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Curriculum Vitae. Regan Lookadoo 400 East College Street Georgetown, KY


Academic year: 2021

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Regan Lookadoo

400 East College Street ▪ Georgetown, KY 40324 ▪ 502.863.8165 [email protected]


2002 Ph.D. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Major Area: Cognitive Psychology

Title: Development of Strategy Use and Conjunctive Visual Search 1999 M.A. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Major Area: Cognitive Psychology

Title: Development of Visual Selective Attention 1997 B.S. Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky

Major: Psychology Minor: Biology Academic/ Teaching Experience

 August 2007-present Associate Professor in Psychology  May 2005- May 2009 Chair of Psychology Department

Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY  August 2002-May 2007 Assistant Professor in Psychology

Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY  August 2001-August 2002 Visiting Instructor

Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY  January 2000-August 2001 Graduate Student Instructor

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL Courses Taught


 General Psychology

 General Psychology (online)  Statistics for the Social Sciences  Experimental Psychology  Learning and Cognition  Sensation and Perception  Aging and Memory  Undergraduate Research  Abnormal Psychology

 Psychology of Loss and Trauma  Psychology of Women

 Psychology of Women (Online)  Cognitive Psychology


 Psychology of Slavery

 Psychology of Slavery (Online)  Health Psychology

 Health Psychology (Online)

Graduate (Master of Art Degree in Education)  Learning and Cognition

 Human Development, Behavior and Learning (online course)  Research Methods

Freshman Seminar

 Freshman Seminar Small Group

Courses Developed

 Health Psychology Online Course  Psychology of Slavery Online Course  Psychology of Women Online Course

 Health Psychology-spring offering in the Group I category for majors.

 EDU596:: Summer course. Class objectives were to inform students of basic research methodology with a special emphasis on Action Research for teachers.

 General Psychology Online- summer class

 EDU565: Human Development, Behavior and Learning (ONLINE class)- Fall, Spring & summer course. Class objectives were to inform students of the major developmental and learning theories and their application to the classroom.

 Psychology of Slavery- may and winter mini-term undergraduate elective class. Class objectives were to inform students of the psychological, emotional, and social impact of slavery. Several class trips were planned as a part of this course as well such as trips to the Freedom Center, Underground Railroad historic sites in Maysville, Washington, KY and Ripley OH, and historic sites in Lexington, KY.

 Senior Capstone-fall offering required of all psychology seniors. Class objectives were to explore themes in psychology with an emphasis on important figures and studies in the history of psychology. (Co-developed with colleague)

 Aging and Memory – winter and may mini-term undergraduate class. Course objectives were to enhance students’ understanding of memory processes and to allow students to understand how aging could lead to changes in memory ability and impact general cognitive functioning and everyday life in the older adult. Included a class trip to an Alzheimer research center in Lexington, KY.

 Sensation and Perception- undergraduate class. Course objectives were to introduce students to structures and processes associated with sensation and perception.

 Psychology of Loss and Trauma-undergraduate mini-term class. Course objectives were to provide an overview of major loss including trauma, death and dying, stress and coping. It included a class trip to Washington, DC over Memorial Day weekend. The students were able to witness the opening of the World War II Memorial as well as several other memorials in the area.


 Psychology of Women- undergraduate class. Course objectives were to explore the lives of women by examining topics such as gender roles, language, emotion, motivation, mental health, violence, and women and work with a special focus on women from different ethnic backgrounds. Included organizing several guest speakers.

 Sport Psychology- undergraduate class. Course objectives were to introduce the

psychological factors that are influenced by participation in sport, exercise and physical activity.

 Cognitive Psychology- undergraduate class. Course objectives were to provide students with an understanding of cognitive psychology including areas such as memory,

attention, decision making, problem solving, thinking, language and intelligence. Invited Guest Lectures/Presentations

 Guest Presenter at the following organizations: Georgetown College AAUW,

Lexington KIWANIS, Frankfort Baptist Church Global Women, Faith Baptist Church Global Women; Faith U class at Faith Baptist Church (4 week seminar)

Research Activities Research Interests

Women’s issues at a small, liberal arts college; Advising practices at small, liberal arts colleges; Teaching Practices


 Black, S. R., McCown, S. Lookadoo, R.L., Leornard, R.C. Kelley, M., DeCoster, J., Wayde, E., Spence, S.A. (2012). Aging, imagery, and bizarreness effect. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. 19(5), 566-591.

