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Books 1 and 2

Compiled by






H? story of Iivingston by Major Ao Jo Roof Volume I 1913 Pages 32-35 'J Early Settlers

Every section of Livj.ngstcn county j.s represented in

the following list of old settlers^ giving the date of their

settlement here*, To these noble pioneers-^-the peaceful dead

and the remaining few now living~«vj'e cv/o a debt of gratitude

for their aciiievements in building the foiindation of a wise

f:cveminent and. social st^-n.ictureg we can never repays

r 'Jo Wo n T AdamsJ io57 -o AdamsJ, lS53 Yo Alexander, i860 "


lers 1854 1857 /maersonj l8i'^ A7-1Ati*:-"o-^y^. 8 iSiii*-y*-!***^ * 3 Babb, Bakera Bakei'j Bench J Bills s 1S38 i860 1847 1848 1854 1857 1858 1659 James Elaol-r^ell, 1852 Iv, J, Bliss2 1850 F Ao Go Jo Jo Co o Bonderer^ I856 Ho Boone, 1855 L„ Bowen, 1857 Mo Brassfieldt 1844 Ne Brassfieldj, I852 Ho Breedlovej io58 R, Campbell. 183 8 Eo Cai^ye. 1842 Bo Bo Carrj 1857 L(, Ao Chapman, 1855 Wc Wo Clarkj I844

Ro IIo Cleveland, I858

.:,. I'o Goberlys 1857 A^ C* Coburnj 1857 V/« Ro Goei 1849 Mo£03 Cole, 1854 Wileon Cole5 1854 Jy Ra Collier3 1855 F« './, Comstockj 1840 Hcn,3 .\bel Cox^ 1833 -:, .-.c Cox, 1849 Wo Jo Co Cox, 1850

Robert Cranmer, I856

Go Le Cranmerj, I856 Ja Mc Davis, 1852 Geoo W^ Dennis, 1852 To R, Dice, 1859 Do N. Dryden, 1843 Ta A. Dryden, I85I D. We Co Edgorton. 1859 W, Ro Edgertonj 185 Co Co England3 1843 Ja Eo Fahey, I858

John Ao Flaherty, I84O

Seymour Galej 185 6 J^ Co Callatin,^ I85O Kq Ao Gaunt3 1858 To Ko Gibsonj 18:.6 GilbertJ 1853


18H3 Girdnerj 1834 Po Girdner. i860 Gc Wo Gishj 1855 Lo Goraon^ I836 Wo Ce Grant, i860 Bo Po Green^ I856 jG^^es Greggi, 1857

I-o Gregory, i860

Co G. Griffin, i860

Goodlow Grouse, i860

Wo B Hale, 185


Ro L, Hale, 1853

Charles Hamilton, I856

John C. Hargrave, 1839 Lo Hargrave, 1837 Leander Harlow, 1855 Wo B, Harris, I85I Rp Hawkins, 1839 Robert Haynes, 1859 Ao J, Hedrick, I856 ue Mo



J- iiio H.L"t"t«, 1858 >. ' ;;^ Hooker^ IS4O Z^ To Hooker,. 1849 Jo So Hoekinsj 1854

Lewis Howell, i860

-To W, Hudginsj I842

John Hudginsy 1842 Benjamin Hurst. 1848 J,. Pa Hutchinson,. 1842 Wo M, HutchinsonJ lo50 Henry Hutchinson, 1859 T» D, Jones. I858 Lewis Jones- 18^7 Go W, Kent, l8i^7

V^e Fo Kent, I84S

Jc W. Kester. 1853 Jo C„ Kesterc 1855 Bft Kestera I§50 Jo P.3 Kester- I858 F. Uo Kingccld. I848 La-;.renoe Kinsallaf 1859 .]... .- Kirks 1840 J,, H, Kirk3 1843 J,^ Mirtleyp 1338 Bo F.j r.no."x-s IS44 .audordaiej 1859

'% Lajp 1848 .:..j '\, Leavv"illj,. 1858 ,-.-..'•ow Leer-'Sr. 1854 , Ligett, 1834 :.:!


I856 ' Linyille, 1834 , i.ittonj 1856 .. .;! Lucas J 1844 lo i^a Lylej, 1834 Reuben Mansfield, 1843 Jn D Jo Mays 1856 V]„ Ro May, I85I Ao L, Mayberry. 1859 Wo J, McCoy, 1854 James McDonald, 1855 Jo A. McMillen, 1859 Wo R, McVey, 1842 H, 0. Meek, I858 J,. F„ Maek. 1857 Otis Millonj 1859 Lc Jo Minnick, 1849 W„ E^ Minnick. I846 t-c. Mcore< .EbO D- Nj Korrisj 11^56

John To MosSf I84I

So Bs Mumpo-werj I85O

Wo Go Kum/cowers 1855

Go B<, Navy

J I84O

Otto Keu^'chaTers I858

Jo Fo Oliver^ 1849 Go Ho Olivers I85O Wo Wo Patricks 18;,8 Wo Bo FattersoHj, 1^59 W^j-llla-ni Ferren^ 3.859 Fo Mo PhillipsJ 1857 Go Wo PhilliToSj 1S58 Jo Jc Phillips8 1843 Jo Ro FLiiilipsj 1857 Vo Do Phillips. 1845 Jo H« Poj, 1655 Do '-'Jo Porterfieldj 1857 Andrew Pragerj 1859

V/iaiiam Prewett, I85O

Gc V;-, Pureell, 1849 Jo V« Ramsey, 1854 Gc F« Renchler, 1855 Ne L« Reynolds, I848 So ^h Reynolds, I84O Jo Ta Roberts, 1854 Thomas Roberts, 1854 Wa P« Robinson, 1849 Samuel Rockhold, 1843

Julian Rockhold, I856

Ifsaac Rockhold, 1853

J,, Ka Rockhold, I846

Wo Ca Samuel, 1849

Oo Ho Saundersf 185?

J« Wo Scott. 1857

Emily Sliinkle. I856

J6 Fo Sir.s, 1842 Fe M^ Srciths 1852

John I'-.Q Spears, 1857

W© Fo Spears, 1855

James Steen, I846

John Sterlings 1843

Jcse-ph Stone, I836

Jo Po Stuckey, I858 Ao F, Summerville, 185 S Lo Lo Taylor, 1844 Leo Tiberghien, 1835 Jc la Todd, 1845 William Toddo 1845 Mo Tcmlin, I838 r-jlchael Trumbo, 185 8 James Turner, 1837


To B. Turners 1035 --'o He '^rreriy l^ho Jo Eo V/ait; iS59 To L.5 V/axreri., Igp4

Jceb.ua Walkers lSi.3 Ko IIo Weatherbyg 1^56

^o Ro


1J6C Elieha Wells, IB3O

^c; Aj Walls. 185i+ Wo Jo Wier, 1S53

:iv:.iari Walter. 1^5^ Fo L, WJllardj 1^51

Jacoj Walss 1^57 Po Ho Willar^df 1^5


Go I'--.. Walz, 1360 Jc Go Wxllard. 1^50

F« Do Ward, 1337 Do H^ Williams^ lb%8

Jc Ta Ware.- lo'r> lo T^ Williams, 1^44

Jo Dc, Warren. 1656 G« A^ Williams, 1^55

G^ W, ¥oj.r3kill. IS39

AruoriP; the first settlers between the forks of Grand

'•.j.:\iC 'j.:;.ve the following'^

Jesse Nave. Levi F, Goberij Da^rId uirdnerj Sr«, his two

v-on.^r. Jo M, Girdner and David Gird.no1 . Jr©* Jonathan Smith,

Riley Bransfieldj! David Crj.o'os:. Wil.lj.am Shumatej-, Thos« Laten^

John Kirk; John Hargr-ave„. Joseph Sc Hacking M.a"cthew Gibbsj

Warror Sa'Pcnd. Noan Ro nobbsa C^'^-Vid Oiirtiss .Ellas

Guthr-:,dge;- William Yenable^ John VJ© Boylcj John Doss^ Alexa

Dockeryj Jro? Robsrt Doek..-;ry2 Rq Wq ReevaS; A?^^-Xo Dockery?

Sr©- Samuel Vo Ramsey-,


F.j PoeTir^ W.^ Ware. Chas.s .Rosson,

Wo Oj Jsnningsj Wo So Mille:r'r Daniel Yo Kesler, James Leeper,



'".^aite: Alexo '^'artins Jasa Ao Davis^

Benjamin Hargrove? Isham Ware^ iD,oXc Ware? David Hicklinj

John Lo Leeperj John Stovrax'-ts .Robert StewajT'c^ Robert

Lander-dalOf. Willis Eo Dock3r;y (father of ex-Governor Dookery)g

Hro Wmj. Keithp Thoma.s Hatchln&orij John Sim.pson>i Joshua

Be-volie and thv.; occenr.ric and huiaorous Sam Thompsonc

The foilci/ing v/ere the early v^ettlers in Shoal Creek

t v\-:-ohip.j no-rf embraci.ng the townships of Greenej, MooresvLlle,

a..c. i Monroe t

Spence Ho Gregory,-. Thos, R<j Bryanj James Austin, John

Austin^ Abraham BlandV. Perm Bland? Isaac McGoskx-^iej Robertson

Bryans Zaac Leeg W„ Po Fraserj John T. Cudgell, Wo Be Moorej

James J„ .Lav/senj, Ami Lawson, William Hudginsi John Hudginsg

Jo'-,n Stucky-, Asa T,, Kirtlevp H* So Mellon, John Stone^ G-.-orge

' ' - Roderick Matson^ John Harper, Elisha WellvSj S5.me So

ames Todd, John"Rockhold, Nathaniel Matsonj John L*

William Meade, Gilbert Woolsey, Thomas Fields and


: bher east and south of Grand riverj among the .first

t : ^ v.-ere Jaoob Burner, James N<, Syrdj GeOo Ws Granmer,

u.->oort Browning, Fielding J^ Rawlinss Spence A, Alexander,

QeOy Monroe. AleXo Davis-,- John Silveyj Reuben Les.oon,


Jccoph Jonops Ihonas Jcr..,^i^ Vlmo Lo Barroria Bs A, Fev;&iij) Gvo^. Ivc.lf.slcLllj V/:, C, W:; ;\^htj Cyrus BalleW; Henry D-ancarij

'•:;.: Laiiter^ Sol, Lewis., VjitIo L, Brown, Daniel Go SaunderSj "'..MX Cameron, Judge ¥„ Wallaces Cro Caldwell Bynside^ and

..,; i',. V/^Jldenc

'iorth of Grand river and east of Medicine creekj

em-bracing the townships of Wheeling ana Medicine the following

wsre the early settlers?

