WWTP - Control Panel CP-1 & Remote Annunciator Panel
Reference: Schematics
The following trouble shooting guide has been specifically prepared for this system and primarily relates to electrical failures. When problems develop, a good trouble shooting technique is most important because the following guide will not cover all circumstances. Many mechanical functions are beyond the scope of this guide, and should be dealt with by people knowledgeable of the equipment. For example, a pump overload can be caused by mechanical problems relating to the pump and motor: bad bearings, foreign material in pump, binding seals, misalignment, etc.
1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Organization
The trouble shooting guide format is arranged in four general areas: Section 2.0 - A discussion of common problems.
Section 3.0 - A discussion of problem isolation techniques. Section 4.0 - A list of symptoms with associated possible causes. Section 5.0 - Alarm System
In most cases, the identification of the cause will be self explanatory and the corrective action will be obvious.
The identification of any other changes that may be associated with the problem can be helpful. Any unusual visuals, noise, smell, vibration, etc., may give a clue as to the ultimate cause. A routine inspection of the panel to look for any changes involving noise, humming, excessive dust, discoloration, smoke-burning smell, disconnected wires, vibration, chattering, heat, burning, extra screw-loose parts, etc.
A useful test on an energized system is to check for the presence of power directly on a suspected component. On a de-energized system, test the suspected components with an ohmmeter to determine that the resistance is in the expected range.
Don't touch or adjust anything without being sure you know what you're doing. All adjustable components have either been factory set, or set upon first start-up. A change that requires a field re-adjustment is unusual. If a change is made, care should be exercised to make note of settings before changing so that original settings can be duplicated.
When working on the equipment, assume that all electrical parts are energized. Even though all direct connections normally supplying power to a panel are broken, some parts may still be "hot". All work involving entry into an electrical panel should only be done by a knowledgeable technician.
Cause may be electrical, mechanical, worn bearings, something wrong on motor shaft of impeller, foreign objects in the impeller, shorted windings in motor, etc. Suggest resetting the overload and trying again. A second overload trip should be investigated before resetting.
The most common causes of MCP trips occur because of winding insulation failure in the motor. If possible, inspect the motor before resetting and attempting to run again. Persistent "nuisance" tripping indicates a problem or too low a setting on the MCP trip point. Under normal conditions, setting MCP trip point 1 or 2 notch settings above trip point will be sufficient to eliminate nuisance trips.
2.3 FIELD LOCATED SWITCH FAILURE (Level, Flow, Computer)
Action of the field switches may be simulated with test switches TS1 through TS43 and SW1, SW2 and SW3 for CP-1 and TS1 through TS24 and SW1 for the Remote Annunciator Panel. If operation is not normal see operation instructions. Field transmitters (LT-1, PT-3, etc.) are tested through the use of test points (TP1, TP2, etc.) as described in the section below. Only digital field switch (FS3, TS1, FS4, etc.) operations can be checked with the test switches (TS1, TS2, etc.) also as described below:
Test Switches (Digital Circuits)
2.3.1 - A field switch that should be closed but is not can be tested by moving the test switch to “C” (CLOSE). If the desired function takes place, this indicates a field switch or field wiring has failed. If not, a problem in the control panel may be indicated.
2.3.2 - A field switch that should be opened but is not, can be tested by moving the test switch to “O” (OPEN). If the desired function takes place, this indicates field switch failure, or a problem in the field wiring. If not, a problem in the panel may be indicated.
2.3.3 - Normal function test. Sequential operation of the test switches can be used to simulate automatic cycling of the system.
2.3.4 - Be sure to return test switches to proper setting after testing. Normally, the switches should be on “A” (AUTOMATIC). However, there are cases where either an open or closed setting may be desired for abnormal conditions.
Test Points (Analog Loop Circuits)
2.3.5 – By removing the installed jumper between test switch points to isolate field transmitters and by connecting a signal generator through test point connections, analog loop circuits may be tested.
