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P R E P A R I N G S T U D E N T S F O R T O M O R R O W — C A R I N G F O R T H E M T O D A Y

June 2009

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Alief ISD Graduates are on the road to success!

The 2009 Alief ISD Valedictorians are ready to hit the road and continue their educations at universities across Texas. Taylor High School’s Damir Ljuboja and Elsik’s Maria Marinez will attend the University of Texas at Austin. Sonny Nguyen from Kerr High School is headed to Rice University, and Lily Luc from Hastings will attend Texas A&M University.

photo by Susan Castro and Holly Kurth



Message Mensaje del Superintendente

. .

Children able to receive free lunches this summer

The House of Amos will again participate in a Summer Lunch Program spon- sored by Houston Parks & Recreation Department. Teenagers have been trained to serve and will receive credit for community service hours while volunteering their help in preparing and giving out the lunches.

The box lunches will be available for children from 2 to 18 years old, Monday through Friday between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. from June 2 until Friday, August 14. Box lunches must be eaten with the volunteers at the House of Amos. 8030 Boone Road, Houston, TX 77072 (Between Beechnut and Bellaire Blvd.)


Los niños pueden recibir comidas gratis este verano

La Casa de Amos volverá a participar en un Programa de Almuerzo de Verano patrocinado por el Departamento de Parques y Recreación. Los adolescentes voluntarios han sido entrenados para servir y repartir almuerzos y por ello recibirán crédito por las horas de servicio a la comunidad.

Los paquetes de almuerzos estarán disponibles para niños de 2 a 18 años de edad, de lunes a viernes entre 11:00 am y de 1:00 pm a partir del 2 de junio hasta el viernes, 14 de agosto. Los almuerzos deberán ser consumidos con los voluntarios en la Casa de Amos. 8030 Boone Road, Houston, TX 77072

(Between Beechnut and Bellaire Blvd.) Dear Alief parents and community members,

As we close the 2008-2009 school year, I am so excited to tell you some wonderful news about our Alief ISD high schools. The Texas Education Agency has announced the school ratings, and for the first time, all four of our high schools have received outstanding marks. Elsik, Hastings, and Taylor High Schools are “Recognized” campuses, and Kerr High School has received an

“Exemplary” rating. Out of all Alief ISD elementary and middle schools seven are “Exemplary,” 19 are “recognized” and the other 10 are all “acceptable.” These accomplishments are very challenging for all grades, although it is a particularly difficult achievement at the high school level. I am extremely proud of the hard work that the students, staff members, and campus administrators put into making their campuses shine.

Our district theme for this school year was “Keep the Momentum Going.”

Our momentum had several ups and downs, like a wild roller coaster ride, due to some unexpected obstacles. Nevertheless, look where we are now! We started out the year celebrating our great test scores, but then we were hit by Hurricane Ike, the most powerful storm to strike the Houston area in decades. Always moving forward, the district recovered from Ike and geared up for a tax ratifica- tion. With its passage, we gained more momentum to be able to continue offer- ing a multitude of outstanding student programs. We will even begin a new endeavor with Houston Community College in the fall – the Early College High School. We expect to see students continue to flourish and make tremendous strides in their education.

Then another twist – as spring rolled around, we had the “Swine Flu” H1N1 virus outbreak that caused grave concern across the nation and world. Alief ISD did not have any school closings due to the flu. Our administrators not only kept a watchful eye on the staff and students, but monitored health organization messages, ensuring the health and safety of the Alief ISD family. At the same time, spring TAKS testing season began again with an unusual “rain delay” from Mother Nature. Through it all, our students’ scores and College Board Ad- vanced Placement test results are better than ever.

As we complete this school year, we need to recognize and congratulate the newest Alief ISD graduates. The class of 2009 has certainly made a strong showing – receiving more than $18.8 million in college grants and scholarships.

We wish them all success in their future endeavors. In Alief, we will continue to focus on preparing students for tomorrow by caring for them today.


Dr. Louis Stoerner Superintendent

Alief Independent School District Dr. Louis Stoerner

Estimados padres de familia y miembros de la comunidad de Alief:

Conforme cerramos el ciclo escolar 2008-2009, es un verdadero placer para mí informarles de algunas excelentes noticias acerca de las preparatorias de nuestro Distrito Escolar Independiente de Alief. La Agencia de Educación de Texas (Texas Education Agency) ha dado a conocer los resultados de las evaluaciones a las escuelas y, por primera vez, nuestras cuatro preparatorias recibieron calificaciones sobresalientes. Las preparatorias de Elsik, Hastings y Taylor son planteles “Reconocidos”, mientras que la preparatoria de Kerr recibió una calificación de “Ejemplar”. De todas las escuelas primarias y secundarias del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Alief, siete son “Ejemplares”, 19 “Reconocidas” y las otras diez son

“Aceptables”. Estos logros son muy desafiantes para todos los niveles, aunque es especialmente difícil para el nivel de preparatoria. Estoy sumamente orgulloso del arduo trabajo que realizan los estudiantes, el personal y los administradores de los planteles para que su propio campus destacara.

El tema de nuestro distrito para este ciclo escolar fue “Logra que el momento perdure”.

Nuestro momento tuvo muchas altas y bajas, como una montaña rusa salvaje, debido a que se presentaron algunos obstáculos inesperados; sin embargo, ¡vean hasta dónde pudimos llegar!

Comenzamos el año celebrando las grandiosas calificaciones que obtuvimos en los exámenes, pero luego se presentó el huracán Ike, la tormenta más poderosa que ha azotado al área de Houston en décadas. Siempre siguiendo adelante, el distrito se recuperó de Ike y nos preparamos para una ratificación de impuestos. Con este suceso ganamos más tiempo para poder seguir ofreciendo una diversidad de programas para estudiantes excepcionales. Incluso emprenderemos un nuevo desafío con el Houston Community College en el verano, la Preparatoria de Preparación Temprana para la Universidad. Esperamos ver que los estudiantes sigan prosperando y avanzando enormemente en su educación.

