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National Account Billing


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National Account Billing

MaddenCo Inc.

Revised October, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by MaddenCo, Inc All rights reserved.


Please understand that MaddenCo has expended substantial sums in developing and maintaining its software, systems and related materials, and as a result, it has and will continue to have substantial proprietary interest and valuable trade secrets therein. Also understand that MaddenCo's software, systems, related materials and the "ideas" represented by software, as well as the physical materials, are valuable trade secrets and are strictly confidential material, and important, and that its confidentiality gravely affects the successful conduct of the business of MaddenCo.





Accounts Payable Input ... 10

Accounts Receivable ... 13

General Ledger ... 17


Vendor Notes: ... 24

Working with EDI Vendor Invoices ... 25

Work with Vendor Invoices ... 27

Process NAB Credit Memos ... 30

Electronically Created A/P Credit Terms ... 30


DR Tracker Aging Report... 36

D/R Rejects ... 38


Updating NAB Entries ... 43

Update Process ... 44

Accounts Receivable Payment ... 46

Accounts Payable Credit... 47



National Account Billing, or NAB, as we’ll refer to this process, involves an agreement between a tire Vendor and another company. The tire Vendor agrees to supply tires and services for fixed prices for all representatives of that company through its Dealer Networks.

Maddenco’s National Account Billing function allows you to process the Credit acknowledgement you receive from the Vendor in payment of an NAB invoice. This function allows you to post an NAB transaction as both an Accounts Receivable payment and an Accounts Payable Credit.

Let’s look at an example.

Mr. Melville owns the Seabiscut Cookie Company. Seabiscut has a national account with tire Vendor Goodday. Mr. Melville needs to replace his delivery truck tires. You sell, mount, and balance the tires. You enter the invoice for Mr. Melville, who presents his Goodday national account card and signs for the tires.


The Method of Payment is specified as the Goodday National Account Billing Tender.

Alternately, you could start the invoice for your Goodday Vendor ’s NAB customer number, using Mr. Melville’s name in the Ship to field.


During the update, the invoice posts to the A/R account for the Goodday customer.

The remainder of this document details posting the Credit you receive from your Vendor and the resulting General Ledger postings.


Manually Entering NAB Credits

First we’ll look at processing NAB Credits using the National Account Billing Menu options. This menu is on the Tire System Start Menu.


Enter the Store Number receiving the NAB Credit. This will be the store number that created the original NAB invoice in Point of Sale.


Accounts Payable Input

The first screen presented begins the input of the Accounts Payable side of our NAB entry.

There are several functions of note on this screen. The Find Vendor function allows you to look up your NAB Vendor ’s Accounts Payable Vendor number.

Enter the beginning letters of the Vendor ’s name to position your list. Use the Select option to select a Vendor.


Notice our Goodday Vendor number 9 is brought back to the Vendor No: field.

The APPEND DATE function automatically tags on the current four digit date (YYMM) to the invoice number you have entered (available if Accounts Payable control record APINVDIV is set to Y). This feature would be useful for recurring monthly invoices to prevent a duplicate invoice number. Note how the current date – 1203 - was appended to the input invoice number 123456.


Enter the Credit information: date, Credit amount, description, posting period, discount percent or amount and the due date.

The Year/Period is determined by the value of Accounts Payable control record YRPRSYSD: if Y, the year/period is based on the system date; if N, the year/period is based on the invoice date.

You may enter the Discount percent allowed for this Vendor or enter a discount dollar Amount. This field is available for input if Accounts Payable control record NOCASHDS is set to N.

If you have terms set up for your Vendor (Accounts Payable control record TERM999), the Discount percent and Due Date will automatically be entered.

A Number of Payments field can be displayed, allowing you to enter the number of payments allowed for this invoice, if Accounts Payable control record NABTERMS is answered Y.

Set new control key NABDDPRO to a value of Y to protect the Due Date from being changed. Set new control key NABIDLCD to Y for the invoice date to be less than or equal to the current date.


Accounts Receivable

Again, we have the Prompt function to find our Accounts Receivable Customer Number.

