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Modulation of renal sodium potassium adenosine triphosphatase by aldosterone Effect of high physiologic levels on enzyme activity in isolated rat and rabbit tubules


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Modulation of renal

sodium-potassium-adenosine triphosphatase by aldosterone.

Effect of high physiologic levels on enzyme

activity in isolated rat and rabbit tubules.

S K Mujais, … , J P Hayslett, A I Katz

J Clin Invest.






The purpose of this study was to determine the nephron site, time course, and mechanism

of mineralocorticoid action on renal tubular Na-K-ATPase in rats and rabbits, without dietary

manipulation and by using the natural mineralocorticoid aldosterone. Sustained, high

physiologic levels of circulating aldosterone mimicking those produced endogenously

during potassium loading or sodium deprivation were provided by constant delivery of the

hormone in doses of 5 or 50 micrograms/100 g body wt per 24 h, respectively, from osmotic

minipumps implanted subcutaneously. In adrenal-intact rats receiving the 5-microgram

dose, aldosterone levels were similar to those seen in animals fed a high K diet and

produced a time-dependent increase in Na-K-ATPase activity in the cortical-collecting

tubule (CCT) to a level 103% higher than in controls after 7 d (2,007 +/- 178 vs. 989 +/- 72

pmol/mm per h, P less than 0.001); the enzyme activity in the proximal convoluted tubule,

medullary thick ascending limb, and the inner stripe of the medullary-collecting tubule did

not change significantly. The increment in CCT Na-K-ATPase was larger (142%) in animals

receiving for the same period of time the 50-micrograms dose, which produced circulating

aldosterone levels similar to those of sodium-deprived rats. A significant stimulation of

Na-K-ATPase activity was seen in the CCT of adrenalectomized rats after 24 h of treatment with

either dose of the hormone, and […]

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Modulation of



Triphosphatase by


Effect of High Physiologic Levels on Enzyme Activity in Isolated Rat and Rabbit Tubules

SalimK. Mujais, Marcia A.Chekal,Wil J.Jones, John P. Hayslett, and AdrianI. Katz

Department of Medicine, The Universityof ChicagoPritzkerSchoolof Medicine, Chicago, Illinois 60637; andDepartment ofMedicine,

Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut06510


Thepurpose of this study was todetermine thenephron site, time course, and mechanism of mineralocorticoid action on

renaltubular Na-K-ATPasein rats andrabbits,withoutdietary manipulationand by using thenatural mineralocorticoid

aldo-sterone.Sustained, high physiologiclevels ofcirculating

aldo-steronemimicking thoseproduced endogenously during potas-siumloadingorsodiumdeprivationwere provided byconstant

delivery of the hormone in doses of5 or 50 ,ug/100 g body wt per 24 h, respectively, from osmotic minipumps implanted subcutaneously.

Inadrenal-intact rats receiving the 5-ag dose,aldosterone

levels weresimilartothose seenin animals feda highKdiet

and produced a time-dependent increase in Na-K-ATPase

activity inthecortical-collecting tubule(CCT)to alevel 103%

higher thanincontrols after7 d(2,007±178 vs.989±72pmol/

mm per h, P < 0.001); the enzyme activity in the proximal convoluted tubule, medullary thick ascending limb, and the inner stripe of the medullary-collecting tubule did not change significantly. Theincrement inCCTNa-K-ATPase was larger (142%) in animals receiving for the same period of time the 50-,ig dose, which produced circulating aldosterone levels similar tothose ofsodium-deprived rats. A significant stimu-lation of Na-K-ATPase activity was seen in the CCT of adrenalectomized ratsafter24 hof treatment with either dose of the hormone, and at 12 h only in animals receiving the 50 ,ug/100g per 24hregimen. To determine whether the enhanced Na-K-ATPase activity produced by aldosterone is due to synthesis ofnewenzyme units or to alteration in its kinetics,

weexamined the ouabain-binding capacity and the affinity for Na and K of the enzyme from CCT of rabbits treated with 5 ,ug/100 g body wt per 24 h aldosterone for 3 d. These experiments revealed a parallel increment on Na-K-ATPase activityandspecific


binding in aldosterone-treated rabbits, while the affinity of the enzyme for either sodium or potassiumwasunaltered.

