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Magnetic relaxation in nanoscale granular alloys


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Magnetic Relaxation in Nanoscale

Granular Alloys

Daniel Hans Ucko


University College London

A thesis submitted in accordance with the requirements o f the University of London for the degree o f Doctor of Philosophy


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Magnetic nanoscale granular alloys are o f current interest from both a

fundamental and a technological viewpoint. At a fundamental level,

nanocrystalline magnetic materials exhibit fme-particle magnetic behaviour that is

significantly different from the bulk behaviour. At a practical level, they are used

as nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys for electromagnet cores and transformers,

and for magnetoresistive sensors and devices.

Primarily to address the fundamental issues, a systematic series of

magnetic relaxation measurements were performed on a suite o f nanostructured

iron-silver and iron-copper-silver alloys. Several experimental techniques (DC

Magnetisation, Vibrating Sample Magnetometry, AC Susceptibility, Mossbauer

Spectroscopy and Muon Spin Relaxation) were applied in order to observe

superparamagnetic relaxation at a wide range of measurement timescales.

Structural tests by X-ray Diffractometry and Rietveld analysis showed that the

samples had grain sizes o f 4 - 20 nm, and dispersion fractions o f magnetic

material o f 5 - 40 % o f the whole sample volume.

Superparamagnetic relaxation transitions or blocking temperatures were

observed to be a function o f measurement time For a low concentration

sample, FenCuogAgyg, the blocking temperatures, after correction to compensate

for the particle size distribution and interaction effects, were found to vary from

28 K to 69 K over the measurement time range 100 s to 0.1 ms. For more

concentrated samples, e.g. Fes2Ag4 8, blocking temperatures at all timescales were

higher than room temperature.

From the relaxation behaviour, it was concluded that the magnetic grains

experience strong inter-particle interactions that raise the effective energy barrier

against spontaneous magnetic relaxation. These were shown to be mainly dipolar



The fact that this thesis is written at all is due to the help and efforts of many

people around me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their


Firstly, I must thank my supervisor Quentin Pankhurst for his support and

scientific guidance throughout my project. I am also very grateful to Luis

Fernandez Barquin for his outstanding scientific help both here in the UK and

during the time I have been fortunate enough to spend visiting the Universidad de

Cantabria, Santander, Spain.

I would also like to thank Mark Ellerby for his technical and scientific

help, always making me challenge my assumptions. I owe thanks to Andrew Steer

and Rebeca Garcia Calderon for helping me in obtaining some of the X-ray and

magnetic results presented in this thesis. Outside CMMP, I owe thanks to James

Lord, Marianne Odlyha and Kevin Reeves and for help with my pSR, DSC and

ED AX experiments respectively.

During my first year at UCL I was much helped by Quang Bui, Neil

Cohen, and Glyn Forster in finding my feet. I am also grateful to Louise Affleck

and Andrew Steer, my magnetism colleagues, who have provided me with a

support network and a scientific exchange of ideas during my PhD. Furthermore I

am grateful to Shusaku Hayama and Jonathan Wasse for experimental help and


Outside o f the scientific dimension, this PhD would have been a much less

interesting experience had I not been in such a lively and vibrant group as CMMP.

I am also particularly grateful for the company and support I received fi*om fiiends

like Jon Allen, Louise Affleck, Simon Armitage, Eamonn Beime and Shu


Finally, as the dedication in the fi*ont o f the thesis indicates, I am grateful

most o f all to my parents, without whom (literally) none o f this would have been


Chapter 1 : Introduction

Chapter 2 : Magnetic Relaxation and Superparamagnetism_______________ 11

1. The domain theory of ferromagnetism_______________________________ 11

2. The Langevin theory of paramagnetism______________________________ 11

3. Weiss theory of ferromagnetism_____________________________________15

4. Ferromagnetic domains___________________________________________ 16

5. Single-domain particles___________________________________________ 17

6. Cubic anisotropy________________________________________________ 18

7. The energetics of single-domain systems______________________________ 19

8. Theory of superparamagnetism_____________________________________21

9. Blocking Temperature____________________________________________ 24

10. Real superparamagnetic systems___________________________________26

11. Relaxation time calculation_______________________________________ 26

12. Interparticle interactions________________________________________ 27

13. Conclusions____________________________________________________ 31

Chapter 3 : Sample preparation and experimental details__________________33

1. Sample preparation______________________________________________ 33

2. Magnetic measurement techniques__________________________________36

3. Structural measurement techniques_________________________________45

4. Conclusions_____________________________________________________ 48

Chapter 4 : Structural analysis and resu lts_____________________________ 49

1. FeA g__________________________________________________________ 53

2. FeCuAg________________________________________________________ 60

3. Alloying of FeCu with milling tim e__________________________________67

4. FeAg and FeCu annealing_________________________________________ 69

Chapter 5 : Magnetic measurements,___________________________________78

1. FeA g__________________________________________________________ 79

2. FeCuAg________________________________________________________ 88

3. Conclusion____________________________________________________ 104

Chapter 6 : Muon Spin Relaxation (juSR)_____________________________ 105

1. Experimental methods____________________________________________106

2. jiSR and Superparamagnetism_____________________________________ 110

3. Zero-field Results_______________________________________________ 113


Chapter 7 : Discussion and conclusions_______________________________ 140

1. Inter granular interactions and blocking temperatures_________________ 141

2. Blocking temperatures in real superparamagnetic systems_____________ 143

3. Discussion_____________________________________________________ 144

4. Summary and conclusion_________________________________________150


List o f figures______________________________________________________159


Chapt^ 1 : IntroducBon

The aim o f this project was to investigate magnetic relaxation effects in nanoscale

granular alloys. Nanoscale magnetic/non-magnetic composite materials have, over

the last decade, emerged as an important technological area o f interest, in both the

development o f nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys such as alloys o f one or more

non-magnetic elements with Fe-B, and magnetoresistive alloys like Fe-Cu and Fe­

Ag [Wang et al., 1994; Peng et al, 1994], and also ternary Fe-Co-Ag and

Fe-Cu-Ag [Nash et al., 1998; Pierre et al., 1995; Cohen et al., 1999].