Después se presentó otro evento inesperado: durante la primavera tuvimos el brote del virus H1N1 o de la “influenza porcina” que provocó serias preocupaciones en el país y el resto del mundo. El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Alief no cerró ninguna escuela debido a la

“influenza”. Nuestros directivos no sólo vigilaron al personal y a los estudiantes, sino que también estuvieron al pendiente de los mensajes de las organizaciones de salud, garantizando la salud y la seguridad de la familia del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Alief. Al mismo tiempo, el periodo de exámenes de primavera de la Evaluación de Conocimientos y Habilidades de Texas (TAKS) comenzó nuevamente con un inusual “retraso por lluvia” causado por la Madre Naturaleza. A pesar de todo, las calificaciones y los resultados de nuestros estudiantes en la prueba de Colocación Avanzada del Consejo Universitario fueron mejores que nunca.

Mientras terminamos este ciclo escolar, necesitamos reconocer y felicitar a los recién graduados del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Alief. La generación 2009 realmente hizo un buen papel, recibiendo más de $18.8 millones de dólares en subvenciones y becas universitarias. Les deseamos a todos el mayor de los éxitos en sus esfuerzos futuros.

Mientras tanto, en Alief continuaremos dedicados a preparar a los estudiantes para el futuro guiándolos hoy.


Dr. Louis Stoerner Superintendente

Alief Independent School District


Alief ISD 2009 Salutatorians Thö cuûa Giaùm Ñoác Hoïc Khu


Treû em coù theå ñöôïc aên caùc böõa tröa mieãn phí vaøo muøa heø naøy

The House of Amos laïi moät laàn nöõa seõ tham gia trong Chöông Trình AÊn Tröa Trong Muøa Heø döôùi söï taøi trôï cuûa Ban Coâng Vieân vaø Giaûi Trí Houston. Caùc em thieáu nieân ñaõ ñöôïc huaán luyeän ñeå phuïc vuï vaø seõ ñöôïc ghi ñieåm cho caùc giôø phuïc vuï coäng ñoàng trong khi tình nguyeän giuùp chuaån bò vaø phaùt caùc moùn aên tröa.

Caùc böõa tröa ñöïng trong hoäp seõ coù cho caùc em töø hai tôùi 18 tuoåi, töø thöù Hai tôùi thöù Saùu trong khoaûng töø 11:00 giôø saùng ñeán 1:00 giôø tröa töø 2 thaùng Saùu cho tôùi thöù Saùu, 14 thaùng Taùm. Böõa tröa ñöïng trong hoäp phaûi ñöôïc aên cuøng vôùi nhöõng ngöôøi tình nguyeän taïi the House of Amos. 8030 Boone Road, Houston, TX 77072 (Between Beechnut and Bellaire Blvd.)

The Alief Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in providing education or providing access to benefits of education services, activities, and programs including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.


Thöa quyù phuï huynh cuûa Alief vaø caùc thaønh vieân trong coäng ñoàng,

Trong khi chuùng ta ñaõ gaàn heát nieân hoïc 2008-2009, toâi raát phaán khôûi cho quyù vò bieát moät soá tin töùc tuyeät vôøi veà caùc tröôøng trung hoïc thuoäc Alief ISD cuûa chuùng ta. Cô Quan Giaùo Duïc Texas ñaõ coâng boá vieäc xeáp haïng nhaø tröôøng, vaø laàn ñaàu tieân, caû boán tröôøng trung hoïc cuûa chuùng ta ñeàu nhaän ñöôïc ñieåm xuaát saéc. Caùc Tröôøng Trung Hoïc Elsik, Hastings, vaø Taylor laø caùc tröôøng ñöôïc “Tuyeân Döông”, vaø Tröôøng Trung Hoïc Kerr ñöôïc xeáp haïng laø tröôøng “Göông Maãu”. Trong taát caû caùc tröôøng tieåu hoïc vaø trung hoïc cô sôû cuûa Alief ISD coù baûy tröôøng laø “Göông Maãu,” 19 tröôøng laø “ñöôïc tuyeân döông” vaø 10 tröôøng khaùc laø “chaáp nhaän ñöôïc.”

Caùc thaønh töïu naøy raát khoù khaên cho moïi lôùp, maëc duø ñaây laø moät söï thaønh ñaït ñaëc bieät khoù ôû caáp ñoä trung hoïc. Toâi raát haõnh dieän veà söï khoù nhoïc cuûa caùc hoïc sinh, caùc nhaân vieân, vaø caùc quaûn trò vieân cuûa tröôøng ñaõ laøm cho tröôøng sôû cuûa hoï ñöôïc raïng rôõ.

Ñeà taøi cuûa khu hoïc chaùnh chuùng ta cho nieân hoïc naøy laø “Giöõ Cho Coù Ñaø Ñi Leân.” Ñaø tieán cuûa chuùng ta coù nhöõng luùc leân xuoáng, nhö ñi treân moät xe gioøng toác ñoä nhanh, do coù moät soá ngaên trôû baát ngôø. Maëc duø vaäy, haõy nhìn xem vò theá cuûa chuùng ta hieän nay! Chuùng ta ñaõ baét ñaàu nieân hoïc baèng vieäc möøng cho ñieåm thi toát ñeïp cuûa mình, nhöng sau ñoù chuùng ta laïi bò traän baõo Ike, moät traän baõo maïnh nhaát trong nhieàu thaäp nieân ñaõ giaùng xuoáng vuøng Houston. Luoân luoân tieán veà phía tröôùc, khu hoïc chaùnh ñaõ khoâi phuïc laïi ñöôïc sau baõo Ike vaø laïi chuaån bò cho vieäc pheâ chuaån veà thueá. Vôùi quaõng ñöôøng ñaõ qua, chuùng ta laáy theâm ñöôïc ñaø ñeå coù theå tieáp tuïc ñöa ra ñöôïc nhieàu chöông trình xuaát saéc cho hoïc sinh. Thaäm chí chuùng ta seõ baét ñaàu moät noã löïc môùi vôùi Tröôøng Ñaïi Hoïc Coäng Ñoàng Houston vaøo muøa thu – Tröôøng Trung Hoïc Chuaån Bò Sôùm Cho Ñaïi Hoïc. Chuùng toâi mong laø seõ nhìn thaáy hoïc sinh tieáp tuïc phaùt trieån vaø coù ñöôïc caùc böôùc tieán thaät daøi trong hoïc vaán cuûa caùc em.