The results of this study indicate that high physiologic

Thiswork waspresentedinpart at the AnnualMeeting ofthe Central

Society for Clinical Research, Chicago, IL, 3 November 1983, and

publishedin abstractform in 1983. Clin.Res. 31:781.

Address reprint requests to Dr. Katz, Department of Medicine, Box453,TheUniversity ofChicago, 5841 S. Maryland Ave., Chicago, IL60637.

Receivedforpublication 12July 1984 and in revisedform 7 March 1985.

levels of aldosterone simulating those measured during K

loading orNa deprivation leadto a segment-specific increase

in Na-K-ATPase activity in the CCT. This effect was

time-anddose-dependent andwasdueto anincrease in the number

of active enzyme units. The segmental specificity and time courseof the increase in enzymeactivitysuggestthat modulation

of Na-K-ATPase by aldosterone plays a role in the chronic

adaptation ofthe CCT to altered availability of sodium and

potassium, and therefore in the homeostasis of these cations

by thekidney.


It has beenestablished beyond doubt that renal Na-K-ATPase is under partialcorticosteroid control, as itsactivityinvariably decreasesafteradrenalectomy andisrestoredbyadministration of adrenal steroids (reviewed in reference 1). Recent studies with isolated nephron segments using physiologic doses of hormone indicate that the enzyme activity in the cortical-collectingtubule


the major binding site for both classes ofcorticosteroids, is normally modulated bymineralocorticoid, rather thanglucocorticoidhormones(1, 2).

Chronic changes in mineralocorticoid activity, whether produced by dietary manipulation of endogenous hormone levels(3-7) oradministration of exogenous hormone (5, 7, 8), alter the structure and function of the mammalian CCT. Basolateral cell membrane surface area has been found to augment in the principal cells of this nephron segment in animals fed a high K, low Na diet (7) or treated with deoxycorticosterone(7, 8). Schwartz and Burg (6) demonstrated

aclear relationship between sodium and potassium transport by theisolated rabbitCCTperfused in vitro and the endogenous plasma aldosterone level (altered by varying Na and K intake) in theanimals from which the tubules were obtained. Similarly, Natke and Stoner (9) described enhanced transport of sodium across the basolateral membrane ofCCT cells obtained from rabbitsinwhichendogenous aldosterone levels were increased by alowsodium diet.

Sustained changes in Na-K-ATPase activity in the CCT have also been produced by administration of exogenous mineralocorticoids (10, 1) or by dietary modulation of their endogenous production (10, 12). However, interpretation of suchexperimentsis oftencomplicated by the following consid-erations: first, in most studies with exogenous steroid, investi-gators used deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) rather than

1. Abbreviations used in thispaper: ADX, adrenalectomized; CCT, cortical-collecting tubule; DOCA, deoxycorticosterone acetate; MAL, medullary thick ascending limb of Henle's loop; MCT, medullary-collectingtubule(inner stripe); PCT, proximalconvoluted tubule.

170 S.K.Mujais,M.A.Chekal, W. J. Jones, J. P. Hayslett, andA. I. Katz

J.Clin. Invest.

©TheAmericanSocietyfor Clinical Investigation, Inc.

0021-9738/85/07/0170/07 $ 1.00


the main natural mineralocorticoid aldosterone, and the hor-mone was usually given in pharmacologic doses. Second, during dietary manipulations factors other than aldosterone (e.g., altered delivery of Na and K to the CCT) may modify Na-K-ATPase activity in this nephron segment. Relevant in this respect are observations that in kidney homogenates the

rate ofdecline in Na-K-ATPase activity after adrenalectomy is dependentonthe intake of sodium (13), and that the supply of sodium takes precedenceoveradministration of DOCA in the restoration of enzyme activity in adrenalectomized rats (14). Moreover, Na-K-ATPase activity in the collecting tubule variesdirectly with the potassium content of the diet (15, 16). The present study was designed to assess the effects of sustained increments in circulating aldosterone on Na-K-ATPaseactivity of individual nephron segments. The hormone wasgiven by constant infusion in doses calculated to obtain levelssimilar to those produced endogenously during potassium loading or sodium deprivation, but without changing the dietarysupply of these cations. We have examined the segment localization and the time course of the stimulation of Na-K-ATPaseactivity by aldosterone in tubules microdissected from ratandrabbit kidneys, and have explored possible mechanisms underlying this phenomenon.