The procedure for performing this test is given in the Operating Instructions Manual under the section Setpoint Controller Loop Setup/ Calibration. The directions for calibration of each loop are given there and can be used to ensure the panel mounted portion of the circuit is calibrated and functioning properly. If the circuit does not function properly after calibration checks, the problem is then obviously in the field transmitter and/or field wires. Reference the narrative directly below to troubleshoot field instrumentation.
Failure of motors to alternate running cycles can be due to primarily three basic reasons assuming all other conditions are met (circuit breaker closed, no motor overload, etc.):
2.4.1 Faulty Alternator Relay Check to see if 24VAC power is available to the relay coil. If so, when the power is removed (by opening one of the control relay contacts or wires that connect to the coil), the alternator relay contacts shift position to enable the other alternate motor to run the next time a motor run cycle is initiated. If the contacts do not shift, replace the relay.
2.4.2 Hand-Off-Auto Switch If one of the two HOA switches associated with the alternating motor system is in the Off position, the connected motor starter will not turn on and the other motor will run each time a motor run cycle is called for. Ensure both HOA switches are in the Auto position for alternating motor run cycles.
2.4.3 Faulty Alternator Relay Contacts If all running conditions are met (alternator relay contacts shift, run cycles are enabled, HOA switches in Auto, etc.) and a motor connected to an alternating relay doesn’t run but the other motor does, check the wiring connected to the set of alternator relay contacts connected to the faulted motor and repair any bad connections. If the motor still doesn’t run, the alternator relay contacts are faulty and the relay needs to be replaced.
2.4.4 Alternating Motors Motors with alternating relays are as listed below: 1- Aeration Basin Blowers B-01 and B-02.
2- Digester Blowers DB-01 and DB-02. 3- Septic Tank Pumps STEP-01 and STEP-02.
4- Return Activated Sludge Pumps RAS-1 and RAS-2.
The alarm indicator lights included with this system are self explanatory. The detailed isolation of a problem can also be associated with general areas of power supply:
3.1 There are three 24 VDC power buses. PS1 supplies power for the +1/-1 bus, PS2 supplies power for the +2/-2 bus and PS3 supplies power for the +3/-3 bus. These 24VDC busses supply the power required to energize the coils of relays R1 through R6 and VDC supply for the field transmitters. PS1 power supply trickle charges the 12V gel cells through resistor RES1 and diode D1 to make sure that if there is a loss of DC Bus the strobe and horn have enough power to operate.
3.2 24 VAC fed from transformer CPT-2 through circuit breakers CB23 through CB26, involves all other relays, starter/contactor coils, counters, run time meters and associated indicating lights.
3.3 120 VAC power is fed from transformer CPT-1 through circuit breakers CB17, CB18, CB20 and a ground fault interrupter. This is also the power for power supply PS1, PS2, set point controllers, chart recorder, time clocks and all other instrumentation including the UPS which is protected by circuit breaker CB17.
3.4 120/208 VAC power is fed from circuit breaker CB7. This is power for RAS-01/02 pumps, WAS-01 pump, Heat Tape, panel heating and cooling, UV system, site/plant lighting and the duplex outlet in the control panel.
3.5 480 VAC power is fed from the main circuit breaker CB1. This is power for Septic Tank STEP-01/02 pumps, Aeration Basin B-STEP-01/02 blowers, Digester DB-STEP-01/02 blowers, Secondary Clarifier SCO-01 drive, Digested Sludge DSP-01 pump, Unit Heater UH-1 and the 120/208VAC power transformer T-1.
3.6 240/ 120 VAC power is fed from the main circuit breaker CB1. This is power for control transformer CPT-1 which in turn provides 120 VAC power for the entire panel.
3.7 There is one 120 VAC power bus, A2/N2 that supplies power to the voltage monitor relay MR1, SPC-11 (line 4263) and the control power transformer CPT-2 (line 4301). No indicating lights are connected to this bus. However, both IL1 (24 VDC bus) and IL27 (24 VAC bus) indicating lights will not be illuminated if bus A2/N2 has lost power.
