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Localization and rapid regulation of Na+/myo inositol cotransporter in rat kidney


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Localization and rapid regulation of

Na+/myo-inositol cotransporter in rat kidney.

A Yamauchi, … , T Kamada, N Ueda

J Clin Invest.






myo-inositol, a major compatible osmolyte in renal medulla, is accumulated in several kinds

of cells under hypertonic conditions via Na+/myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT). To

investigate the physiological role of the SMIT, we sought to determine its localization by in

situ hybridization and its acute regulation by NaCl and furosemide administration. Northern

analysis demonstrated that SMIT is strongly expressed in the medulla and at low levels in

the cortex of kidney. Intraperitoneal injection of NaCl rapidly induced SMIT mRNA in both

the cortex and medulla, and furosemide completely abolished this induction. In situ

hybridization revealed that SMIT it predominantly present in the medullary and cortical thick

ascending limbs of Henle's loop (TALH) and macula densa cells. Less intense signals were

seen in the inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD). NaCl loading increased the signals

throughout the TALH, and furosemide reduced the signals. SMIT in the IMCD is less

sensitive to these kinds of acute regulation. Thus, the distribution pattern of SMIT does not

correspond to the corticomedullary osmotic gradient, and SMIT in the TALH and macula

densa cells is regulated very rapidly. These results suggest that SMIT expression in TALH

may be regulated by intracellular and/or peritubular tonicity close to the basolateral

membrane, which is supposed to be proportional to the magnitude of NaCl reabsorption.

Research Article

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Localization and Rapid Regulation


Na+/myo-lnositol Cotransporter




Atsushi Yamauchi,*Akiko Miyai,*ShoichiShimada,§YukiMinami, Masaya Tohyama,§ Enyu Imai,*Takenobu Kamada,*

and Naohiko Ueda*

*FirstDepartment of Medicine and


ofAnatomyandNeuroscience, Osaka UniversitySchoolofMedicineOsaka, 565Japan


myo-Inositol,amajorcompatible osmolyteinrenal medulla,

is accumulated in several kinds of cells under hypertonic

conditions via Na+/myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT). To

investigate the physiological roleoftheSMIT,wesoughtto

determine its localization by in situ hybridization and its

acute regulation by NaCl and furosemide administration.

Northern analysis demonstrated thatSMIT is strongly

ex-pressed in the medulla and atlow levels in the cortex of kidney. Intraperitoneal injection of NaCI rapidly induced

SMIT mRNA inboththe cortex andmedulla, and

furose-mide completely abolished this induction. In situ

hybridiza-tion revealed that SMIT is predominantly present in the medullary and corticalthick ascendinglimbs ofHenle'sloop

(TALH) and macula densacells. Lessintense signals were seenin the innermedullary collecting ducts (IMCD). NaCI

loading increased the signals throughout the TALH, and

furosemide reduced thesignals. SMITinthe IMCD isless

sensitivetothese kindsofacuteregulation. Thus,the

distri-bution pattern ofSMIT does not correspond to the

corti-comedullaryosmoticgradient,andSMITin the TALH and

maculadensa cells is regulatedvery rapidly. These results suggest thatSMIT expression in TALH may be regulated

by intracellular and/or peritubular



baso-lateral membrane, which is supposedtobeproportional to

themagnitude of NaCl reabsorption. (J. Clin.Invest. 1995.

96:1195-1201.) Keywords:osmolyte*



mac-ula densa * furosemide * thick ascending limbs ofHenle's loop


The cellsof diverse organisms respond to extracellular

hyperto-nicityby the accumulation ofhigh concentrations of small

or-ganic solutes that protect cells from the perturbing effects of

high intracellular concentrations of electrolytes (1, 2). These solutes are referredto as "compatible osmolytes," since they

arecompatible with enzyme function (1). The general classes of organic osmolytes are polyols, sugars, amino acids,

methyl-amines,andurea(3).Inmammalsorganic osmolytes have been

Address correspondence to Atsushi Yamauchi, M.D., First Department ofMedicine,Osaka University School of Medicine, 2-2, Yamadaoka,

