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How To Make Wine From Wine


Academic year: 2021

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Terningen er kastet

Italia har ca 60 millioner innbyggere - og 1 million registrerte vinprodusenter. I et normalt år produserer disse totalt ca 45 millioner hektoliter vin, løst regnet fordelt på 45%/55% rødt og hvitt. Av dette igjen er ca 25% såkalt klassifisert vin. Det italienske klassifikasjonssystemet deler landets viner inn i bordvin (Vino da Tavola), "super-bordvin" (Indicazione Geograpica Tipica) og klassifisert vin (vin med et strengere regelverk å følge for å kunne tappes; Denominazione di Origine Controllata og øverst Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita). De i dag ca 70 "øverste" DOCG-viner er økende i antall hvert år, det samme er andelen DOC-viner (ca 350), og også IGT er en økende gruppe. Klassifikasjon gir dog ingen garanti for kvalitet, men setter rammer for de klassifiserte vintypenes opphav, produksjonsmetode og innhold. Mangfoldet er unikt og stort og kan virke uoversiktelig - men det er system i kaoset. Italia har kommet en lang vei.

I vår blaserte tidsalder er det ikke ofte vi kan titulere et evenement som unikt. Allikevel er det nettopp et slikt unikt evenement du nå befinner deg på.

For første gang lar importør Gaia Wine & Spirits og arrangør Vinofil den norske vinscenen få møte en imponerende rekke italienske vincelebriteter, hvorav mange aldri tidligere har åpnet sine viner i Norge (og om så kun i lukkete kretser).

Gaia Wine & Spirits har importert italiensk kvalitetsvin siden 1997 – med utgangspunkt den gang i å skaffe det beste fra Italia til egne restauranters kjellere. Vinene ble valgt fra øverste hylle.

16 år senere er VINITALIA Oslo2013 en realitet - en unik møteplass mellom fininnstilte, norske ganer og det kanskje sterkeste feltet italienske vinprodusenter noensinne samlet på ett brett i Norge.

Romerne har atter krysset sitt Rubicon, engang krysset av Caesar på vei mot Rom. Nå går ferden motsatt vei. Men det er ikke legionene som marsjerer, det er vinen som ruller. Italia som siden Romerrikets dager har redet grunnen for hele den vindyrkende verden er nå atter i førersetet. Og alle veier fører fra Rom.

Velkommen til VINITALIA Oslo2013!

Valle d’ Aosta

Alto Adige


Friuli Venezia Guilia



Emilia Romagna
















1 2 38 37 36 3 26 25 24 5 4 6 7 8 11 23

1 Ca’ Rugate

2 Stefano Accordini

3 Roberto Anselmi

4 Bonaventura Maschio

5 Marco De Bartoli

6 Planeta

7 Benanti

8 Limonio

9 Feudi di San Gregorio

10 Jermann

11 San Michele Appiano

12 Bellavista

13 Jacopo Poli

14 Fattoria Nittardi

15 Fattoria Casabianca

16 Col d’Orcia

17 Testamatta di Bibi Graetz

18 Oliviero Toscani

19 Poliziano

20 Giovanni Rosso

21 Burlotto

22 Giulia Negri

23 Vinchio Vaglio Serra

24 Michele Chiarlo


26 Travaglini

27 Fontanabianca

28 Moccagatta

29 Boschis

30 Terre Nerre

31 Filomusi Guelfi

32 Antonelli

33 Castello Di Torre in Pietra

34 Principe Pallavicini

35 Il Colombo

36 Baltazar Restaurant

37 Villa Import

22 27 28-31 32-33 34 35 20 21 14 15 9 10 19


Friuli, Franciacorta

Alto Adige




Bøker, olje etc.


Spiritualis Vinum

Vinens historie er Italias historie. Italias viner har fascinert, gledet og overrasket mennesker i 3000 år og gjør det fortsatt i dag. Ikke bare er den kvalitative overflod av saftige, tiltalende hverdagsviner en stående skål verdig alene, italienerne evner også å skape noen av verdens mest praktfulle høyoktans kvalitetsviner – med kuriøse lokale særpreg.

For vinelskere er Italia et overflødighetshorn. Vi rekker ikke å fullrose den ene praktvinen før en ny kommer inn i synsfeltet, og bak den en rekke andre. Italia er ekte, elegant, tilgjengelig, spennende. Og i Italia står det lokale i fokus. Det synes ikke minst i vinene. Forskjellene er åpenbare, som terroir, drue og folk er det. Fra fjellrike Alto Adige i nord til solens rike Sicilia i sør, fra naturskjønne Abruzzo i øst til romernes Lazio i vest, fra tåkefyrstenes Piemonte til mystiske Campania, fra høykulturelle Toscana til Riminis strender i Emilia-Romagna, fra Umbria til Marche, fra Lombardia til Puglia, fra Friuli til Calabria, fra region til region. Og under dem; de lokale regionene.

Italias historie har historisk sett vært en reise i motbakke siden den siste romer satte kursen for fjellene når de gotiske horder gikk berserkergang i deres vinmarker for ca 1500 år siden. Resolutt og sannsynligvis smilende kom han dog tilbake til sin vinmark og pleiet standhaftig sine druer - ved sine klostre og landsbyer, på hyller i bortgjemte fjell og under stekende sol i golde daler. Under romernes tusensårsrike var druer tilpasset sitt lokale terroir blitt odlet frem i hele Italia – selv druer tilpasset det mest ekstreme klima. Og tross mørke middelalderår, utallige kriger, pest og naturkatastrofer, vinepidemier og to verdenskriger teller allikevel i dag de overlevende sorter druer mer enn to tusen i tallet i Italia - og like mange venter på sitt stempel i passet. Et unikt mangfold. Og når disse druene vinifiseres med kvalitet som mål skapes vin som forundrer, pirrer og henrykker. Og begeistrer.

Under Romerriket var italiensk vin å finne i hele den kjente verden. Etter fallet, med ærgjerrighet, tålmodighet og gjerne med livet som innsats, ble vinrankene pleiet i den mørke middelalder frem mot vår tid. Om noe folk kan sies å ha blitt sterkere med motgang symboliserer italienerne selve urkraften. Så sent som i 1880, 1440 år etter Romerrikets fall og like lenge som landet var vasaller under andre nasjoners åk, livnærte hele 80% av Italias befolkning seg innen vinnæringen.

Italia er blitt Norges største vinland. La vita e bella, livet er vakkert. Resten er, som det heter, historie.

Lars G. Rein-Helliesen Gaia Wine & Spirits


Around 900 AC, Italian preachers Poppone and Osmundo missioned in the cold lands of the North telling people they would be blessed with olive oil and vineyards upon accepting the new religion.

Today we finally pay our historical debt to the people of Norway. And you don’t even have to grow it yourselves - to VINITALIA Oslo2013 we bring you already made wine and olive oil. Of course, even if they had wanted to Poppone and Osmundo probably would not have succeeded in growing much wine in Norway. But one never knows; Scotland had vineyards and Greenland was green. So if some Norwegians embraced this new God hoping for wine and olives to grow along the banks of the fjord of Oslo, we are sorry. Today Norway is too cold to make wine even as window plants - but at least oil you got in the end! Maybe not exactly the oil we promised, but you seem happy.

