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The Villas at Falls Run Condominium Unit Owner Association (VCA) Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors Monday, August 3, :00 AM MINUTES


Academic year: 2021

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The Villas at Falls Run Condominium Unit

Owner Association (VCA)

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Monday, August 3, 2020 – 10:00 AM


Call to Order -The meeting was called to order by the VCA President, Keith Morgenheim at

10:00 AM. Also present and representing a quorum were the following board members: Vice President, Elaine Diepenbrock; Treasurer, Ed Kappler; Secretary, Kathy Catalano; and Member at Large, Mary Ann Hackbarth. Landmarc Real Estate was represented by Ryan Fernett, President. NOTED: Meeting was a Zoom virtual meeting open to the community.

Open Forum:

Joe Wurtzel - Provided information about several drainage issues that currently are under review by the Building and Grounds Committee and emphasized that we had to consider not only the type of pipes being used, but also the topography of the affected area.

Approval of Agenda- Treasurer Kappler moved and member Hackbarth seconded a motion to

approve the draft agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Approve Minutes from VCA Board Meetings dated July 6, 2020 - Treasurer Kappler moved

and Vice President Diepenbrock seconded the motion to accept the minutes of the July 6, 2020 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

President Report - President Morgenheim congratulated Kathy for the excellent Villa Update

that recently was distributed. He also discussed the irrigation system's equipment issues and how this is progressing and the future of our landscaping i.e., types of grass, water rates increase, and the challenges the community will face in maintaining the beauty of our community.

Community Manager's Report – Ryan informed the community that Shelby Mason was leaving

to take care of a family emergency and Ryan would be stepping back into the role of Property Manager temporarily. Linda Brooks, a Landmarc administrative staff person, will be assisting Ryan in the office. Until another Manager is hired, Ryan will be addressing any community issues that arise. Ryan advised that residents should contact them using a new email address that will go to both of them: [email protected].

Ryan reported that storm damage to trees had been quickly addressed, and that the irrigation drain box damage is being repaired.



Operating Cash (CIT): $179,000

Total Reserve $2,278,000 @2.12% Available Cash: Merrill: $6,700 CIT: $101,000 CDs: $2,147,800 @2.12% Bonds: $6,300 @4.95% Year-to-Date 2020 Interest: $27,500

Estimated Rolling 12 Month Interest: $45,800


Redeemed (July): Comenity Bank / $100,00 CD 2.8%

Purchased (July): Bankunited National Association/ $110,000 CD 0.15% To be Redeemed (August): Luther Burbank / $140,000 CD 0.15%

June Budget Results:

Month of June $13,000 Under Budget Y-T-D through June $61,000 Under Budget

Unappropriated Member's Equity (June) $175,287 30.6%

Villas' CD Maturities 8/1/2020 2020 2024 August $140,000 January $20,000 September $135,000 February $45,000 November $140,000 March $55,000 Total $415,000 April $13,000 May $19,000 2021 June $16,000 January $110,000 July $44,000 April $100,000 September $29,000 July $100,000 October $40,000 December $100,000 Total $281,000 Total $410,000 2025 2022 February $15,000


3 April $100,000 June $132,000 October $25,000 July $40,000 December $100,000 August $70,000 Total $225,000 October $12,000 Total $269,000 2023 January $75,000 2026 March $55,000 November* $128,000 April $100,000 December* $43,000 November $39,000 Total $171,000 December $20,000 Total $289,000

*= Callable

FRCA Committee Liaison Reports:

• FRCA Finance Committee - Treasurer Kappler – no report

• FRCA Property and Grounds Committee - Vice President Diepenbrock – report in board book. Updated progression on community center air conditioning project.

• FRCA Modification Committee - President Morgenheim – There was no meeting, but he did receive a modification request from a resident that will be addressed under new business.

FRCA Board Liaison Report – Connie Block

• Next regular FRCA meeting August 26th

• The September/October, and November/December editions of the Gazette will be distributed online only.

• President Chevette discussed upcoming FRCA budget 2021 - discussed fixed costs and discretionary expenses. Some residents had petitioned rebate on association dues. Budget at 6-month mark is where it should be.

• Regarding COVID-19- The FRCA is a business, and as such must follow all state laws and COVID 19 guidelines applicable to businesses.

• Modification and Property and Grounds committees are soliciting more members.

• Air-conditioning system project at Community Center progressing with little to no issues. • Minor leak in outdoor pool in drain line but it will have no effect on keeping pool open. Both

the leak and the broken fence will be repaired once pool is closed for the season.

• The FRCA financial Audit was reviewed and the findings were satisfactory. One question which addressed payments made to trash vendor has been resolved.

• The proposed new Activity Director decided to not accept the position and First Services is now exploring the possibility of hiring Lara Lewis, prior Activity Director, on a fix-hour contract basis to help with community activities until a new AD is hired.


4 Buildings and Grounds - Steve Corliss:

• VCA Tree management project ongoing and hoped to have a proposal in hand for the removal of trees soon. We also are seeking bids on the stump removal, debris cleanup, topsoil, and seeding. New trees will be planted in locations that will not damage buildings or underground infrastructure. Reach out to the community for volunteers to water new plantings. Further information will be provided to residents as plans are solidified.