Studieswereperformedin male albino Sprague Dawleyrats(Laboratory Supply Co., Inc.,Indianapolis,IN)weighing 180-230 g, and male New Zealand White rabbits (Thompson Research Foundation, Monee, IL) weighing 0.8-1.5 kg. All animals were fed a normal chow diet and drank tapwateradlib.,except adrenalectomizedrats(groups IV-VI), which received 0.3% NaCI as drinking fluid.


in rats

Aldosterone wasgiven by constant subcutaneous delivery from osmotic minipumps to achieve high physiologic levels simulating potassium loading (- 125 ng/dl) orsodium depletion (>400 ng/dl) (17). Rats weredistributed into the following groups.

Adrenal-intactrats. Group I(n = 27) underwenta sham surgical procedure and constituted the control group.

In group II (n = 24), osmotic minipumps (ALZET model 2001;

AlzaCorp., Palo Alto, CA) containing aldosterone in concentrations calculated to deliver 5 sg/I00 g body wt per 24 h at the rate of 1


wereimplanted subcutaneously in the interscapular region.

In group III (n=10) the aldosterone content of the osmotic minipumps was calculated toprovide 50


gbodywt per 24 h


Na-K-ATPase activityinCCTwasdeterminedin all threegroups 7d after initiation ofhormone administration. In addition, in rats from groups I and II, enzyme activity in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), thick medullary ascending limb (MAL), and outer medullary-collecting tubule(innerstripe) (MCT)wasmeasured after7

d. Na-K-ATPaseactivityinCCTwasalsodetermined I and 3dafter

startof hormoneadministration inratsfrom groupII.

Adrenalectomized rats.Toevaluate short-term effects of aldosterone whileavoiding the increased endogenous production ofthehormone

due tothestressof surgery andanesthesia,westudiedrats adrenalec-tomized (ADX) 7 d before study. Rats ingroups IV-VI underwent

bilateraladrenalectomy underpentobarbitalanesthesia(25 mg/kgi.p.) usingalumbarapproach.

GroupIV rats(n= 12)receivednohormone(ADX control).

IngroupVrats(n = 13), osmoticminipumps delivering5 sg/100

gbodywtper24hof aldosteronewereimplanted subcutaneously.

IngroupVI(n= 12), aldosteronewasinfusedbyosmoticminipumps

at a rateof 50


gbodywtper24 h.

In these last two groups, Na-K-ATPase activity in CCT was

measured 12 and 24hafter pumpimplantationwithappropriatetime controlsfrom groupIV.

Metabolic balance study. Rats of groups I-IIIwere individually placedinmetabolic cages(Nalge Co.,Div.ofSybron Corp., Rochester, NY) for two separate periods of24 h (6th and 7th d of hormone

administration). On the firstday, theywere allowed to acclimateto the cage; food and fluid intake and theurinaryexcretion of sodium and potassium were determined during the second study period (7thd).

Sodium andpotassiumweremeasuredbyflame photometrywith lithium as the internal standard (model IL 343; Instrumentation

Laboratory, Inc., Lexington, MA). Serum aldosterone was measured with a commercial aldosterone radioimmunoassay kit (no. Kald-2; Diagnostic ProductsCorp.,LosAngeles, CA).

Tubule microdissection and ATPase assay. The procedures for tubulemicrodissection and Na-K-ATPase assay have beenreportedin detail previously (18, 19) and are described only briefly here. The

animals were killed by exsanguination from the abdominal aorta, serum wasseparatedforelectrolyteand hormonedeterminations, and the left kidney was perfused with acollagenase-containing solution.

Renal tubules were dissected in the cold under stereomicroscopic

observation inamediumcontaining (in millimolars):




5; MgSO4,0.8; Na2HPO4,0.44;




0.25; Tris-HCI, 10; pH7.4. No attemptwasmadetodistinguish between segments from

superficialorjuxtamedullary nephrons. Thetubuleswere


transferred to a concave


slide and



determine theirlength.ATPase


wasmeasured afteratwo-step permeabilization procedure, byincubation of each tubulesegmentfor 15 minat 370Cin a l-Ml droplet of the


solutions: For the determination of totalATPase


(in millimolars),


50; KCI, 5; MgCI2, 10; EGTA,


Tris-HCl, 100; Na2ATP



vanadate-free; Sigma Chemical Co., St.