Norwegians have a nose for finding the best of what they do not produce themselves elsewhere. A trait shared with us Italians. We tasted coffee fromYemen, tomato from Mexico and rice from Asia. Half the world now believe coffee and tomato is Italian. Maybe we did not invent the coffee, but we like to think we make the best one, as we think we make the best tomato sauce in the world. Of course we know we make the best risotto.

We say the same for the wine. Since the Etruscan and Roman era, our love, passion and knowledge of wine has led us to enjoy this nectar of the Gods so much that we like to think we invented wine making as well. Like the tomato we at least think we make the best juice of it. And as much we Italians like to make, you Norwegians like to enjoy, a relationship continued since the days of Poppone and Osmundo. We are linked in many ways, like explorer Commander Umberto Nobile’s heroic flight to Alaska - not possible of course without the aid of Norwegian Roald Amundsen.

Now we come to pay our debt. Glass by glass, bottle by bottle, 3.500 years of Italian – only italian, really italian – wine, passion, love for life.

Giovanni Negri


Ca’ Rugate


The viticulture story of the Tessari family began in the early years of the 1900’s. Fulvio, the founder Amedeo’s son, known as «Beo», continued the work that his father laid out, for the most part focusing on the viticulture, purchasing the most prestigious vineyards of the hills of Soave Classico area, making wine and selling their grapes. In 1950, in Brognoligo where intensive farming of the grapes is diffused, Fulvio purchased the first vineyards located in Monte Fiorentine area and focused on planting in this zone which had been overlooked for years.

Ca’ Rugate takes its name from the volcanic hill located in the Soave Classico area in the province of Verona. For four generations, the Tessari family has managed the winery and the vineyards that are located in the Soave Classico and Valpolicella areas.

59 hectors of vineyards where the indigenous white varieties Garganega and Trebbiano di Soave and red varieties Corvina, Rondinella and Corvinone grow. The denominations produced are: Soave Classico, Valpolicella, Valpolicella Superiore, Amarone and the sweet wines Recioto di Soave and Recioto della Valpolicella.

This strategic structural growth is currently supported by a wine distribution that covers all the provinces of Italy and 27 foreign markets, identifying Ca’ Rugate as a reference for Italian and Veneto wines in the world.


Soave Classico San Michele 2011

124,90 3313801

Soave Classico Monte Fiorentine 2011

169,90 3313601

Soave Classico Monte Alto 2011

169,90 2043201

Recioto di SoaveLa Perlara 2009

249,90 3309102

Valpolicella Rio Albo 2012

124,90 4672401

Grappa di Vinaccia di Recioto di Soave

399,00 4476702

Grappa di Amarone

399,00 5238402

Soave I Bei BIB 2011

385,00 9741506


Stefano Accordini


This estate winery has deep country roots: their founders have been share-croppers, then landowners and finally wine-makers.

The company is led by Stefano himself helped by his wife Giuseppina and his two sons, Tiziano and Daniele.

In the company Stefano has always been concerned with wine-making thanks also to his long experience; Tiziano directs the marketing and manages the winery, while Daniele is concerned with oenology.

Also their wives, Raffaella and Eleonora make their contribution to the company working in the administration and in the production together with their children Giacomo, Paolo and Marco.

The family estate extends over 4 hectares situated in Negrar, the heart of Valpolicella, in a place called Bessole.

These vineyards are a precious source of great satisfaction thanks to their southern-east exposure and their soil, which is well balanced in its components.


Valpolicella Classico 2011

159,90 3313901

Valpolicella Classico Superiore Ripasso


199,90 3314001

Paxxo Rosso del Veneto 2009

249,90 3314101

Amarone della Valpolicella Classico

Acinatico 2009

399,90 4141201

Recioto della Valpolicella Classico

Acinatico 2008

274,50 4206702

Valpolicella Classico Superiore Ripasso

Acinatico 2010 magnum

399,00 3314005

Amarone della Valpolicella Classico


Roberto Anselmi


The Anselmi winery is located in Monteforte d’Alpone, a little town immersed in the hills of Verona (in Veneto, region of Northern Italy).

The property extends to 70 hectares situated on the highest slopes of the hills between Monteforte and Soave and the main grape variety is the Garganega.

Major initiatives undertaken by Anselmi have included the purchase of hilltop vineyard plots, conversion of vineyard trellising from the customary pergola system to densely-planted horizontal spurred cordons, resulting in major reductions in yields, scrupulous clonal selection and the pioneering use of small new oak barrels in the vinification process, generating wines of singular structure and complexity.

Latest initiatives include construction of a new 50.000 square foot winery, collaborative research into alternative wine closures and ongoing experimentation into new methods for reducing the presence of sulfites in wine.

Annual production is 650.000 - 700.000 bottles of our wines: “San Vincenzo”, the two cru wines “Capitel Foscarino” and “Capitel Croce” the sweet dessert wine “I Capitelli” and the Cabernet Sauvignon “Realda”.


San Vincenzo 2011

134,90 4073401

Capitel Foscarino 2011

184,90 4073301

Capitel Croce 2010

184,90 4073201

I Capitelli 2008

165,00 4073102

San Vincenzo 2011 magnum

289,00 4073405


Bonaventura Maschio


The history of Distilleria Bonaventura Maschio of Gaiarine (TV), Italy goes back more than 100 years and five generations, all involved in the making of high quality spirits. Its most traditional product is grappa and the “903” in particular, so-named in memory of the year in which Bonaventura Maschio was born. But its current market leadership was earned by “Prime Uve”. This grape distillate was a real innovation, produced not only from the marc but from the whole grape, using all its valuable juice and flesh to create a wonderfully unique product.

Its copper boule distillation plants, operating in a vacuum at low temperatures, combine tradition with technological innovation. They are the result of years of study which, together with the use of particularly valuable raw materials, are able to guarantee truly excellent product quality.

Today, Distilleria Bonaventura Maschio is run by Italo Maschio, the son of a famous family of distillers, and by his children Anna and Andrea.


Prosecco di Valdobbiadene Brut


145,00 4672001

Prime Uve Acquavite d'Uva

499,00 4672501

Prime Uve Cru di Fragiola Bianco Noah

559,00 4672602

Pratum Amaro

449,00 9657401

Grappa 903 Barrique

399,00 4672701

Prosecco di Valdobbiadene Brut


Marco De Bartoli


Marco De Bartoli distinguishes itself from other Sicilian producers, for a historical roots and “philological” to the territory.

The local roots in Pantelleria Marsala and facilitates this task “educational” research and innovation carried out to enhance the native vines of the two zones, Grillo in Marsala and Zibibbo in Pantelleria. The wines produced by Marco De Bartoli in these two areas, then reveal a deep affinity, which brings them back to the same manufacturing philosophy. In fact, represent the outstanding quality of the range are: the Vecchio Samperi in the case of Marsala, Bukkuram in the case of Pantelleria.

In both cases, the wines stand out as the most qualified interpreters of the respective traditions, the rediscovery of classical restored in its highest expression.

At close ranges, we find dry wines Grappoli del Grillo and the Pietra Nera: they are the two interpretations, boldest and most innovative research oenological Marco De Bartoli, a tangible demonstration of the potential for versatility and class of native varieties Grillo and Zibibbo, a potential previously unthought.


