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Groups with reality and conjugacy conditions


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ISSN (print): 2251-7650, ISSN (on-line): 2251-7669 Vol. 01 No.2 (2012), pp. 25-38.


2012 University of Isfahan




Communicated by Alireza Abdollahi

Abstract. Many results were proved on the structure of finite groups with some restrictions on their real elements and on their conjugacy classes. We generalize a few of these to some classes of infinite groups. We study groups in which real elements are central, groups in which real elements are 2-elements, groups in which all non-trivial classes have the same finite size andF C-groups with two non-trivial conjugacy class sizes.

1. Introduction

LetGbe a group. A real element of Gis an element that is conjugate to its inverse.

A periodic group X in which all elements have odd order, contains no non-identity real element.

For if x ∈ X\ {1} is real and g ∈ X is such that xg =x−1 6=x, then g ∈ NX(hxi)\CX(hxi) and

g2 C

X(hxi). Then NX(hxi)/CX(hxi) contains an involution, soNX(hxi) contains a 2-element.

We study groups with “few” real elements for several meanings of “few”. In [5] it is proved that a

finite groupGin which all real elements lie inZ(G) is a direct product T×O whereO is a subgroup

of odd order and T a Sylow 2-subgroup in which all real elements are central. First we show that if

Gis a periodic group with the same property, then the situation is close but not the same.

Theorem 1.1. Let G be a periodic group. Then every real element ofG lies in Z(G) if and only if

one of the following holds:

(i)G=D×O, whereO is a20-subgroup andDa hypercentral 2-subgroup in which all real elements

are central.

MSC(2010): Primary: 20E45; Secondary: 20F24, 20F50. Keywords: conjugacy classes, real elements, FC-groups. Received: 18 November 2011, Accepted: 01 March 2012. ∗Corresponding author.


(ii) Gis a central product, G=DH,whereDis a hypercentral2-subgroup in which all real elements

are central and H is a non splitting extension of the abelian 2-subgroup H∩D by a20-subgroup.

Let E be any abelian group. Then any central non-split extension G of E by a 20-group B can

serve as an example of groups satisfying conclusion (ii). Indeed, by the remark at the beginning,G/E

cannot contain real elements, so all real elements of Gare in E ≤Z(G). An explicit construction of

a family of such extensions can be found in Section 2.

We will see that if we replace ”periodic” by ”locally finite” in the hypothesis of Theorem 1 then

conclusion (i) holds (Corollary 2.7). The same is true if we add ”residually finite” to the assumption

(Corollary 2.8). A consequence for groups in which all conjugacy classes are finite (F C-groups) is

included as well.

A special case of groups in which all real elements are central are the groups in which the square of

every conjugacy class is a conjugacy class. Such finite groups are discussed in [5]. We study in Section

2 infinite groups of this type.

The property ”all real elements are central” is equivalent to ”no two distinct real elements are

conjugate”. On the other extreme are the groupsGin which all non-trivial real elements are conjugate.

Iwasaki ([15]) classified such finite groups. We extend this result to periodic F C-groups (Theorem

19). Relaxing the assumption to locally finite groups G in which ”all non-trivial real elements are

2-elements”, we still can show that G has a normal Sylow 2-subgroup (Theorem 18). These results

can be found in Section 3.

In Section 4 we consider groups in which all non-central conjugacy classes have the same finite size.

Such groups are necessarilyF C-groups. Ito ([13]) proved that such finite groups are direct products

A×P, whereA is abelian and P a p-group for some prime p. Verardi ([19]) proved that the same is

true (with a finite P), for finitely generated groups. Ishikawa proved in [12] that the nilpotence class

of a finitep-group with this property is at most 3. Our result is the following:

Theorem 1.2. Let G be a periodic group in which all non-central conjugacy classes have the same

finite size n. Thenn is a power of a prime p, and G=A×P, where A is an abelian group and P a

nilpotentp-group in which all non-central conjugacy classes have the same finite sizen.

More generally:

Corollary 1.3. LetG be a group. Assume that all non-central conjugacy classes have the same finite

sizen. Then n is a power of a primep andG can be embedded in a direct product A×P, where A is

an abelian group and P a nilpotent p-group in which all non-central conjugacy classes have the same


Finally in Section 5 we study F C-groups with two non-trivial finite class sizes. Ito ([14]) proved

that finite groups with this property are soluble. More precise results on the structure of such groups

have been obtained by Camina ([3]) and Dolfi and Jabara ([8]). We prove the following result:

Theorem 1.4. Let G be a periodic F C-group with two non-trivial conjugacy class sizes. Then G=

N M, where N is normal in G and N, M are nilpotent. In particular, G is soluble.

