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St. Norbert Catholic Church


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(1)Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time. November 1, 2015. St. Norbert Catholic Church November 1, 2014 - October 1, 2015 !. Susan Beckham (November 19, 2014). Linda May (July 6, 2015). Carol Ann Weber (November 22, 2014). Bernice Buehrle (July 14, 2015). Donald Herdt (December 20, 2014). Glennon Hecht (July 27, 2015). Kenneth Goeke (January 12, 2015). Peggy Vassallo (August, 2015). Shirley Karniski (February 18, 2015). Heather Turner (August 1, 2015). Mary Howard (February 23, 2015). Jacob Springer (August 13, 2015). George Martak (March 6, 2015). Betty Rechtien (August 19, 2015). Marian Repking (April 3, 2015). Christopher Gaia (August 20, 2015). Thomas Bergjans (May 3, 2015). Albert Behlmann (September 23, 2015). Mary Ditto (May 6, 2015). Betty Scola (September 25, 2015). Shelley Vahey (May 8, 2015). Francis Hamill (September 28, 2015). Birdella McDonald (May 30, 2015). Mark Behlmann (September 29, 2015). Douglas Warren (June 4, 2015). May their souls and the souls of all the faithful, departed though the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

(2) Liturgical News Sunday, November 1~31st Sunday in Ordinary Time~ All Saints. LITURGY CORNER. 8:30 AM Our Parish Family 11:00 AM Mary Kincade Monday, November 2 ~ The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls). BACKGROUND ON NEXT WEEK’S READINGS NOVEMBER 7/8 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. 6:30 AM Kenneth Goeke 8:00 AM Albert Behlmann Tuesday, November 3 6:30 AM Chris Gaia 8:00 AM All Souls Mass Wednesday, November 4 6:30 AM Communion Service 8:00 AM St. Norbert Purgatorial Society Thursday, November 5 6:30 AM Albert Behlmann 8:00 AM Lucille Brune Friday, November 6 6:30 AM Mark Behlmann 8:00 AM Chris Gaia Saturday, November 7 8:00 AM Jerome Bier 5:00 PM Maryann Pitti Sunday, November 8 ~ 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 AM Donald Herdt 11:00 AM Our Parish Family If you would like to have a Mass Intention offered for the deceased or for a special intention, please contact the parish secretary 831-3874; secretary@saintnorbert.com. First Reading: 1 Kings 17: 10-16 The prophet Elijah lived about 800 years before Christ. After predicting a drought which did, in fact, take place, he fled to a place where God provided for his needs. Later, God directed him to the city of Zarephath, which was across the northern border of Israel in the pagan territory of Phoenicia. The drought had led to a famine and we see its effects in next week’s passage.. Second Reading: Hebrews 9: 24-28 On Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), the high priest sacrificed a goat on the altar in the temple. Then he took some of the blood into the holiest place in the temple sanctuary where only he was allowed to go. There, he sprinkled that blood as a renewal of the blood covenant made at Mount Sinai, and prayed that God would forgive all the sins the people had committed during the previous year. This ritual is the backdrop for next week’s reading from the Letter to the Hebrews.. November 7/8 . NO ROSARY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD Due to the All Souls Mass, there will be no Rosary on Tuesday, November 3rd. Also, Adoration will end at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, November 3rd.. !. LECTORS 5:00 PM D. Funke 8:30 AM G. Meyer 11:00 AM Y. Cole. GIFT BEARERS Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers. SERVERS 5:00 PM D. Manhal, G. Majorocon 8:30 AM D. Funke, D. Marturana 11:00 AM E. Dick, M. Schneier. DEVOTIONS OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Tuesdays after the 8 AM Mass. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesdays from 8:30 AM until 7:30 PM. PRAYER GROUPS. SACRAMENTS. OUR LADY SPIRITUAL VESSEL PRAYER GROUP. BAPTISM. Meets on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00 PM in the Kaletta Room. We come together to praise God in song, prayer and scripture, and to intercede for the needs of our parish. Please join us! Contacts: Loraine at 839-0207 or Phyllis at 838-7598.. Takes place on the last Sunday of every month after the 11 a.m. Mass. Parents must contact the Rectory to arrange for Baptism and Baptism Preparation class.. RECONCILIATION. HEART OF JESUS PRAYER GROUP. Saturdays from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. Call the Rectory for Confessions at any other time.. MATRIMONY Please make arrangements with a priest or deacon of the parish as soon as you are seriously contemplating marriage, at least six months prior to the wedding.. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you are of advanced age, ill, in a nursing home, or have other need to be anointed, please call the Rectory.!. !. Meets most Thursdays from 7:15 to 8:30 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Please join us. We pray a rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, read from the Bible and/or sing and share and end with prayer, petitions/intercessory prayer. (MT 18:20) Contact Lisa Roberts at 420-1481. JONAH TEAM MINISTRY prayer teams are available to pray with you for your personal needs after the 5 PM and 9 and 11:00 AM Masses the first and third Sunday of every month in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel immediately following Mass. !.

