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Effect on Strength and Cost of Fly Ash Brick by Replacement of Lime and Gypsum with Cement


Academic year: 2020

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Effect on Strength and Cost of Fly Ash Brick by

Replacement of Lime and Gypsum with Cement

Md. Shariq Satish Parihar

M. Tech Student Head of Department Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Rama University,

Kanpur, India

Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Rama University, Kanpur, India


The aim of this paper is to study about Fly ash Cement Bricks which are manufactured by composition of Fly ash, cement and sand with requisite quantity of water mixed in proper proportions. These bricks are comparatively lighter in weight and stronger than the ordinary clay bricks. The Fly ash is one of the major byproduct of thermal power plants, 1kg of coal on burning produces about 200 to 500gms of Fly ash. Thus, Fly ash is very easily available which can be used to manufacture Fly ash bricks as a substitute of ordinary clay bricks which could lead to reduce the environmental pollution and help in conserving natural resources.

Keywords: Cement, Compressive, Fly ash, Gypsum, Lime, Quarry dust, Sand, Strength



Fly-Ash Cement Bricks are manufactured by composition of Fly ash, cement and sand with requisite quantity of water mixed in proper proportions. Similar to the burnt clay bricks, the fly ash bricks can also be used in all Building constructional activities. In production of fly ash bricks the main raw material which is used is fly ash which is easily available near thermal power plants as a waste product causing several environmental pollution problems. The utilization of Fly ash not only reduces problem of environmental pollution but also creates an opportunity for proper waste utilization. These bricks are comparatively lighter in weight and stronger than the ordinary clay bricks. No firing is needed for manufacturing of fly ash brick however curing for a pre-determined period is done to enable the bricks to gain desired strength. In India more than 100 million tons per annum of fly ash is generated by thermal power plants. One kilogram of fired coal yields about 200 to 500 grams of fly ash. At present about 10% fly ash is being utilized only. The fly ash is generated by thermal power stations in big quantity so the fly ash bricks manufacturing units can be set up nearby thermal power stations. The demand for Fly Ash bricks has picked due to superior quality, eco-friendly nature and government support.

Various special features of fly ash Cement bricks are as follows:

 Uniform shape and size due to machine finished.

 Consumes 20-25% less cement mortar.

 More Stronger and durable than Class-I, burnt clay building bricks.

 Outside wall plastering is not required due to its cement gray color, smooth surface and low waterabsorption capacity.

 Resistance to salinity.

 The dead load and transportation cost is less due to its lighter weight.

 Pollution due to firing is eliminated as firing of the bricks is not needed.

 Adopting this process leads to conserve the top soil of agricultural land.

 By consuming 80-82% fly ash, the cause of environmental pollution and hazards due to disposal is minimized.


Fly Ash is a fine, glass-like powder recovered from gases created coal-fired electric power generation. Fly Ash material is solidifying while suspended in the exhaust gases and is collected by electrostatic precipitators or filter bags. Since the particles solidify while suspended in the exhaust gases, fly ash particles are generally spherical in shape and range in size from 0.5 µm to 100 µm. they consist mostly of silica dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and iron oxide (Fe2O3).

Characteristic of Fly Ash

It possess pozzolanic properties. And is as per IS3812 (Part-I):2003. The physical and chemical properties of Fly Ash are as under


Fineness 350 to 450 M2/Kg

Chemical Properties

Silica 35-59% Alumina 23-33% Calcium Oxide 10-16% Loss on ignition 1-2% Sulphur 0.5-1.5% Iron 0.5- 2.0%

It is well known that lignite fly ash is characterized primarily by the presence of silica, alumina, calcium etc.

Characteristics of Lignite and Coal Fly ash:

Table - 1


L.I.O 1.0 TO 2.0 3-15

SiO2 45 – 59 40-64

Al2O3 23-33 15-29

Fe2O3 0.6-4.0 2-11

CaO 5.0-16.0 0.1-1.0

MgO 1.5-5.0 0.2-4.0

SO3 0-5.0 0.1-1.7

About 25 to 35 %( by weight) fly ash has been used for the production.

Stone Dust/Quarry Stone Dust Sand

The project work is restricted to sand collected from the river. The sand was collected to ensure that there was no allowance for deleterious materials contained in the sand. Stone dust from crushers/quarry stone dust has coarse sand properties; clean & coarse dust has been used about 44.5 to 67.5% by weight. It fulfills the requirement of IS 383:1970.


Ordinary Portland cement grade 53 (IS 12269: 1987) has used about 15-22.5% by weight.

Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was used in which the composition and properties is in compliance with the Bureau of Indian Standard (B.I.S) defined standard of cement for concrete production. The Ordinary cement categorized in following three grades:

 33 grade – IS : 269-1989

 43 grade – IS : 8112-1989

 53 grade – IS : 12269-1987

Where the numbers 33, 43 and 53 correspond to the 28 days (characteristic) compressive strengths of cement as obtain from standard test on cement sand mortar specimens.