Ezekiel Norman, Natiian Ho Gregoryi, Joseph Miller, Geo,

Wc Gish. Henry Nay? Jaroep Littreells •'^^clam Bathgate, D* So

McCullovigh, Jo No Hastings3 Sc W© Haynoss GeOo 'Vo Babbj N«

Ei» Kidderj H, Birdj Jacob Ibergg W© W^ Edgerton,. Daniel

Bowers, Po ?.. Peughj. D^ La 'IcHollands Amos Hawker, W^, J,

Wallace, David Whlteg 'Rcj^rt Phillips, John Erevanj Chapman

Lightner, John J>j Jorda-ij John Hq Perkins, Thoso Utley,

John Wright, Wo Eo Manning and Jamee Turner


In that pait of the county north and east of Grand

river and including Ghillicotha and Cream Rdige township, the

pioneer sefclex's v/ere?

John Gravesj Wm, Y,. Slaok^ Those Ho Bryanj J, N, Bell,

GeOo Pace? James Bell^ Nova Johnsonj. Edv^ard B, V/aples,

Ashcr Co Waplesj Jamev's Bradford* Henry Manning, Je H, B,

!>'!r-lining5 Hq Ho Manning^-, James Manning^ Robert Turner^ Joseph

'.l.'vcicarvei', Henry Wisecarverj, Jacob Palmer, Joseph Slagle.

Druxy MiOberly, Thornton Myers, Jg La Myers, Soloman Bargdoll,

AnoB Bargdollj Joseph Bargdoll^ Lewis Bargdollj Dr. John S,

liiilliarasj Hirara Taylorj Able Coxj Joseph Cox, Soloman Hoc;ker,

Gabriel May? James May^ John Ryan^ Elisha Herriford, V/ajho

Kofjterg Rice G, Kester^ David Mumpcrver, W^ H, Ho Sm5.th,

So.I.cr.''.on HogSj, Morgan Hoge, James Hutchinson, and Willian


The foregoing list embraces the main body of the early

c /ttlers of Livingston county> and for intelligence, industry

c: I Lublic spirit they averaged well with other and oldar

settlors of the state and fitted for the work of laying and

i'-junaation and promoting the development of the new county.

Before the organisation of the county in 1^37, some

tovifns had laid off and platted among which was "Astoria" on

Grand river in the southeast corner of the county but it

proved to be only a to\vn on papcr-o

On the 12th day of August lB36g three residents of Boone

county, David S, Lajnmeg Caleb S^ Z-zone and David M, Hickman

entered 160 acres of land on the north side of Grand river

vizJ The S, W, ^ of Seco 21g, To 579 ^° 23, lying about four

miles southeast of Chillicothea On the 24th of November

following they platted about tv/Gnty~flve acres of the tract

for a town which they called -Jamestown"c As this land was

about the center of the county and bordering en Grand River,

they anticipated that it would be selected as the county seatj

and eventually grow into a place, of some iraportanceo A few

lots were sold and a store ho'uce sroctedg but the enterprise


tf iust,i.ee


Pages 246-249

Townships and Sections

Townships are the l-irgcst subdivic-rione of land run out

by the United State Surveyors,,, In the governmenta3. surveys

township lines are the first to be run and a tov.iiship corner

is established e'rivy sl-K nilcc and nar-kedo This is called

"Townshippingo" After tr.-j tovn^hip ccrnej^ have been

care-fulXy located the secticn corners are establishedo Each

tov:nship is six miles square and contains 23^040 acres or

36 ?:q;jare mlJ.os; as near- as it is possible to make theme

E.".ch township, unless it is one of the exceptional class

. red tOr, is divided into 36 squares,* which ar-c caliod

. ^ori3o These sections are intended to be one milej or

j2o rods square and contain 64O acres of land© Sections are

nuriber-ed consecutively from 1 to 360 Beginning with 1 in the

no::thoast ccrnerj they run west to 6; then east to 12j then

vjc; : to 63 then east to 12j then west to 18, and so cnj back

ar . Torthg until they end with section 36 in the southeast

CO: r:.:;r-o

': "naif"section contains 320 acres;

a quarter sectionj;

.'/ ceres

I half of a quarter contains 80 acres; and a qcarter

.;. a luarter contains 40 acres, and so oii.^

-he first settler in Chillicothe township was Joseph

:^'-;:j v;ho erected a cabin on

12-5S~24s! in the year 1833,

• .;::ion eleven was first occupied by '.villiam Linville in l834c

^•nieb Ao Gibbons and Braiinock W5.1kercon also located in the

uox neighborhoodj while .:;:^uth of tao present city of

Chilli-oothc; Elisha Hereford a-d Daniel Ec Todd located in l834o

Land opened for entry in this section in 1^35s but not until


Dood Bock A

Fn'o 1 Indenture between Charles Harrison of the Coxrnty of

L.v,in,;Stou poeand Rebecca Cunningham of Randolph County^ Mo»

10 .Apri... 1^37

Pa."'- 2 Deed between Charles H<j Ashley and John Austin of

Liv-irV^ston CountysBeand David So Lanmie and Sophia


his wife

LaTid Mo Kickrnan and Corne.lia Ac hirj vvifcvg Thomas oelby and

E..l.i?,c.beth his wife, John G-'.;itar and Srlly his wifs^? and Caleb

So Stone and Ann We his wife of the Govr\:ty of Boone State of

IiivSsourio«<»2 February l63?

Page 4 Indentureoool9 April 1S37 Eetv;een William Parkero»»and

Samuel Todda,, both of Livingstcij. Countya^e

Page 5 Indentures oe:"3 October


Between Abraham Blan and

H.anna his wife of Livingston Gountygaoand Parmount Blan of

the same placeoos

Page 6 Indentur-eo.=.o2f5 November 1^37 Between Joseph Wolfscell

and J.ouisa his wife of iiivingstoa CountyeB«and William Moberly

o:- " ;'ounty afcresaidooo

r\\, IndentureoooS November lS37»eoBetween William Moberlyeo

an^., Jv)i^o.ph Wolf scellosoboth of Livingston Countyo»o

Pago 9 Know all men^^ooHopkins Work and Martha his wife of

Carroll CountVg FsOo oc« paid by Zachariah Leeo»oOf Livingston

'•--- -^ - . « 3 5t'!0^-jT::Oer .uo^ /

.; ooo6 December l837ooeJohn Austin and Mary his wife of

.-.-"on Countyo^oand Jacob Myers of Caldwell Gountyy Moo ee»

-eodoool March 1^37p(.©Between Williajn Vansandt and

.'..o wife of the county of Sto LouiSj Mo, ©aoand Edvvdn :.iance of the county of Sto Louisow..

.rr.gy 12 Deeds 0^21 March lS37©ooEdv;ard !Iead and Suean his wife

of the county of Sto Louis 3tate of Ilissouriaooand Edwin Adrian

•'::c of the same placoocso

Page 13 Deed. ,821 March l'-37ooGSd\^n.n Mead and Susan his wife

of the County of St^, Louisj- Hoo aoo2.^d Roderick I'atscn of the

County of Livingston,os

Page 14 Deedo-.o29 May lS37s>ocHenry Carsoner and Jane his wife

of the county of Livingstoneocby William Mead of the county of

Sto LouisJ Moo

Page 15 Deeds t,c.3 July lS37r.ooGeorge Wa Walker.,^and Jonathan

M.c.l-o.L.3o>5<3both of the County of Livingston,,



Page ?l6 V7ill5.ara Mann and liUL'c-h his >»ii o of the County oi

CarroIXoofiby Joshua Whitne;- and B<-n,j.i:,.::: Fgv Baker of the same

plaaeooolO February 1837

Page 17 Indentureeoo3 Ootcber lS376coBeriJairdn 7^ Baker,«« and

V/iiliam Fo Whitney,c-oboth c^ the Oov.nty of Livinsstono»«

Page 1& Indentureooo5 Octcber XS37oooWiliiam Fo Whitney of the

County of Livingstonseoand Isacc Cg Statt of the Courity of


Page 19 5 August l837ooo Joseph Toddcooand John Kaneo»cboth of

the County ox Livingstonooo

Pa.=;G 20 Indentureooc-14 A\.v-'.u.st l837oooEvin Odel and Rhody his

I'/if;-; cf Caldwoll Oountyoofand John Trotter of Carroll Gount/yoa^

:.. -23 Plat of Uticas Missouri

Pa^^G Z'r-Z^ Loccition of Utlcag Missouri

'n^.^riV,-i.o O O21 March .1837ooaEdward Mead and Louisa his vd.te


; Gouiity of Gt:. Louie and William Vanandt of the li!-...