Sau ñoù laïi theâm moät khuùc maéc – trong khi muøa xuaân baét ñaàu loù daïng, chuùng ta laïi bò côn buøng phaùt sieâu vi H1N1 “Cuùm Heo” taïo ra moái lo ngaïi nghieâm troïng treân toaøn quoác vaø theá giôùi. Alief ISD khoâng coù tröôøng naøo ñoùng cöûa do naïn dòch

“cuùm” naøy. Caùc quaûn trò vieân cuûa chuùng ta khoâng nhöõng chuù yù ñeán nhaân vieân vaø hoïc sinh, maø coøn theo doõi caùc tin nhaén cuûa cô quan y teá, ñaûm baûo veà söùc khoûe vaø söï an toaøn cuûa gia ñình Alief ISD. Cuøng luùc, muøa thi TAKS trong muøa xuaân laïi baét ñaàu vôùi “söï trì hoaõn do möa” khaùc thöôøng do Thieân Nhieân. Cho duø taát caû nhöõng ñieàu naøy xaûy ra, ñieåm soá cuûa hoïc sinh vaø keát quaû Thi Xeáp Lôùp Tröôùc cuûa UÛy Ban Ñaïi Hoïc toát ñeïp hôn bao giôø heát.

Khi keát thuùc nieân hoïc naøy, chuùng ta caàn tuyeân döông vaø chuùc möøng caùc em môùi toát nghieäp tröôøng cuûa Alief ISD. Lôùp 2009 chaéc chaén ñaõ cho thaáy moät ñieåm maïnh – nhaän hôn $18.8 trieäu veà trôï caáp vaø hoïc boång hoïc ñaïi hoïc. Chuùng toâi chuùc caùc em thaønh coâng trong caùc noã löïc sau naøy cuûa caùc em. Taïi Alief, chuùng ta seõ tieáp tuïc chuù troïng ñeán vieäc chuaån bò caùc em hoïc sinh cho ngaøy mai baèng caùch chaêm lo cho caùc em hoâm nay.

Thaân aùi,

Tieán só Louis Stoerner Giaùm Ñoác Khu Hoïc Chaùnh Alief Independent School District

A lief Alumni Update . . .

1999 Elsik and Hastings – 10 year reunion is planned for Aug. 7 & 8. There will be a happy hour social on Friday and cocktails, dinner and reception on Satur- day. Class members can find more information on the registration page at www.aliefalumnigroup.org

1999 Hastings – Michael S. Arellanes II started college at Florida State and then completed his BA in Architecture from Southern California Institute of Archi- tecture (SCI-ARC). Arellanes received his Masters of Architecture II from Colum- bia University GSAPP in NYC in Advanced Architectural Design this May, 2009.

1984 Hastings – 25-year reunion has been planned. Visit the class Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=34414183282 and join the mailing list at http://www.aliefhastings84.com/Mailing%20List.htm to be kept informed of all the latest news and updates for the Class of 1984.

1979 Elsik – 30-year reunion is planned for Saturday, June 27. Activities will be held in the Hastings High School South Side Cafeteria (Elsik’s “old” cafeteria) located at 4410 Cook Rd. Attire is casual and all family members are welcome.

For more details, to get involved, or to share contact information, contact Karen Hale at AprilDiamonds60@sbcglobal.net

1979 Hastings – 30-year reunion is planned for Saturday, June 1, from noon until 6:00 p.m. at the Gordon Ranch, 7714 FM 359 Rd., Richmond, TX. The reunion is set up as family friendly. Food, drinks and activities are all included in the ticket price. To register and purchase tickets go to

http://classreport.org/usa/tx/houston/hhs/1979/ and to take a look at the Gordon Ranch facilities that are available for the reunion go to their website at http://www.thegordonranch.com

Front row: Jennifer Nguyen from Hastings H.S. plans to attend Prairie View A&M; Kaki Leung from Hastings H.S. plans to attend Trinity College in Hartford, CT. Back row: Arthur Lanclos from Elsik H.S. plans to attend Cornell University;

Charles Nwaogu from Taylor H.S. plans to attend University of Texas – Austin;

and Khoi Trinh from Kerr H.S. plans to attend Rice University.

Alief ISD 2009 Salutatorians


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K Ker er er err s er r s r s r s r student wins peace pr tudent wins peace pr tudent wins peace pr tudent wins peace pr tudent wins peace prize ize ize ize ize

This year, Kerr High School student Annie Athar has received a Princeton Prize for Race Relations. She is the second Kerr student to win a Princeton Prize in two years. According to Trish Garcia-Monet, Princeton Prize in Race Relations Committee Member in Houston, “We believe there is perhaps no greater challenge facing our country than increasing un- derstanding and cooperation among people of different racial back- grounds. Princeton University believes that the younger generation has a particularly important role to play, and seeks, through the Princeton Prize, to honor and encourage young people to assist in improving racial harmony in their schools and communities.”