Notice that the Reference Number is the Accounts Payable Invoice Number. You may edit the Reference Number, if you choose.


As we did when searching for the Vendor, we can enter the first few letters of the Customer’s name to position the list to our Customer. Use the Select option to select your Accounts Receivable National Account Customer.

The Amount field can be hidden and the total amount of the Accounts Receivable invoice payments can be calculated if Accounts Receivable control record NABARAMT is setto Y. The Amount will be set to thetotal of the Accounts Receivable invoices and Credits selected to pay.


The Memo function can be used to store information about this remittance.

The M alerts you there is a Memo associated with this entry. Use function Memo to display it.


To limit the invoices displayed to only those entered at the store for which you are posting, set Tire System control record NABSSELL to Y.

There is a Start at selection for Reference Number. This allows you to set the list to begin at the A/R Reference Number entered in this field. The Reference Number is usually the DR or PO number. If this field is blank, then all Reference Numbers for the selected store will display.

Display only open Accounts Receivable items by setting Tire System control record NABARODF to Y.

If Tire System control record NABARSEL is set to Y, you may enter a 1 or an S to select the Accounts Receivable invoices to pay with this NAB Credit instead of needing to key the dollar amount to be applied to each invoice. This will pay the full amount outstanding on the invoices. To manually enter the dollar

amount to apply to each invoice, set the record to N.

The Amount Remaining to Apply appears at the bottom of the screen if you have entered the amount of the A/R payments on the previous screen (NABARAMT set to Y).

If NABARAMT is set to N,the screen displays the Total Selected for Payment instead. This amount equals the total of the items selected thus far.

You may choose to use the Auto Post function to automatically select invoices to pay. Outstanding Credits for this customer can also automatically be applied if Tire System control record NABRACRD is set to Y. If this record is set, all open Credits are automatically applied first when auto selecting invoices to be paid using the Auto Post feature in NAB.

If you don’t have an invoice to apply the payment to, you may use the Open Payment function. This entry will create an open payment with a system assigned invoice number. This payment can be selected later thru NAB, Cash Receipts or A/R Adjustments to be applied to other outstanding invoices. This feature is only available if NABARAMT is set to Y. When an open A/R adjustment is created from National Account Billing, the due date of the adjustment can now be calculated using the customer’s terms code instead of defaulting to the current date. Answer control record NABTRMDD with Y to turn this feature on.


If you are finished selecting invoices to pay and there is an amount remaining to apply, an open payment can automatically be created for the remaining amount when you exit the selection screen, if you have Tire System control record NABRAOPN set to Y. This feature is not available if NABARAMT is not set to Y.

Use the End function to end the selection of Accounts Receivables.

In our example, the NAB Credit amount was not enough to cover the entire amount of the Accounts Receivable invoice. You will typically want to pay off the outstanding A/R invoice, as this Credit is likely the only amount the Vendor will remit to settle this transaction. The difference can be posted to the General Ledger NAB variance account on the following screen.

General Ledger

Finally, the General Ledger portion of the NAB input is displayed. Here, the G/L postings generated by the earlier entries are shown along with the G/L account numbers to be posted.

There is another opportunity on this screen touse the Memo function, if you haven’t attached some notes

to this transaction already.

Remember our $12.58 shortfall in paying the outstanding Accounts Receivable invoice? If Tire System control record NABPSTDF is set to Y, this difference is automatically posted to a General Ledger account specified in Tire System control record GLNABDIF, your NAB variance account.


If NAPPSTDF is not set up, you’ll need to enter this difference by using the Add G/L Entry function.

Enter the General Ledger account you wish to post the difference to and enter the appropriate Debit or Credit amount. If the Vendor sent less that the Accounts Receivable outstanding, this will need to be a Credit amount. If they sent too much (don’t you wish?), this will be a Debit.

In our example, we have the variance appearing as a negative Credit (which equals a Debit.) You can limit the G/L accounts that can be input in NAB (and A/R Adjustments input) by User. Set control record ARJVLGL to Y to turn this feature on and then identify the accounts that are not allowed with control records JGL99999, where 99999 is a G/L account number. Answer this record with an N if input is not allowed for this account.