More generally:

Corollary 1.5. Let G be an F C-group with two non-trivial conjugacy class sizes. Then G is soluble.

Most of our notation is standard, taken mainly from [17] (see also [9]). The terms of the upper

central series of the groupGare denoted byZi(G). The conjugacy class ofxin the groupGis denoted


2. Groups in which real elements are central

We denote the class of groups Gin which every real element lies in Z(G) by P.

We start by a simple lemma that will be needed.

Lemma 2.1. Let G be a group and x, y∈G.

(i) If x2, y= 1, then [x, y]is real.

(ii) If hx, yi is nilpotent and x and y have relatively prime (finite) orders, then [x, y] = 1.

Proof. (i) From x2, y= 1 we get [x, y]x[x, y] = 1 which implies [x, y]x = [x, y]−1.

(ii) This is trivial.

Proposition 2.2. Let G∈ P and x∈G\ {1}. Then x is real if and only if x is an involution.

Proof. Clearly, every involution is real. Conversely, ifx∈G\ {1}is real, thenx∈Z(G) andxg =x−1

for someg∈G. Thusx=xg =x−1.

Clearly, every subgroup of a group inP is also inP. Next we show that ifG∈ P then so isG/Z(G).

Proposition 2.3. Let G∈ P. Then G/Z(G)∈ P.

Proof. Let xZ(G) be a real element of G/Z(G). Then xgZ(G) = x−1Z(G) for some g ∈ G and

consequently xg =x−1c for some c ∈ Z(G). Then xg2 = x−1cg = x−1gc = c−1xc = x so that

x, g2

= 1. By Lemma 2.1, [x, g] is real. By definition ofP, [x, g]∈Z(G). But [x, g] =x−1xg=x−2c,

sox2 ∈Z(G). It follows that x2, y= 1 for all y ∈G. Again, Lemma 2.1 implies that [x, y] is real. Hence [x, y]∈Z(G) for all y∈G, which is the same as xZ(G)∈Z(G/Z(G)).

LetG∈ P, we defineE1(G) ={x∈G|x is real}. By Proposition 2.2,E1(G) =

x∈G |x2 = 1 and G∈ P impliesE1(G)≤Z(G).


Corollary 2.4. Let G∈ P. Then G/E1(G)∈ P.

Proof. LetxE1(G) be a real element ofG/E1(G). Since E1(G)≤Z(G) we get thatxZ(G) is real in

G/Z(G), and Proposition 2.3 implies that xZ(G) ∈Z(G/Z(G)). It follows by Propositions 2.2 and

2.3 that x2Z(G) = Z(G) and

x2, y

= 1 for all y ∈ G. Lemma 2.1 now implies that [x, y] is real,

that is [x, y]∈E1(G) for all y∈G. ThusxE1(G)∈Z(G/E1(G)).

Definition 2.5. Let G∈ P. Define E2(G) by

E2(G)/E1(G) =E1(G/E1(G))

and Ei+1(G) by

Ei+1(G)/Ei(G) =E1(G/Ei(G)) for alli∈N. Let

D(G) =[



Proposition 2.6. Let G∈ P, Ei =Ei(G) and D=D(G). Then:

(i) G/Ei ∈ P for alli∈N.

(ii) Ei≤Zi(G) for alli∈N. So D≤Z∞(G) (the hypercenter ofG).

(iii) Ei+1/Ei={xEi ∈G/Ei | xEi is real}=

= n

xEi ∈G/Ei | (xEi)2=Ei



(iv) D is a hypercentral 2-subgroup.

(v) G/D contains no nontrivial 2-element.

Proof. (i) By the previous Corollary the result is true fori= 1. Assume by induction thatG/Ei ∈ P,

then Corollary 2.4 implies that (G/Ei)/(E1(G/Ei))∈ P.

However (G/Ei)/(E1(G/Ei)) = (G/Ei)/(Ei+1/Ei)∼=G/Ei+1.

(ii) The result for i= 1 follows from the definition of P. Assume by induction that Ei ≤Zi(G).

Since G/Ei ∈ P for all i ∈ N we get Ei+1/Ei = E1(G/Ei) ≤ Z(G/Ei). Let ei+1 ∈ Ei+1, then [ei+1, y]∈ Ei ≤Zi(G) for ally ∈G. Thus ei+1Zi(G) ∈Z(G/Zi(G)) = Zi+1(G)/Zi(G), so ei+1 ∈


(iii) and (iv). Follow from the definitions and from (ii).

