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A boundary integral equation with the generalized neumann kernel for a mixed boundary value problem in unbounded multiply connected regions


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Volume 2012, Article ID 254123,17pages doi:10.1155/2012/254123

Research Article

A Boundary Integral Equation with the

Generalized Neumann Kernel for a Certain Class

of Mixed Boundary Value Problem

Mohamed M. S. Nasser,

1, 2

Ali H. M. Murid,

3, 4

and Samer A. A. Al-Hatemi


1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Khalid University, P.O. Box 9004,

Abha, Saudi Arabia

2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ibb University, P.O. Box 70270, Ibb, Yemen 3Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,

81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

4Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,

81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Correspondence should be addressed to Mohamed M. S. Nasser,mms nasser@hotmail.com

Received 21 May 2012; Revised 29 August 2012; Accepted 12 September 2012

Academic Editor: Yuantong Gu

Copyrightq2012 Mohamed M. S. Nasser et al. This is an open access article distributed under

the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We present a uniquely solvable boundary integral equation with the generalized Neumann kernel for solving two-dimensional Laplace’s equation on multiply connected regions with mixed boundary condition. Two numerical examples are presented to verify the accuracy of the proposed method.

1. Introduction


boundary condition where the boundary condition in each boundary component is either the Dirichlet condition or the Neumann condition but not both. This class of mixed boundary value problem has been considered in9 for Laplace’s equation and in10, page 78 for biharmonic equation on multiply connected regions. A similar class of mixed boundary value problem has been considered in11, page 317for doubly connected regions.

The presented method is an extension of the method presented in2 for Laplace’s equation with the Dirichlet boundary conditions and Laplace’s equation with the Neumann boundary conditions on multiply connected regions. The method is based on a uniquely solvable boundary integral equation with the generalized Neumann kernel. The generalized Neumann kernel which will be considered in this paper is slightly different from the generalized Neumann kernel for integral equation associated with the Dirichlet problem and the Neumann problem which has been considered in2. Thus, not all of the properties of the generalized Neumann kernel which have been studied2are valid for the generalized Neumann kernel which will be used in this paper. For example, it is still true thatλ 1 is not an eigenvalue of the generalized Neumann kernel which means that the presented integral equation is uniquely solvable. However, it is no longer true that all eigenvalues of the generalized Neumann kernel are realseeFigure 3and2, Theorem 8.

2. Notations and Auxiliary Material

In this section we will review the definition and some properties of the generalized Neumann kernel. For further details we refer the reader to1–3,5.

LetGbe a bounded multiply connected region of connectivitym 1≥1 with 0∈G. The boundaryΓ : ∂G mj0Γj consists ofm1 smooth closed Jordan curvesΓ0,Γ1, . . . ,

ΓmwhereΓ0contains the other curvesΓ1, . . . ,ΓmseeFigure 1. The complementG−:C\G ofG with respect toCconsists ofm1 simply connected components G0, G1, . . . , Gm. The componentsG1, . . . , Gmare bounded and the componentG0 is unbounded where ∞ ∈ G0.

We assume that the orientation of the boundary Γ is such that G is always on the left of Γ. Thus, the curves Γ1, . . . ,Γm always have clockwise orientations and the curve Γ0

has a counterclockwise orientation. The curve Γj is parametrized by a 2π-periodic twice continuously differentiable complex functionηjtwith nonvanishing first derivative




dt /0, tJj: 0,2π, j0,1, . . . , m. 2.1

The total parameter domain J is the disjoint union of the intervals Jj. We define a parametrization of the whole boundaryΓas the complex functionηdefined onJby


⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

η0t, tJ0,

.. .

ηmt, tJm.


Γm Γ0

Γ1 Γ2






Figure 1:A bounded multiply connected regionGof connectivitym1.

LetHbe the space of all real H ¨older continuous functions on the boundaryΓ. In view of the smoothness ofη, a functionφHcan be interpreted viaφt:φηt,tJ, as a real H ¨older continuous 2π-periodic functionsφtof the parametertJ, that is,


⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

φ0t, tJ0,

.. .

