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1. Call to Order and Roll Call


Academic year: 2021

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Village of Egg Harbor

Village Board Meeting Minutes

Monday July 11


, 2016 - 6:00 P.M.

Paul J. Bertschinger Community Center


42, Egg Harbor Wisconsin 54209

1. Call to Order and Roll Call A. Notice of Meeting

Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those in attendance were Joseph Smith, Robert Dickson, Paula Cashin, John Heller, Lisa Van Laanen, Ryan Heise, and Megan Vandermause. In attendance from HGA was Jim Shields. Also in attendance in the audience were Luke Bentley, Mary Anne and Clarence Scherer, Bart Ahern, Kevin Egan, Jim Burroughs, and Frank and Claire Murphy.

B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Approval of Agenda

Smith moved to approve the agenda with the amendment of moving item 9 between items 2 and 3, second by Cashin, motion carried.

D. Approval of June 13, 2016 Village Board meeting minutes

Smith moved to approve the June 13, 2016 Village Board meeting minutes, second by Dickson, motion carried.

2. Open Session (10 Minutes)

 Clarence Scherer spoke in regards to the property at 7740 Hwy 42 and explained that if the Village cannot get the full asking price, he recommends keeping the property for public parking.

 Clarence Scherer asked who is in charge of putting the Light House Inn up for sale, and Heise explained that staff is working on a request for proposal for the building.

 Egan questioned the budget of the library project.

 Dickson explained that the Village is committed to a $1 million budget and the rest of the budget is being collected from private donations. Ahern explained that $2.71 million has been raised so far.

 Scherer asked if the $2.71 million includes the money budgeted by the Village and Ahern explained that the $2.71 million includes $500,000 of the money budgeted by the Village.

 Egan asked about the cost of HGA so far, and Heise explained that he does not know the accounting for HGA off the top of his head. Dickson explained that all money paid to HGA goes against the $1 million budgeted by the Village, and Ahern explained that some of the private donations helped pay HGA.


 Egan asked if any of the operating costs for the building have been

determined, and Dickson explained that the operational costs are still being explored.

 Egan asked if the library project is a “done deal”, and Dickson explained that the Village Board has not given final approval on the project.

 Bentley explained that he agrees with the idea of keeping the 7740 Hwy 42 property if the full asking price is not met because the lot has been a valuable parking lot, to the village.

 Van Laanen explained that she was approached with a citizen concern regarding some trees that may be close to falling south of the 5-way intersection on CTH G.

3. Library Ad-Hoc Committee

A. Comments and remarks from Committee Chair

 Dickson explained that the committee has had many meetings, and most importantly the committee decided to make the building larger as the Trustees had suggested.

 Dickson stated that the building has grown from the original project plans. B. Plan design modifications

 Ahern explained that the great hall will seat 192 when set up with auditorium style seating.

 Ahern stated that the building will serve as a building/convention center. Ahern also stated the building will be used for many different purposes including historical society events, technical college classes, and weddings.

 Heller asked how much of the building use will generate revenue.

 Dickson explained that the revenue from the current meeting room should be researched in order to understand how much revenue may be gained from the new library building.

 Dickson stated that the Village Board will have to decide what the fees for using the space will be.

 Heller asked if the hotels in the area have their own space for business meetings, and Dickson explained that the hotels have small spaces not large enough for big meetings which usually take place in Sturgeon Bay.

 Heller stated that he asked Heise earlier in the week how much revenue the current meeting rooms creates for the Village, and Heise explained that the current meetings rooms only bring in about $1,100 in revenue.

 Heise explained that he has had a conversation with a representative from the City of Oconomowoc, WI they have recently completed a similar community center project. Heise stated that the representative said the all


in operations cost for the Oconomowoc Community center total to about $160,000.

 Heller stated that he believes researching similar buildings to clarify numbers is critical.

 Heller asked what will happen with the current meeting space the Village uses.

 Dickson said that this issue has not been discussed.

 Ahern stated that there is a donor who is interested in the current space in the community center.

 Shields stated that the last time the Village Board reviewed the project the suggestion of extending the building 20 ft. was brought up.

 Shields explained that the building is now 20 ft. longer.

