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Cross Dressing: A curse or an inspiration?


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Cross-Dressing: A curse or an


Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and

Osman, Ms. Amber

Iqra University Research Centre (IURC), Iqra university Main

Campus Karachi, Pakistan


Online at



Published in

European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS), (2012)

Cross-Dressing: A curse or an inspiration?

Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani

Iqra University Research Centre-IURC , Iqra University- IU,

Defence View, Shaheed-e-Millat Road (Ext.) Karachi-75500, Pakistan E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (92-21) 111-264-264 (Ext. 2010); Fax: (92-21) 35894806

Syed Akif Hasan

Office of Vice President, Iqra University- IU,

Defence View, Shaheed-e-Millat Road (Ext.)

Karachi-75500, Pakistan

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (92-21) 111-264-264 (Ext. 1513); Fax: (92-21) 35894806

Amber Osman

Iqra University Research Centre-IURC , Iqra University- IU,

Defence View, Shaheed-e-Millat Road (Ext.) Karachi-75500, Pakistan E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (92-21) 111-264-264 (Ext. 2010); Fax: (92-21) 35894806


God has created men and women as the companions of each other with the segregated attributes, which makes them different from each other. Cross dresser an unusual being of the society that has been born by the man’s interests towards being like a woman. Prominence of Cross dressers has been perpetual since day one of the adam’s world and can be seen so apparent through media, news and in today’s existing society even more than before. This paper is an appreciation on the question of the acceptance of such beings on earth now or is it dilemma-tic pitfalls of human mankind in which most are sufferings since a long haul.

Keywords:Cross dresser, transvestitism, sexual diversity, Religions, Society, Gender

1. Introduction


This research not only elaborates the issues of cross dresser and their behavior analysis but also targets an intriguing question that does our religion and the society accepts this behavior and is this form of living/behavior a stance for the final judgment call from the only Supreme Being of this whole universe.

2. Literature Review

The nurturing of a baby boy or a baby girl in the right way is extremely important or else a lousy act of the parents can cause blunders and then major problems, which are hard to hide and are showcased in the society. The society is made by the people and their behaviors and acts are definitely different from each other but certain principles and acts are the consensus of acceptance of what is happening around. Cross dressers/Transvestism is not an acceptable human being on this planet. At first sight, if you get to meet a man wearing earrings and in make-up will definitely make you feel agitated and laugh at the same time. It’s common but still un-common to many. It is extremely unacceptable in different countries of Asia and seemingly acceptable in Europe.

It’s a curse for parents if a baby is a gay and on the same stance its nerve-wrecking when your child acts, wears and behaves like a girl than the natural instinct of a boy. As mentioned earlier the subject varies i.e. a child in the early age of 2 yrs should be cared in a way that behavior should be tailored to a natural environment and the society. A case study of a cross dresser by Grant (1960) discussed how a small child aged two years was in love and crazy about female high-heels shoes. Though in appearance the guy was 29 yrs old but as a child he was known to sometimes be dressed like a girl. The important point to understand is the bringing up of a child. In this case, the boy child was brought up by his mom and maids and his father was rare to him and not much around.

In UK, many groups of cross dressers are found though are prohibited to be dressed as such but still these individuals pass on the laws and regulations. There are many cases of threatening such groups by the religious preachers and road boycotts. Also, there are people in favor of these cross dresser/transvestitism groups as well for their living welfare.

Presently, Sexual Diversity is found and for the purpose there is a communal frame of gender studies. Its purpose is to analyze genders in the society in relevance to hetro-sex, homosexual, cross dresser/transsexuals. Rather than hiding such facts and issues in our society, one should find out practical solutions and future prospects for less and even nil cross dressers identities. Cross dressing has been used for literary and art purposes. Another example of cross dressing or adopting the likelihood of it by males and females is due to one of their hobbies such as theatres, in which from early years in Shakespearian plays, people used to dress in cross dressed manner. In western society, majority people negate to such people as they are not taken as normal and are outcast.