(3) Parish News THIS WEEK AT ST. NORBERT YOUR GIFTS TO GOD AND PARISH !. !. In-House & Direct Deposit Contributors ......... Envelopes Mailed (per week) .......................... !. FUSION. 96 857. Sunday, November 1st, 7 PM, Grady Room. October 24/25, 2015. 50+ CLUB MEETING. !. Weekly Collection (102 env + direct deposits)….$ 13,523 * Weekly Budget………………………………..…$ 16,000 Propagation of Faith……………………………..$ 218 Refugee Crisis …………………………………..$ 823. Monday, November 2nd, 12 PM, Schaefer Hall. ALL SOULS MASS Tuesday, November 3rd, 7 PM, Main Church Reception to follow - Schaefer Hall. !. * - Includes School Support. BLOOD DRIVE. Many thanks to those parishioners who so generously donate to St. Norbert Parish.. Thursday, November 5th, 3:30 PM, Schaefer Hall. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - WAY OF THE CROSS. A huge THANK YOU to all those who increased their donations.. Friday, November 6th, 7 PM, Main Church. ST NORBERT DINNER AUCTION. Please consider On-Line Giving For more information, please contact. Saturday, November 7th, 7 PM, Schaefer Hall. UPCOMING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Envelopes available on bulletin board in Gathering Area. Youth News. RETIREMENT FUND FOR THE RELIGIOUS NOVEMBER 1 To support our elderly religious-order priests, sisters and brothers.. FUSION The high school youth group meets on Sunday from 7-9 pm in the Grady room at St. Norbert. We have snacks, fun, friends, and faith. If you haven't been to FUSION recently then come and see what we are all about. Everyone in high school is welcome.. ALL SOULS DAY - NOVEMBER 2 To fund St. Norbert Purgatorial Society for remembrance of those who have died in the past year and may not have had individual Mass Intentions said for them.. North County High School Retreat Glory Revealed is the theme for this retreat. It will have teens from all over north county. The retreat is Nov 20-22 at Camp Wyman in Eureka. The cost is only $65. Registration must be completed by Nov 10th. For more information or to register contact me at youthministry@saintnorbert.com.. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT - NOVEMBER 22 To support the poor in the United States.. Dynamic Catholic, Alive! The Saints. In honor of All Saints Day, we will be discussing Saints this week at FUSION. After the discussion we will have fun in the gym as usual.. /Ŷ Ɖƌŝů͕ ϮϬϭϰ͕ WŽƉĞ &ƌĂŶĐŝƐ ĐĂŶŽŶŝnjĞĚ ^ĂŝŶƚƐ WŽƉĞ :ŽŚŶ yy///ĂŶĚWŽƉĞ:ŽŚŶWĂƵů//͘tŚŽĂƌĞƚŚĞƐĂŝŶƚƐ͍dŚĞLJĂƌĞ ƚŚŽƐĞ ǁŚŽ ĞŶũŽLJ ƚŚĞ ĞĂƚŝĨŝĐ sŝƐŝŽŶ͖ ƚŚĞLJ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ŚƵƌĐŚ dƌŝƵŵƉŚĂŶƚ͘ tĞ ĂƌĞ Ăůů ĐĂůůĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ƐĂŝŶƚƐ͘ dŚĞ ĂƚŚŽůŝĐ ŶŽǀĞůŝƐƚ>ĞŽŶůŽLJŽŶĐĞǁƌŽƚĞ͕͞dŚĞŽŶůLJƚƌĂŐĞĚLJŝŶůŝĨĞŝƐ ŶŽƚ ƚŽ ďĞĐŽŵĞ Ă ƐĂŝŶƚ͘͟ KŶ ƚŚŝƐ ^ŽůĞŵŶŝƚLJ ŽĨ ůů ^ĂŝŶƚƐ͕ ǁŚŽ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ƐĂŝŶƚƐ ƚŚĂƚ LJŽƵ ůŽŽŬ ƚŽ ĂƐ ŵŽĚĞůƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŚƌŝƐƚŝĂŶůŝĨĞ͍ ĂƌĐŚƐƚů͘ŽƌŐͬĚLJŶĂŵŝĐ. ! Š”‹•‡›‡”•ǡ‘—–Š‹‹•–‡” ›‘—–Š‹‹•–”›̻•ƒ‹–‘”„‡”–Ǥ ‘ ͹ͷͺǤ;͹ͷǤ͹;ͽͺš͸ͺ͹. ϯ.