Grappoli del Grillo 2010

254,00 Spesialbestilling

Pietra Nera Zibbibo

Ca. 250,00 Spesialbestilling

Passito di Pantelleria 2007

398,90 Spesialbestilling

Passito di Pantelleria Bukkuram

Solo d'Agosto 2011

Ca. 350,00 Spesialbestilling

Marsala Superiore Oro Vigna la Miccia


256,90 4453702

Vecchio Samperi Ventennale S.A.

384,00 6723302

Marsala Superiore10 Anni S.A.

399,00 4453602




Established in 1995, Planeta is a Sicilian wine producer built on a long agricultural tradition handed down since 1500 through 17 generations in the area between Sambuca di Sicilia and Menfi.

Today Planeta represents not just one, but six ways of developing the territory, in six different settings. There are, in fact, six Planeta wine producing estates, each one with a specific research and development project. Ulmo, at Sambuca di Sicilia, Dispensa, at Menfi; Dorilli, at Victoria; Buonivini at Noto, Sciara Nuova at Etna in Castiglione di Sicilia, and finally, La Baronia, at Capo Milazzo. These are the Planeta locations, comprising a total surface area of 363 hectares of vineyards.

The company’s activity has one absolutely essential point of reference: environmental sustainability, achieved through landscape conservation, renewable energy, recycled materials and sustainable agriculture, with the most respect for the territory, cultural heritage and the communities within which the company operates. Alessio, Francesca and Santi Planeta gave life to this project, but behind them they have the whole family, rooted in the reality of Sicilian agriculture for generations, beginning with Diego Planeta, considered the leading figure in the rebirth of the Sicilian wine industry in the last forty years. A brand, a family, that has aimed at ambitious goals, following the lode-star of quality.


La Segreta Bianco 2012

135,00 4722901

Carricante 2011

225,00 9072701

Alastro 2011

185,00 4816201

Cometa 2011

275,00 4453201

Chardonnay 2010

275,00 4766701

Rosé 2012

149,90 5089301

La Segreta Rosso 2011

135,00 4723001

Cerasuolo di Vittoria 2011

189,00 4766801

Plumbago 2010

185,00 9072601

Santa Cecilia 2008

275,00 4766301

Nerello Mascalese 2010

Ca. 225,00 Spesialbestilling

Passito di Noto 2011

249,50 4873202




The Benanti winery is a prestigious Sicilian winery situated at the base of the Vulcano Mount Etna. Our history can be tracked back over three centuries.

Today, we are considered one of the first wineries in Sicily to have produced high quality wines. We maximized the potential of Etnean soil by researching particular clones and by using the most modern techniques of vinification to produce ancient fragrances. These studies are responsible for the unique character of our wines. Our aspiration to continuously produce high quality wines has been awarded on an international level for over 20 years (e.g. Robert Parker, Gambero Rosso etc.).

We produce Etna D.O.C wines (native grapes: Nerello Mascalese, Nerello Cappuccio and Carricante) on our historic vineyards surrounding Etna Volcano. The unique character of Benanti’s wines owes as much to dramatic geological events in Sicilian history as to modern research and development. Their origins begin with the eruption of Europe’s highest volcano and the creation of the Etnean region on the island of Sicily. Due to this exquisite character of our wines, they can be found only in the finest restaurants and hotels, worldwide.


Pietramarina Etna Bianco Superiore


299,00 4802501

Rosso di Verzella Etna Rosso 2009

195,00 4947401

Lamorèmio 2004

279,00 Spesialbestilling

Nerello Mascalese 2006

279,00 Spesialbestilling

Nerello Cappuccio 2005

279,00 Spesialbestilling

Serra della Contessa Etna Rosso 2006

Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling




The Limonio is born in the first 90’s from a brilliant but unexpected intuition of the brother Vincenzo that suddenly says to his sisters: “what about producing u’ limonio ra’ nonna (our grandmother’s liqueur)?”. Respected nature, bottled nature: this is the claim of a firm that reflects life values, which from generation to generation, are hand on in time and that still today the Russo’s brothers, owners of Limonio, consider a must, to respect daily. It is sufficient to think that the name, Limonio, represents a homage to the traditions that grandmother, and still before her grandmother, has always held alive in the Russo’s family.


Limonio Sitron

289,90 9870101

Arancione Appelsin

229,00 9870302

Fico d'India Pærekaktus

229,00 9870202

Gelsi Neri Morbær

229,00 9870802

Cannella Kanel

229,00 9870602

Spezie Krydderurter

229,00 9870502

Alloro Laurbær

229,00 9870702

Mandaretto Mandarin

229,00 9870402

Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Smeraldino


Feudi di San Gregorio


Founded in 1986, Feudi di San Gregorio is today the symbolic mark of the enological renaissance of southern Italy and of a culture of drinking; a time of rediscovering the identity of Mediterranean flavors. To protect the tradition while pursuing all the potential.

Enhancing the wines of Southern Italy such as Aglianico, Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo, investing in the land and in the secular traditions of Irpinian viticulture, restoring a future to a unique environmental harmony. Today Feudi di San Gregorio is – and wants to be more and more – a place of encounter, of confrontation, of knowledge, of meditation, a laboratory of ideas and culture.


Dubl FALANGHINA Spumante 2009

Ca. 250,00 Spesialbestilling

Dubl AGLIANICO Spumante 2009

Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling

Dubl GRECO Spumante 2009

Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling

Albente Campania Bianco 2012

129,90 5239401

Greco di Tufo 2012

129,90 3310901

Fiano di Avellino 2011

129,90 3310801

Falanghina Sannio 2011

129,90 3310701

Fiano di Avellino Pietracalda 2010

Ca. 220,00 Spesialbestilling

Rosaura Beneventano Rosato 2011

145,00 3311501

Feudi di San Gregorio Rosso 2011

109,90 9896401

Rubrato Aglianico d'Irpinia 2010

129,90 3311301

Taurasi dei Feudi di San Gregorio 2008

199,00 3311201

Piano di Montevergine Taurasi

Riserva 2007

Ca. 370,00 Spesialbestilling

Serpico Irpina Aglianico 2007

Ca. 500,00 Spesialbestilling

Privilegio 2011

Ca. 350,00 Spesialbestilling

Taurasi dei Feudi di San Gregorio



Venezia Guilia

The Jermann family arrived in Villanova in Friuli from Austria in 1881. First they were sharecroppers, then owners and later, towards the end of the century, wine became the main focus of their work. These people were tough peasants who didn’t want to feel weakness or change the smallest detail of their traditions. Silvio’s grandfather, having to go into war, chose the Austrian army and, having inherited a vineyard even though it was in a dark valley, attacked by the Bora, he made wine.

Silvio who in 1968 was attending the wine school in Conegliano, along with the other students whilst not letting himself by swept along by the crowd. He returned with a youthful determination to change everything.

No longer heavy, fatty wines but aromatic, harmonious ones, based on modern thinking with modern equipment and to suit the contemporary tastes whilst till respecting tradition. It was certainly the Antonia wine, which was the name of the poor and sensual lover of Casanova, which gave birth to the Vintage Tunina: Composed of chardonnay and sauvignon, but also malvasia, ribolla and picolit this name is well known amongst wine enthusiasts around the world. The Vinnae is made of yellow ribolla with small quantities of Riesling and malvasia. The vines in the area range from Tocai to Sauvignon, from Pinot Bianco to Pinot Grigio, from Chardonnay, to the aromatic Traminer and Reisling.


