A at 2␮Mwas incu-bated with 0 –20␮Mmicrotubules in the absence of added nucleotides for 30 min, followed by centrifugation. The microtubule pellet was resuspended in ATPase buffer to equal the volume of the supernatant. Gel samples of the supernatant and resuspended pellet were prepared in 5⫻ Laemmli sample buffer and resolved by SDS-PAGE (8% acryl-amide, 2Murea). The gel was stained with Coomassie Blue, analyzed by a Microtek Scan Maker X6EL scanner (Microtek, Redondo Beach, CA), and quantified using NIH Image version 1.62 to determine the fraction of R210A in the supernatant and pellet at each microtubule concentra-tion. In Fig. 3 fractional binding, defined as the ratio of R210A in the pellet to total R210A, is plotted as a function of microtubule concentra-tion. The data were fit to quadratic Equation 2,

关Mt 䡠 K兴/关K兴 ⫽ 0.5兵共关K兴 ⫹ 关Mt0兴 ⫹ Kd兲 ⫺ 关共关K兴 ⫹ 关Mt0兴 ⫹ Kd兲2

⫺ 4共关K兴关Mt0兴兲兴1/2其 (Eq. 2) where [Mt䡠K]/[K] is the fraction of R210A sedimenting with microtu-bules, [K] is total R210A, [Mt0] is the total tubulin concentration, and

Kdis the dissociation constant.

Acid Quench ATPase Assay—These experiments were performed to

determine the pre-steady-state kinetics of ATP hydrolysis for the switch I mutant in comparison with K401-wt (17). The preformed Mt䡠R210A complex (syringe concentrations: 16␮MR210A, 30␮Mmicrotubules, 40 ␮Mtaxol) was rapidly mixed in a chemical quench-flow instrument (Kintek Corp., Austin, TX) with [␣-32P]ATP. The reaction was termi-nated with 5Mformic acid (syringe concentration) and expelled from the instrument. Radiolabeled ADP⫹ Piwere separated from radiola-beled ATP by TLC, and the data were quantified. The concentration of [␣-32P]ADP was determined for each reaction and plotted as a function of time (KaleidaGraph; Synergy Software, Reading, PA). The data were then fit to the burst equation,

Product⫽ A*关1 ⫺ exp共⫺kbt兲兴 ⫹ ksst (Eq. 3)

where A is the amplitude of the pre-steady-state burst phase which represents the formation of [␣-32P]ADP䡠P

iat the active site during the first turnover; kbis the rate constant of the exponential burst phase; t

is time in seconds; and kssis the rate constant of the linear phase (␮M

ADP䡠s⫺1). The rate constant k

ss, when divided by enzyme concentration,

corresponds to the rate of steady-state turnover at the same ATP and microtubule concentrations. Concentrations reported in the figure leg-ends are final concentrations after mixing.

Stopped-flow Kinetics—The pre-steady-state kinetics of mantATP

binding, mantADP release, R210A binding to microtubules, and detach-ment of R210A were all conducted using the SF-2001 Kintek stopped-flow instrument in ATPase buffer at 25 °C. For the mantATP and mantADP experiments, excitation was set at 360 nm (Hg arc lamp) with emitted light measured through a 400-nm cut-off filter (mant␭em⫽ 450 nm). The mantATP binding data in Fig. 5A (inset) were fit to the following equation,

kobs⫽ k1关mantATP兴 ⫹ koff (Eq. 4) where kobsis the rate of first exponential increase in fluorescence, k1is the second-order rate constant for mantATP binding, and koffobtained from the y intercept is the rate of mantATP dissociation from the Mt䡠R210A䡠ATP complex.

The microtubule association kinetics (Fig. 4) and the R210A dissoci-ation kinetics (Fig. 7) were monitored by the change in turbidity at 340 nm. The exponential rate constants for microtubule association were plotted as a function of microtubule concentration and fit to Equation 5,

kobs⫽ k5关tubulin兴 ⫹ k⫺5 (Eq. 5) where kobsis the rate of exponential process, k5is the second-order rate constant for microtubule association, and k⫺5obtained from the y in-tercept is the rate constant for motor dissociation from the Mt䡠R210A complex.


Active Site Measurement—We began the analysis of R210A by evaluating the mutant motor in the absence of microtubules to determine whether the mutant retained the fundamental enzymatic features of a kinesin: the ability to bind and hydro-lyze ATP and to retain ADP tightly bound at the active site FIG. 1. R210A active site determination. R210A at 5␮M (estimat-ed by the Bio-Rad protein assay) with bound ADP was rapidly mix(estimat-ed with trace amounts of [␣-32

P]ATP, and the reaction was quenched at various times. The data were fit to Equation 1, which provided the rate constant for ADP release from the active site in the absence of micro-tubules at 0.05⫾ 0.003 s⫺1. The concentration of R210A sites that were catalytic was 4.6⫾ 0.09␮M.