 Shields presented the new design and site plan for the building.

 Shields stated that the parking and entry plaza will be facing Church St. The building will be two stories with most of the community center functions and library on the first floor and a meeting space and full deck on the second floor.

 Shields presented a rendering of the first level with the Trustees.

 Shields also presented a rendering of the second floor that will have a great hall that features a fire place. The second floor is surrounded by outdoor terraces with views of the orchard to the east and the water to the west.

 About 1200 sq. ft. was added to the first floor to create a community center, library, and lounge space.

 The first floor contains a business center, history center, manager’s desk, librarian’s desk, maker’s space, and children’s area.

 The great hall will seat 130 in a round table seat up and has a catering kitchen and two bathrooms.

 Ahern explained that he has done a lot of research pertaining to the amount of potential rentals.

 Ahern presented the number of marriage licenses filed in Door County from 2010-2015 and the number of weddings that took place at Stella Maris from 2013-2017.

 Ahern also presented the number of weddings from the Gordon Lodge and the Alpine Resort.

 Ahern stated that he believes the number of bookings will depend on how aggressive the marketing is for the building.

 Heller stated that there seems to be a strong interest in the space for weddings.


 Cashin explained that the Door County Bridge club is interested in using the space. Their tournaments bring approximately 80 to 100 players from WI, IL, and MI.

 Dickson explained that the building is not being built just for the revenue, and that the building will be an asset for the community.

 Van Laanen stated that the building will be a community builder, and Dickson explained that the building will attract the public.

 Oritz explained that the building is providing a community space and the building is not just a revenue generator for the village. The private donors are donating for a community space for the Village.

C. HGA agreement amendment

Smith moved to approve the HGA agreement amendment as presented, second by Van Laanen, motion carried.

 Heller asked if the $1 million budget had changed, and Smith stated that until the Village Board votes to increase the budget, the budget has not changed.

 Van Laanen asked what the next steps are.

 Shields explained that the construction documents phase will begin, and if possible, bids will go out early in the fall, and the earliest construction will start is November.

 Dickson stated that the construction start time is dependent on the fundraising effort.

 Dickson stated that room tax is property tax relief, and people need to be brought to the Village to offset the cost of the project.

4. Administrator

A. Door County Tourism Zone Commission

B. Resolution 2016—05 Door County Hazard Mitigation

 Heise stated that the Trustees were provided with correspondence

regarding why the resolution is necessary and asked the Village Board to approve the resolution.

Smith moved to approve Resolution 2016-05 Door County Hazard Mitigation, second by Cashin, motion carried.


6. Parks and Public Works

A. Comments and remarks from Committee Chair

 Van Laanen explained that the community met a few times since the last Village Board meeting.

 The committee met jointly with the Village Board and agreed on a project concept.

 Van Laanen explained that the finance plan is being put together, and there will be another meeting in August.

 Dickson asked when the public meeting will be held, and Van Laanen explained that the public meeting will be held in August.

 Heise explained that because the Trustees and the Committee have agreed on a project concept, the Village will begin marketing the project. B. Resolution 2016-02 regarding public land for private use

 Van Laanen said that the resolution is no longer necessary and does not need to be added to future agendas.

7. Utility Committee

A. Comments and remarks from Committee Chair

 Heller explained that the flow meter was installed at the Landmark and will be monitored for one month.

 Heller stated that Paul Peterson was very worried if the pumping station down at the beach would be able to handle the flow during the Fourth of July weekend, and the pump was able to handle it.

 Smith asked if Peterson had haulers on standby, and Heller said that there were haulers on standby for the weekend.

 Heller stated that grease traps are being dealt with and are going well.

 Cashin asked about the committee’s consideration of well water testing, and Heise explained that the item is still being discussed at the committee level.

 Cashin mentioned that a comprehensive well water testing project with the University of Wisconsin was offered to Village and Town residents in 2013. Van Laanen said that at least 100 land owners participated. This option should be added to the next Joint Village and Town Board meeting. 8. Plan Commission

A. Comments and remarks from Committee Chair

 Smith explained that the Commission had two public hearings for two conditional use permits, one for the LED Light Bar at Mueller’s Mini Mart, and the other for the Internet tower at Anchorage Cove. Smith stated that the Commission approved both conditional use permits.