MO), 10; and


(AmershamCorp.,Arlington Heights, IL)intraceramounts(-5


id). For determination ofMg-dependent ATPase activity, NaCG and KCIwere omitted, Tris-HCIwas 150 mM, and I mM ouabain was

added. Phosphate liberated by the




was separated by filtration through a



(Millipore Corp.,

Bedford, MA) after


of the unhydrolyzed nucleotide on

activated charcoal, and the


was counted in a


scintillationspectrophotometer (PackardInstrumentCo., Inc., United

Technologies,DownersGrove, IL).

Total and Mg-dependent ATPase activities were determined on



oftwo tothree


of tubule fromagiven segment)from individual




as picomoles ofinorganic phosphate liberated per millimeter of tubule

lengthper hour. Sodium- and



ATPasewastakenasthe difference between themeansof each group

of measurements, and thus represents a




in each

animal; the results show mean values of these determinations in all animals withinagivenexperimentalgroup.Tominimize thevariability

betweenexperiments, oneappropriate control and one animal from each experimentalgroupwerestudiedsimultaneously.






was chosen because rat tissues are less





measurements.Control rabbits







andthose in the










for 3d




from an osmotic

minipump implanted subcutaneously

in the



Atthe endof the



and Na-K-ATPase


in CCT was determined as described. Affinity of the enzyme for Na and K was determined in separate experiments from activation curvesobtained withincreasing

concen-trations of eachcation, while the concentrationsof all other










by varying



and Tris ATPwas

usedinstead of








Table I. Metabolic Balance Study

Body weight

Food Water

Group n DayI Day8 intake intake Urine vol UNa*V UK-V SN. SK SALM

g g g/24h mI/24h ml/24h peq/24h pteq/24h meqiliter meqiliter ng/dl

Sham* 5 216±9 254±8 23.4±0.7 41.5±2.5 16.0±0.9 3,413±363 4,420±458 147.7±0.5 4.2±0.2 34.8±5.8

Aldosterone (5jsg/100gper

24 h)t 7 210±4 245±9 20.2±2.3 40.6±5.6 20.5±2.4 2,982+407 3,691±469 145.7±1.9 3.3±0.111 125.3±15.71T


(50ug/l00g per

24h)§ 8 214±5 262±8 22.6±1.2 52.4±4.4 26.0±3.1 3,480±362 4,211±339 147.5±0.7 3.3±0.21 263.7±56.711**

Results are mean±SE.SAL.DO,serumaldosterone;SK,serumK;SN.,serumNa;UN.- V,urinary sodium excretion;UK-V, urinary potassium excretion. * Group I.

tGroup II. § GroupIII. 11Significantly (P<0.01)different from group I. 1I Significantly (P<0.001)different from group 1. ** This value is a minimum esti-mate, as in three of thesevenanimals in whichtheyweremeasuredaldosterone concentrationswereoutside the range of the assay(upper limit=400ng/dl).

by the method ofEl Mernissi and Doucet (20), which is summarized below.

Ouabain binding. Individual tubuleswereplaced onsmall pieces

of aluminum foil in wells ofachilled aluminum plaque and covered by 1 'jd incubation mediumcontaining(fortotalbinding)thefollowing:

250mMsucrose, 3mMMgSO4,3mMNa2HPO4, I mMNaVO3, 10

mM Tris-HCl,and 7.5 uM[3Hjouabain (33Ci/mmol; NewEngland

Nuclear, Boston, MA), pH 7.2; for nonspecific binding we used an

identical solutioncontaining 100-foldexcessunlabeled ouabain.

Incu-bation(30 min)wasstartedbyplacingtheplaquesin a waterbathat

370Candstopped byreplacingthemonice. Tubuleswererinsedfour timesby adding and then suctioning off 3


microdissectionsolution; theywerethenleftonice for 60 min, rinsed twicemore asabove, and transferredtocounting vials containing 0.5mlof1%deoxycholicacid. After addition ofscintillation liquid, bound radioactivitywascounted inaPackardliquid scintillation spectrophotometer. Specific[3H]ouabain binding was taken as the difference between total and nonspecific binding,the latteraveragingonly 5-9% of the total.

Statistical analysis. The t test was used for nonpaired samples.