The reasons for this study are twofold; the problem is a scientific

intellectual exercise as well as containing many opportunities for practical

benefits fi’om the point o f view o f the materials studied. While having its basis in

a practical problem, this is primarily a study o f relaxation behaviour in

unconventional samples. This project stems fi'om earlier work showing that

nanoscale granular alloys exhibit giant magnetoresistive properties as well as

superparamagnetism [Peng et al., 1994; Cohen, 1998].

The problem of single-domain particles was a significant scientific

challenge in the 1930s and 40s. The possibility of isolated particles o f uniform

magnetisation were first suggested by Frenkel and Dorfinan in 1930, but it was

only after Landau and Lifshitz published their domain theory in 1935 that these

two theories were compared [Brown, 1969]. The definitive theory o f single­

domain particles was further developed in the 1940s [Kittel, 1946, 1949; Stoner

and Wohlfarth, 1948; Kittel, 1949]. This led to the discovery by Néel in 1949 of

the spontaneous, thermally activated change in the direction o f the magnetic

moment o f single-domain magnetic particles.

The subject o f single-domain particles and their relaxational behaviour has

continued to get much attention since then [Kittel 1946, 1949; Brown, 1959, 1963,

1969, 1979; Dormann, 1981] and magnetic relaxation in fme-particle magnetic

systems is still the subject o f much study today [Khanna and Linderoth, 1991;

Hanson et al., 1995; loune et al., 1993; Dormann et al., 1997]. In particular these

studies have concentrated on model systems, in which the physics o f fine-particle


idealised systems of, for example, y-Fe2 0 3 particles in an insulating matrix, with

the particles dispersed enough for one to be able to ignore effects due to inter­

particle interactions [Dormann et al., 1997; Hansen et al., 2000]. Studies have also

been made on a-Fe particles suspended in carbon [Bodker et ah, 1998], suspended

in a zeolite matrix [Lazaro et al., 1996] and in Fe-substituted cement [Le Callonec

et al., 1997]. The question of interparticle interactions has received attention in a

well-defined system o f increased volume fractions o f magnetic particles, which

has applications for instance in the field o f magnetic recording media [Inoue et ah,

1993; Morup and Tronc, 1994; Pedersen et ah, 1997; Dormann et ah, various,

1999; Hansen et ah, 2000].

In view o f this, it was thought interesting to consider the relaxation

behaviour o f magnetic particles in a metallic matrix, rather than an insulating host,

in relation to how interparticle interactions would manifest themselves in such a

system. Previous work has been done on the relaxation behaviour in Fe-M

materials, where M is a metallic non-magnetic host [Peng et ah, 1994; Dimitrov et

ah, 1995; Pedersen et ah, 1997]. After this project had started, other research was

focused on this problem [Bewley et ah; 1998, Jackson et ah, 2000; Lopez et ah,

1998], but the systems studied still possessed notable differences from the

materials studied in this thesis. The systems covered in this thesis have a higher

volume fraction than any o f the three systems mentioned above, and the ones that

show superparamagnetic relaxation most readily are furthermore ternary alloys

rather than binary copper-cobalt and iron-silver.

Another reason for the choice o f sample class was the desire to probe

superparamagnetic relaxation with Muon Spin Relaxation (pSR). pSR has been

used to study relaxation phenomena such as spin glasses before [Uemura et al.,

1980, 1985, Wu et al., 1993], but at this project's start no pSR study had been

made o f a Fe-M system. As this project progressed other studies of Cu-Co

[Bewley et al., 1998] and Fe-Ag [Jackson et al., 2000] were published, for much

more dilute systems than the ones studied here.

A notable feature o f the iron-silver and iron-copper-silver systems are the

immiscibility o f the constituents [Hansen et al., 1958]. It was known that, in the


single-domain particles in a granular silver matrix [Cohen, 1998]. Samples were

made using high-energy ball milling to obtain metastable alloying; a convenient

method in that the sample preparation can be done in a laboratory setting and

yields a powder, which is a versatile form for scientific characterisation. The

technique o f mechanical alloying has become an important technological tool in

materials physics [Maurice et al., 1990]. With the development of high-energy

ball milling, a higher impact energy became available, and samples could be made

in a matter o f days rather than weeks. Also, with the higher impact energy comes

the ability to break down samples to even smaller grain sizes, even creating

amorphous systems given the right starting elements [Schultz et al., 1994].

The samples were found to be below the threshold size (33 nm) for single­

domain particles to be energetically feasible [Brown, 1969]. Since

superparamagnetic relaxation is a frequency-dependent effect, a proper study of

the relaxation behaviour of a superparamagnet can only be done by using

techniques with a selection o f measurement timescales. This project attempts to

combine a study o f superparamagnetism by Muon Spin Relaxation with data

obtained by the more conventional techniques Mossbauer Spectroscopy, AC

Susceptibility and DC Magnetisation. Analysis o f the transition temperatures, or

'blocking temperatures,' for different measurement fi-equencies by plotting the

inverse temperature against the natural logarithm of the measurement frequency

allows one to obtain the energy barrier against magnetic reversal and the

characteristic time parameter.

For a system with non-negligible interactions, the Néel-Arrhenius model

[Néel, 1949] is usually modified to a phenomenological Vogel-Fulcher model

[Shtrikman et al, 1983], but lately more involved analysis o f the effects of

interparticle interactions have been made [Dormann, Fiorani and Tronc, 1999;

Hansen et al, 2000]. Comprehensive studies of this kind are more usually done on

model systems [Dormann et al., 1997] but recently more concentrated systems

have been given this analysis in an attempt to understand the effects o f

interparticle interactions [Dormann, Fiorani et al., 1999; Spinu et al., 1999; Duan

et al., 2000]. The work presented in this thesis is a contribution to this continuing


This thesis contains seven chapters. In chapter 2 we shall consider the

underlying theory of superparamagnetism, starting with the concepts of

paramagnetism and ferromagnetism, and then considering the domain theory. We

shall consider the single-domain particle, and the relaxation o f this particle. After

this, we shall consider an assembly o f relaxing single-domain particles, and the

nature and effects o f interparticle interactions in this system.