(Fig. 1). R210A was incubated with a trace amount of [␣-32P]ATP. During the incubation, ADP tightly bound at the

active site should be released, followed by the binding and hydrolysis of [␣-32P]ATP to yield a stable R210A䡠[␣-32P]ADP

intermediate. The results presented in Fig. 1 show that R210A exhibits the ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP. The rate con-stant of [␣-32P]ADP release from the active site was 0.05 s⫺1,

and this rate is somewhat faster than data reported previously for conventional kinesin at 0.006 – 0.01 s⫺1(12, 18 –20). This assay permitted the determination of R210A active site concen-tration at 4.6␮M. Therefore, these results document the ability of mutant R210A to bind and hydrolyze ATP followed by slow ADP release. Thus, in the absence of microtubules, R210A exhibits the characteristics expected of wild-type kinesin.

Steady-state ATPase Assays—The steady-state kinetics of R210A were determined in comparison with the kinetics of K401-wt (Fig. 2). The steady-state ATPase kinetics for the Mt䡠R210A complex were significantly altered in comparison with K401-wt as follows: R210A (seven preparations), kcat 0.12 ⫾ 0.05 s⫺1 (0.07– 0.15 s⫺1), Km(ATP) ⫽ 118 ⫾ 62.7 ␮M

(75–211 ␮M) versus K401-wt, kcat ⫽ 20–25 s⫺1, Km(ATP) ⫽ 60 –96␮M.

There are several hypotheses that can account for the ex-tremely low kcatof R210A. The first is that there is a defect in

ATP turnover. The second hypothesis is that there is a problem with microtubule binding that will affect release of ADP from the active site of the mutant. The third hypothesis is that the protein was inactive and the small amount of ATP hydrolysis seen was due to a few active motors still functioning. However, the third hypothesis appears unlikely based on the results of the active site assay (Fig. 1), which confirmed that R210A was active and exhibited the characteristics of wild type kinesin in the absence of microtubules. The experiments presented below evaluate ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis, microtubule associa-tion and detachment, and microtubule-activated product release. Equilibrium Binding of R210A to the Microtubule—One pos-sible explanation for the depressed ATPase activity may be

that microtubule binding and therefore Mt䡠R210A complex for-mation is aberrant. We evaluated forfor-mation of Mt䡠R210A com-plex by equilibrium binding (Fig. 3) and the pre-steady-state kinetics of Mt䡠R210A association (Fig. 4).

The relative affinity of R210A for microtubules was deter-mined by equilibrium binding in which R210A was incubated with increasing concentrations of microtubules, followed by centrifugation and analysis by SDS-PAGE. Fig. 3 shows that R210A partitioned with microtubules as a function of tubulin concentration, and the fit of the data provided an apparent Kd(Mt)⫽ 0.95␮M tubulin with maximal fractional binding at

92%. The fact that the fractional binding is almost 100% sug-gests that the mutant motor can bind microtubules. However, the Kdat 0.95␮Mfor R210A is weaker than the Kddetermined

FIG. 4. Pre-steady-state kinetics of microtubule-R210A䡠ADP association. R210A at 2␮Mwas rapidly mixed with varying concen-trations of taxol-stabilized microtubules (1–10␮M) in the stopped-flow instrument. A, a representative stopped-flow transient, where 2 ␮M R210A was rapidly mixed with 3␮Mmicrotubules. The data were fit to a single exponential function with a linear term where the exponential rate of microtubule association was 9.0⫾ 1.1 s⫺1. B, the exponential rate constants of the microtubule-dependent turbidity change increased as a function of microtubule concentration. The fit of the data to Equa-tion 6 defined the apparent second-order rate constant for microtubule association, k⫹5⫽ 0.83 ⫾ 0.04␮M⫺1s⫺1, with the y intercept, k⫺5⫽ 5.83⫾ 0.26 s⫺1.

FIG. 2. Steady-state ATPase kinetics of R210A. A, the Mt䡠R210A complex (1␮MR210A, 30␮Mtubulin) was preformed and incubated with MgATP (0 –2 mM). The rate of [␣-32P]ATP hydrolysis increased as a function of ATP concentration. The data were fit to a hyperbola, which provided the following steady-state kinetic parameters: kcat⫽ 0.08 ⫾ 0.005 s⫺1, K

m(ATP)⫽ 163.3 ⫾ 36.9␮M. B, comparison of the steady-state

kinetics of R210A and K401-wt. Parameters for K401-wt are as follows:

kcat⫽ 24.5 ⫾ 0.5 s⫺1, Km(ATP)⫽ 92.6 ⫾ 6.8␮M.

FIG. 3. Equilibrium binding of R210A to microtubules. R210A at 2 ␮M was incubated with varying concentrations of microtubules (0 –20␮Mtubulin) for 30 min in the absence of added nucleotides. The fraction of R210A bound to the microtubules was plotted as a function of total microtubule concentration. These data were fit to Equation 2, which yielded the apparent Kd(Mt)⫽ 0.95 ⫾ 0.028␮Mwith maximal


Association Kinetics of R210A Binding to Microtubules— R210A was rapidly mixed with microtubules in the stopped-flow instrument, and the turbidity signal was monitored to quantify Mt䡠R210A complex formation. The results presented in Fig. 4 show that the rate of microtubule association in-creased linearly as a function of microtubule concentration with the second-order rate constant, k⫹5⫽ 0.8␮M⫺1s⫺1and k⫺5⫽ 5.8 s⫺1(Scheme 1, Table I). The kinetics for K401-wt have been reported at 10 –20␮M⫺1s⫺1with no evidence of an off rate (Table I) (22–24). Therefore, the association kinetics clearly indicate that formation of the Mt䡠R210A complex is defective. Both the association kinetics and the equilibrium binding results show that the affinity of R210A for microtu-bules is weaker than observed for K401-wt.

