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Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa keratinocytes display heterogeneous defects of nicein/kalinin gene expression


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Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa

keratinocytes display heterogeneous defects of

nicein/kalinin gene expression.

C Baudoin, … , G Meneguzzi, J P Ortonne

J Clin Invest. 1994;93(2):862-869. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI117041.

Previous studies have correlated the Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (H-JEB) to an altered expression of the basement membrane component nicein/kalinin. This

heterotrimeric glycoprotein appears to be present in H-JEB tissues in an abnormal form, because a number of antibodies specific to the protein either do not react with or weakly stain the epidermal basement membranes of most of the patients. With cDNA probes encoding each subunit of nicein and polyclonal antibodies raised against bacterial fusion polypeptides corresponding to the individual chains of the protein, we have molecularly analyzed the expression of nicein in H-JEB tissues and cultured keratinocytes. By

immunohistochemistry, Northern blot, and protein analysis, we show a defective synthesis of one of the nicein subunits in six cases of H-JEB from five different consanguineous families. In two patients, the disease correlates with an impaired synthesis of the nicein B2 (nic B2) chain, in three others with that of the B1 (nic B1) chain, and in a sixth patient with that of the heavy A (nic A) chain. In this report, we thus demonstrate that H-JEB is a

genetically heterogeneous disease and we provide strong evidence that the genes of nicein are the candidates for this genodermatosis.

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Defects of




Christian Baudoin,*Corinne Miquel,*Claudine Blanchet-Bardon,t Claudio Gambini,' GuerrinoMeneguzzi,*

andJean-Paul Ortonne*

*INSERM U385, UFR de Medecine, 06107Nice; tCliniquedes Maladies Cutaneeset Unite de Recherche,

DiagnosticAntenatalenDermatologie, H6pitalSaint-Louis, 75 Paris, France;and§Serviziod'Istologia,

OspedaliGalliera, 16128 Genova, Italy


Previous studieshave correlated the Herlitzjunctional epider-molysis bullosa (H-JEB)toan altered expression of the base-ment membrane component nicein/kalinin. This heterotri-mericglycoproteinappearsto bepresentin H-JEB tissues in anabnormal form, becauseanumber of antibodiesspecificto theproteineither donotreact withorweaklystain the

epider-malbasement membranes ofmostofthepatients.WithcDNA probes encoding eachsubunitof nicein and polyclonal antibod-ies raised against bacterialfusion polypeptidescorresponding

to the individual chains of the protein, we have molecularly analyzed theexpression ofnicein in H-JEB tissues and cul-tured keratinocytes. By immunohistochemistry,Northernblot,

andprotein analysis,weshowadefectivesynthesisofoneof the

nicein subunitsinsixcasesofH-JEB from five different con-sanguineous families. In two patients,the disease correlates withanimpairedsynthesisof the nicein B2(nicB2) chain,in three otherswiththatofthe B1 (nic Bl) chain,and in a sixth

patient withthatoftheheavyA(nicA)chain.Inthis report,we thus demonstratethat H-JEBis agenetically heterogeneous diseaseand weprovidestrongevidence thatthe genesof nicein

are thecandidates for this genodermatosis. (J. Clin. Invest.

93:862-869.)Key words:nicein/kalinin*basement membrane

*junctional epidermolysisbullosa*dermal-epidermal junction-hemidesmosomes


Hereditaryepidermolysisbullosa(EB)'isa groupof blistering skindiseases characterizedbytissueseparationwithinthe

der-mal-epidermal basement membrane zone (1, 2). In the sim-plex forms ofEB,intraepidermal tissueseparationoccursat the

level of basal keratinocytes( 1). The different clinical manifes-tations ofEBsimplex havebeen recently attributedto muta-tionson thegenesencodingkeratins 5 and 14,which are

ex-AddresscorrespondencetoDr. Jean-Paul Ortonne, INSERM U385,

UFR deMedecine, AvenuedeVallombrose, 06107 Nice Cedex 02,


Receivedfor publication30August 1993andinrevisedform3

No-vember 1993.