Athar rallied to get all of her fellow students to open their hearts and minds to the differences between one another. After seeing innocent people hurt in her neighborhood because of teen violence, she decided she wanted to help make a change. She said, “To help improve relations between Latinos and African American students, I came up with the idea and organized a program called ‘Peace Week.’ Students participated in and learned from activities and music performances during the daily lunch hour, that promoted peace and unity.”

Athar was honored with a “Certificate of Accomplishment” that was presented at an awards ceremony held at Strake Jesuit High School. The Princeton Prize was initiated in the 2003-04 academic year, with pilot pro- grams in Boston and Washington, DC. In the 2004-05 academic year, the program was expanded to include Atlanta, Houston, and St. Louis, and since then 23 cities have active programs. University officials and alumni hope that the Princeton Prize will ultimately evolve into a nationally recog- nized awards program to which any high school age student in the

country can apply.

Hastings athletes recognized

Raashad Johnson will be playing football for Abilene Christian University.

Marrquell Jones has received a Marine Corp Distinguished Athlete Award.

Hasings head football coach and campus athletic coordinator Gregory Alexander said, “These young men are already

Hastings seniors receive AAA rating

As seniors, Hastings High School students Andy Phung and Cristian Rameriz competed in the annual Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills Texas state finals contest at San Jacinto College. Nearly 40 schools, from around the state, had students take an online exam. Only the top scoring students from the online test are invited to the hands on state competition.

For state honors there are 10 identical cars with identical problems for the students to repair. Hastings Automotive Technology Instructor Robert Riddle said,

“Andy and Cristian worked diligently for 90 minutes on a 2009 Ford Focus. They were able to work out the vehicle’s ‘bugs’ and completed the contest success- fully.” All state finalists receive scholarships and prizes.

Phung has been in the Auto Tech Program for several years and is an Auto- motive Youth Educational Systems (AYES) intern at Mossy Nissan. He will be attending the University of Texas and majoring in engineering this fall. Rameriz has been an outstanding team member in

the Auto Tech Program at Hastings High School and plans to use this knowledge as he furthers his education.

Alief Elsik seniors suit up for success

Two Elsik seniors, Demarcus Forest and Cynthia Tizi, participated in, and successfully completed, the first year of the Suits for Seniors program in Alief ISD. Suits for Seniors is sponsored by H2D, Inc., a federally tax exempt, 501(c) 3, non profit corporation.

The corporation is managed and was created by Cedric and Demetrius Hardeman and Regis Devonish.

These three men are all former Alief ISD students and

college athletes who returned to Alief after college. The three best friends realized that together they could make a difference in the lives of Alief’s youth.

Demetrius Hardeman, the H2D Managing Director over Educational Activities, said, “Suits for Seniors was started because we recognized that students often need some additional teaching, other than what they get inside the classroom, like business etiquette and additional social graces. We has also provided these students with new clothing, including interview-appropriate suits.” Students go through a nine-month training program and are able to participate in mock interviews, corporate eti- quette training and social outings including museum days and Houston Rocket basketball games.

Because it was the first year for the group to sponsor the program, it was only opened to students at Elsik. For the 2009 – 2010 school year H2D hopes to have the program at Elsik, Hastings and Taylor high schools.

Only seniors can apply to take part in the program. Participants are se- lected based on their applications and written essays.

This year’s recipients, Forest and Tizi, are already planning to be advocates for the program next year. Hardeman said, “Because of their willingness to step out and try something new, they were afforded oppor- tunities and knowledge that will prove beneficial for their development and for their lifetime.” Both Forest and Tizi plan to come back and work with new students who begin the program in the fall of 2009. Part of their commitment to H2D was to share their experiences of college life and the business world. Each student completing the program is asked to give back to the organization by working with future participants.

To find more information or to get involved with the H2D, Inc. organi- zation, please see their website at http://www.h2dinc.doodlekit.com/.

Hastings Automotive Technology students Cristian Ramirez and Andy Phung have successfully competed in the Ford/AAA state competition and received scholar- ships and prizes.

Demarcus Forest shows off his new tie at a Suits for Seniors luncheon hosted by H2D founders.

Cynthia Tizi smiles in her new suit at a Suits for Seniors luncheon hosted by H2D founders.

Demarcus Forest and Cynthia Tizi and their guests are pictured with H2D, Inc.

founders during a celebration luncheon in recognition of their completion of the Suits for Seniors program at Elsik High School.



Alief football coach and players participate in Space City Classic

Elsik High School football coach Todd Holmes was selected to coach in the 2009 Space City All-Star Football Classic held at the Berry Center at the end of March. He coached the “Red Team”.

Holmes had several Alief ISD team members playing for him. Those players included Rodney Owens, Kelvin King, Jesse Dickson and Emerson Evans, all from Taylor High School. Alief athletes participating on the “White Team”

included Woodrow Turner, Emmanuel Olorunyomi, Damascus Williams and Chris Mutoh, all from Elsik High School.

The high-school All-Star Football game is designed to showcase the best seniors in Houston and surrounding areas including those from public, private and charter schools. This was the second year where the best of the best players met on the field to earn bragging rights. The game is one last test of talent, agility, and brut strength for these young men.

Players are chosen by an unbiased panel of experts on Houston high school football. They choose athletes to participate based on athletic ability and their overall stats. The game is coached by current and retired Houston football leg- ends who choose to give back to the community by donating their time and talent to help develop these student athletes.

The “White Team” won the 2009 classic 10-9, with a daring pass to the end zone in the final seconds of the contest. Congratulations to Coach Holmes and all the Alief student athletes who participated.

Taylor athletes plan to play in college

Princess Jeanmard has received a full athletic scholar- ship to play basketball at Houston Baptist University.

Princess Jeanmard, in her basketball uniform.

Jesse Dickson has received a full athletic scholarship to play football at Lamar University. He was also named 2nd team All District.