ATP Binding and Hydrolysis Kinetics—The kinetics of ATP binding were evaluated by rapidly mixing in the stopped-flow instrument the Mt䡠motor complex (15␮M tubulin plus 2 ␮M R210A or K401-wt) with increasing concentrations of the fluo-rescent ATP analog, mantATP (Fig. 5). The kinetics reveal a biphasic fluorescence enhancement. Because there is an in-crease in fluorescence as mantATP enters the more hydropho-bic environment of the active site, we assume the initial rapid phase of fluorescence enhancement is mantATP binding to the active site. At low mantATP concentrations (⬍50␮M), the ob-served rate of the first exponential phase increased linearly as a function of mantATP concentration and provided the second-order rate constant, k⫹1⫽ 0.82␮M⫺1s⫺1with a dissociation rate of 26.9 s⫺1(Scheme 1, Table I). For the Mt䡠K401-wt com-plex, mantATP binding was reported at 1.1 ␮M⫺1s⫺1with a dissociation rate of 9.8 s⫺1(23).

ATP binding for wild type kinesin is believed to involve two steps (Scheme 2) based on our pulse-chase rapid quench

kinet-ported by Ma and Taylor for human kinesin K379 (25). In the first step, the collision complex is formed (Mt䡠K䡠ATP), followed by a rate-limiting conformational change at 200 s⫺1to form the Mt䡠K*䡠ATP intermediate that proceeds toward ATP hydrolysis. The kinetics for R210A indicate that the required conforma-tional change does occur; however, the rate constant observed is 81 s⫺1. These data suggest that the ATP-driven structural transition required for ATP hydrolysis is slowed significantly in the mutant.

Although the mantATP binding results indicate that the mutant was able to bind ATP effectively, the chemistry step of ATP hydrolysis was clearly aberrant. For the ATP hydrolysis kinetics (Fig. 6), a preformed Mt䡠R210A complex was rapidly mixed with [␣-32P]ATP in the rapid quench instrument,

fol-lowed by an acid quench to terminate the reaction and release nucleotide at the active site. The kinetics for K401-wt showed the expected, dramatic exponential burst of ADP䡠Pi product

formation at the active site during the first turnover because ATP binding and hydrolysis are fast steps for kinesin relative to the rate-limiting step in the pathway (17, 25). Note that R210A showed no evidence of an exponential burst, and the rate constant for ATP hydrolysis (k2; Scheme 1) was extremely

low and similar to steady-state turnover. These results clearly indicate that ATP hydrolysis is defective in R210A.

The steady-state ATPase kinetics for R210A in combination with the rapid quench kinetics suggests that the intermediate that accumulates is the prehydrolysis M䡠K*䡠ATP intermediate (Scheme 2). However, the maximal rate constant for mantATP binding (Scheme 2, Mt䡠K䡠ATP º Mt䡠K*䡠ATP isomerization) and the high steady-state Km(ATP)exhibited by R210A suggest that the mutation is affecting the ability of the motor to generate the structural transition(s) required to reach the Mt䡠K*䡠ATP state for catalysis from the Mt䡠K䡠ATP collision complex.

The stopped-flow transients for mantATP binding best fit a double exponential function (Fig. 5). The second phase of mantATP binding was slower and represents a first order isomerization at 12 s⫺1. Although biphasic fluorescence tran-sients have been observed for wild type kinesin, the second phase has always shown a decrease in fluorescence intensity rather than an increase as observed for R210A (5, 23, 25). We SCHEME1


Microtubule-kinesin constants

Conditions were as follows: 20 mM Hepes, pH 7.2, with KOH, 5 mMmagnesium acetate, 0.1 mMEGTA, 0.1 mMEDTA, 50 mMpotassium acetate, 1 mMdithiothreitol at 25 °C.

Experimentally observed Computer

simulation: K401-wt

Rate constants descriptions R210A K401-wt

k1 ATP binding

a,b 0.82

M⫺1s⫺1a 1.1␮M⫺1s⫺1a,b 2␮M⫺1s⫺1a,b,c Maximum kobs/K0.5(ATP) 81 s⫺1/9␮MATP

a 200 s⫺1/65MATPb

k⫺1 ATP dissociationb 200 s⫺1b 120 s⫺1b,c

k2 Acid quench ⬍0.2 s⫺1 100 s⫺1 100 s⫺1c

k3 ATP-promoted microtubule dissociation

d No dissociation 12–16 s⫺1d 50 s⫺1c,d k4 Pirelease e 13 s⫺1e ⬎150 s⫺1c,e k5 Microtubule association d 0.8␮M⫺1s⫺1 10–20␮M⫺1s⫺1d 11␮M⫺1s⫺1c

k6 ADP release both heads

f ATP: 57 s⫺1 ⬎200 s⫺1f 300 s⫺1c

ADP release head 2f ATP: 30–42 s⫺1 ATP:⬎100 s⫺1 200 s⫺1c,f AMP-PNP: 30–40 s⫺1 AMP-PNP: 30–40 s⫺1 ADP: 25 s⫺1 ADP: 6 s⫺1 kcat 0.07–0.2 s⫺1 20–25 s⫺1 Km(ATP) 75–210␮M 61–96␮M Kd(Mt) 950 nM 37 nM g aMantATP binding (23).