Ordinary Portland cement is the basic Portland cement and is manufactured in large quantities than all other cements.


The manufacturing process of fly ash cement brick is mainly follow three procedures viz. proportioning and mixing the ingredients, moulding in specific dimension simultaneously applied load in pressing machine and finally curing under normal temperature till the stipulated period. Machinery depends on demand of bricks.

Machine is fully mechanized compaction machine; its production capacity of brick can be increased as per requirement by alternate shifting work for the large production of brick.

Operation of machinery is easy to handle by a semiskilled worker.

The stone dust and cement is mixed first in dry pan and mixed by mixer which is electrically operated. After mixing of these ingredients Fly Ash is added and further mixed it, finally water is added and mixing is done till the homogeneous paste is ready, mixer is neither is too dry nor too wet it should like half flour doughing.

Now the ready mix materials conveyed to on the belt conveyer to mould of brick machine from where the hydraulically compressed (about 2800-3000 kg force) and remove out of mould on the wooden pallets and taken it curing place, this process continuously done for large amount production of bricks.

On the curing place it dried for a period of 24-36 hours on normal temperature after that curing is done for the prior periods. Curing is done by spraying water twice to thrice time as per environment temperature for duration 28 days.



Compressive Strength

The test is carried out as per IS-3495, Part-1, 1992. The frog of the brick is filled with 1:3 mortars and the specimen is stored shaded place under normal moister for 24 hours, and then immersed in water for 24 hours. The specimen is placed in compression testing machine with 10 mm iron plate on top and bottom of it to get uniform load on the specimen. Then load is applied axially at a uniform rate of 15 N/mm2. The crushing load is noted, strength is the ratio of crushing load to the area of brick loaded.

Compressive strength = crushing load in N/ area of specimen brick i.e. 230 x 110mm) Strength as follows

Table - 2

Ratio (Cement:Sand:Fly Ash) Strength (N/mm2)

1:1:3.5 12.75

1:1:4 12.35

1:1:4.5 11.50

1:1:5 8

1:1.2:3.5 11

1:1.2:4 6.11

1:1.2:4.5 6.66

1:1.2:5 5.45

1:1.4:3.5 7.98

1:1.4:4 9.1

1:1.4:4.5 6.85

1:1.4:5 6.25


The compressive strength at varying ingredients for Fly Ash Cement Brick Compressive strength for different ratio as follows

Table - 2

Sr. No. Cement in % by weight

Sand In % by weight

Fly Ash in % by Weight

Compressive Strength of Brick in N/mm2

1 18.13 18.13 63.74 12.75

2 16.66 16.66 66.66 12.35

3 15.33 15.33 69.33 11.50

4 14.26 14.26 71.46 8

5 17.53 21.04 61.40 11

6 16.12 19.35 64.48 6.11

7 14.93 17.92 67.18 6.66


10 15.6 21.84 62.56 9.1

11 14.49 20.28 65.2 6.85

12 13.51 18.92 67.57 6.25

The compressive strength of specimen as follows

 For the ratio of 1:1:3.5 have maximum strength while the ratio of 1:1:5 have the minimum strength.

 For the ratio of 1:1:4.5 having the maximum strength while the ratio of 1:1.20:5 having minimum strength.

 For the ratio of 1:1.4:4 having maximum strength while ratio 1:1.4:5 having minimum strength.

Fig. 1: Test Specimen

Fig. 2: Test Specimen


For the water absorption the specimen is dry and wiped but by the clean cotton cloth and weight is taken and noted. The brick specimens are immersed in water for 24 hours. After taking out specimen rick from water, and weight it again. We got average water absorption for all samples = 14%.

Formula = {(W2-W1)/W1} * 100

W1 = weight of dry specimen



The different percentage of Fly Ash, cement and Stone dust in Fly Ash cement Brick shows the variation of strength as well as cost,

This paper concludes following parameters

 Ratio 1:1:3.5 have the maximum strength but slightly costly.

 Ratio 1:1:4.5 also having strength similar to First class clay brick with suitable cost.

 Ratio 1:1.:4.5 have best result strength as well as cost effective.


[1] AnubhavRai, Mukeshkumar (2014) “Effect of Fly Ash and other ingredients to the Strength of Fly Ash. Lime, gypsum, cement stone dust) brick. International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research Volume-2, Issue-5 May 2014

[2] Ashish Kumar, RinkuPrasar (2012), “Comparative Study on compressive strength of Brick made with various material to Clay. International Journal of Science and Research Publication, Volume 2, Issue 7, july

[3] Scientist ‘C” Fly Ash Mission, technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment council New Delhi. [4] Compressive testing method of brick as per IS-3495, Part-1, 1992


Table - 1 LIGNITE FLY      ASH (%)
Table - 2 Fly Ash in % by
Fig. 1: Test Specimen


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