There is no self-reproach to the cross dressers as their personality is completely satisfied with their existence and they want it to be reflected as same to the outside world. There are many communities build in this regard and even living areas.

It was confirmed by Transgender Zone and according to their survey results majority of the cross dressing aptitude is develop in the early childhood age (Marciano, 1986).


Wilson (2006) researched that sex and individuality is relative to the sum of consideration for substantiating man with cognition disabilities who does cross dressing (wearing the attire of the opposite sex) or removal of required hormonal organ. The religion Islam inhibits the use of silk and gold for man to wear as its women apparel and accessory. Hence, cross dressing in this way is a curse on the society (religious and cultural society).

Gender is a confined group underneath part VII of the 1964 human rights Act. Neither Transsexuals, sexual grouping individuality nor gender appearance is planned as a confined category in the law but the federal Sixth Circuit Court hold that sex includes “gender out of the ordinary deeds and look” and therefore transsexuals’ or cross dressers..

This was a case in which an employee was unsatisfied by his manly appearance and started to show up as a woman (Smith, 2006).

2.1 Cross Dresser, Religion, Society and the Rights

Transvestism, is generally distinct in language of psychopathology. This appears mainly understandable in an assessment of the lives of the cross dresser saints whose mythology and folklore help set Western attitude in the direction of transvestism.

Transvestism in reality is a well-organized way of managing very sturdy feminine recognition exclusive of having to surrender to the mood that one's manliness is being submerge by womanly needs. Nearly all studies of cross dressers are the reality that it is described as psychopathological only in conditions of guy cross-dressing. There is an investigative lack of writing on feminine cross-dressing, as if to involve any that the occurrence does not stay alive or that if it does it’s not a dilemma which can be explained in conditions of psychopathology (Bullough , 1974).

Every society as times past has had a set of particular norms that are associated with a certain type of gender. For example, pink is considered to be the color for women. These biased notions do nothing but create superficial boundaries for a person to act within. Cross dressing is merely an action and it does not define any underlying causes of that action. However, mostly cross dressers are homosexual it isn’t compulsory. There are cross dressers (men) who are married and have a family. In this case the research stated that these identities have developed an alter-ego within their own selves and they are completely in love with a part of their own self, sometimes the wives of such men have also complained that they feel they are a second priority to their husbands. Women, who were asked why they would want to dress up as a man, replied that it gave them a sense of freedom and helps them to escape the typical female associated attributes. For men, it has been more than that, it gives them a sense of arousal and helps them explore the feminine side of them. It is a road towards being what they really feel comfortable in, it is a personal choice.

Issues have come across being a cross dresser and it’s relation to employment. There were several attempts made to acquire rights not in favor of discrimination but in employment for transsexual and other transgendered individuals. Few approaches have been adopted by the management of transsexual and other transgendered individuals in order to give them protection that might be required under accorded individuals with disabilities. It was then also founded that this approach has been unproductive at the federal level and has met with varied results in the states in the western countries.

In countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh laws are enforced for the minority, gay and transgender rights but evidently little action has been seen in this regard. Korea has major challenges for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender) and same is the case with China cross dressers class as these classes suffer from harassment as well and hardly any governmental support (Hanson,2004). Pakistan has recently catered to this issue and issued the National Identity Card to the Gay class in the society, which has made this class own sense of respect.


allowed to the same protection against discrimination - chiefly sex discrimination in the structure of sexual stereotyping as is benefited by all men and women (Hebert , 2008).

Is Cross dressing a sin or an inspiration according to the different religions in the world is different. In Hinduism, the cross dressers or transgender are taken as third gender as they are not normal i.e. male or female. They have a different community, living area and occupation and they are mostly found in the dancing religious rituals. It also believed that these people have special powers to curse or bless an individual. They are not regarded and respected as a normal being and given illicit work to do to earn their living.