-V-,:- i' -31 Location and plat of Astoriai^ Missouri

(No longer e;sists»)

;. ^'2-36 Location and plat of Chillicothe-, Missouri

<..:,ct 37 Indentureo<>925 March lS39aooCharles Ho


:i'dr;ar-d RickelSoooboth of Livingston Coi^.:tyc,o8

.n.-^e 3^ Deedf,oo21 Maix^h j.S37ooo^deTtQk Matson and Catharine

hi3 vdfe of the County of Livlr^stonoo,j,and Edvjard Mead and

Edward Adrance of the Courity of Sto Louiseoo

Page 40 Deedo«o21 March 1837oosRoderick Matson and Catharine

his wife*.eof the County of Livlngstonoo©and Edward Mead and

Edward Adriance of the County of St^ Louis^o*

Pa^e 41 7 October 1837©c.oJohn Forrell of the County of St.

Loulscoepaid by William Vansandtoo©of the County of St» Louis»*

P?-jo 43 Inder;bi,ireoo*lS June 1^3S,o»Asahel A» Lathorp of the

Coi.v:-:ty of Livingston,,»and James Walden and John Scctt of the Gouir.y of Livingston,,,»

Page 44 Indentureeool4 March lS3See, Reuben McCoskrie and

Elisabeth his wife cf the County of Livings ton,,,and V/illiam

Head of the County of Sto Louis©«•


Ps^e 45 Indenture0^33.41 ^ l'3'^:oo^icvbitn KcOrotkxo &ii'i

Elisateth hS.s v;j.fe of u}ic '.

..;.:ty 0;? LiYin^storioocand Eawa^d

Ktiad of the Countj of 3t^ -^-lisuoc

P.r;-'. i4.6 Thid ::A:rtgage deed made the 9 Fabruarj'- IS3S between iacl".".: V..8 Well,-3 of the County c.f LivingBt DHocoand Ja..:e.s Toa

the Oounty of Livingston©co

Page 47 Indentare00014 March iS^SeooBet.veen John Stone and

Susavjnah his wife of the County of Livingstonoor.and Henrf

,':xt-more of the County of Plko State of Ill;'.nois<>ae

indcatureoco? December lS37o9<»^tephen Wo Reynols and

- ; \/ife of the County of Livings'iononaand V7il..lir.ra Reynols

ounty of Livingston^eo

-.7-- Deedoc->9 February lg3S»oc Janes Todd and Martha his

cf th'S County of Livingstone©«.and IVlchols V/ellsoooOf the

i.ouijty of j-iivingstoneo o

Page 50 Indentureecj^?, April l83Sooc'-'i;-hr. Cox of the County of

Livingstons30and Jackson C^ Sharp of the County of Fulton

State of Illinoisoce

Pago 52 Thomas Standloy cf the Coiiiity of Charitonoeoand Andrew

I V/elsh of the County'- of LrvlngE:tono'j>o2.1 .''..ugust 1837

Page 53 Indenturesog7 December lb37 Between ¥, Reynols and

hi;.- wife Mary of the County of Liyingston» ,oand T'.'llliara Reynols

of the County of Livingstci-jco

Po^e 54 Indentureao'.13 Janaary lo38oooAsa Mann of the County

•.f Lii'ingstonjo .•,and William Mann of the County of Livingsbono9


Deedc-c Henry H, Mitchell of the County of Sto Louiseao

^r Ridgeway of the County of Living;iton«, 006 J'une lo/"?

Page 56 Deedaac25 June I83So3©Roderick Matson and Catharine

his \;lfe of the County of Livingstone,©.and George Mead of vhe

County Cx Stc Louisaoo

p3,3o ;.-.: Elizabeth Virginia Madden*««appoint William Peeryoee

.V:-.'.:/:i.v3oo25 August 18389ooboth of Livingston County

1\- -•: 5C 19 October 1837»«» Joseph Parker R:.dgeway of the County

c..' I-i':u 3tate of Missouri,,*by Edwin


Brunr>on of the County

^ " '

ivi-AatonoooWitnessesJ Benjamin Da Browr. and G<, W, Gooch

Pai^o 60 Seth L, Cole of the Countv of ot,, Louis.coAron

Barth-olomew cf the County of LaSalle state of Ii:.inoiSoo«23 Oct,1837


Pa.'^^o 6.1 Indentureore.25 -'^'-^ ^c-t I63S Between Thomos R,, I.i'yaAi i\ './•

,":-•,.:-.ty of Livingstone00and John Fr3-ero3-?of the County/- cl

F:.i.';';o 62 Indenture,,» »20 August l53^»*?oSetween Thomas R^ Bryan

c:? tho County of Livingston0-0and Janioc' S, Austin of the County

or Livingston,,«


Page 63 00 ol Edwin V7o Br'j.nrjon formerly of the County of Pike

State of Moo oe^paid by Joseph Ridgevjoy and Moses Co Ridgeway

who are trading and cV.-'inp' bu^iiness under the firm name of

Jc Ridgeway and Son in the City of Philadelphia and State of

Pa© ?05> 19 June lS3Saac5

Page 65 Indentvire<,os26 Decerfoer I&3S Between William McCarty

of the County of Livlngstonocci','"'^ John Stone of the same placec

Pago 66 Indenture 1 March 3.^3^ Between David Campbell of the

County of Pike state of Mis."ouricQC('tc James Rawles of the

county and star.e aJToreoaidooo

P 7 Indenture •} May I03S Between David Palmer and Rhodean

"3 of the County of Daviess State of Missourioooand

.1 Alien of the County of Livingstonoo©

Pa^e 6? Indenture 23 December 1^3^ Between Asel H Bailor©and

Jo'-.n j'.llis both of the County of Livingston-eo

r?.".o 69 Indc;nture 5 JanuaiT 1^39 Between David Palmer and

" '-'! his

v;ife of Caldwell Countyoo.and John S Palmer of

-0 and State of Tenno oo«

Indent-'areo.«4 May 1^3S»«oBetV7een David Palmer and his

7 cdaan and his wife of the county of DaviesSaooand

:.llen of the County of Livingston©,,

'l-^-^o 72 Andrew I Welch,«,oX)aid by Jainci; Ke3rte for account of

'iLllir.m Le Barron the assi>=;nee of Thor.ias Standley3 9l9 Jxily

183^ Witnessess James Keyto and Janes Fuston

Page 72 ,,,I Andrew J«, Welch have this 21 day of August 1837

bought of Thomas Standleyer^'both of the County of Livingston,..

Pcge 73 Deed 25 June iS^ii By and between Thomas Standley and

Evelina his wife of the county of Charitonooeand William

Le-Barron of the County of Ohio state of Virginia,,0Bounty land,..

In the presence of Gaton Usher

Page 74 4 December lS3Si,ooWil2iani LeBarron of the County of

Chio State of 7irginiao3of-aLd by Levi Benjamin of the same

P-ric oo o o





Pasc 76 I^ailiam LeBarron :c the Count 7 of Ohio State of Vac 00

by Levi Benjanin^oopropej't" is noTv in f^j County of Livingjtori

State of Missouri.eo 5 December lo'>l''

Pago 77 Indenture IS February lo39 Jetv/een James W, Huntsman

of Caldwell Countyoccand C - arles Rosn of Caldv:eil County,eo

Page 77 14 March 18.3S Botv^'en William Head and Nancy his wife

and Reuben McCroskie botn of the Count3'- of Livingstone„<,

Page 7S Indenture S February" lijS Betwt^en Gilbert ¥oolsey,»o

and William Mann^ooboth of the f.:oi.ir.ty of Livingstona,o

Page 79 Indenture©00I6 March 1635 Betvoen Robert Snowden of

Ray County-,ovand Nicholas T^'elJ.s of Livingston Countyoo© t\n-,. -.o Deed 6 June l6373,,oHenry H^ Mitchell of St^ Louis

C' • ^oby iican Do Stewart county and state aforesaidooo

?.. Indenture 15 November I83S Between James ¥« Black

r.io.i, Ix-rky his iYifeoccand John Doss both of Livingston Ccuntyo,, Par^c '.'.3 Indenture 16 January 1837 Between Stephen Wo P.eynols

anc ".:.s f'.rii8 Ilaryoc-jand Giles Woolsey all of Carroll Courtyeoo

Indenture 20 December 1^3^ between John Shar-p

Caip-V. Sai'^ah Ra Campbell his wife of Livingston Coojityoucand

.•....• r 01 the city and county of St^ Lcuis,oc

: :-:5 Indenture 25 April IS32 Between Stephen Gl':-son of

- County

r; Xy^; oocand Robert Crocketocoslave bought ox

. .o:..a3 Johnstonso,in and for the good \j111 and affection he

jdts to Peggy Gibson the v;ife of Willlam D^ Gibsciio..