1.Abbreviations used in thispaper:EB,epidermolysis bullosa; H-JEB,

Herlitzjunctionalepidermolysisbullosa; HD,hemidesmosome;nic A,

niceinAchain; nicB1,niceinB1chain; nicB2, nicein B2 chain; pAb,



basal keratinocytes



formsofEB, the cleavageoccurswithin thepapillarydermis, below the basal laminaatthe level of theanchoring


(1). Several linesof evidence identifiedtype VIIcollagen, the main component of

anchoring fibrils,

asthe candidategenefor dys-trophic EB (6, 7). Subsequent genetic analysis of affected kindreds and theidentificationof point mutations inthe colla-gen VII DNA sequences strongly support the involvementof thegenein thepathology(8-10). Thejunctionalforms ofEB

(JEB) result from tissueseparationwithin the lamina lucida of thedermal-epidermal basement membrane. Several


of JEBhavebeen




Herlitz's variant

(H-JEB), presents the most severe clinical manifestationswith widespread


of skinandmucous

membranes. In most cases, H-JEB is fatal early in life. The





by continuousblistering from birthorearly infancy that doesnotinterferewith normal development and life span. All formsofJEB are autosomal recessive.

Ultrastructuralstudies of JEB skin havedemonstrated ab-normalitiesinhemidesmosome (HD)shapeandnumber(


). HD arecellular structures that appearaselectron microscope thickenings making connection with intermediate filaments

(12, 13). They arelocatedat the interface of basal epithelial cells with theunderlying dermis,andarepresumedtofunction

as part ofan epithelial cell-substratum attachment device

(14).Considerableprogresshasrecentlybeen madein unravel-ing themolecularcomposition ofHD


Domains ofthe





)and2(BPA G2) (15, 16) and thoseofa200-kDpolypeptide( 17)residein the hemi-desmosomal plaquetowhich keratin bundles attach. An addi-tional high molecular mass component (HD


is locatedon



side ofHD( 18).



is also found in theHD( 19-22),and thecytoplasmic domainsof theprotein

mayplayarole in thejunctional connectionsof hemidesmoso-mal structurestothecytoskeleton ( 12).



between theHDandthe lamina densaregion of

the basement membrane is provided by the


fila-ments( 12). Noncollagenousproteins immunolocalizingwith

these structures have beenidentified. They



BM-600 (23, 24)andkalinin (25), whichhave been

demon-stratedtobethe sameprotein (26).Nicein/kalininisa


protein containingthreenonidentical subunits, cova-lently linked by disulfide bonds (24, 25). The molecular

massesofthe threechainsasreported bytwodifferent groups

are,respectively, 100/105 kDforthelightest subunit(nicB2), 125/140kD for the second chain(nic


and 150/165 kD

fortheheaviest subunit(nicA).Ithas beendocumentedthat

maturation of nicein/kalinin occurs extracellularly in two

steps from ahighmolecularmassprecursor(27). cDNA en-codingforthe threesubunitswererecently isolated,andtheir

862 Baudoinetal. J.Clin.Invest.

C TheAmericanSocietyfor ClinicalInvestigation,Inc.


sequences revealed that nicein is alaminin-like protein (28-30). nic B2 is homologoustothe recently reported laminin-like chain B2t (31). Laminin and nicein both display a cross-shaped conformation, nicein presenting the shortarmsof the crossreducedinsize (27). The novel laminin variant, K-lami-nincontaining 220-kD B1and 2 10-kD B2 laminin chains, as well as a 1 90-kD novel chain, is also associated with these

he-midesmosomal structures (32). Less well-characterized an-choring filament componentsaretheprotein epiligrin and the 19-DEJ- 1 (33, 34). Epiligrin antibodies precipitate peptides withelectrophoreticmigrations similar to those ofboth nicein / kalinin and K-laminin (35). The molecular mass of the 19-DEJ- 1 antigenis unknown(34).

No large scale abnormalities in the BPA G1 gene were

foundbySouthern analysis of H-JEB genomic DNA (36).

Im-munohistological studies have demonstratedthat a6f34 (37)is normally expressedbyH-JEBbasal keratinocytes. a6f4 never-thelessappears more defocalized at central basal areas of the

cells(38). On thecontrary, the expression ofnicein/kalinin is

dramatically altered(39-42). Antibodies directed against

ni-cein donot reactwith the epidermalbasement membranesof

most ofH-JEB patients and abnormal staining can also be

observedinthenon-H-JEBpatients (40, 41 ). Indirect immuno-fluorescence studies ofH-JEBskinusingpolyclonal antibodies (pAbs)tothe individual purified subunits ofnicein suggest that

the protein is present butstructurally altered(43). However,

because of the cross-reactivity between pAbsdirectedagainst the nicB2 andnicAsubunits,the causeunderlying the unde-tectabilityof nicein in H-JEBskin was notdetermined.