 Merrill, E.C., & Lookadoo, R.L. (2004). Selective search for conjunctively defined targets by young children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,89(1), 72-90.  Merrill, E., Lookadoo, R. & Rilea, S. (2003). Verbal memory and language

comprehension of persons with mental retardation. In L. Abbeduto (Ed.), Language and Communication in Mental Retardation: International review of research in mental retardation, 27, San Diego: Elsevier.

Accepted for Publication

 Black, S. Leonard, R., Willis, S., Burton, P., McCown, S., Lookadoo, R.L., & Wayde, E. (in print). Effects of homograph meaning frequency on semantic satiation. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences.

Conference Presentations

 Lookadoo, R. & Cook, C. (2011). Human Trafficking: Empowering Teachers to Identify and Assist Student Victims. Workshop at the Kentucky TESOL Conference.  Lookadoo, R. & Cook, C. (2010). Creating Rubrics to Support Student Learning and

Reflection. Workshop at the Kentucky TESOL Conference, Challenges and Opportunities for a Global Kentucky.

 Lookadoo, R., McKenzie, K., Price, J. & Bell, S. (2006). The Use of Perspective Taking to Enhance Students’ Cultural Competency. Presentation at the Reaching Out: Best


Practices in Teaching Diversity and International Perspectives Across the Psychology Curriculum.

 Bell, S., Price, J. & Lookadoo, R. (2005). Broadening the Use of “Case Study” to Facilitate Critical Thinking. Workshop presented at the Engaging Minds: Best Practices in Teaching Critical Thinking Across the Psychology Curriculum.

 Lookadoo, R. & Merrill, E. (2003). Development of strategy use in conjunctive of visual search. Poster presented at the April 2003 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

 Lookadoo, R. & Merrill, E. (2000). Visual search and mental retardation. Poster presented at the 2001 annual meeting of the Gatlinburg Conference on Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.

Student Presentations

 Page, S. & Lookadoo, R. College Student’s Understanding of Human Trafficking. Poster presented at the 2011 Spring Kentucky Psychological Association Convention  Floyd, M., & Wallace, M., & Lookadoo, R. (faculty mentor) (2012, March).

Perspectives on rape From undergraduates at a Christian college. Poster presented at the Kentucky Psychological Association Spring Academic Conference, Frankfort, KY.  Heard, N. (2009) The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Student-Professor

Relationships. Poster presentation at the Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Spring Convention.

 McClure, D. & Lookadoo, R. (2007). The Relationship BetweenManager’s

Expectations and Employee Benefit Preferences. Poster presentation at the Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Spring Convention.

 Geigan, J. & Lookadoo, R. (Faculty Mentor). Poster Presented at KPA Spring 2007 Conference

 Lookadoo, R., Bell, S. H. , Klass, G., Farley, J., Settle, L. & Dayton, S. Student use of textbook and professor-provided study aids in liberal arts introductory classes. Poster presented at the 2003-2004 Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Spring Convention.

 Meredith, G., & Lookadoo, R. Strategy Use in Conjunctive Visual Search with Deaf Individuals. Poster presented at the 2003-2004 Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Spring Convention.

Conference Chair

 Directed the Uniting Minds, Transforming Lives: Kentucky Conference on Human Trafficking (2012). The conference was the first state-wide conference on human trafficking in Kentucky.

Conferences Attended

 2010 KY TESOL Conference

 2010 Global Forum on Human Trafficking

 2006 National Academic Advising Association Conference, NACADA

 2004 Science Seminar sponsored by the Association of Kentucky Colleges and Universities

 2003 “Taking Off” Society for Teaching in Psychology Conference  2003-2004 Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Convention


 2002-2003 Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Convention  2001-2002 Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Convention

Recent Grant Funding

 Jenzabar Foundation, 2011, $25,000

o Fund secured for directing a series of Human Trafficking events including a state-wide conference and a course to explore abolition post and present as well as a variety of other campus events over two academic years (2011-2012; 2012-2013)

 Lilly Meetinghouse Internal Grant, Georgetown College, 2003-2004, $1142.00

o Fund secured for student trip to Washington, DC for Psychology of Loss and Trauma class.

 Henlein Teaching Fund, Georgetown College, 2001-2002, $7500.

o Fund secured for SPSS computer software to be installed to computer labs across campus for the use in psychology classes.