Suita, Osaka,565 Japan. Phone: 6-879-3632; FAX: 6-879-3639. Receivedfor publication 13 April 1995 and accepted in revisedform

25 May 1995.

mostwidely investigated in renal medullary cells, which

nor-mallyundergo wide swings in tonicityrelated tothe renal

con-centrating mechanism.

myo-Inositolhasbeen identifiedasone ofmajor osmolytes in the renal medulla, some kidney-derived cell lines (4) and

brain cells (5). Madin-Darbycaninekidney(MDCK)' cells ac-cumulate myo-inositol through Na+-coupled transporter when

cultured in hypertonic medium (6). A cDNA encoding Na+/ myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT) was isolated from MDCK

cells(7). The abundance of SMITmRNA and thetranscription

rateof SMIT gene increased when the cells were culturedin hypertonic medium, suggesting that transcription is the primary step inregulation ofmyo-inositol transport byhypertonicity (8).

Similar results were obtained from brainglialcells(9) and lens

epithelial cells (10).

The otherpredominant osmolytesin renal medulla are

sorbi-tol,betaine,andglycerophosphorylcholine. The distribution of

theseosmolytes in the kidney corresponds largelyto the

corti-comedullary osmotic gradient, with the highest concentration found in the innermedulla andpapillary segments (11).

myo-inositol is the only osmolyte found in substantial amounts in thecortex andoutermedulla in addition tothe inner medulla (12). Ourprevious report (13) has shown that SMIT mRNA abundance was highest in the outer medulla, and a little but

significant amount of SMIT mRNA was present in the cortex.

SMIT mRNA in the cortex as well as that inthemedullawas

significantly induced by dehydration.Wehaverecently demon-strated that culturedratmesangial cells respondtoextracellular

hypertonicity by increasing myo-inositol transport activity and accumulating myo-inositol into cells (14).Itisprobable that the part of SMITweobserved in the cortex is derivedfrom mesan-gial cells sinceextraglomerular mesangial cellsareconsidered

tobe facedwith hypertonic stress (15).

Thereis some evidence thatmyo-inositol in theouter

me-dulla ismainly present in the thick ascending limbs of Henle's

loop (TALH). Microdissection study has revealed that cells in

themedullary and corticalTALH and themedullary collecting

ductscontain thehighest concentration of myo-inositol (' 15-30 mM), whereas proximal tubule cells contain only 3-5

mM(16).Consideringits unique distribution, something about the control or function ofmyo-inositol must differ from the other renalcompatible osmolytes.

Togaininsightintothepotential function and physiological roles ofmyo-inositol and its transporter,wedeterminedregional and cellular distribution of Na+/myo-inositol cotransporter in

ratkidney,using in situhybridizationtechnique. Moreover,we

investigated the effects ofacute loading of NaCl as well as

furosemide administrationontheexpression of SMIT.

1.Abbreviations used in thispaper:MDCK, Madin-Darbycanine

kid-ney; RT, reverse transcribed; SMIT, Na+/myo-inositol cotransporter;

TALH, thickascendinglimbs of Henle'sloop. J.Clin. Invest.

0The American Society forClinical Investigation, Inc.

0021-9738/95/09/1195/07 $2.00



Animals. Male Wistar rats,weighed 150 grams, receivedwaterand

standardratchow for severaldays before the experiments.To loadNaCl,

1.5 ml of1.5 M NaClper100gramsbody weightwasadministeredby intraperitoneal injection. After 1, 2, 3, 5,or8 h animals weredeeply

anesthetized byanintraperitonealinjection ofpentobarbital (50 mg/kg).

Forin situ hybridization, ratsweretranscardiallyperfused witha solu-tion of4%paraformaldehyde. ForRNA extraction,ratswerekilled by decapitationand bloodsamplesweretaken.Thecortexand medullawere dissectedfrom the kidney slicesandweresubjectedtoRNAextraction.