Pinot Grigio 2011

Ca. 225,00 Spesialbestilling

Vinnae 2011

225,00 4068801

Chardonnay 2011

225,00 4068901

Afix Riesling 2011

225,00 4073501

Vintage Tunina 2010

425,00 4093701

W…. Dreams 2010

425,00 4081401

Red Angel on the Moonlight 2010

225,00 4142501


San Michele Appiano

Alto Adige

Established in 1907, the San Michele Appiano winery is today considered to be one of the best wineries in Alto Adige and Italy. It presently has 350 members, 370 hectares of vineyard and produces 2.5 million bottles every year.

The winery is in the fortunate position to have at its disposal some of the best vineyards in the area: Sanct Valentin, Gleif, and Schulthaus, as well as the Sattel, Montiggl, and Pagis vineyards and some estates in Uberetsch.

The Sanct Valentin range is the cru line of San Michele Appiano. The vines are between 20 and 40 years old and are in the heart of the traditional Eppan white wine area. These vineyards are at an altitude of between 590 and 620 metres above sea level with a South to South-eastern exposure. The expertise of Master Winemaker, Hans Terzer, led the Gambero Rosso to rank him among the 'Top 10 Master Winemakers in the World' in 2000. In the same year the winery itself was named 'Winery of the year' by the Gambero Rosso, the first time a co-operative was awarded this accolade.


Südtiroler Riesling Montiggl 2012

189,90 4019701

Südtiroler Sauvignon Lahn 2012

189,90 4124001

Südtiroler Pinot Bianco 2012

174,00 4068201

Südtiroler Pinot Bianco Schulthauser


179,90 4453101

Südtiroler Sauvignon Sanct Valentin


274,00 4124201

Südtiroler Pinot Grigio Sanct Valentin


274,00 4124301

Südtiroler Chardonnay Sanct Valentin


274,00 4019201

Südtiroler Lagrein 2011

179,90 4167101




This remarkable operation, masterminded by owner Vittorio Moretti and winemaker Mattia Vezzola, combines grandeur and star quality with familiarity and simplicity.

Moretti founded the estate in 1977, and the first vintage of Franciacorta was 1979. The winery philosophy: “Every objective we reach is merely the starting point for a higher objective.” In over a quarter of a century, the style of Bellavista has become a benchmark to the DOCG.

Franciacorta’s morainic soils are enhanced by such quality details as in depth genetic research, organic-only fertilization, phased out harvests, parcelled out crops (over a hundred selections, separately fermented in oak/stainless steel), horizontal oleo-dynamic Coquard presses, averagely four years’ bottle age in the cellars for the non vintage, up to seven years for the top reserve, refermentation directly in the bottle for the larger-format wines, remuage by hand for all Franciacortas.


Franciacorta Cuvée Brut S.A.

275,00 3310601

Franciacorta Gran Cuvée Pas Operé

Extra Brut 2006

399,00 4816001

Franciacorta Gran Cuvée Rosé Brut 2007

359,90 4080901

Franciacorta Gran Cuvée Satèn Brut s.a

Ca. 350,00 Spesialbestilling

Franciacorta Gran Cuvée Brut 2007

359,90 4073901

Franciacorta Vittorio Moretti

Extra Brut 2004

Ca. 600,00 Spesialbestilling

Curtefranca Convento Santissima

Annunciata 2009

Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling

Curtefranca Uccelanda 2009

Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling

Brandy Distillato di Vino

399,90 4166702

Curtefranca Almaterra 2011

Ca. 250,00 Spesialbestilling

Franciacorta Cuvée Brut S.A. magnum

499,00 4140905


Jacopo Poli


GioBatta: was my great-grandfather’s name. He used to make straw hats, a flourishing trade in those days, but his true passion was Grappa. He built a small still, put it up on a small cart and used to go door to door distilling pomaces - the skins of pressed grape. This is how our story began, back in 1898. My grand-father Giovanni inherited his father’s passion; he built a still by modifying a locomotive steam engine. My grand-father was a true patriarch.

My father, Toni Poli, In his hands I saw the Grappa transforming and from a mere chrysalis becoming a magnificent butterfly. He was a very understanding person, too noble to be a successful businessman. It is from him that I learned that in order to win one must make sacrifices.

So here I am, born in a still. I do hope I will be able to fill my forefathers’ shoes. Jacopo Poli



499,00 4551402

Poli Grappa Museum Miele

299,00 4873102

Poli Grappa Mirtillo

Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling

Pere di Poli

Ca. 400,00 Spesialbestilling

Cleopatra Grappa

549,00 9741601

Grappa Moscato Po di Poli Morbida

399,90 1373501

Grappa Sarpa di Poli

465,00 5883301

Grappa Torcolato Amorosa di Dicembre

499,00 3217202

Grappa Vespaiolo Amorosa di Settembre

499,00 4435702

Grappa Sarpa di Poli Barrique

465,00 5883401

Grappa Torcolato Barrique

499,00 4435602

Grappa Moscato Po di Poli Morbida


1.389,00 5128005

Arzente magnum

1.389,00 4551405

Grappa Torcolato Amorosa di Dicembre


1.389,00 5127805

Grappa Vespaiolo Amorosa di Settembre


Fattoria Nittardi


Fattoria Nittardi, in Castellina in Chianti is surrounded by 120 hectares (296 acres) of protected forest, 12 hectares of vineyards devoted solely to the production of Chianti Classico and four hectares of olives. The wine, drawn from grapes harvested and selected with great care, bears the prestigious signature of Carlo Ferrini who uses his knowledge and passion in producing the fine wines of Nittardi.

As homage to Michelangelo Buonarroti, who owned Fattoria Nittardi in the 16th century, the art tradition of the winery is intensively cultivated. Every year an well-known artist designs the label as well as the wrapping paper used for a limited edition of Casanuova di Nittardi wine bottles. The collection, started in 1981, includes works by internationally renowned artists such as Arroyo, Corneille, Guenter Grass, Hundertwasser, Mitoraj, A.R. Penck, Yoko Ono, Paladino, and Dario Fo.


Chianti Classico Art label Dario Fo 2010

225,00 4080801

Chianti Classico Riserva 2009

364,00 4081001

Ad Astra Maremma Toscana 2011

219,90 4873001

Nectar Dei 2011

449,00 180401

Ad Astra Maremma Toscana 2011


449,00 9950105

Grappa Vinaccia di Nittardi (70 cl)

Ca. 570,00 Spesialbestilling

Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Castelline -


Fattoria Casabianca


About us: winery and agritourism present locally since the sixties, with their 654 hectares. The owners, the Cenni family, are personally involved in every aspect of the management. In 1997 they started a great job of vineyards renovation, which led to a reduction of the area they covered at the time and to a clonal selection of grape varieties.

The 68 hectares of vineyards are mainly planted with Sangiovese (biotype Sangiovese Grosso), but also Canaiolo, Cabernet Sauvignon, Colorino, and Merlot grapes. Recently planted Vermentino wines too. The different microclimates in the large area of the estate allowed the accurate selection of every grape variety.

Same attention in the cellar renovation, equipped with the most advanced technology which allows to follow and control every single step of the production without fail.

