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Fuzzy BCI subalgebras with interval valued membership functions


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(Received 3 May 2000)

Abstract.The purpose of this paper is to define the notion of an interval-valued fuzzy BCI-subalgebra (briefly, an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra) of a BCI-algebra. Necessary and suf-ficient conditions for an i-v fuzzy set to be an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra are stated. A way to make a new i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra from old one is given. The images and inverse images of i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebras are defined, and how the images or inverse images of i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebras become i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebras is studied.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 06F35, 03B52.

1. Introduction. The notion of BCK-algebras was proposed by Iami and Iséki in 1966. In the same year, Iséki [2] introduced the notion of a BCI-algebra which is a gen-eralization of a BCK-algebra. Since then numerous mathematical papers have been written investigating the algebraicproperties of the BCK/BCI-algebras and their re-lationship with other universal structures including lattices and Boolean algebras. Fuzzy sets were initiated by Zadeh [3]. In [4], Zadeh made an extension of the concept of a fuzzy set by an interval-valued fuzzy set (i.e., a fuzzy set with an interval-valued membership function). This interval-valued fuzzy set is referred to as an i-v fuzzy set. In [4], Zadeh also constructed a method of approximate inference using his i-v fuzzy sets. In [1], Biswas defined interval-valued fuzzy subgroups (i.e., i-v fuzzy sub-groups) of Rosenfeld’s nature, and investigated some elementary properties. In this paper, using the notion of interval-valued fuzzy set by Zadeh, we introduce the con-cept of an interval-valued fuzzy BCI-subalgebra (briefly, i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra) of a BCI-algebra, and study some of their properties. Using an i-v level set of an i-v fuzzy set, we state a characterization of an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra. We prove that every BCI-subalgebra of a BCI-algebraX can be realized as an i-v level BCI-subalgebra of an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX. In connection with the notion of homomorphism, we study how the images and inverse images of i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebras become i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebras.

2. Preliminaries. In this section, we include some elementary aspects that are nec-essary for this paper.

Recall that aBCI-algebrais an algebra(X,∗,0)of type(2,0)satisfying the following axioms:


(III) x∗x=0,and

(IV) x∗y=0 andy∗x=0 implyx=y, for everyx,y,z∈X.

Note that the equality 0∗(x∗y)=(0∗x)∗(0∗y) holds in a BCI-algebra. A non-empty subsetS of a BCI-algebraXis called aBCI-subalgebra ofX ifx∗y∈S wheneverx,y∈S. A mappingf:X→Y of BCI-algebras is called ahomomorphismif f (x∗y)=f (x)∗f (y)for allx,y∈X.

We now review some fuzzy logic concepts. Let X be a set. Afuzzy setinX is a functionµ:X→[0,1]. Letfbe a mapping from a setXinto a setY. Letνbe a fuzzy set inY. Then theinverse imageofν, denoted byf−1[ν], is the fuzzy set inXdefined byf−1[ν](x)=ν(f (x))for allxX. Conversely, letµbe a fuzzy set inX. Theimage ofµ, written asf [µ], is a fuzzy set inY defined by

f [µ](y)=         


z∈f−1(y)µ(z) iff

−1(y)= ∅,

0 otherwise,


for ally∈Y, wheref−1(y)= {x|f (x)=y}.

Aninterval-valued fuzzy set(briefly,i-v fuzzy set)Adefined onXis given by


A(x),µUA(x) , ∀x∈X

briefly, denoted byA=µL

A,µAU , (2.2)


AandµUA are two fuzzy sets inXsuch thatµLA(x)≤µUA(x)for allx∈X. Let ¯µA(x)=[µLA(x),µUA(x)],∀x∈Xand letD[0,1]denotes the family of all closed subintervals of[0,1]. IfµL

A(x)=µUA(x)=c, say, where 0≤c≤1, then we have ¯µA(x)= [c,c]which we also assume, for the sake of convenience, to belong toD[0,1]. Thus ¯

µA(x)∈D[0,1],∀x∈X, and therefore the i-v fuzzy setAis given by

A=x,µ¯A(x) , ∀x∈X, where ¯µA:X →D[0,1]. (2.3)

Now let us define what is known asrefined minimum(briefly, rmin) of two elements inD[0,1]. We also define the symbols “”, “”, and “=” in case of two elements in D[0,1]. Consider two elementsD1:=[a1,b1]andD2:=[a2,b2]∈D[0,1]. Then

rminD1,D2 =mina1,a2,minb1,b2;

D1≥D2 if and only ifa1≥a2, b1≥b2; (2.4)

and similarly we may haveD1≤D2andD1=D2.