Toseethe effects offurosemide, intraperitoneal injection of 20 mg/ kg offurosemide was performed simultaneously withNaCl loading. After 2or5 h, therats weretreated by thesameprocedures described above.

Sodium concentrationsweremeasured usinganelectrolyte

autoana-lyzer (TYPE-710; Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). Osmolality was measured with a freezing point osmometer (OM-6010; Kyoto-Daiichi-Kagaku,


Probes. Topreparetheprobespecific forratSMIT,ratkidneyRNA

wasreversetranscribed (RT) and subjectedtopolymerase chainreaction (PCR) amplification with specific 5' and 3' primers for SMITcDNA fromMDCK cells. The primer sequences were asfollows: CCAGCT-TCAGTATGGTACTG(senseprimer,correspondingtonucleotides808

to827)andGCATCTCCACGATGATTGGC(antisense primer,

corre-spondingtonucleotides 1297to 1278),

ThePCRfragment with the expected size (490 bp)wassubcloned

intopT7Blue (R) T-vectorplasmid(Novagen,Madison, WI). Sequenc-ingofdouble strandedDNAwasdoneusingfluorescence labeled M13 forward orM13 reverse primeron an automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster City, CA). There is 91% identity of the DNA sequenceand 97%identity of amino acidsequencescomparedtocanine SMIT cDNA. When used this probe for Northern blot analysis, the

pattern of the blotwas the same as canine probe but the signal was

moreintense than canine probeevenafter high stringency wash. These

resultsconfirmedusthatthe probewaspartial clone ofratSMIT cDNA. Genomic DNA forrat ribosomal RNA was agenerous gift from JapaneseCancerResearch Resources Bank. TheBamHI-EcoRI

frag-mentof the coding region (17)wasusedas a probe for Northern blot analysis.

Forinsituhybridization, the 760-bpEcoRI724toSphI14U4fragment of thecanine SMIT cDNAwassubcloned into pSPORT (GIBCO BRL,

Gaithersburg, MD). The partial clone ofratSMIT cDNA (490 bp) was

also subcloned into pSPORT. To make 35S-labeled sense orantisense

cRNAprobe, in vitro transcriptionwasperformedusing T7 RNA

poly-merase orSP6RNApolymerase afterlinearizing by cutting with

appro-priaterestrictionenzyme.The signals usingratprobewas moreintense

than canine probe with similarpattern. So weshowed only the result

ofratprobe in thisreport.

Northern blotandslot blotanalysis. Total RNAwasisolated from

thecortexand medullaof kidney tissue by acid guanidium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extractionasdescribed (18). For Northern analysis,

20 ttg of total RNAwas separatedona 1% agaroseformaldehyde gel

andwastransferredtonylon membrane(Amersham, Hybondm-N). For slot blotanalysis, 5 I.g of RNA was spottedon toanylon membrane using a Slot-blot filtration manifold (Schleicher & Schuell, Dasel, W.

Germany). Full-length canine SMIT cDNA (7), partial clone ofratSMIT

cDNA and cDNA for rat ribosomal RNA were labeled by random

priming(Amersham)using[a-32P] dATP (3,000 Cilmmol, Amersham). Hybridizationwascarriedout at42°C overnight in 50% formaldehyde,

Sx SSC, 0.1%SDS, 50 mM Na phosphate, 5x Denhadt's solution and



salmon sperm DNA. Theblots werewashed three times at

45°C for30 min inlx SSC and 0.1% SDS.Toremovethehybridized probe, aboiling solution of 0.1% SDS was poured on the membrane

and allow to cool to room temperature. After removal of the SMIT probe, hybridization for the ribosomalRNAprobewasperformed. The

hybridized probe was quantified by a bioimaging analyzer BAS2000

(FUJIX,Tokyo, Japan).