Whenmorethantwogroupswerecompared (data in TablesIand II, andFig. 3), Bonferroni inequalitieswere considered(21)and a level ofsignificanceof0.05/nwasused,nbeingthe number of groups. All resultsareexpressedasmean±SEM.




of aldosterone (adrenal-intact rats)

Metabolic balance


(Table I).

Control rats


on average 6 g/d; after 7 d of aldosterone administration, body weight ofanimals in groups II and III was similar to control. Food, water, and sodium intakes were also comparable in the control and aldosterone-treated rats, as were the serum sodium and theurinary sodium and potassium excretion. Aldosterone in either dose led to significant hypokalemia. Aldosterone levels were markedly elevated by both treatment regimens, and corresponded to levels previously reported for K-loaded andNa-depleted rats respectively (17). (Plasma aldosterone in control ratsreflectsthe factthat they were under the stress of surgery andanesthesia.)

ATPase activity (Table II). Aldosterone administration with both doses led to a marked increase (103% and 142%,

respectively)in Na-K-ATPase activityofCCT.


ATPase activity was not affected by the lower dose of the hormone, butadministration of50


g per 24 h resulted in a slight (20%) but significant increment in the activity of thisenzyme.

Theeffect ofaldosterone (5 ,ug/100 g per 24 h) on Na-K-ATPaseactivityindifferentnephron segments is shown in Fig. 1.Aldosterone doubled the enzyme activityinCCT (2,007± 178 vs. 989±72 pmol/mm per h), whereas Na-K-ATPase activity in the PCT, MAL, and MCT (2,189±178, 3,600±423, and 965±70 pmol/mm per h,respectively), did notchange signif-icantly.

The time course ofthestimulation ofenzyme activity by aldosterone is illustrated inFig. 2. Enzyme activity measured 24 hafterinitiation ofaldosteronesupplementation washigher than in control ratsshamoperated on 7d



significantly different from levels measured in ratsstressedby surgery andanesthesiawhen the shamprocedurewasdone 24

h before (1,367±119 pmol/mm per h). After 3 d, however, enzymeactivityin CCTwasclearly augmented,andit increased further by7d. Serumpotassium declined progressively during aldosterone administration in reciprocal fashion with the

in-crement in Na-K-ATPase activity (1 d, 4.1±0.1; 3 d, 3.7±0.1;

7d, 3.3±0.1 meq/liter).


effect of aldosterone



Because the evaluation ofshort-term effects ofaldosterone in intact animals is complicated by the increased endogenous production of this hormone due to the stress ofsurgery and anesthesia (17, 22), the following studies were done in adre-nalectomized rats.

Administration of aldosterone by osmotic minipump led

to a rapidincrease in bodyweightafter24 hwith both the


(11.3±7.5 g) and the


(15.9±8.1g) doses,ascompared with the modest weight gain observed in adrenalectomized controls (1.8±1.8 g). The response of Na-K-ATPase activity in CCT(451±72 pmol/mm per h in untreated ADXrats)was

time- and

dose-dependent (Fig. 3).

Aldosterone at the lower dose had an


effect at 12 h but



moderate stimulationat 24 h. When


in the larger dose


TableII. A TPaseSpecificActivity intheCCT

Group n Mg-ATPase Na-K-ATPase

pmol/mm pmol/mm

per h per h

Sham* 8 782±51 989±72

Aldosterone (5ug/l00g per

24h)t 8 904±79 2,007±178"

Aldosterone (50gg/I00g per

24h)§ 10 937±281 2,393±193"

Results are



tGroupII. § Group III.

1"Significantly(P<0.001) different from groupI.

I Significantly (P<0.01)different from group I.

of 50


per 24 h, aldosterone increased CCT Na-K-ATPase activity moderately at 12 h and at 24 h caused a marked enhancement in enzyme activity. Mg-ATPase (449±43 pmol/mm per h in untreated ADX rats) was not altered by aldosterone ineitherdose, both 12 and 24 h after administra-tion. Again, as in the chronic experiments, serum potassium changed in a reciprocal fashion with Na-K-ATPase activity.