(4) Parish News. Parish News. New Evangelization Adult Faith Opportunity We are going to offer the DVD series titled “The New Evangelization” by the Very Rev. Robert Barron beginning on Tuesday, Nov. 10th at 7:30 PM in the Main Church. Everyone is invited to attend this DVD series. Our hope is that we will form an Evangelization committee to spread the Gospel to Fallen away Catholics and to our community. Your attendance at this series does not commit yourself to this new committee in the parish. So please attend. There is no cost.. St. Norbert Blood Drive November 5, 2015 In the past weeks we have heard stories about sharing of time, talents and treasures. We also continue to work to build a strong sense of community with our north county neighbors and to our parish during the challenges of the past year. Let us use this opportunity to show our north county strength and commitment by sharing a precious treasure which is limited and irreplaceable – a unit of blood. On Thursday November 5th, St. Norbert will host a blood drive in Schafer Hall from 3:30 to 7pm. You can be a steward by providing a vital resource to serve of our community. There is no artificial replacement for blood so your donation is critical. Please pray over your commitment and take an hour on November 5th to donate a unit. If you are interested in volunteering as a greeter or to serve refreshments or have questions, please contact Pam Lesser at 314-973-2110.. Dates of DVD series: Tuesday Evenings 7:30 PM November 10, 17, December 1, January 5, 12, 19. TO RSVP - Please email deaconbill@saintnorbert.com. LOGOS: WORD OF GOD (formerly NCC) Wednesday, November 11 7 to 8:30 PM, Kaletta Room !. !"#$% #$% &'(% )% *#+,-% $(./0% 12'.30) .%)$* 



(7)        ".  "  . !)" .   2!  1     " )! .%. 

(8)          )!... 50 + Club Monthly Meeting News Happy Thanksgiving! Our meeting will be on Nov. 2nd in Schafer Hall at 12 noon. Meyers Caterers will be serving turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberries, salad and vegetables. Each plate is $8.50. Dessert provided by Grace Pellerito, Diane Drysdale and Al Morris. The winner of our Halloween contest was Julie ‘The Wicked Witch’ Sweda. Special thanks to Dracula, Ms. Bunny, Crazy Lady Down The Street, The Scandinavian, and Tiger Woman. After lunch it’s B I N G O! Any questions call Ann Morris at 837-3709.. !.   "  .        *.**)!. %)0.))*%.%%  .    %  " *.%))!. 8th Grade March for Life Fundraiser. Our 8th Graders NEED YOU!! Every year thousands of young people from the Archdiocese ! of St. Louis travel to Washington, DC to   

(9)            participate in the annual March for Life to tell       


(11)   3  ( our government leaders that abortion must end. In years )4!5678 6956:8;7

(12) 5 past, we have always sent a group of 8th graders to represent St. Norbert's. We have 10 very passionate 8th graders that need your support. Please purchase your St. Norbert's gear for your entire family so that we can use the proceeds to send them to Washington. School parents please note: T-Shirts and crew neck sweatshirts have been NOVEMBER MEAL-A-MONTH approved to wear at school. Although anyone can buy a hoodie, we only allow 8th Graders to wear them to school Pancake mix, pancake syrup, Spam, as part of their 8th grade privileges. Please purchase your canned fruit. Powdered Milk (Optional) or Cereal. PAPER PRODUCTS AND St. Norbert's Gear online here: HEALTH AND BEAUTY ITEMS Youth Sizes: ALWAYS NEEDED. Drop off in Cry https://teespring.com/new-st-norberts-pro-lif Room Closet. All items donated to North Adult Sizes: County TEAM. ϰ https://teespring.com/st-norbet-pro-life-fundraise.

(13) Prayers. Parish News SANDWICHES FOR KAREN HOUSE <2"!)