High-energy ball milling is a good way to make metastable alloys of

otherwise immiscible constituents. Chapter 3 contains descriptions of the

experimental methods and procedures used in this project, for samples preparation

and analysis o f data. The data obtained by the methods described in this chapter

are described in chapter 4, 5 and 6.

The samples’ physical properties were investigated by analysing X-ray

diffraction patterns by Rietveld profile matching [Rodriguez Caijaval, 1993] as

well as by fitting hysteresis loops to a Langevin function convoluted with a log­

normal particle size distribution. Chapter 4 contains structural data and analysis,

demonstrating the physical make-up of the system as well as the microstructural

effects o f annealing and time-dependent ball milling.

The magnetic relaxation properties o f the samples were evaluated using

DC Magnetisation, AC Susceptibility, Vibrating Sample Magnetometry and

Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Chapter 5 contains the data obtained from these

techniques. This chapter also contains a comprehensive record of all blocking

transitions seen in this system.

Chapter 6 is dedicated to the Muon Spin Relaxation experiments

performed during this project. The muon data are considered from both a

phenomenological and an analytical viewpoint.

Chapter 7 contains the discussion and conclusion section o f the thesis. The

blocking temperatures obtained are collated and compared in an effort to obtain

parameters o f the relaxation behaviour. The interactions of the system are

discussed and quantified, and possibilities o f future work arising from the results


Chapter 2 : Magnetic Relaxation and Superparamagnetism

In this chapter the physics o f ferromagnetism and paramagnetism, ferromagnetic

domains, the criteria for single-domain particles to be energetically favourable,

and superparamagnetism will be discussed. The physical behaviour o f a single­

domain system in its blocked state, the effects of interparticle interactions and

further complications, (for instance when one is dealing with a sample with a

distribution o f magnetic grain sizes and hence a distribution o f cluster moments,)

will also be covered.

1. The domain theory o f ferromagnetism

To explain the difference between ferromagnetism and paramagnetism, it is

necessary to consider them on a microscopic scale. It is known macroscopically

that the permeability // (where B = jujuqH) of ferromagnets is much higher than

that o f paramagnets. In 1893, Ewing suggested that the difference between

magnetised and demagnetised ferromagnets is that in the demagnetised state, the

magnetic moments are randomly aligned. This, however, does not tell the full

story. Instead, Weiss correctly hypothesised in his domain theory o f 1907 that

magnetic moments were in permanent existence and that they were arranged in

regions called ‘domains,’ in which they were aligned. A typical domain contains

lO’^ to 10^* atomic moments [files, 1991]. The direction o f alignment varies from

domain to domain, and is preferentially aligned along certain crystallographic

easy magnetic axes. So, why are the moments inside a domain aligned and

ordered? This is explained by Weiss’ mean field theory, which was developed

from the Langevin theory of paramagnetism. We shall discuss this in detail, since

it is particularly relevant to superparamagnetism.

2. The Langevin theory o f paramagnetism

In materials with unpaired electrons, there is a net permanent magnetic moment.

The energy o f such a moment can be expressed as


where m is the vector sum o f the electron spin and electron orbital components

[files, 1991], and H is the applied field. In a paramagnetic system o f moments,

their orientations tend to he thermally randomised. Classical Boltzmann statistics

can be used to express the probability o f any electron occupying an energy state

E. If kTis the thermal energy, then

/?(£')= exp (2.2)

By considering the number o f moments # in a unit volume, and their

orientations, one can get the resultant magnetisation per unit volume [files, 1991],



m cos 6dn =

Nm ^ cos 6 sin 6 exp lUQÏnH cos 6

kT de

£ sin 6 exp ju^mH cos 6 d e


which, when integrated, gives

M = Nm coth

kT MpmH = Nm L

Mo^ H

kT (2.4)

where L(jM)mH/kT) is the Langevin function, which can be expanded as an infmte

series. When ^m H /kT « 1, the Langevin function L(x) tends to x = fjjomH/kT, so

the entire expression reduces to

M =

2>kT (2.5)

which leads to the Curie law % = M /H = C/T[files, 1991].

This relation is only valid in the paramagnetic region, and is often


critical temperature, which is the Curie point for materials that undergo a

ferromagnetic transition,

Weiss theorised that the variation o f paramagnetic susceptibility observed

experimentally in different materials could be explained by an interaction between

the moments via an interaction field [Weiss, 1907], Since paramagnets are

magnetically homogeneous locally, the magnetic moment per unit volume is equal

everywhere. This does not hold for ferromagnets, where there is a domain

structure. However, for paramagnets it is possible to express the interaction field


He - ocM (2.6)

where a is a (so far) undefined parameter. The total field is thus

H,oi = H + He = H + ccM (2.7)

Though this is a variation on the Langevin model, a Curie-type law should still be

obeyed, such that

^ ^ (2 .8)

H ., T

and H = Htot - ocM, so

r r

%= - (2.9)

^ T - a C T - T

This is the Curie-Weiss law (figure 2.1). What Weiss proved with this was

that a paramagnetic solid with localised, interacting atomic moments will obey

this law, down to the critical temperature Tc. This means that the energy o f the


E = -/u^m • ( ! { + o M)

and the magnetisation as a function o f field will follow


M = M coth /UqM • {H + oM )



fÀ^m • { ! ! + oM) (2.11)

which is a variation on the Langevin function. In other words, the interactions

raise the paramagnetic susceptibility. It must be emphasised that below Tc the

behaviour is very different. Although a number o f paramagnetic materials follow

the Curie law, most metals do not. The Weiss theory further assumes that the

moments are localised. The Weiss theory does not work for most metals because

the magnetic moment is provided by the outer electrons, which are comparatively

mobile in a metallic solid. The Curie-Weiss law does work well for some metals

like nickel, for reasons that are still not clear.