The availability ofcDNAs encoding for the three nicein

subunitsallowed the production ofpAbs directed against

fu-sionproteinscorrespondingtothenicB2andnic A chainsof human nicein. These antibodies and the corresponding nicein cDNA probes have been used to follow thesynthesis ofthe different chains of nicein in skin and culturedkeratinocytesof

H-JEBpatients. Methods

Tissues. Skinbiopsieswerefrom six H-JEBpatientsfromfive different families:twofrom 20-21-wk-oldfetuses(Gf,F)and four from

new-borns(L, Gb,B,S).In allcases,H-JEBwasdiagnosedaccordingtothe revised criteria forsubtypingEB(1).The levelof cleavagein all le-sional skinsampleswasconfirmedaccordingtoimmunofluorescence mappingofVLA-6, laminin,and typeIVcollagen.Transmission

elec-tronmicroscopyshowedadermo-epidermalsplitin the lamina lucida. Allsamplespresentedabnormal HD. The skinbiopsiesdidnot react

with GB3or 19-DEJ-1 mAbs(44).Controlswerenormalfetal skins from 18-24-wk-old fetuses and from adulthealthyvolunteers.

Antibodies.Forthecharacterizationof basement membrane

com-ponents, thefollowingmAbsorpAbswereused: mAb GB3

(hybrid-omaculturemedium; working dilution, 1:2) (45)rabbitpAb

anti-hu-man collagen IV (working dilution, 1:2; Institut Pasteur, Paris, France), rabbit pAb anti-human collagen VII (working dilution, 1:10),goat pAb anti-mouse laminin (working dilution, 1:50; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) mAb anti-EBA antigen (working dilu-tion, 1:50), mAbLH 7:2(working dilution, :10),mAb 19-DEJ 1 (working dilution, 1:50), mAb GB36 (working dilution, 1:2). Three

serafrompatientswith herpesgestationis(working dilution, 1:2-1:5) and five from patients with bullous pemphigoid (working dilution,

1:50-1:00)were also used.

Theantinicein pAbs SE 144 and SE 85 were raised against fusion proteins derived from cDNAs encoding the central domain of the nic B2 subunit and the COOH-terminal domain of the nic A subunit, respectively (27, 30). The pAba125 specificallyrecognizes the nic


subunit of nicein (43). The mAb K 140 specific to the nic B 1 subunit of nicein/kalinin (31 ) and themAbBM 165 specific to the nicAchain of nicein/kalinin, its 200-kD precursor (25), and to the 190-kD subunit of K-laminin have also been used (31). Nonimmune sera (normal human sera andpreimmunizedrabbit sera or culture medium of

P3-NSl-Ag4-1 (NS 1 cell line) were used as control.

Cellculture. Splitthicknessepidermis was separated from dermis by dispase treatment at370C.Keratinocytes were dissociated in trypsin 0.25% at370C, and plated on a feeder of irradiated 3T3 cells (ICN, Costa Mesa, CA) (46). Keratinocytes were grown in a 1:1 mixture of DMEM and Ham's F12 (GIBCO BRL, Eragny, France) containing 10% FCS, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 2 mML-glutamine, 10,g/mlof penicillin and streptomycin, 10 ng/ml EGF,100pMcholeratoxin, 400 ng/ml hydrocortisone, 5 ,ug/ml transferrin, 180MMadenine, and 20 pM T3 (47). H-JEB keratinocytes were expanded after gentle dissocia-tion in 0.05% trypsin, 0.02% EDTA.

Radioimmunoprecipitation assays. Primary keratinocytes (0.6

X 106 cell/well) were seeded in9-cm2-wellplates and allowed to attach for 12 h. Cells were then labeled for 24 h in 1.5mlof methionine- and

cysteine-deficientculture medium(GIBCOBRL) supplemented with 100,Ci/ml [35S]methionineand[35S]cysteine (Amersham Interna-tional, Amersham, England). Culture medium was centrifuged at

12,000 rpm to remove cells and debris, and TCA-precipitable radioac-tivity was counted. Preclearing was performed by adding aliquots of each sample (- 5 x 106TCA-precipitablecpm) toapellet of protein A-Sepharose 4B beads (Pharmacia SA, Uppsala, Sweden)

precom-plexed with either rabbit anti-mouse IgG (Dakopatt, Copenhagen, Denmark) or preimmune rabbit serum, respectively, for further use with mAbs and pAbs. The reaction mixtures were incubated for 1 h at 4°C under rotatory agitation. Precleared aliquots were then centri-fuged, and supernatant incubated with mAb K 140(nicBI) atafinal dilution of 1:100orwith SE 144(nic B2) atafinal dilution of 1:40 overnightat 4°Cunder rotatory agitation. For control conditions a

preimmune rabbit serum was used at a final dilution of 1:40. Samples were then incubated with pellets of Sepharose 4B beads for1 h at4°C.