Emerson Evans- has received a full athletic scholarship to play football at Blinn College. He was also named 1st team All District.

Kelvin King has received a full athletic scholarship to play football at the Uni- versity of Houston. He was named 1st Team All-District.

Rodney Owens has received a full athletic scholarship to play football at Navarro College. He was also named 1st team All-District and 1st team All-Purpose MVP for 18-5A.

Taylor Texada has signed to play softball forGrambling University

Trevor King has signed to play basketball with Coastal Bend Community Col- lege.

Kendrick Murray has signed to play basketball with Northeast Oklahoma Jun- ior College.

Josh Greenwood has committed to play basketball at Southeast Oklahoma University.

From L-R, Alief Taylor High School football players Kelvin King, Emerson Evans, Rodney Owens, and Jesse Dickson pose together on “college signing day.”

Education Foundation presents Class of 2009 scholarships

This May the Alief ISD Education Foundation members voted unanimously to award the following scholarships that were awarded at the annual Alief ISD Senior Awards Night.

Outstanding Student Scholarships for $2,000

Elsik ... Elizabeth Ciocco Hastings ... Arveyonka Logan Kerr ... Man-Khoi Nguyen Taylor ... Damir Ljuboja Super Bowl Scholarship—$1250

Elsik ... Shawn Borkar Chris Guillory Scholarship—$750

Kerr ... Y-Nhi (Monique) Pham Drake Sharp Scholarship—$750

Elsik ... Justin Ikpo

Nursing to become reality for Hastings grad

This June, the Healthcare & Nursing Education Foundation (HNEF) held their annual scholarship luncheon at the Junior League of Houston. The HNEF awarded an academic scholarship to Alief Hastings graduating senior, Domin- ique Alexander who is dedicated to pursuing a career in nursing. Her scholar- ship was awarded according to academics, leadership ability, community in- volvement, financial need and a commitment to pursuing a professional nursing career in the Houston area.

As a scholarship recipient Alexander will receive up to $3,000 per year for her freshman and sophomore years and $4,000 per year for her junior and senior years. The funds will be applied towards tuition, books and fees.

Alexander plans to attend Prairie View A&M University in the fall to complete her basic core curriculum classes before pursuing her nurs- ing degree. She said she has been inspired by her mother, who works as a medical assistant, and she hopes to enter the specialty field of pediatric nursing.

Dominique Alexander (right) receives her nursing schol- arship from HNEF Board member, Dr. Geri Wood, dur- ing the award reception at the Junior League of Houston.

Former Rockets and NBA legend Robert Horry paid a visit to Elsik High School recently as part of a national campaign called “Get Fit By Finals.” He encour- aged students adopt a healthy lifestyle through fitness and nutrition and pre- sented the school with a $1,000 “got milk?” Get Fit grant to help them imple- ment additional fitness programs.—photo by Susan Castro


2008-2009 Alief ISD Senior Scholarship/Grant Awards total more than $18 million

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Kerr High School

Firas Abulawi Alief ISD Early Graduation Vanessa Adams Houston Baptist University

Northern Arizona University Alejandra Ayala Houston Baptist University Olubusola Bamgbose Cabrini College

Houston Baptist University St. John’s University UT San Antonio

Heba Chikh-Ali Alief ISD Early Graduation Juan Contreras Houston Baptist University Jovanni Diaz Alief Paraprofessional Assoc.

Bozena Dobrijevic Alief ISD Early Graduation Peter Doze Texas Christian University Andrea Guillory Alief ISD Early Graduation Amerah Hashimi Alief ISD Early Graduation Boluwatife Idowu Houston Baptist University

Texas Woman’s University Mary Kelian Alief ISD Early Graduation Shu Ming Kwok G. & M.J. Hamman Foundation

HLSR Metropolitan UT Austin

Phi Le Houston Endowment, Inc.

UH Asian Alumni Scholarship Michelle Lopez Alief Paraprofessional Assoc.

Alief Retired Employees Assoc Rotary Club Houston Camp Enterprise UT Austin

Diana Macedo Alief ISD Early Graduation Katricia Maduro Alief ISD Early Graduation Kyesha Maduro Alief ISD Early Graduation Taylor Moore Alief ISD Early Graduation Sara Nedaei Alief ISD Early Graduation

Peter Ngo Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Ann Nguyen Alief ISD Early Graduation

Baochau Nguyen Alief ISD Early Graduation Han Nguyen Alief ISD Early Graduation Man-Khoi Nguyen Alief Paraprofessional Assoc.

Son Nguyen Carnegie Mellon

Highest Ranking Graduate Scholarship Phi Beta Kappa Alum of Greater Houston Rice University

Texas A&M University UT Austin

Washington University St. Louis Hakeem Ogunkoya Houston Baptist University Maryam Ogunkoya Culture Shapers

Y-Nhi Pham Alief Paraprofessional Assoc.

Comcast Foundation Houston Baptist University Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo University of Houston

University of St. Thomas Wells College

Kim Hue Phan Alief ISD Early Graduation Fatima Ramirez Alief ISD Early Graduation Savannah Sbeiti Alief ISD Early Graduation

Shreya Sigdel Rotary Club Houston Camp Enterprise UT Austin

Elizabeth Simo Alief ISD Early Graduation Lillian Situ Alief ISD Early Graduation Jane Thai Baylor University

Houston Baptist University University of Houston Angela Tran University of Houston

Khoi Trinh Colorado School of Mines Rice University

Texas A&M University University of Houston UT Austin

Thunajjina Uddin Houston Baptist University Nancy Vo Houston Baptist University Ivan Wong University of Houston

Chevron International REACH Award

Kerr High School Financial Aid Total: 2,366,802

Hastings High School

Laleh Afshar University of Texas

Alicia Alexander Stephen F. Austin State University Virginia Arteaga Stephen F. Austin State University Bryan Barahona University of Texas-San Antonio Fredis Benitez Univeristy of Texas

