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Characterizations of projective and k projective semimodules


Academic year: 2020

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Received 14 September 2001

To my late father

This paper deals with projective andk-projective semimodules. The results for projective semimodules are generalization of corresponding results for projective modules.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16Y60.

1. Introduction. Throughout this paper,Rdenotes a semiring with identity 1, all semimodulesMare leftR-semimodules and in all cases are unitary semimodules, that is, 1·m=mfor allm∈Mall leftR-semimoduleRM.

We recall here (cf. [1,2,3,4,5]) the following facts:

(a) letα:M→Nbe a homomorphism of semimodules. The subsemimodule Imα of N is defined as follows: Imα= {n∈N:n+α(m)=α(m)for somem,

mM}. The homomorphismαis said to be an isomorphism ifαis injective and surjective; to bei-regular ifα(M)=Imα; to bek-regular if form,m∈M, α(m)=α(m)implying thatm+k=m+kfor somek,kKerα; and to be regular if it is bothi-regular andk-regular;

(b) the sequenceK α→M β→N is called an exact sequence if Kerβ=Imα, and proper exact if Kerβ=α(K);

(c) for any two R-semimodules N, M, HomR(N,M):= {α : N →M is anR -homomorphism of semimodules}is a semigroup under addition. IfM, N,U, are R-semimodules and α: M N is a homomorphism, then Hom(IU,α): HomR(U,M)→HomR(U,N) is given by Hom(IU,α)γ = αγ where IU is the identity;

(d) Pis a projective semimodule if and only if for each surjectiveR-homomorphism α:M→N, the induced homomorphism


α: Hom(P,M) Hom(P,N) (1.1)

is surjective;

(e) a leftR-semimodulePisMk-projective if and only if it is projective with respect to every surjectivek-regular homomorphismϕ:M→N.

InSection 2, we study the structure ofk-projective semimodules.Proposition 2.2

shows that for a semimoduleP, the class of all semimodulesM such thatP isMk -projective is closed under subtractive subsemimodules, factor semimodules, and gives a sufficient condition for the class to be closed undertaking homomorphic images.


module theory and semimodule theory. InSection 3, we characterize projective and k-projective semimodules via the Hom functor. Theorems3.5and3.7assert thatPis M-projective (Mk-projective) if and only if HomR(P,−)preserves the exactness of all proper exact sequencesM αM βM, withβ k-regular (bothαandβ k-regular).

2. k-projective semimodules. We study the structure ofk-projective semimodules via the Hom function. We show that the class of all semimodulesM, such thatP is Mk-projective, is closed under subtractive subsemimodules, factor semimodule and undertaking homomorphic image for ak-regular homomorphism.

For provingProposition 2.2we need the following proposition, which is modified from [5, Theorem 2.6].

Proposition2.1. LetRbe a semiring,

(i) if0→M α→M βM is a proper exact sequence ofR-semimodules andαis

k-regular, then for everyR-semimodule E,

0HomR(E,M) α¯HomRE,M β¯HomE,M (2.1)

is a proper exact sequence of Abelian semigroups andα¯is regular, whereα(ξ)¯ =

αξforξ∈Hom(E,M)andβ(γ)¯ =βγforγ∈Hom(E,M);

(ii) ifM α→M βM0is a proper exact sequence ofR-semimodules andβis

k-regular, then for everyR-semimoduleE,

0 HomM,E β¯HomM,E α¯Hom(M,E) (2.2)

is a proper exact sequence of Abelian semigroups andβ¯is regular, whereβ(ξ)¯ =


Proof. (i) Since the sequence 0→M α→M β→M is proper exact, then the

se-quence is exact withαbeingi-regular. Using [5, Theorem 2.6], the sequence

0 Hom(E,M) α¯HomE,M β¯HomE,M (2.3)

is exact with ¯αbeing regular. This means that the sequence is proper exact. (ii) can be proved by the same argument.

Proposition2.2. LetP be a leftR-semimodule. If0→M θ→M η→M→0is a proper exact sequence withθbeing regular,ηbeingk-regular, andPisMk-projective, thenP isk-projective relative to bothMandM.