φmt, tJm,


with real H ¨older continuous 2π-periodic functionsφjdefined onJj, and vice versa. So, here and in what follows, we will not distinguish betweenφηtandφt.

The subspace ofHwhich consists of all piecewise constant functions defined onΓwill be denoted byS, that is, a functionhShas the representation


⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

h0, tJ0,

.. .

hm, tJm,


whereh0, . . . , hmare real constants. For simplicity, the functionhwill be denoted by

ht h0, . . . , hm. 2.5

In this paper we will assume that the function Ais the continuously differentiable complex function

At:e−iθt ηt, 2.6

whereθis the real piecewise constant function

θt θ0, . . . , θm, 2.7


The generalized Neumann kernel formed withAis defined by

Ns, t: 1

π Im

As At



ηtηs . 2.8

We define also a real kernelMby

Ms, t: 1

π Re

As At



ηtηs . 2.9

The kernelN is continuous and the kernelMhas a cotangent singularity typesee1for more details. Hence, the operator



Ns, tμtdt, sJ, 2.10

is a Fredholm integral operator and the operator,



Ms, tμtdt, sJ, 2.11

is a singular integral operator.

The solvability of boundary integral equations with the generalized Neumann kernel is determined by the indexwinding number in other terminologyof the functionAsee1. For the functionAgiven by2.6, the indexκjofAon the curveΓjand the indexκ


j0κj ofAon the whole boundaryΓare given by

κ01, κj0, j1, . . . , m, κ1. 2.12

Although the functionAtin2.6is different from the functionAtin2, Equation

11, both functions have the same indices. So by using the same approach used in

2, we can prove that the properties of the generalized Neumann kernel proved in 2, except Theorem 8, Theorem 10, and Corollary 2, are still valid for the generalized Neumann kernel formed with the function Atin 2.6 see5. Numerical evidence show that 2, Theorem 8, which claims that the eigenvalues of the generalized Neumann kernel lies in

−1,1, is no longer true for the functionAtin2.6 seeFigure 3.

Theorem 2.1see5. For a given functionγH, there exist unique functionshSandμH

such that

Af γh iμ 2.13

is a boundary value of a unique analytic functionfzinG. The functionμis the unique solution of the integral equation


and the functionhis given by



2 . 2.15

3. The Mixed Boundary Value Problem

LetSdandSnbe two subsets of the set{0,1, . . . , m}such that

Sd/, Sn/, SdSn{0,1, . . . , m}, SdSn. 3.1

We will consider the following class of mixed boundary value problems. Find a real function

uinGsuch that

Δu0, on G, 3.2a

uφj, on Γj forjSd, 3.2b


n φj, on Γj forjSn, 3.2c

wherenis the unit exterior normal toΓ.

The problem3.2a,3.2b, and3.2creduces to the Dirichlet problem forSn ∅and to the Neumann problem for Sd ∅. Both problems have been considered in 2. So we have assumed in this paper thatSn/∅andSd/∅. The mixed boundary value problem3.2a,

3.2b, and3.2cis uniquely solvable. Its unique solutionucan be regarded as a real part of an analytic functionFinGwhich is not necessairly single-valued. However, the functionF

can be written as

Fz fz





, 3.3

wherefis a single-valued analytic function inG, eachzjis a fixed point inGj,j 1,2, . . . , m; and a1, . . . , am are real constants uniquely determined by φ see 12, page 145 and 13, page 174. Without los of generality, we assume that Imf0 0. The constantsa1, . . . , am are chosen to ensure thatsee14, page 222and15, page 88


fηdη0, k1,2, . . . , m, 3.4

that is,ajare given bysee2

aj 1 2πi



We define a real constanta0by




aj. 3.6

Hence, we have






1 2πi


Fηdη− 1



η 1



Fηdη. 3.7

Since1/2πiΓFηdη0, we obtain


1 2πi


Fηdη. 3.8

The Dirichlet boundary condition is a special case of the Riemann-Hilbert boundary condition. The Neumann boundary condition also can be reduced to a Riemann-Hilbert boundary condition by using the Cauchy-Riemann equations and integrating along the boundaryΓj for jSn. Let Tζ be the unit tangent vector and nζ be the unit external normal vector toΓatζ∈Γ. Let alsoνζbe the angle between the normal vector nζand the positive real axis, that is, nζ eiνζ. Then,

