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Development of Database on Preservation of Digital Information through Model Open Archives Information System (OAIS) in Library of Telkom University


Academic year: 2021

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Development of Database on Preservation of Digital Information

through Model Open Archives Information System (OAIS)

in Library of Telkom University

Yudi Priyadi1, Herry Irawan2


Departemen of Telecommunication and Informatics Business Management, School of Economics and Business, Telkom University.

[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Generally, this activity was intended to develop database in preserving

digital information of an institution, by combining two development models, Open Archival Information System and database development. To reach everything intended in the general purpose, this research had several particular goals as follows: developing modeling of existing system for library digital preservation using both diagram context and flow diagram data, designing existing modeling for library data management using entity relation diagram, developing database model included in the model reference of Open Archival Information System as well as database development. The methodology of this activity was done by adopting process reference model for database development and Open Archival Information System (OAIS), including: Establishing requirements, Data Analysis, OAIS Database Design Requirements, Database preservation. The development activities involved Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), Dissemination Information Package (DIP). On Database preservation stage, which is the core of this activity, conversion of preservation format OAIS, namely: XML would be done.

Key WordsDatabase development, Preservation digital, XML, Data flow

diagram, Entity relation diagram, OAIS.



Referring to Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 2012, on the implementation of law Number 43 of 2009 on Archiving. In Article 114 to 117, it can be perceived that in order to be able to carry on the functions of National Archival Information System (SIKN), National Archives of the Republic or Indonesia (ANRI) formed National Archival Information System (JIKN) which focuses on dynamic and statistic archives. Even written, that the archival institutions of private colleges can be the network node. (Law Number 43 of 2009). Through cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMDIKBUD) and National Film Archive Institution – Sinematek, there are several activities, including: movie data are stored in Database, movie collections that can be accessed via wireless using all gadgets, and connectivity of data collection which is centered on a server using Ubiquitous Network. (Suara Pembaruan, 2013). For preservation development purpose, digital Format on the library of Telkom University can perform benchmarking against the latest condition of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as in the case of Sinematek Indonesia mentioned above, by searching for the appropriate file format suitable with the condition of the institution. Generally, this activity report is aimed to develop database in the activity of digital information preservation in an institution, by combining two reference models, Open


Archival Information System and database development. To achieve the items included in the general goal, this research had several particular goals: designing the existing system and existing data management for digital preservation using context diagram, data flow diagram and entity relation diagram. In addition, to develop database model through model reference of Open Archival Information System and database development (OAIS), which has three entities, including: consumer, producer, and management.


Literature Review

2.1 The Concept of OAIS

The functional entity model in Figure 1 is derived for detailed function of the external environment of OAIS model, namely producer, management, and consumer. There is a separation into six functional entities as its interface, namely: Ingest, Archival Storage, Data Management, Administration, Preservation Planning, and Access.

Fig. 1: Functional Entities of OAIS (M.Gladney, 2007)

2.2 Element of Database

Generally, database means a collection of facts of interconnected table representation, and is stored in digital storage media. Referring to the illustration in Figure 2, it can be seen that a database consists of a collection of tables that are related or unrelated, where all tables are representation of place for data storage that supports the function of the database in a system.


2.3 Information Package of OAIS Model

In functional entities of OAIS, there are work materials utilized by six functional entities, in a form of Information package which includes digital object and its metadata. The taxonomy of Information Package in OAIS model is differentiate into three packages, namely: Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), and Dissemination Information Package (DIP).


Software Independent Archiving of Relational Databases (hereinafter preferred as SIARD), is a standard software used in the preservation process in OAIS activity. Primary data and metadata stored are in content folders in the form of XML, where each table from the database will be automatically generated. Simply put, data processing mechanism of SIARD is conducted from the download result of a database table, where SQL notation from the database and metadata will be processed into SIARD File. In the preservation activity, this SIARD file will be converted into XML file that is very dynamic in nature and form during the format transformation in the preservation.


Research Method and Design

The development of database is one of the activities of software engineering. In this methodology, adoption of process reference model is conducted for database development and Open Archival Information System (OAIS), as follows:

• Establishing requirements. In this early stage, system requirements needed by all involving entities are determined, in consultation and agreement with the existence of an explicit statement for data management activity stored in a database.