Curie-Weiss law


Temperature (arbitrary units)


3. Weiss theory o f ferromagnetism

In a ferromagnet^ at temperatures well below the magnetic moments within

domains are aligned parallel to each other. For localised moments, we can use an

interaction o f the form used to explain paramagnetism, i.e. an effective field, to

explain the alignment o f ferromagnetic moments within domains below Tc.

Consider the interaction between two magnetic moments, nti and ntj. The

moment will experience a field Hdp which we will assume is in the direction of

nip such that

He\j=Jiimy (2.12)

Thus, the total exchange interaction field will be the vector sum of all the

interactions with other moments

Hc\ = 'LJ\jntj (2.13)

This can be radically simplified if one considers that, if the interactions between

all the moments are identical and thus independent o f displacement between

moments, then all the Jÿ are identical, such that

HQ = a 'L m j (2.14)

where the a is the same as used earlier for the mean-field interaction. If this is so,

then within a domain

He = a(Ms - m\) « oMs (2.15)

where Ms is the spontaneous magnetisation. Then the interaction energy is


E^ = - f M i C x m \ * M ^ . (2.16)

This is the original formulation o f the Weiss theory. It is not entirely

realistic since the assumption that all moments interact equally is not true.

However, within a domain it is a reasonable approximation to make this


When there is no applied field, and if there are no constraints on the

direction of w, we arrive at an analogous Langevin equation

= coth

\ kT



which leads to a solution of perfectly ordered magnetic moments as T approaches

zero. Ms decreases with temperature up to the Curie point where it is zero.

The Weiss model can also be considered in terms of nearest-neighbour

interactions, but that is less interesting for understanding superparamagnetic

behaviour, which focuses on the behaviour of domains.

4. Ferromagnetic domains

In a ferromagnet of finite size, a domain (collection o f coupled parallel magnetic

moments) produces surface free poles, giving rise to magnetostatic energy

In order to reduce Emzg, the spin distribution must be altered, which modifies the

complete parallel spin arrangement. Consequently, exchange energy Eq, and

magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy £a are increased^. Stability is obtained by

minimising the total energy

E = E^^^+E^+E^. (2.18)

^ There is another term, magnetoelastic energy Ex, but this is often ignored since it


Landau and Lifschitz showed in 1935 that the existence o f domains is a

consequence o f energy minimisation. The existence o f domains was empirically

realised earlier from Weiss’ theories, since ferromagnetic materials are not, by

default, magnetised to saturation. The only explanation for this was in postulating

the existence o f domains. A single-domain particle has large magnetostatic

energy, but the division o f the magnetisation into localised regions (domains)

lowers the magnetostatic energy. If the decrease is more than the energy needed to

form a domain wall, multidomain structures will arise.

5. Single-domain particles

Domain walls separate magnetic domains in order to minimise the total energy,

which consists o f the magnetostatic term as well as the exchange and anisotropy

energies. The relative magnitudes o f these energy components determine the

domain structure and shape. Reducing the dimensions o f the crystal by a factor of

I reduces the number o f domains by a factor o f V/ [Chikazumi, 1997]. The energy

cost o f forming a domain wall set against the magnetostatic energy results in an

optimum domain size, and a corresponding minimum multidomain crystal size,

below which a single-domain structure becomes energetically preferable. This

occurs when the energy cost due to the formation o f a domain wall is higher than

the energy gain caused by dividing the single-domain grain into a multidomain


The static, ‘blocked’ state for a single-domain system is quite unlike that

for a multidomain ferromagnet. With the advent of single domain structures, there

is a great increase in the coercive field where » K/ 3Ms for uniaxial

symmetry [Dormann et al., 1997]. Also, a single-domain system’s magnetic

behaviour is more strongly affected by its domain surface structure than a

multidomain system is. This is because while domain walls can move, shrink or

grow, the effective “domain wall” for a single-domain grain is the physical

surface o f the grain, which is fixed in position and unchangeable. The only

process o f magnetisation that remains is rotation.

For simple anisotropies like uniaxial or cubic systems, the anisotropies can


energies are the main sources o f anisotropy, in fine particles the surface

contribution becomes significant too. For a fine particle system, the anisotropy

energy is a sum o f the contributions^

E = E + E_ + E, (2.19)

where E^ is the magnetocrystalline energy, E^ is the magnetostatic energy, and E^

is the surface energy.

Since this thesis deals with iron-silver and iron-copper-silver, it is

important at this point to note that iron exhibits cubic anisotropy, not uniaxial

anisotropy as discussed above.

6. Cubic anisotropy

Iron in its BCC state (a-Fe) has cubic magnetic anisotropy. This means that the

magnetic moments are most easily aligned along the sides o f the BCC unit cell,

[100], [010] or [001] (see figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2. The a-Fe BCC magnetic unit cell.


The anisotropy energy o f a cubic system can be expressed in terms of the

direction cosines (au %) of the magnetisation vector with respect to the three

cube edges. The cubic anisotropy energy can be expressed as a polynomial series

o f the direction cosines a\, % and «3, because o f the high symmetry o f the cube.

Terms including odd powers of a\ must vanish, since a change in sign of any of

the Oj should bring the magnetisation vector to a direction equivalent to the

original direction. Also, the expression must be invariant to any interchange o f i ,j

and k in a\. The expression for the cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy is

E = V

+ ^ (s in ^ 0 + sin"* ^sin^ <p)

+ — sin^ ^sin^ 2^sin^ 2<p + ...



with volume V and anisotropy constants Ku Ki and Ku For a-iron at 20°C, K\ =

4.72x10"^ Jm'^, and K2 = -0.075x10"^ Jm'^ [Chikazumi, 1997]. The value for K^, is

even lower. This means that, effectively, could be adequately described using

only the first term. Doing this, it is easy to see that for [111] is higher than E^

for [1 0 0], so [1 0 0] is an easy axis, as are [0 1 0] and [0 0 1].