(v) If G/D contains a nontrivial 2-element, it contains an involution, say xD. Then x2 D, so

x2 ∈Ei for somei∈N and by definitionx∈Ei+1≤D. This contradiction proves (v).

Proof of Theorem 1.1. SupposeG∈ P. We will use the notation of the previous proposition. LetEi

= Ei(G) and D = D(G) ≤ Z∞(G). Since G is periodic, G/D is a 20-group. In particular, every

2-element ofG lies inD.

Let O be the set of all elements of G of odd order. We claim that O ⊆CG(D). To see that, let


SetH=hOi, then G=HD and [H, D] = 1.

If O is a subgroup then G=DO =D×O, so assume that O is not a subgroup. Thus H∩D ≤

Z(G)∩H≤Z(H) andH/(H∩D) is a 20-group. IfH does not split overH∩D, then conclusion (ii)

holds. IfHdoes split overH∩DthenH = (H∩D)×X for some subgroupX consisting of elements

of odd order. So G=D×X andO =X is a subgroup, a contradiction.

For the converse, assume that G satisfies the conclusions. ThenG =KD with D∈ P a 2-group,

[K, D] = 1 and G/D a 20-group (K = O in (i) and K = H in (ii)). Let x ∈ G be real and g ∈ G

be such that xg =x−1. By the second paragraph of this paper, x ∈D. Write g =kd, where k∈ K

and d ∈ D. Then xg = xd = x−1 and hence x is real in D. Since D ∈ P, x ∈ Z(D) ≤ Z(G) as


Corollary 2.7. Let G be a locally finite group. Then every real element lies in Z(G) if and only if

G=D×O, where O is a 20-subgroup and D a hypercentral2-subgroup in which every real element is

in Z(D).

Proof. Assume that every real element of G lie in Z(G). In the notation of the proof of Theorem 1,

we need to show that O is a subgroup. Let x, y ∈G be of odd order. Then A = hx, yi is finite and

A ≤ hOi ≤ CG(D). Since D contains all 2-elements of G, D∩A is a Sylow 2-subgroup of A. By

the Schur Zassenhaus Theorem, A = (D∩A)V is a semidirect product, where V is a subgroup of

odd order. Consequently A = (D∩A)×V. Hence V contains all the odd order elements of A, in

particularx, y∈V. Soxy ∈V and xy∈O as required.

For the converse, we argue as in the proof of Theorem 1.1.

Corollary 2.8. Let G be a periodic residually finite group. Then every real element lies in Z(G) if

and only ifG=D×O, whereO is a20-subgroup andD a hypercentral2-subgroup in which every real

element is in Z(D).

Proof. Assume that all real elements of G lie in Z(G). Again, using the notation of the proof of

Theorem 1, we take x, y∈O and set A=hx, yi. ThenA≤ hOi ≤CG(D). Write u=xy.

Letu=u2×uo be the factorization ofuinto its 2-partu2 and its 20-partuo. We need to show that u2 = 1. Assume the contrary, thatu2 6= 1. ThenGcontains a normal subgroupN of finite index such that x6= 1,y 6= 1 and u2 6= 1, here we denote images modulo N by bars. Clearly u=u2×uo =xy.

It follows that u is not of odd order. Since D contains all 2-elements of G, D is a normal Sylow

2-subgroup of the finite group G, and D∩A is a normal Sylow 2-subgroup of A. Moreover, A ≤

CG D. As in the previous proofA= D∩A×V, whereV is a subgroup of odd order, containing

all odd order elements ofA. In particularx, y∈V. Thenu∈V, sou has odd order, a contradiction.

For the converse, we argue as in the proof of Theorem 1.1.

Corollary 2.9. Let Gbe an F C-group. Then every real element ofG belongs to Z(G) if and only if

Gis a subgroup of a direct productO×D×A, whereD is anF C 2-group, hypercentral and such that


Proof. Suppose that all real elements of G lie in Z(G). First assume that G is periodic. Then, by

Theorem 1, there exists a normal 2-subgroupDofGsuch thatG/Dis a 20-group. Then, by a Theorem

of ˇCernikov ([18], Theorem 5.25, p. 100),D has a complement inG, and Ghas the structure in (i) of

Theorem 1.

Now assume that G is anyF C-group in P. Let H be a maximal torsion-free subgroup of Z(G).