• Data Analysis. Furthermore, the stage of data analysis begins by considering the request needs and ends by generating system specification. System specification is a formal representation for system supposed to be done, and is expressed in a form that does not depend on the way of its realization.

• OAIS Database Design Requirements. Beginning with system specification that generates document design, as well as providing detailed descriptions of the system to be built.

• Database preservation, is the core stage from the entire development activities, involving Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), Dissemination Information Package (DIP). In this stage, conversion of preservation format of OAIS is conducted, namely: XML.

Referring to Taxonomic of Information Package (SIP, AIP, DIP), this research conducts database development while conducting preservation activities, as follows:


After going through a transformation process, such as SIP, AIP, and DIP, database with SQL format is contained in browser database. This format is ready to be used as a standard preservation format for OAIS model, namely XML. This transformation process can be observed in Figure 4.

Fig.4: Transformation of Standard Format of Preservation



4.1 OAIS Environment

Presented in the following is a diagram of activity result that directly related to the preservation process in the library of Telkom University. OAIS formulates its entities as the followings: Producer Entities are entities of lecturers and students, Management Entities are entities of Library Administration and Super Admin, Consumer Entities are entities of lecturers and students. Through the model of external environment of OASIS, simplification and grouping of entities based on their characteristics and functions in library environment can be done. The illustration of entities and their environment can be seen in Figure 5.

Fig.5: Modification of OAIS External Environment

4.1.1 Context Diagram

Begun with transaction by Students and Lectures Entities, when processing the objects of thesis and research, both entities flow upload data, process data and see data processes. Then, entity of Library Admin conduct the transaction on objects of research, thesis, books and magazines. On the other hand, Super Admin entity conduct transaction on objects of data user, catalogue, and book supplement CDs. The illustration of preservation activity held in the library is illustrated in Figure 6.


Fig.6: Context Diagram of Library Preservation

4.1.2 Adoption of OAIS Administration Context Diagram

In Figure 7, adjustment is made on the data flow contained in Producer, Management, and Consumer entities. This data flow is adopted from the preservation context diagram of Figure 6. In this research, the role of Lecturer and Students entities is formulated to be in the same group, namely as consumer and producer. On the other hand, Admin and Super Admin entities belong to group of management.

Fig.7: OAIS Administration Context Diagram

The followings are the explanation of data flow for Producer, Management, and Consumer entities:  Lds = Lihat data skripsi (See thesis data)

 Ldpjb = Lihat data peminjaman buku (See borrowing book data)

 Ldpmb = Lihat data pengembalian buku (See book returning data)

 Ldu = Lihat data user (See user data)

 Idu = Input data user (Input user data)  Ik = Input katalog (Input catalogue)

 CDsb = CD suplemen buku (Book Suplement CDs)

 MLdk = Mhswa Lihat data katalog (Students see catalogue data)


 Lkt = Laporan katalog terbaru (Report of latest catalogue)

 Lktr = Laporan katalog terpopuler (Reports of most populer catalogue)

 Pds = Pengarsipan data skripsi (Archiving or thesis data)

 Pdp = Pengarsipan data penelitian (Archiving of research data)

 Pjb = Peminjaman buku (Borrowing Book)  Pmb = Pengembalian buku (Book Returning)  Mj = majalah (Magazine)

 Bk = buku

 Ldsk = Lihat data skripsi (Thesis data catalogue)

 Ldp = Lihat data penelitian (See research data)

 Ds = Data skripsi (Thesis data)

 DLdk = Dosen lihat data katalog (Lecturers see catalogue data)

 Us = Upload skripsi (Upload thesis)  Hs = Hardcopy Skripsi (Thesis hardcopy)  Udp = Upload data penelitian (Upload

research data)

 Ods = Olah data skripsi (Process thesis data)

4.1.3 Data Flow Diagram

Referring to Figure 8 on Context Diagram of Library Preservation, the following activity is decomposing process of Level 0 of Library Preservation. This decomposition generates Data Flow Diagram Level 1 for eleven sub-processes, namely: User, Borrow Book, Book Returning, Book Catalogue, Catalogue Report, Book Supplement CDs, Magazines, Books, Theses, Manual theses, and Lecturer Researches. See Figure 8 for the illustration of decomposition process. On the other hand, data storage activity in Data Flow Diagram Level 1 generates eight data stores, namely: DsUser, DsItemBuku, DsKatalogBuku, DsTumpukanCD, DsMajalah, DsRakBuku, DsRakBuku, dan DsSkripsi.