Yasmin Bolanos University of Texas-San Aantonio Sheila Buenrostro University of Texas

Lilian Caceres Erazo U.S. Marine Corps Oscar Chavez U.S. Marine Corps Diana Chen Univeristy of Texas

Houston Baptist University Baylor University

Barbara Edwards Alief Paraprofessional Association Scholarship Sam Houston State University

Stephen F. Austin State University Ediomi Enebong Texas Southern University Laura Fierro University of Texas-San Antonio Shawna Francis University of Texas-San Antonio Desmond Goodlow Barry University

Alexander Hartley U.S. Marine Corps

Paola Hernandez 2009 Scholastic Awards-Scholarship 2008 Culture Shapers Scholarship Matheus Hernandez U.S. Marine Corps

Mai Ho Art Institute of Houston Tevin Holmes Richland College

East Texas Baptist University Houston Baptist University Nicholls State University -LA.

McLennan Community College Our Lady of the Lake

Michelle Jabbour University of Texas St. Edward’s University University of St. Thomas Melba Jacob Early Grad Award David Jarvis U.S. Marine Corps

Raashad Johnson Abilene Christian University Akhil Karim Early Grad Award

Tomipe Kukoyi Stephen F. Austin State University Ayodeji Lawal University of Texas-San Antonio Arveyonka Logan Florida A&M University

Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auziliary Council Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs Jones Scholarship

Lily Luc McMurry University

University of Texas Texas A&M University*

Centenary College Baylor University

Phi Beta Kappa Alumni of Greater Houston Richard McClellan U.S. Marine Corps



Tara Medrano Texas A&M University

2009 Western Art Academy Summer Workshop Katherine Morales 2008 Culture Shapers Scholarship

Joe Mora Mite U.S. Marine Corps Elizabeth Munoz Houston Baptist University Anthony Nadal Early Grad Award

Johnathan Ngo Lufkin Industries Foundation Scholarship Cindy Nguyen Early Grad Award

Cong Nguyen U.S. Marine Corps

Gracie Nguyen 2009 Scholastic Awards-Scholarship 2008 Culture Shapers Scholarship

Harris County Department of Education Trustees Incentive Award Jennifer Nguyen Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs Jones Scholarship

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Metropolitan Scholarship University of Texas-El Paso

Prairie View A&M University Texas A&M University

Texas A&M International University University of Houston

University of Texas-Permian Basin Katherine Nguyen Early Grad Award

University of Houston

Vi Nguyen Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising Cynthia Offordile Texas A&M International University

University of Texas-San Antonio Shalainna Ogunbiyi Early Grad Award

Albert Ogbunamiri Houston Baptist University Christine Olowonira Early Grad Award

Jessica Parrasales Early Grad Award

Nimrah Patail Houston Baptist University

Bianca Pena Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs Jones Scholarship Alief Paraprofessional Association Scholarship

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Opportunity Scholarship Univeristy of North Texas

Brigitte Pernia Early Grad Award Andy Phung University of Texas

Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills Competition Douglas Posada U.S. Marine Corps

Cristian Ramirez University of Texas Thomas Ramirez U.S. Marine Corps Sarah Reyes Early Grad Award Enrique Rivas University of Houston Courtney Robinson Early Grad Award Isai Salazar U.S. Marine Corps Jordan Sells University of Texas Kinjal Shah Univeristy of Texas

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Opportunity Scholarship Dodabhagwan Organization

Dodabhagwan Houston Kendra

Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs Jones Scholarship Darshica Simon Early Grad Award

Lauryn Smith Alief Paraprofessional Association Scholarship

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Opportunity Scholarship Optimist Scholarship Foundation

American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) Southern Methodist University

Shirmyra Swaby Alief Retired Educators Association (AREA) Christopher Tovar U.S. Marine Corps

Linh Truong Baylor University

Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs Jones Scholarship Phuong My Tsan U.S. Marine Corps

Shaquille Tubman University of Houston Cesar Tumax Early Grad Award Feni Varughese Texas A&M University

University of Texas-Austin Mustufa Zaidi University of Texas-Austin Michael Zano Johnson & Wales University

Higher Dimension Church

Hastings High School Financial Aid Total: 5,731,471

Taylor High School

Rebecca Bugyi Stephen F. Austin

Cynthia Calderon Houston Baptist University

George Chen UT-Austin

Huiling Chen Baylor University UT-Austin Kaleigh Coleman Stephen F. Austin Kameshia Coleman Baylor University

Phuc Diep UT-Austin

Texas A&M

Sydney Durham Abilene Christian Univ.

Baylor University Texas Christian Univ.

Ashford Evans- McMurry University Georgina Flores Alief Paraprofessional

University of Houston Kendra Francis UT-San Antonio Rachel Henry UT-San Antonio Harun Hersi UT-Austin Scholar

Penn State Texas A&M

Kevin Huynh Houston Baptist Univer.

University of Houston Princess Jeanmard Houston Baptist Univer.

David Liao University of Houston Damir Ljuboja Phi Beta Kappa Alumni


Jimmy Rane Found.

Houston Baptist Univer.

Haraldson Foundation Brittnee Love Houston Baptist Univer.

MLLES Alumnae Yoddit McLean Northern Arizona Univ.

St. John’s University Richmond Univ/London Justin McPherson Stephen F. Austin Sonia Melendez Houston Baptist Univer.

Justin Minton Stephen F. Austin Judy Motanya Univ. of Incarnate Word

Houston Baptist Univer.

Baylor University Houston Endowment University of Houston Alief Paraprofessional GatesMillenniumScholar Terry Foundation HoustonLivestockShow University of Houston Alief Retired Educators Katy Coogs Scholarship Nickolas Muckleroy Hope College

Uchenna Nebeolisa Houston Baptist Univer.