Definition2.1. A fuzzy setµin a BCI-algebraXis called afuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofXifµ(x∗y)≥minµ(x),µ(y)for allx,y∈X.


Proposition 3.1. Let f be a homomorphism from a BCI-algebra X into a BCI-algebraY. If ν is a fuzzy BCI-subalgebra of Y, then the inverse image f−1[ν]ofν is a fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Proof. For anyx,y∈X, we have

f−1[ν](xy)=νf (xy) =νf (x)f (y) minνf (x) ,νf (y)



Hencef−1[ν]is a fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Proposition3.2. Letf:X→Y be a homomorphism between BCI-algebrasXand Y. For every fuzzy BCI-subalgebraµofX, the imagef [µ]ofµis a fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofY.

Proof. We first prove that


1 ∗f−1y2 ⊆f−1y1∗y2 (3.2)

for all y1,y2∈Y. For, if x∈f−1(y1)∗f−1(y2),then x =x1∗x2 for somex1


1) and x2 f−1(y2). Since f is a homomorphism, it follows that f (x) =

f (x1∗x2)=f (x1)∗f (x2)=y1∗y2so thatx∈f−1(y1∗y2). Hence (3.2) holds. Now lety1,y2∈Ybe arbitrarily given. Assume thaty1∗y2∉Im(f ). Thenf [µ](y1∗y2)= 0. But ify1∗y2∉Im(f ),that is,f−1(y1∗y2)= ∅, thenf−1(y1)= ∅orf−1(y2)= ∅ by (3.2). Thusf [µ](y1)=0 orf [µ](y2)=0,and so

f [µ]y1∗y2 =0=minf [µ]y1 ,f [µ]y2 . (3.3)

Suppose thatf−1y

1∗y2 = ∅. Then we should consider the two cases:


1 = ∅ or f−1y2 = ∅, (3.4)


1 = ∅ and f−1y2 = ∅. (3.5)

For the case (3.4), we havef [µ]y1 =0 orf [µ]y2 =0,and so

f [µ]y1∗y2 0=minf [µ]y1 ,f [µ]y2 . (3.6)

Case (3.5) implies, from (3.2), that

f [µ]y1∗y2 = sup


= sup

x1∈f−1(y1), x2∈f−1(y2)


Sinceµis a fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX, it follows from the definition of a fuzzy BCI-subalgebra that

f [µ]y1∗y2 sup x1∈f−1(y1), x2∈f−1(y2)

minµx1 ,µx2

= sup x1∈f−1(y1)

 min

  x sup


µx1 ,µx2      = sup x1∈f−1(y1)

 min

 

µx1 , sup x2∈f−1(y2)

µx2      = sup x1∈f−1(y1)

minµx1 ,f [µ]y2

=min   x sup


µx1 ,f [µ]y2   

=minf [µ]y1 ,f [µ]y2 .


Hencef [µ](y1∗y2)≥minf [µ](y1),f [µ](y2)for ally1,y2∈Y. This completes the proof.

Definition 3.3. An i-v fuzzy set A in X is called aninterval-valued fuzzy BCI-subalgebra(briefly,i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra) ofXif


µA(x∗y)≥rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y) ∀x,y∈X. (3.9)

Example3.4. LetX=0,a,b,cbe a BCI-algebra with the following Cayley table:


0 a b c

0 0 c 0 a

a a 0 a c

b b c 0 a

c c a c 0

let an i-v fuzzy setAdefined onXbe given by

¯ µA(x)=

      

[0.2,0.8] ifx∈ {0,b},

[0.1,0.7] otherwise. (3.10)

It is easy to check thatAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX.


Proof. For everyx∈X, we have


µA(0)=µ¯A(x∗x)≥rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(x) =rminµL








this completes the proof.

Theorem3.6. LetAbe an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX. If there is a sequence{xn} inXsuch that

lim n→∞µ¯A

xn =[1,1], (3.12)


Proof. Since ¯µA(0)≥µ¯A(x)for allx∈X, we have ¯µA(0)≥µ¯A(xn)for every posi-tive integern. Note that

[1,1]≥µ¯A(0)≥nlim→∞µ¯Axn =[1,1]. (3.13)

Hence ¯µA(0)=[1,1].