• Committee has been looking at lead walks and driveways that are showing significant signs of deterioration. Ryan Fernett is contacting contractors to get bids for the work, with the hope of beginning concrete work in the fall. Residents will be notified of the work planned and given instructions to move cars, etc.

• Ryan Fernett has a proposal for power washing the 100 addresses that were not washed last year. The bid is from same company that did the 2019 work and includes siding, walks, and driveways. Residents will get a prior notification so they can move outdoor furniture, potted plants, house decor, etc.

• We have received another proposal for fixing the drainage problem behind Turtle Creek units from James Bullock of LandPro. The B&G will discuss it at the next Committee meeting.

• Dead Bushes/Shrub removal plan is in progress with LandPro bidding on the removal of 96 plants. Sandy Ferraro and Sally Cooney Anderson completed a survey and found 42 bushes that they felt needed to be removed. B&G will reconcile the difference between the LandPro survey and the B&G survey and define priorities for the work. Homeowners will be asked to water new plantings until they become established. More details will be advanced later from the B&G subcommittee working on foundation plantings.

• A door painting bid has been received from Tim Whitehead. Tim has done work previously and we are confident he will do a good job. This bid did not include painting the trim, and Ryan will ask him to also include a cost for trim paint in his proposal. Because the doors must be open briefly in order to allow paint to dry properly, residents, or someone they identify, must be at home when the painting is done.

Elections – Nita Deegan: A letter being mailed to community regarding election. Currently one

resident who has expressed interest in a position on VCA Board.

Finance – Ed Kappler: Continue to work on Budget and Reserve Study process. He is seeking

suggestion for questions to ask reserve study vendors when they are interviewed.

Villa Update - Kathy Catalano: No report. Old Business

• Reserve Study - Interview process of Reserve Study vendors. Evaluation of the four proposals received, narrowed the field to two venters that we will interview – DMA and Reserve Advisors. Discussion on criteria board is looking for in order to make final decision. • Tree Study - Estimate received for tree removal. B&G has provided a prioritized list of trees



priority trees his fall. They also suggested taking time to make final decision on tree replacement with considerations for tree types, availability of water, and best planting schedule. Further discussion needed on tree stump removal.

• Shrub Maintenance – We have received a shrub proposal from LandPro which includes costs for both removal and replacement of shrubs. Ryan Fernett will work on preparing costs for just removal of dead shrubs now.

• Irrigation System - Ryan Fernett discussed update on issues with system currently in place. Further discussion with vendor on current equipment issues and how to move forward with updating equipment.

• Erosion and Drainage Proposals – A proposal from LandPro to mediate drainage issues behind Turtle Creek was sent to the B&G Committee for review and consideration.

• Budget Preparation – A draft budget in place and current review being completed. Residents were advised that further discussion should take place in upcoming meetings, the first of which is scheduled for August 27. It is hoped that the budget will be completed and presented to the Board at the October meeting.

• Snow Removal – Because of concerns about the ability of BrightView to carry out its snow removal obligations, the FRCA has entertained going out to bid on snow removal. Currently, the VCA also has BrightView under contract for the upcoming season. Possible scenario to be avoided is that FRCA and VCA will have different vendors performing related tasks. The FRCA and VCA have been working closely together on this and both hope to be able to retain BrightView at least through the end of their current contract period – April 2021. A meeting of all parties is scheduled for August 17.

New Business:

• Request for Permission - A resident on Aspen Hill requested permission to remove certain shrubs alongside of garage. Resident will pay all costs for this project. Due to being in common area, need board approval. A motion was made and seconded to approve request. The motion carried unanimously.

• Landscaping Mid-Season Review – Concerns about Green Scape's performance led to the decision to conduct a mid-season review meeting with the vendor to discuss successes,

identify short falls, and fine tune the performance to help the lawn and plants. Landmarc was asked to schedule the meeting.

• Power Washing Proposal - Ryan Fernett discussed current proposal in board book. Discussion on which areas to address. Elaine moved that we except CCS Powerwashing contract with addition of lead sidewalks, but not the driveways, for a total of $11,875. Ed Kappler seconded motion. The motion carried unanimously.

• Door Painting - Discussion on proposal in board book. It was decided that we should add painting of door trim to proposal. Work will begin now with an estimated completion date of November 30, 2020. Treasurer Kappler moved to accept Tim Whitehead’s bid with the addition of door trim and a deadline of November 30, 2020 in an amount not to exceed $15,000. The motion carried unanimously.

• Replacement of driveways – The B&G Committee has surveyed the community driveways, and Steve Corliss proposed replacement of those few driveways that were identified as having most serious problems. It was suggested that we prepare an RFP in order to get bids for this project. There currently are funds in the budget to complete project. Ryan will survey the community again and prepare an RFP.


6 Open Forum –

Joe Wurtzel – Provided clarification of size of planting containers. Suggested that planting and

removals be considered separate of each other. Recommended that we ask irrigation contractor to measure amount of water used in one cycle.

Helen Harlow - Had a question about the tree removal process. Addressed issue of resident

painting front door pink.

Discussion date for Special Board Meeting – A special meeting was scheduled for August 24th

to discuss trees and shrubs.

Adjournment – 12:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Kathleen Catalano, Secretary

Next VCA SPECIAL Board Meetings: August 13 and 24


at 10:00 AM


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