If Tire System control record NABGLCHG is set to Y the Edit option is allowed for G/L entries. However, for A/P invoices created from a receiver, outside purchase, Vendor invoice or NAB Credit, the G/L entries that were automatically created can be protected if control record PROTGLYN is set to Y in the A/P control file. New G/L entries can still be added.

Notice this screen shows us the user creating this entry and the date it was entered, as well as the user last changing this entry along with the date it was edited.

A Change View function is available to see the customer number/ employee number and also toggles between the invoice date and due date of the A/P portion of the Credit Memo. The D/R number is displayed under description if the transaction is associated to a D/R.


The Edit A/P function allows the A/P side of the NAB to be changed. Keep in mind that if you change the amount on this screen, you will need to also edit the Accounts Receivable entry or the General Ledger entry to keep the NAB entry in balance.

The Edit A/R function allows the A/R side of the NAB to be changed where invoices where selected to be paid. To protect the reference number on this screen, set control key NABARPRF to Y.


Again, remember if you change the amount on this screen, you will need to also edit the Accounts Payable entry or the General Ledger entry to keep the NAB entry in balance.

The End function completes the NAB entry and returns you to the previous screen.

Youmay choose to set up a streamlined method of keying the A/P Credit Memo from your Vendor, selecting the A/R invoice it pays and automatically posting any difference to G/L. You cannot make a partial A/R payment using this method, nor can you edit the G/L postings.

To use this method, set the following Tire System control records: NABARAMT - Y


GLNABDIF - contains the 5 digit General Ledger account number to which any differences between A/R payments and A/P Credits will be posted.


The NAB entry status must be Ready in order to update.

Available Options:

Display shows the invoices and G/L account numbers associated with this transaction. Accounts Payable control record DSPFLDS contains two characters indicating which two of five possible fields should be displayed on this screen: C for Customer, E for Employee, J for Job, P for PO/Receiving Report number, or Q for Quantity.

Display Vendor Invoice displays the details of an NAB transaction electronically transmitted from a Vendor. More details on this follow in our next section.

Entries can be Held so they do not update until you are ready to do so. When Released the status will set the status to ready.

Available Functions:

Print generates a listing of the National Account Credit Memos. If Show only selections have been entered, the listing will contain only entries satisfying those selections. If Tire System control record


Processing NAB Credits through Data Exchange

National Account Billing Credit Memos can also be input into the system automatically via Data

Exchange. If your Vendor currently electronically sends National Account Credits to you, you will already have this feature set up in FTP maintenance.

If you are not already electronically processing NAB Credits, see the Data Exchange Software Manual for more details on how to set this up.

Electronically transmitted NAB Credit Memos are automatically validated when they are received. There is a validation that is performed to insure the DR receiving a Credit must be for a Vendor Customer’s invoice. This was done because it was possible for the same DR number to be used on multiple invoices. In that case, when the Credit was applied, it was being applied to the Non-Vendor Customer’s invoices. If for some reason, you do not want this validation to be performed, control record NABEVLVP should be answered with an N.

Validated transactions appear in National Account Billing with a status of Ready if Tire System control record NABEDIST is set to R. Otherwise, if NABEDIST is not set to Y, the status for these transactions will be Waiting for Approval - WTAPR.

If you would like to set a different status based on Vendor, you can add control record +vvvNABS (where vvv is the National Account Vendor.) The value can be set to W - Waiting or R - Ready. This control record will override all other control records governing the status of an NAB Credit. This can be useful when you start DR processing with a new Vendor and you wish to review the Credit Memos prior to updating.

You may want to set the status for all Vendor invoices depending on the percentage difference between the amount of the original A/R versus the credit received from the Vendor. If the amount of the credit


You may want to set the status for a particular Vendor depending on the percentage difference between the amount of the original A/R versus the credit received from the Vendor. For example, the amount received is within 10% of the original want you want the status to be Ready. If over 10%, you want the status to be Waiting for Approval. To do this, set the value of control record +vvvNAB% to 10.00. vvv represents the number of the Vendor you wish to set a variance limit on.