Mechanism of

Na-K-A TPase




To determine whether the enhanced Na-K-ATPase activity produced by aldosterone is due to synthesis ofnew enzyme unitsor toalterationin itskinetics,weexamined theactivation

curvesof CCT Na-K-ATPase by Na andKand measured the ouabain-binding capacityof this nephron segment. CCT were

obtained from adrenal-intact rabbits treated for 3 d with a

high physiologic dose (5


100 g body wt per 24 h) of aldosterone, andfromcontrol, untreated rabbits. The shape of the activation curves by either Na (Fig. 4) or K (Fig. 5) was similar in aldosterone-treated rabbits and in controls. The apparent K% (- 16 mMNaand -0.65 mM K), derived from Lineweaver-Burk double reciprocal plots (insets) were also similar, indicating an unaltered affinity of the enzyme for either cation as a result of aldosterone treatment. Ouabain-binding capacitywasnextmeasuredtodeterminewhether the increased Na-K-ATPase activity (Vmax) observed in both rats and rabbits is due to an increased number ofactive enzyme unitsor toincreasedturnoverofthe pump. Theseexperiments (Fig. 6) showed a similar increment (bya factor of -2.2) in

x,|1 NS NS <0.00) NS 200k


Figure 1.Effect of

aldoste-rone(5 gg/I00g per 24 h

for7d)onNa-K-ATPase activity of several nephron

segmentsfrom adrenal-in-tactrats.Selective stimula-tion ofenzymeactivitywas observedonlyin theCCT.

Nis number ofratsfrom whichsegments were







0 1,500



(6) (8)

C 1 3



Figure 2. Timecourseof the stimulation of CCTNa-K-ATPase

activityby aldosterone (5gg/100gper24h) inadrenal-intactrats.

Controls(C)weresham-operated 7dbefore (seetextfor explana-tion). Number ofrats(n)is given in parentheses.

Na-K-ATPaseactivity and in the specific binding of ouabain, which strongly suggests that aldosterone stimulates the enzyme activity of CCT by augmenting the number of active pump sites.


The present study demonstrates that circulating levels of aldosteronesimulatingthoseachieved duringchronicpotassium loading and sodium deprivation led to a segment-specific increase in Na-K-ATPase activityin the CCT. Thiseffectwas

time-and dose-dependent and was due to an increase in the numberofactive pumpunitsrather than to amodification of theenzyme's affinity for sodium andpotassium. These results suggest thatmodulationof Na-K-ATPase by aldosterone plays

a role in the chronic adaptation of the CCT to altered availability of sodium and potassium, and therefore in the homeostasis of these cations by the kidney.

12h 24h 12h 24h

5pg/lOOg perd 50pg/lOOg perd


Figure 3. Effect of12-and 24 hadministration of aldosteroneon

CCTNa-K-ATPaseandserum(S) potassiuminadrenalectomized

rats. Asignificantincrement inenzymeactivityanddecreasein serumKwasobserved after24 hwith bothdoses,and after 12h

withthehigher dose(50


g per 24h)only.Asterisks denoteP <0.01 comparedwith values in control,untreated rats; nis number of animals in bars(sixcontrolrats wereused foreachtime


Aldo, aldosterone.

EffectofAldosteroneonNa-K-ATPaseinRenalTubules 173


E 7'



r-0 YLn




n 8 8 8 6






a) Cop



500-z 0



2.500 E E

- 2O00

0--ca CL



1, 500-z

0 5101520 30 50 75 Na+mM

Figure4. Dependenceof rabbitCCI Na-K-ATPaseactivityonNa concentration. Activation curvesin adrenal-intact rabbitsreceiving5

g/lO0 g per24hfor 3 d (opencircles)and untreated controls (closedcircles)weresimilar in shape;Lineweaver-Burkplot (inset) showsthat theapparentK½was - 16mMNa in bothgroups.Each

pointrepresentsresultsfrom threeanimals.