. L.cd 1 March 1839

Viitlie£-3; James Love

Page 86 An agreement with wiZCLia::! D^ Gibson and Robert Crocket

the said Crocket is to move the said Gibson and his family to

IIo-j and settle them on a farm there belonging to the said

Crocket and the said Crocket ±B to furnish the farm with horses

hogs^ cattle and money to buy nore stock if advisable, and the

said Gibson is to do and transact business for said Crocket,

and for the service of the said Gibson is to have $150,00 per

year payable annually^ Fijod Fetrusry 1839

V/itnossess Thomas J^, Bufoni arid V/illiara H, McKee

P; : 01 Indenture 4 April 1839 Between Reuben McCroskie and

S: .. 'cegoi'Y and Isaac McCroskieoscall of Livingston Cot.royo,

Pago C8 Indenture 13 March I839 Between V/oot Ogle and

V;inni-frod his wifoc.^oand John T^ Gudgel all of Livingston CountVoe*


3 J^ar.-v:. .%' 1^39 EstT-reen Jar.93 V7o ?tn-:nan and

._• i.-'.c vlfooooand James LowsorirooSll cf Livingston Coun':.yooo

?r',^'e 90 Indenture 11 March lS39ocoJacob Myers and Sarah his

T.i.C.-oocFaid by Isaac McCroskieoooaj.1 of Livingston Countyaoo

Pago 92 Indenture 10 Jul" 1S.3S Ectwe'jn Roderick TIatson and

Catherine his wife of Livi i,2;ston County and Edward T^leadj Edwin

Adriance and William Vansnjdt of the County of Sto LouiSoeoand

William Hudgins of Richmond county of Ra^/aoo

Page 94 Mortgage deed 9 Fooruary ic;>3So3cNicholas Wellso*8

con-vey to James Toddooe>all of Livingston County.joo

Page 95 Agreement nade and entered into by and between William

Martin of the county of Livingston Missouri of the first part

and Samuel Burch of the County of Char-iton ,:-tate aforesaid of

the second part witness that v/hsreas the said Samuel Burch

havin.?' become an endorser in the B:T:*anch of the Bank of Missouri

at Fcvetteoocthe said Mai't.T-u has granted bargained and sold to

tL • --.-d Purchc^^olO September 1538

Fcrjo 96 Deed 3 April lS37r.o©Henry Ho Mitchell of the County

of oto LouiScoc John Fo Lewis of the state and county aforesaid

Fa.^e 97 Indenture 3 April I83S Between John F, Lewis of the

cci;.r.ty and city of Sto Louis of one part and Henry Crughtou

of t--i'3 'ity of Louisville County of Jefferson state of I/o *(.«

TLndenture 3 April IS3S Between John F„ Lewis of the

.•;,.unty of St, LouiSo»,and John Byrne of the ci

~e i-'fo o oe

i Indenture 20 March 1^39 Between Henry Croughton of

iiio Kya ,,eand John Byrne of the same county and state*.

Page 100 Deed 1 April l&37a<sol Henry lie Mitchell of the county

of Sta Louis Missourioocpaid by Rudolph Bucher of the county

::nd state afore5aid»co

Page 102 Indenture 7 Janur.ry lo39 Botxveen William Carlile and

Narcissa his wifeoooand Jaues So Moseleyaooall of Livingston Co

Pa^e 103 Indenture 7 Jaxiuary l; ,^9 Between John Heat and

Perrae-lia his wifena.and Juhn S» Mosolcyeooall of Livingston County,

Page 10/f Know all men by those presents that I William Mosely

of Buckingham County^ Vac for and in consideration of natviral

love and affections which I nav3 and bear to William D Mosely

Edvmrd I'/e Mosolyj Laurelia Ann Moselyg James 0, Moselyj Mariah

Lo . cpclyy Mary Elizabeth Moselyj and an infant unmarried


(Chiidron of iwj son Janes .. ,-, I'Icb'jIj} and all other lawful

Ghill.dr-en which he raay heron,f'tor ha\'e born to him-^ now of the

Coiin-.y of Campbell- and Staoe of Vii'giniaj but who are making

prepsrations to move to tlio State of Missouri, as wel.l as for

tlio ir.rther sun of one dol!Lar to have in hand paid (by Elizr,™

beth Ty liosely aunt to the said children) at and before x.:).^

v.-..3craing and delivery of these presentSo©©!? September 15'33

_ --, lO: Deed 2^ February lS39»ooEdward Shiith and Sox;ih his

vifCoocV.nto John Ryan«ooail of the County of Livingston;,90

Paso 1060 ooWe Samuel Vo Rnmsey and Rachel his wife^^.and

P.aiph Floureyoooall of the County of Livingetonooo

Page 103 Indentureccc6 Jvvie 1^39 Betv/eon Roderick Matson-„,

and Cornelius Davis administrator of the estate of Gerham

Gomptonj deceasedoooall 01 Livir^gston Countyooo

Page 109 Indenture S M^.y 1839 3etv;een Anthon3r Blackburn and

Esther his wife of the Count].-- cf Macroupin and Henry Hall of

riadison Countyj Illlnol3£>c»»

Pago 1.11 oooSarauel Ransey and Rachel his wifea»oto George


of the County of Livingstoiiooo31 May 1^39

Page 112o<»oWe V/illiam Rowan and Hai^' his wifeoooand Samuel V»

RivsTyoc-all of the Gount-y of LivingstoneocIS May 1^39

r •:• 113 1 George


Ward of the Countj'- of Howard,

o;.unto Cnarle

.- ..::'.J.Aij of the County of Livingston*9«7 June 1^39

PiC.go 114 We Charles H^ Ashley and Maria his wife,,.unto Ger,,r::o v/o V7ardoool9 June 1^39

"i;^ 23 May 1^39 Betx^reen John F, Cowan and Elizabeth his

... ^. r Livingston Countya^oto George W» Ward of the County

. ..t.. .^-^o oo

;^' ;o 116 Deed 3 October IS3S Between John Austin and Mary

:.3 '.;ife and Charles H, Ashley and Mar-iah liis wife of the

i.'ounty cf Livingston, ooand John Graven of the County of


Prge 117 Indentureo.«>3 ^'^ly lS39oo©32tween John Doss and

Frances his wife,,,and Andrew Gc VMnkle of Dewitt County, 111,

Page 119 Deed 21 December I638 Between William Fryer and

Elizabeth his wifooooand Cr::::ief5 2^ Bryan all of Livingston Co, «e

Page 120 Indenture 20 roccnbor lc^38 Botween Thomas R, Bryan


Page 121 Indenture 29 I'a/ lS39.i&o"7ohn Austin and Mary his

wifecooto James La Aust.irioyoall of Livingston Countyo©*

Page 122 Deed 3 October Tc3B^^ ^Charles Ashley and Mariah his

wife and John Austin and Mary his wifa^ooto William Eo Faarl»««

all of Livingston Countyooo

Page 123 Indenture 9 July lg39«® ©Milton Po House and Martha

his ivife,,oUnto Charles H^ Ashleyoaoall of Livingston Couniy^o,

Page 124 Indenture 4 July lS39oooBetween Reuben McCroskie

and Elizabeth liis wifeoooand William Meadoeo

Pago l'^:j Indenture 7 July lS39 Between John M, Nichols nni

yrivry hi3 wii"egaa.and Daniel Cokerhamoecall of Livingston J.-jn-ty

_. 120 Deed 29 May 1^37 that Henr^- Carson and Jane rJ.s

' --'-.sco' 7 William Meadaeoall of the County of Livingstonoo*

Page 12C Plat of Labarn, Misaouid

(No longer exists)

Page 129 Deed 3 October lb3B that Jclui Austin anl Charles H.

Ashely and Mary and Marian their wivocooeby David ^o Lamme

and Caleb Stone and Do M.^ .Mckman of the County?- of Booneoi>»

Page 130 Deed 3 October ItjSacioochn Austin^ Co Ho Ashley and

Mary and Mariah their v^ivc-So^opaid by Caleb A, Stone of the

County of Boone


Page 132 Indenture 4 Augui^t !• 39 Between James


McGough and

Sa2;T:.h his wife of the county oi'^ i.'aviesscoeto William Peery of

';he County of Livingstonooo

Pa::,c 133 Indenture S August 1^39 Between Daniel Cokerham and

Mulda'.": his v^dfooooand Nathan IsaacSaooall of the County of


Page 134 Will of Humphrey Butt December 12, 183^

My wife^ Catharinej deceaseda.o

My childront Pollyg Elizabeth, Hannah, Silas, Charity,

Isaac? Ann E^j David Goj and Howard B« •••

'"hereas my second daughter being dead leaving as I

und-eri-ta"--.. : three heirs all daughters,c»

I also will that China who was my wife before comratt.ing

. ;• -ii^vous depredations obscended and left my bed bcrd

vrith-. ->rcvacation should be only entitled to ten dollars of my

0L.tatG .:ave forfeited all by violation from a contract of

obligation made between rae and her and myself before marriage

in Deconiber 1839

Benedict Welding, Isaac Buttj and Howard B* Butt, Exe»

\/itnesses: V/illiam Medtcalf-. George Punch, and Jamaa Clark


Pa.5c; 135 Incl.::!t-re iS ui. :j. lf]39 3etxTOen Alfred Roc::hcld nnd

l!;il2C;-jcth his "A'J.i'e of the Co-uiity of Lj.,vinn;stonoooand William

liucgins of the County of Ra/ooo

Page 1.36 Indenture 7 September 1^39 Between Charles Haradson

and Susannah his v,'ife;^ooOf the the County of Livingstonoocand

Reuben 1'cCroskieo

« c<

Fn:;e 137 Deed 20 August 1S39 Between James Livingston a.:J

:':'i.':a Eg Livingston his wife of the County of Livingstonow^and

,3 Fanchia of the County of Franklin State of Ohio ox the

^;...-jr- y- rtooocontaining SO acres*o »

7:Z/- ^.33 e..o-.Samuel To Crew? and Elizabeth his v/ife of the

County of Iioward,o»sum of four hundred and sixty dollars paid

by James Livingston* poland in Livi/t^stcn Gounty6e-l3 June 1^39

Pago 139 17 August 1^39 <>>; ,Between David Coon and Mariann his

wifecooand Edward A^ I'lattoxos^irall of the County of Livingston«e

Page 140 Indenture 2 July IS39 E5t-<veen David Lo Kester and

his wife Elizabethoe-^and Robert McGoughg James M.osely^-, William

Wj Bcnd.9 V/illiara Carlile^ Gtior~o V/g Martinj. Jonathan A» Dryden,

and Thomas Jo Martinet,


Page 143 Indenture 26 August 1839 Between Joseph T„ Todd and

Surjahnah his wifeo«,and GeoiJ^ge Qq Thompson of the County of


I:;-:o iii4 Indy..tureoool6 April 1S39 Between Charles Harrison ri.d :'v,cannah hi? v;ifeo,»and Joseph To Toddo»eall of the County .