Academic Service ~at Georgetown College  President Phi Kappa Phi, (2012-present)

 Member, Medical School Liaison Committee (2012-present)  Co-Advisor of Student Abolition Movement Group (2010-present)  Member, Committee on Committee (2010-present)

 Member, Benefits Committee (2004-present)

 Member, Oxford Program Committee (2010-present)

 Member, SACS Compliance Audit Committee (2010-present)  Member, Christian Mission Task Force (2009-2010)

 Chair, Collier Lecture (2008-2009; 2009-2010)

o Secured a speaker for the lecture both years and made all arrangements and plans for the lecture

 Lecture Speakers:

 2008-2009 Dr. Emily Craig

 2009-2010 Tori Murden McClure  Member, Student Life Strategic Task Force (2005-present)

o Developing objectives and goals concerning student success in academic and psychological areas

o Appointed to committee by committee chair, James Koeppe.  Member, Admissions Committee (present)

o Reviews admission data, policies and applications.

o Appointed to committee by the Faculty Committee on Committees  Member, Ad hoc Technology Committee (present)

o Reviews software and equipment to be used for instruction purposes o Appointed to committee by the Academic Dean

 Member, Benefits Committee (2004-present) o Review Insurance plans each year

o Appointed to committee by committee chair, Jim Moak.  Fellow, Faculty Center for Teaching and Vocation (present)


o Developing 4 teaching workshops for faculty per year o Appointed to Committee by the Academic Dean  Member, Retention Task Force (2004-2005)

o Reviewed retention strategies

o Reviewed the current freshmen seminar program

o Appointed to Committee by the Faculty Committee on Committees  Member, Ad hoc Maternity Policy Committee

o Developed a new maternity leave policy for the campus o Appointed to committee by Academic Dean

 Chair, Institutional Review Board

o 2003-2004 served as chair of the IRB at Georgetown College, reviewed 18 proposals. o 2001-2002 authored a proposal including the guidelines and procedures of an

Institutional Review Board for the Executive Cabinet at Georgetown College, which led to the development of the IRB the following academic year.

o 2002 presented a presentation to college faculty describing IRB guidelines. o Appointed to the board by the College President

 Member, Honors Committee (2003-2004) o Reviewed honor student applications

o Planned Poster Session of Senior Honor student projects

o Appointed to committee by the Faculty Committee on Committees  Member, First Year Advisory Board (2003-2004)

o Developed freshman seminar course for upcoming year

o Appointed to committee by committee chair, Dr. Gretchen Lohman  Member, Restructuring Faculty Evaluation Committee (2002-2004)

o Developed a proposal to be added to the current Georgetown College Faculty

Handbook, which described the guidelines for a Pre-tenure Faculty Mentoring Program. o Appointed to the committee by the Academic Dean of the College

 Member, Transfer Student Committee (2002-2003)

o Developed strategies to improve transfer students’ transition to Georgetown College. o Appointed to the committee by the College President

 Member, Strategic Initiative SCAN Committee (2002-2003)

o Reviewed and reported on college’s results on the National Survey of Student Engagement.

o Considered the college’s strengths and weaknesses relative to benchmark institutions. o Appointed to the committee by the College President

 Member, Committee for Restructuring College Expenditures (2002-2003)

o Compared Georgetown College’s percentage expenditures in various categories of college spending (i.e., instruction, academic, institutional, student life) to benchmark institutions and submitted a proposal that highlighted possible needs for adjustment in spending.

o Appointed to the committee by the College President  Member, Women’s Studies Committee (2002-2003)

o Developed ideas for the Women’s Studies Minor, including curriculum changes, guest speakers, and topics of interest.

o Assisted an undergraduate student with the design of the Women’s Studies Website o Appointed to the committee by Faculty Committee on Committees


o Reviews and selects candidates to receive an honorary degree from Georgetown College.

o Elected by the faculty of the Division of Social Sciences.

 Advisor of Psi Chi and Psi Alpha Omega chapters at Georgetown College (2001-2004)  Faculty Advisor for approximately 20-25 undergraduate students

Service Recognition ~at Georgetown College  Rollie Graves Technology Award, 2011

 George Walker Redding Faculty Award for Outstanding Christian Service, 2011  Advisor of the Year Award, 2004-2005

 Campus Leadership Award, Lambda Chi Alpha, 2003  Professor of the Week, President’s Ambassadors, 2001 Community Involvement & Awards

 KY Liberation Award, 2012  KY Citizen Recognition, 2012

 Volunteer for Western Elementary School, 2011-present  Volunteer for Scott County Humane Society, 2003-present  Mothers of Preschoolers, MOPS, member 2004-2005  Member, Faith Baptist Church, 2003-present

 Academic reviewer for Junior Miss Pageant, Lexington, KY 2003, 2004 Affiliations

 Phi Kappa Phi

 Alpha Delta Kappa, Zeta Chapter


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