Where: Murlo, area of Etruscan origins and winemaking traditions, in the province of Siena, as for the “terroir” similar to the near Montalcino, separated only by the river Ombrone.

In order to increase the value of the DOCG Chianti Colli Senesi, Fattoria Casabianca makes the leading wine with the designation of origin: it must be an indigenous wine.


Coppaia Chianti Colli Senesi 2011

125,00 365801

Poggio Gonfienti Rosé 2012

Ca. 140,00 Spesialbestilling

Chianti Colli Senesi Riserva 2009

Ca. 180,00 Spesialbestilling

Loccareto 2010

Ca. 190,00 Spesialbestilling


Col d’Orcia


Just outside the medieval hilltop village of Montalcino, in Tuscany’s Siena province, lies Col d’Orcia – the hill overlooking the Orcia river, with a rich winemaking history dating back to the 1700s.

The estate is one of the oldest producers and it first began creating Italy’s most revered red wine, Brunello di Montalcino, in 1933. Some secular olive trees, over 400 years old, planted in rows and still in production are testimonies of the fact that the very special “terroir” of the hill overlooking the Orcia River was already exploited as a farm many centuries ago.

Col d’Orcia embraces 1,300 acres of land in Montalcino, 320 of which are planted with wines. The vineyards, located in the hilly region between the Orcia river and Sant’Angelo in Colle, are dedicated primarly to Sangiovese. Referred to locally as Brunello, this varietal is a special clone of the Sangiovese grape that comprises much of the region’s wine.


Moscadello di Montalcino Pascena 2009

(37,5 cl)

Ca. 200,00 Spesialbestilling

Gineprone 2010

Ca. 150,00 Spesialbestilling

Rosso di Montalcino 2010

199,90 754301

Rosso di Montalcino Banditella 2010

279,90 4930601

Brunello di Montalcino Trekasser

à 2 fl 2007

299,90 4454001

Brunello di Montalcino 2005

Ca. 350,00 Spesialbestilling

Brunello di Montalcino

Riserva Poggio al Vento 2004

649,90 4930801

Brunello di Montalcino 1991

Ca. 900,00 Spesialbestilling

Olmaia 2009

Ca. 350,00 Spesialbestilling

Nearco 2009

Ca. 250,00 Spesialbestilling

Rosso di Montalcino 2008 magnum

349,90 754305


Testamatta di Bibi Graetz


Growing up in an artistic family, Bibi Graetz has transferred his creativity from paintings to grapes/wines. Thanks to his passion for wine, which has grown stronger and developed little by little throughout the years, it convinced him that viticulture/ winemaking could become his new profession.

Bibi Graetz got a diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts and today he is a wine-grower truly in love with his vineyard, in which he has transferred not only passion but also his artistic talent. The choice of name of the wine ”Testamatta”(i.e. hothead) exactly reflects his passionate and determined nature.

Great intuition made him understand that the territory of Vincigliata in Fiesole had a potential for the viticulture, which had remained unexpressed for years.

The “azienda” owns 5 hectares of vineyards. In addition to this, 40 hectares of vineyard are rented on a longterm basis and cultivated directly by the “azienda”.

The main grape is the sangiovese (65-70%), followed by colorino and canaiolo (30%). The age of the vineyards varies a lot, there are new plants not yet productive, but the major part of the vineyards varies from 15 to 80 years old. The selected method of growing is guyot and double guyot. This allows for a natural limitation of the production of grapes for each stub.


Casamatta Bianco 2011

114,90 5147701

Vermentino 2011

139,90 9745301

Bugia 2009

299,00 5147601

Casamatta Rosso 2011

114,90 5905001

Casamatta Rosso 2011 BIB

374,90 1563606

It's a game! 2010

199,00 5127501

Soffocone di Vincigliata 2010

249,90 5904801

La Cicala Vino Rosso da Toscana 2011

139,90 9745401

Testamatta 2009

594,90 5904101

Colore 2005

Ca. 5.000,00 Spesialbestilling

Casamatta Rosso 2011 magnum

239,90 5905005


Oliviero Toscani


“My land is my life, it is the image of past, present and future filled with enthusiasm, love, passion, creativity, immagination and beauty. My farm, with all of its fruits, is the result of a creative nature that has been particulary generous with my family and me Oliviero Toscani”

Oliviero Toscani The OT Azienda Agricola was established in 1970 when world famous photographer Oliviero Toscani decided to make the hills of Casale Marittimo his home, a special patch of land between the towns of Volterra and Bolgheri, with a view on the mediterranean sea. Following Angelo Gaja’s advice, OT vineyard was first planted in 2001, a project managed by agronomist Federico Curtaz. We started producing OT: a blend, made by oenologist Attilio Pagli, of Syrah (50%), Cabernet Franc (35%) and Petit Verdot (15%).

The grapes are harvested and vinified separately, the must is vinified for 4 to 6 months in steel vats and refined for 12 to 14 months in oak barrel.

In 2011 the oenologist Attilio Pagli and Oliviero Toscani created Quadratorosso, composed by Syrah 60%, Teroldego 20%, Cabernet Franc 10%, Petit Verdot 10%. The grapes are vinified separately, later on it passes 6-8 months in steel vats and few months in bottles.


OT di Oliviero Toscani 2007

289,00 9950601

Quadrato Rosso 2011

Ca. 180,00 Spesialbestilling

Olive Oil

Ca. 150,00




Poliziano estate was founded 1961 from an original nucleus of 22 hectares, bought by my father, and has now reached 240 hectares. In 1980 I entered the Poliziano estate and these were years of transformation, the market was rapidly changing and at last quality became the dominating factor in winemaking rather than quantity.

I am an agronomist but I prefer to think of myself as a farmer because I am convinced that great wines originate in the vineyard. This is why my work at the Poliziano estate starts in the vineyards, eliminating the less favourably positioned sites and replanting where conditions of soil and climate are optimal. Selected clones, planting layouts, rootstocks, pruning methods and training systems are chosen with the sole object of producing grapes of premium quality.

This is the starting-point for my wines: they are made only from estate-grown grapes, respecting the characteristics of their vintage and the zone they come from. The grapes are rigorously selected at varying stages, during ripening, when they are harvested and when they arrive in the cellar. Fermentation and maturation are carried out with the maximum attention: the extraction of the polyphenolic substances from their skins takes place in the new cellar in a very softy way and the choice of wood is carefully made.


Rosso di Montepulciano 2011

159,90 3309401

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 2010

219,90 3309301

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone


355,00 3309201

Le Stanze 2008

Ca. 380,00 Spesialbestilling

Vin Santo 2004 (37,5 cl)

Ca. 500,00 Spesialbestilling

Rosso di Montepulciano 2011 magnum

350,00 3309405

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano


Giovanni Rosso


Since the 1890’s the Rosso family has farmed vineyards in Serralunga d’Alba, notably the Crus of Cerretta, La Serra, Broglio, Meriame, Sorano, Costa Bella, Lirano & Damiano. Davide Rosso’s great-grandfather, Tommaso Canale, was one of the original founder members of the Barolo Consorzio on 30th June 1934, the same year that he acquired Vigna Rionda. During the early 1980’s Giovanni Rosso restructured the vineyards with the aim of growing the best fruit. The replanting having been completed to his satisfaction, he then founded the eponymous winery in the early 1990s. Initially the wine, as was quite common in Serralunga until the mid-1990s, was vinified and then sold in bulk to several important negociant houses in the region. Right from the start, however, Giovanni’s son Davide Rosso was convinced that the ultimate objective was for the Azienda to sell its entire production only once bottled, thereby giving the family direct and complete control over all the decisions involved in wine growing and production. Davide studied Oenology and having completed his degree, went to work abroad taking in Alsace, Champagne and Burgundy, notably gaining experience at Domaine Jean Grivot and Domaine Denis Mortet.

