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Curriculum Vitae Janet Bowker (English version) Academic qualifications post-graduate specializations


Academic year: 2021

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Curriculum Vitae Janet Bowker (English version)

Academic qualifications—post-graduate specializations

University degree in History, B.A. hons. Upper division of the second class, 2/1. Awarded by the University of Reading, UK.

Post-graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English as a Second and Foreign language. Awarded by “The Royal Society of Arts (R.S.A.)”, Middlesex University, U.K.

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (P.G.C.E.) in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Official State teaching qualification for Higher Education. Awarded by The Institute of Education, University of London, UK.

Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics (Language and Literature in Education). Awarded by The Institute of Education, University of London, UK.

Academic posts, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome

Feb. 1981 – Dec. 2003: Faculty of Economics, Rome campus

Native-speaker lecturer in English studies.

Jan 2, 2004 – to date Faculty of Economics, (Rome, Pomezia, Civitavecchia campuses) Department of Geo-Economic, Linguistic, Statistical and Historical Studies for Regional Analysis. Since 2010, Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Regions and Finance, MEMOTEF.

Tenured researcher and Adjunct Professor, scientific disciplinary sector L-LIN/12 (English Linguistics and Translation).

Dec. 12, 2010: Conferred Italian state national qualification of eligibility for a position as

Associate Professor, in the disciplinary sector L-LIN/12, English Linguistics and Translation. (Selection process held in Faculty of Letters

and Philosophy, “Roma Tre” University, November 2010). (Official confirmation documentation D.R. n.2342-2010, 17/12/2010.)

Responsible for the following official teaching modules:

2004--2008: English course (3 credits, first degree cycle, 3 years); evening stream, Rome Campus (Adjunct Professor).

2004--2008: English course (3 credits, first-degree cycle, 3 years), Pomezia Campus. 2008--2011: Legal English Course (6 credits, first-degree cycle, 3 years), University Degree

Course, ECOMM-N , Civitavecchia Campus, (Adjunct Professor).

2009—to date: English course (6 credits, first degree cycle, 3 years), University Degree Course ECOMM-N, Rome Campus (Adjunct Professor).


International Research Centre in European and International Studies, the “Eurosapienza”, Faculty of Economics, Rome.

2007-to date: The content co-ordinator for the official computer examinations, “Computer Tests”, used for evaluation of B1 and B2 level English courses (according to the European Common Framework for Foreign Languages) administered to students in the Sapienza’s Economics and Law Faculties: B1, B2 English for Economics and Business; B2 Legal English (the latter until 2011).

Creation and evaluation of self-study e-learning materials in an experimental didactic framework.

2007-to date. Preparation and administration of the English tests to evaluate students applying for participation in the following study projects: Erasmus Life Long Learning Programme/Erasmus Plus/Student mobility outside the E.U.

2010-to date: Co-ordination, preparation and administration of the tests used in the European project for the certification of English in the Social Sciences at university level, TOESP, Test of English for Specific Purposes, together with the University of Milan.

Commissions and institutional positions

2007-to date: English Language Commissioner for Erasmus Plus/LLP (Life Long Learning Programme/ student mobility outside E.U.

2007: Commission member formed by the Ministry of Justice to examine students enrolled in university courses of Law while incarcerated inside La Casa di Reclusione, “Rebibbia” di Roma, 18.10.2007; 17.11.2007.

2009: Commission member for the public selection of a research post in the scientific disciplinary sector L-LIN/12, English Linguistics and Translation, University of Trento, Sep.2009.

2009: Commission member for English language evaluation in the public selection of 500 positions as “Magistrato Ordinario” in accordance with DM. 27.02.2008, Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura.

2010-to date: Commission member for the selection of temporary contracts in teaching and other kinds of collaboration:

-2010-2014: teaching posts in English, French and Spanish, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome;


University appointment in the United Kingdom

1980-1981: University of Westminster, London. Lecturer in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).

University posts in Italy other than Sapienza University of Rome

1988-1991 - La Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali, (LUISS), a.a.1988-89, 1989-1990, 1990-1991. Lecturer in English for academic purposes in the Faculty of Political Sciences.