Theorem3.7. An i-v fuzzy setA=µL A,µAU

inXis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra of Xif and only ifµL

AandµAUare fuzzy BCI-subalgebras ofX.

Proof. Suppose thatµL

AandµUAare fuzzy BCI-subalgebras ofX. Letx,y∈X. Then








A(x),µUA(x),µLA(y),µUA(y) =rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y).


HenceAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Conversely, assume thatAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX. For anyx,y∈X, we have



¯A(x∗y)≥rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y) =rminµL

A(x),µAU(x),µAL(y),µUA(y) =minµL



It follows thatµL

A(x∗y)≥minµAL(x),µAL(y)andµUA(x∗y)≥minµUA(x),µAU(y). HenceµL

AandµAUare fuzzy BCI-subalgebras ofX.

Theorem3.8. LetAbe an i-v fuzzy set inX. ThenAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofXif and only if the nonempty set


We then call ¯UA;12] thei-v level BCI-subalgebraofA.

Proof. Assume thatAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofXand let12]∈D[0,1] be such thatx,y∈U(A¯ ;12]). Then


µA(x∗y)≥rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y)≥rminδ121212, (3.17) and sox∗y∈U(A¯ ;12]). Thus ¯U(A;12])is a BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Conversely, assume that ¯U(A;12]) (= ∅)is a BCI-subalgebra of X for every

12]∈D[0,1]. Suppose there existx0,y0∈Xsuch that ¯

µAx0∗y0 <rminµ¯Ax0 ¯Ay0 . (3.18) Let ¯µA(x0)=[γ12], ¯µA(y0)=[γ34],and ¯µA(x0∗y0)=[δ12].Then

δ12<rminγ1234=minγ13,minγ24. (3.19) Henceδ1<min13}andδ2<min24}. Taking

λ12=12µ¯Ax0∗y0 +rminµ¯Ax0 ¯Ay0 , (3.20) we obtain

λ12=12δ12+minγ13,minγ24 =

1 2

δ1+minγ13 ,21δ2+minγ24 .


It follows that

minγ13> λ1=12δ1+minγ13 > δ1, minγ24> λ2=12δ2+minγ24 > δ2


so that min13},min24} > [λ12] > [δ12] = µ¯A(x0∗y0). Therefore,

x0∗y0∉U¯A;12] . On the other hand, ¯

µAx0 12minγ13,minγ2412, ¯

µAy0 34minγ13,minγ2412, (3.23) and so x0,y0∈U(A¯ ;12]). It contradicts that ¯U(A;12])is a BCI-subalgebra of X. Hence ¯µA(x∗y)≥rmin¯A(x),µ¯A(y)}for all x,y ∈X. This completes the proof.

Theorem3.9. Every BCI-subalgebra ofX can be realized as an i-v level BCI-sub-algebra of an i-v fuzzy BCI-subBCI-sub-algebra ofX.

Proof. LetYbe a BCI-subalgebra ofXand letAbe an i-v fuzzy set onXdefined by

¯ µA(x)=

      

α12 ifx∈Y ,

[0,0] otherwise, (3.24)


is an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX. Letx,y∈X. Ifx,y∈Y, thenx∗y∈Y and so


µA(x∗y)=α12=rminα1212=rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y). (3.25) Ifx,yY, then ¯µA(x)=[0,0]=µ¯A(y)and thus


µA(x∗y)≥[0,0]=rmin{[0,0],[0,0]} =rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y). (3.26)

Ifx∈Y andyY, then ¯µA(x)=[α12]and ¯µA(y)=[0,0]. It follows that ¯

µA(x∗y)≥[0,0]=rminα12,[0,0]=rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y). (3.27) Similarly for the case xY and y ∈Y, we get ¯µA(x∗y)≥rmin¯A(x),µ¯A(y)}. ThereforeAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX, and the proof is complete.