After centrifugation the supernatant was removed and the pellet washed once with cold Tris-buffered saline,0.1% NP-40, briefly vor-texed, then extensively washed four times with radioimmunoprecipita-tionbuffer (RIPA buffer: 10mMTris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150mMNaCl, 2

mM EDTA, 250MM PMSF, 1 mM n-ethylmaleimide, 2 mM

L-me-thionine, 2 mML-cysteine,0.3% NP-40, 0.05% Triton X-100, 0.3% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1%BSA) containing 0.1%SDS (31),and then with RIPA buffer containing 0.5 M NaCl, and rinsed once with TBS. Immunoprecipitated materials were then analyzed on a 6% SDS-PAGE gelelectrophoresis (48).

Northernblotanalysis.Total RNA was prepared from H-JEB and normal cultured keratinocytes according to the method of

Schom-czyskiandSacchi(49).RNAwassubjected to electrophoresis on 1.2%

denaturing agarose gels containing 1.2 M formaldehyde and trans-ferredontonylon membrane (Hybond N; Amersham International). Membranesweresubsequently hybridized at high stringency with 32P-labeled cDNA probes corresponding to the different chains of nicein and thenexposed 16honHyperfilm MP (Amersham International) withintensifying screens.

Theradiolabeled cDNA probes PCR 1.3 (27), KAL-5.5C (28), andNA 1 (29)wereused to detect the mRNA for the nic B2, nic B 1, andnicAchains, respectively.


Immunohistochemicaldetectionofniceinchainsin normaland H-JEB tissues. Immunofluorescence experiments were per-formedonsamples ofhuman




directedagainsteachsinglechain of nicein


1and Table




864 Baudoin etal.


skin, all the antibodies labeled theepidermal basement

mem-brane (Fig. 1,A-C).In mostbasal keratinocytes, pAb Pa 125 (nic Bl) (Fig. 1 B) and pAb SE 85 (nic A) (Fig. 1 A) gave a cytoplasmic staining, whereas pAb SE 144 (nic B2) reacted morefaintly with the cytoplasm of only some of the basal cells

(Fig. 1 C). Results obtained with patients Gb and Gfwere

consistentwith observationsmadeonpatientF. Patients Aand Lhadsimilar patterns of reactivityto theantinicein antibodies.

Patient S presented adistinct immunological reactivity.

Repre-sentative resultsareshown inFig. 1, D-I.

Inpatients Gb, Gf, and F,the pAb Pa 125 (nic B 1 ) failed to react with both the dermal-epidermaljunction and the

cyto-plasm of epidermal keratinocytes,while staining with the pAbs

SE144(nic B2) andSE 85 (nic A) was indistinguishable from

that of normal controls, with the exception ofthecytoplasmic staining, whichwas markedly stronger(Fig. 1, D and F). This resultsuggests animpairmentofthe synthesis and / or the

secre-tion ofthe nicB 1 chain, since the otherchains of niceinare

apparently normally expressed. Tissue from patientsA and L

exposedtopAb SE 144(nic B2)showed noimmunoreactivity (Fig. 1 !). pAb Pa 125(nicB1)alsodid not label the epidermal

basement membrane of these patients,but presenceofthenic

B 1 subunitwasdetected in isolatedbasalkeratinocytesin

pa-tientA(Fig. 1H).Inbothpatients, the expression ofthe heavy

chain(nic A) of niceinwascomparabletothat ofhealthy

con-trols(Fig. 1 G). Clearly, in thesetwo casesonlytheexpression ofthe nicB2chainwascompletely absent.Both the pAbs SE 85

(nicA)(Fig. 1 J) and Pa150(nic A) (data not shown) did not reveal anyspecific staining; a cytoplasmic reactivity was

ob-tained with pAbPa 125 (nic Bl)(Fig. 1 K) and pAb SE 144

(nic B2)(Fig. 1 L), which indicatesalowrateof synthesis of thelightchains of nicein. Thus, in thiscase,only theexpression of the nicA chain is undetectable. All otherantibodies tested

(see Methods) stained theepidermalbasement membrane

nor-mally (datanotshown).