ThenG/H is periodic andG0∩H= 1 (see [18], p. 4). Consider the subgroupK =H2. ThenH/K is periodic, thusG/K is periodic. Moreover,K is torsion-free, thusK∩G0 = 1. HenceG is isomorphic

to a subgroup of G/G0 ×G/K. Once we prove that G/K is in P, then G will have the required


In fact, letaKbe a real element inG/K. ThenaxK =a−1Kfor somex∈G. Thenax =a−1c, with

c∈K=H2, andc=d2, withdH. Then we have (ad−1)x =axd−1=a−1d2d−1 =a−1d= (ad−1)−1. Thus ad−1 is a real element in G, then ad−1 ∈ Z(G), therefore a ∈ Z(G) and aK ∈ Z(G/K), as


Conversely, suppose thatGis a subgroup of a direct productO×D×A, where O,Dand Asatisfy

the hypothesis of the theorem. Letabe a real element ofG. Then a=a1a2a3, witha1 ∈O,a2∈D,

a3 ∈A. There existsx∈Gsuch that ax =a−1 and again we have x=x1x2x3, with x1 ∈O,x2 ∈D,

x3 ∈ A. Then we have a−1 =a−11 a−12 a3−1 =ax = ax11ax22a3x3, thus ax11 = a−11 , a2x2 =a−12 ,ax33 =a−13 , then a1 = 1, since O has no real elements, a3 = 1, since A is an abelian torsion-free group, and

a2 ∈Z(D). Therefore a=a2∈Z(G), as required.

Next is an example of a groupG∈ P satisfying (ii) of the Theorem 1 (that isH does not split over


Example. Let B = B(m, n) be the free Burnside group with m generators and odd exponent

n > 1010. By Corollary 1 of [2], the Schur multiplier M(B) is a free abelian group of infinite rank. LetE be an abelian 2-group and consider E as a trivial B-module. ThenHom(M(B), E) 6= 0. By

the Universal Coefficients Theorem (see e.g. [17] , 11.4.18, p. 336), we getH2(B, E)6= 0. Thus there is a central non splitting extensionG ofE byB. By the comment after the statement of Theorem 1,

G∈ P.

The investigation of groups inP with the above finiteness conditions ”reduces” the problem to the

study of hypercentral 2-groups inP. Such finite 2-groups are described in proposition 4.7 of [5]. An

easy corollary is that the same statement holds for any hypercentral 2-group. Namely:

Corollary 2.10. Let G be a hypercentral 2-group. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) x2 =y2 holds if and only if (xy−1)2 = 1 holds.

(ii) all involutions are central, and Gcontains no subgroup isomorphic to one of the groups


(iii) every real element of G is central.

Proof. Since G is hypercentral, it is locally nilpotent. Let H be a finitely generated subgroup of G.

ThenH is nilpotent, it is also periodic, thusH is finite. Hence Gis locally finite. We claim that each

of three conditions are local, namely, they hold inGif and only if they holds in any finitely generated

subgroup of G. Once we show that, the corollary follows from 4.7 of [5], since all finitely generated

subgroups are finite.

Clearly, each of the three conditions is inherited by finitely generated subgroups. Condition (i) and

the second phrase of condition (ii), are stated within the finitely generated subgroup hx, yi. So they

are local. Suppose that condition (iii) holds in every finitely generated subgroup of G. Let x ∈ G

be real, and let g ∈ G be such that xg = x−1. Then x is real in hx, gi and so x is central in hx, gi

forcing [x, g] = 1 and x=x−1. Thereforexis real in hx, ui for allu∈G. Hencex is central inhx, ui,

implying [x, u] = 1. Thus x∈Z(G). So all three conditions are local.

As we have seen, ifGis a periodic group inP, then every odd order element commutes with every

2-element. When G is not periodic it is possible that a torsion-free element does not commute with

all 2-elements.

Example. Let< an>be a cyclic group of order 2ngenerated by an, andE =Drn∈N< an>. Let

x∈Aut E defined byax1 =a1,axn=anan−1, for any n∈N\ {1}. It follows that (an)x


=an and




=an. Let G=Eo< x >. Then G∈ P,Gis metabelian and no power ofx centralizes E.

Example. For anyt>3 consider the 2-adic integer yt= (kt,n)n>1, defined as follows:

kt,1 =· · ·=kt,t−1 = 1, kt,j =kt,j−1+ 2j−1,∀j>t.

The group G = Z(2∝)o < yt | t > 3 > is in P and Z(2∝) = Z∝(G) is the set of all periodic

elements ofG.

For a subsetA of a group, we define

A2 ={ab|a, b∈A}.

A special case of groups in P are the groups in which the square of every conjugacy class is a

conjugacy class.