bPulse-chase rapid quench (17).

cExperimentally determined rate constants refined by computer simulation (8, 23, 24). dTurbidity (22).

eN-[2-(1-Maleimidyl)ethyl]-7-(diethylamino)coumarin-3-carboxamide (MDCC)-phosphate-binding protein (22, 23). fMantADP competed with excess unlabeled MgATP, MgAMP-PNP, or MgADP (8, 22, 23, 50).

gK d(Mt)(21).


cannot assign the 12 s⫺1isomerization to a specific step in the R210A ATPase pathway at this time.

ATP-promoted Dissociation Kinetics of Mt䡠R210A—The

dis-sociation kinetics were measured by rapidly mixing a Mt䡠K complex with MgATP and following the decrease in turbidity associated with motor detachment from the microtubule (Fig. 7). For the experiments in Fig. 7A, 100 mMKCl was included in the ATP syringe. The added salt was required to measure the kinetics of dissociation because of kinesin’s processivity, and the additional salt does not alter the kinetics of the first ATP turnover (see Fig. 2; Ref. 22). The observed rate (k3) of

ATP-promoted dissociation of K401-wt was 16 s⫺1and consistent with results published previously (8, 25). In contrast, the mu-tant R210A showed no significant change in turbidity, al-though there appeared to be a slow decrease in turbidity com-parable with steady-state turnover. These results demonstrate that R210A cannot detach from the microtubule at ATP and salt conditions that lead to K401-wt dissociation. This inability to detach from the microtubule suggests that ATP hydrolysis is required to reach a state that normally occurs to weaken the affinity of kinesin for the microtubule.

The Mt䡠R210A dissociation kinetics (Fig. 7A) indicating tight binding to the microtubule appear to be inconsistent with the microtubule association kinetics and equilibrium binding re-sults, which suggest that R210A affinity for microtubules is relatively weak (Figs. 3 and 4). We reasoned that the difference in the results was due to the presence of ATP, which, during ATP turnover, induced a stable Mt䡠R210A species that does not readily detach from the microtubule. To explore this hypothe-sis, we repeated the ATP-promoted dissociation experiment at


FIG. 5. Pre-steady-state kinetics of mantATP binding to Mt䡠R210A complex. The preformed Mt䡠R210A complex was rapidly mixed in the stopped-flow instrument with increasing concentrations of mantATP (5–1000␮M). A, a representative transient is shown with the final concentration of mantATP at 500␮M. The fit of the data to a double exponential function provided the initial rapid rate of fluores-cence enhancement at 80.8⫾ 2.3 s⫺1(relative amplitude 0.17⫾ 0.003) and the slower second phase at 12.4⫾ 0.34 s⫺1(relative amplitude 0.23⫾ 0.003). Inset, the exponential rate constants of the first phase increased linearly as a function of mantATP concentration from 0 –50 ␮MmantATP. The data were fit to Equation 4, providing the second-order rate constant for mantATP binding, k1⫽ 0.71 ⫾ 0.08␮M⫺1s⫺1, with koff⫽ 26.9 ⫾ 1.6 s⫺1. B, the mantATP concentration dependence of the initial fast phase (●) and the second slow phase (⽧) were plotted and fit to hyperbolae that provided the maximum rates for the initial fast phase at 80.7⫾ 4.2 s⫺1and the slower second phase at 12.1⫾ 0.6 s⫺1. The Mt䡠R210A complexes were preformed at 2␮MR210A⫹ 15␮M tubulin for mantATP concentrations 5–100␮M, and 15␮MR210A⫹ 30 ␮Mtubulin for mantATP concentrations 50 –1000␮M.

FIG. 6. Acid quench kinetic comparison of R210A with K401-wt. [␣-32P]ATP (100 or 200

M) was rapidly mixed with a preformed Mt䡠R210A complex (8␮MR210A, 15␮Mtubulin) in the rapid quench instrument for 0.005– 0.2 s, followed by the acid quench. This experi-ment was repeated for K401-wt. The data for K401-wt were fit to the burst equation (Equation 3). At 100␮MMgATP, the burst amplitude of K401-wt was 2.0⫾ 0.34␮M, kburst⫽ 81.8 ⫾ 34.0 s⫺1, and kss⫽ 55.4 ⫾

3.07␮M䡠s⫺1/8␮Msites (6.9 s⫺1). At 200␮MMgATP, K401-wt had a burst amplitude of 2.69⫾ 0.52 ␮M, kburst ⫽ 389 s⫺1and kss⫽ 83.0 ⫾ 6.5

␮M䡠s⫺1/8␮Msites (10.4 s⫺1). No pre-steady-state burst of product for-mation was observed for R210A at either 100 or 200␮MATP. The linear fit of the data provided kobs⫽ 0.2 s⫺1at 200␮MMgATP.