Expression ofnicein mRNA in H-JEBkeratinocytes. To

check whether the altered expression ofnicein subunits

de-tectedby immunofluorescence reflected possible structural

al-terationsof nicein chainsorabsenceof nicein chains, the

ex-pression of niceingenes wasexaminedbyNorthern blot

analy-sis ofmRNApurified from primary cultures of keratinocytes obtainedfrom the sixH-JEBpatients.Total mRNA was

frac-tionated byagarosegelelectrophoresis, blottedonto nitrocellu-lose, and subsequently hybridizedtothenick-translatednicein


Consistent with the immunofluorescence observations in patientsGband F,theprobespecificfor nicB 1 chain failedto

detect thecorrespondingmRNA, whereas the nicB2chainand

nicA chainmRNAwere normally expressed (Fig. 2).

How-Table I. Iminunofluorescence Data

Nicein chain

nicA nic Bi nic B2

Patients EC IC EC IC EC IC

Gf and Gb ++ ++ - - ++ ++

F ++ ++ - - ++ ++

A ++ + _ +*

L ++ +* - - _ _

S - - - - ++

Controls ++ + ++ +* ++ +*

Scoredimmunofluorescence withpAbsSE 85 (nicA), Pa 125(nic

BI),andSE 144(nicB2)in H-JEBskin and in normal controls. Absence of fluorescence (-), detectable levels ofstaining (+),and

strongfluorescence (++)areindicated. EC, extracellularstaining (labeling of thedermo-epidermal junction). IC, cytoplasmicstaining ofepidermalbasalkeratinocytes. *Stainingof scatteredepidermal keratinocytes.

ever,the nicB 1 chainmRNAcould be detectedas avery faint

band of4 kb in culturedkeratinocytesfromanaffected fetus (Gf)oftheGfamily(Fig. 2B). This suggests that its lack of

detection in the otherpatientoftheGfamily (Gb)wasdueto a

strong decreaseintranscriptionor mRNAstabilityrather than

toatotalabsence.These results notonly confirmedthe immu-nofluorescence observations, indicatingapossible altered

ex-pression of the nicB 1 chain, but they further demonstratedan

impairment of transcription or/and an instability of the


Inthe caseof patientAandconsistentwith

immunofluores-cencedata, themessengerscorrespondingtothe chainsnic B 1

and nicAwerenormallyexpressedasstrongbands of4and6 kb, respectively, while the nic B2 mRNA were undetectable (Fig. 2 C).Inpatient L,whereantibodiestothenicB2and nic

B 1 chains gave no immunoreactivity, only the nic B2chain

mRNA was not detected. Thus, Northern blot analysis and

morphologic observations both demonstrate that thesynthesis ofthenicB2chainisspecifically impairedin these twocases.

In patient S, the mRNA corresponding to all the three chains of nicein were present, but the mRNA for the nic A chainwasgreatlyreduced(Fig.2A), whereas theexpressionof the mRNA for the othertwo chains appeared normally ex-pressed. No appreciable changes in the size of the different


Synthesis ofniceinchains.Innormalhumankeratinocytes (Fig. 3, lanes2 and3), mAbK 140(nicBl ) and pAb SE 144

Figure1.Immunofluorescence analysis withthe polyclonal SE 85 (anti-nic A), SE 144 (anti-nic B2), and Pa 125 (anti-nic B1)of healthy

(A-C) andH-JEBfetal skin (D-L).(A-C) Control fetalskin. All theantibodieslabel the epidermal basement membrane. pAb SE 85 (nic A)

alsostains basal cells (A).pAbs Pa125(nicBI) (B) and SE 144 (nic B2) (C) give a faint cytoplasmic staining restricted to isolated keratinocytes.

