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Basic Syntax




Reserved words

Modifiers – will cover in future classesStatements




Used to document code


• Ignored by the compiler



Single line comment

Used to comment a single line of code

Multiline comment

Used to comment several lines of code

Javadoc comment

Comments that are interpreted by the Javadoc



Single line comment


Multiline comment

Start = /*End = */

• Javadoc comment

Start = /**End = */


Comment Examples

//this is a single line comment

public class HelloWorld //also single line comment



* This is a javadoc comment * @param args


public static void main(String args[]) {

System.out.println("Hello World“/* Comment*/);


multiline comment */


Reserve Words

• Words that have special meaning to the compiler

Part of the language syntax • Cannot be used as variables

• Example reserve words

public, private, new, static, final, if, else, etc…

• List of reserve words




Reserve Words Example

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String args[]) {

System.out.println("Hello World“); }



Represent an action or sequence of actions • End all statements with semicolons


Statements Example

public class HelloWorld


public static void main(String args[]) {

System.out.println("Hello World“);



Separate pieces of the program • Examples:


if/else blocksLoops


Blocks Example

public class HelloWorld

{//start block for the class

public static void main(String args[])

{//start block for the function

System.out.println("Hello World“);

}//end block for the function


Main Method

The starting point of the program • Invoked by the Java interpreter

• Takes an array of strings as input parameters

Input arguments


Main Method Example

public class HelloWorld


public static void main(String args[]) {

//code for program here }


Example - HelloWorld




• Consist of letters, digits, dollar signs (‘$’) and underscores (‘_’)

Can be any length

• Cannot start with a digit

• Cannot be a reserve word


Variable Naming Convention

All words are combined into a single word

Ex: “thisIsAVariableName”

Camel Case

First word starts with a lowercase letter –Other words start with an uppercase letter

Variable names should be interpretable

–Ex: “userName”, “password”

Bad example: “xxxxxxxxx”, “di3298nyqwvt”

Do not use ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘k’, etc…

–typically used as loop variables when iterating over



• Variables that will/should never change

• Should be declared with the final key word

• Usually declared with the static key word

By convention, should be all capital letters

• By convention, words separate by underscores

• Example: PI variable in Math class


Declaring Variables

int x;

Declares ‘x’ to be an integer variable

double radius;

Declares ‘radius’ to be a double variable

char a;

Declares ‘a’ to be a character variable


Assignment Statements

Statements that assign a value to a variable

• x = 1;

• radius = 1.0;


Declaring and Initializing

Can declare and initialize a variable in one


• Examples

int x = 1;

double d = 1.4;


Numerical Primitive Data Types

Type Bits

(bytes) Minimum Value Maximum Value

byte 8 (1) -27 (-128) 27-1 (127)

short 16 (2) -215 (-32768) 215-1 (32767)

int 32 (4) -231 (-2147483648) 231-1 (2147483647)

long 64 (8) -263 263-1

float 32 (4) ~-1.4e-45 ~3.4e38


Numerical Operators

Operator Symbol Example Result

Addition + 5 + 2 7

Subtraction - 5 - 2 3

Multiplication * 5 * 2 10

Division / 5 / 2

5.0 / 2 2.52

Modulus % 5 % 2 1


Shortcut Assignment Operators

Operator Long

Example ExampleShort

+= x = x + 10 x += 10

-= x = x - 10 x -= 10

*= x = x * 10 x *= 10

/= x = x / 10 x /= 10


Increment Operators

• Preincrement

Increments the variable by 1 then evaluates the

new value



Evaluates the new value then increments the

variable by 1 then



Decrement Operators

• Predecrement

Decrements the variable by 1 then evaluates the

new value



Evaluates the new value then decrements the

variable by 1 then


x--Example - IncrementDecrement



Floating Point Literals

• Written with a decimal point

• Default to double type


Floating Point Literals


double x = 5;

5 is considered an integer

double x = 5.0

5.0 is considered a double

double x = 5.2f

• 5.2f is considered a float

double x = 1.5e+3

x = 1500


Floating Point Numbers

Not stored as exact numbers • Stored as approximations

• Example

System.out.println(1.0 - 0.9);

Displays 0.09999999999999998 instead of 0.1.

• Keep this in minds when using them!

– Money


Example - DoubleTest



Numeric Conversion Rules

1. If one of the operands is double, the other is converted into double.

2. Otherwise, if one of the operands is float, the other is converted into float.

3. Otherwise, if one of the operands is long, the other is converted into long.


Example - DividingIntegers



Example - Division 1

int x = 5;

int y = 2;

double z = x / y;



Example - Division 1

int x = 5;

int y = 2;

double z = x / y;

System.out.println(z); // int / int = int

// 5 / 2 = 2.5

// 2.5 gets truncated to 2


int x = 5; int y = 2;

double z = (x * 1.0) / 2; System.out.println(z);

What gets printed out? Why?


int x = 5; int y = 2;

double z = (x * 1.0) / 2; System.out.println(z);

What gets printed out? Why?