Charles Nwaogu Houston Endowment GatesMillenniumScholar Terry Foundation Vinson & Elkins Melvin Nwokolo Penn State Ejikeme Obukwelu UT-Austin

UT-Austin Leadership Texas A&M


Texas Tech AT&T Houston Endowment University of Houston HoustonLivestockShow Walmart Community University of Houston

Nayan Patel Houston Endowment

Ngan Phan Houston Baptist Univer.

Leina Rangel Early Grad


2 8

Cydnie Rhine Stephen F. Austin

Syed Rizvi HoustonLivestockShow


Natasha Rodriguez Alief Paraprofessional Baylor University

John Rose Early Grad

Michelle Singleton Northern Arizona Univ.

Baylor University Preciosa Vargas Northern Arizona Univ.

Lieh Yu Oxford

Notre Dame Duke University Rice University

Houston Baptist Univer.

Taylor High School Financial Aid Total: $4,582,847

Elsik High School

Q’Sha Adams Dance Scholarship

Joshua Aldrich Early Graduate

Syed Arefin TAMU

Evelyn Ashiofu APA Scholarship Emone Bailey Lamar University

Southern University

Tamirah Bean Navy

Vanessa Benitez Texas Floral

Heather Berry HBU

TAMU Baylor

Shawn Borkar Hstn Endowment

Autumn Burton Early Graduate Jacola Caldwell APA Scholarship Justin Castillo Hstn Endowment

Qiunan Chang UT @ Austin


Hstn Endowment Optimist

Gary Chen UT @ Austin

TAMU Elizabeth Ciocco Baylor

University St. Thomas Optimist

Veronica Cockrell HBU HBU

Reneshia Daniel Early Graduate

Minh Do Marines

Teenu Elias UT @ Austin

HBU Israel Flores Air Force Julio Flores Early Graduate Demarcus Forest Richland Jr College Sammia Frough Early Graduate

Earl Gacula UT @ Austin

University of Arizona St. John’s University Jennifer Galeano HBU

Darryson Guillory Marines

Liah Hardy Early Graduate

Jordan Henderson Early Graduate Maritza Hernandez HBU

Jarrad Hodge PVAMU

Cody Hoskins Navy

Jamal Hunt Marines

Air Force

KoreyHuynh Marines

Shardaye Jackson Early Graduate Nicholas Johnson Marines

Thelmo Jones HBU

Renita Kennedy Linda Lorelle Sch Linda King Barry University

UT Arlington

New York Film Academy Shanika King Early Graduate

Angelica Kotun Southern Methodist Arthur Lanclos Cornell University

Carnegie Mellon Catherine Landicho UT @ Austin

Rose-Hulman Institute Yasmin Leon Southwestern University

University St. Thomas Hstn Endowment A.R.E.A. Scholarship Melissa Looza Army Nat’l Guard Mahnoor Majid UT @ Austin

Joana Majano UTSA

Maria Marinez Phi Beta Kappa UT @ Austin TAMU

Daniel Martinez HBU

UT @ Austin APA Scholarship

Mbere Monjok TAMU

UT @ Austin Jason Monteiro Hstn Endowment

Paul Mpagi Westminster College

Doane College Dordt College

Nhat Ngo Tx Assoc StuCo Sch

Monica Nguyen UT @ Austin

Tri Nguyen Early Graduate

Melissa Nhieu HBU

Linda Obi Linda Lorelle Sch

Stephanie Pallares Baylor

Israel Pena Early Graduate Calyn Phillips Early Graduate Crystal Priestley UH

Suravi Rahman Early Graduate Jasmin Ramos Early Graduate Natali Reyes Ronald McDonald

UT @ Austin

University of St Thomas HBU


Early Graduate Cedric Richardson Richland Jr College

Nephi Rivas UH

Leslin Sarceno Early Graduate Jesus Serrato Early Graduate Ricardo Tangarife Marines

Destini Texada Univ of North Florida Jackson State University HBU

Isatta Thorlu-Bangura UT @ Austin

Tony Tran Early Graduate

Katie Truong UH

UH Asian Alumni Woodrow Turner Cisco Jr College Ehinose Uduehi Early Graduate Melvin Villalta Early Graduate

John Vo Marines

April Washington Southern Methodist Sierra Whittaker New Mx State University

Nan Yang UT @ Austin

Cecilia Zepeda Early Graduate Zehra Zindani Texas Floral

Elsik High School Financial Aid Total: $6,181,925


This spring Elsik High School entered its fourth art car, “Classic Vinyl,” in the Houston Art Car Parade. Classic Vinyl received third place

in the Youth Group category. More than a dozen students and four teachers rode inside, walked or rode bikes around the car during the parade, waving at onlook- ers as they cheered for entries on the entire route.

Elsik students involved in the Art Car project include Roy Busby, Connie Durham, Jeymi Marquez, Edgar Martinez, Morgan Morgan, Jaime Payes, Paul Perfas, Jocelyn Portillo, Noel Sarabia, London Smith, Mervin Vigi- lance, Tessy Wolford,

and Andres Zepeda.

Teachers who helped with the project were Craig Butterworth, Jen Clouse, Ernie Lozano, and Eric Pearson.

Elsik students ride in- side and all around the school’s Art Car Parade entry, “Classic Vinyl.”

Elsik group takes art for a ride

Elsik Art Car, “Classic Vinyl,” rolls down the parade route during the 2009 Houston Art Car Parade. Clas- sic Vinyl earned a 3rd place award out of more than a dozen youth entries.

Hastings Art students view AIU art show

More than 30 Hastings High School students and several teachers were invited to attend the Senior Portfolio Show and Information Session at the American InterContinental University. The art show is set up to show- case current AIU students’ work, while informing current high school stu- dents and graduating seniors about the program at the university.