7. The energetics o f single-domain systems

The magnetostatic energy per unit volume of a single-domain grain can be

obtained through a simple derivation. The energy per unit volume o f a dipole of

magnetisation M in a magnetic field H is

E = -/u ^ \H » d M . (2.21)

Taking into account the demagnetising field generated by M, = -N^M can

be put into the integral to make


which, for a spherical particle (#d = V3), becomes




(a) Multi-domain particle (b) Single-domain particle

Figure 2.3. Magnetisation M distribution for a high anisotropy particle separated by a domain wall with width 2h, with the single domain case (right).

The critical size for a single-domain particle to be energetically feasible

has been calculated by considering a multidomain particle o f the same size

[Brown, 1969], as shown in figure 2.3(a). The critical size would thus be one

where the energy for a multidomain system exceeds that for a single-domain

configuration. The calculation makes use o f the continuum approximation, which

assumes that the spatial distribution o f lattice spins can be replaced by a

continuous magnetisation, and compares the free energy terms exchange energy

We, anisotropy energy W^ and magnetostatic self-energy W^- For a system with

cubic anisotropy, these are defined as

K = \ c I [{Va, Y + { Va , Y + { Va , Y F

= a : , j { a f a l + « 2 « 3 + )dv

j M * H ' d v ,


where C and K\ are positive constants, and where H is the magnetising force due


The result depends on the degree o f anisotropy within the material, but we

shall not concern ourselves with the low-anisotropy situation since a-Fe is a cubic

(high anisotropy) system [Chikazumi, 1997]. Adding all components together

gives us an upper bound of the free energy F, and eventually yields an expression

for the critical radius Vq [Brown, 1969]

3;r[c(r,+ 2 M .V )]^

where Ms is the saturation magnetisation and cr is an anisotropy parameter which

for cubic anisotropy comes to 0.785392. For BCC a-iron, rc comes to 167 Â. This

is the critical radius, so the critical diameter or crystallite thickness for single­

domain particles would be about 33 nm [Brown, 1969].

8. Theory o f superparamagnetism

The anisotropy energy is proportional to the volume o f the particle V, to a first

approximation. For cubic anisotropy, the associated energy Eb = K] V/4 [Brown,

1979]. For positive cubic anisotropy, as in a-iron and BCC iron-copper, a particle

must cross over an energy barrier in order to change the orientation of its

magnetisation. With a decreasing particle size the anisotropy energy decreases,

and may become comparable to or lower than the thermal energy kT. Thus the

energy barrier for magnetic relaxation may be overcome, and the single-domain

particle can behave like a paramagnetic moment. Thus the entire system can

behave like a paramagnet if the particle size/energy barrier is small enough.

Superparamagnetic behaviour thus occurs within a defined particle size range. If

too small, surface effects become disproportionate and the superparamagnetic

model can no longer be applied to describe the relaxation. The upper limit is, in

theory, the critical radius for a single-domain particle, but in practice, the

temperature required for relaxation to be observable may be so high that it


The observation o f superparamagnetic relaxation is dependent upon the

experimental measurement time tm compared to the relaxation time r associated

with the magnetic relaxation. If the system is seen as being static, i.e.

ferromagnetic for Fe-Ag and Fe-Cu-Ag. If Tm»T, the system is seen as

fluctuating, i.e. superparamagnetic. For a single-domain particle the anisotropy

energy is given by equation (2.19), F = E^ + .

i. Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy

For cubic symmetry, as in a-Fe, the magnetocrystalline energy can be written as

E = V + (K, /4)sin" 20 + sin^ Osin^ 2cp

+ (K^ /16)sin^ ^sin^ 2cp + ...


where 0 and ç are defined in the ordinary spherical co-ordinate system [Dormann

et al., 1997]. For bulk a-iron at 20°C, K\ = 4.72x10^^ Jm'^, and Kj = -0.075x10'^

Jm'^ [Chikazumi, 1997]. Thus K2 and higher order Ks are small enough to be

negligible for the purposes o f magnetocrystalline energy calculations.

ii. Magnetostatic Anisotropy

For single-domain particles this energy is related to the components of

magnetisation in the x, y and z directions and can be expressed exactly for an

ellipsoidal particle. The magnetostatic energy per unit volume for a spherical

particle is [Dormann et al., 1997]

j^mag = - M)A^d/\M ^ dM = jjqNaM^ 12. (2.27)

where M is the magnetic moment o f the entire particle. For an ellipsoid of

revolution, Dormann [Dormann et al., 1997] gives the magnetostatic ^dependent


E mag { N , - N ^ ) s m ‘ 9 . (2.28)

iii. Surface Anisotropy

As particles become smaller the surface-to-volume ratio rises, and the surface

contribution to anisotropy becomes more important. For a cubic system this

becomes, written by surface unit

{E ^ \= K ,c o s ^ e ' (2.29)

where 6' is the angle between m and the perpendicular for the surface [Dormann

et al., 1997]. Simplistically, this should vanish for a perfect sphere. But if one

considers an ellipsoid, the surface energy is given by

E^=K^F (e)Ss\n^e (2.30)

where S is the particle surface and e is the ellipticity (1-6^/a^, where 2a and 2b are

the lengths o f the major and minor axes o f the ellipse) [Dormann et al., 1997]. In

this case, F(e) is

. 1 ( 4 -3 /g ^ arcsing + (3/g^ - 2)eyl\-e^ n

0 ' / Ï 2^ *

^ a r c s m e + e V l - e

This reduces to approximately for small values o f e. This

calculation, by Néel [Néel, 1949], is only valid to a first approximation.

iv. Conclusions

As seen above, the anisotropies for fine particles do not in general have a simple

analytical form. In order for a proper analysis o f anisotropies to be performed, the

system studied has to be known to a very high degree. However, from relaxation


T= To exp [E^lkT] (2.32)

is sufficient, where the main influence on r comes from the exponential [Dormann

et al., 1997]. So, while Eb and % (the characteristic time constant) can be obtained

experimentally, it is usually very difficult to obtain the individual anisotropies

from them.