;;.? Llviiigstonooo

.. a:^e 145 Indentures 00I5 July 1^39 Between Roderick Matson of

Utic?:; ^'Oc and Catharine his wife, William VanSandt and Sarah hif; v;if:j and Edwax-d l^Iead of St© Louis**.and Hudson Marti:: of

Utic-ao coL'ivingston Countyoo o


; 147 Deed 27 June I83So»,Roderick Matson and Catharine

..: ;;ifc«ooby George Meady William Vansandtj Edward Ileada

. 'ix Adriance of the city of St^ Louis,•«

rcv:c 147 25 June IS3B William VanSandt and Sarah his wife

4uvrard Mead and Susan his wife, Edwin Adriance and Margaret iiis -A-ife of the City of St^ Loxiisoooand Roderick lAatson*,,

Page 149 Deed 2? June l83So*aEdward Mead and Susan hia wife

Edv.'in Adriance and Mary Elisa his v/ife of the county of St,

Louis to William Van Sandt of the Co\:nty of Sto Louis,,,

Page 152 Will of Thomas Co 3urcA. 27 September 1^39

To my wife. Seliaary,,00

Witnesses; N, J, Dryden and Sv;?an Jacobs


Porjo 152 Deod 25 June l6:ii o«,a WilXio.m_Van Sandt and Sarah

hir3 wife of the Countj'- of So. Lou.ls and Ucderick Matsca and

Catl-arine his wife of Livingston Countveoounto Edward Head and

EdT;in Adrianee of the Coimty of Stg Lov.iRoee

Page 155 Indenture,« ,,9 May Ig39oooi3etv;o3n Williar.i A, Jones

and Mary Eo His wife«cGand John W© Boyle.3e>»all of the county

of Livingstonoe


Page 156 Deed 14 November- 1^39 Between Asel F^ Ball and

Elizabeth his wife of the Count^^ of Livingstone ooand James A,

Clark of the County of Limiooo

Pn^e 157 Indenture 12 November lo.39 Between John B, Hines

and I'lary Ann his wifeoooG-nd Dav2.d Dunkesono^eall of Livingston


Pago J^i Indenture 3.4 October 16^39 Between Charles H^ Hayes

.?nrl ^'Ciry his v;ifo,ooand Noah Ro HobbScoeall of Livingston Coo

lac;-- '^--'J Indenture 14 October 1^39 oao Charles Ho Hayes und

.-aria his wifeoof.and David Hawkins^ooOf Livingston Countyc5O

Page '.'0 Indenture 14 October 1839 Between Noah Hobbs and

Ajr.by l.;..s wife<5,oand David J:, Hawkinsoc.all of Livingston Gco 09 .-• - :.

'3 Indenture 10 April 1^39 Between Roderick Matson

;..-..r.rine his wifooocand Delila WallSoo»of Livingston Co„

'':U Indenture 12 November 1839 Between William ^'ioberlyo«

-- - Coaplin of the County of Booneono

. :.55 Indentures»e20 December I838 Between Roderick Matson

. J.,.i-n Stoneaocboth of Livingston Coru-vty^e^

Pago :i67 Indenture 19 October IS39 Eutv^een Nicholas Wells and

Dcl-^JL<? his wifeoe»and Reuben McCroskij^e^of Livingston Co,

Fn^o 168 Indenture 4 May 1?38 Between Roderick Matson,..and

Canolia Stors of County Chenango and state of New York,,,

Page 169 Indenture 1 November 11^39 Betv/een Nicholas Wells,#«

and V7illiara Huddarto^sboth of L5-vingston Countyo,,

Page 170 Know all men by these present that we Hiram Comstock

James Livingstons Alexander Dockery^' John Gibson, Samuel B,

Campbells William Coxj Benjamin Margrave, Sr,, and Jesse Nave

all of the County of Livingston are jointly held and firmly

boin.i to the State of Mis30\iri in the sum of fifteen thousand.

dollars of lawful money,«©3 December 1839


PagG 171 Indenture 15 o:- IC.-/; Betwcon Rcder.lck Matson

and Catharine his Kiroooc&'id i-c^-^-ard rleadg Ed-vrin Adriance and

Margaret Elisa his v/lfe^ Vi/iHia; . Vansandt and Sarah his wife

of St3 Louis. Moo ooo and }lv.dQov: Martinoco

Pago 172 Indenture 2S September lc^39 Between Charles H.

Ashcly and Maria his vd.fe^>osoand John '\f/hatenoooOf Livingston Co,

Pa,^G 173 Indenture 2& September 1839 Between Charles H^

Ash-ley 9."-d Mari his wife»o«and Martin Wilson of Livingr^':en Coo

Fag^ 174 Indenture 1 August 1^39 Between Charles H Ashley

and Maria hie wlfocoaand Alexander Dockery«,r» all of Livin?;ston


Parje 1' Indenture 5 November 1^39 Martin Wilson and --li-a-jo--:. :.:-3 v/lfeoooand Samuel Vo Ram3ey««eall of Livingston CDunty

" Indenture IS October 1^39 Between Andrew

lis, Cray and

. . : ; o Ellisaooand Ae F» Ball all of Livingston Ccjncyoo*

IndGnturee,«14 December 1^39 between Asel F» B IIqbo

:M:d Adgeniah Ball both of Livingstcm Cc-antyoeo

Page 182 Inderiture 13 November I839 Between Jch;-' Pindley and

Sa.rah his wifceo.and leam V/areoo0^3.1 of Livingston County,ee

Presence of James Ae Davis and John P,^ Davis

Page 183 Indenture 12 Kovcnber- 1839 Between Isam V.'are and

atharine his wife^soand John Findieyeocall of Livingston Co,


PagG 184 Indenture 14 December 1839 oooWe David H, Dunkeson

:..:;. Sary his wifeaoc.and Sarcusl Y^ Ramseyoocall of Livingston Co

Page 186 Indenture 7 January 1^40 Between Zadock Holcome«,,«

firJ rilsaha Herrifordocoboth of Livingston County.,9

Pa:.:o .187 Inden-oure 19 November 1839 Between Jane Bain*00and

Lc'.rlc Sc Jacobs of the County of Rayao*

Pag3 188 Indenture 19 November 1839 Between Jesse Bane and

Jecscj Ccnar 01 Ray County*,o© and Jesse Bain indebted to Lewis

bt, Js.CC 3oo o

Fa.^G 1''9 Indenture 2 November 1.S39 Between Jesse Bane»00.and

r,c-v.'.:G £a Jacobsaoc

1-- --J


V/e Thomas Jo Moore and Louisa his wife,..by Jam.Gs S,

.1 of Livingston Countyo,,l8 November 1839,*o


Page 192 Indenture ? N^ : -'er 1C39 '^otwoen^ Jane Baino ©Jesse

Coaneo.»said Jane Bane St.. . .'..ndibtoa tc Levvls Sc uacobSooo

Page 194 Indenture 6 Jar; ray 1"40 Eot^'oen Hennr Roof and Ann

his wifee«.and Zadock Holeon;3,,0call of Livingston County...

Page 195 Indenture .13 Janua-^/ 3..340 Between VJilliam Smith.,,

and William C<, A, Rensonaooa-li" cf Livingeton County^,.

Page 196 Indenture 20 Jar(U3j;y 1540 Between John Cox and

Sarah his wifeoo^and Joseph Slagleooeall 01 Livingston County.,

Fa-o .197 Inde.r:.are 20 February I84O Between Stephen Cox and

rai: :.'^ ;ch his wlfe.aoand Joseph Slagleoo»all of Liviiig.otO:i oOo

Page 198 Know all men by these presents that we Lewis Ma Best

and George Ennis of the Cctinty of Lajfayette and state of Moo

have this da^o^ .unto VHllis tie Rinson^oa 2g January 1840

Attests Uiliian Sprall ana Joseph Evans

?r -•: -,'. Deed 10 April lo3S Between Caleb 3, Stone and Ana

..e '.cs vrife of Boone Coog Moo «•• and John Graves

Deed 20 February I84O Between Austin Bo Prouty and

.;: -id-feoeoand George Vanbrinner of Livingston Ccuntyoa«

: ^ 202 vniereas I William Thralkill :i:m indebted to Earickson

i.erocounto Elisha Herriford both of Livingston Oountyoo*

6 October 1^39

?age 203 Indentureeeol5 January loL;0 Between Samuel Forman...

and Bryan H» Strongfellow ex the County of Charitono..

Pago 204 Deed 4 March lo40 Eetv/oen V7illiam Ee Pearl,...and

Calob Se Stonej Manuel Wo WilQor. ard Walter V'o Wilson of the

County of BoonQo,o

Page 206 Plot of Lebarn Filed I6 March 1^40

(No longer exists)

Pago 208 Indenture 5 March lo40 Between Andrew H, Cray,«»and

Janes kc Clarl:-. „cboth of Livingston County,,.

P^-r.. 209 Indenture,,.27 February IS40 Between William Smith

and darcaret his wifeoo^and William C. Atkinson,,,all of Living

Ston cunt7© 6

Pa^e 212 000 Stephen Redding for and in consideration, oounto

1 loung of the County of Lafayette,,,4 Nov, 1^39 i.00



Pace 213 Indenture 9 Df-f o'tiber 1^39 Between Giles Perman and

lla.Ti'' his wife of the Co'onty of CaldxiroHoocand Peter Gocdraan of

tho County of Livingstone,^,

Fag'3 214 oncRobert Ho Benson and Margaret his


of the

County of Livingstonoooand John So Benson of Lafayette Gounty»»

Page 216 We Samuel Benson Eind Mat Lids his wife and Robert

Ben-son and Margaret his wife of the Gounty of Livingstone ««paid

by John S« Benson of the County of Lafayette


March 1^40

Page 217 Indenture 22 August 1^39 Between Peaton Sherwood and

his wife Emily of the County of Livingstonoe ©and Daniel ?«

Kester of the County of Llvingstonooo

Page 21S Indenture 12 Noveiaber 1^39 Between William Go Miller

and ?^li2abeth his wife of the County of Livingston,,or.and David

H- !">. //koson of the County of Livingstons o


Pa,;',c i_> Indenture 19 June 1S39 Between William C, Wright

and "'zoyr his wife of the Counter of Howarda «.«unto David Krunkle

of tlie County of Livingstone os>

Pago 22C Indenture 13 March IS40 Between W, E» PearloaoP.nd

Jc'LiZi GraveSooo

: . ....,1 Deed 16 March 1340 Between John Graves and Matilda

ii'e of the County of Livingstonoooand Co So Stone3 tie '-'Jo

v . and V/o Wo Wilson of the County of Boonecoo

2'.2 Indenture Andrew H Cray and Emily Ann his wire««o

Jar.ies Ao Clarko»»all of the County of Livingston*««

; 22 Deed 17 March lS4CoogAndrew II^^ Cray and Lmily Ann his v.:a„fOooeto Samuel Fernandisoooboth of the County of Livingston^*

Page 225 Deed 24 April lg40 Between James Ao Clark and Martha

Ao his wife of the County of Livir.;^£,ton,io«>anQ William C<,

Wood-:row of the County of Charitonooo

Page 226 Deed 12 March 1840 000 Edward Mead of the County of

Sto LotiiSt««by Pheobe Eliza Ecker of the County of Livingston,.