3.8 There is one 24 VDC power bus. PS1 supplies power for the +1/-1 bus. This 24VDC bus supplies the power required to energize the Annunciator Panel alarm circuits as shown on the schematic drawings from lines 4020 to 4254. The bus also provides 24 VDC power for the Water Tank analog loop at line 4279. Indicating lights IL1 (line 4021) and LED1 at the Remote Light Box are illuminated when power is available from PS1 for this bus.
3.9 24 VAC fed from transformer CPT-2 through circuit breaker CB3 provides power for 24 VAC bus B/C which services the Well Pump Call control circuits. Indicating light IL27 (line 4308) is illuminated when power is available on this bus.
Note that although a problem may be isolated to one of the general areas of power, some components may cause problems that are involved with more than one section. For example, relay R3 has a coil in the D.C. circuit but operating contact in the A.C. circuitry.
Relays that are alike may be swapped in order to help trouble shoot. A malfunction that appears associated with a given function can be tested by swapping its relay with another identical relay. If the malfunction follows the relay, the apparent cause is a problem with the relay. For help in determining what relays to try swapping, refer to the ladder schematic diagram. Also refer to the schematic diagram to understand the function of the test switches. There is a panel mounted test switch associated with each digital field switch so that operation can be completely checked as though the field switches were operating.
Please note that on Automatic operation, the total hours and number of starts on the Septic Tank STEP-01/02 pumps, Aeration Basin B-01/02 blowers, Digester DB-01/02 blowers and RAS-01/02 pumps should be approximately equal because of the operation of the alternating relays. As described in the Operating Instructions, a log of the run time meter and operation counter should be kept so that any unusual change can be noted. The panel mounted test switches can also be used to test the field switches if the malfunction is being caused by an inoperative field switch.
For analog field instruments, the panel mounted circuit should be checked first as described in the narrative directly above under Test Points (Analog Loop Circuits). After ascertaining that the panel mounted portion is functioning properly, proceed to the field location of the instrument and disconnect the transmitter from the instrument loop wiring and connect the test meter with its positive lead attached to the positive field wire and
the meter negative lead to the remaining circuit wire. Simulate a functioning instrument by running the output of the meter from 4ma to 20ma and observe the results. If the circuit operates according to circuit parameters, the field wiring is good and the problem is with the instrument itself. If the problem is with the instrument, refer to the manufacturer’s operating manuals for instrument troubleshooting.
Control Panel (CP-1)
Septic Tank STEP-01/ 02 pumps:
Step-01 won't run on HAND MCP1, OL1, R28, SS12, R28A and M1 (lines 1132 through 1139).
Step-01 won't run on AUTO (No Flow Alarm) R28A, SS12, R75B, RA3B/C, TD37A, R24A,
R23B, R23D, TD17A, TS21, TS22, R25C, TS23, SPC-1, SPC-2, LT-1, LT-2, F9, F10, SS-20, F11 and. F12
(lines 1139 through 1148).
Step-01 won't run on AUTO (Flow Alarm) R75B, TD18A, TS25, R31A, SPC-7 and M1A. (lines 1105, 1110, 1144 and 1427).
Step-02 won't run on HAND MCP2, OL2, R30, SS13, R30A and M2 (lines 1155 through 1162).
Step-02 won't run on AUTO (No Flow Alarm) R30A, SS13, R78B, RA3A/D, TD37A, R24A,
R23B, R23D, TD17A, TS21, TS22, and R25C TS23, SPC-1, SPC-2, LT-1, LT-2, F9, F10, SS-20, F11 and F12.
(lines 1148 through 1156).
Step-02 won't run on AUTO (Flow Alarm) R78B, TD19A, TS26, R31D, SPC-7 and M2A. (lines 1152, 1118, 1152 and 1537)
Step-01/ Step-02 won’t Alternate in Auto RA3, SS12, SS13, RA3A, RA3B, RA3C and RA3D. (lines 1140, 1146, 1147, 1149, 1150 & 1156)
Aeration Basin B-01/ 02 blowers:
B-01 won't run on HAND CB4, VFD-OL1, R12, SS7, R12A and R21 (lines 876 through 883).