Fig.8: Data Flow Diagram

Table 1 contains the explanation of connectivity between entities, sub processes and data store occurred in context diagram Level 1. This analysis activity can be used as a reference to ensure the involvement of all components of the Data Flow.


Table 1. Relationship of Entities, Sub-Process and Data Store.


Super Admin User DsUser

Super Admin Borrow Book DsItemBuku, DsUser

Super Admin Return Book DsUser

Super Admin, Student, Lecturer Book Catalogue DsKatalogBuku

Super Admin Catalogue Report DsKatalogBuku

Super Admin BookSupplementCD DsTumpukanCD

Library Admin Magazine DsRakMajalah

Library Admin Book DsRakBuku

Library Admin Thesis DsDokumen

Library Admin Lecturer Research DsDokumen

Student Thesis DsDokumen

Student Manual Thesis DsRakSkripsi

Lecturer Thesis DsDokumen

Lecturer Lecturer Research DsDokumen

4.1.4 Adoption of OAIS Data Flow Diagram

For OAIS Data Flow Diagram, the data flow is more focused on Producer and Consumer entities. Based on Figure 7 on Administration Context Diagram, adoption and data flow adjustment as in Figure 9 are conducted. On this Data Flow Diagram, Producer and Consumer entities have the same data flow like presented in OAIS Administration Context Diagram.

Fig.9: OAIS Data Flow Diagram

Functional entities directly involved in this activity are Ingest, Archival Storage, Data Management, Preservation Planning, and Access. Data flow for Producer and Consumer entities is explained as follows:


 MLdk = Mhswa Lihat data katalog (Student see catalogue data)

 Ldsk = Lihat data skripsi (See thesis data)  Ldp = Lihat data penelitian (See research


 Ds = Data skripsi (Thesis data)

 DLdk = Dosen lihat data katalog (Lecturer see catalogue data)

 Us = Upload skripsi (Upload thesis)  Hs = Hardcopy Skripsi (Thesis hardcopy)  Udp = Upload data penelitian (Upload

research Data)

 Ods = Olah data skripsi (Process thesis data)

4.2 Entity Relationship Diagram

The planning for this data modeling is made based on the existing Data Store contained in Data Flow Diagram. Each of these Data Store would become entities of Entity Relationship Diagram (hereinafter preferred as ERD). Referring to Figure 10, from the ERD it can be observed that OAIS activity directly involves eight entities, namely:

KatalogBuku (BookCatalogue)  TumpukanCD (CDStack)  RakBuku (Bookshelf)  RakMajalah (MagazineRack)  RakSkripsi (ThesisRack)  Dokumen (Document)  User ItemBuku (BookItem) On the other hand, all entities use the following relationships:

Memiliki (Keep)  Menyimpan (Save)  Bertransaksi (Transact)  MemilikiLog (KeepLog)  MenyimpanTCD (SaveTCD)  MenyimpanRB (Save RB)  MenyimpanRM (StoreRM)


4.3 The Utilization of SQL Notation

SQL Notation is a syntax to create table structure and its relationship on database. To execute all notations, this research utilizes localhost server which generates eight tables, namely:


ds_itembuku (ds_bookitem)  ds_dokumen (ds_document)  ds_rakskripsi (ds_thesis rack)

ds_katalogbuku (ds_bookcatalogue) ds_tumpukancd (ds_cdstack)  ds_rakbuku (ds_bookshelf)  ds_rakmajalah (ds_magazinerack)

This part presents the footage of SQL notation to design the structure of the tables. The following is the Syntax footage:

SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET time_zone = "+00:00";

... ...

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ds_dokumen` ( `id_dokumen` int(11) NOT NULL,

`id_user` int(11) NOT NULL, `workflow_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

`knowledge_subject_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `knowledge_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `abstract_content` text NOT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL

) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ds_itembuku` ( `id_item` int(11) NOT NULL,

`id_user` int(11) NOT NULL, `id_buku` int(11) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `publisher` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL, `penalty_cost` int(11) NOT NULL

) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ... ( and so on )

4.4 Relationship of Tables and Their Structures

Based on SQL notation above, the execution result is tables that are related to each other. All of these tables are stored in one database called Preservation. Figure 11 presents the relational physical preview of all tables that will be used in the database development activity during preservation.