FIG. 7. ATP-promoted dissociation kinetics of Mt䡠R210A in comparison with Mt䡠K401-wt. A, the Mt䡠R210A complex (6 ␮M R210A, 6 ␮Mtubulin) or the Mt䡠K401 complex (4␮MK401, 3.75␮M tubulin) was rapidly mixed with 1 mMMgATP plus 100 mMKCl. The Mt䡠K401 wild type data were fit to a double exponential function that provided the observed rate of dissociation at 16.3⫾ 0.7 s⫺1. The R210A transient did not show a significant change in turbidity. B, the Mt䡠R210A complex (6␮MR210A, 6␮Mtubulin) or the Mt䡠K401 complex (4␮MK401, 3.75␮Mtubulin) was rapidly mixed with 1 mMMgATP but in the absence of the additional 100 mMKCl. The dissociation kinetics of K401-wt at 1.14 s⫺1indicate that the wild type motor was in associ-ation with the microtubule for 0.88 s (transit time⫽ 1/kobs). In contrast, R210A showed only a small turbidity change during the 30-s period of observation.


the low salt conditions and extended the period of observation to 30 s (Fig. 7B). Note that K401-wt does exhibit dissociation kinetics, yet the turbidity signal of R210A shows a slow de-crease in turbidity. The steady-state kcatfor R210A at 0.11 s⫺1

indicates that during the 30-s period of observation, R210A would turn over⬃3 ATP molecules (1/0.1 s⫺1provides transit time for 1 turnover⫽ 10 s; 30 s/10 s ⫽ ⬃3 ATP). In contrast, the dissociation kinetics for K401-wt (Fig. 7B) indicate that 34 molecules of ATP will by hydrolyzed. The prediction is that if ATP hydrolysis were required for R210A dissociation from the microtubule, then the R210A dissociation kinetics should occur at a rate comparable with steady-state turnover, and the am-plitude associated with the dissociation kinetics should be⬃8– 10% (3 ATP/34 ATP) of the wild type signal. The kinetics presented in Fig. 7 are consistent with this interpretation.

MantADP Release from Both Heads of the R210A䡠MantADP Complex—R210A was incubated with mantADP at a 1:2 ratio in order to exchange the ADP at the active sites of the protein with mantADP. This newly formed R210A䡠mantADP complex was then rapidly mixed in the stopped-flow instrument with varying concentrations of microtubules plus MgATP (Fig. 8). For these experiments, the stopped-flow instrument was used to monitor the decrease in fluorescence as mantADP was re-leased from the active site to the buffer and the fluorescence was quenched. The MgATP included with the microtubules served to block rebinding of mantADP to the active sites of the motor. Fig. 8 shows that the exponential rate of mantADP release increased as a function of microtubule concentration with the maximum rate constant, k6⫽ 57 s⫺1with K1/2(Mt)⫽ 16

␮M. For wild type kinesin motors, mantADP release has been measured at ⬎100 s⫺1(4, 7, 8, 22). The K1/2(Mt) at 16␮M is

comparable with the constant determined for K401-wt at 15

␮M. These results indicate that although the microtubule asso-ciation kinetics may be aberrant (Fig. 4), the Mt䡠R210A colli-sion complex formed does activate mantADP release. Our stud-ies were extended to separate the kinetics of mantADP release from each motor domain of the dimer, and the kinetics of mantADP release from the high affinity site are presented next.

MantADP Release from the Second Head of the R210AMantADP Complex—An equilibrium Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP com-plex (2 ␮M R210A, 1␮M mantADP, 15␮M tubulin) was pre-formed and then rapidly mixed with MgATP in the stopped-flow (Fig. 9). The experimental design assumes that when the complex is preformed with half the concentration of mantADP as active sites of R210A, the mantADP will partition to the head that holds ADP more tightly (7). This head is assumed to be weakly bound to the microtubule (7, 8). Upon the addition of MgATP, ATP binds to the empty site, leading to mantADP release from the high affinity site (4, 7, 8). The observed kinetics of mantADP release presented in Fig. 9 indicate that mantADP was released from the high affinity site at a maxi-mum rate of 34 s⫺1, which is significantly less than reported previously for wild type kinesin at⬎100 s⫺1(4, 7, 8). Interest-ingly, this 34 s⫺1rate constant determined for R210A was quite similar to the rate constants (30 – 40 s⫺1) reported for wild type kinesin constructs when mantADP release was initiated by ATP analogs AMP-PNP and ATP␥S (7, 8). We pursued exper-iments to evaluate whether the slow mantADP release kinetics observed in the absence of ATP hydrolysis for K401-wt and R210A may be revealing the same structural transition.

The Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP complex was preformed (2 ␮M R210A, 1␮MmantADP, 15␮Mtubulin) and rapidly mixed with MgAMP-PNP in the stopped-flow instrument (Fig. 10). Note that the maximum rate of mantADP release initiated by AMP-PNP was 40 s⫺1, consistent with the interpretation that the R210A ATP hydrolysis mutant releases mantADP from the FIG. 8. Pre-steady-state mantADP release from both heads of

the Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP complex. A preformed R210A䡠mantADP complex (2.5 ␮M R210A, 5␮MmantADP) was rapidly mixed in the stopped-flow instrument with varying concentrations of taxol-stabilized microtubules (2.5– 40␮Mtubulin plus 1 mMMgATP). A, a representa-tive stopped-flow transient of the change in fluorescence due to the release of mantADP from the Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP complex when a solution of 2.5␮MR210A and 5␮MmantADP was rapidly mixed with a solution of 10␮Mmicrotubules and 1 mMMgATP. The data were fit to a single exponential function where the exponential rate was kobs⫽ 22.8⫾ 0.7 s⫺1. B, the exponential rate constants of the microtubule-de-pendent fluorescence change were plotted as a function of microtubule concentration, and the data were fit to a hyperbola. The maximum rate constant of mantADP release from the Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP complex was 57.2⫾ 2.9 s⫺1.

FIG. 9. MantADP Release from the high affinity site of the Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP complex initiated by MgATP. The Mt䡠R210A䡠 mantADP complex (2␮MR210A, 1␮MmantADP, 15␮Mtubulin) was rapidly mixed with varying concentrations of MgATP (1–1000␮M). A, a representative stopped-flow transient at 20␮MMgATP. The data were fit to a single exponential function plus a linear term where the expo-nential rate was kobs⫽ 33.0 ⫾ 2.9 s⫺1. B, the exponential rate constants of the MgATP-dependent fluorescence change were plotted as a function of MgATP concentration. The fit of the data to a hyperbola yielded a maximum rate of 33.8⫾ 0.8 s⫺1for mantADP release from the high affinity site. The inset shows the data from 0 –50␮MMgATP.


high affinity site with kinetics comparable with mantADP re-lease from wild type kinesin when ATP hydrolysis is prevented (AMP-PNP) or significantly slowed (ATP␥S). These kinetics suggest that AMP-PNP induces the same structural transition species as ATP for R210A, and this intermediate for wild type kinesin is trapped by AMP-PNP binding. In addition, the re-sults indicate that ATP hydrolysis at head 1 signals head 2 (Fig. 11) and affects the structural transitions that occur for head 2 microtubule binding and subsequent rapid mantADP release (discussed below). When the experiment was repeated, but using 1 mMMgADP to initiate mantADP release, the rate constant obtained for mantADP release from head 2 was sig-nificantly faster at 25 s⫺1than observed with K401-wt at 6 s⫺1 (Table I) (7, 8). These results indicate that the active site of R210A has lost the structural precision required to discrimi-nate between nucleotide intermediates, and/or the response of the active site to coordinate the motor domains is disrupted by the amino acid substitution at Arg210.


We have used a switch I kinesin mutant that is defective for ATP hydrolysis to examine the role of ATP hydrolysis in coor-dinating the motor domains of the dimer for kinesin processiv-ity. The experimentally determined constants (Scheme 1) for R210A and K401-wt are reported in Table I, and the model for kinesin motility is presented in Fig. 11.

Our initial set of observations from the active site experi-ment shows that the mutant R210A can bind ATP, hydrolyze it to ADP䡠Pi, and release the products ADP⫹ Pi. These results

demonstrate that the R210A protein is active and that ADP is kept tightly bound at the active site in the absence of microtu-bules. Thus, in the absence of microtubules, R210A exhibits the minimal characteristics expected of a kinesin motor protein.

However, the results also show that R210A-microtubule in-teractions are altered. The steady-state kinetic analysis dem-onstrated that the Mt䡠R210A complex had severe difficulty in ATP turnover (kcat⫽ 0.11 s⫺1in comparison with 20 –25 s⫺1for K401-wt). We used pre-steady-state kinetic approaches to probe specific steps of the ATPase pathway to determine which FIG. 10. MantADP release from the high affinity site of the

Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP complex initiated by AMP-PNP. The Mt䡠R210䡠mantADP complex (2␮MR210A, 1␮MmantADP, 15␮M tubu-lin) was rapidly mixed with varying concentrations of MgAMP-PNP (0.25–1000␮M) in the stopped flow. A, a representative transient when the Mt䡠R210A䡠mantADP complex was rapidly mixed with 1 mM AMP-PNP. The data were fit to a single exponential plus a linear term that yielded the initial exponential rate, kobs ⫽ 30.0 ⫾ 3.9 s⫺1. B, the exponential rate constants were plotted as a function of AMP-PNP concentration, and the fit of the data to a hyperbola yielded the maxi-mum rate constant of mantADP release at 40.6⫾ 3.5 s⫺1. The inset shows the data from 0 –50␮MMgAMP-PNP.