Table1. SerumSodium Concentration and Osmolality inNaCi

Infused Rats

Time after

injection Control 1 2 3 5 8 Na 142±2 153±5* 156±2* 151±4* 156±10* 150±4* Osmolality 290±10 318±13* 316±9* 308±13* 308±8* 310±13*

Intraperitoneal injectionof 1.5 ml of1.5M NaCl per 100 gramsbodyweight wasperformedintorats.After 1, 2,3,5, or 8 hbloodsamples weretakenand

sodiumconcentration(mEq/liter)and osmolality(mosmol/kg)weremeasured. Valuesaremeans±SDfor threedifferentanimals. *P< 0.01, and t P < 0.05 vscontrol values.

In situ hybridization. The kidneys after the perfusion of paraformal-dehyde were placedina solutionof 4%paraformaldehyde for2 h and 15% sucrose overnight. Cryostat sections (5


were mounted on siliconized slides. The slides were fixed in 4%paraformaldehydein0.1

Mphosphate buffer for20 min.Afterwashing with0.1 Mphosphate

buffer,the slides were treated witha solution of 10



Kin50 mMTris-HCl,pH7.5,and 5 mM EDTA, pH 8.0,for1 min at room temperature. They were postfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and thentreated with 0.25% aceticanhydride for 10 min.They wererinsed

in phosphate buffer (28 mM NaH2PO4, 72 mMNa2HPO4) and dehy-dratedinincreasing concentrations ofethanol.

Tissue sections were hybridized for 24 hat550Cinabuffer(50% deionizedformamide, 10% dextransulfate,0.3 MNaCl, lxDenhardt's solution, 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 5 mM EDTA (pH 8.0), 0.2% sarcosyl, 200


salmonsperm DNA, and500


yeast tRNA)

containing oneof35S-labeledRNAprobes. Theprobe concentrationwas 1 X 106 cpm/200


per slide. After hybridization, thesections were immersed in5x SSC at 55°C, rinsed in 50%deionizedformamide, 2x SSCat65°Cfor30min. Afterrinsingwith RNasebuffer(0.5MNaCl,

10mMTris-HCl [pH 8.0], 5 mM EDTA [pH 8.0])three times for 10

min each at37°C, the sections wereincubated with 1


RNase A inRNase bufferfor 10min at37°C. Afterrinsing inRNasebuffer for

10min,thesections were washed in 50%formamide, 2xSSC at65°C for 30 min, rinsedwith2xSSCand0.1x SSC for10 mineachatroom

temperature, dehydratedinalcohol, and air-dried.

Slides were initially exposed to x-ray film for 3 d to provide an

indication of the intensityof the hybridization signal. Theywere then

coated with Kodak NTB-2 emulsion diluted1:1 withwater.Thesections

were exposed at 4°C for 2-3 wk in tightly sealed dark boxes. After developed in Kodak D-19, the sections were fixed with photographic

fixer, andwashedwithwater.Theywerethencounterstained with hema-toxylin and eosin toallow morphological identification.

Data analysis. The results shown are means±SD. When no error

bar is shown in afigure,the SD is smaller than thesymbol.The datawere statistically analyzed by theone-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Statistical significance was set atP <0.05. Allexperiments were per-formed more than twice with similar results.


Blood chemistryinNaCIinfusedrats.Toexamine acute

regula-tion of SMIT inkidney, NaClwasadministered by

intraperito-neal injection. Table I shows the data of blood chemistry in

control and NaCl injected rats. Serum Na concentration and

osmolality were rapidly increased one hour after the infusion

of NaCl. The significantelevation of serumNa andosmolality

persisted forat least 8 h.