Page 227 Indenture 15 May IS40 Between David H, Dunkeson and

Sarah his wife of the County of Livingstono»«and Thomas

Hutch-inson of the County of LJ.vingstonQ9o

Pu:" . 22^ Know all men by these presents that we James




Tiiite and Elizabeth Jane White his wife daughoer of

.;;.Ilia:i Ooley deceased of the County of Livingston on this 22

Hay II'hOo00certain tract of land lying in the State of Kentucky

formerlv owned by William Ooley deceased.••


IS-Pago 231 Indcr.tu.reoor10


IB40 Between John Cox and Saxah

his vriie of t-hj County ot Lrv'^ingstonoooand William Fioberly of

the County of Livingstone .:,o

Pa^y 232 Indenture 5 January I839 Between William Overto-n

Jennings and Polly his wifo of the County of Livingston and

John Hai't of the County of Livingstonooo

Pago 233 Deed 10 March 1840 Between John Cox and Sarah hie

v/ife of the County of Livingston and Joseph Slagle,on

: •

.: 236 Indenture 6 February IS40 between James Msory or the

r .virivv- u3 Livingston and William Linville of the County/ of


lti^3 237 Indenture 12 November 1839 I'etv.een William S. Miller

.-.id Elisabeth his wife of the County ox Livings-conooaand David

lie, Dunkeson of the County of Livingstonooc

Page 238 Indenture 4 Marci- IS40 T-ctvjoen William Eo Pearl,,.

and William J» Kave of the County of Livingstcnooo

Page 239 Indenture 3 Febx^xcxry lo40 BetKeen John C, Oram and

Louisa his wife of the Count-y o.f Livingston©,,0and John Yates

of the County of Livingston©oc

Page 240 Indenture 3 January 1&'40 Between William Finney and

Elizabeth his wife, «,©and John Yatos all of the County of Living


pG-^e 241 Indenture 2 October 1^39 Between George Hensoncso-'iind

letcalf and Humphrey Butt»o»all of the County of Living


ino.O <,q..-.L2 Indenture 25 March I84O Between James Gannon and

EliHhc his wifeoooand Caleb A Gibbons both of Livingston County

Pa^.o 243 Indenture 7 February IS40 Between John McCaramor; and

o^'occa his v;ifeaooand Howai-d B Butt..,all of Livingston County

2.;.4 Deed 2 February IS40 Between William Linville and

.-.;; .:_.c wifeco.and Charles Rowson of Livingston Countyoo*

Pr.;;;-: 246 Indenture 23 May 1^40 Between William Mann and Rutha '

ar:n his Vvifeoe.of Livingston County and Joseph Clark of the

County of Ray,©,

Page 247 Indenture 21 May I84O Betvreen James Sowson and

Eli-abeth his wifee.oand William Manr: both of Livingston County

Page 249 Indenture 27 Decc-.ber 1339 Betvreen William Brrommett

and Sarah his wifeoooand No,?,h Ro hocbs all of Liv.ingston County


Pr.ge 250 oocWe Samuel V - :'?Gy and Rachel his wife of

Living-St on Gountyc. ocS.nd Edv,'a,rcL 1^,, .altin of Ray Countyo.3 3

Page 251 Plat of Bedford

Paf?;o ?>2 Indenture 2 October 1^39 Dou^een Britian \'7illie;.i3

of"Livingston Countyeooand V/illiara MetcalfoeeOf Livingston Coe

Page 253 Deed 24 April 1^40 Between James A, Clark and

Martha A., his wife of the County of Livingstonoeeand V/illla:.n A,,

Woodson of the County of Living stonao.

I-r::c 2-''.4 Indenture 27 February 1^40 Between David Carlylo : '"

^.:.o County of Livingstono««and Joseph Slagle of thj Cc-ant3r

..'ix?.1."jstono oo :

-J <!^;' Indenture 25 February 1^39 ^^etween Roderick Matson

' ,. C""-harin3 his wife of the County of Livingstonoooand

.l-orenso Waviner of the County of Liviii^stonooo

Page 256 Indenture 16 August 1^39 'villiam Po Stovall and

Ann his wife of the County of Carrollco«>and James Re Reddick

of the County of Livingston.joo

Page 257 Indenture 19 0ctob.3r 1:^39 Between George Bxorch of

the County of Livingstoneo^<and William luetcalf and Humphrey

Butt of the County of Livingstor.ee


Pr,ge 25S .ooFor and in considerationocol Andrew Ho Cray of

the County of Livingstonaoob^/" Lovi F© Hall of the County of


x. }9 Indenture 1 March 1839 Between Roderick Matson and

iLie his 'wife of the County of Livingstonoooand Rodency Co

r ^,_ r the town of St* Joseph in the State of Michiganoou

?a,^--3 261 Indenture 27 November 1839 Between Moses Kirk and

i-'atherine his wife of the County of Livingston«o ©and James Co

Hurray of the County of Howardoo*

Pa;^e 261 Deed 4 February I840 Between Henry Manning and

Luc.:l:.'>a his wife of the County of Livingston. 4©and Thomas Ro ...rya-. cf the County of Livingston«»t

la, :o 263 Indenture 22 October 1839 Between Moses Kirkindall

and Knt'urine his wife of the County of Livingston,,,and James

Co - virray of the County of Howard.00

Page 264 Indenture 19 November I839 Between Frederick Mitchell

and Rebecca his wife of the County of Livingstonoooand Adam

Murray of the County of How-;r'da««,


p p oAr; ,„,K-,-)rf all men -. these presents that I William

£lS;:.a ^•,rnste."'of ?ho per. : : and estate of John D.

Martin an

in'^a^o peraon and of Sarah ifertin wife of said John Do .lartxa

nauad tnis 22 day of May l'340o«^unto Noah R, Hobbs*,*

P---0 266 I Hiram Comstock Sherriff of Livingston County

t.":Tr.-upry 1^40 against Henry HaglandoooCharles Singlctcn vorsus

iloiry Ha^landoocto William McCrarye«»


269 Deed 2 March IS40 Asel Fe Ball and Elizabeth his

ivifG of the County of Livingstonoooand John Cunnincham of the

County of Livingstone,


Page 270 Deed 9 May IS40 Between Jesse Fuquaoooto Thomas R.


-Pase 271 Deed 1 J^one lt:jj 3etv;oen Saniuel Fernandis of the

CoSnty of Livingston, ooand Ricliard C« Vaughn of the County of


Pag^- ^73 Indenture 27 February lt^40 Between John ElliSo=.and

John To Cunninghamoocboth of the County of Livingston^.,

In the presence of Asel F©


Pare 274 Indenture 2 May 1^40 Between W, Dilley..»and James

I-La-' both of tha County of Livingstoneoe


';75 Jacob Stauffer and Emily his wife of the County of

\:ocd State of Ohio..cJacob Stauffer Jr^ of Livingston Ccunt^^oo

Presence of Henry Walker and John C<, V/alker

?ar;e 275 Deed 4 May 1^40 Between William P. E* Pearlooo

-'.: ".:u.rew K^ Crayoso


D^ed 3 October lS40a«ftthat John Austin and May


. . rl-jE Ashby and Mariah his

wifc^^opaid by W, E^ Peax^,

-^ -,-. -^7' Indenture 14 April IS40 Between John Davis and

Jolur.a'his wife of the County of Ray^o^and Elijah N. Sugelloa,,

Pare 279 000 I David Williams am f\aiy indebted unto James

Slxngor both of Livingston Gountyeool'- January 3.S4u

Pa^-^e 2S1 Deed 5 March 1640 Between V/illiam S^ Cockran and

Manerva his wife,».and Michael Boor.eroocboth of Livingston Co.

Page 2S3 27 March I84O co«Jarties Ro Morril and Elizabeth his ,

wifeo»,unto Samuel Ball all of Llrf.ngston Countye*»

Page 2S4 Indenture 3 February lb%0 Between Admi3ah Ball and

Fanny his wife of the County^ of Daviess oocana John Ellis o± the


Page 2^5 Indenture 25 1 1^40 "r-otwGen William Peery and

Phillip Wild both of i-iv.: . ..tor. Ccur.tyoao

Page 2S6 Indenture 26 J;.\ly 16^39 Between John S, Fulmer and

Mary Ann his wife of Nashville^ Tonne 4,00 and Joseph Fulmer

of Hancock Countyj IllinoiScoo

Page 269 r.coI Spence Ho Gregory and Isaac McCorskie.oe and

Reuben McCorksie all of Livingston County 10 Jiily I84O

Page 290 Indenture 11 JiQ.y 1^40 Between Reuben McCorskie and

Elizabeth his vdfeo»oand Asa To Kirtleyo»»

Pagf. 291 Indenture 26 J-oly 1^39 Between John S^ Fulmer and

Maxy Ann his wife of Nashville^ Tenna co»and Joseph Farley of

Kancoek Countyp Illo

Pago K-?2 Iniunture 25 June IS40 Between Joseph Farley and

Sara:. his v/ife of Lee County Iowa Territoryco.and Zachariah

I.'.; c ' _J,vingston Countyoiio

: • J 293 Indenture 20 August 1839 Between John Hall and rilby

. ...:, -,;i:^^ and William Po Stoveall and Ann his wife of t.he county

. . '•' rrclloooand James Ko Reddiok of Livingston Countyoao

r.:..jo 295 Deed 2 March IS40 Between John Harris and Nancy his i/;ire,7ocand William Fo Peeiy all of th.> County of Livingstons«,.