In 2001 Davide, then 27 years old, took charge of the vinification & affinamento/elevage of the wines with one goal in mind:

“Wine should be a perfect copy of its terroir”... in this case from the slopes of Serralunga d’Alba, among the finest soils in the world.


Barbera d'Alba Donna Margherita 2011

159,90 4962301

Barolo Serralunga 2008

295,00 5049201

Barolo Cerretta 2008

379,90 4767101

Barolo La Serra 2008

449,80 Spesialbestilling

Barolo Vigna Rionda Tommaso Canale


589,90 9408301

Langhe Nebbiolo 2011

Ca. 200,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbera d'Alba Donna Margherita

2010 magnum

399,00 4962305

Barolo Serralunga 2008 magnum

749,00 5049205




The story of our firm is directly intertwined with the figure of its founder, Giovan Battista Burlotto, who, thanks to his work ethic and unswerving insistence, became recognized as one of the well-known personalities, not only in the Verduno area, but throughout Barolo’s productive area. He is known as one of the authentic proponents and founding fathers of this noble Albese wine.

The Commendatore, during an age in Langa, when wines were produced and sold barrels or casks, introduced the innovative procedure of offering wines in bottles, with labels bearing the “Chateau” legend (as it was done in France). Thirty-two medals from Turin, Milan and Paris still appear on the 18th century façade of the house where the firm is located today, creating an aura of respect and pride. Recognition, like the status of “Supplier to the Savoy Royal Household” and “The Only Supplier to the Duke of Abruzzi’s Artic Expedition to the North Pole” from 1899-1900, firmly established the G.B.Burlotto name as a major producer of Barolo.


Verduno Pelaverga 2011

189,90 5103401

Barbera d`Alba 2011

189,90 5103501

Barbera d`Alba Aves 2011

Ca. 230,00 Spesialbestilling

Langhe Freisa 2011

189,90 5103901

Dolcetto d`Alba 2011

189,90 5239201

Langhe Nebbiolo 2011

199,90 Lanseres mai

Barolo 2009

349,90 5103601

Barolo Acclivi 2009

Ca. 400,00 Spesialbestilling

Barolo Monvigliero 2009

399,90 5103801


Giulia Negri


Tradition is everything in this land. I could have banked on the name Barolo and on the history of my family, which has been producing wine at Serradenari for the past 150 years.

But life shouldn’t be a big yawn. I started my adventure a few years ago: I wanted to make wine my way. I adored my “garagiste” friends and their heretical, dogma-free wines: a handful of amazing bottles produced by forward-looking artisan winemakers. When my family made it possible for me to cultivate grapes and create a small cellar, I bet on Barolo, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

I planted Pinot Noir and Chardonnay on very special terrain, near a forest known for its truffles, along with cherished Burgundy clones. The Barolo, on the other hand, I let grow laboriously on warmer, sandier terrain. I produce Barolo because I believe it will be the work of art of the future – a mix of ancient polish and modern harmony; a flagship in the winemaking world from America to Asia.

And now, I have been noticed and my work has been acknowledged with awards and prizes. But there is no point in becoming bigheaded: This is a challenge that renews itself with every single vintage. The biggest mistake would be to think that going forward, it’s going to be all downhill. Nonetheless, now that the Baroloboys have grown up, time may have come for us, the Barologirls.


Langhe Bianco La Tartufaia 2009

Ca. 230,00 Spesialbestilling

Pinot Nero La Tartufaia 2010

Ca. 230,00 Spesialbestilling

Barolo 2008

Ca. 280,00 Spesialbestilling

Barolo La Tartufaia 2009

284,90 310201


Vinchio Vaglio Serra


These vineyards are concentrated for the most part in Vinchio and Vaglio Serra. Only a restricted part is situated in the neighbouring villages (Incisa Scapaccino, Cortiglione, Nizza Monferrato).

These lands, situated on the Alto Monferrato’s hills, are not very fertile, being mostly calcareous and sandy. Most of the vineyards are located on very steep slopes, where plants are close each other. They exploit the best sun exposure.

This viticulture needs the constant presence of man for most part of the work. For this reason, grapes give of their best: low yield (1,5/2 kilos of grapes for each vinestock), high sugar content.

Well... these grapes have all the characteristics to become a great wine.

For the cultivation of vineyards the members have a technical assistance service for the grape protection, in order to carry out a viticulture with low environmental impact, reducing the use of pesticides.


Castel del Mago Spumante 2011

Ca. 170,00 Spesialbestilling

Cortese Kroara 2011

99,90 5239301

Barbera d'Asti Sori dei Mori 2011

Ca. 170,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbera d' Asti Vigne Vecchie 50 Anni


Ca. 275,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbera d' Asti I Tre Vescovi 2010

Ca. 180,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbera Kroara 2011

115,00 5883501

Moscato d' Asti Valmasca 2012

Ca. 120,00 Spesialbestilling

Nivasco Brachetto 2012

119,90 9124301


Michele Chiarlo


The winery Michele Chiarlo is a family firm founded by Michele Chiarlo in 1956 in Calamandrana (Asti), in the heart of Piedmont, Italy. It is the fifth-generation of winegrowers, started with 5 hectares in Monferrato, homeland of Barbera, and that nowadays owns more than 60 hectares of vineyards, shared in the most famous areas of Barolo (Cerequio, Cannubi), Barbera (Tenuta Aluffi), Gavi (Rovereto) and Moscato d’Asti (nearby Calosso).

From the 80’s Michele Chiarlo experimented that an outstanding quality was possible only through a yield per hectare lower than the average values, given by a severe but reasonable green harvest mixed with thinning out. The hard and passionate efforts in the vineyard are followed by a careful work in the cellar, driven to produce wines whose characteristics faithfully represent that variety of provenance, as well as their terroir, but in which the hints of wood are never underscored; that they be rich, highly elegant and never nauseous wines


Gavi Le Marne 2012

165,00 9123701

Roero Arneis Le Madri 2012

169,70 9124101

Barbera d'Asti Superiore Le Orme


159,90 5922901

Barbera d'Asti Superiore La Court


349,00 5923101

Albarossa 2009

197,90 310101

Barbaresco Reyna 2010

299,90 5922801

Barolo Tortoniano 2008

349,00 5923001

Barolo Cannubi 2009

499,00 9198601

Barolo Cerequio 2009

499,00 5923201




SUOI wines express the philosophy of two wine families from the Langhe area.

The Gagliardo and Abbona families joined together their experiences gathered in more than 30 years of activity in the wine business. SUOI are high-end wines, strictly linked to the territory and with an outstanding price-quality ratio.

SUOI wines started with a first production of Barolo 2000.

Our production consists of fusing together accurate selections from chosen hills to be able to create balanced and fascinating wines, providing complexity and solidity.

