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APRIL 16, th Annual Conference for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians. Continuing Education Information


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APRIL 16, 2016

Continuing Education


Katie Fontenot

Outreach Coordinator


[email protected]

LSU School of

Veterinary Medicine

Skip Bertman Drive at

River Road

Baton Rouge, LA




Veterinary Teaching


Pets and Small



Horses and farm



85th Annual Conference

for Veterinarians and

Veterinary Technicians

The LSU Annual Conference was started in 1931 by the Department of Veterinary Science. The School of Veterinary Medicine admitted its first class in 1973. The LSU SVM Annual Conference reflects our tradition and commitment to veterinary continuing education in Louisiana.


Letter from Our Dean

Our 85th Annual Conference for Veterinarians and Veterinary

Technicians includes an array of continuing education seminars.

We are proud to be able to provide educational opportunities

for our alumni and veterinarians in the community, while

concurrently teaching future veterinarians. Our clinical team is

fully committed to excellent veterinary care, and animals benefit

from our expertise, specialized training and advanced diagnostic

and therapeutic technologies.

We are offering eight (8) hours of continuing education credit

for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and, for the first time,

veterinary technician students. We know that you will find these

presentations practical and informative. If you have suggestions

about future topics, please email Katie Fontenot, outreach

coordinator, at [email protected].

The annual conference not only provides educational

opportunities but also the chance to network with colleagues and

former classmates. We hope that you can join us for our annual

conference on April 16.


Joel D. Baines, VMD, PhD


85th Annual Conference for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians April 16, 2016

Online registration at www.lsu.edu/vetmed

Joel D. Baines, VMD, PhD, dean, came to the LSU SVM from the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, where he was the associate dean for research and graduate education and the James Law Professor of Virology. In addition to serving as dean, Dr. Baines is also the Dr. Kenneth F. Burns Chair in Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. Baines was a professor in the Cornell Department of Microbiology and Immunology. He received a bachelor’s degree in microbiology from Kansas State University in 1979 and his VMD degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1983. He then received his PhD from Cornell University in 1988, studying the molecular virology of feline coronaviruses. He obtained postdoctoral training at the University of Chicago studying the molecular virology of herpes simplex virus replication.

Dr. Baines has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) since January 1, 1995, to study herpes simplex virus assembly. He currently has both an R01 and an R21 from the NIH. These grants focus on how capsids are assembled and exit the nuclei of infected cells. These key parts of the viral replication cycle are prime targets for new antiviral drugs.



7:50 - 8 AM Welcome Dr. Kirk Ryan 8 - 8:50 AM Leptospirosis: Latest in diagnostics and treatment...and what is the risk

to my staff?

Dr. Mark Acierno 9 - 9:50 AM Nephrotoxins: Beyond ethylene glycol Dr. Mark Acierno 9:50 - 10:10 AM Break

10:10 - 11 AM Use of hormonal assays in canine breeding management and elective C-section

Dr. Carlos Pinto 11:10 AM - 12 PM Challenges in orthopedic surgery Dr. Karanvir Aulakh 12 - 1 PM Lunch

1 - 1:50 PM Treatment update on feline arterial thromboembolism Dr. Aliya Magee 2 - 2:50 PM Rabies in Louisiana Dr. Gary Balsamo 3 - 3:50 PM Making sense of lung patterns: How to develop an action plan Dr. Lorrie Gaschen 4 - 4:50 PM Canine and feline epilepsy: My approach to problematic patients Dr. Kirk Ryan



7:50 - 8 AM Welcome LeeAnn Eddleman 8 - 8:50 AM Catheter-based infections LeeAnn Eddleman 9 - 9:50 AM Uh-oh...What am I going to catch from these pets? Cutaneous

zoonoses and how to avoid falling prey

Dr. Sandra Merchant 9:50 - 10:10 AM Break

10:10 - 11 AM Equine wound healing Dr. Britta Leise 11:10 AM - 12 PM Technial assistance in canine theriogenology Dr. Carlos Pinto 12 - 1 PM Lunch

1 - 1:50 PM Equine vaccine protocolos Dr. Frank Andrews 2 - 2:50 PM Solutions to making dilutions: Veterinary mathematics Amanda Shelby 3 - 3:50 PM ECG interpretation for technicians Dr. Aliya Magee 4 - 4:50 PM Heartworm disease: Resistance and zoonotic risks Dr. Cassan Pulaski


Schedule subject to change

85th Annual Conference for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians April 16, 2016 Online registration at www.lsu.edu/vetmed


Dr. Mark Acierno

is a professor of companion animal medicine in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences . He received his BS (1986) from Skidmore College and his MBA (1991) from Pace University. He received his veterinary degree from Mississippi State University. His

clinical interests are in Nephrology, Urology, and Dialysis Medicine. Dr. Acierno is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

Dr. Frank Andrews

is director of the Equine Health Studies Program and a professor of equine medicine . He joined the faculty in August 2008. He received both his BS in Bacteriology, Public health and Veterinary Science from Washington State University.