Hastings students took part in a campus tour, information session, and admired many art pieces in the Senior Portfolio Show. AIU faculty shared their professional background and personal interests with the stu- dents. AIU seniors spoke with students about the print and digital portfo- lios, and gave a motion graphics presentation. Hastings Art instructor Terry Kenefic said, “We were very impressed with the warm environment and talented graduates at the show. It was an outstanding visit for everyone involved.” She added, “The AIU group could not compliment the Alief students enough. Our children were engaged and participated in very stimulating discussions with the staff and the students of AIU. I hope we can participate in this again.”

Teachers and students were invited to attend the AIU Summer Work- shops at AIU Houston as well as the AIU Idol Contest this summer.

Mata students make children smile

This spring a group of outstanding Mata Intermediate School students hosted an Easter Egg Hunt for Kennedy Elementary first-graders. The Mata group was made up of young men and women who are involved in either the

“Ladies of Distinction” or “The President Club” organization.

The egg hunt was organized by the Mata organizations as a local commu- nity service product. More than 50 children participated in the event. Mata CREST Reading Specialist Demita Walker said, “We are so proud of the work these students did to make the event a success. I believe they see how older students can help inspire younger students by showing care and support. In return, the younger children can inspire the older ones to continue working to make a positive impact in their communities and the world.”

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Mata Ladies of Distinction and President Club members host first- graders from Kennedy Elementary for a spring Easter Egg Hunt.

Elsik students give the gift of life

Recently nearly 200 Elsik High School students and staff members gave blood as a way to give back to the community. For every person who donates blood, three lives can be saved, and thanks to the 181 members of the Elsik family, more than 500 people can survive another day.

The Elsik Health Science Technology II class coordinated the blood drive, along with the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (GCRBC). Bran- don Layhew of the GCRBC spoke highly of the students saying, “The turn-out for the drive was outstanding. All the volunteers did such a good job and helped the project easier to handle. We only expected about 120 donations. They far exceeded that number!”

Health Science Technology teacher Wade Johnson said, “I was very impressed by the students’ level of involvement in this project be- cause I believe the benefits are so far reaching. By students putting in the time and hard work, not to mention blood, they are able to see how they can easily make a difference in many other peoples’ lives.”

The Health Science students did an amazing amount of work to accomplish the drive in a very short time. Due to TAKS testing, and the flood day, students had less than a week to actually organize the event.

Donors were registered during lunch periods as well as before and after school.

On the day of the drive the Health Science students worked through- out the day to coordinate student movement, they passed out t-shirts and kept snacks supplied to the donors, all while getting keeping all their fellow students and teachers moving to and from the donation area.

With the success of the Health Science Technology blood drive this year, there is already talk of another drive next year.

A Mata Ladies of Distinction member and a Kennedy first- grader head out on an egg hunt together.




Parents and parent liaison Rosalia Vargas gather around a fresh bowl of fruit at the Holmquist Reading Picnic.

Hastings Golden Brigade Hastings Golden Brigade Hastings Golden Brigade Hastings Golden Brigade Hastings Golden Brigade

ear ear ear ear

earns s ns s ns s ns stttttat ns s at at at ate win e win e win e win e win

The Alief Hastings Golden Brigade ended their spring competition season with a big win. The Brigade competed against hundreds of other dance teams in the 2009 “Crowd Pleasers State Championship” and came away as state champions.

To reach the top position the girls had to earn high points in all competition areas. Other awards earned were in the following categories: judges, showman- ship, choreography, “Best in Class,” and sweepstakes. As State Champions the Golden Brigade received a significant trophy, a $300 check to their booster club, and State Champion sweatshirts for all team members. The young ladies also received additional trophies and plaques for the different categories.

Golden Brigade Director Angela Gill said, “The Brigade worked really hard all year to achieve this high honor. I am so pleased and I congratulate them on a highly successful year!”

FFA students “sweet talk” at district contest

In May, the Alief Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter was well repre- sented by several outstanding students at the District II FFA Public Speaking contest.

Ernest Owens won 1st Place in Sr. Prepared Public Speaking & 1st Place Soil Stewardship Prepared Public Speaking

Kailah Cameron won 2nd Place Soil Stewardship Prepared Public Speak- ing & 3rd Place Sr. Prepared Public Speaking

Angel Zepeda won 2nd Place Extemporaneous Public Speaking All three students qualified for the Area III FFA Competition. Johnny Hackett and Aaron Whitener, Alief ISD AG Teachers/FFA sponsors, agree that these students are outstanding representatives for Alief. Whitener said, “We are so proud of their hard

work and the efforts they have put in for the FFA Chapter.”

Pictured are Angel Z e p e d a , E r n e s t Owens, and Kailah Cameron. All three students competed and placed at the FFA District Compe- tition.

Holmquist parents volunteer to encourage students

Recently parents from several first grade classes visited Holmquist Elementary to support their children’s learning. Parents brought fruits that are representative of different countries, and helped Holmquist par- ent liaison, Rosalia Vargas, cut up the fruit for salads.

The first-grade bilingual classes met outside for a reading picnic with parents and other relatives. While enjoying lunches from home and all the different fruits, books were passed out for students and families to read together. Teachers presented international “dolls” that students have made to represent their home countries including Peru, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Columbia, and Spain.

Principal Nancy Lewin said, “We are thrilled to have so many parents involved in our stu- dents’ education. Their support truly helps our students be more successful in everything they do.” The picnic offered the perfect place to gather everyone for an afternoon of learning and fun in the great outdoors.

A student gets into a good book during the Holmquist Elementary picnic

Mothers and their children read together during the Holmquist Reading Picnic

Parents and parent liaison Rosalia Vargas gather around a fresh bowl of fruit at the Holmquist Reading Picnic.

Pictured are members of the Hastings Golden Brigade members after being presented with the 2009 “Crowd Pleasers State Championship.”

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