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Cornelis P. Willig BSc MSc


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DEPENDABLE Industrial Automation Consultancy B.V. Curriculum Vitae

Cornelis P. Willig BSc MSc

Senior Management Advisor – Risk Assessment

DEPENDABLE Industrial Automation

Consultancy bv





3 KEY SKILLS ... 3






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P.O.Box 42, NL-2110-AA Aerdenhout, The Netherlands Telephone: +31(0)65 – 3 644 328

Facsimile: +31(0)23 – 547 1407 E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.diac.nl

Chamber Of Commerce Haarlem - Amsterdam registration number: 34099540



Project role Project Manager,

Senior Management Advisor, Senior Consultant.

Qualifications • B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, 1976.

Major: Solar Energy Systems, Climate Control.

• M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 1983. Majors: Mechanical Control Engineering & Cybernetic Ergonomics with addition of Flow Dynamics, Thermodynamics.

Year of birth 1954, Sousse, Tunisia (Dutch parents)

Nationality Netherlands, up to 18 also French

Languages • Dutch (fluent)

• English (fluent),

• German (fluent),

• French (almost fluent)

Security status • ‘B’: Secret (by BVD, Netherlands’ National Security Agency, to day BVD has been renamed into Algemene Inlichtingen en VeiligheidsDienst -AIVD).



Safety Strategy and Safety (SIL) Classification for production plants.

Classification of Safety Systems: determination of required Safety Integrity Levels (‘SIL’, IEC61508, IEC61511). Quantified Risk Assessment.

SIL Classification of plants, units, processes, initiators and final elements.

Strategic Design of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems. Automation System evaluation and selection.

Reliability, Risk and Availability Assessments: analysis of costs & benefits. Estimation and calculation of maintenance man-year efforts required for achieving target availability levels of defined system missions.

Maintenance strategy for ICT, Instrumentation and Electrical Systems.

Risk Assessment, Validation and Qualification of Process Automation and ICT systems in the Pharmaceutical Industry (GAMP: Good Automated Manufacturing Practices).

Dependable Advanced Control strategy & applications using e.g. on-line energy and

economical optimisation. Selection of Instrumentation, calculation of measurement and control uncertainties.

Technical Audits & (Mechanical) Design Reviews of instrumentation, valves and transmission drives.

Training. Defining and outlining training requirements. Design of training programmes and congresses.




2002Valve Manufacturing: Safety Integrity Level – SIL Classification Flow Control Technologies – FCT (Albi, France) Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves (as Serco

Assurance approved contractor). This work has been awarded with two Certificates Of Compliance to IEC61508: one by Serco Assurance and, independently, one by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping London/ Rotterdam Office, no amendments needed.

• SIL Classification Biffi ALGAS And RPS Actuators (awarded with COC IEC61508 by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping – London/ Rotterdam Office)

• Verification of Valve Performance – Mokveld as Serco Assurance contractor

• Detailed assessment new design very high performance safety valves

Oil & Gas Industry: Design Guide High Integrity Pressure Protecting System – HIPPS (for a major Operating Company; top-down guide: from philosophy down to verified detailed designs).

Water Manufacture: Guide on the development, assessment and implementation of consistent company wide Dependablity performance of the company’s vital functional mission profile (water production), inc. availability, integrity, security, product validation, personnel & CAPEX + OPEX tie-in

• Reliability Assessment Infrastructure (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation, processing architecture) of a major plant extension project

• Risk Assessment Process Management & Control of Geographic Distributed Water Production and Transport

Valve Manufacturing: Consultancy on Pressure Equipment Directive – PED; Consultancy on ATEX EC Guideline, non electrical issues (Finland)

Petrochemical Industry: Introduction to IEC 61508 (Seminar, Sweden)

2001 • Risk Assessments Water Manufacture.

Water Manufacture: Reliability and Availability Assessment of High Voltage – Low Voltage Electrical Generation and Distribution System. Impact on the total

company’s vital mission. Identifying weaknesses, substantial performance improvement through strategic design improvements.