By [5] (remarks 5.4 and 5.5), ifGis such a finite group, then Gis nilpotent with an abelian Sylow

2-subgroup. Using similar methods, we show next:

Theorem 2.11. Let G be an FC-group in which the square of any conjugacy class is a conjugacy

class. Then G is hypercentral. Furthermore, if G is also periodic, then G = O ×D, where O is a


The proof follows from the next Lemma.

Lemma 2.12. LetGbe a group in which the square of any conjugacy class is a conjugacy class. Then:

(i) The assumption is equivalent to : (clG(x))2=clG x2

for all x∈G.

(ii) Every real element lies in Z(G).

(iii) Every 2-element lies in Z(G).

(iv) IfX is a homomorphic image ofG, then the square of any conjugacy class ofX is a conjugacy


(v) Assume that G is an FC-group and x ∈ G is of odd order. Set C = clG(x), then x−1C is a

finite normal subgroup of G.

Proof. (i) This is true as clG x2

is always contained in (clG(x))2.

(ii) Let x be real in G and g ∈G be such that xg =x−1. Put C =clG(x). Then xxg = 1 ∈C2.

Since C2 is a conjugacy class, C2 ={1}. As x is real,x−1 ∈C. Thenx−1xh ∈C2 ={1}and xh =x

for all h∈G. Thusx∈Z(G).

(iii) Letx∈Gbe of order 2nand setC =cl

G(x). We use induction onn. Ifn= 1, thenx∈Z(G),

by (ii). Son >1 and by inductionx2∈Z(G). ThenC2 =clG x2

, sinceC2 is a conjugacy class. So

C2=x2 and hencexxy =x2 for ally ∈G. Hencex=xy for all y∈G as required.

(iv) Let N be a normal subgroup of G with X =G/N. Let xN ∈X and xgxhN ∈(clX(xN))2,

where g, h∈G. By (i), xgxh = x2u

for some u ∈G and so xgxhN = x2u

N ∈clX x2N

. Thus

(clX(xN))2 ≤clX x2N

and the equality follows.

(v) By (i),C2 =clG x2

and as o(x) is odd,CG(x) =CG x2

. Therefore



SoC2 =xC. Write H=x−1C, then

HH =x−1Cx−1C=x−2Cx−1C =x−2C2 =x−2xC =x−1C=H.

Therefore H is as subgroup of G. Let g, g1 ∈ G. Then [x, g1g] = [x, g][x, g1]g, thus (x−1xg1)g ∈ H. ThereforeHg ⊆H for any g∈Gand H CG. Clearly |H|=|C|is finite.

Proof of Theorem 16. By (iii) of Lemma 2.12, Ghas a normal central (abelian) Sylow 2-subgroup D

containing all 2-elements of G. So if G is also periodic then G =O×D, where O is a 20-group, by

a Theorem of ˇCernikov ([18], Theorem 5.25, p. 100). So we need to show that Gis hypercentral. It

suffices to show that U = G/Z(G) is hypercentral. We know that U is periodic ([18], Theorem 1.4,

p. 4) and asD ≤Z(G), U is a 20-group. By (iv) of Lemma 2.12, we conclude that U is a periodic

F C 20-group in which the square of every conjugacy class is a conjugacy class. The same is true for

any non-trivial homomorphic imageX of U. We claim thatZ(X)6= 1. Once we show this, U will be

hypercentral (see [7], Lemma 1.2.3, p. 9).

Letx∈X\ {1} andC =clX(x). Asx is of odd order, (v) of Lemma 2.12 implies that H=x−1C


consider a ∈ N \ {1}. Then again, a−1 ·clX(a) is a normal subgroup of X contained in N. So

a−1 ·clX(a) is either N or {1}. In the first case a−2 ∈ N =a−1·clX(a), so a−2 = a−1ag for some

g∈X. Hence ais real and so a∈Z(X) (lemma 2.12, (ii)). If a−1·clX(a) ={1}, thena=ac for all

c∈X. Again,a∈Z(X), as needed.

3. Groups in which real elements are 2-elements

As mentioned in the Introduction, the other extreme of ”all real elements are central” is ”all

non-trivial real elements are conjugate”. Iwasaki ([15]) proved that if G is such a finite group, then G

has a normal Sylow subgroup that is either homocyclic or a Suzuki 2-groupA(n, θ), where A(n, θ) =

{(a, b) |a, b∈F2n},(a, b)(a0, b0) = (a+a0, b+b0+aa0 θ

), where F2n is the field with 2n elements andθ

is an automorphism ofF2n of odd order .

IfG is a periodic group with all non-trivial real elements conjugate, then obviously all non-trivial

real elements are involutions. In this section we consider such groups and a somewhat more general

case, of groups in which real elements are 2-elements.