eiνηtiTηt−iη˙t ˙

ηt. 3.9




∂u ∂x sinν

∂u ∂y Re


∂u ∂x−i


∂y . 3.10

Sinceuz ReFz, then by the Cauchy-Riemann equation, we have

Fz ∂uz ∂x −i


∂y . 3.11


Re−i ˙ηFη˙∂u

n. 3.12

Let the boundary value of the multivalued analytic functionFbe given by


Then the functionFzis a single-valued analytic function and has the boundary value


ηFψiϕ. 3.14

Letθtbe the real piecewise constant function


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

0, tJj, jSd,


2, tJj, jSn.


Hence, the boundary values of the functionFzsatisfy on the boundaryΓ

Ree−iθtFηtφt, 3.16



⎧ ⎨ ⎩

φjt, tJj, jSd,

ϕjt, tJj, jSn,


and fortJjandjSn, the functionϕjtis known and is given by

ϕjt Re−i ˙ηjtF


φjtη˙jt, tJj, jSn. 3.18

The functionsφjtforjSdSnare given by3.2band3.2c. The functionϕjtcan be then computed fortJjandjSnby integrating the functionϕjt. Then, it follows from3.3,

3.16, and3.17that the the functionfzis a solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem






. 3.19



logηt log

1− zk

ηt , 3.20

then, in view of3.6, the boundary condition3.19can be written as

Ree−iθtfηtφt m k0



γ0t −Ree−iθtlogηt, γkt Re


1− zk

ηt , 3.22

fork1,2, . . . , m.

In view of3.5,3.8, and3.18, the constantsakare known forkSnand are given by

ak 1 2π


φktη˙ktdt, kSn. 3.23

ForkSd, the real constantsakare unknown. Thus, the boundary condition3.19can be written as



akγkt, tJ, 3.24

where the functionψtis known and is given by


⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩



akγjkt, tJj, jSd,



akγjkt, tJj, jSn.


It is clear that the functionψjtis known explicitly fortJjwithjSd. However, fortJj withjSnit is required to integrateϕjtto obtainϕjt.

The functionϕjtis not necessary 2π-periodic. Numerically, we prefer to deal with periodic functions. So we will not computeϕjtdirectly by integrating the function ϕjt. Instead, we will integrate the function

ψjt φjtη˙jt



d dtγ


j t. 3.26

By the definitions of the constantsakand the functionsγk, we have



ψjtdt0, 3.27

which implies that the functionψjt ϕjt kSnakγ


j tis always 2π-periodic. So, for

tJjwithjSn, we write the functionψjtusing the Fourier series as






Then the functionψjtis given fortJjwithjSnby

ψjt ψjt cj, 3.29

wherecjis undetermined real constant and the functionψjtis given by



aij i sinit



i cosit, tJj, jSn. 3.30

Hence, the boundary condition3.24can be then written as

Ree−iθtfηtγt ht


akγkt, tJ, 3.31

wherehtis the real piecewise constant function


0, tJj, jSd,

cj, tJj, jSn,


and the functionγtis given by


⎧ ⎨ ⎩



akγjkt, tJj, jSd,

ψjt, tJj, jSn.


Letc:f0 unknown real constantandgzbe the analytic function defined onG


gz: fzc

z , zG. 3.34

Thus the functiongzis a solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem

ReAtgηtγt ht


ajγjt, tJ, 3.35

where the functionAtis given by2.6and the functionhtis defined by


Let μt : ImAtgηt, then the boundary value of the function gzis given on the boundaryΓby

Atgηtγt ht


ajγjt iμt, tJ, 3.37

whereγ,γjare knowns andh,μare unknowns.