Northern and slot blot ofSMIT mRNA. To see if SMIT mRNA is in vivo regulated by acute administration of NaCl,



0 lh 2h 3h 5h 8h


5h 5h+F


ribosomal RNA

Figure1. (A) Northernblotanalysisof the time courseofincrease in renalmedullarySMITmRNAafter NaCl infusion. After1, 2, 3,5,or 8 h afterintraperitonealinjectionofNaCl,RNAwasextracted from the cortexandmedullaofkidney separately. Samplesof 20


of total RNA wereseparatedbyelectrophoresison 1% agaroseformaldehyde

geland wastransferredtonylon membrane. After theexperimentsfor

SMIT mRNA,thefilterwasreused for the determination of ribosomal RNA. The levelsof ribosomal RNA were almost the same,indicating

equal loading. Numbers are hours afterNaCl infusion.SMIT,

Na'lmyo-inositol cotransporter. (B) Theeffects offurosemideadministrationon SMITmRNAabundance. Intraperitoneal injection of 20 mg/kg of furo-semidewasperformed simultaneously with NaCl loading. 5h,5 hafter NaCl administration.5h+F, 5 h after NaCl andfurosemide


NaCl loaded rats, and hybridized with the rat SMIT cDNA

probe,which has beenoriginallyclonedusing RT-PCR method.

Whenusingcanineprobe,the resultswereessentiallythesame

withless intensesignals. SMITmRNA waspresent in thecortex

although thequantity of themRNA wasmuch less than that in themedullaof kidney. With 20


of total RNA/lane, detection of SMIT mRNA in thecortextook about aweek, whereas the mRNA wasdetected in the medulla withone ortwoovernight exposure. These results were consistent with ourprevious

re-sults (13).Fig. 1 shows the Northern blot ofthe timecourseof increase in renal medullary SMIT mRNA after NaClloading.

Similar results wereobtained for the RNAs from thecortexof kidney although thequantity of themRNA wasmuch less(data

notshown). Slot blot assaywasusedtoquantifythe abundance ofmRNAfor the cotransporter (Fig. 2). SMITmRNArapidly

increased after NaClinjection, reaching amaximum 5 h after

the injection. The relative increase in the mRNA abundance

wasabout9.3 times control levelsinthe cortex. Inthe medulla

of kidney, the mRNA abundance in control rats was much

higher(6.7-fold) than that in the cortex, and the relative increase in the mRNA abundance after NaCl loading was about 4.6 times control levels. Thus, SMIT mRNA was rapidly induced

by peritoneal injection of NaCl in vivo in both thecortex and

medulla ofkidney.Incontrast, therewere nosignificant

differ-encesin the abundance of ribosomal RNA (Fig. 1), indicating

that the same amount of RNA was loaded to each lane.

We nextexamined theeffect of loop diuretics. Intraperito-neal administration of 20 mg/kg of furosemide was performed

simultaneously with NaCl injection. Serum Na concentration

and osmolality were not changed by furosemide (data not shown),sothat those values were significantly higher than con-trols. Fig. 1 and 3 showed the results of Northern and slot blot analyses. Furosemide dramatically reduced the increase of SMIT mRNA causedbyNaClloading either 2 or5 hafter the

injection. Whenfurosemidewasinjected without NaCl, SMIT


<3 z


H2- T



0 1 2 3 5 8

timeafter NaCI infusion(hr)

Figure 2.TimecourseofabundanceofSMIT mRNAafterNaCl admin-istration. To loadNaCi, 1.5 mlof1.5 MNaCl per 100 gramsbody

weight was administeredby intraperitoneal injection.After1, 2, 3, 5,

or8 h,total RNA wasisolatedfromthe cortex and medullaof kidneys. Samplesof 5 ugofRNA wasspottedon to anylonmembraneusinga

Slot-blot filtration manifold.Data wereabundance relativetoabundance

ofSMITmRNAin the medullaofcontrol rats. Eachpoint ismeanof


mRNAsignificantly decreasedcomparedtocontrols either2 or

5hafter theinjection (- 30-40% of control values). The

pat-tern of the results of the cortical mRNA was similar with less

quantity (datanotshown).

In situ hybridization of the SMIT probe. Film

autoradio-gramsgenerated from sectionshybridized with the SMIT probe revealedmostintensehybridizationsignal inoutermedulla (Fig. 4). Therewerealsosignificant signals in the inner medulla and papillaof the kidney although these signals were less intense









... ...

2::::::::::::*:::::::::::: 0 - control2h 2h+F .5h 5h+F...

...::-:-::-... ...:...