Proof. Let Ψ :M →N be surjective k-regular homomorphism and α:P →N

be homomorphism. Sinceηis surjective k-regular, thenΨηis k-regular. SinceP is Mk-projective, then there exists a homomorphismϕ:P→Msuch that the following diagram commutative:


α ϕ

M η M Ψ N 0



To prove thatP isMk-projective. LetΨ:MNbe a surjectivek-regular homo-morphism and setK=KerΨ. Since Ψ is surjective k-regular homomorphism, then M/K N. Define ¯θ:M/KM/θ(K)by the rule ¯θ(m/K)=θ(m)/θ(K), and ¯η:

M/θ(K)→Mby the rule ¯η(m/θ(K))=η(m). Clearly, both ¯θand ¯ηare well defined homomorphisms. Consider the sequence 0 M/K θ¯ M/h(K) η¯

M 0. Let

m/θ(K)∈Ker ¯η, thenη(m)=0, hencem∈Kerη=θ(M). Hence Ker ¯η=θ(M¯ /K). Clearly ¯ηis surjective, and ¯θis injective. Sinceθisi-regular, then ¯θisi-regular. Now consider the following commutative diagram:


0 M




πh(k) η

M 0

0 M/K θ¯ M/θ(K) η¯ M 0

0 0 0


Applying HomR(P,−)to this diagram we have the commutative diagram


0 HomP,M








0 HomP,M/K θ∗¯ HomP,M/θ(K) η∗¯ Hom(P,M)

0 0


UsingProposition 2.1, and sinceP is Mk-projective, then all rows and columns are proper exact sequence. We should show that(πK)∗is surjective. Letα∈Hom(P,M/K). Since(πθ(K))∗is surjective, then there existsβ∈Hom(P,M)such that(πθ(K))∗(β)=


θ∗(α). Now ¯η∗θ¯∗(α)=η¯∗((πθ(K))∗(β)) =I∗η∗(β)=0. Hence η∗(β)⊂KerI∗=0. Henceβ=θ∗(γ)whereγ∈Hom(P,M). Thus ¯θ∗(α)=(πθ(K))∗(β)=(πθ(K))∗θ∗(γ)=


θ∗(πK)∗(γ). Again by Proposition 2.1, ¯θ∗ is injective, hence α= (πK)∗(γ). Thus

(πK)∗is surjective. ThereforeP isMk-projective.


give us a sufficient condition to be closed undertaking a homomorphic image. Since for every subsemimoduleKofM, the canonical surjectionπK:M→M/Kisk-regular surjective, then the classΩ(P)is closed under factor semimodules.

We know that in module theory any projective module is a direct summand of a free module. However, for arbitary semirings this is not true.

Example2.3. LetRbe the fieldZ/pfor any prime integer. LetS= {{θ¯},Z/p}

setR= {(a,I)¯ : ¯aIS}, that is

R=¯0,¯0,a,Z/¯ p,a¯Z/p. (2.7)

Define operationsandonRby setting


a,I⊕b,H¯ =a¯+¯b,I+H,


a,¯Ib,H¯ =a¯b,IH¯ . (2.8)

ClearlyRis semiring. LetI+(R)be the set of all additively idempotent elements of

R:I+(R)= {(¯0,{¯0}),(0¯,Z/p)}. We note that the functionα:RI+(R), defined byα(¯0,{¯0})=(¯0,{¯0})andα(a,¯Z/p)=(,Z/p), is a surjectiveR-homomorphism of left R-semimodules. Furthermore, the restriction of α toI+(R) is the identity map. ThereforeI+(R)is a retract ofR. SinceRis projective, as a left semimodule over itself, by [5, Corollary 15.13] we see thatI+(R)is also projective. IfI+(R)is a free semimodule, then(¯0,Z/p)is a basis, but(a,Z/¯ p)(¯0,Z/p)=(¯0,Z/p)for every ¯a∈Z/p. HenceI+(R)is not free. Now, suppose thatI+(R)is a direct sum-mand of a freeR-semimodule, sayF. Then F KI+(R) for anR-semimodule