Other professional activities: evaluation, certification, referee

1982-1983: Commission member for oral examinations, UCLES, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, First Certificate Examination and Proficiency Examination, The British Institute of Rome.

1986: English courses in specialist economic fields organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, commercial sector, together with the British Institute of Rome.

2005: Camera dei Deputati, Italy: The creation of “tests” of English in specialized fields (informatics, public administration) for use in public personnel selection processes.

2012-2013 (also available for 2015) VQRPeer reviewing: Member of the “Albo Revisori”, Reviewers board, MIUR/ANVUR, in the framework of the Italian evaluation of research quality, VQR 2004-2010.

Professional Associations

 AIA: Associazione Italiana d’Anglistica.

 CLAVIER, Corpus and Language Variation in English Research. Member universities: Milan, Trieste, Bergamo, Modena e Reggio Emilia, Firenze. Siena, Sapienza University of Rome.


Research project participation

Research interests: Theoretical descriptive and applied linguistics; socio-pragmatics, cognitive pragmatics; corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, especially professional, business, institutional and academic genres; advanced educational technologies, e-learning, evaluation and testing.


Scientific research programmes of national importance (COFIN, PRIN)

1. Scientific research project of national importance COFIN 2003: Research units: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Università degli Studi di Siena, Sapienza Università di Roma. (prot. 2003103478_004) COFIN project title: “Evaluation and linguistic patterning in written and oral business discourse.” Personal title (as part of the Rome unit): “Stance and interaction pragmatics in business communication genres”.

The research initiated the self-compilation and analysis of a specialised corpus of corporate business data, oral, written and multimodal. The study investigated the nature of the interactions between company protagonists, the nature of inter-relationship construction and the achievement of communicative goals through language and pragmatic choices.

2. Scientific research project of national importance PRIN 2005: Research units: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Università degli Studi di Siena, Sapienza Università di Roma. (prot. 2005107939_004) PRIN project title: “Persuasion, stance and cultural key words in three oral genres”.

Personal title (as part of the Rome research unit): “Evaluation and point of view in corporate and managerial discourse”.

The research particularly focused on the oral data of the corpus of business language, in the process of enlargement. In particular the analysis centred on managerial, computer-mediated, multimodal corporate presentations, and the pragma-linguistic choices involved in the negotiation of persuasive and evaluative discourse in evolving business genres.

3. Scientific research project of national importance PRIN 2008: Research units: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Università degli Studi di Siena, Sapienza Università di Roma. (prot. 2008BEEFNF_002) PRIN project title: “Discourse identities and sense of space: from key words to phraseology”. Personal title (as part of the Rome research unit): “The construal of personal, professional and corporate identity through language”.



Sapienza University research projects (Ateneo: 2005-2008)

1. University Research Project-Ateneo 2005. Title: “The discursive construction of identity”. Project head/Principal investigator, Prof. Giuseppe Castorina; team component Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26A054878)

2. University Research Project-Ateneo 2008. Title: “The construction of language corpora for the analysis of scientific discourse”. Project head/Principal investigator, Prof. Rita Salvi; team component, Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26A08TXKE)


Sapienza University research projects (Ateneo Federato Individuale: 2007-


1. University Research Project-Federato 2007. Title: “Persuasive force in oral business presentations”. Researcher: Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26F07N2N8)

2. University Research Project-Federato 2008. Title: “The construction of business identity: persuasion, channels and modes”. Researcher: Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26F08B43R)

3. University Research Project-Federato 2009. Title: “The evolution of business genres in English and the construction of multiple organizational identities”. Researcher: Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26F09CK8C)


Sapienza University research projects (2010-2014)

1. University Research Project 2010. Title: “Intercultural interactions in business and management”. Project head/Principal Investigator, Prof. Rita Salvi; team component, Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26A10A5C9)

2. University Research Project 2011. Title: “A linguistic analysis of ‘promotion’ in specialist English genres, using temporal and spatial categories” Project head/Principal Investigator, Prof. Rita Salvi: team component, Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26A11KBRA)

3. University Research Project 2012. Title: “Transfer of knowledge in English as a lingua franca”. Project head/ Principal Investigator, Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26A12LX7A)