Page 296 Indenture 15 February IS40 Between George Bunch

and Elizabeth his wife of ^he County of Livingston>jo»and Baleth

Gentry of Chariton County^^oo

Page 297 Indenture IS J-dy iS/i-O Between William To Cave and

>:'h3be Ann his w5.feoe>oand Joseph Cunningham all of the County

cf Livingston.eo

Page 29s ©ooWe Martin Winn and Eliza his wife.«oby Louis S.

Jacobs of Ray Countyeoo22 Ilovember 1^39

Page 299 Indenture 30 July 1^40 Between David Williams and

Mary M^ his wife of the County of Livingston.,,and Benjamin

wright formerly of the County of Jackson State of Virginiaooo

Page 301 28 July IS40 Whereas I James Slinger,,, belonging to

David 'vcilliamsooeboth of Livingston County

Page 3C2 Indenture 12 August 1^40 Between Young Ewing and

Elizaoith his wife«ooand Benjamin Wright,,, both of Livingston


I-•n--^-> JO^,-/.._ £JOO

; ' .' JiO} 1 Jane Bane,<,»to L, Jacobs of the County of Ravooo

, r'- lo4C In the presence of T, W« Jacobs


Page 304 Indenture 6 Jav. .ry IBLO l;-3r.v-oen Thomas Ge Jones and

Elizabeth hl£ wife.^^and -/i-llip Wildo^oall of the County of


Page 305 Indenture 22 Jirj iSii-O Between Samue], Brown,•.and

Abrara Fieldseo©both of Livingston Countv

Page 306 Indenture 10 April loiiO Betx^een Samuel Ee Todd and

Margaret his wifeoeoar.-l Reuben I'-cOorksie of Livingston County.


Page 307 Indenture 27 AuguGt ToLO Betv/een Thomas Jennings,.,

and James JenningS5er,both of Livir-giston County

Page 30S Deed 2!^ March Ib'.aO Between John Ca Oram and Louisa

hi2 -i/lfjouoand Aa Wo Huntoooall of Livingston County

V'a'o .309 Indenture 13 Jxily lSl+0 Between Andrew Legate and Jcuio his vrifeocc.and Perry To Caytonoooall of Livingston County

Paga 311 Indenture 23 June 1^40 Between Lewis S, Jacobs of

tho Cc'::.;.y of Ravjeoand James So Lomax of the County of




Indenture 21 March IS3S Between Joseph To Todd and

. 13 wifsoo-and John Stone.»sail of the County of"

i;iving-:;• :. 313 Indenture 1 May IS40 Between and Elijah N, Giiill and

. '.iffabeth his wife*, .and Reuben McCorksicoo,

Pnge 314 Indenture 1 May IS40 Betvreen Peter Malcno and

Tiino his wifeoc^and Rueben McCorksiegao

age 315 Deed 2 April 1S40 oooEdvrin Adriance and Margaret

x'Jjisa his wife and Edward Noad of the County of Saint Louia.a*

and Isaac Mead of the City of New York, 00

Page 317 Indenture 1 August IB40 Between James Work and

Malinda his wifeoe^and Joseph Rooks all of Livingston County,


Page 118 Deed 2 April I84O Edward Head Edwin Adriance and

Margaret Eliza his wife of St« Louis County,,,and John Adrianoa

of the County of Duehes New York»»o

Page 321 Deed 5 August I84O Between Albunus W, Hunt,,, and

Sor r.Gi Begelow both of Livingston County,,,

Page 322 Indenture 20 March I84O Between John L, Tomlin

Tru3toe of the estate of William Parker of the County of Living

stonoo-and John Holland of the Coiinty of Linn*,,


Page yi.j> Vife I.GVvis li Bert .. d Achee his wife and George Enni3

and ru'ibocca his wife of th? County of Lafayette have this l6

Jure l^tOooohy John Henry of the County of Franklinoo«

Tr > 325 Indenture 7 February iS/fO Between John McCanrnon and

. v.. ;ucr. his v.'ifeos.and John McCammonj, Jra all of Livinr^ston Co

Pcco 326 Lewis M, Butt and Rachel his_wife and George Ennis

a:id liebecca his wife of the Count3r of iiafa7ettescol6 June IS40

by William Evans of the County of Livirvr,?tonooo

Page 327 Deed 30 October 1839 Between Russell Williams and

Caroline his wifeo<,(,and John StoneoooO.il of Livingston County

Page 328 Indenture 14 Au";u3t 1.^40 Eotween William E^ Pearl...

and Thomas Jo Gordonoocbotii of Li'ringstcr.

Gount3?-Page 329 Indenture 2S January lo40 Between John So Wilkinson

nnd Joseph M<, Wiicockc^on of tho County of Rayoa»and Hiram

Wilcockson of the County of Carroll ©©


Page 330 Indenture 14 August lb^40 Between Jesse Newlin and

Porniella his wifeoot-and Potcr Cainee,o«.both of Livingston County

>"a::o 331 28 April I84O Between Reuben McCorksie and Elizabeth

his "vLrcoooand Loyd Rockhold all of Livingston County,©o

pJigG 332 ooci William Maberryaoeappoint Hiram Gt Parks of Ray

Couhty £3 my attorney,;,ocas a private for eighteen days in the

cor.rcany <:if Kounted Volunteers commanded by Capt, No Ce Pollard

in thc":3ar ia36^ool8 August I84O

\.> Indentureaoo25 April I84O.0©Between Soloman Lecnaido«o

j/william Todd both of Livingston Count^r^^o

Indenture 18 August I84O Between Albenis W^ Huntoo.

-. ."a Go Johnson,o,both of Livingston Countyooo

•"'ioC 336 Indenture*»<,15 Ju.ly I84O Bet^veen Thomas Ogle and

<-.!,iy his wife of Livingston Countyeo^and Richard D^, Mougell of

^he County of Decature and State of Illinois,«<,

Page 337»*.I John Yatesooeby Robert Walker 10 April 1840

both of Livingston County

Page 339«#«I James Co Claburnosounto Lucy We Rowley,ee. Aug.l840

Both of Livingston County

Page 339 Indenture 10 July 183b Between Roderick Mat son and

Catharine his V7ife«o8and Edn^ard :'ioadg Edwin Adriance, and


Pago 34'-' Deoi 21 Au^^uct ;...':,4-0 Between Robert Turner and EJ.isa**

beta /.!;;> '.circoooand Thom3.s Jo Gordan both of Livingston County

i'-a'"o 3''il Indenture 24 September 1^40 Between Samuel Parks

ry~'. '^vcy his wifeptt.and Valney Doty of Kentucky,ee

Fa.-o 343 Deed 18 October I84O Between W, E, Pearlyoe and

Iney Doryoooboth of Livingston County

Page 343 Deed 22 August IS40 Between l'^-, Ep Pearloo^and

Will-iam Jo Caveoioboth of Livingston County

Page 344 Indenture,,©18 September 1840 Between Willis G„

Atkinson,o»unto David Ho Dv,akesonocobcth of Livir^gston County

Page 345 Indenture 21 Sep^ouber I84O Between Enos Isaacs and

Jane his wifeo#9Noah Re HcbbSaooaXl of Livingston County

Page 348 Deed 30 March ISLO Between David Martin and Hannah

his wifeco.by Hallis Siraonoooall of Livingston County,,,

Page 348 Know all men by these presents that I Andrew H,

Perkins of Hancock County St-ate of Illinois,,,paid by John H,

Po?:-kii^3 of Livingston County,©9I7 August I839

Pci^e 349 Indenture 10 September I84O Between Martin Wilsonao,

aP-C. Cl.arles H, Ashbye« eboth of Livingston County

Page 350 Indoriture 16 November IS40 Between John Harris,eo

and l/.;ans Peery as tru.£tee and George Gibson,,,all of Li"^/ir.gston


'^'^ y -J c 3


Indenture 10 September 1S40 Between William Fo

\ooand John Whitneycooboth of Livingston County

Deed 23 September 1^40 Between Thomas Ro Bryan and

:, :..in. his wifeacgand Andrew Je Bryano,«all of Livingston Co,

\,^ 354 Deed 2 May 1^39 Between William Vansandt of the city

z:: 3tc Louis and Sarah his wifeeoo?.fid I'ohn M© Johroon of the

Cxty of Sto Louis

Page 355 Indenture 10 Sept^^niber 1640 Between John Whitney,.


and Joshua Whitney,©©Both of Livinir^ston Counter

Page 356 Indenture 4 January'- 1C;39 Betvvean Noah Benson,,, and

James Aull of Lafayette Gountyacs

Pp.g^ 356 Indenture x2 October IC40 Between Austin B, Prouty#e

and Brannock Wilsonocoboth ox Livingston County


Page 35^ Indenture 4 i'-.' ' J^li-O Bet\..;oen W^ E,-, Pearlooaand

Austin B;. Proiity.,coboth c. livirjjston County

Pa:;,o 360 2 July I83S00.0I Felix Wilds of Ray County do releav'je, un\,o Samuel Todd of Livingston Count^'^