In NAB input, the date the credit was created could be an older date if the transaction was created from a vendor’s invoice. In some cases, it may be the next month before a transaction is updated, and the document’s date is used to update to history. If control record NABSYSDT is answered Y, when the NAB transaction is created, edited or released, the current system date will be used for the transaction date instead of the credit’s original document date.

When NAB Credits are received from the Vendor, the DR number can be moved to the invoice

description for the Credit. Previously, the description said EDI VENDOR CREDIT. Answer control record

NABEDRDS with a value of Y to move the DR number to the invoice description of the header.

Display Vendor Invoice option allows you to review the transaction details.

Edit option allows you to review the invoice and approve it. After editing, the Status changes to Ready.

Only transactions with ‘Ready’ status will update.

Often there is a difference between the amount of the NAB Credit and the Accounts Receivable invoice it is paying. This difference can automatically be posted to the General Ledger account identified in Tire System control record GLNABDIF, if Tire System control record NABEDIPD is set to Y, for the Data Exchange module postings.

Vendor Notes:

When processing credits from Bridgestone, there are some credits received from the vendor that are not identified as an NAB credit. These vendor invoices have no Bill of Lading number. A new control record

+vvvITxx, (were vvv is the vendor and xx is the invoice transaction type) can be added based on the transactions type sent from Bridgestone. The transaction type from Bridgestone is written out to the message line for the vendor transaction. If you want a transaction type of DL (delivery receipt), to create an NAB credit, you would add control key +vvvITDL where vvv is the Bridgestone vendor, with a value of

C for NAB Credit. For ASN’s, the value of the control record would be V, for an A/P invoice it would be A. For the invoices that do have a Bill of Lading number, the type of credit to be created is based on an algorithm from the vendor.


Working with EDI Vendor Invoices

The automatic processing described above is carried out for invoices passing validation. If an invoice fails validation, a message is sent to the System Error Log, located on the System Menu.


The Data Exchange Menu is located on the Tire System More Options Menu.


Work with Vendor Invoices

We’ll check on the status of our transactions with Work w/Vendor Invoices.

You may limit which transactions you are working with by means of the Show Only fields. Enter a


The Partner Id is a general number assigned to a Vendor or group of Vendors. In a complex setup, a single Partner id could be linked to many different Vendor numbers used by different stores. This allows different stores to use unique Vendor numbers for the same supplying Vendor / Partner (a one to many relationship.) This set up is covered in more detail in the Data Exchange document.

Transaction Types are: A A/P Adjustment Invoice C NAB Credit Memo I ASN/Vendor Invoice R Delivery Receipt Reject

B A/R Remittance

Status values are: A Available F Failed P Processed W Waiting Blank All

Here we are interested in processing our NAB Credits, so we’ll narrow our view to only Tran Type C - NAB Credit Memos.

Between the Status and the Tran Type on the screen another status code is displayed concerning the Failed status. The Edit option can sometimes be used to correct the error and the NAB Credit is automatically revalidated. If other changes such as file changes are made, the Validate option can be used to revalidate the transaction. The status will then show as A, Available.

Available Options:

Edit – can be used to correct the data in error on failed transactions. Edited transactions are

automatically revalidated.

Delete – removes an entry.

Print - is available if Tire System control record NABEDIPR is set to Y. Tire System control record

NABPRTX contains the name of the standard print program - PTNABPR0 in library GPCUSTOM. To route the printing of failed entries, set up the Tire System printer control record NAB. Set up printer control record ASNI for printing passed entries.


Display – shows the details of the transaction.

D/R Tracker – displays a time stamped status of Delivery Receipts including sent to vendor and credit

memo status. From within this work panel, vendor invoice can be displayed and messages can be entered for each transaction.

Validate– After making these corrections, users can manually validate entries with this option. After validation, the entry has a status of A – Available.


Process NAB Credit Memos

When a transaction has passed validation after editing or manual validation, it must be manually processed using Process NAB Credit Memos.

Enter the Partner Id for the vendor. This option creates the transactions in the NAB input file for electronically transmitted NAB Credits. After processing, the Work with Vendor Invoices transaction status is changed to P, Processed. The entry has been placed in the NAB transaction file and is ready to update.