B-01 won't run on AUTO (No Blower Alarm) R12A, SS7, R53B, RA1B/C, TD35A, R8A, SS5, SW3, SS6, SS20, TC1A, TC1B, TC1C, M1-D, M2-D.
(lines 800 through 808 and 883 through 892).
B-01 won't run on AUTO (Blower Alarm) R53B, R9A, TD1A, TD2A, TD3A, TD4A, R11E, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, FS1, SPC-3, TS1, F13 F14, PT1, TP8, and TP9.
(lines 550, 811 through 839, 888, and 1442). B-02 won't run on HAND CB5, VFD-OL2, R14, SS8, R14A and R22
(lines 899 through 904).
B-02 won't run on AUTO (No Blower Alarm) R14A, SS8, R58B, RA1A/D, TD35A, R8A, SS5, SW3, SS6, SS20, TC1A, TC1B, TC1C, M1-D, M2-D.
(lines 800 through 808 and 892 through 900).
B-02 won't run on AUTO (Blower Alarm) R58B, R10A, TD5A, TD6A, TD7A, TD8A, R13E, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, FS2, SPC-4, TS2, F15 F16, PT2, TP11 and TP12.
(lines 568, 844 through 871, 896, and 1462).
B-01/ B-02 won’t Alternate in Auto RA1, SS7, SS8, RA1A, RA1B, RA1C and RA1D. (lines 884, 888, 890 through 894 and 900)
Digester DB-01/02 blowers:
DB-01 won't run on HAND MCP5, OL5, R18, SS9, R18A and M5
(lines 1004 through 1011).
DB-01 won't run on AUTO (No Blower Fault) R18A, SS9, R63B, RA2B/C, TC1D/E/F, SS10, and TD36A.
(lines 1011 through 1022).
DB-01 won't run on AUTO (Blower Faulted) R63B, R15A, TD9A, TD10A, TD11A, TD12A, R17E, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, SPC-5, FS3, TS3, F17, F18, PT-3, TP14 and TP15.
(lines 594, 916 through 951, 1016 and 1484). DB-02 won't run on HAND MCP6, OL6, R20, SS11, R20A and M6
DB-02 won't run on AUTO (No Blower Fault) R20A, SS11, R68B, RA2A/D, TC1D/E/F, SS10, TD36A
(lines 1016 through 1028).
DB-02 won't run on AUTO (Blower Faulted) R68B, R16A, TD13A, TD14A, TD15A, TD16A, R19E, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, SPC-6, FS4, TS4, F19, F20, PT-4, TP17 and TP18.
(lines 612, 960 through 995, 1024 and 1499). DB-01/ DB-02 won’t Alternate in Auto RA2, SS9, SS11, RA2A, RA2B, RA2C and RA2D
(lines 1012, 1018, 1019, 1021, 1022 & 1028).
Return Activated Sludge RAS-01/02 pumps:
RAS-01 won't run on HAND MCP9, OL9, R36, SS15, R36A and M9. (lines 1260 through 1267).
RAS -01 won't run on AUTO (No Alarms) R33B, R36A, SS15, R84B, RA4B/C, TD38A, SS14, TC2A, R122A, TS42 and computer interface contact. (lines 1267 through 1276 and lines 1180 through 1182).
RAS-01 won't run on AUTO (Flow Alarm) SS15, R33B, R84B, TD21, R32A, M9A, TS-28 and LS-7.
(lines 1189, 1198, 1268 and 1272). RAS-01 won't run on AUTO (Low Level Cutout) SS15, R33B, TS29 and LS-9.
(lines 1220, and 1268).
RAS -02 won't run on HAND MCP10, OL10, R38, SS16, R38A and M10 (lines 1283 through 1289).
RAS -02 won't run on AUTO (No alarms) R38A, SS16, R87B, RA4A/D, TD38A, SS14, TC2A, R122A TS42 and computer interface contact.
(lines 1276 through 1284 and lines 1180 through 1182).
RAS-02 won't run on AUTO (Flow Alarm) SS16, R34B, R87B, TD22, R32D, M10A, TS-28 and LS-7.