(D-F) PatientGf.pAb SE 85 (nicA)givesthetypical linearpatternof fluorescence at the dermal epidermal junction; a strong cytoplasmic

staining of basal keratinocytes is also observed(D). pAb Pa 125 (nic B1)does not label the epidermal basement membrane (E). With pAb SE 144(nic B2), the staining of the dermal epidermal junction iscomparable to that obtained in controls although with a stronger cytoplasmic

reactionwithbasalkeratinocytes. (G-I) PatientA. pAb SE 85 (nic A) reacts as in control skin (G). With Pa 125 (nicBl),theepidermal base-mentmembraneisnotreactive, but scattered basal keratinocytesshow acytoplasmic staining(H). No reactivity is detected with pAb SE 144

(nic B2) (I). (J-L) Patient S.Noneof thethree pAbs, SE 85 (J), Pa 125 (nicBl) (K), and SE 144 (nic B2) (L), stain the dermal-epidermal

junction. pAbsPa125 (nicBI) (K)andpAb SE144(nicB2) (L) decorate the cytoplasm of isolated basal keratinocytes. With pAb SE 144 (nic


K Gf A Gb L K F7 S K K Gf A Gb L K F S K Gf A G(b L K F S Figure 2. Northern blot analysis of

Kb Kb Kb human normal (K) and H-JEB

ker-AABB CC atinocytesof total RNAfrompurifiedsixpatients.fromprimary10 g

j== = ft^cultures ofkeratinocyteswas





6. _ _ * 4b.


^ * s _ gels,blotted to a nitrocellulose sheet,

V andsuccessivelyprobedwith

3P-la-beled cDNAs for thenicein chains nic A (A), nic BI (B), and nic B2



respectively. (A) In patient S

the mRNAfor the nic A chaingives asignal reduced in intensity. (B) In patients Gb and Gf, the mRNA specific for nicBl is undetectable or its amount strongly reduced. (C) In patientsAand L the mRNAfor the nic B2 chain is not detected.

(nic B2) immunoprecipitate the mature form of nicein present inconditioned culture media, as documented by the detection

of the three subunits of the proteinat the molecular massesof

105, 140, and 160 kD, respectively, which approximate those previously reported for the mature forms of nicein and kalinin. Afaint band at 150 kD was also present, consistent with unpro-cessed B2chainpreviously reported (27). An additional band at250 kD was visible in all the samples including controls. The bandscorrespondingto thenicein subunitswere not observed whenradioimmunoprecipitationwas performed with the con-trolpreimmune serum (Fig. 3, lane 1), while the band at 250 kDwasclearlydetectableincontrol samplefromH-JEB

kera-tinocytes fromall thefive patients studied(patients L and Gf;

Fig. 3, lanes4and 7; not shown forthe three otherpatients)

and, faintly, in normal keratinocytes. It was thus concluded

thatthe250-kDbandis nonspecificand presumably be due to fibronectin.

InpatientL, mAb K 140immunoprecipitated four

polypep-tides of 200, 185, 160,and 138kD.Consistent withtheresults of Northern blot analysis, the 105-kD nic B2 chain was not detectable. In parallel radioimmunoprecipitation assays

per-formed with pAb SE 144, which recognizesthenic B2subunit,

nospecific band wasimmunoprecipitated (Fig. 3, lane6). A similarimmunoprecipitation pattern was observed in

experi-mentswithculturedkeratinocytes fromthepatientA(datanot

shown). These data definitely confirmthat in these patients synthesisofnicB2chainisimpaired.

InpatientGf, themAb K140specifictothe nicB 1subunit,

whose mRNAs are undetectableinkeratinocytesfrom this




1 2 3 4 5 6

_~~~_ _




B2-vidual,failedtoimmunoprecipitateanyspecificbands(Fig. 3,

lane8). Conversely, with pAb SE 144(nic B2),at least nine bands were observed:major bandsof230, 200, 160, 155, 105, 85, and 80kDand twofaint bands at 175 and 125 kD(Fig. 3).

Onlythe bandcorrespondingtothe nic B 1 chainat140 kDwas

not detectable.Asimilar pattern was observed withpatientF

(data not shown). The involvement of the Nic B1 wasthus clearly demonstrated.

Inpatient S,where no immunoreactivitywasobservedat

the dermal-epidermal junction, whateverthe antibody used,

whilepAb SE 144 (nic B2) andPa 125 (nic BI) detecteda

cytoplasmic staininginbasalkeratinocytes (Fig. 1, J-L),both

pAb 144(nic B2) and mAb 140(nicBI) immunoprecipitated the three nicein chains. As in the other H-JEBpatients, the

bandscorrespondingtothe niceinchains were reduced in

in-tensity, comparedwith thecounterpartsfromhealthydonors.

Inall casesbands similartothosefoundinthe culture medium were seen inthe cell extractfromthe H-JEBkeratinocytes (not shown).