Our results are consistent with the structural changes observed by other investigators in response to variations in cationavailability andmineralocorticoid administration. Kais-sling and Le Hir (7) have recently evaluated thechanges that

occurin the structure of distal nephron segments after adap-tation ofrabbitstolowsodium andhigh potassium intake.In

theCCT theyfounda4.4-foldamplification of the basolateral cell membrane area of the principal cell that was partially bluntedby treatment with the aldosterone antagonist

canren-oate-K. Theyfurther documentedadirecteffect of exogenous mineralocorticoid (DOCA)inanimalsreceivingahigh Na and low K diet, which showed amplification of principal cell basolateral membrane asdid those feda low Na and high K

diet. Similarly, Wade and co-workers (8) found that chronic



2,500-E E

C11,500 T

CL 1t500 JQ ; 0.0025






C-0.2 2 3 04

00.51 2.5 5 10

K+ mM

Figure5. Dependence of rabbit CCT Na-K-ATPase activity on K

concentration. Activationcurvesin adrenal-intact rabbits receiving 5


g per 24h for 3 d (open circles)and untreatedcontrols (closedcircles)weresimilar in shape,and apparent


was -0.65 mM Kin bothgroups(inset). Each pointrepresents resultsfromfour



.:.:-...:.:. :..:.



0 35

z Z 30


Z 25- P< 00 1


< E 20 '5. lo ILfi 5f

IL : .:



Figure6.Na-K-ATPase and ouabain binding in CCT of adrenal-intactrabbits receiving aldosterone (5


g per24h) for 3 d, and

of untreated controls. Bothmeasurementsincreased significantlyand

comparablyafteraldosteronetreatment.(Number of animalsin

bars.) Aldo, aldosterone.

DOCA administration to rabbits results in a marked increase in the surface area ofthe basolateral cell membrane of the principal cell. These changesarethe morphologic counterpart

of the increased numberof Na-K-ATPase enzymeunits dem-onstrated in this study, since theenzyme has been shown to

be located in the basolateral membrane of tubular cells. Because no change in cell number in the CCT is observed (10), the increased enzyme activity suggests an increase in

active units percell. Similar conclusions regarding the mech-anism of Na-K-ATPase stimulation in rat colonic mucosa

were reached by Hayslett et al. (23) who reported a parallel increment in the specific


binding and Na-K-ATPase activity after bothNadeprivation and Kloading.

Inasmuch as Na-K-ATPase constitutes the primary

com-ponent of electrogenic transport in the CCT, it is also of

interest to compare the findings of enhanced enzyme activity

inthis report with the results of cation transport studies. Natke

and Stoner (9) examined the sodium transport properties of the basolateral membrane of CCT. Theyfound thatthe sodium effluxrate acrossthismembrane in CCT dissected fromrabbits

on a low Na diet was 2.3 times greater than that of tubules

fromanimals on a high Na diet. This increment is in excellent agreement with our finding of a 2.4-fold increase in Na-K-ATPase activity with the 50


100 g per 24 h dose of aldosterone, which simulates levels achieved by Na depletion. Similarly,at endogenous aldosterone levels comparabletothe

target levels in ourstudy, Schwartz and Burg (6) have found

a threefold increase in voltage, and a 2.2-fold increase in net

potassium secretion by rabbit CCT studied invitro,while the netlumen to bath Na fluxincreasedby 1.8-fold.Inchronically DOCA-treated rabbits, Stokes et al. (24) found a twofold increaseinnetsodium absorption and potential difference and

athreefold increaseinnetpotassium secretion in CCT studied

invitro. While we recognize that such comparisons should be interpreted with caution,2 the remarkable concordance between changesintransport rates and Na-K-ATPase, observed under quite different experimental conditions, suggests that modula-tion ofenzymeactivitybymineralocorticoids doesplaya role

in the chronic adaptation to altered cation availability. For example, the enhancement in enzyme activity found by us

2. Forexample, besides theireffect onthe pump, mineralocorticoids

mayinfluencethe Na and K conductance of both thebasolateral and

apicalmembraneoftheCCT (25).


with 50 ,ug/I00 g per 24 h aldosterone is comparable to that

seen during Nadeprivation (2.3-to 3.1-fold increase), which results in similar elevations ofcirculating aldosterone; these observations suggest that stimulation ofNa-K-ATPase in the latter studies could be dueto the increased levels of aldosterone. Furthermore, aldosterone levels similar to those obtained during K adaptation (17) doubled the enzyme activity in the CCT. This increment is comparable to that measured after feedinga highKdiettoadrenal-intact rats(26).

It is of interest that the stimulatory effect on enzyme activity in the CCT,aswellasthatontransport in thissegment (5, 6)areevident at atime when the animals are presumably in the stateof"mineralocorticoid escape." These observations indicate that the mechanism of "escape" from thesalt-retaining

action ofmineralocorticoids is not one ofinterference with the tubular effects of aldosterone in the CCT, but involves regulatory processes acting at more proximal nephron sites (27). Inaddition, the unchanged levelsofNa-K-ATPaseactivity in other nephron segments (Fig. 1) implies that escape does not occur through inhibition of the sodium pump per se, at least in the segmentsexamined.