FIG. 11. Mechanistic model for the role of ATP hydrolysis. This model is framed in the context of recent proposals by Rice et al. (4) and Schnitzer et al. (9), although the kinetics for K401-wt and R210A do not necessarily exclude inchworm models in which head 1 is always forward with head 2 rearward. The cycle begins as head 1 binds the microtubule with rapid ADP dissociation. ATP binding at head 1 leads to the plus-end-directed motion of the neck linker to position head 2 forward at the next microtubule binding site. ATP binding at head 1 is sufficient to promote head 2 association with the microtubule followed by rapid ADP release. However, ATP hydrolysis at head 1 is required to lock head 2 onto the microtubule in a tight binding state. The strain induced by the tight binding of head 2 weakens the affinity of head 1 and results in its detachment from the microtubule concomitant with Pi release. The active site of head 2 is now accessible for ATP binding, and the cycle is repeated.


were disrupted due to the mutation and to analyze disrupted motor domain cooperativity.

Kinetics of ATP Binding and ATP Hydrolysis—The stopped-flow experiments revealed that the Mt䡠R210A complex could bind mantATP (Fig. 5, Table I). However, the acid quench transients showed no exponential burst of ADP䡠Piproduct

for-mation during the first ATP turnover (Fig. 6). The absence of the exponential burst was indicative of impaired ATP hydrol-ysis. Furthermore, the rate constant of ATP hydrolysis was similar to steady-state turnover, suggesting that the rate-lim-iting step in the R210A pathway has become ATP hydrolysis. These initial kinetic experiments clearly demonstrated that the switch I Arg210 is a critical amino acid necessary for ATP

hydrolysis in kinesin.

Comparison with Myosin Mutants—The loss of the ability to hydrolyze ATP due to a mutation in the switch I loop is not unique to kinesin. Shimada et al. (26) reported their scanning alanine mutagenesis study of the conserved switch I region (NXNSSRFG) using Dictyostelium discoideum myosin II. One particular mutant, R238A,2is the analogous mutant in myosin

II to R210A in kinesin. This myosin mutant exhibited very low steady-state ATPase activity, no evidence of an exponential burst of ATP hydrolysis, and an inability to support actin filament sliding in vitro. In addition, development of the Dic-tyostelium mutant stopped at the mound state and did not proceed through morphogenesis. These studies have been ex-tended by several groups to understand the structural and mechanistic role of the switch I arginine for ATP hydrolysis and mechanochemistry (27–34).

Structural Role of Residue Arg210—A structural explanation

can be given as to why this particular residue may play such a key role in ATP hydrolysis. Switch I Arg210represents one-half

of a salt bridge with residue Glu243that is located within the

active site of the motor (Fig. 12). This salt bridge is thought to attract a water molecule to attack the ␥-phosphate on the nucleotide. By subsequently disrupting this ionic interaction at Arg210through the mutation of the arginine to an alanine, the

water molecule would be unable to coordinate properly in the active site. Evidence in support of this hypothesis has been

there are four structural elements (N1–N4) that form the ki-nesin nucleotide-binding pocket, and these are highly con-served for myosins,3kinesins,4and G-proteins both in amino

acid sequence and structure. Second, a conserved structural element revealed in the kinesin and myosin crystal structures is the salt bridge between the switch I arginine (NXXSSRSH) and the switch II glutamate (DLAGXE) (34, 40 – 44). Third, mutation of the switch II glutamate results in motors defective in ATP hydrolysis for both myosin II and kinesin (4, 29 –31, 45). Fourth, mutagenesis of the myosin II switch I arginine to glutamate and the switch II glutamate to arginine results in a myosin double mutant with an inverted salt bridge that can support efficient ATP hydrolysis and normal myosin function (31). This Dictylostelium myosin II mutant also rescued myosin null cells. The transformants were able to undergo cytokinesis and proceed through morphogenesis to form fruiting bodies and viable spores (31). Last, the crystal structure and biochemical characterization of the switch I salt bridge mutant, Kar3 R598A, shows that the mutation destabilized the conformation surrounding switch I (34). The structural changes were also correlated with the functional behavior of Kar3 R598A. The steady-state ATPase activity of the Mt䡠Kar3 R598A complex was depressed to basal ATPase levels, and motor domain af-finity for microtubules was weakened.

Therefore, our results for the kinesin R210A motor are con-sistent with the growing evidence that the switch I arginine-switch II glutamate salt bridge is required for ATP hydrolysis and essential for mechanochemistry and motor function.

Structural Transitions and Nucleotide Binding State—The R210A mutant has provided new information to order steps in the ATPase cycle (Fig. 11). The mantADP release kinetics (Figs. 9 and 10) from the high affinity site indicate that ADP release from head 2 occurs prior to ATP hydrolysis of head 1 (states 1– 4; Fig. 11). First, R210A is defective for ATP hydrol-ysis. Second, R210A can accumulate mantADP on head 2, and its release occurs in the absence of ATP hydrolysis. Third, the K1/2(ATP)and K1/2(AMP-PNP)at⬃0.4␮Mreveal that a very low

concentration of ATP or AMP-PNP is required to initiate mantADP release. These results imply that it is the Mt䡠K䡠ATP intermediate that leads to mantADP release from head 2 (intermediate 4; Fig. 11).