:::::::::... ..::.


..._ ... .... ...


... .




::::.:, ::::::::::


:::::::::- ::::::: ::::::-: ...:: ...::::::: : :: :

:::::::--: ...:: ::::::::::: :.:-::::

::::::::::: ...-::- ...:--: ...:-:

...-:-control .... ... ...

Figure3. Theeffects of furosemideonabundanceof SMIT mRNA in the medulla ofkidney.Intraperitoneal injectionof 20mg/kgof furose-mide wasperformedsimultaneouslywithNaClloading.Total RNAwas

extractedafter 2 or 5 h. Slot blot assaywasdonetoquantifyabundance of SMIT mRNA. Datawereabundancerelativetoabundance of SMIT mRNAincontrol rats. Eachpointismeanof threeexperiments.2hor

Sh,2 or 5 h after NaCl administration. 2h + F or 5h + F, 2 or 5h

after NaCland furosemide administration. *P<0.01 vs.2 hafter

NaCl administration. **P< 0.05vs. 5 h after NaCl administration.


Figure 4. Filmautoradiograms il-lustratingSMITmRNA distribu-tion in rat kidney. 2h orSh,2 or

5h afterNaCladministration. 2h

+For5h+F, 2 or5hafter NaCl

andfurosemide administration.

than those in the outer medulla.Apunctate pattern of the signal was apparent in the cortex of kidney.

As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, microscopic examination of emulsion-coated kidney sections confirmed ahigher grain den-sity in the outermedulla than in the inner medulla or papilla (Fig. 5 A). The lack of hybridization with control "sense" probe apparently demonstrated that hybridization signal detectedwas

highly specific (Fig. 5 B). The SMIThybridizationsignals were

most intense in the medullary TALH (Fig. 6 C). The radial

striationsrunningoutward from theoutermedulla,whichwere

mainly cortical TALH, wereapparent in the cortex (Figs. 5A

and6 A). Macula densa cells werealso labeled in thecortexof kidney(Fig.6 A). Interestingly, the signals of the corticalTALH

and macula densa cells seemed tobeasintense asthose of the medullary TALH. Thus, the distribution of SMITmRNAin this segment does notcorrespond to thecorticomedullary osmotic


NaClloading dramatically induced the expression of SMIT

asexpected from the results of Northern blot(Figs.4and 5 C). The medullaryTALH had strong signals after NaCl injection

(Figs. 5 Cand 6 D). The signals in the cortical TALH were

also increased. The magnitude of the increase in the SMIT

signal appeared to be similar from the medullary to cortical

TALH (Fig. 5 C). Inthe control glomeruli, specific hybridiza-tion of the SMITprobe appearedtobe localized in the macula densacells(Fig. 6 A). NaCl loading markedly increased SMIT

signalsin themacula densacells,withadecreasing gradientof

expressiontothejuxtaglomerularinterstitium (Fig.6 B).

Thesignificant SMIT signals in the inner medulla, which wereless intense than in theoutermedulla, seemedtobe local-izedto the innermedullary collecting ducts (Fig. 6 E). These results were consistent with the previous results of myo-inositol

content using microdissection technique (16). In contrast to SMIT in theTALH, the signalsin the innermedullawere not inducedby NaClinfusionvery much (Fig. 6 F), and furosemide

was not soeffectiveasTALH (Fig. 5 D).

Furosemide administration (20 mg/kg i.p.) abolished the

increase inSMIT mRNAby NaCl injection (Figs.4and 5 D). Theattenuation of the increased mRNA was universally seen in the medullary and cortical TALH and macula densacells, either 2or5hafter thetreatment.