4. University Research Project 2013. Title: “The Dissemination of scientific knowledge in English: genres and discursive strategies”. Project head/Principal Investigator, Prof. Rita Salvi; team component, Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26A13YMZK)


University Research Project 2014 (application pending). Title: “Discourse Strategies in the creation and distribution of contemporary knowledge through language”. Project head/Principal Investigator, Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26A14CZYB)



Sapienza University research project: Acquisition and maintenance of

research facilities and equipment

1. University Research Project 2008. Title: “The linguistic analysis of economic and business discourse: the design and construction of multilingual corpora”. Project heads/Principal Investigators Prof. Julia Bamford, Prof. Rita Salvi: team component, Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26F06X7PT9

2. University Research Project 2011. Title: “Construction and evaluation of multi-lingual corpora: quantitative linguistic analysis of specialized language”. Project head-Principal investigator: Prof. Janet Bowker. (prot. C26G11XXH9)


Other research projects of national and international interest

1. Research project MOLAN 2008 (Conseil européen pour les langues/European Language council) 2008 : Network for the exchange of information about good practices in higher education in the EU. Document produced by: Wetter, M., Bowker, J., Escoubas, M-P., Marras, A., Salvi, R., Incelli, E., Turnbull, J. (2008). MOLAN RES1 Case study: Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, published online.

2. Research project CLAVIER 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. (Corpus and Language Variation in English Research), initiated March 2008 with the universities of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Bergamo, Firenze, Siena, La Sapienza Roma.

Papers given at conferences, research seminars and workshops

1. Research seminar paper 2014: “The dissemination of contemporary knowledge in English: linguistic and pragmatic practices in specialized discourse fields.” Sesta Giornata della Ricerca, MEMOTEF, Dipartimento Metodi e Modelli per l’Economia, il Territorio e la Finanza, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Roma, Feb. 26, 2014.

2. Conference paper 2013: Conference organized by EuroSapienza (Research Centre for European, International and Development Studies) and EADI (European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes): “The construction of identity in European settings and the role of English as an institutional lingua franca”. Presenters: Janet Bowker and Rita Salvi, Nov. 6, 2013, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome.


5. Research seminar paper 2013: “Approaches, methodologies and analytical tools: PRIN English Linguistics Group, 2008-2010, Rome research unit”, Quinta Giornata della Ricerca, MEMOTEF, Dipartimento Metodi e Modelli per l’Economia, il Territorio e la Finanza, Feb. 28, 2013, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome.

6. Conference paper 2012: “Multimodal, virtual professional space: ‘unboundedness’ and ‘grounding’ in corporate web-casting events”. International conference: Space, Place and the Discursive Construction of Identity: University of Naples, “L’Orientale”, June 4-6, 2012.

7. Research seminar paper 2012: “A linguistic analysis of organizational and institutional communication space(s): the construal of image, reputation and competence”, Quarta Giornata della Ricerca, Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli per l’Economia, il Territorio e la Finanza, MEMOTEF, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome , Feb. 23, 2012.

8. Conference paper 2011: “Evolving business web-conferencing genres: the linguistic construal of unboundedness and grounding in virtual communicational space”. International conference: CLAVIER 11 (Corpus and Language Variation in English Research), “Tracking Language Change in Specialised and Professional Genres”, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Nov. 24-26, 2011.

9. Conference paper 2011: “The creation of trust in learning experiences in internal and external corporate practices.” 3rd Discourse in Organizations International Workshop, Managing Trust, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Sep.21-23, 2011.

10. Research seminar paper 2011: “A linguistic analysis of ‘reputation’ and ‘spatial positioning’ in business, financial and academic institutional corpora”, Terza Giornata della Ricerca, Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli per l’Economia, il Territorio e la Finanza, MEMOTEF, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome , Feb. 22, 2011.

11. Research seminar paper 2010: “A linguistic analysis of ‘reputation’ and ‘spatial positioning’ in business, financial and academic institutional corpora”, University of Florence, Nov. 26, 2010, regarding PRIN 2008-2010 project.