We previously reported that most H-JEB patients present a

widespread defect of nicein. Thiswasdemonstrated by thelack

ofreactivity ofH-JEBskin andepitheliato the mAb GB3(41 ). Since nicein couldnotbeimmunoprecipitated from cultured

H-JEB keratinocytes with these antibodies, it was suggested

that the abnormalexpressionof theproteincould result from

intrinsic defects of H-JEBepithelial cells (41 ). The molecular

Figure 3. Immunoprecipitationof radiolabeled nicein from culture medium conditioned by human normal (K) and H-JEB

keratino-G F cytes. Cultures of normal foreskin (lanes 1-3) and H-JEB keratino-cytes frompatientsL(lanes4-6)andGf(lanes7-9)werelabeledfor 7 8 9 24 h with[35S]methionineand



immuno-kD precipitatedwith mAbK 140(NICBJ)and(lanes2, 5,and8), pAb


SE 144(NIC B2) (lanes 3,6, and9),orwithpreimmunerabbit U

^^ serum(lanes 1, 4,and 7).Immunoprecipitated proteinswere

sub-*- -200 mittedtoSDS-PAGE. Incontrols,bandscorrespondingtothe chains

-170 of nicein are clearly detected (lanes 2 and 3). In patient L, reaction - . w with mAb K 140 doesnotprecipitatethe 105-kD subunit(NIC B2)

b-116 of nicein(lane 5),andnoimmunoprecipitationband is detected with - -100 pAb SE144,which isspecifictothe nic B2 chain(lane 6).Inpatient

Gf,nobandcorrespondingtothenic B I chain isimmunoprecipitated -69 by the pAb SE 144 (lane 9). No nicein chain is recognized by the

anti-nic B1 mAbK 140. The molecularmassesof themigration markersareindicated.


Table II. Summary ofImmunofluorescence Data, mRNA, andIn Vitro NiceinChainsSynthesis

nicA nic BI nic B2

Protein mRNA Protein mRNA Protein mRNA Patients IF RIP NB IF RIP NB IF RIP NB

Gf EC.IC + + - - + EC.IC + + Gb EC.IC ND + - ND - EC.IC ND +

F EC.IC + + - - - EC.IC + +

A EC.IC + + IC + + - -

-L EC.IC + + - + + - -

-S - + + IC + + IC + +

IF, immunofluorescence (-, absent staining; EC, extracellular stain-ing; IC, intracellular staining). RIP, radioimmunoprecipitation (+, detected; -, undetectable). NB, Northern blot (+, detected; -, unde-tectable). ND, not done.

basis of such an abnormality remained unresolved. Using cDNAprobes encoding each subunit of nicein and polyclonal antibodies raised against bacterial fusion proteins correspond-ingtoeachindividual chain of nicein,wehavefurtheranalyzed

sixcasesofH-JEBfrom five different families.

Informationobtainedfrom immunofluorescence studies of involved skin, radioimmunoprecipitation of incubation me-dium, and extracts of cultured H-JEB keratinocytes, and Northern blotanalysis, consistently demonstratethat inthree patients the disorder correlates with animpaired synthesis of the nicB I chain,intwootherswith that of the nicB2,and ina sixthpatientwith thatof the nic A(Table II). It canthus be

concluded that in H-JEB theimpaired expressionofa mature nicein isconsequent to adefectivesynthesisofoneofits sub-units and that thedermatosisisgeneticallyheterogeneous. This finding isnotunexpected consideringthefactthatnicein

com-prisesthreedifferent subunitssynthesizedby distinctgenes. Inthe caseof patientswhere the absenceofoneof thelight subunits of nicein was documented by immunofluorescence and Northern blotanalysis, immunoprecipitation of

keratino-cyteculturemedium always confirmed the absence ofsynthesis ofthepolypeptide,while secreted forms ofproteinswith

electro-phoretic migration corresponding to the other two subunits

were always identified. Other aberrant nicein proteins were

also specifically recognized by the antinicein antibodies,but

thecorresponding bandspresented abnormal electrophoretic migration patterns, different from those expected for nicein subunits.In one case(patient S),thepathologywasassociated with a lackof immunoreactivityto the anti-nicAantibody. This correlated withadecreasein the steady statelevel ofthe

corresponding mRNA. Immunoprecipitation of culture

me-dium conditioned by thekeratinocytesofthispatientwith anti-bodiestothelightchains of niceindetectedlargeamountsof

the three chains of nicein. It is thus clear that all the three

chainsareproducedandsecretedas acomplex in this patient.