 The Village attorney was also in attendance at the Plan Commission meeting and confirmed that the conditional use permit process was followed correctly.

 Smith reported that the Commission also discussed shoreline zoning at the request from a citizen. The Commission decided to keep the shoreline zoning as is because there is regulation from many other entities.

 Smith reported that the Commission also looked at a fireworks ordinance in order to create some regulation regarding the use of fireworks as well as Chinese lanterns on public property in the Village, and the fireworks ordinance is still being worked on by Village staff.

 Heller asked about the accessory structure code violation, and Heise explained that Village staff is working with the property owners in regards to the violation.

9. Harbor Committee

A. Comments and remarks from Committee Chair

 Dickson stated that the marina manager handled the truck situation that occurred at the marina very well.

 The 911 dispatcher made the call to the DNR and the wrecker service.

 Dickson explained that after the truck was removed, one side of the launch was closed until the car parts were cleaned up and the launch was


 Van Laanen asked about the complimentary ice service, and Dickson explained that the committee decided to discontinue the complimentary ice service at the recommendation of the management company.

 Heller asked how the partnership with SG Marina has been going so far, and Dickson explained that the partnership is going very well and has alleviated the Village staff from extra work regarding the marina.

10. Village Clerk/Treasurer

A. Year to date financial statements B. Room Tax Report

C. Approve Class B Beer & Class C Wine Retailers License Application for Chicken Coop

Smith moved to approve the class B Beer & Class C Wine Retailers License Application for the Chicken Coop, second by Cashin, motion carried.


Van Laanen moved to approve the Operator’s License for Stephanie Gunnlaugsson for Shipwrecked, second by Dickson, motion carried. Smith abstained.

E. Approval Operator’s License’s for Grace Johnson, Suzanne Dettman, Eveline Walter, Jemma Benton, Deborah Caple, Charles Kroll, and Vicki Peterson

Smith moved to approve the operator’s licenses for Grace Johnson, Suzanne Dettman, Eveline Walter, Jemma Benton, Deborah Caple, and Charles Kroll, second by Cashin, motion carried.

 The Trustees discussed the application filed by Vicki Peterson.

Smith moved to approve the operator’s license for Vicki Peterson, second by Heller, motion carried.

11. Joint Fire Commission

A. Comments and Remarks from Village Representative

 The Joint Fire Commission had the annual election of the Fire Commission officers and there were no changes.

 Cashin thanked all the officers for their years of service.

 Cashin reported that there were four water rescues last month which was more than usual for this time of year, and this lead the commission to discuss purchasing a rescue boat.

 The current boat owned by the Village does not have all the requirements of a rescue boat.

 The Fire Commission discussed purchasing a rescue boat and recommended adding this to the next Joint Village and Town Board meeting agenda with a proposed budget item in 2018.

 Heller asked if the rescue boat would be stationed at the marina, and Cashin said that the Fire Commission would like the boat in the water.

 An evaluation of the Fire Chief was completed and he exceeded expectation.

 Cashin explained that the Joint Fire Commission commented, who will be the next chief? Cashin reported that our Chief stated that the discussion about a paid Northern Door Fire District several years ago went nowhere after several months of meetings. Door County is an aging population and does not have enough young people who volunteer to be fire firefighters. The Northern Door Fire District would be a paid fire department.

B. Select Trustee for attendance to the next meeting

 Heller will attend the next meeting. C. Accommodation Letter to Chief Schopf


12. Correspondence A. Correspondence

 The Trustees received a thank you card from the Public Arts Initiative of Egg Harbor, and an email from Denise Hubbard regarding the Peg Egan. 13. Closed Session

Smith moved to enter closed session, second by Dickson, motion carried.

A. Closed Session pursuant to Sec. 19.85 (1) (e), Stats,. for the purpose of

deliberation or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever

competitive or bargaining reasons require closed session; to wit: sale of 7740 HWY 42, in the Village of Egg Harbor, WI.

Smith moved to return to open session, second by Heller, motion carried.

14. Adjournment

Smith moved to adjourn, second by Cashin, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by, Megan Vandermause


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