RAS-02 won't run on AUTO (Low Level Cutout) R34B, TS30 and LS-10. (lines 1227, and 1284).
RAS-01/ RAW-02 won’t Alternate in Auto RA4, SS15, SS16, RA4A, RA4B, RA4C and RA4D. (lines 1012, 1018, 1019, 1021, 1022 & 1028)
Waste Activated Sludge WAS-01 pump:
WAS-01 won't run MCP11, OL11, R39, TD38D, PB2, TD26A,
PB3, TD25A, M11, TS33, LS-12 (lines 1305 through 1315). Secondary Clarifier SCO-01 drive:
SCO-01 won't run MCP7, OL7, R44, R44A, TD37D, SS18, Over-torque Limit Switch, M7, TD-29 (lines 1353 through 1361). Digested Sludge DSP-01 pump:
DSP-01 won't run in HAND MCP8, OL8, R41, R41A, SS17, TD28A, M8, TS34, LS-13 (lines 1326 through 1346).
DSP-01 won't run in REMOTE MCP8, OL8, R41, R41A, TD36D, SS17, Remote Start/Stop Station, TD28A, M8, TS34, LS-13 (lines 1326 through 1346).
Heat Tape HT-01:
HT-01 won't run R121A, R45, R45A, SS19, Heat Stat, C2 R42A,
TS43, SPC-10, TT-3, F27 and F28 (lines 1388 through 1392).
UV Alarms:
UV Major Alarm UV System Fail contact, TS39, R47B TD39 (lines
1400 and 1410).
UV High Level Alarm LS-4, TS38, TD33A (lines 1404 and 1622). Generator Alarm:
Generator Run Alarm Generator Running contact, TS40, R48 (line 1415). Generator Ground Fault Alarm GFR, IL90, R129, R130 (lines 777 through 784).
Scada Functions:
Remote Scada Reset Remote Scada contact, TS41, R49 (line 1420). Aeration Basin Alarms:
Aeration Basin No.1 High Level Alarm LS-1, TS31, TD23 (line 1235). Aeration Basin No.2 High Level Alarm LS-2, TS32, TD24 (line 1242). Clarifier Alarms:
Secondary Clarifier Over Torque Alarm MCP-7, OL-7, R44, R44A, TD37D SS18, Over Torque Limit Switch and TD29, TD29A, R91 and R92 (lines 1353, 1359, 1360, 1361 and 1592).
Clarifier High Level Alarm LS-3, TS35, TD30, TD30A, R95 and R96 (lines 1366, 1600, and 1602).
Aerobic Digester Alarms:
High Level No.1 Alarm LS-5, TS36, TD31, TD31A, R97, R98 (lines 1373, 1606 and 1609).
High Level No.2 Alarm LS-6, TS37, TD32, TD32A, R99, R100 (lines 1380, 1613 and 1615).
Control Panel (CP-1)
- Analog
Septic Tank STEP-01/02, SPC-1/ 2:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-1/ 2 calibration error,
fault in circuit wiring, wrong alarm setpoints LT-1/ 2 error
Control output open/close at erroneous levels SPC-1/ 2 calibration error,
fault in circuit wiring, wrong setpoints LT-1/ 2 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-1/ 2 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F9, F10, F11 F12) and open test point connections (TP2, TP3, TP5, TP6), SS-20 fault, LT-1/ 2 error
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, fault or calibration error, LT-1/ 2 error.
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F9, F10, F11 F12) and open test point connections (TP2, TP3, TP5, TP6).
Aeration Blowers B-01/ 02, SPC-3/ 4:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-3/ 4 calibration error, wrong setpoints fault in circuit wiring,
PT-1/ 2 error
Control output open/close at erroneous levels SPC-3/ 4 calibration error, fault in circuit
wiring, wrong setpoints PT-1/ 2 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-3/ 4 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F13, F14, F15, F16) and open test point connections (TP8, TP9, TP11, TP12), PT-1/ 2 error
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, fault or calibration error, PT-1/2.
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F13, F14, F15, F16) and test points (TP8, TP9, TP11, TP12).