9. Blocking Temperature

It is known that t is temperature dependent, so the temperature at which r = is

called the blocking temperature 7b. By its very nature, Tg is not well defined,

since it is dependent upon the measurement timescale of the technique used to

observe superparamagnetic behaviour.

For cubic magnetic anisotropy, the energy barrier Eq = K\ K/4, where V is

the particle volume and K\ is the anisotropy defined earlier [Brown, 1979]. This

makes the Néel relaxation relation

T~ To exp {K\ VIAkT) (2.33)

or, for relaxation frequency v,

v= vb exp(-A'iF/4Â:7) (2.34)

This is strictly speaking only correct for a single magnetic particle, in isolation. If

we have a system with a distribution o f moment orientations, it can be treated

statistically. Consider an assembly of single-domain particles, each having a

magnetic moment //. In the case o f superparamagnetic relaxation, where Eb < kT,

at a temperature T, and an applied field H, and assuming thermodynamic

equilibrium has been achieved, there will be a Boltzmann distribution of

orientations o f // with respect to H, just like the case o f classical paramagnetism

[Jacobs and Bean, I960]. The average fraction o f the moment in the direction of


~ \ ( u * H I /j H)eKç{-f i » H lkT)dÇl

^ - (2.35)

where d/2 is a solid angle and Qx^{-fi*H!kT) is proportional to p{àf2), i.e. the

probability that // lies within d/2 relative to H. The result of the integration is,

again, the Langevin function

^ = (2.36)

which reduces to


and (2.37)

i^ = \ - — ioT i j H » k T .

f i f i H

The difference between the above and Langevin paramagnetism is that ju is not the

moment o f a single atom, but the moment o f a single-domain particle. This

treatment also ignores any anisotropy. The cubic anisotropy of a-Fe, for instance,

will affect the Boltzmann distribution o f magnetic alignment with respect to H.

The magnetisation curve will thus no longer be a simple Langevin function.

Considering uniaxial anisotropy, where E = KVsir^9 - pHcosO [Dormann,

1981], the low-field approximation will depend on KVIkT. For > 0, the

approximation now becomes

^ ÎOT K V « k T


and (2.38)


For cubic anisotropy, however, the initial magnetisation o f the assembly remains

at juH/3kT for all Eb, and l-kUjijH in the approach to saturation [Jacobs and Bean,

I960], Thus, in the approach to saturation the system follows a l / / f law, in which

the magnetisation varies linearly with MH for high / / values.

10. Real superparamagnetic systems

In real systems that exhibit superparamagnetic relaxation, things are more

complex. For one thing, there will be a distribution in particle volumes, which

leads directly to a distribution in r values. This broadens the ‘blocking region’

around Th. Also, as discussed earlier in this chapter, there are many contributions

to the anisotropy energy: magnetocrystalline, magnetostatic, shape, stress and

surface. Notably, the relatively large surface to volume ratio o f single-domain

particles means that the magnetic moment \m\ will be different from the bulk

material value.

Usually in real superparamagnetic system at temperatures comparable to

the blocking temperature, there will be a fraction o f the moments that are not

relaxing at a frequency detectable by the measurement technique in question. This

component is given as It is difficult to determine this experimentally in most

techniques. Also, the value o f M„r will vary with [Dormann et al., 1997]. Most

theoretical models neglect surface anisotropy energy (as already mentioned) as

well as interparticle interaction anisotropy energy (see below). This is because, to

consider these fully, an advanced knowledge o f the main parameters, e.g. particle

size, shape and spatial distribution, is required.

11. Relaxation time calculation

The energy barrier against magnetic relaxation Eb and characteristic time

parameter tq in equation (2.32), t = roexp[£B/^T], can be determined

experimentally, but without a good knowledge o f the anisotropies it is difficult to

relate Eb or tq to these. Neel made the first relaxation time r calculation in 1949.

He assumed that the particle spins were rigidly coupled and that synchronous

rotation o f the spins occurs when the magnetic moment m is reversed. For


T= roNCxp {KVIkT) (2.39)


3 \ 2 r M i G K . / K f 7 Ï T

Brown, however, criticised this calculation because the system is not

strictly gyromagnetic. His modified relaxation time formula requires substantial

algebra and use o f the Gilbert and Fokker-Planck equations [Dormann et al, 1997,

Brown, 1969, 1979].

Brown assumed that the relaxation time r = tyJX\, where X\ is the smallest

non-vanishing eigenvalue o f the Sturm-Liouville equation [Dormann et al., 1997,

Brown, 1969]. For cubic positive anisotropy, and for a = KV/kT> 10, the simplest

form o f X\ is

„ M Æ > 9.-JÏ

A, = a

1 + 77;

exp \


where rfr is the damping constant in the Fokker-Planck equation. For small a, X\ =

2, which is a good approximation for a < 5. As opposed to the uniaxial symmetry

approach, the high and low energy cases do not overlap [Dormann et al., 1997].

There is not yet a unique Brown formula for rin cubic anisotropy.

12. Interparticle interactions

All fine-particle systems experience some degree o f interparticle interactions,

whose strength depends on the volume concentration Cy. Magnetic dipolar


Fe-Cu-Ag, where both the magnetic particles and matrix are metals, so are RKKY

interactions. The three types o f interaction are thus dipolar, RKKY and exchange.

Exchange interactions are very powerful, o f the order o f 1000 T, but only

within a ferromagnetic material. The exchange interaction does not penetrate

paramagnets more than a few atomic spacings [Hernando, 1999]. Exchange

interactions between particles are not thought to be significant for magnetic

particles in a diamagnetic matrix [Kemeny, 1999].