int * double  double 5 * 1.0  5.0



int x = 5; int y = 2;

double z = (x * 1.0) / 2; System.out.println(z);

What gets printed out? Why?

double / int  double 5.0/2  2.5


Character Data Type

• Can be written as ASCII or Unicode


– char letter = 'A';

• Unicode

– char letter = '\u0041';

• Unicode characters start with \u

• Unicode character range

– Hexadecimal ‘\u0000’ to ‘\uffff’

– 65,536 characters

• Can use increment/decrement on char variables


Escape Characters

Character Escape Sequence

Backspace \b

Tab \t

Linefeed \n

Carriage Return \r

Backslash \\

Single Quote \‘


Example - Escape Sequences



Programming Errors

Syntax Errors

Detected by the compiler

Runtime Errors

Causes the program to throw an exception

If the exception is not caught the program will end

• Logic Errors


Syntax Error Example

public class SyntaxError


public static void main(String[] args) {

i = 30;

System.out.println(i + 4); }



Runtime Error Example

public class RuntimeError


public static void main(String[] args) {

int i = 1 / 0; }


Logic Error Example

public class LogicError {

public static void main(String args[]) {

int number = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); if(number < 5 && number > 0)


System.out.println(“Number is [0, 5]”); }



Comparison Operators

Operator Description

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to > Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

== Equal to


One-way if Statement

if(boolean expression)


//Execute statements }

• Boolean expression is enclosed in paranthesis

• No semi-colon after boolean expression

• Optional brackets around the “if” block


One-way if Statement

boolean expression




Two-way if Statement

if(boolean expression) {

//Execute statements if true }

else {

//Execute statements if false }


Two-way if Statement

boolean expression


True False


Multiple if Statements

if(boolean expression){/*code*/}

else if(boolean expression){/*code*/} else if(boolean expression){/*code*/} else{/*code*/}


Multiple if Statements

if(score >= 90)

{grade = ‘A’;}

else if(score >= 80) {grade = ‘B’;}

else if(score >= 70) {grade = ‘C’;}



Logical Operators


True when input is false


True when all inputs are true


True when any inputs are true



Truth Table

55 A Value B Value NOT (!A) AND (A && B) OR (A || B) XOR (A ^




Operator Precedence

• Increment and Decrement (var++, var--)

Unary Plus and Minus (+, -) • Type casting

• Not (!)

Multiplication, division, and remainder (*, /, %) • Binary addition and subtraction (+, -)

Comparisons (<, <=, >, >= )Equality (==, !=)

• Exclusive OR (^)


Operator Precedence

Parenthesis evaluated first

Inner to outer

Precedence rules are applied next

• Rules of the same precedence are evaluated left-to-right

except for assignment operators which are

evaluated right-to-left



for loops

• while loops

• do-while loops


While Loop

• Executes while a condition is true

while(condition) {

//execute code }


While Loop Example

int i= 0;

While(i < 100) {


More While Loop Conditions

while(true) • while(x < 5)

• while(!stack.empty())

• while(x<list.size())

• While(x < 5 && y > 0)


For loop

• for(initial actions, conditional, action after each iteration)

Three parameters

– Initial action = takes place before the loop starts

Conditional statement = determines if then loop continuesAction after each iteration = executes after every loop


• Any / All parameters can be empty (rarely are)


For Loop Examples

• for(int i=0; i < 7; i++)

• for(int i=0, int j=0; i<5 && j <5; i++, j=j+2)

• for(; i<7; i++)

for(; ; x+=0.5)




Terminates the inner most loop


Can terminate outer loops



Breaks the code flow • Breaks the loop logic

• Bad programming practice

• Anything coded with breaks can be done without breaks

• Only use in switch statements


Break Example

int x=0;

while(true) {

System.out.println(x); if(x > 10)

break; }

int x=0;

while(x <= 10) {

System.out.println(x); }




Skips current iteration of the inner-most loop


Skips the current iteration of outer loopsUses a label to find where to skip



Breaks the code flow • Breaks the loop logic

• Bad programming practice


Switch Statement

Similar to if/else if structure • Code is often nicer looking

• Used for searching for cases to execute code


Switch Example

Switch(grade) case ‘A’:

System.out.println(“Good Job”) break;

case ‘B’:

System.out.println(“Try harder”) break;

case ‘F’:

System.out.println(“Bad Job”) break;


Switch Rules

• Switch value must be a char, byte, short, or int

• Case type must match the switch type

• Code executes when case value matches the switch value

• break statements are optional

Next case will execute without breakLike “falling through” the code

• Default case is optional

Good for error checking on switch value


Nested loops

int[] someArray = {5, 3, 8, 1, 7, 0,3};

for(int i=0; i<someArray.length; i++) {

for(int j=i; j<someArray.length; j++) {

if(someArray[i] > someArray[j]) {

int temp = someArray[i];

someArray[i] = someArray[j]; someArray[j] = temp;

} }


Naming Convention


www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/codeconve ntions-135099.html

https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/_keywords.html http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/codeconve


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