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(15)   !!"! #$% ! & &! %!&  ! !'( )  ()   B! %  ..  !   C * ! % ! .!D. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Andy Staebel Deacon Don Driscoll Our list of names of the sick has been added to our book, “Prayers for Healing” that is located on a podium in the Gathering Area of Church. Anyone may write the names of those who need our prayers in this book. You may continue to call the Rectory to have your loved ones names placed in the bulletin in order for the entire parish to know that prayers are needed. After a few weeks we will ensure that their name is recorded in the book in church if you have not already done so.. OPPORTUNITY TO NOURISH THE NEEDY If you are interested in making a tuna or spaghetti casserole for St. Patrick’s Food Program, stop by the Rectory garage to pick up a recipe and pan (or feel free to use your own). THE FREEZERS ARE LOCATED IN THE GARAGE NEAR THE RECTORY. Please come to the Rectory to get the entry code for the garage. Questions, call the Rectory, 831-3874..    Also, a list of those in the Military is on a poster in the Gathering Area. We will also publish new names in the bulletin, then transfer them to the poster. St. Norbert, pray for us. FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS OUR NEXT WAY OF THE CROSS WILL BE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH AT 7 PM. IN MEMORIAM. The first Friday of each month, the Knights of Columbus lead St. Norbert in praying the Way of the Cross with Benediction. We always include each of you and your needs as we pray. We begin at 7 PM in church and invite all of you to join us. When someone in our family dies, all the friends and relatives gather to give support to the family. Well, that is what the Knights do each month - give support to Mary and Joseph for the death of their Son and Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please join the Knights no cost, just some of your time.. Harold Rosner Husband of Ellen Rosner. Parish News FIRST FRIDAY MASS FOR HOMESCHOOLERS Friday, November 6, 2015. Teaching Children to be Good Stewards On the Solemnity of All Saints, November 1st or November 8th (After All Masses) we will have a special Halloween collection for our Parish candy supply. We ask all children of the parish to tithe a portion of the Halloween candy. At the Preparation of the Gifts, the children will be invited to come forward and place their donations of candy into baskets around the altar. Adults may also participate. This would be a great way to dispose of your leftover candy!. First Friday Masses at the Old St. Ferdinand Shrine in Florissant will continue for our 6th year! Everyone, especially homeschooling families, is invited to join us every First Friday in September-May to celebrate Holy Mass at 11:30 AM. Brown-bag lunch & fellowship time is in the Schoolhouse after Mass. Confessions & recitation of the Holy Rosary begin at 11 AM. For questions, please contact Tammi Hall at 972-0635. See you there!" ϱ.

(16) Archdiocese News. Community News Come to the Quiet: Days of Reflection Led by Pat Shea at Mercy Center 2015: November 14 (Generosity). 2016: May 14 (Tending the Heart Fire) August 20 (Playfulness). Registration: 8:30 A.M. Program: 9:00 A.M.— 4:00 P.M. Presenter: Pat Shea is a life coach, spiritual director and facilitator. Non-refundable registration: $25 due: Nov. 2 for Nov. 14 session $25 due: May 2 for May 14 session $25 due: Aug. 8 for Aug. 20 session Total cost, including registration: $60 per session, (includes lunch) Contact: Bonnie Green bgreen@mercycenterstl.org or 314-909-4677. Waking Up: A Day of Prayer Led by Fr. Tom Wyrsch at Mercy Center Saturday, November 21, 2015. Registration: 8:30 A.M., Program: 9:00 A.M.—4:00 P.M. Presenter: Fr. Tom Wyrsch is pastor of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne parish in Florissant. Non-refundable registration: $25 due Nov. 10 Total cost, including registration: $60 (includes lunch) Contact: Bonnie Green bgreen@mercycenterstl.org or 314-909-4677.. Invitation to Divorced and Separated Catholics The Office of Laity and Family Life is pleased to announce the beginning of a new ministry to Catholics who have suffered from divorce: The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide. The 12-week program features DVD presentations covering denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the kids, the exspouse, spirituality, annulment and much more. Immaculate Conception – Dardenne Parish is hosting the program beginning January 7, 2016. Contact Debi at debijo@att.net or 314-276-3859 for more information. A Chance To Get Cardinals Suite Tickets Plus Help Families With Adoption. That's a Winner! Support the loving gift of adoption by purchasing a ticket for the Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Adoption Fund Cardinals Suite Raffle. The winner will get one half of the Mercy Suite (10 tickets plus $150 of food/ drink credit and one parking pass) for a mutuallyagreed-upon date during the 2016 Cardinal Baseball season. Tickets for the raffle are $20 each or six for $100. All proceeds go directly to families to assist with the cost of adoption. Help us lift up these deserving families...we need all the help we can get! Applications for grants are increasing every year. Please prayerfully consider selling and buying these tickets. Purchases can be made on line: http:// archstl.org/raffleforadoption or by calling the Office of Natural Family Planning at 314-997-7576.. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE – Coalition For Life ENDING ABORTION IN ST. LOUIS. Community News Pallottine Renewal Center hosts Artful Askers: A Workshop for Nonprofit Fundraising Thus., Dec. 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Looking for new ways to fund the vision of your church, school or non-profit? Join nationally-known fund development trainer Bob Vickers for his Artful Askers one-day workshop on how to build relationships with funders, resources and donors to empower your faith-based or community organization. Cost is $75, including meal and materials. (Overnight accommodations available.) Pallottine Renewal Center is located at 15270 Old Halls Ferry Road in Florissant. For more information call 314-837-7100 or visit pallottinerenewal.org. . Recognizing that, with God, all things are possible, our community is joining with hundreds of other cities for this fall’s global 40 Days for Life – the largest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history… 40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful – and proven effective – pro-life campaign that has already been embraced by more than 600,000 people worldwide. With God’s help, 40 Days For Life has seen proven results: 10,331 babies spared from abortion, 118 abortion worker conversions, and 60 closed abortion centers. The Fall campaign is going on now through November 1st. Get involved, and you can help save lives! Through Prayer and Fasting and Peaceful vigil. Here in St. Louis: Vigil location: Central West End, 4251 Forest Park Vigil Hours: 7am-7pm Local Contact: 314-827-4039 info@coalitionforlifestl.com. For more information or to sign up for an hour, volunteer at: www.CoalitionForLifeSTL.com.