Our results indicate that SMIT mRNA highly expressed throughout the TALH and is inducedby acute administration

ofNaCl. The induction of SMIT was universally seen in the

medullary and cortical TALH, and maculadensa cells. Since

SMIT mRNA is regulated in an osmolality-dependentmanner

(8), there seems to be a discrepancy between the expression pattern ofSMIT and the putative regional osmolality in vivo. It is generally accepted that there is a longitudinal osmotic

gradient from medulla to cortex. TheSMIT expression, how-ever, doesnotcorrespond the corticomedullary osmotic

gradi-ent. Ourmainissue is how toexplainthisdiscrepancy. The TALH actively reabsorbs sodium chloride from the tubularfluid. Since this epithelium is virtually completely

im-permeabletoosmoticflow ofwater,thetubularfluidemerging

fromthe endof thissegment inthecortexis verydilute. This

hypotonicity oftubular fluid attheend of the thick ascending

limb is achieved regardless of whether the kidney produce a diluteor aconcentrated urine.Thus,it isquite unlikelythatthe

expressionof SMIT reflect the luminal(apical) osmolality. The results that furosemide administration reduced theexpressionof SMIT furthersupportsthisnotion because furosemide increases

osmolality of tubular fluid(19).

ItislikelythatSMITexpression changeswith themagnitude

of NaClreabsorptionfrom the TALHormacula densa cells. The

Na+/K+/2Cl- transporter is mainly responsible for the uptake

in this segment. There is evidence showing that intracellular

electrolyteconcentrations is increased in the TALH cells in the outermedullabyacuteadministration ofhypertonic NaCl(20).

In thecaseofsorbitol,anotherorganic osmolyte, thechangeof the intracellular ionicstrength (Na+ + K+)isthoughttobethe

trigger for stimulation of aldose reductase gene because the

increaseinaldose reductasewaswellcorrelated with thechange of ionicstrength(21). Althoughtheconcentrationisnotgreatly increased, thesmall changeof intracellular Na+ concentration orionic strengthmay beasignaltoinduceSMITexpression.

The mechanism of luminal NaCl uptake areenergized by theaction of the (Na+ + K+)-pumplocated in the basolateral membrane. Weassumethattheosmolality closetobasolateral

plasmamembrane of the tubularcells,thatisperitubular


Figure5. Bright field photomicrographs demonstrating the pattern of in situ hybridization of35S-labeledrat SMIT antisense or sense cRNAprobe

to acryosection of paraformaldehyde-fixed rat kidney(x 10). (A) Control rat with antisense cRNAprobe; (B) senseprobe control; (C) 5 h after NaCl administration (antisense cRNA probe); (D) 5 h after NaCl and furosemide administration (antisensecRNAprobe). Thehybridization signal

ofSMIT is predominantly present in the outer medulla and at a lower level in the inner medulla. Theradialstriationsrunning outwardfrom the outermedulla were seen in the cortex.

ality (22), isveryhigh throughout theTALHsince thissegment

is essentially impermeableto water. Theperitubular osmolality is supposedtochange with the magnitude of NaCl reabsorption. Our results canbe easily explained by this hypothesis. When NaCl is loaded, reabsorption of the salts increases. The in-creasedreabsorption of NaCl results in the elevation of intracel-lular and/or peritubular osmolality, which induces the SMIT expression throughout this segment.

There is direct evidence ofperitubular hypertonicity incase

of macula densa cells. Basolateral side of the cells is contact

withjuxtaglomerular interstitium, which is wedge-shaped com-partmentformed by the afferent and efferent arterioles. It has

been shown in Amphiuma that the chloride concentration or

osmolality of juxtaglomerular interstitium is very high and changed with the tubular flow rate (15). They found that

C1-concentration of the juxtaglomerular interstitium exceeded

plasma levels (- 100 mM) at all tubular flow rates and in-creased to over 600 mM as flow rate increased. Thus, NaCl transport into the interstitium atthe glomerular vascular pole proceeds through the water impermeable tubular epithelium,

which results in basolateral hypertonicity during elevated flow

rates.Because the mechanism ofNaCl absorptionacrossmacula densa cells are at least qualitatively similar to that of TALH

cells, we assume that the osmolality close to the TALH cells


A groupof thejuxtaglomerular interstitial cellsarereferred

to as extraglomerular mesangial cells (23) because these cells

aremorphologicallyindistinguishable from mesangial cells and actually extend into thestalk of mesangium. We have recently reported that culturedratmesangial cells accumulate myo-inosi-tol in response to extracellular hyperosmolality and that they haveNa+/myo-inositolcotransporterthat is regulated bytonicity