Attentive Research – Careful Production – Innovative Marketing These are the 3 key concepts that drive SUOI.


Barbera d`Alba 2011

145,00 5989101

Langhe Rosso Il Trio 2011

145,00 5882601

Barolo 2008

249,90 5989001

Provoque Bianco 2012

Ca. 125,00 Spesialbestilling

Provoque Rosso 2013

Ca. 125,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbera d`Alba 2011 magnum

299,90 5989105




Located in the heart of Gattinara, Travaglini was established in the 1920s by Clemente Travaglini. In 1958 Arturo Travaglini followed in his father’s footsteps and took over the helm at the winery. The family’s passion and commitment to winemaking has not diminished through the generations; Cinzia Travaglini, greatgranddaughter of Clemente, manages day-to-day operations at winery. Her husband Massimo Collauto is the chief winemaker, a role he inherited from his late fatherin- law and beloved mentor, Giancarlo Travaglini.

Throughout the years, Travaglini has established itself in Gattinara as the most esteemed producer of traditional, limited-production wines from the Nebbiolo grape. Travaglini wines illustrate the full range of expressions Nebbiolo can achieve. “Gattinara DOCG” has great structure and longevity, while “Nebbiolo DOC Coste delle Sesia” is young, fruity and easy to drink.


Gattinara 2007

197,00 4766401

Gattinara Trevigne 2006

294,90 8009801

Gattinara Riserva 2006

369,90 9481801

Il Sogno 2008

Ca. 600,00 Spesialbestilling

Gattinara 2007 magnum

399,00 4766405




Our estate has belonged for generations to two families of grower-producers, the Pola and the Ferro, which together, cultivate 12 hectaes of vineyards in Neive in the Barbaresco production zone. The availability of a large number of hands is an important factor in our work, as many hours of manual labor are dedicated to our vineyards, the place where, in our opinion, quality in wine is really created.

Like many other family-owned agricultural estates, we formerly sold grapes and bulk wine to large bottlers. Then came the decision to begin estate bottling and direct sale of the bottles with the Fontanaianca label, a decision which implied a new focus on every detail of the viticultural and enological aspects of production with the assistance of Giuseppe Caviola, one of Piedmont’s most distinguished consulting winemakers.

The vineyards are located in three different sites, each utilized for a different grape variety: Arneis with a southeastern exposure and Nebbiolo, Dolcetto, and Barbera in an area with a perfect south-southwestern exposure.

The cellars have likewise been completely reconstructed and re-equipped with new fermenting equipment and new casks and barrels for the aging of the wine.


Langhe Nebbiolo 2010

189,90 1085001

Barbera d'Alba 2010

189,90 4093901

Dolcetto d'Alba 2011

Ca. 170,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbaresco 2008

239,90 Lanseres mai

Barbaresco Serraboella 2008

299,00 4080701




The estate was established in 1952 by a family of viticulturists and it is named after the area where it is located. Franco and Sergio Minuto, the present owners, are supported by Martina, Sergio’s daughter and a trained oenologist, and by Stefano, Franco’s son, who has always worked at the estate. The Barbaresco is made in three crus of radically different character, two in the commune of Barbaresco (Bric Balin and Cole) and one in the commune of Neive (Basarin). The area consists of small hills and of small valleys, the altitude varies between 240 and 300 meters above sea level. The area has a very good ventilation so that springtime frosts are very rare, the climate is relatively mild, humidity does not stagnate. But the character of the wines, according to Sergio Minuto, is influenced not so much by this extremely favourable microclimate but rather by the type of soils.

The vinification of the Barbaresco made from the three crus is the same: fermentation and maceration with the skins in horizontal fermentation vats for 6-7 days at 30 degrees Celsius. The wine is then racked off into stainless steel vats where the alcoholic fermentation is completed. Finally the wine matures in French oak barriques for 18 months. Finishing in the bottle is 9-10 months minimum. Finally, a remarkable barrel fermented Chardonnay and small quantities of very fine Dolcetto and Nebbiolo are made. In short, under Franco and Sergio Minuto, the Moccagatta estate has gained for itself a spot among the finest producers in Piemonte.


Langhe Chardonnay 2012

Ca. 200,00 Spesialbestilling

Langhe Chardonnay Buschet 2011

Ca. 260,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbera d'Alba 2011

199,90 4128101

Barbaresco 2008

299,00 4476301

Barbaresco Basarin 2008

399,00 4853801

Barbaresco Bric Balin 2009

Ca. 400,00 Spesialbestilling

Barbaresco Cole 2009

Ca. 450,00 Spesialbestilling




The estate was established in 1919 by Francesco Boschis, but till 1968 the grapes were sold to other growers and to wineries of the area. Francesco and his son Mario decided to start vinifying a part of the grape production in their own cellar and to bottle the wine. A few hundred of bottles of Dolcetto di Dogliani were thus produced with the 1968 vintage. In the following years the estate became larger and the grapes from some small vineyards were vinified separately: “Vigna Sorì San Martino” and “Vigna dei Prey” and, starting with the 2001 vintage “Vigna del Ciliegio”. These three wines are classified as Dogliani DOCG as from the 2006 vintage.

Apart from Dolcetto, wines made from other red indigenous varieties, such as Freisa, Barbera and Grignolino are produced. Environment friendly practices are pursued in the vineyards. The estate is now managed by Mario and Simona Boschis together with their two sons Paolo and Marco and their daughter Chiara.


Dolcetto di Dogliano Pianezzo 2011

159,90 8004401

Dolcetto di Dogliano San Martino 2011

Ca. 190,00 Spesialbestilling

Dolcetto Dogliani V. Prey 2011

Ca. 190,00 Spesialbestilling

Dolcetto Dogliani V. del Ciliegio 2010

Ca. 190,00 Spesialbestilling

Freisa Bosco delle Cicale 2011

Ca. 160,00 Spesialbestilling


Terre Nerre


The estate is located on the northern slopes of the Etna Volcano. Wine is produced from vineyards standing in three crus: Guardiola, Calderara and Feudo di Mezzo.

The very particular soil and climate conditions together with high altitude make these wines akin to Burgundy or Barolo. Starting from the 2004 vintage the estate is self sufficient and the grapes produced were vinified in the new cellars.

The estate has been in the conversion phase to organic viticulture since 2007. It is officially certified organic (for viticulture) starting from the 2010 vintage.


Etna Rosso 2011

Ca. 190,00 Spesialbestilling

Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana 2010

Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling


Filomusi Guelfi


The Filomusi family, originally from the Marche region, moved to Abruzzo in the 16th Century. A member of the family then married a Guelfi lady and the land, where over 9 hectares of the present vineyards stand, was added to the patrimony together with the name.

Grape selection, green harvest and green pruning are extremely careful so to obtain a production of 7-10 tons/hectare. The present owner, Lorenzo Filomusi, started bottling the wines of the estate in 1990 with excellent results.


Montepulciano d`Abruzzo 2008

169,9 3351301

Montepulciano d`Abruzzo Fonte DEI


Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling

Cerasuolo Montepulciano d' Abruzzo


Ca. 160,00 Spesialbestilling

Le Scuddere Del Cielo 2012

Ca. 160,00 Spesialbestilling

Montepulciano d`Abruzzo Fonte DEI


Ca. 300,00 Spesialbestilling

Le Scuderie Del Cielo 2011

Ca. 160,00 Spesialbestilling




In the middle age the estate was a Longobard farm; from the 13th to the 19th century the property belonged to the bishopric of Spoleto. In 1881 it was bought by Francesco Antonelli, a lawyer from Spoleto. He began a radical work of transformation and modernisation of the planting and the farming.