(17) Does your home need a facelift?. Robert S. Olson, Jr., D.D.S., M.S. Richard J. White, D.D.S., M.S. We love to see you smile! Florissant. Check out the home repair and remodeling experts advertising in this bulletin!. O’Fallon. 1265 Graham Road Suite C 103 O’Fallon Commons Dr. Florissant, MO 63031 O’Fallon, MO 63368 314-838-8762 636-978-9585. www.olsonwhite.com. General Home Repair. 60 YEARS Contact Iris Mitchell to place an ad today! IMitchell@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2495. BILL BRAY. Professional Counseling & Psychiatry. Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 1385 Harkee Drive Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-1533. 314-363-4572. www.cfsstl.org. VOSS AUTOMOTIVE INC.. Complete Plumbing Repairs. 837-3500 675 Graham Road Florissant, MO. 831-3100. DON HENEFER JEWELERS 012'3$-'4.(%5&&"+6'789. 314 921-3001. BOYLE. LAW FIRM, LLC Patrick O. Boyle • Daniel P. Boyle General Practice in Missouri. 1685 N. Hwy. 67 M-F 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM. !"#$%&'()'*+$',$-$.%/. Bathroom Inc. Remodeling (314) 895-3433. 755 Rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031. — 838-4500 —. GOLDKAMP HEATING & COOLING. 839-3332 Matt Goldkamp. TOWING AVAILABLE 314-837-6250. RONSICKS AUTO CARE ASE CERTIFIED MECHANICS “ESTABLISHED IN 1965” 14241 NEW FALLS FERRY. 837-6250 FLORISSANT, MO 63033. For ad info. call Iris Mitchell at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com. System Aire, Inc. Mechanical Contractors & Engineers Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists 4181 Shoreline Drive Earth City, Missouri 63045 (314) 739-8310 • Fax: (314) 739-8320 www.systemaire.com. St. Norbert Catholic Church B 4C 01-1245.

(18) MEYER’S CAFE $. 1767 N. New Florissant Rd. Florissant, MO 63033 314-837-1272. 19.95. Sunday Breakfast All Day 10a-7p • Homemade Fried Chicken Dinner Sunday & Monday Until Close • Weekly Daily Specials $6.49. Oil and Filter Up to 5 Quarts - Synthetic Extra. FOR CATERING CALL SUSIE • 314-606-5472 Honor Our Veterans. $. 50.00 OFF. Cut Out This “Thank You Ad”  Please and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers. a set of 4 Tires – Installed Must present bulletin for offers. 314-831-3300 www.martycars.com. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it!. Sandy L. Kessler, Agent. Contact Iris Mitchell to place an ad today! IMitchell@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2495. 1293 Bryan Road O’Fallon, MO 63366 (636) 474-0700 sandy@agentsandykessler.com. Joseph Meyer 1080 Rue St. Francois CD’s * Stock * Bonds * IRA’s. 314-839-9385. ROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available. Since 1970 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX. 314-837-4671 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175. www.dawsonroofing.com. 314-830-1500 13980 New Halls Ferry Rd, Florissant, MO 63033 www.stygar.com www.WhyPrePlan.org. For ad info. call Iris Mitchell at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com. St. Norbert Catholic Church A 4C 01-1245.



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