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Summer/Fall Supporting Early Education & Development Training Schedule for Early Childhood Educators (ECE) & of-school Time Professionals (OST)


Academic year: 2021

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Nationally, Quality Assured by NACCRRA®

This program is funded in part under an agreement with the Nevada Division of Welfare & Supportive Services.

Supporting Early Education & Development

Supporting Early Education & Development

Supporting Early Education & Development

Training Schedule for

Training Schedule for

Training Schedule for

Early Childhood Educators (ECE) &

Early Childhood Educators (ECE) &

Early Childhood Educators (ECE) &













School Time Professionals (OST)

School Time Professionals (OST)

School Time Professionals (OST)

Summer/Fall 2015

Summer/Fall 2015

Summer/Fall 2015

The Children's Cabinet

The Children's Cabinet

2470 North Decatur Blvd. #130

2470 North Decatur Blvd. #130

Las Vegas, NV 89108

Las Vegas, NV 89108









Please address questions to Melissa Harlan

Please address questions to Melissa Harlan


Phone–in registrations will


be accepted.

All classes


be pre-registered and pre-paid.

Payment must be in the form of check or money order.

NO Cash will be accepted! We do not issue refunds.

Class space is limited. If you register for a class and

cannot attend, please call to cancel your space so

another early childhood professional can attend.

If you call to cancel ahead of the class date, credit

can be transferred to another class with exception.

Please call ahead for space availability.

If the class is full, we will call or email you.

Walk-ins will only be allowed at free trainings if space allows.

Other Training Opportunities

The Children’s Cabinet has Registry-approved online training courses available!

See the flyer in this packet for

more information or visit our Child Care Aware Training Academy at: http://www.childrenscabinet.org/main.asp?pID=284.

The Nevada Registry:

Information on training throughout Nevada www.nevadaregistry.org

Training Sponsored By WCSD and your local United Way:

Virtual Pre-K

is a free tool designed to prepare children for success in Kindergarten.

Media Wise

is a review and discussion on the latest research regarding the influence of media on children.

Born Learning

is a child development class focused on supporting learning in ages birth through 5.

Please call or e-mail for upcoming training dates or to schedule an in-house training: 775-325-8905.

Pre-K Standards:

Free training is available statewide on the Nevada Pre-K Standards contents. For more

information, please call Tina Springmeyer at 775-448-5273.


Scholarships for licensed child care staff (including family child care) who work directly with children and

would like to pursue a degree or certification in Early Childhood Education. For more information call 1-800-259-1907.

College Coursework:

Courses that count toward CEUs can be taken at the following schools:


Department of Special Education & Early Childhood, 702-895-3205


Department of Education, 702-651-4004

An approved one credit college course equals 15 CEUs and completes the required annual training hours for child

care providers. Contact your social service worker for more information on approved college coursework.

Nevada Silver State Stars QRIS:

The Office of Early Learning and Development provides introductory training as

requirement for centers interested in participating in Nevada’s Silver State Stars QRIS. This training is only open to

center directors, administrators, and owners. Participants attending this training will learn how to use the QRIS to

The Children’s Cabinet

Located inside the Las Vegas Urban League

2470 North Decatur Blvd., #150

Las Vegas, NV 89108

United Way of Southern Nevada

5830 West Flamingo Rd

Las Vegas, NV 89103

Training Locations:

As of January 1, 2015, all early childhood professionals are required to complete 21 Nevada

Registry Approved Training hours each year. The year depends on your facility’s licensing year.


Southern Nevada | Early Childhood Education Trainings

7/1/2015Through: 9/30/2015

Las Vegas

July 2015

Date: 7/7/2015 ClassID: 1730

Class: Inspiring Young Minds, The Scientist in All of Us

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:7:30 PM

Science is everywhere! Kids are curious and love to learn about the world around them. Afterschool staff can play an important role in facilitating youth's learning about science, engineering and technology.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-OST CKA: Environment & Curriculum

Mikaela Carter

Date: 7/8/2015

ClassID: 1731

Class: Signs and Symptoms of Illness with Bloodborne Pathogens

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Participants will explore the signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses. Learning the universal standard precautions for bloodborne pathogens HIV/AIDS, Hep C and Hep B.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Dana Spragg

Date: 7/11/2015

ClassID: 1732

Class: Ready, Set, Go! Fun Ideas to Get Children Moving Inside and Outside

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 12:00 PMto:2:00 PM

Create a new repertoire of fun gross motor activites that can be easily implemented into your weekly lesson plans or daily rountines. These movement activites will enhance children's large muscle skills while having fun and playing.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Environment & Curriculum

Carolina Cajica

Date: 7/11/2015

ClassID: 1733

Class: A World of Wonder and Discovery

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 9:00 AMto:11:00 AM

This training is desgned to provide participants with ideas to help embrace science in the classroom which will lead the children to exploration and discovery.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Environment & Curriculum