Because theapparentmolecularmassofeachsubunit is

consis-tentwithwhatisexpected, conditionsmayexist invivo, but not inculture, that accountforinstabilityordegradationofthe

nicAchainleadingtoundetectabilityin theskin.

Our results show noappreciablechangesin thesizeof

ni-ceinmRNAsinanyofthe H-JEBfamilies.Inpatientsaffected

in the expression of one of the light chains of nicein, the amountofthecorrespondingmessenger wasdramaticallylow. Whether the abnormalconcentrationofsuch mRNAs is due to adecrease in the synthesis or to a higher decay rate has not been

determined.Among thereasonsthat could lead to such a

situa-tion,one should consider the presence ofmutationsinthe pro-moter regions of the affected gene, a decreased stability of the

transcript due to mutations affecting splicing sites, nonsense

mutationsoccurring before the penultimate exon (50), or

mu-tations/alterations ofregulatory genes ( 51 ).

Niceinis alaminin-likemolecule. It has been demonstrated from in vitro analysis of purified fragments that laminin assem-blyinvolvestheformationof a stable coiled-coil Bl-B2 inter-mediate to which the A chain subsequently interacts to form a morestable triplecoiled-coilmolecule (52). It has not yet been

determined iftheassemblyof nicein and laminin areanalogous

processes, but the finding that a complex formed by a heavy

chainand alight chain of nicein areimmunoprecipitatedfrom theculturemediumof H-JEB keratinocytes suggests that, con-trary to the modelproposed for laminin, in the case of nicein

formation ofa Bl-B2-like dimer, it is not a prerequisite for extracellular secretion. However, from immunoprecipitation

data, the presenceofatruncated third chain of nicein in H-JEB

cellscannot beformallyexcluded, but,consideringthe results

ofthe Northern blot analysis, this possibility seems unlikely. Onthe other hand, a release of a dimer in the culture medium consequent to cell lysis cannot be ruled out.

The nic A chain seems to interactindifferentlywith either

nicB 1 or nic B2, because in patients L and Gf this chain ap-pears assembled either withthe nic B 1 chain or the nic B2

chain, respectively. A complex missing a light chain seems, nevertheless, unstable. In fact, the amount ofimmunoreactive proteindetected at thedermal-epidermaljunction of biopsies

frompatients A, L, Gf, and F is exceedingly lowcomparedwith normal controls. However, the amount of nicein chains

im-munoprecipitated from keratinocyte medium conditionedby

keratinocytes of these patientswas almostcomparabletothat

of normal keratinocytes. Moreover, adegradation of the het-erodimers is suggested by theimmunoprecipitationofpeptides

withelectrophoretic migrationsdifferentfrom those found in medium conditioned by normal cells. For instance,the cells from patients Gfand Lsynthesizetwo polypeptides withan

apparent molecularmassof175/ 180 and 200kD,whichare sizescomparable tothose of the precursor of the A chain of nicein (31). The relative abundance of these two proteins could beexplained byanimpairmentof the maturation pro-cessand/oraninefficientexcretion,eitherasmonomers or as dimeric complexesinvolvingthe anotherchainof nicein. This

would also explain the presence ofthe intracellular

fluores-cencefound in H-JEBkeratinocytes usingantibodiestonicB I

and nicA.

These studies clearly demonstrate the involvement of ni-cein in thepathogenesis ofH-JEB and support the idea that genesfor niceinarethe candidate for this disorder. However,

involvementof other molecules intheetiologyofthedisease

cannot beexcluded, since abnormal


of19 DEJ-1



WethankA.Pisani forherexperttechnicalassistance, C. Minghelli's

for artwork, and N. Labate for typingthemanuscript.Wewishtothank

P.Marinkovich forcommentsandfruitful discussions.We aregrateful toDrs.L.Bruckner-Tuderman,D.Woodley, I. M.Leigh,D.Gerecke, R. Burgeson, and P.Marinkovichfor providing antibodies;Dr. R. Bur-gesonforthe KAL-55 cDNA probe; andtoPr. Y. Dumez,Dr.M.P.

Cordier, and Pr. Thoulon for providingsamplesofH-JEBfetal skin.

This workwassupported by the followinggrants:INSERM-Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salaries, Fondation pourlaRecherche Medicale (France); Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bul-losaResearch Association foundation; Association Franqaisecontre les Myopathies; Association contre les Epidermolyses Bulleuses Hereditaires.


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