RKKY interactions [Kittel, 1949] get their name from the names o f the

authors Ruderman, Kittel, Kasuya and Yosida. These interactions occur in dilute

solutions o f a magnetic metal in a non-magnetic matrix (such as Fe in Ag). The

interaction caused is between the magnetic ions, and is due to a magnetisation of

the conduction electrons in the vicinity o f the magnetic ions. In the compounds

dealt with in this thesis, the magnetic ions are all in the magnetic particles. The

RKKY effect is dominant over small intergranular separations o f 1 nm or less, but

for larger distances, the dipolar interaction is likely to be the most dominant,

provided the grains are large enough, with more than 50 atoms [Altbir et al.,


Dipolar interactions are due to the moment o f the magnetic grains in

themselves. This interaction diminishes as l/t/^ÿ, where d\^ is the intergranular

distance. All these interactions modify the energy barrier Es. If a relaxation in m

does not change the overall anisotropy energy, then the interparticle interactions

can be said to be constant for the assembly as a whole.

As discussed, a single-domain magnetic particle will fluctuate thermally at

a characteristic time according to the Néel relation

r= To exp(EB/A:T). (2,42)

For an assembly o f non-identical particles a distribution of relaxation times r will

result. Since the Néel relation is only fully correct for a single particle it is often

modified to the Vogel-Fulcher (VF) equation,


where Tq is a phenomenological parameter, aimed at compensating for the

elevated blocking temperatures caused by interparticle interactions, which would

otherwise yield a lower result for tq than is realistic. The parameters tq and Eb can

be obtained experimentally, and while expressions for them exist, the system

needs to be known to a very high degree before these expressions can be used.

The variety of possible interparticle interactions (dipolar, exchange,

RKKY) makes the analysis o f inteiparticle interactions difficult. The fact that, in

the superparamagnetic state, the moments are fluctuating at a frequency v does

not simplify matters. Considering the system at a sufficiently high temperature,

such that the collective state is not present can allow a theoretical analysis for a

system o f a sufficiently narrow distribution of particle sizes, and hence moments.

Dormann et al. have managed to obtain a model for interparticle

interactions in a uniaxial system, which we shall refer to as the DBF model

[Dormann et al., 1999]. Only dipolar interactions, judged the most dominant in

most superparamagnetic systems, were considered in this work, though other

interactions should behave in roughly the same way.

Consider two particles with magnetic moments nt\ and imj as shown in

figure 2.4. These moments are aligned along the unit vectors u\ and i#j

respectively, with |iw,| = M\Vi and \ntj\ = Mj^, where M is the magnetisation at a

temperature T and V is the particle volume. The line between the centres o f the

particles is parallel to the unit vector fÿ, and the scalar distance between the

particles is d\y

Particle i sees a field due to the dipolar interaction with particle j. The

energy corresponding to the field is E\^ = - • U{M\V\, where = (MjFj /

Jjj^)[3(«j • i*ij) fjj - Wj]. These equations assume that m for each particle is located

in the centre o f the particle.

The exchange interactions inside the particle are much stronger than the

dipolar interactions due to other particles here, so the spins remain nearly parallel

in the core o f the particle (surface effects are neglected here). This is a good



Figure 2.4. The two-particle interparticle interaction model co-ordinate system.

Dormann obtained a statistical expression for the energy barrier with

regards to dipolar interactions, based on the above equations



in which M is the average magnetisation, Vis the average volume, L is a Langevin

function and ûtÿ = (FjMij^)(3cos^<fjj - 1), where is an angle parameter o f ry

[Dormann et al., 1997]. The model yields, for particles o f uniaxial anisotropy, the

total energy barrier for a superparamagnetic system o f inhomogeneous blocking


= ^BO + n\a\M mL[aiM mV/kT\ (2.45)

where Ebo is the energy barrier for a non-interacting particle, and the second term

represents the interparticle interactions. In this «j is the average number of NN, a\

~ Cv/V2 where Cv is the volume concentration of magnetic particles in the sample.

According to this theory, interparticle interactions in a system o f particles with


barrier Eg. This considers only nearest-neighbour (NN) interactions. L is a

Langevin function coth a - l/« , with a = [a\M^x\rVlkT\. For a weakly interacting

system this becomes

Eb = Ebo + n\{a\hf'mVflQkT) (2.46)

and for medium-strength interactions or low temperatures one obtains [Dormann

et al., 1999]

Eb « ^Bo - n\kT + n\{a\M^^Vf • (2.47)

For strong interactions the system enters into a collective state, with spin glass­

like homogeneous freezing. For systems this dense the relaxation time ceases to

obey any modified Arrhenius-Néel relation and instead follows a power law

r = r o [r g /(r f-r g )r (2.48)

where Tg is the glass transition temperature and 7f is the freezing temperature. The

exponent v depends on the law governing the phase transition. This spin glass

relation adequately describes the collective state o f particle assemblies, though it

is difficult to determine the value o f v experimentally.

13. Conclusions

In this chapter, we have discussed the domain concept in ferromagnets, and the

basic concept o f paramagnetism. We have seen that there is a critical radius for

single-domain particles, which is a first step in determining whether or not the

samples studied are potential superparamagnets. We have discussed the

superparamagnetic effect, and the nature o f the energy barrier against spontaneous

magnetic relaxation. We have also discussed the nature and effects o f exchange,

RKKY and dipolar interactions in fme-particle assemblies, their role in the


can now consider how superparamagnetic effects manifest themselves in the



3 : Sample preparation and experimental details

The focus of this thesis, in terms o f the systems studied, is on silver and

iron-copper-silver mechanically alloyed samples. There are many reasons behind the

choice o f these samples. One reason for choosing iron-silver and

iron-copper-silver was that previous work had been done on these samples to investigate the

Giant Magnetoresistance behaviour in these samples. [Cohen et al., 1997; Cohen,

1998] The relatively low volume fractions of magnetic material meant these

samples were considered the most suitable ones in which to study

superparamagnetic effects. Iron and silver are immiscible to a high degree

[Hansen and Anderko, 1958], and with the right ratio of iron and silver,

nanometric clusters o f iron should be created in a silver matrix when mechanically

alloyed. A similar structure has been obtained by annealing a completely alloyed

sample in order to obtain re-crystallisation into clusters [Peng et al., 1994].

A further reason for the choice o f iron-silver was the desire to use pSR to

probe superparamagnetism in the samples (see chapter 6). Silver has almost no

nuclear magnetic moment, and therefore no perceivable pSR relaxation signal.