"age 361 Indenture 2? June IS40 Between John Fuquaoc.eS.nd

Peter Cave<,ooboth of Livingston County

Page 362 Indenture 5 September IS40 Between Joshua


and Elizabeth his wife of the County of Livingston,ooand Jos'^via

VJocd cf the County of Carroll*00

I.:-o jcj Indenture 6 October I84O Between James L, Lo:..rjCG»o

a;:d I.athaniel Hendersons •both of the County cf Livingston

la 3C5 Deed 16 March I64O Between William E« Pearl^coand

IJlirha Korriford<»«»both of the County o'"' Livingston

rage 366 Indenture 22 October 1^39 iJatween Yancy B, Stokes

and Elisabeth his wife of the Covmty of Livingstcnoooand John

Neet of the County of Howardooo

Page 367 Indenture 2 Marc'i IS40 'Between Jesse Newland of tho

County of Livingstono00and r.ober^o P.o Magee of Ray County,,,

Page 36S Indenture 4 September 1340 Between Jesse Nave and

Izabelah his wifeocvaand John Sii::pson«»oall of the County of


Pige 369 Indenture 24 Septenber IS40 Between Jesse Nave and

liifi.boiah his wifeo-^ounto John Thompson both of Livingston Co^

l.-.o 371 I Hirain Comstock sheriff oool2 May lS40o,<,of Will am

V'l; V -vrv against Roderick Hatson and Reuben McCroskieecs

.:.o . VcddoooW, Fo Ewell*6cFo L© Austin,«,Samuel £<, Toddo^c

Page 373 Indenture 10 July 183^ Between Roderick Matson and

CathariiiG his v/ifeoooand Edward Mead Edwin Adriance and VJilliam

\iar.z3.ndt of St^ Louis by their attorney Roderick Matson, ooand

Levi rv Gcbin of St<, Louisoo»

I-a j 374 I Thomas CascQ»,e0f tha County of Livingstonoooto

1' c: as '-*, Cockerell Of the County of Howard.


October 1S40

Fa -o 375 Indentiore 14 October 1^39 Between Charles H, Hayes

ci ;. y.Q.Tia his wife of the County of Lix'ingston«»,and Henry

i.sliley of the County of Chariton»,o

Page 377 Indenture IS July IS40 Between Perry Go Cayton and


Pa,^c 37c Indenture >?.5 3^^;.- 1^ 1^40 Between John Harris and

Karxv l^io ^-ifsoooand Willi,:an ?e3ryo«o?Jl of Livingston County

^'cr;'5 37} Deed 3 November 1840 Between William T<, Toddo«*and

L3ru.:u'3l rernandosoccboth of Livingston County

Page 3^0 Indenture 3 Noveiuber IS40 Bctv^cen Wj.llian Peery^ocand

Samuel Ashbyc,:«both of Livi.agston Ccfu-.t^r

Page 3^1 Indenture 30 July 1^40 Between Benjamin Wright

form--erly of the County of Jackcon vStato 01 I'irginiaoo^and William

Peery of Livingston Countyc jo

Page 382 Deedccc6 November 1S'40 Between V'illian: Eo Pearl,,, and

Novazombea Johnsonoocboth of tVie Ooant3r of Livingston

Page 3^3 I William lo VJallr^ce and liary his wife,e, natural lovo

for my fister Elizabeth Yato3oeo31 October 1F>40

Page 3^4 Indent\ire 4 Nov'enber ic40 Between William E, Pearl»«,

and Lcran D^ ElJ.iscooboth of the County of Livingston

Par::.' 3:5 Indeat/jre 7 November 1^40 Between Wo E, Pearl and

r,lan :ioYerocoboth of the Coiinty of Livingston

Page 385 Deed 7 November I84O We Eo Pearl,»oGeorge Saitseoae

Pa-/-- 3:^;^ Deed 9 November 1^40 ©,•William I Cave and Fhebe

An:: \A:3 ivifeo0,iLydon Caveoooall of Livingston County

- Indenture 24 September 1^40 eo^Azariah Parker and

'd.:- ivife000and Hartiy Wood* •©all of Livingston Cou-atyg Mco

,; '*Vi Deed 12 August I84O Between Walter W Wilson

Nathan-.Ison and Caleb So Stone and Ana Wo his wife of the County

-...ni_oo©and John Graveso&oof Living5ton Countyoca

?age 392 Know all men we Jesse Newlan ar.a James Ivcddon,,©

unto George Bo Pullenooo30 f'arch lo40 all of Livingston County

Page 393 Deed 19 August 1:^40 Betvieen Caleb Stone and Anna W»

his wife and David Lamme an,:. Sophia his wl.feoooand David M,

Kickman all of the County o£ BoonGaoo

Page 394 Deed 4 November 16'40 "Zetv/een Wo Eo Pearl,.»and

Joseph L9 Nelsonoocall of tho Cciuity of Boone4,,,

Page 395 Deed 5 December iJ:4C VJo Ea Pearlo©oand George

Sv7:.ver<,ftoboth of the County of Livingston

Pa::e 396 Indenture 7 July IS40 Between William Oxford and

waiicv his wifocooand Archibald ?Qery*e»all of Livingston Co^ «••


Page 396 7 July I84O Bet;:, .;n 'Williana Oxford and Kancy hia

wifeeooand Archibald Peerv^^^all of Livingston Covraty

Page' 397 Deed 3 November J '

v!f.O Eetweon ¥0 E„ Pearla,,and

Joseph L, Nelsonoo*

Page 396 Deed S October 1g40 Letwoen William Linville and

Polly his wife^a^and JonatI an Wocdaoaall of Livingston County

Page 399 Indenture 4 December iS-LOoo-^Elias Guthridge and

Katharine his wifeao*and John Dossaooall of Livingston County

Page 400 Indenture 4 February l'E^39 John Hart and Parmelia

his wlfeoooand John Do3Soo-all of Livingston County

Pace liOZ Inde.iture 14 November IS40 Between William Smith

and '-..argaret his wifeoo^and John Kirk«,ooall of Livingston Co»

Fago 403 8 January IS40 Between Jonathan Booth.,,and Thomas

Evorlt...ocboth of Livingston County

Fajo i;.C;.; Deed 10 November 1^40 Benjamin A, Fewell and

Li^oinia his \;ifeoooPeter To Able«a«all of Livingston Coui.ty

.0^ Indenture 9 December IS40 Between Henry Manuinf,- and

: 'm his wife of the County of Livingstone ot,and Tnornas Co

. core ci the County of Howard..,

?:Z- -^O? Indenture 11 November 1^39 Between John B, Hines

a:\.i Ilary Ann his wife,00John DosSco»all of Livingston County

Fn.20 40S I James Reddick am indebted to Joseph Aa Blackwell,.«

sell unto Thomas N, CockerillooQ

Pago 409 Indenture 14 October 1S'40 ocoJohn Lo Austin and

Luoy Ao his wife of the County of Carrolloooand Francis Preston

of the County of Livingston

Page 411 Deed 19 December IBIO Between Joseph L, Hoskins,,^

of the County of Livingstone ooand Alfred Hoskins of the County

Hosdon State of Kentucky000

Page 412 Whereas I James K^ Reddick am indebted to John

Wolf-skallo-cunto George Mormonoooall of Livingston County

19 Docamber I84O

F:.;;o 413 Indenture 5 December 1^40 Between James Work and

I'aiinda his wifeoo»and Joseph Rooks»»»all of the County of



Page 414 Indenture 25 roaonbor lc\39 Between George Ro Oxford

and Leane^soOf Livingston Couiitvoooand Randolph McDonald of

the County of Rayt,no

Page 416 Indenture 12 November IB40 Betv/een Samuel R, Ramsey

and Rachel h5.z \Tife of the County of Livingstoneo.and Hugh La

V/elch of the County of Tazwell State of Illinoiso.*

Pas© 4'iS ..aWe Joshua Evans and Nancy Ann his wifeooopaid by

John Henry. ocboth of the County of Livingston 11 July I84O

Page L19 Indenture 21 December IS40 W, E, Pearl.».and Joseph

Tfolfskil.l.osoboth of the County of Livingston

Par:e 420 23 Docember 1^40 I Hiram Comstock sheriff000Jai-ies

Todcl ajainst Nicholas WellSoaounto Elisha Herrifordoosall of

^:"d Oour.ty of Livingston.00

. "o L2?. Indenture iS December I84O Between Nathan Isaacs and

a-'y 0:13 v/iieocoand Noah H. Hobbs,.aall of the County of

Page 424 Indenture 9 Novoiuber IS40 Eotvfeen Gilpin L, Suttle

and Sarah his wife of the County Cf Bconeo^.and John Graves of

the County of Livingstoneoc

Page 424 Zndenture 22 Deoeaber 1240 between Noah R, Hobbs

and Azby C, his wifooooand Mathari Isaacs all of ohe County of


Page 426 Indenture 3 4 December lS40 .00John Graves and

Hatllda his wifea.oand Nathaniel Hendersono*o

Pan:e 427 Indenture 10 March 1^40 Between James S© Townsend

and D-.ren his wifoo.^oand John Blackburn...all of the County of


'J'-. ^2S Indenture 4 January IS4I Between John Blackburn^.o /^.^:

.v-'i: T,on.h Ro Hobbs, ooboth of the County of Livingston*. .

Page /i-29 o«oI John Ranfro of the county of Ray... bound unto

Isaac Jc. Harvey of the County of Livingston January 1.^41

Paga ''k"0 Indent\ire 22 October I84O ...William H, Ho Sraith

an:i "l^jn Smith his wife.c«and Nathaniel Henderson .«o all of

t'l.r .^...v:y of Livingston.00

In ;o 431 loooDavid Hickland of the County of Hopkins State of

:orituc::yc«joappoint David Hickland of Livingston County my a':-crr.^7ooo



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