Carolina Cajica

Date: 7/11/2015

ClassID: 1734 Class: Let's Get Cooking

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 2:15 PMto:4:15 PM

This training will provide fun ideas and easy recipes that can be implemented into the lesson plans. The recipes will get your preschoolers excited about food and cooking.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Environment & Curriculum

Carolina Cajica

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Page 1 of 5

Last Update:


Date: 7/14/2015

ClassID: 1735

Class: Recognizing and Reporting Abuse and Neglect

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

This training will provide information on recognizing and reporting abuse and neglect for mandated reporters as outlined in NRS 432 B. dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150 Las Vegas NV 89108 Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Maria Marinakis, Ed. M.

Date: 7/15/2015

ClassID: 1740

Class: Chronic Disease: Nutritional Food Choices in Child Care Centers

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Participants will learn how they can model and teach positive, healthy eating habits with children who may be eating 50% or more of their meals and snacks while at child care.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: Chronic Dise CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Maria Marinakis, Ed. M.

Date: 7/20/2015

ClassID: 1741

Class: Sensational Activities

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

In this training, participants will learning why sensory play is so important, and how easy it is to incorporate into their day. We will also be discussing Sensory Processing Disorder. Come prepared for fun, messy sensory activities.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Environment & Curriculum

Mikaela Carter

Date: 7/29/2015

ClassID: 1742

Class: Child Development 3-5 Years

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

In this training, participants will be learning about developmental milestones for children ages 3-5 years old. We will also be discussing how to incorporate appropriate materials to help the developmental ranges that you may see within your classroom. dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150 Las Vegas NV 89108 Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Human Growth & Development

Mikaela Carter

August 2015

Date: 8/1/2015

ClassID: 1743

Class: Common Sense Parenting

Additional session 8/1/2015

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 9:00 AMto:3:30 PM

Participants must attend both trainings to receive credit. No partial credit will be provided. Logical strategies and easy-to-learn techniques to address common issues that arise with children within a school and home context will be discussed.

8/8/2015 dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150 Las Vegas NV 89108 Target: CCDF-OST CKA: Positive Interactions & Guidance


Southern Nevada | Early Childhood Education Trainings

7/1/2015Through: 9/30/2015

Date: 8/5/2015

ClassID: 1744

Class: Signs and Symptoms of Illness with Bloodborne Pathogens

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Participants will explore the signs and symptons of common childhood illnesses. Learning the universal standard precautions for bloodborne pathogens HIV/AIDS, Hep C and hep B.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Dana Spragg

Date: 8/12/2015

ClassID: 1745

Class: Chronic Disease: Physical Activity and Screen Time

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Encouraging children to be physically active and limiting their screen time will help them stay healthy and promote development of their motor, social and cognitive skills.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: Chronic Dise CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Maria Marinakis, Ed. M.

Date: 8/18/2015

ClassID: 1746

Class: Temperaments and Transitions

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

In this training providers will learn how different temperaments affect transitions throughout the day. We will be going over how to change your daily schedule to reduce stress from transitions for both the teacher and children.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Positive Interactions & Guidance

Mikaela Carter

Date: 8/19/2015

ClassID: 1762

Class: Taste of Chinese Culture

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

This training will increase the understanding of Chinese culture for educators, teachers, and school administrators. The presentation will also discuss Chinese festival, written Chinese greetings, and Chinese Zodiac.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Environment & Curriculum

Yuying Fan

Date: 8/20/2015

ClassID: 1747

Class: Children in Transition

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

This session will include interactive activites that demonstrate the frustration of relocation as a family or on your own, as well as highlight some difficult choices faced by homeless students and their families.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-OST CKA: Family & Community Relationships

Kelly Jo Shebeck Terri Thompson

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Page 3 of 5

Last Update:


Date: 8/24/2015

ClassID: 1748

Class: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

In this class we will be learning about the importance of "Back to Sleep" for infants, understanding SIDS and safe sleep environments and reviewing myths and truths about SIDS.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Mikaela Carter

Date: 8/26/2015

ClassID: 1761

Class: Infant and Toddler Brain Development

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

This training will take participants through an introductory experience of Infant/Toddler brain development. Information will be inclusive of heredity, brain development, essential learning, and the effects of stress on the body and the brain.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Human Growth & Development

Ron Barakat

September 2015

Date: 9/2/2015

ClassID: 1750

Class: Partnering with Families

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Participants will explore different strategies for building relationships, building rapport, and partnering with families. We will be discussing the five types of knowledge that parents and providers bring to a partnerships.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Family & Community Relationships

Mikaela Carter

Date: 9/8/2015

ClassID: 1751

Class: Recognizing and Reporting Abuse and Nelgect

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

This training will provide information on recognizing and reporting abuse and neglect for mandated reporters as outlined in NRS 432 B. dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150 Las Vegas NV 89108 Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Maria Marinakis, Ed. M.