The property extends over an entire 175 hectare portion of land located in the centre of the Montefalco Docg region. The whole terrain is clayey and rich in limestone deposits, dating from different geological periods: part of it is very deep, other parts very rich in fossils, both giving the wine intense and varied tones.

The cellar is located in the heart of the estate, below the manor house. It has recently been expanded with new underground areas for wood and bottle ageing, and a vinification area where the pressed grapes fall directly down into the fermentation vats, from which the marc flows by gravity, thus avoiding the use of pumps.

The wines are made exclusively from the estate’s grapes in order to offer a product whose potential, characteristics and quality can be controlled and evaluated at every phase of production.

From the 2012 vintage the wines are organic; they are all produced from indigenous grapes: the whites from Grechetto and Trebbiano Spoletino, the reds from Sangiovese and Sagrantino.


Grechetto Colli Martani 2012

Ca. 170,00 Spesialbestilling

Montefalco Rosso 2009

Ca. 180,00 Spesialbestilling

Sagrantino di Montefalco 2006

Ca. 270,00 Spesialbestilling

Contrario 2008

199,90 9072001

Passito di Montefalco 2007 (37,5 cl)

Ca. 220,00 Spesialbestilling

Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Agricoltora


Castello Di Torre in Pietra


The estate extends over a single 150 hectare portion of land in the municipality of Fiumicino, inland from the IGP winemaking area of Costa Etrusco Romana.The slightly hilly land dates back to the Pleistocene period and is rich in marine detritus; part of it is medium-sandy (used for white wine growing) and part is medium-argillaceous (for red-wine growing). There are 52 hectares of vineyards, 8 hectares of olive groves and 80 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of grain crops. From the 2011 vintage all the wines are officially organic. The cellar is located inside the medieval village of Torre in Pietra. It was built in the 17th century by digging into the tufa hills behind the Castello. In 1938 two mammoth tusks were found here.

The annual production of wine is roughly 3.500 HL. Only the organic grapes from the estate are used.

The farm of Torre in Pietra was purchased in 1926 by Senator Luigi Albertini. Right from the start Luigi Albertini, grandfather of the current owners, understood how to develop the winemaking business by extending the existing cellars of the Castello di Torre in Pietra and planting new vineyards. The presence of a vineyard round the Castle has been documented since the 16th century when the property belonged to the Peretti family (Pope Sistus V), and the vineyards and cellar are mentioned during the subsequent ownerships of the Falconieri and Carpegna families.


Elephas Bianco 2012

Ca. 150,00 Spesialbestilling

Vermentino 2012

Ca. 160,00 Spesialbestilling

Lazio Bianco IGT

149,90 9304301


Principe Pallavicini


1670 - The Pallavicini began to produce wine.

1939 - The family activities were brought together in the S.A.I.T.A. S.p.A holding Company. The family Pallavicini owns 727 hectares in Latium and Tuscany

84 hectares are cultivated with vineyadrs. 84 ha of vineyards at Colonna, Roma and Cerveteri, an annual production of about 600.000 bottles. The Pallavicini Estate are present in the most important wine growing areas of Lazio as: Colonna and Cerveteri.

The cellars are in a XVII sec. with old caves and Roman aqueduct bearing long traditions.


Le Marmorelle Lazio Rosso 2011

115,00 9741301

Rubillo Cesanese del Lazio 2011

125,00 9741401

Frascati Superiore 2011

115,00 9199401


Il Colombo


The property known as “Il Colombo” rests on the hills above Mondovì and originally belonged to the aristocratic Piedmontese family of Cordero di Montezemolo. The main building was constructed in the 17th century as a country retreat; and a family chapel was added in the early 19th century. The buildings are surrounded by hectares of fertile vineyards and fields. The Baron Riccati family expanded the vineyards and further refined wine production in the 1980s and their efforts were rewarded with an award winning Dolcetto wine.

In 2006 the estate was purchased by the Holm family who have continued the tradition of carefully cultivated vineyards and expert wine production. Together with Sabina Bosio, Bruno Chionetti and the renowned Beppe Caviola, the Holm family is dedicated to producing genuine organic wines using classic methods of cultivation and production.


Dolcetto Di Monregalesi Il Colombo

Barone Riccati 2010

178,77 9408201

Dolcetto Dogliani La Chiesetta

Barone Riccati 2011

147,50 9408101


Baltazar Restaurant

Baltazar Ristorante & Enoteca ligger plassert i flotte omgivelser i Domkirkens bakgård. Restauranten åpnet i 1997, i regi av kokk og vinkelneren Dag Tjersland, som har gitt ut suksessbøkene “Italia” og “Mitt Toscana”.

Baltazar kan tilby det beste av italiensk mat og drikke - vi lager mat etter ”Slow Food” prinsippet og vi importerer genuine råvarer direkte fra småskalaprodusenter. Hver dag baker og lager vi focaccia, grissini og fersk pasta i flere varianter. Enoteca i 1. etasje er en klassisk, uformell italiensk vinbar hvor man kan nyte det klassiske italienske kjøkkenet á la carte - til alle anledninger Gourmetrestauranten i 2. etasje serverer det beste av moderne italiensk kokkekunst .

Vi har siden oppstarten mottatt Wine Spectator diplom for vårt fyldige utvalg av italiensk vin . BENVENUTI


Villa Import

Vår katalog skal inneholde det aller meste et kjøkken trenger for å kunne servere italiensk mat på høyt nivå. Vårt vareutvalg er bredt og vil alltid variere noe etter hva som blir etterspurt av våre kunder. Hvis det er noe du savner eller noe vi har glemt, så skal vi prøve å skaffe det. Vi får levert ferskvarer fra Italia hver uke, som regel på mandager. Det gir oss fleksibilitet og vi strekker oss langt for tilfredstille våre kunders behov.


Min verden består av vin mer eller mindre døgnet rundt, enten gjennom smakinger i Norge og utlandet, studier hjemme eller når jeg holder vinkurs. Målet med Vinofil.no er å gi av denne vingleden til vinglade mennesker som ønsker vintips og viten. Så langt er det gått at mitt offisielle mellomnavn faktisk er Vinofil!

Italia er i dag et av verdens mest spennende vinland. Her finner man utallige lokale druevarianter og ethvert klima som tenkes kan – fra snøkledde Alper til solsvidde marker. Resultatet er et overflødighetshorn av vin- og mat, smak og stil. Italiensk vin har de senere år sjarmert oss i senk – og med rette.

Gjennom VINITALIA Oslo2013 har jeg fått muligheten til å bidra til å skape en unik italiensk festaften for sansene. Det har vært en udelt glede og et privilegium. Jeg håper dere er like begeistret som jeg er.

En unik rekke kvalitetsprodusenter med flere hundre kvalitetsviner er i dag å finne i sal etter sal på Oslo Militære Samfund i Oslo.

Det er en ære og en glede å kunne ønske velkommen til en smakfull, lærerik, nytelsesorientert og hyggelig smaking.

Svein Lindin



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