Theorem3.10. LetY be a subset ofX and letAbe an i-v fuzzy set onXwhich is given in the proof of Theorem 3.9. IfAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX, thenY is a BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Proof. Assume thatA is an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX. Let x,y∈Y. Then ¯

µA(x)=[α12]=µ¯A(y), and so ¯

µA(x∗y)≥rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y)=rminα121212. (3.28) This implies thatx∗y∈Y. HenceY is a BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Theorem3.11. IfAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX, then the set


x∈X|µ¯A(x)=µ¯A(0) (3.29)

is a BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Proof. Letx,y∈Xµ¯A. Then ¯µA(x)=µ¯A(0)=µ¯A(y), and so ¯

µA(x∗y)≥rminµ¯A(x),µ¯A(y)=rminµ¯A(0),µ¯A(0)=µ¯A(0). (3.30)

Combining this and Lemma 3.5, we get ¯µA(x∗y)=µ¯A(0), that is,x∗y∈Xµ¯A. Hence

¯Ais a BCI-subalgebra ofX.

The following is a way to make a new i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra from old one.

Theorem3.12. For an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebraAofX, the i-v fuzzy setA∗ inX defined byµ¯A∗(x)=µ¯A(0∗x)for allx∈Xis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Proof. Since the equality 0∗(x∗y)=(0∗x)∗(0∗y)holds for all x,y∈X, we have


µA∗(x∗y)=µ¯A0∗(x∗y) ¯A(0∗x)∗(0∗y) rminµ¯A(0∗x),µ¯A(0∗y)




Definition3.13(Biswas [1]). Letfbe a mapping from a setXinto a setY. LetB be an i-v fuzzy set inY. Then theinverse imageofB, denoted byf−1[B], is the i-v fuzzy set inXwith the membership function given by ¯µf−1[B](x)=µ¯B(f (x))for all x∈X.

Lemma3.14(Biswas [1]). Letf be a mapping from a setXinto a set Y. Letm=

[mL,mU]andn=[nL,nU]be i-v fuzzy sets inXandY, respectively. Then (i) f−1(n)=f−1(nL),f−1(nU),

(ii) f (m)=f (mL),f (mU).

Theorem3.15. Letfbe a homomorphism from a BCI-algebraXinto a BCI-algebra Y. IfBis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofY, then the inverse imagef−1[B]ofBis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Proof. SinceB = [µL

B,µBU] is an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra of Y, it follows from Theorem 3.7 thatµL

BandµBUare fuzzy BCI-subalgebras ofY. Using Proposition 3.1, we know thatf−1L

B]andf−1[µUB]are fuzzy BCI-subalgebras ofX. Hence, by Lemma 3.14 and Theorem 3.7, we conclude thatf−1[B]=f−1L


is an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX.

Definition3.16(Biswas [1]). Letf be a mapping from a setXinto a setY. LetA be an i-v fuzzy set inX. Then theimageofA, denoted byf [A], is the i-v fuzzy set in Y with the membership function defined by


µf [A](y)=         


z∈f−1(y)µ¯A(z) iff

−1(y)= ∅,yY ,

[0,0] otherwise,


wheref−1(y)= {x|f (x)=y}.

Theorem3.17. Letfbe a homomorphism from a BCI-algebraXinto a BCI-algebra Y. IfAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX, then the imagef [A]ofAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofY.

Proof. Assume thatAis an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofX. Note thatA=µL A,µUA is an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofXif and only ifµL

AandµAUare fuzzy BCI-subalgebras ofX. It follows from Proposition 3.2 that the imagesf [µL

A]andf [µUA]are fuzzy BCI-subalgebras ofY. Combining Theorem 3.7 and Lemma 3.14, we conclude thatf [A]=

f [µL

A],f [µUA]

is an i-v fuzzy BCI-subalgebra ofY.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant KRF-99-005-D00003.


[1] R. Biswas,Rosenfeld’s fuzzy subgroups with interval-valued membership functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems63(1994), no. 1, 87–90. CMP 1 273 001. Zbl 844.20060.

[2] K. Iséki,An algebra related with a propositional calculus, Proc. Japan Acad.42 (1966), 26–29. MR 34#2433. Zbl 207.29304.


[4] ,The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning. I, Information Sci.8(1975), 199–249. MR 52#7225a. Zbl 397.68071.

Sung Min Hong: Department of Mathematics, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju660-701, Korea

E-mail address:smhong@nongae.gsnu.ac.kr

Young Bae Jun: Department of Mathematics Education, Gyeongsang National Uni-versity, Chinju660-701, Korea

E-mail address:ybjun@nongae.gsnu.ac.kr

Seon Jeong Kim: Department of Mathematics, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju660-701, Korea

E-mail address:skim@nongae.gsnu.ac.kr

Gwang Il Kim: Department of Mathematics, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 660-701, Korea


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