To clarify the structure of relational table mentioned above, the followings are structure presented below are eight tables consisting of Field Name, Data Type, and Length for every field of the table: 1. Table structure for ds_user: 2. Table structure for ds_katalogbuku:

3. Table structure for ds_dokumen: 4. Table structure for ds_itembuku:

5. Table structure for ds_rakskripsi : 6. Table structure for ds_tumpukancd:

7. Table structure for ds_rakbuku,: 8. Table structure for ds_rakmajalah,:

4.5 The Utilization of SIARD

Through the features owned by Software Independent Archiving of Relational Databases (hereinafter preferred as SIARD), database scheme that will be preserved can be created. Database used in this research is the preservation with eight tables. Through SIARD, this database will generate a file called hasil.siard, which contains preservation Scheme taken from preservation database. On the SIARD preservation result scheme, there are eight tables which have the same structures with the tables in preservation database. Finally, export metadata as a standard reservation format for OAIS model, namely XML can be conducted on the file named hasil.siard. The scheme-making result can be seen in Figure 12.


Fig.12: Preservation Scheme

XML is a standard preservation format, which is resulted from the development of OAIS-based database in this research. This format can be developed freely into the forms of database development for other preservation formats. SIARD generates preservation format of XML. The format footage can be seen below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="metadata.xsl"?>

<siardArchive xmlns="http://www.bar.admin.ch/xmlns/siard/1.0/metadata.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bar.admin.ch/xmlns/siard/1.0/metadata.xsd metadata.xsd"> <dbname>hasil</dbname> <dataOwner>(...)</dataOwner> <dataOriginTimespan>(...)</dataOriginTimespan>

<producerApplication>SiardEdit 1.70 Swiss Federal Archives, Berne, Switzerland, 2007-2013</producerApplication> <archivalDate>2015-03-02</archivalDate> <messageDigest>MD5F837C5BFA15A6F8719528D70101E0471</messageDigest> <connection>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/preservasi</connection> <databaseUser>"root@localhost"</databaseUser> <schemas> <schema> --- --- </schema> </schemas> <users> <user> <name>root@localhost</name> </user> </users> </siardArchive>




Generally, this activity generates the development of database in the activity of digital preservation information in an institution, by combining two development reference models, namely Open Archival Information System (OAIS) and database development. Specifically, this activity achieves the following results:

• In the planning of Context Diagram model Level 0, there are four entities, namely: student, Lecturer, Library Admin, and Super Admin. Referring to the Context Diagram of Library Preservation, process decomposition of Level 0 of Library Preservation is conducted. This decomposition results in Data Flow Diagram Level 1 for eleven sub-processes, namely: User, PinjamBuku (Borrow Book), PengembalianBuku (Return Book), KatalogBuku (Book Catalogue), LaporanKatalog (Catalogue Report), CDSuplemenBuku (Book supplement CD), Majalah (Magazine), Buku (Book), Skripsi (Thesis), SkripsiManual (Manual Thesis), and PenelitianDosen (Lecturer Research). In addition, the data storage activity of Data Flow Diagram Level 1 generates eigh data stores as follow: DsUser, DsItemBuku, DsKatalogBuku, DsTumpukanCD, DsMajalah, DsRakBuku, DsRakBuku, dan DsSkripsi.

• Entity relationship diagram for library data management modeling consists of eight entities, namely: RakSkripsi, Dokumen, User, ItemBuku, KatalogBuku, TumpukanCD, RakBuku, RakMajalah. These entities are connected by seven relations, namely: Memiliki (Keep), Menyimpan (Save), Bertransaksi (Transact), MemilikiLog (KeepLog), MenyimpanTCD (SaveTCD), MenyimpanRB (SaveRB), MenyimpanRM (SaveRM). In addition, there is no cardinality use of many to many, therefore there is no additional number of physical table during preservation. This means, the number of ERD entity equals with the number of database, namely eight tables.

• Referring to the design result of Context Diagram and Data Flow Diagram, when making OAIS Administration CD and OAIS DFD, adjustments of data flow name consistency are conducted, as follows: MLdk, Ldsk, Ldp, Ds, DLdk, Us, Hs, Udp, and Ods. The classification of OAIS entities are as follows: students and lecturers bot as Consumer and Producer, and for library Admin and Super Admin are classified as Management.


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