The sequence of steps to ADP release from head 2 as pre-sented in Fig. 11 are consistent with a number of kinesin motility models (4, 5, 7–9). However, because the rate constant for ATP hydrolysis at⬃100 s⫺1is so similar to the rate con-stant for mantADP release from head 2 (⬎100 s⫺1), it has been argued that ATP hydrolysis on head 1 occurs prior to ADP release from head 2 (46, 47). The results presented here as well as similar experiments with another kinesin mutant that is defective for ATP hydrolysis (human E236A (4)) provide a compelling argument that mantADP release from head 2 oc-curs prior to ATP hydrolysis on head 1. Human kinesin switch II mutant E236A (corresponding to Drosophila E243) shows very low microtubule-activated ATPase activity and no phos-phate burst kinetics for ATP hydrolysis but effective mantADP release from head 2 (4).

Microtubule-R210A Interactions—The ATP-promoted disso-ciation kinetics (Fig. 7) show that R210A is incapable of micro-tubule dissociation at conditions in which K401-wt exhibits dissociation kinetics. However, in the absence of ATP (species 1; Fig. 11), R210A appears to be more weakly bound to the microtubule than K401-wt (Figs. 3 and 4; Table I). These re-2Switch I-switch II salt bridge residues are as follows: Drosophila

kinesin, Arg210–Glu243; rat kinesin, Arg204–Glu237; human kinesin, Arg203–Glu236; Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kar3, Arg598–Glu631;

Dictyo-stelium discoideum myosin II, Arg238–Glu459; chicken gizzard smooth muscle myosin II, Arg247–Glu243.

3The Myosin Home Page (www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/myosin/myosin. htm).

4The Kinesin Home Page (www.blocks.fhcrc.org/⬃kinesin/). FIG. 12. Rat kinesin monomer model 2KIN (44). This detailed

view of the nucleotide binding site shows ADP (yellow) at the active site with the switch I arginine (white) and the switch II glutamate (green) highlighted. The proposed interswitch salt bridge (3 Å) between

Dro-sophila Arg210and Glu243(rat Arg204–Glu237) is indicated by the dashed


sults imply that upon binding ATP, the Mt䡠K䡠ATP species formed cannot proceed to a weakly bound state for dissociation. One hypothesis to account for these data is that ATP hydrolysis at head 1 is required for kinesin to proceed to a weakly bound state for dissociation. In fact, AMP-PNP leads to K401-wt ki-netics similar to the R210A transients in Fig. 7, consistent with the interpretation that ATP hydrolysis is required for motor detachment from the microtubule. We propose that ATP bind-ing for R210A and AMP-PNP bindbind-ing for wild type kinesin lead to accumulation of intermediate 4 (Fig. 11). Head 2 of this intermediate may represent the highly mobile microtubule-bound state of the kinesin monomer trapped by Sosa et al. in the presence of ADP (48).

Model for Kinesin Motility—The model we propose in Fig. 11 is framed in the context of recent proposals by Rice et al. (4) and Schnitzer et al. (9), although the kinetics for K401-wt and R210A do not necessarily exclude all inchworm models in which head 1 is always forward with head 2 rearward. The cycle begins as the first motor domain binds the microtubule with rapid ADP release. ATP binding at head 1 leads to the series of conformational changes to dock the neck linker of head 1 onto the motor core and to propel head 2 forward to the next binding site on the microtubule (species 4). Microtubule asso-ciation activates ADP release from head 2, but ATP hydrolysis on head 1 is required for head 2 to bind tightly to the microtu-bule (species 5). We propose that head 2 must lock down onto the microtubule before head 1 can undergo dissociation. This mechanism optimizes processivity by ensuring that one motor domain is tightly bound to the microtubule before the second can detach. The strain generated within the dimer weakens the affinity of head 1, resulting in concomitant dissociation and phosphate release as proposed by Xing et al. (5).

Our model, based on the kinetics of R210A and wild type kinesin (6 – 8, 22), predicts that ATP cannot bind at head 2 (species 4 and 5) until head 1 dissociates from the microtubule. This hypothesis implies that the nucleotide binding pocket at head 2 is inaccessible to nucleotide because of structural tran-sitions transmitted by head 1 to head 2 and controlled by the nucleotide state at head 1. This mechanism of alternating site ATP hydrolysis also minimizes rearward stepping and/or slip-page and ensures tight coupling of one ATP turnover per 8-nm step. These predictions are supported by the mechanical data for kinesin as proposed by both S. M. Block and co-workers (2, 9, 49) and J. Gelles and co-workers (3).

In summary, our studies with R210A have shown that this switch I arginine is required for ATP hydrolysis directly. Fur-thermore, this analysis has provided an understanding of the specific step of ATP hydrolysis for one series of structural transitions that occur for processive movement along the mi-crotubule. Last, the kinetics have revealed the importance of the post-ATP hydrolysis state for head-head communication that must occur during kinesin motility.

Acknowledgments—We thank Dr. John Rosenberg for assistance in

the molecular modeling and Dr. Steve Rosenfeld (University of Alabama at Birmingham) for thoughtful review of the manuscript.


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