Valve Manufacturing: SIL Classification and Design Review of Vanessa 30,000 Series Final Element; awarded with Certificate Of Compliance to IEC61508 by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping – London/ Rotterdam Office

• Field Performance of valves in a major UK Petrochemical Company

2000Chemical Industry: Process Simulation in Design Stage: control of flooded type heat-exchanger

Valve Manufacturing: Reliability Assessment Shut-off Valve

• Consultancy of major Final Element Company for a major project (Thailand)

• Assessment of field performance of High Integrity Pressure Protecting System shut-off valves world wide applied in safety-related applications

• Detailed review of new design standard very high performance safety valves

• Introduction application IEC61508 in Gas, Smoke and Fire Detection Systems -Seminar.

1999Oil & Gas Industry: Reliability Analysis for Safety Systems: Fire & Gas Detection System, Emergency Shutdown, Active Fire Fighting Systems, Process Protection System, (Electrical) Power Supply system, Blowdown System.

Paper Industry: Reliability-related Technical Audit. Technical audit reliability survey on the current status of two major paper-producing plants.

Food & Beverage: Dynamic Energy Control & Management. Master Control & Dynamic Energy Management of 4 combined cycle type steam and gas turbine driven electrical generation units matching economically a medium to large plant


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size’s requirements taking into account dynamically varying efficiencies.

Pharmaceutical: Risk Analysis GAMP-related ICT Systems.

GAMP-related Risk Assessment of Information & Communication Technology Systems of a multinational pharmaceutical company featuring global company networks (Intranet, Extranet, WAN, LAN; GAMP: Good Automated Manufacturing Practice).

Chemical Industry: IEC61508-related Safety Assessments & functional safety system design

1998Chemical Industry: IEC61508-related Safety Assessments & functional safety system design

Aviation: Year 2000 issue. Systematic assessments of Y2K issues for missions considered being vital by The Netherlands’ National Government. Strategic Millennium Contingency Planning.

Gas Industry: Maintenance analysis Gas Energy Delivery Registration System. Economical analysis of man-years maintenance associated with target degrees of availability performance under given maintenance strategies.

Gas Industry: Availability Analysis Gas Energy Delivery Registration System. Availability analysis of centrally registered custody transfer measurement data using nation wide telecommunication infrastructure as well as comprehensive Information, Communication Technology (ICT).

Chemical Industry: production location wide pipeline system new strategic protection design, main desing of safety instrumented system. In combination with earlier work on this pipeline this resulted in major reduction of the particular company risk contour as a whole; particular system was stated by Governmental External Safety Directorate to be the most critical system for a whole province in The Netherlands.

1997High Speed Railway: RAMS Specifications for Netherlands Railways Mega Projects. Specification proposal of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety assessment approach and specification of targets for new High-Speed train routes.

Chemical Industry: Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Classification of A Chemical Production Unit. IEC61508 based determination of the required Safety Strategy and SIL considering personnel safety, economical & equipment losses as well as possible environmental consequences. Main design of the safety system. Awarded with Licence to Operate without further questions.

Chemical Industry: Electrical Systems’ Availability for a large size production plant. Risk assessment identifying weak spots in the current electrical supply system. Main design of improvements. Production loss costs estimations.

Chemical Industry: PFD and Spurious Trip Rate Analysis of An Existing Safety System. SIL Performance of safety sensitive pipeline ring system. 1996: Chemical Industry: Analysis of A Mass Balance Based Pipeline Leakage Protection Safety System. Includes measurement uncertainty analysis.

1996Petrochemical Industry: Main designs Safety Instrumented System and SIL Assessment of High Integrity Pressure Protecting System – HIPPS for fired equipment in a major extension of a petrochemical plant. Awarded with License to Operate without furher questions or re-work. One of the first HIPPS’s in a

petrochemcial plant allowed where the existing flare system did not have sufficient capacity to include the major extension.