4. The Solution of the Mixed Boundary Value Problem

Letμand letμjforjS

dbe the unique solutions of the integral equations

INμMγ, INμjMγj, 4.1

andh,hjbe given by



2 , h



2 . 4.2

Then, it follows fromTheorem 2.1that




γjhjiμj 4.3

is the boundary value of an analytic functiongz. Since the unknown functionsμandhin

3.37are uniquely determined by the known functionsγandγjforj Sd, it follows from


μt μt


ajμjt, 4.4

ht ht


ajhjt. 4.5

In view of3.15,3.32, and3.36, the functionhtis given by


c, tJj, jSd,

cj, tJj, jSn.


Thus, we have from4.5,3.23, and3.6the linear system



ajhjt ht, 4.7a




aj, 4.7b

ofm2 equations inm2 unknownsc,ajforjSdandcjforjSn.

By solving the linear system4.7aand4.7b, we obtain the values of the constantsaj and the functionht. Then, we obtain the functionμfrom4.4. Consequently, the boundary value of the functiongis given by

Atgηtγt ht iμt, tJ, 4.8


γt γt


ajγjt, tJ. 4.9

The function gz can be computed for zG by the Cauchy integral formula. Then the functionfzis given by

fz czgz. 4.10

Finally, the solution of the mixed boundary value problem can be computed fromuz

ReFzwhereFzis given by3.3.

5. Numerical Implementations

Since the functionsAjandηj are 2π-periodic, the integrands in the integral equations4.1 are 2π-periodic. Hence, the most efficient numerical method for solving 4.1 is generally the Nystr ¨om method with the trapezoidal rule see e.g., 16, page 321. We will use the trapezoidal rule with n an even positive integer equidistant node points on each boundary component to discretize the integrals in4.1. If the integrands in4.1arektimes continuously differentiable, then the rate of convergence of the trapezoidal rule isO1/nk. For analytic integrands, the rate of convergence is better than 1/nkfor any positive integer

k see e.g., 17, page 83. The obtained approximate solutions of the integral equations converge to the exact solutions with a similarly rapid rate of convergence see e.g., 16, page 322. Since the smoothness of the integrands in 4.1depends on the smoothness of the functionηt, results of high accuracy can be obtained for very smooth boundaries.


By solving the linear systems, we obtain approximations toμandμjforjS

dwhich give approximations tohandhjforjS

dthrough4.2. By solving4.7aand4.7bwe get approximations to the constantsc,ajforjSdandcjforjSn. These approximations allow us to obtain approximations to the boundary value of the functiongzfrom4.8. The values ofgzforzGwill be calculated by the Cauchy integral formula. The approximate values of the functionfzare then computed from4.10. Finally, in view of3.3, the solution of the mixed boundary value problem can be computed from

uz ReFz Refz



ajlogzzj. 5.1

In this paper, we have considered regions with smooth boundaries. For some ideas on how to solve numerically boundary integral equations with the generalized Neumann kernel on regions with piecewise smooth boundaries, see18.

6. Numerical Examples

In this section, the proposed method will be used to solve two mixed boundary value problems in bounded multiply connected regions with smooth boundaries.

Example 6.1. In this example we consider a bounded multiply connected region of connectivity 4 bounded by the four circlesseeFigure 2a

Γ0:η0t 12eit,

Γ1:η1t 10.25e−it,

Γ2:η2t 1i0.25e−it,

Γ3:η2t 1−i0.25e−it,


where 0≤t≤2π.

We assume that the condition on the boundariesΓ0,Γ1is the Neumann condition and

the condition on the boundariesΓ2,Γ3is the Dirichlet condition. The functionsφj in3.2a, 3.2b, and3.2care obtained based on choosing an exact solution of the form

uz Rez−13. 6.2

This example has been considered in9, page 894using the regularized meshless method. The domain here is shifted by one unit to the right to ensure that 0 ∈ G. To compare our method with the method presented in9, we use the same error norm used in9, namely,



u10.5eisu n







−1 0 1 2 3


3 1

−3 −3

−1 −1

1 3


Figure 2:The regions ofExample 6.1aand Example 2b.