Date: 9/9/2015

ClassID: 1752

Class: Chronic Disease: Supporting Breastfeeding in Child Care Centers

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Child care settings are crucial supports for mothers who wish to continue to breastfeed while working outside the home. Mothers who breastfeed need support from their child care center to continue breastfeeding when they return to school or work.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: Chronic Dise CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition


Southern Nevada | Early Childhood Education Trainings

7/1/2015Through: 9/30/2015

Date: 9/16/2015

ClassID: 1754

Class: Signs and Symptoms of Illness with Bloodborne Pathogens

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Participants will explore the signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses. Learning the universal standard precautions for bloodborne pathogens HIV/AIDS, Hep C and Hep B.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-ECE CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Dana Spragg

Date: 9/22/2015

ClassID: 1755

Class: Necessary Nutrition

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

This interactive training will provide participants with information regarding the neccessity of proper nutrition for children. Participants will gain strategies to encourage children to eat more healthy and make fitness fun.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-OST CKA: Health Safety & Nutrition

Wanda Porter

Date: 9/23/2015

ClassID: 1756

Class: Culture in the Classroom

Additional session

Location: The Children's Cabinet-Decatur

# if series:0 Time: 6:00 PMto:8:00 PM

Providing cultural education, experiences and activities in early childhood makes the learning environment fun and exciting and helps children learn about themselves, others and the world around them.

dates if series: Instructor(s): 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 150

Las Vegas NV 89108

Target: CCDF-OST CKA: Environment & Curriculum

Wanda Porter

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Page 5 of 5

Last Update:


Southern Nevada • Early Childhood Education Training

Name: _________________________________________________ Date:____/____/____ Home Address: __________________________________________ City / State / Zip:________________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email:___________________________________

 

Please select the setting in which you work: Center Licensed Family Child Car Group Family Child Care School Age Program

License-Exempt Provider (Family, Friend & Neighbor (FFN) Provider) Other:______________

Aide Assistant Teacher Co-Teacher Director Lead Teacher Non-Teaching Staff Teacher

Step 1:

Fill out a separate form for each attendee. Fill out this form completely.

Registration Form

Name of Center or Family Child Care you work for: _________________________________________________________________ If Center, what is your position:

If you register and cannot attend, please notify us. Many of our classes have waiting lists. Participants who are more than 15 minutes late will not be admitted to the class.

7/1/2015Through: 9/30/2015

Step 2:

Select the class(es) you are registering for below: Date Location $

1730Inspiring Young Minds, The Scientist in All of Us

 7/7/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-7:30pm $7.00

1731Signs and Symptoms of Illness with Bloodborne Pathogens

 7/8/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1732Ready, Set, Go! Fun Ideas to Get Children Moving Inside and Outside

 7/11/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 12-2pm $7.00

1733A World of Wonder and Discovery

 7/11/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 9-11am $7.00

1734Let's Get Cooking

 7/11/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 2:15-4:15pm $7.00

1735Recognizing and Reporting Abuse and Neglect

 7/14/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1740Chronic Disease: Nutritional Food Choices in Child Care Centers

 7/15/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1741Sensational Activities

 7/20/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1742Child Development 3-5 Years

 7/29/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1743Common Sense Parenting

 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 9am-3:30pm 14.00

1744Signs and Symptoms of Illness with Bloodborne Pathogens

 8/5/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1745Chronic Disease: Physical Activity and Screen Time

 8/12/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1746Temperaments and Transitions

 8/18/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1762Taste of Chinese Culture

 8/19/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1747Children in Transition

 8/20/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1748Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

 8/24/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1761Infant and Toddler Brain Development

 8/26/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1750Partnering with Families

 9/2/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1751Recognizing and Reporting Abuse and Nelgect

 9/8/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1752Chronic Disease: Supporting Breastfeeding in Child Care Centers

 9/9/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1754Signs and Symptoms of Illness with Bloodborne Pathogens

 9/16/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $0.00

1755Necessary Nutrition

 9/22/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

1756Culture in the Classroom

 9/23/2015 The Children's Cabinet-Decatur 6-8pm $7.00

_____Total # of Classes _____Total Fees • Remember, if you cannot attend, please call the number below to cancel your spot.

Step 3:

Pre-registration is required. Mail or deliver this Registration Form with payment to sign up for classes.

Melissa Harlan • The Children's Cabinet • 2470 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 130 • Las Vegas, NV 89108 Fax: 702-684-6553 | E-mail: [email protected] | Questions about classes: 702-823-2966

Make checks or money orders payable to The Children's Cabinet. Cash will not be accepted.

The Children's Cabinet | Child Care Resource & Referral | www.childrenscabinet.org


Last Update


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