Theorem 3.1. Let Gbe a locally finite group in which all real elements are 2-elements. ThenG has

a normal Sylow 2-subgroup.

Proof. Assume first that G is finite. Let X be a subgroup of G of odd order. We claim that

(NG(X))/(CG(X)) has odd order. If not, then there exists x ∈ NG(X)\CG(X) such that x2 ∈ CG(X). Then

a, x2 = 1 for all a ∈ X. Then (i) of Lemma 2.1 implies that [a, x] is real, so by assumption [a, x] is a 2-element. However, x ∈ NG(X) so [a, x] ∈ X, forcing [a, x] = 1 for all

a ∈ X. Thus x ∈ CG(X), a contradiction. So |(NG(X))/(CG(X))| is odd, and G is a so-called

20-homogeneous group. By a theorem of Arad ([1], Lemma 2.6, p. 2) G is 2-closed, that is G has a

normal Sylow 2-subgroup.

Now letGbe any locally finite group. Ifa, bare 2-elements ofG, consider the subgroupH =< a, b >.

ThenH is finite and obviously all non-trivial real elements ofH are 2-elements. HenceHhas a normal

Sylow 2-subgroup D. Thus a, b ∈ D, ab ∈ D, and ab is a 2-element. Therefore all 2-elements of G

form a subgroup, as required.

Theorem 3.2. Let G be a periodic F C-group in which all non-trivial real elements are conjugate.

ThenG=SO, where O is a20-subgroup andS is a normal Sylow 2-subgroup, which is either a finite

homocyclic 2-group, or a finite Suzuki group, or the direct product of finitely many Pr¨ufer 2-groups.

Proof. All non-trivial real elements ofGare involutions. SinceG is a periodicF C-group, it is locally

finite, so it has a normal Sylow 2-subgroupS, by the previous theorem. ThenG=SO, whereO is a

20-subgroup, by a Theorem of ˇCernikov ([18], Theorem 5.25, p. 100). Assume S6={1}.

Now we show thatS has the required structure.


abelian subgroup of G. Moreover, N contains all the involutions of G. Set H = Nhg1, g2, . . . , gki

and letX be any finite 2-subgroup ofG. Then hH, Xiis a finite group in which all non-identity real

elements are conjugate. By [15], a Sylow 2-subgroup ofhH, Xiis either abelian and homocyclic, or it

is a Suzuki 2-group. If the Sylow 2-subgroup S of G is finite, then we can take X = S, thus S is a

Sylow 2-subgroup ofhH, Xi, and we have the result.

Now assume S infinite. First we prove that S is abelian. To see this, we recall that the order of

a Suzuki 2-group T is less or equal to |{x ∈ T | x2 = 1}|3 ([11], theorem 7.9, p. 313). Let X be a non-abelian finitely generated subgroup of S, then a Sylow 2-subgroup Y of hH, Xi is a Suzuki

2-group, thus|X| ≤ |Y| ≤ |N|3; thus every finitely generated subgroup ofScontainingXand of order

>|N|3 is abelian, a contradiction.

HenceS is an infinite abelian 2-group. Moreover, every finitely generated subgroup ofS has at most

|N| elements of order 2, then it has rank ≤ |N|. Hence S is an abelian 2-group of rank ≤ |N|.

ThereforeS is a direct product of finitely many (at most|N|) cyclic or quasicyclic 2-groups. Finally

all the direct factors ofSare quasicyclic, since every Sylow 2-subgroup of a finitely generated subgroup

ofG is homocyclic.

4. Groups in which all non-central conjugacy classes have the same finite size

Proof of Theorem 1.2. Clearly G is a BF C-group, since the conjugacy classes are of bounded sizes.

A theorem of B.H Neumann ([16]) states thatG0 is finite. Now a theorem of P.Hall ([10]) implies that

G/Z2(G) is finite.

Assume first that G/Z(G) is finite. Write G/Z(G) = Sk

i=1giZ(G), for some gi ∈ G and k ∈ N. LetH =hg1, g2, . . . , gki. Then H is finite andG=Z(G)H. HenceclH(h) =clG(h), and so all

non-central conjugacy classes ofH have the same finite sizen. By [13],H =B×P whereB is an abelian

subgroup andP a (finite) p-group, and n is a power ofp. Then G=Z(G) (B×P) and B ≤Z(G).

ThusG=Z(G)P. LetQbe the set of all p-elements of Z(G), then QP is a normal nilpotent Sylow

p-subgroup of G. The conclusion now follows from a theorem of ˇCernikov ([18], Theorem 5.25, p.