0 0.5 1 1.5 2







0 0.5 1 1.5 2


Figure 3: The eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix of the linear systems obtained by discretizing the

integral equations4.1withn128 forExample 6.1aand withn256 forExample 6.2b.


100 101 102 103






Error norm

Total number of collocation points


100 101 102 103






Error norm

Total number of collocation points


Figure 4:The error norm6.3for Example 1aand the error norm6.6forExample 6.2bversus the

total number of node points.


6 4 2 0 −2 2 1 0 −1 −2 y-axis x-axis −1 0 1 2 3 | u ( z ) − un ( z ) | a


4 2 0 2 0 −2 −4 y-axis x-axis

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 | u ( z ) − un ( z ) | b

Figure 5:The absolute error|uzunz|for the entire domain obtained withn64 forExample 6.1a

and withn256 forExample 6.2b.

Example 6.2. In this example we consider a bounded multiply connected region of connectivity 7seeFigure 2b. The boundaryΓ ∂Gis parametrized by

ηjt zjeiσj


, j0,1, . . . ,6, 6.4

where the values of the complex constantszjand the real constantsαj,βj,σjare as inTable 1.

The region in this example has been considered in2,19,20for the Dirichlet problem and the Neumann problem. In this example, we will consider a mixed boundary value problem where we assume that the condition on the boundaries Γ0,Γ1,Γ2, and Γ3 is the


Table 1:The values of constantsαj,βj,zj,σj, andζjin6.4.

j αj βj zj σj ζj

0 4.0000 3.0000 −0.5000−0.5000i 1.0000 5.005.00i

1 0.3626 −0.1881 0.16210.5940i 3.3108 0.100.50i

2 0.5061 −0.6053 −1.70590.3423i 0.5778 −1.600.40i

3 0.6051 −0.7078 0.3577−0.9846i 4.1087 0.30−0.90i

4 0.7928 −0.3182 1.00001.2668i 2.6138 0.951.20i

5 0.3923 −0.4491 −1.9306−1.0663i 4.4057 −1.85−1.00i

6 0.2976 −0.6132 −0.8330−2.1650i 5.7197 −0.80−2.10i

condition. The functionsφj in3.2a,3.2b, and3.2care obtained based on choosing an exact solution of the form

uz 12Re


zζ0 6



, 6.5

where the values of the complex constantsζjare as inTable 1. For the error, we use the error normseeFigure 4b:




−0.35−0.35i2.7eis2ds. 6.6

The absolute errors |uzunz| for selected points in the entire domain are plotted in Figure 5b.

7. Conclusions

A new uniquely solvable boundary integral equation with the generalized Neumann kernel has been presented in this paper for solving a certain class of mixed boundary value problem on multiply connected regions. Two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the accuracy of the presented method.

The presented method can be applied to mixed boundary value problem with both the Dirichlet condition and the Neumann condition on the same boundary component

Γk. For this case, the function At is discontinuous on Jk, where At ηkt on the part of Γk corresponding to the Dirichlet condition and At −iηkt on the part of Γk corresponding to the Neumann condition. Hence, the Riemann-Hilbert problem3.35will be a problem with discontinuous coefficientAt. The solvability of Riemann-Hilbert problems with discontinuous coefficients is different from the ones with continuous coefficientssee e.g.,6, page 449and 13, page 271. Furthermore, the discontinuity of the functionAt

implies that we cannot apply the theory of the generalized Neumann kernel developed in



The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for suggesting several improve-ments. This work was supported in part by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University through Project no. KKU-SCI-11-022. This support is gratefully acknowledged.


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Figure 1: A bounded multiply connected region G of connectivity m � 1.
Figure 2: The regions of Example 6.1 �a� and Example 2 �b�.
Figure 4: The error norm �6.3� for Example 1 �a� and the error norm �6.6� for Example 6.2 �b� versus thetotal number of node points.
Table 1: The values of constants αj, βj, zj, σj, and ζj in �6.4�.


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Practical Glossing by Prioritised Tiling Practical Glossing by Prioritised Tiling V i c t o r P o z n a n s k i , P e t e W h i t e l o c k , J a n I J d e n s , S t e f f a n C o r l e y