Electronically Created A/P Credit Terms

Control record +vvvNABT (where vvv is a national Account Vendor Number) contains the A/P Terms Code to use for NAB Credits received from this National Account Vendor. If this record is not on file for a particular Vendor, the Terms Code on the Vendor’s record is used.

Some vendors send split payment information along with their credits. NAB credits can now use this split payment information when the A/P invoice portion of the credit is created. Answer control record


DR Tracking

This feature will help to monitor the status of Vendor ’s Delivery Receipts. Control record DRTMSTMP

must be answered Y to capture this information.

The DR Tracker option is available from the NAB Credit menu, the Vendor Invoice Transaction menu or the Headquarters menu, as well as the Invoice History Menu.


The Show only Vendor field is used to limit the DR’s displayed to a single Vendor. You will need to

enter leading zeros in the vendor field. Vendor 3 must be entered as 003.

The Show only Status field allows you to view only DR’s with a specific status. Use Find function on this field to select from a list with a specific status. Use the Select option to set the Show Only status.

Users may Show only DR's Created during alow date thruhigh date range.


View Time Stamp History displays the DR status, date and time and user.

From this screen, you can use optionsto Display the Vendor Invoice, to Display the POS invoice or to


Display the Vendor Invoice options shows the electronically transmitted detail.

The line item products, quantity, amount and invoice number are displayed. Any error that may have occurred in the process is displayed. Error definitions are listed at the bottom of the screen. The created by user, last changed by user and processing user and dates are displayed.

Use the Display option to display individual line items is available.

The Change View function toggles between the Vendor ’s Product number, FET and Extension and the


Display Detail on the DR Time Stamp History screen gives you the detail behind each time stamp.


DR Tracker Aging Report

The National Account Billing menu also offers the option to print a DR Tracker Aging report. This report prints outstanding DR's for a specific Partner that are a given number of working days old. The customer number and name, DR number, last invoice number, original date, last date, status, and store are printed on the report. You will need ACCESS to A/R reports to run this report.

You will be prompted to enter a Vendor Number, and are asked if you want to Include Newly Created DR’s only. This field defaults to Y.


The elapsed number of working days used to include DR's in an aging column are specified using control records DRTAG9DY (where 9 represents a column - 1 to 6.) Control record DRTAG9HD (where 9

represents a column - 1 to 6.) defines the headings for the aging columns. If these control records are not on file, the following predefined defaults are used:

Column 1 = 1 - 3 Days Column 2 = 4 - 6 Days Column 3 = 7 - 9 Days Column 4 = 10 - 12 Days Column 5 = 13 - 15 Days Column 6 = 16+ Days


D/R Rejects

An option has been added that allows the user to work with the Rejected Delivery receipts. Once an NAB credit has been received for the Delivery Receipt, the number of times the D/R has been rejected is cleared.


From this option, the user can search for the Delivery receipts that have been rejected greater than a select number of times. The change view allows the user to see how many times that delivery receipt has been rejected. There is an option to view the D/R tracker history. There is also a manual option that alls the user to reset the number of times the D/R has been rejected to zero.


A report can also be generated listing the rejected delivery receipts. The Original date the D/R was created will print as well as the date the D/R was last rejected and last submitted to the vendor. The number of days outstanding will also print on the report. The report is sorted by the original creation date and number of times the D/R has been rejected.


Headquarters Menu

The Headquarters Menu is located on the Tire System More Options Menu.


Valid Show Only: Status values are: H - Held, W - Wait Approval, O - Out of Balance, R – Ready, I - In Use, and E - Error.

Users can limit the display to NAB transactions for a particular Vendor by using the Show Only: Vendor

feature. The Find function is available to find an Accounts Payable Vendor number.

Show Only is also available by User id in the Created by or last changed by user: field and Store.

To position the list to a particular NAB transaction, enter a value in the Start at: Invoice field.

Available Options:

Edit - NAB Credit Memos can be edited from this screen. This will allow you to approve Waiting Credits for all stores.

Hold – NAB Credit Memos can be held and they will not be processed in the update. The Release option sets the status back to ready.