Thus we assume that G/Z(G) is not finite. Therefore Z(G)< Z2(G). Let x ∈Z2(G)\Z(G) be an element of minimal order. Then xp ∈ Z(G) for some prime p. Moreover, G0 ≤ CG(x), so that

CG(x)CG. For everyy ∈G, we have that [x, y]∈Z(G), which implies 1 = [xp, y] = [x, y]p= [x, yp].


Suppose that (o(y), p) = 1, then y ∈ CG(x). Consequently G/CG(x) is a p-group and so n = |G:CG(x)|is a power of p. Moreover, we claim thaty ∈Z(CG(x)). This is clear ifxy ∈Z(G). So

assume thatxy /∈Z(G). Then x = (xy)o(y)m for some positive integer m. It follows that CG(xy) ≤ CG(x). Since |G:CG(xy)| = |G:CG(x)|, we get CG(xy) = CG(x). Hence CG(x) ≤ CG(y), as

claimed. Let S be the set of all p0-elements of Z(CG(x)). Then S is an abelian normal subgroup of


Leta∈G\Z(G). Then|G:CG(a)|is a power ofp, therefore the finite number|CG(a)S:CG(a)|= |S :S∩CG(a)|is a power of p. SinceS/(S∩CG(a)) is a finitep0-group, we get thatS≤CG(a) and

consequently S ≤ Z(G). Now ˇCernikov’s theorem implies that G = P ×S, where P is a p-group.

Since (P Z2(G))/Z2(G) isafinite p-group, P is nilpotent.

Proof of Corollary 1.3. Assume that all non-central conjugacy classes have the same finite sizen. Let

H be a maximal torsion-free subgroup of Z(G). Then G/H is periodic and G0∩H = 1 (See [18], p.

4). HenceGis isomorphic to a subgroup of G/G0×G/H.

For anyx ∈G, we have H ≤ CG(x), so CG(x)/H ≤ CG/H(xH). Conversely, if yH ∈CG/H(xH),

then [y, x] ∈ G0 ∩ H = 1. Therefore yH ∈ CG(x)/H. Thus CG/H(xH) = CG(x)/H and so


= |G/H:CG(x)/H| = |G:CG(x)|. It follows that G/H is a periodic F C-group in

which all non-central conjugacy classes have the same finite size. By Theorem 1.2, G/H = A×P

whereA is abelian andP a nilpotent p-group. The corollary follows.

5. Groups with two non-trivial conjugacy class sizes

Proof of Theorem 1.4. Letn1, n2>1 be the two non-trivial sizes. ObviouslyGis aBF C-group, thus, arguing as in the proof of Theorem 1.2, we obtain thatG/Z2(G) is finite.

IfG/Z(G) is finite, then, arguing as in the proof of Theorem 1.2 we can writeG=Z(G)H, where H

is a finite group with two non-trivial conjugacy class sizes. Then the result follows from a result of

Dolfi and Jabara ([8]).

Then we can assume that G/Z(G) is infinite.

IfGis abelian by finite, then there exists a normal abelian subgroupAofG, withG/A={y1A,· · ·, ynA},

then the subgroupA∩CG(y1)∩ · · · ∩CG(yn) is contained inZ(G) and it is of finite index inG. Then

we have G/Z(G) finite, a contradiction.

Hence we can assume thatG is not abelian by finite.

IfZ(G) =Z2(G), thenG/Z(G) is finite, a contradiction. Thus Z(G)⊂Z2(G). Leta∈Z2(G)\Z(G) such that ap ∈ Z(G), where p is a prime. Then 1 = [ap, x] = [a, x]p = [a, xp], for any x ∈ G. In

particular [a, b] = 1, for any p0-element b. Moreover G0 ⊆ CG(a), since a ∈ Z2(G), then CG(a) is a

normal subgroup ofG. HenceG/CG(a) is a finitep-group, write|G/CG(a)|=pα.

First we show thatZ2(G)/Z(G) is a p-group.

Assume not, letc∈Z2(G)\Z(G) withcq∈Z(G), whereq is a prime different fromp. Then, arguing as before, we obtain that everyp-element of Gcommutes withc, moreoverCG(c) is normal in Gand

G/CG(c) is a finiteq-group, write|G/CG(c)|=qβ. Consider the elementac, then (ac)p =cpz, where

z ∈ Z(G), thus CG(ac) ⊆CG(cp) = CG(c), similarly, from (ac)q =aqs, where s∈ Z(G), we obtain

thatCG(ac)⊆CG(a). Then |G:CG(ac)|=|G:CG(a)||CG(a) :CG(ac)|, thus p divides|G:CG(ac)|.