The segmental specificity of the effect ofaldosterone on ratNa-K-ATPase (Fig. 1),which wasconfinedto theCCT, is in agreement with observations ofothers using low salt diet andDOCA treatment (10, 12) and suggests a receptor-mediated, direct tubular effect of aldosterone. Not unexpectedly, we

couldnotdetectaneffectonthe enzyme fromPCT and MAL, thesetwo segmentsbeingdevoidofspecificaldosterone recep-tors (28). That the mild increment in the Na-K-ATPase activityseen intheinnerstripeof the MCTwas notstatistically significant, despitetherelative abundanceofaldosteronebinding sites in this segment, isconsistentwith thehypothesisthat the effectof the hormone inthis portion of the nephron subserves protonsecretion rather than Naor Ktransport(24, 29).

Na-K-ATPase activity in CCT increased over several days duringexposure of adrenal-intact rats tohighphysiologiclevels of aldosterone (Fig. 2). Additional experiments, performed in previously adrenalectomized rats to avoid the aldosterone surge incident to the surgical procedure (22), examined the early effectsof the hormone on CCT Na-K-ATPase. Inthese animals both doses ofaldosteroneemployed producedadefinite stimulation of enzymeactivity after 24 h, but only the higher dose elicited a significant increment after 12 h (Fig. 3). The

reasons forthisdifference arenotclear.

The occurrence ofan early stimulation ofNa-K-ATPase by aldosterone iscontroversial (reviewed inreferences 30 and 31).Anincreasein enzymeactivityin CCT has been observed within several hoursafter hormone administrationto adrenal-ectomized rabbits(2, 32)andrats(33, 34), and inrabbit CCT exposedtoaldosterone invitro(35). In onestudytheincrement in Na-K-ATPase activity in CCT was


by a

parallel increase in tritiated ouabain binding after acute

ad-ministration ofaldosterone to adrenalectomized rabbits (36).

In contrast, we found nochange in Na-K-ATPase activity of CCT 3h after intravenous administration of 10 or 50 ,g aldosteronetoadrenalectomized rats, in





levels and a significant effect on cation transport (37), or in CCT obtained from adrenalectomized mice that received 10





no effecton the enzyme has been detected in rabbit and mouse CCT treated with physiologic or pharmacologic doses

(10-'I- 10-6

M)ofaldosterone for 90 min in vitro(38),andin toad bladder


for 21/2 h to 10-6 M aldosterone

(39). Geering

et al.

(40), using monospecific antibodies to the a- and f-subunits

of Na-K-ATPase found no change in the rate of enzyme


in toad bladder incubated with aldosterone upto 3

h; a

statistically significant

increase in the


rate of

both enzyme




after6 h of hormone



between the studies citedare not


apparent, and whileinsome cases


differences may be


inother studiesthe



even with the use of same





(34, 36-38).






increment in the abundance of the enzymein


cell membranes of toadbladder


to aldosterone for 5 hbut none in the absence of activation





Na transportincreased

two- tothreefold. These authors





may modulate theturnover rate





of the pump, and thatanincreased


of Na-K-ATPase


short-term exposure to



or may not be detected


upon the




whether the aldosterone-induced



orisnotassociated with the pumpatanygiven time.


the mechanism


the immediate response of

trans-porting epithelia

toaldosterone remainstobe elucidated. The present


examined the


effect of

aldo-sterone on renal tubular Na-K-ATPase


and defined itstime course and location in the


We have deter-mined that


stimulated levels ofthe hormone


thoseseen after

dietary manipulation




of CCT obtained fromintactratsand


this effect was due to an increase in the number of active pump sites rather than to alterations in their kinetics. The results underscore the


ofaldosterone in the regu-lation of CCT






segmentas amajor targetsitefor the hormone.


We thank Mr. B. Hack for expert technical assistance and Ms. L. Karasforpreparationofthemanuscript.

Thisworkwassupportedin partby grantsAM 13601,AM 17433,

andAM 18061 fromtheNational Institutes ofHealth.


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