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Umland is a region that is closely linked economically with a nearby town or city (Encyclopedia, 1768).


Academic year: 2021

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26. The concept of Garden City was propounded by

(A) G. Myrdal (B) Frank (C) Ebenezer Howard (D) Clearance Perry Answer: C Explanation:

The garden city movement is a method of urban planning in which self-contained communities are surrounded by "greenbelts", containing proportionate areas of residences, industry, and agriculture.

The idea was initiated in 1898 by Ebenezer Howard in the United Kingdom and aims to capture the primary benefits of a countryside environment and a city environment while avoiding the disadvantages presented by both

27. The concept of Umland was given by

(A) G.K. Zipf (B) W. Christaller (C) Van Cleef (D) Le Corbusier Answer: C Explanation:

The concept of Umland was given by Van Cleef

Umland is a region that is closely linked economically with a nearby town or city (Encyclopedia, 1768).


Page | 2 The term ‘Umland’ is a German word, translated from a Swedish word ‘Omland’

(‘Om’ means around and ‘land’ means area) (Singh, 2007). This term is mainly applied for inland towns that deals in all directions but unfortunately this term has also been applied to the immediate environs of a town as well as to a larger area served by it (Johnson, 1972).

28. What is the trend of Urbanization in India?

(A) Urban population is rising slowly (B) Urban is falling

(C) Urban population is rising rapidly

(D) Growth rate of urban population is lower than total

Answer: C Explanation:

29. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of stages of urban development as postulated by L. Mumford

(A) Polis - Ecopolis - Metropolis - Megalopolis (B) Metropolis - Polis - Ecopolis - Megalopolis (C) Ecopolis - Polis - Metropolis - Megalopolis (D) Megalopolis - Metropolis - Ecopolis – Polis

Answer: C Explanation:

30. Most urbanized state of India is


Page | 3 (B) Goa (C) Nagaland (D) Sikkim Answer: B Explanation:

State wise Highest percentage share of urban population (Descending Order) Goa: 62.17 % Mizoram: 51.51 % Tamil Nadu: 48.45% Kerala: 47.72 % Maharashtra: 45.23 % Gujarat: 42.58 %

31. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below


(Theories of Urban Structure)

A Concentric Zone Model B. Sectoral Model

C. Multiple Nuclei Model D. Exploitive Model


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1. Harris and Ullman 2. William Bunge 3. E.W. Burgess

4. Homar Hoyt and Davis

Codes: A B C D A. 4 3 2 1 B. 3 4 1 2 C. 3 4 2 1 D. 2 1 4 3 Answer: B Explanation:

1. Concentric Zone Model Theory: E.W. Burgess Postulated – 1920s (1924,1927)

Model Based- Chicago City (America)

2. The Sectoral Theory or Wedge or Sectoral Model of Homer Hoyt & Davis Postulated in 1939

Based on: Study of 64 American Cities.

3. Multiple Nuclei Model by C.D Harris & E.L Ullman Postulated – 1945


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4. Exploitative Model: William Bunge

32. Which model is also known as Ecological Theory of city structure?

(A) Multiple Nuclei Model (B) Concentric Zone Model (C) Sectoral Model

(D) Exploitative Model

Answer: B Explanation:

33. In concentric zone model of Burgess Zone Il refers to

(A) Central Business District (B) Zone of Better Residence (C) Commuter's Zone

(D) Zone in Transition

Answer: D Explanation: 5 Zones:

I. Central Business District II. Zone in Transition

III. Zone of Independent Workmen's Home IV. Zone of Better Residence


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34. How many circles are encircles the CBD proposed in the Concentric Zone Theory (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 3 (D) 4 Answer: D Explanation:

35. Which model of urban structure is 'Wedge like Expansion’? (A) Concentric Zone Model

(B) Sector Theory

(C) Multiple Nuclei Theory (D) Exploitive Model

Answer: B Explanation:


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36. Which model of urban structure is 'Cellular Structure’?

(A) Multiple Nuclei Model (B) Sector Theory

(C) Concentric Zone Model (D) Exploitive Model

Answer: A Explanation:


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37. Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer from the code given below List I (Model Concept) List II (Definition)

(a) Sector Model

(i) Model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are spatially arranged in a series of rings

(b) Concentric Zone Model

(ii) Nucleus of a city where retail stores and offices are concentrated

(c) Bid-Rent theory

(iii) Theory that refers how price and demand on real estate changes as distance towards CBD increases

(d) Central Business District (CBD)

(iv) Model of internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a series of sectors or wedges radiating from CBD


(a) (b) (c) (d)

A. (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)


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C. (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

D. (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

Answer: B

38. The Chandigarh City was planned by

(A) Jean Brunhes (B) Jean Gottman (C) Le Corbusier (D) G. Taylor

Answer: C Explanation:

39. Which was the first planned city of pre independence of India

(A) Bhubaneswar (B) Indore (C) Bhopal (D) Jaipur Answer: D Explanation:

40. A new approach to functional classification of towns was written by

(A) S.M. Ali (B) S.M. Rafiullah (C) S.B. Singh


Page | 10 (D) Moonis Raza

Answer: B Explanation:

41. Threshold population refers to

(A) Maximum distance that people can travel to use a service (B) Minimum distance required for opening a service

(C) Minimum population size required for a service (D) Maximum population size required for a service

Answer: C Explanation:

42. On the basis of size, which one of the following is correct settlements?

(A) Village - Hamlet - City - Town - Metropolis (B) Hamlet - Village - Town - City - Metropolis (C) Hamlet - Village - City – Town - Metropolis (D) City - Hamlet - Village - Town - Metropolis

Answer: B Explanation:

43. Settlement located at a distance from river banks and other water bodies are called

(A) Wet point settlements (B) Dry point settlements


Page | 11 (C) Strong point settlement

(D) Nucleated settlements

Answer: B Explanation:

44. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? Proponent Theory related with urban structure

A. Homer Hoyt – Sector theory B. Sinclair – Concentric theory C. Chris taller – Central place theory

D. Harris and Ullman – Multiple Nuclei theory

Answer: B Explanation:

45. The Triangular Pattern of rural settlements develop generally

(A) Between two hills

(B) At the confluence of two rivers and one hills (C) At the confluence of two rivers

(D) At bank of the straight rivers

Answer: C Explanation:

46. Which one of the following city is known as Mile City?

(A) Norway (B) Phoenix


Page | 12 (C) Denever

(D) London

Answer: C Explanation:

47. Which one of the following principles of central place system operates in a region if K= 7, is applicable for spatial organization of settlements?

1. Market principle 2. Transport Principle 3. Administrative Principle 4. Economic Principle Ans- 3

48. Which one of the following principles of central place system operates in a region if K= 7, is applicable for spatial organization of settlements?

1. Market principle 2. Transport Principle 3. Administrative Principle 4. Economic Principle Ans- 3

49. From the given diagram of Multiple Nuclei Model of urban structure devised by C.D Harris and E.L Ullman, identify the urban land use pattern of nuclear centres of 3 and 6?


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1. CBD and residential suburb

2. Low class residential and heavy manufacturing

3. Wholesale and light manufacturing and residential suburb 4. High class residential and outline business district

Ans- 2

50. Which one of the following describes a projected urbanised world or universal city by the end of 21st Century?

(A) Conurbation (B) City-Region (C) Megalopolis (D) Ecumenopolis Answer: (D)



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