Similarly |G :CG(ac)|=|G:CG(c)||CG(c) : CG(ac)|, thus q divides |G :CG(ac)|. Then ac ∈Z(G),

thereforeG=CG(ac)⊆CG(a) and a∈Z(G) a contradiction.


Hence, for any b∈ Z2(G), x∈G, we have [bpγ, x] = 1, for some γ. Then 1 = [b, x]pγ = [b, xpγ], thus every element ofZ2(G) commutes with everyp0-element.

IfGis a p-group, thenG/Z2(G) is a finitep-group, then it is nilpotent andGis nilpotent. So we may assume thatG/Z2(G) is not ap-group.

If allp0-elements commute, then they form an abelian normal subgroupS, obviouslyS is normal inG

and G/S is ap-group, thus (G/S)/(Z2(G)S/S) is a finite p-group, then it is nilpotent and then G/S is nilpotent. Moreover G=SoP for some subgroup P, by a theorem of ˇCernikov, and we have the


Then we may assume that there exist inGtwo p0 elements y and y1 which not commute.

IfCG(a1y) =CG(y) for anya1∈Z2(G), then we haveZ2(G)⊆CG(y) =CG(a1y) and thenZ2(G)⊆

CG(a1), for every a1 ∈Z2(G), thusZ2(G) is abelian, andG is abelian by finite, a contradiction. Therefore there exists d ∈ Z2(G) such that CG(dy) ⊂ CG(y). If CG(dy) = CG(d), then we have y1∈CG(d) =CG(dy), andy1 commutes withy, a contradiction.

Thus we have thatCG(dy)⊂CG(y), CG(dy)⊂CG(d).

Then d, y /∈Z(G), and |G : CG(dy)| 6= |G : CG(d)|,|G: CG(dy)| 6= |G: CG(y)|, then |G: CG(d)| =

|G:CG(y)|and we can assume n1=|G:CG(d)|=|G:CG(y)|, n2 =|G:CG(dy)|.

Now we prove thatn1 and n2 are both power of p.

We have that d∈Z2(G) is ap-element modulo Z(G), y is a p0-element, and dcommutes with all p0 -elements ofG. This implies that CG(dy) =CG(d)∩CG(y) and that G0 ≤CG(d). In particularCG(d)

is normal inG. Moreover, |G:CG(y)|=|G:CG(d)|= n1 is a p-power, and therefore so is|CG(y) : CG(d)∩CG(y)|=|CG(d)CG(y) :CG(d)|. It follows thatn2 =|G:CG(dy)|=|G:CG(d)∩CG(y)|is a

power ofp as well.

Then we have that bothn1 and n2 are power of p. Then|G:CG(g)|is a power ofp, for anyg∈G.

Now we can show thatGis nilpotent, and the result will follows.

In fact, sinceG/Z2(G) is finite, we can writeG=Z2(G)H, whereH is a finite normal subgroup ofG (see for example Lemma 1.3 of [18]). Then, arguing as in Lemma 1.1 of [6],|clH(x)|divides|clG(x)|,

for anyx ∈H. ThusH is a finite group with all class sizes that are power of p, then H is nilpotent

(see Lemma 1 of [4], or Proposition 4 of [6]) andGis nilpotent, as required.

Proof of Corollary 1.5. Let H be a maximal torsion-free subgroup of Z(G). Then G/H is periodic

and G0∩H= 1 (see [18], p. 4). HenceG is isomorphic to a subgroup ofG/G0×G/H.

For anyx ∈G, we have H ≤ CG(x), so CG(x)/H ≤ CG/H(xH). Conversely, if yH ∈CG/H(xH),

then [y, x] ∈ G0 ∩ H = 1. Therefore yH ∈ CG(x)/H. Thus CG/H(xH) = CG(x)/H and so



6. Final remarks

It was shown in [5] (theorem 1.5, p. 2043), that ifGis a finite group in which all non-real elements

are central, then eitherGis abelian, or a real group, or a 2-group. Using similar arguments it can be

shown that the same holds for periodic groups andF C-groups.

Real groups can have complicated structure. Theorems of P. Hall, S.V. Ivanov and G. Higman,

B.H. Neumann and H. Neumann, show that many families of groups can be embedded in groups in

which every two elements of the same order are conjugate.


The first author wishes to thank the University of Salerno and the INdAM - GNSAGA for the

hospitality and support.


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Patrizia Longobardi

Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit`a di Salerno, Via Ponte don Melillo 84084, Fisciano (SA), Italy Email: plongobardi@unisa.it

Mercede Maj


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