K. Let ϕ: K⊕I+(R) F = ⊕αR

α be an isomorphism, where = R for all α. Since(0,(¯0,Z/p))is an idempotent element where 0K, thenϕ(0,(¯0,Z/p))is an idempotent element in F. Since the only idempotent elements ofR are(¯0,{¯0}) and (¯0,Z/p), then ϕ(0,(0¯,Z/p))=(xα), where only finite numbers of xα are nonzeros and =(¯0,Z/p). Let (yα) have components = (¯1,Z/p) for α, with xα=(¯0,Z/p), and otherwiseyα=(¯0,{¯0}). Suppose ϕ(k,(¯0,Z/p))=(ya), where 0≠k∈K. Clearly,p(yα)=(xa),pϕ(k,(¯0,Z/p))=ϕ(0,(¯0,Z/p)). Hence

p(k,(¯0,Z/p))=(0,(¯0,Z/p)). Hence pk=0. Therefore p(k,(¯0,{¯0}))=0. Hence (k,(¯0,{¯0}))has an additive inverse. Thus,ϕ(k,(¯0,{¯0}))also has an additive inverse. Now, every element ofF is of the form(uα), uα∈R. Since every nonzero element of

Rhas no additive inverse, then every nonzero element ofF has no additive inverse. Thus we have a contradiction. Therefore,I+(R)is not a direct summand of a free R-semimodule.

3. Characterizations of projective andk-projective semimodules. We character-ize projective andk-projective semimodules via the Hom functor.


Lemma 3.1. let R be a semiring and letM α→M β→ M be a sequence of R -semimodules. Then, the sequence is exact if there exists a commutative diagram

0 0




Ψ α


ϕ β




0 0


ofR-semimodule in which thenonhorizontalsequences are all exact.

Proof. Letx∈Kerβ, thenηϕ(x)=β(x)=0, henceϕ(x)∈Kerη. Since Kerη=0,

thenx∈Kerϕ=Imθ. Hencex+θ(kl)=θ(k2), thereforex+θ(Ψ(ml))=θ(Ψ(m2)). SinceθΨ, thenx+α(m1)=α(m2). Thusx∈Imα. Conversely, letx∈Imα, then x+α(m1)=α(m2)for somem1,m2∈M. Again sinceθΨ, thenx+θΨ(m1)=

θΨ(m2), hence x∈Imθ. But Imθ=Kerϕ, hence β(x)=ηϕ(x)=0. Thus Imα= Kerβ.

Since every proper exact sequence is exact sequence. Then we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.2. LetR be a semiring and letM α→M β→M be a sequence of R-semimodules. Then the sequence is proper exact if there exists a commutative dia-gram

0 0




Ψ α


ϕ β




0 0



Proof. Since every proper exact sequence is exact sequence, then usingLemma

3.1, we have Kerβ= Imα, hence α(M) Kerβ. Now let x Kerβ, thenβ(x) =

ηϕ(x)=0, hence ϕ(x)∈Kerη. But Kerη=0, thereforex∈Kerϕ=θ(K). Hence x=θ(k)=θ(Ψ(m))=α(m). Thusα(M)=Kerβ.

Corollary 3.3. LetR be a semiring and letM α→M β→M be a sequence of R-semimodules withβbeingk-regular. Then the sequence is proper exact if and only if there exists a commutative diagram

0 0




Ψ α


ϕ β




0 0


ofR-semimodules in which thenonhorizontalsequences are all proper exact.

Proof. LetM α→M β→Mbe a proper exact sequence withβbeingk-regular.

Consider the following diagram:

0 0

M/Kerβ η


Ψ α


ϕ β




0 0


whereΨ(m)=α(m)for allmM,i(x)=x for allxKerβ,ϕ(m)=m/Kerβ for allm∈M, andη(m/Kerβ)=β(m)for allm/Kerβ∈M/Kerβ. Letm1/Kerβ=

m2/Kerβ, thenm1+k1=m2+k2,k1,k2∈Kerβ. Henceβ(m1)=β(m2), thereforeη is well defined. Now ifβ(m1)=β(m2), and sinceβisk-regular, we havem1+k1=


Hence m1/Kerβ=m2/Kerβ, therefore ηis injective. Clearly the sequence 0 Kerβ i→M ϕ→M/Kerβ→0 is proper exact sequence. Thus diagram (3.4) is a com-mutative diagram in which the nonhorizontal sequences are all proper exact.

Conversely, seeCorollary 3.2.

Corollary 3.4. LetR be a semiring and letM α→M β→M be a sequence of R-semimodules withβbeingk-regular. Then the sequence is exact if and only if there exists a commutative diagram

0 0




Ψ α


ϕ β




0 0


ofR-semimodules in which thenonhorizontalsequences are all exact.