Digester Blowers DB-01/ 02, SPC-5/ 6:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-5/ 6 calibration error, fault in circuit wiring, PT-3/ 4 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-5/ 6 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F17, F18, F19, F20) and open test point connections (TP14, TP15, TP17, TP18), PT-3/ 4 error.
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, fault or calibration error, PT-3/4.
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F17, F18, F19, F20) and open test point connections (TP14, TP15, TP17, TP18).
Influent Flow, SPC-7:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-7 calibration error, fault in circuit wiring, FM-1 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-7 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F21, F22) and open test point connections (TP20 TP21), SS-4 fault, FM-1 error
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, fault or calibration error
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F21, F22) and open test point connections (TP20 TP21) Integrator fault, Signal repeater (I/I) fault.
Flow totalizer count in error Integrator faulted or calibration error,
OC13 faulted
Flow totalizer not counting Integrator faulted or calibration error, OC13 Faulted,
open circuit in wires to counter Chart recorder high/ low Chart recorder calibration/ setup error
Chart recorder not recording Chart recorder calibration/ setup error, SS-4 in Bypass, chart recorder failed
Both samplers cycling too much/ little I/I (signal repeater) calibration error, Sampler calibration/ setup error
Both samplers not cycling I/I (signal repeater) faulted, wiring to Samplers fault, F29 or F30 blown, DSP-3 fault
One sampler cycling too much/ little Sampler calibration/ setup error One sampler not cycling Sampler faulted
Influent Flow Fail Alarms:
One Pump (STEP-01) Flow Failed SPC-7, R31, R31A, M1A, TS25, TD18 One Pump (STEP-02) Flow Failed SPC-7, R31, R31D, M2A, TS26, TD19
Both Pumps Flow Failed SPC-7, M1C, M2C, TS27, TD20
Lab Room Temperature, SPC-8:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-8 calibration error, fault in circuit wiring,
TT-1 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-8 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F23, F24,) and open test point connections (TP23, TP24), TT-1 error
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, fault or calibration error, TT-1 error.
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F23, F24) and open test point connections (TP23, TP24).
Equipment Room Temperature, SPC-9:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-9 calibration error, fault in circuit wiring, TT-2 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-9 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F25, F26) and open test point connections (TP26, TP27), TT-2 error.
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, fault or calibration error, TT-2 error.
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F25, F26) and open test point connections (TP26, TP27).
Outside Air Temperature, SPC-10:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-10 calibration error, fault in circuit wiring, TT-3 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-10 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F27, F28) and open test point connections (TP29, TP30), TT-3 error.
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, fault or calibration error, TT-3 error.
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F27, F28) and open test point connections (TP29, TP30).
UV Intensity, SPC-11: (See UV Manual for controller operation)
Reading high/ low at Autodialer SPC-11 calibration error, UV Controller error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-11 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F31, F32) and open test point connections (TP35, TP36), SS-21 fault, UV controller error, DSP-4 fault.
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error,
Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F31, F32) and open test point connections (TP35, TP36), DSP-4 error
Chart recorder high/ low Chart recorder calibration/ setup error, UV Controller error
Chart recorder not recording Chart recorder calibration/ setup error, SS-21 in Bypass, chart recorder failed
Annunciator Panel (CP-1) -
Well Pump:
Well Pump Running relay R2 not energized Fuses F5/ 6,
test switch TS1 and/or
remote Well Pump On contact open
(line 4014)
Well Pump run meter/ counter not working RTM1/ OC1 fault, R2A (line 4310)
Well Pump Call relay not on SS3, SPC-11, R8A/ R9A or R10A
(line 4319) or Float switches in tank not working
Water Tank:
Water Tank high level not on No high level alarm, R4A (line 4313) Water Tank low level not on No low level alarm, R5A (line 4315)
Annunciator Panel Alarms:
Note: Normal status of alarm circuits is off with relays and lights de-energized. The below narrative describes alarm circuits that are in an alarm state but have faulted.