Islam through the passage of Hadith it can be said that an individual who acts as cross dresser and is not by birth is a sinner and also, the person who had innate qualities to act and behave like a woman but is a man and gets involved in immoral activities in the society is also a sinner.

In Christianity religion, cross dressing or trans gender people are given a minority place and are accepted for baptism as by religion it’s said that it’s an innate quality of a being to be male or female. It’s not accepted if a man dresses as a woman and a woman dresses as a man. Similar views are from the Judaism religion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgenderism_and_religion).

3. Findings and Results

To assess the proposition of the paper, a sample of 1000 people of various religions, which includes Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism, has been taken via sampling on the basis of convenience. The data was collected through survey, which was conducted on the social networking portal. Descriptive statistics and Paired T-test have been used for interrogating the data and the manifesto of the paper.

The findings of this paper have been shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

Perceptions on Yes No


Cross Dressing: a Sin 60% 40% Cross Dressing: an Inspiration 40% 60%

Table 2: Paired T Test

Pair Mean Standard Deviation

Cross Dressing: a Sin 4.09 1.111 Cross Dressing: an Inspiration 3.79 1.079

As it is shown in table 1, that the cross dressing has been considered a sin by the majority of the society while some good proportion has accepted it as not a sin but they are with the thought that it is adopted as an inspirations and also should be acknowledged. While the table 2 (findings of Paired T test) shows that most of the respondents significantly perceives, cross dressing a sin than an inspirations as t-stats > 1.5 for pair difference between cross dressing a sin (mean = 4.09) and cross dressing an inspiration ( mean = 3.79).

Pair Pair Difference T-Stats Significance


4. Conclusion

Society has evolved with time but the religion is the same. Different interpretations have been forwarded in this time and individuals agreeing to certain norms, rituals and barriers have created their own circle accepting the same religion may it be Christianity, Jews, Islam, Hinduism etc.

Individuals have the innate characteristics of cross dressing or are a born by the society is in majority not acceptable. Normal people as we define as male or female don’t like to mingle with them. The difference in now than before is that people don’t disregard them on their faces in an educated society are try to act as normal with them. Media and Fashion industry has place for cross dressers and they are well-suit and they feel comfortable in this strata. Cross dressers themselves undergo difficult situations all their lives as they know that they aren’t normal by birth or got that way with time. Certain issues such as parents of these kinds of children need medical assistance and governmental setups to aggressively help these families live as normal in society by making practical laws of such abnormal births, in the light of the religion. This is a crucial problem in our society at a global level and it should not be promoted but reduced. Policy makers should condemn illicit groups for making the environment contaminated with wrong doings such as making cross dressers deliberately in the society.

The world is always going to be biased, a woman dressing as a man is considered tomboy but a man dressed as a woman in immediately labeled as gay, whether or not he really is. Sex researchers in the past have shown that men and women who have crossed the boundary of gender norms usually did it to pursue gay/lesbian relationships or to enter traditionally men/woman occupations.

Yes, by birth it’s not a sin but knowingly cross dressing to achieve some goal in life or just liking it for the matter it’s a sin.


[1] Bullough, L. (1974). Transvestites in the Middle Ages. American Journal of Sociology,79, 6, 1381-1394.

[2] Grant, Vernon W. (1960). The Cross-Dresser: A Case Study.Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease,130(8), 149-159.

[3] Hanson, L. (2004). Gay community at crossroads. Korea Herald. Retrieved 02 June, 2012. from,


[4] Hebert, L.C. (2008). Transforming Transsexual and Transgender Rights.Women and the Law,15, 112.

[5] Marciano, T.D. (1986). How do you know i'm a woman?: Freeing up role constraints in sexual diversity. American Sociological Association, 14, 3, 191-192.

[6] Smith, J. (2006), What’s at Stake in Transgender Discrimination as Sex Discrimination. Women in Culture and Society, 32, 1, 96 – 98.


Table 2: Paired T Test


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