(14). It is probable that the increased myo-inositol and SMIT

mRNAobserved indehydratedrenal cortex was at least partly

derived frommesangialcells. As shown inFig.6,SMIT expres-sion was clearly seen in thejuxtaglomerular region and was induced by NaCl injection. The expression seems to be

rela-tively high in the maculadensa, with adecreasing gradient of expressiontothe juxtaglomerular interstitium.Although tubular

cells (maculadensacells)have strongsignalsforSMIT,

extra-glomerular mesangialcells,which arejust closetothe tubular

cells,appear to express SMIT that is inducedbyNaClinjection.

Thus, the resultsofinsituhybridizationareconsistent withour

previous invitro studies usingmesangial cells.

Furosemideactsprimarilyin theloop of Henle. The diuretic


Figure6.Localization of SMIT mRNA in the kidneys of control (A, C, and E) and NaCl loaded(B,D, and F) rats. (A and B) Cortex of kidney

including glomerulus(G) and macula densa cells (MD). Intense signals were observed in thejuxtaglomerularregion andcorticalthickascending

limbs of Henle's loop but not in the glomerulus (X400). (C and D) Outer medulla of kidney. Intensehybridizationsignals were seen in the medullary

thick ascendinglimbs of Henle's loop (TALH) and weremarkedlyinduced by NaCl injection (X100).(E and F) Inner medulla of kidney.Significant

but less intense signals were seen in the inner medullarycollectingducts (IMCD). SMIT in this area was not so sensitive to NaCl loading as TALH


inhibit the


transporter, which located at the

lumi-nal plasma membrane of the TALH and macula densa cells.

Micropuncture of the early distal convoluted tubule reveals that furosemide increases luminal osmolality aswellasNa, Cl, and K concentrations, and inhibit water absorption (19). Because SMIT expression was diminished by furosemide, it is apparently independent on the luminal osmolality. The decreased expres-sionby furosemide suggested that the intracellular and/or baso-lateral osmolality was reduced by means of inhibition of NaCl reabsorption from the lumen.

SMIT in the inner medulla or papilla, which is probably localized in collecting duct cells, is apparently less intense than outer medulla. We are not sure that the tonicity in the vicinity of TALH is really higher than interstitial NaCl concentration in thepapilla.Itis possible that TALH cells may express SMIT

higherthan collecting duct cells when theextracellular

osmol-ality is similar. Thus, the difference in the expression level

between inner and outer medulla may be simply due to the difference in the type of cells.

SMIT in IMCD is less sensitive to NaCl or furosemide administration, comparedtothatinTALH.Ithasbeen demon-strated that administration of hypertonic NaCl increases loop flow, which results in the increased reabsorption of NaCl from theTALH (23). Theincreased NaClreabsorption is supposed

toelevate intracellular and peritubular osmolality very rapidly. To increase SMIT expressioninthe inner medulla,in contrast, thetonicity of the inner medullary interstitium should be ele-vated.Itwill taketimetochange the tonicity of theinterstitium

andsingle injection ofNaClmaynotbeenoughtoincrease the tonicity.

Insummary,weexamined localization of SMIT mRNA and its rapid regulation by NaCl and furosemide administration.

SMITispredominantlypresent in the TALH and macula densa


increased the signals throughout the TALH, and furosemide reduced thesignals. The unique distribution and regulation pat-tern suggeststhat SMIT expression is regulated by intracellular and/or basolateral tonicity, which is supposed to be high throughout theTALHandchange with NaCl reabsorption.


We thank Dr. Joseph S. Handler (The Johns Hopkins University, Balti-more)for helpful advice.

This researchwassupported inpartbyaGrant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from theMinistry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan (07671248), and byaGrant from the Osaka Kidney Foundation (OKF 95-0003).


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