Delete – removes an entry.

Display – shows the detail of information. Within the display you can add a Memo. Edit is not allowed from the Headquarters Menu. From this screen, the Change View function – toggles between G/L


Memo – allows memos to be reviewed or to add a memo on a transaction.

Users can also Display Vendor Invoices or use the D/R Tracker described in the section above.

Dsp Vndr Invc displays a Vendor invoice associated with a particular transaction.

DR Tracker displays all transactions related to this DR.

NOTE: Transactions shown as INUSE can be reset with the @ symbol, if the user has special authority in their ACCESS control key.

Available Functions:


Updating NAB Entries

NAB transactions are updated during the nightly update if Tire System control record NABUPDT is set to

Y. This is the preferred method of updating these transactions. The reports fall in line with other update output and are easy to locate if there are questions later.

National Account Billing transactions can also be updated immediately using the NAB Miscellaneous Menu Option. From the Tire System starting menu, take menu optionMore Options Menu. On the next screen, select optionOther Options Menu. From this menu, enter optionMiscellaneous Options Menu and then take the NAB Misc Menu option. Again, this is not the recommended method.


Update Process

The update process generates several reports during the National Accounts Billing update.

The NAB Credit Memo Register shows the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and G/L postings for each NAB transaction updated.

The Vendor Invoice Input Register summarizes the Accounts Payable side of these transactions.

The A/P General Ledger Expensing Register details how the NAB Credits are posted to General Ledger for each transaction and summarizes all G/L postings.


Accounts Receivable Payment

If we take a look at our Continental customer’s Accounts Receivable open items, we see that the original invoice for the NAB purchase has been paid off.


Accounts Payable Credit

If Accounts Payable control record NABGLTAP is answered Y, the NAB detail is updated to Accounts Payable and the Accounts Payable G/L postings are created for General Ledger.

The Accounts Payable Credit appears in the Vendor Status Inquiry, ready to be selected as payment toward this Vendor’s invoices in the future.


General Ledger Postings

There are three types of General Ledger entries created in the NAB update: the Accounts Receivable payment, the Accounts Payable Credit and possibly an NAB variance amount (if the Credit Memo from the Vendor does not equal the outstanding A/R item it is posted against.)

The Accounts Receivable payment is a Credit (here appearing as a negative debit) to the General Ledger account identified by Tire System control record GLNABAR.

You may want to post the A/R portion of a particular Vendor ’s Credit to an account different than your regular NAB Credits. Control record +vvvNARG (where vvv is the Vendor number) contains the G/L account to use for any Credits created for this Vendor. If this control record is not on file, the account found in GLNABAR will be used.

If the Tire System control record CENTCST is set to Y and the entering store is using centralized A/R (CENTC999 is set up for the store entering the NAB Credit ), the division number in the Accounts Receivable posting will be replaced. The division number of the Accounts Receivable posting will become the value of the store’s CENTC999 control record,ifTire System control record CENTGL is set to Y for the entering store.

The Accounts Payable side posts as a debit (here appearing as a negative Credit) to the General Ledger account identified in Accounts Payable control file maintenance APACCTNO. If the Vendor ’s record contains a Vendor Payables Number, Accounts Payable control record APACCT99 (where 99 is the payables number from the Vendor record) is used to identify the Accounts Payable G/L posting account.

When an NAB Credit received from a Vendor contains an amount for specific products (like sales tax or discounts, etc.), a G/L account can be specified to receive the posting. Control record +NGvvv88 (where

vvv is the Vendor and 88 is a number between 1-99) contains the 5 digit G/L account number to post, followed by the Vendor ’s Product Number that triggers this special posting.


The division number in the G/L account will be overridden by the Vendor 's division number, if Accounts Payable control record GLCODVYN contains a value of Y.

If the Accounts Payable control record APDIVNMP or APDIVNUM contain a value of Y, the division number for the G/L posting will be overridden with the store number that created the NAB Credit Memo. The NAB Variance Amount (the difference between the A/P portion of the Credit Memo and the posted A/R portion of the Credit Memo) will be posted to the G/L account found in the Tire System control record


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