Proof. LetM α→M β→Mbe an exact sequence withβbeingk-regular. Consider

the following diagram:

0 0




Ψ α


ϕ β




0 0


whereΨ(m)=α(m)Imαfor all mM, i(x)=x for allx Imα, ϕ(m)=

m/Imαfor allm∈M, andη(m/Imα)=β(m)for allm/Imα∈M/Imα. Letm1/Imα


injective. Clearly, the sequence 0Imα i→M ϕ→M/Imα→0 is exact. Thus diagram (3.6) is a commutative diagram in which the nonhorizontal sequences are all exact.

Conversely, seeLemma 3.1.

Theorem3.5. The following statements about leftR-semimodulePare equivalent: (i) Pis projective;

(ii) for every proper exact sequence of leftR-semimodulesM αM βMwithβ

beingk-regular the sequence

HomP,M α¯Hom(P,M) β¯

HomP,M (3.7)

is proper exact.

Proof. (ii)(i). Letα:N→M be surjective homomorphism. SinceN α→M→0 is

proper exact sequence withM→0 being regular, then by (ii) Hom(P,N)→Hom(P,M)→ 0 is proper exact. ThereforePis projective.

(i)(ii). LetPbe a projective semimodule. Suppose thatM αM βMis proper exact withβbeingk-regular. Consider the sequence 0Kerβ →i M π→M/Kerβ→0, whereπ(m)=m/Kerβis the canonical surjection. Clearlyiis injective. SinceP is projective, and using [1, Theorem 10], the sequence

0 HomR(P,Kerβ) ¯i→Hom(P,M) π¯Hom(P,M/Kerβ)→0 (3.8)

is proper exact sequence. DefineΨ:MKerβandη:M/KerβM, whereΨ(m)=

α(m)andη(m/Kerβ)=β(m). Letη(m/Kerβ)=η(m/Kerβ), thenβ(m)=β(m). Since βis k-regular, then m+k=m+k, where k,k Kerβ. Hence m/Kerβ=

m/Kerβ. Thereforeηis injective. Now consider the commutative diagram

0 0





¯ Ψ ¯











0 0


where ¯Ψ(ξ)=Ψξand ¯η(γ)=ηγ,ξ∈HomR(P,M)andγHom


following diagram is commutative:


θ ξ


Ψ Kerβ 0


Thus ¯Ψ is surjective. Thus the nonhorizontal sequences are all proper exact. Using

Corollary 3.2, the sequence

HomRP,M α¯HomR(P,M)



HomRP,M (3.11)

is proper exact.

Corollary3.6. The following statement about leftR-semimodulePare equivalent: (i) Pis projective;

(ii) for every proper exact sequence of leftR-semimodulesM αM βMwithβ

being regular, the sequence

HomP,M α¯

Hom(P,M) β¯HomP,M (3.12)

is proper exact.

Proof. It is a consequence ofTheorem 3.5.

Theorem3.7. The following statements about leftR-semimodulePare equivalent: (i) Pisk-projective;

(ii) for every proper exact sequence of leftR-semimodulesM α→M β→M with bothαandβbeingk-regular, the sequence

HomP,M α¯Hom(P,M) β¯

HomP,M (3.13)

is proper exact.

Proof. (ii)(i). Let α: N→ M 0 be k-surjective homomorphism. Since N→ M 0 is proper exact sequence withα being k-regular, then by (ii) Hom(P,N)→ Hom(P,M)→0 is proper exact. ThereforePisk-projective.

(i)(ii). It is similar to the proof ofTheorem 3.5and using [2, Theorem 8].

Acknowledgments. I wish to thank Dr Michael H. Peel for his valuable comments.

Thanks are also directed to Dr Mustafa A. Mustafa for his help.


[1] H. M. J. Al-Thani,A note on projective semimodules, Kobe J. Math.12(1995), no. 2, 89–94. [2] ,k-projective semimodules, Kobe J. Math.13(1996), no. 1, 49–59.


[4] M. Takahashi,On the bordism categories. II. Elementary properties of semimodules, Math. Sem. Notes Kobe Univ.9(1981), no. 2, 495–530.

[5] ,On the bordism categories. III. FunctorsHomand⊗for semimodules, Math. Sem. Notes Kobe Univ.10(1982), no. 1, 211–236.


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