Well House R3, IL3 & LED3 not on Fuses F7/ 8,
test switch TS2 and/or
remote Pump House Gen. Alarm contact open (line 4050)
Water Tank High R4, IL4 & LED4 not on Fuse F9/10,
test switch TS3 and/or
both remote float switch and SPC-11 contact open (line 4058)
Water Tank Low R5, IL5 & LED5 not on Fuse F9/11,
test switch TS4 and/or
both remote float switch and SPC-11 contacts open (line 4066)
STEP-01 IL6 & LED6 not on Fuse F12/13,
test switch TS5 and/or
remote R75F contact open (line 4075) STEP-02 IL7 & LED7 not on Fuse F14/15,
test switch TS6 and/or
remote R78F contact open (line 4081) Septic Tank high level IL8 & LED8 not on Fuse F16/17,
test switch TS7 and/or
remote R73A contact open (line 4081) Septic Tank low level IL9 & LED9 not on Fuse F18/19,
test switch TS8 and/or
remote R71A contact open (line 4101) Generator Running IL10 & LED10 not on Fuse F20/21,
test switch TS9 and/or
remote R48D contact open (line 4108) Blower Fail IL11 & LED11 not on Fuse F22/23,
test switch TS10 and/or
remote R70A contact open (line 4115)
24 VAC LED11A not on Fuse F24, and/or
contact R11D open (line 4120) Aeration Basin 1 high IL12 & LED12 not on Fuse F26/27,
test switch TS11 and/or
remote R89D contact open (line 4134) Aeration Basin 2 high IL13 & LED13 not on Fuse F28/29,
test switch TS12 and/or
remote R91D contact open (line 4141) SCO-1 drive over torque IL14 & LED14 not on Fuse F30/31,
test switch TS13 and/or
remote R93A contact open (line 4148) RAS pumps failed IL15 & LED15 not on Fuse F32/33,
test switch TS14 and/or
UV system failed IL16 & LED16 not on Fuse F34/35,
test switch TS15 and/or
remote R101A contact open (line 4162) ATS transferred IL17 & LED17 not on Fuse F36/37,
test switch TS16 and/or
remote R109A contact open (line 4179) CP-1 24AC/DC
Power Loss IL18/ LED18 not on Fuse F38/39,
test switch TS17 and/or
remote R6C and R7E contact open
(line 4186)
Intrusion alarm IL19/ LED19 not on Fuse F40/41,
test switch TS18 and/or
remote TD40D contact open (line 4193) Fire alarm IL20/ LED20 not on Fuse F42/43, test switch TS19 and/or remote
R125D contact open (line 4200) CP-1 general alarm IL21/ LED21 not on Fuse F44/45,
test switch TS20 and/or
remote R111D contact open (line 4207) Annunciator general alarm R6 & R7 not on Fuse F54,
Annunciator Panel (CP-1) -
Water Tank Level, SPC-11:
Alarms occurring at erroneous levels SPC-11 calibration error, fault in circuit wiring, LT-3 error
Error OVR/ OVR displayed on SPC-11 Open circuit wire including blown fuses (F55, F56, F57, F58) and open test point connections (TP2, TP3), LT-3 error, faulted signal repeater, DSP-1 faulted.
Autodialer reading high/ low Autodialer calibration/ setup error, SR-1 fault or calibration error, LT-3 error. Autodialer reading zero Open circuit wire, blown fuses, DSP-2 error Remote display DD-1 reading high/ low DD-1 calibration/ setup error
Remote display DD-1 reading zero or off Open circuit wire including blown fuses, (F55, F56, F57, F58) and open test point connections (TP2, TP3), faulted signal repeater SR-1.
The pilot lights and alarm system included in this system should be of great assistance in trouble shooting. Occasionally, a pilot light will burn out and trouble shooting will be difficult because of the burned out light. Frequent checking of the lights to make sure that they are not burned out will be a help in operating this system. The test switches can be used to check light functions.
In the event of D.C. power failure, the alarm horns will be automatically sounded by battery power. Because power supply PS3 and 120VAC bus A3/N3 is fed from the uninterruptible power supply, these circuits will continue to have power enabling continued setpoint controller operation.