12. Conference paper 2010: “Crossing national borders: taking US consulting expertise abroad”. Seminar, Intercultural Interactions in Business and Management, annual conference of the European Society for the Study of English, ESSE-10, University of Turin, August 24-28, 2010. 13. Conference paper 2010: “From Communities of Practice to Communities of Learning: the private and public faces of internal corporate messaging”. International conference: 10th ABC (Association of Business Communication) Europe Convention and 2nd GABC (Global Advances in Business Communication) conference, Researching business communication: perspectives from scholarship, education and practice, Antwerp, Belgium, May 27-29, 2010.

14. Research seminar paper 2010: “Accountability in English language testing: the parameters of validity and reliability”: Seconda Giornata della Ricerca, Dipartimento di Studi Geoeconomici, Linguistici, Statistici, Storici per l’Analisi Regionale, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, Feb. 26, 2010.


Move: Hybridization and Discourse Change in Specialized Communication, University of Naples, Federico II, Dec. 9-11, 2009.

16. Conference paper 2009: “Variation across spoken and written genres in internal corporate communication: multimodality and blending in evolving channels”. International conference: CLAVIER 09 (Corpus and Language Variation in English Research, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Nov. 5-7 , 2009.

17. Poster Session 2009: “Testing times: the place of computer-mediated evaluation in non-literary Faculties”. Conference: 24 Convegno Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Anglistica, AIA, Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions, University of Roma Tre, Oct. 1-3, 2009.

18. Conference paper 2009: “Testing times: the place of computer-mediated evaluation in non-literary Faculties”. Dall’Aula Multimediale all’e-learning—Giornata di Studio in occasione dell’inaugurazione dell’aula multimediale, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, June 5, 2009.

19. Research seminar paper 2009: “La dinamica della costruzione dell’identità aziendale: analisi della comunicazione all’interno l’impresa con una metodologia mista”. Prima Giornata della Ricerca, Dipartimento di Studi Geoeconomici, Linguistici, Statistici, Storici per l’Analisi Regionale, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, Feb. 24, 2009.

20. Workshop 2008: “Style in oral and written business situations: politeness-directness, formality-informality”. FLAB (Future Labour), project, Faculty of Economics and “Sapienza e Lavoro”. Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, June 26, July 7, 2008.

21. Research seminar paper 2008: “The dynamics of metaphor in the construal of corporate identity: a stability and variability model.” Seminar: Persuasion, stance and keywords, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, June 6, 2008, as part of the PRIN 2005-2007 project. 22. Conference paper 2007: “Building out the business: tense usage in the construction of corporate identity”. International conference: Issues of Identity in and across cultures and professional worlds. IUSM, Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie, Rome, Oct. 25-27, 2007.

23. Conference paper 2007: “Description and evaluation in business audio-conferencing: the narrative force of tense usage in accounts of operational planning.” International conference: Point of view: Description and evaluation across discourses, Polo Scienze Sociali, University of Florence, April 27-28, 2007, as part of the PRIN 2005-2007 project.

24. Research seminar paper 2006: “Integrating semantico-grammatical meaning in accounts of persuasion: the pragmatic function of compound noun groups in oral business presentations.”


Trends in Specialized Discourse, 15th European Symposium on Languages for Specialized Purposes, University of Bergamon, CERLIS, Centro di Ricerca sui Linguaggi Specialistici, August 29 –Sep. 2, 2005.

27. Conference paper 2005: “Referential and affective force in oral business presentations: the role of narration”. International conference: Language and Text Variation in Business and Economics, University of Florence, Feb. 3-4, 2005.

28. Seminars/workshops 2004: “Preparing for the job interview in English: its place in the company selection process”, cycle of 3 seminars organized by Sapienza & Lavoro with BIC (Business Innovation Centre), Lazio: L’orientamento al lavoro e la creazione d’impresa: dalla ricerca alla creazione del lavoro, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, April 26, May 3, May 10, 2004.

Workshop repeated, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, June 26, 2008, for AIESEC: (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Science Economiques et Commerciales). 29. Conference paper 1986: “The Value of Applied Linguistics in the Selection and Grading of Literary Texts”, British Council international conference, Faculty of Letters, University of Naples, L’Orientale, Sep.1986.

30. Workshop1986: “The Use and Abuse of the Language Laboratory”, Faculty of Economics, University of Siena, Oct. 1986.


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