1995 1994

• Post Graduation Education – Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. Design, development and re-modernisation of Courses. Business Development.




2001 - present Approved Principal Consultant contractor to Serco Assurance plc, United Kingdom; Serco Assurance acquired AEA Technology Consulting in 2001. 2000 - 2001 Approved Principal Consultant contractor to AEA Technology Consulting plc,

United Kingdom

1999 – present Lloyd’s Register. Senior Management Advisor Risk Assessment contractor as a Lloyd’s Register Associated & Subsidiary Company.

1998 – present Univalid B.V.Eurovalid – Arthemius B.V. and Vipquip B.V.

Senior Advisor Computer Validation & Risk Assessment contractor for the Netherlands’ Pharmaceutical Industry.

1996 - 2000 AEA Technology Netherlands B.V.

Approved Senior Consultant contractor Electrical and Instrumented Safety Systems for the Petrochemical and Oil & Gas markets. SIL Classification of production units and instrumentation; main system design (AEA: non-nuclear commercial branch-off of Atomic Energy Authority-UK).

1994 - present DEPENDABLE Industrial Automation Consultancy B.V.

Own company activities concentrated on consultancy services as outlined in the Key Skills section.

1994 - 1998 Utrecht Polytechnic Institute. Part-time Principal Lecturer Operational Technology, Facility Management & Mechanical Engineering. Coaching of over 50 graduation students in broad range of industry branches.

1989 - 1993 Shell International Training Centre. Course Co-ordinator, due to non-compliance to the domestic situation of a foreign assignment; a full career improvement based on demonstrated performance slipped as a result. 1985 - 1989 Shell Nederland Chemie. Location Moerdijk.

Section Head Internal Instrumentation Department. One of the few Section Heads to achieve Excellent Performance – EP awarded for a whole supervisor department. Confirmed performance: fully proven in a senior supervisory position.

1983 - 1985 Shell International Petroleum Company. Central Office.

Development Engineer Instrumentation & Process Control. 1981 - 1983 Deutsche Shell Raffinerie Harburg, Germany.

Process Control Engineer, introduction Estimated Quality Control.

1981 Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI). Fleetwood and Welwyn Garden City, Great Britain. Advanced multivariable control.

1978 - 1980 Royal Netherlands Navy. Commissioned Officer Special Services

1975 Stevin Dredging Company. Location Beverwijk, NL. Cutter suction dredging 1975 Wacker Chemie. Location Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany.

Pipeline design inc. economical evaluation of equipment with respect to capacity usage. VC unit detailed thermodynamically based efficiency assessment.

1974 - 1975 Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM), NL. Traineemechanical workshops, oil & gas field operations.

1974 Svenska Kullager Fabriken (SKF), Veenendaal, NL. Trainee statistical process control high precision bearing mass production.


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Petrochemical, Chemical and Oil & Gas Industry:

• AEA Technology Netherlands B.V. (Atomic Energy Authority).

• AEA Technology Consulting plc – United Kingdom

• ARCO Chemical.

• Bluewater Energy Services B.V.

• DOW Chemical (NL and Germany).

• DSM (various operating companies).

• EXXON Chemical (Rotterdam – Botlek area).

• Kvaerner Process (for Shell Chemical Moerdijk)

• Mokveld Valves

• Metso Automation, Neles Automation – Finland

• Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V. (a Shell – Exxon Operating Company)

• NV Nederlandse Gasunie.

• Process Management & Control (PMC), to day Stork - PMC.

• Raytheon Engineers & Constructors (for Norsk Hydro Produksjon a.s).

• Safety Service Center B.V. Safety Systems Consultancy

• Serco Assurance plc – United Kingdom

• Tyco Valves & Controls (e.g. Vanessa, Biffi, Raimondi, FCT, project support).

• Zellweger Analytics (Gas detection & SIL issues).

Pharmaceutical Manufacture:

• Eurovalid-Arthemius b.v. (Risk Assessment, GAMP).