This makes an M-Ag sample, where M is a. magnetic element or compound, ideal

for studying exclusively the behaviour of M in a dilute solution.

It was soon discovered that the mechanical alloying o f iron and silver does

yield a nanoscale distribution o f particles in a silver matrix. However, the particle

sizes were still relatively large, and any superparamagnetic relaxation behaviour

only occurs at temperatures above room temperature. Not wishing to alter the

metastable sample by annealing it, these regions were inaccessible. Adding a

small amount o f copper to the mixture o f an iron-silver sample does, however,

decrease the particle size and make the relaxation phenomena more accessible.

This was the reason for turning to ternary iron-copper-silver alloys.

1. Sample preparation

Iron and silver are almost totally immiscible, and will not even alloy when melted

together. In the study o f immiscible or partially miscible metal alloys, sample


however, often be created by arc melting [Bewley and Cywinski, 1998], melt

spinning [Lopez et al., 1998], sputtering [Jackson et al., 2000] or mechanical

alloying [Schultz and Eckert, 1994], just to name a few techniques.

In this project, the majority o f samples were created by mechanical

alloying in a high-energy ball mill. The workings o f a high-energy planetary ball

mill can be seen in figure 3.1. The Fritsch Pulverisette 7 high-energy ball mill

used here consists o f a turntable with attachments for two milling pots o f Cr-Ni

steel or Syalon, a compound consisting o f Si3N4 and some dopant containing

aluminium. Because syalon has a lower density than Cr-Ni steel, it is thought that

the syalon ball mill will have lower milling energy than the Cr-Ni steel one.

M illing bowl


M illing bowl

Figure 3.1. A sketch o f the workings o f a planetary ball mill.

These milling pots each contain 6-7 balls o f the same material as the pot.

When the turntable turns, the pots rotate as shown in the figure, which causes

collisions that result in cold welding and fracturing o f crystallites. This initially

produces layered powder particles on a microscopic scale, but further milling


create a metastable alloy [Schultz and Eckert, 1994]. If the constituents are

sufficiently miscible, an amorphous alloy will be the result.

Elemental powders with micron scale crystallites were weighed to achieve

the correct stochiometry and mixed in a pot. The pot was sealed inside a Saffron

glove box under an argon atmosphere in order to prevent oxidation. The results of

the milling depend on the ratios of initial components and their miscibility. For

instance, FezoCugo, when milled for 60 hours, alloys completely, whereas Fe2oAggo

milled for the same time yields a nanoscale polycrystalline granular mixture. To

prevent over-heating, the samples were only milled for two hours continuously

(heating the pots to 40-50°C), after which a cooling period o f one hour would

follow before the next two-hour milling period. As such, a 70 hour milling would

take approximately AYz days to complete.

One sample presented in this thesis was prepared by arc melting. The arc

furnace used was an Edmund Bühler Arc-Melting apparatus. The electrode was

made of tungsten and water-cooled. The electrode had a maximum possible

current o f 400 A, and the generator could generate 18kW. The tungsten tip was

brought near a water-cooled copper trough. The atmosphere inside the chamber

was 0.5 bar Argon. The tungsten electrode was first “fired” onto a piece of

zirconium (which melts under the beam) to clear the atmosphere o f impurities.

The zirconium absorbs oxygen particularly well, as well as other impurities. Zr

melts at 2128 K, but the actual temperature the arc could induce was proportional

to the electrical resistance. Silver, for example, is a very good conductor and does

thus not attain such high temperatures.

Because the trough was water-cooled, the cooling time o f the samples was

short. The alloy composition after melting varied with gas pressure. In addition,

the actual composition o f the sample can vary due to mass loss while under the

arc beam. In the case o f the FeAg samples, a small loss o f silver through the

arc-melting process was expected, thus leaving a higher ratio o f iron to silver. By

moving the arc in a rolling motion, the melt could be mixed in a way that ensured


In following the procedure detailed above, it was seen that the FeAg


unclear what caused this; perhaps studying the effect o f melting pure silver would

give an answer. It is unlikely that this is an effect o f the iron in the mixture.

2. Magnetic measurement techniques

In this project, being in the main an examination o f magnetic relaxation effects, a

thorough investigation o f the magnetic properties can only be realised by

investigating the relaxation behaviour through a variety o f measurement

timescales (see chapter 2). Apart from the more traditional techniques o f DC

Magnetisation and Mossbauer Spectroscopy, pSR has also been used in an

attempt to explore an intermediate timescale.

i. VSM - Tm = 1-10 s

The Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, usually abbreviated as VSM, works by

moving a magnetic sample rapidly up and down between the poles o f a magnet.

The magnetisation is detected by induction coils placed between the poles and

around the sample. This has a measurement timescale on the order o f 1-10

seconds. A VSM is, simply put, a gradiometer that measures the difference in

induction in a space with and without a sample present. This leads to a direct

measurement o f the bulk magnetisation M. Important considerations when using a

VSM are the packing o f the sample for powder samples, the alignment o f the

sample, and demagnetisation effects. As the space between the poles is only a few

centimetres, the samples cannot easily be made large enough to wholly eliminate

demagnetisation effects. Within the context o f this project, the VSM has been

used to obtain magnetisation curves and hysteresis loops. Some of these have later

been analysed via a Langevin function (see chapters 2 and 4).

The sample is mounted on a rod between the poles o f a magnet, where also

a small pick-up coil is placed, as shown in figure 3.2. The sample vibrates

sinusoidally at a fixed frequency o f 66 Hz in order to minimise interference from

the mains frequency (50 Hz). An e.m.f. is generated in the pick-up coils that is

proportional to the sample magnetisation. As the sample vibrates, a voltage is


Figure 2.1. The Curie-Weiss law %= C/{T- Tc)
Figure 2.2. The a-Fe BCC magnetic unit cell.
Figure 2.4. The two-particle interparticle interaction model co-ordinate system.
Figure 3.1. A sketch of the workings of a planetary ball mill.


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