Dr. Andrews is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Large Internal Medicine).

Dr. Karanvir Aulakh

assistant professor of companional animal surgery in VCS, received his BVSc & AH in 2003 from the College of Veterinary Sciences Punjab Agricultural University in Ludhiana, India. He received his first MS in 2006 from the University of Louisville School of Medicine in

Kentucky. Dr. Aulakh then completed his Small Animal Rotating Internship in 2009, his Small Animal Specialty Surgical Internship in 2010, his second MS in 2013 and lastly, his Small Animal Surgery Residency in 2013, all from the University of Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Dr. Aulakh is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons –Small Animal.

Dr. Gary Balsamo

is the State Public Health Veterinarian and Assistant State Epidemiologist at the Louisiana Office of Public Health. Dr. Balsamo serves as chair of the Louisiana Animal Welfare Commission and as the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals’ representative on the Louisiana Environmental Education Commission. Dr. Balsamo is a 1981 graduate of the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and a 1999 graduate of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

Lee Ann Eddleman

, associate clinical specialist and director of nursing, has been with LSU School of Veterinary Medicine since 1997. : She received her Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) credentials in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care in 1998.

Dr. Lorrie Gaschen

, associate Dean for Diversity and Faculty Affairs and Professor

of Diagnostic Imaging, joined the faculty in 2006. She received her BS in 1985 and her DVM in 1990, both from the University of Florida. In 2001, she received her PhD from the University of Utrecht, N.L. She is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging.

Dr. Britta Leise


assistant professor of equine surgery in VCS, received her BS from Virgina

Tech in animal science in 1995. She received her MS in 1997 and DVM in 2002, both from LSU. She completed her internship in 2003 at the University of Georgia and her residency at LSU in 2007. She later received her PhD from Ohio State University in 2010. Dr. Leise is a diplomate of the College of

Veterinary Surgeons. Her research focuses on orthopedics, soft issue, surgical oncology, arthroscopy and laparoscopy procedures, equine laminitis and wound healing.


Dr. Aliya “Yani” Magee


assistant professor of veterinary cardiology in VCS, received her BS from Spelman College in 1995 and her DVM from the LSU SVM in 2009. She received her MS from Purdue University in 2013 and completed her cardiology residency at

Purdue, also in 2013. Dr. Magee is a

diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Cardiology).

Dr. Sandra Merchant

is a professor of veterinary

dermatology in VCS and a veterinary dermatologist. She joined the faculty in July 1988. She received her BS from Florida State University in 1979 and her DVM from the University of Florida in 1984. She

is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology.

Dr. Carlos Pinto

, associate professor of theriogenology in VCS, received his DVM from Sao Paulo State University (Brazil) in 1986 and his PhD from LSU in 2001. He is a diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists. Dr. Pinto’s clinical interests are in comparative

theriogenology and assisted reproduction in equine, bovine and canine species.

Dr. Cassan Pulaski

, graduate student/resident in the Pathobiological Sciences department, received her BS (2008) in Biology and BA (2008) in Psychology from the University of Mississippi. She received her MPH (2012) and DVM (2013) from Louisiana State University. She is

currently working on a PhD/residency program in clinical veterinary parasitology, affiliated with the National Center for Veterinary Parasitology at Oklahoma State University.

Dr. Kirk Ryan

, Associate Professor, received his DVM from Colorado State University in 1996. He completed an internship and

residency in small animal medicine at LSU; before entering private referral practice. He returned to the SVM in September 2006. Dr. Ryan is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

Amanda Shelby

is an Associate Clinical Specialist with the LSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s Anesthesia Service. She received a BS degree

from Murray State University and is a certified veterinary technician. Her interest and training in

veterinary anesthesia was advanced at the University of Florida, where she worked in the clinical veterinary anesthesia service for over five years. She received her Veterinary


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Mail conference registration form with payment to:

School of Veterinary Medicine

Office of Continuing Education

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Or register online at www.lsu.edu/vetmed (Go to News & Events and select Continuing Education)

I will attend Saturday lunch □ Yes □ No

No printed notes available. All attendees

will receive digital notes as part of the

registration fee.

Make check for Conference Registration

payable to:

Louisiana State University

Name __________________________________________ Graduation School/Year ________________________

Clinic Name __________________________________________________________________________________

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Home Phone ___________________ Work Phone ___________________ Cell Phone _____________________

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• Registration fee includes digital notes, break refreshments and lunch. Printed notes are $15.

• Up to eight (8) hours of continuing education credit for veterinarians and technicians will be offered.

For more info visit:


Or Contact:

[email protected] 225-578-9825

Registration Fees

Fees listed below apply to payments postmarked no later than March 30. After March 30, please add $50.

DVM Companion Animal Session

□ $100 (April 16, 8 AM to 5 PM)

Technician Registration

□ $100 (April 16, 8 AM to 5 PM)

Technician Student Registration

□ $50 (April 16, 8 AM to 5 PM)

Online registration available at www.lsu.edu/vetmed

Registration for the LSU SVM Annual Conference: April 16, 2016


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