• Vipquip B.V. (Pharmaceutical Validation).

• Mallinckrodt Medical B.V.

• Microsafe B.V.

• Organon International N.V.



Food & Beverage Industry:

• Cerestar B.V.

• Tetra Pak Tebel B.V (manufacturer of automated cheese production plants)

• Turnkiek Business Improvement (advanced Statistical Process Control).

Pulp & Paper Industry: • Lloyd’s Register.

• Parenco.

Ministry Of Defence:

• Royal Netherlands Airforce.

Water Manufacture:

• Duinwaterwaterbedrijf Zuid-Holland (DZH), public water productions company.


• NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen.


• SBC, PBNA – Elsevier Opleidingen (commercial in-company training).

• Ten Hagen Stam (invited co-author of Process Control Handbook).

• Delft University of Technology (invited guest Principal Lecturer).

• Post Graduation Education – Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. (Design, development and re-modernisation of Courses, notably during 1994 and 1995).




• In-company presentations to Management Team of projects (examples: ARCO, DOW, Gasunie, Mallinckrodt Medical, Cerestar, Duinwaterbedrijf Zuid-Holland, Vanessa, Flow Control Technologies (en Français)).

Various Workshop, Seminar and Congress presentations, for example:

ISA (Instrument Society of America), March 1997 (‘Costs & Benefits of E-Systems’ Availability’).

Dutch Society for Risk & Reliability (NVRB), May 1997, March 1999.

Process Automation Days 1997 (collaboration of e.g. ISA, WIB, Royal Institute of Engineers KivI, NIRIA, FME, Het Instrument, the branch organisation of instrumentation in The Netherlands), November 1997 (‘ICT in Reliability Centred Maintenance’).

Euroseminars, April 1998 (‘Process Safety vs. Process Availability’).

• “De Leergang”, a traditional congress during the national exhibition of instrumentation systems and (medical) laboratory systems, organised by ‘Het Instrument’, October 1998 (‘Influence of Common Cause/ Dependent Failures’).

• ‘Risk Assessment & Computer Validation’ at the course ‘Advanced Good Manufacturing Practices for Biotechnological Products’, April 1999.

Dutch society of Industrial Pharmacists (“Nederlandse vereniging van Industrie Apothekers”), May 1999, (title: ‘Computer Validation: Risk Assessment’.

• Mikrocentrum, Eindhoven, workshop chairman & presentation, June 1999, (title: ‘Vertical Integration: Strategic Considerations’).

ISI (Industrial System Integrators), Rhoon Castle, ‘Software Quality Assurance: how to achieve Credible industrial software integrations’

Process Automation Days, 17 & 18 November 1999, Measurement & Technology Session, C.P.Willig and Albert Visser (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie): ‘Veiligheid en Betrouwbaarheid in de Plant’ (Safety & Reliability in the Plant).

• Introduction to Reliability Technology for the Water production manufacture, Duinwaterbedrijf Zuid-Holland, April 2000.

• SIL Classification related presentations for ‘Het Instrument’ (NL Branche organisation for instrumentation, 10-2000) and Zellweger Analytics (11-2000).

• Various invited presentations for Seminars and Workshops (Zellweger Analytics, Metso) as well as in-company training presentations (Bluewater Energy Services, Metso).



• Member of the Royal Institution of Engineers KIvI.

• Board member of the KIvI sections Control Technology (MRBT: ‘Meet-, Regel-en Besturingstechnologie’) for the maximum allowed 6 year term up to April 1999.

• Member of the Dutch Society for Risk Analysis & Reliability (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Risico en Bedrijfszekerheid - NVRB). Member of the Program Committee up to 2000. The NVRB is a member organisation to the European Safety And Reliability Association – ESRA.

• With effect from 1984 up to 1999 Organising Committee member of various national and international workshops and congresses in the fields of Safety, Process Control, Management Information Systems and Environmental Technology.


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