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Pathfinder RPG - Spheres of Power


Academic year: 2021

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paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829466 4829466 4829466 460372 460372 460372




paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829466 4829466 4829466 460372 460372 460372


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829467 4829467 4829467 460373 460373 460373




Lead Designer

Adam Meyers


Owen Stephens, Thomas Keene

& Ryan Ricks

Book Layout & Design

Rachel Meyers


Rachel Ricks

Cover Art

Ben Wootten

Interior Art

Jacob Blackmon,

Full Page Art

Gennifer Bone,

Character Portraits

Rick Hershey,

Monochrome Images

John Stevenson,

Sphere Symbols

paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829467 4829467 4829467 460373 460373 460373


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829468 4829468 4829468 460374 460374 460374


© 2014 Drop Dead Studios LLC Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, original artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)

Open Game Content for this product is identified as the mechanics, except for the material designated as Product Identity. No portion of this work other than material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compat-ibility for more information on the compathttp://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compat-ibility license.

paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829468 4829468 4829468 460374 460374 460374


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829469 4829469 4829469 460375 460375 460375


Compatibility with the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo. com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game. Paizo, Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse the product.

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http:// paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the com-patibility license.

Spheres of Power and all other Drop Dead Studios product names and their respective logos are trademarks of Drop Dead Studios in the U.S.A. and other countries.

All Drop Dead Studios characters, character names, and the distinctive like-nesses thereof are property of Drop Dead Studios. This material is protect-ed under the copyright laws of the Unitprotect-ed States of America. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included herein is purely coincidental.

Open Game Content: All material — including but not limited to art, place and character names, character and setting descriptions, background, and new class descriptions— is Product Identity. All other content is considered Open Game Content


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark own-ers who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (in-cluding into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic ele-ments, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or su-pernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associ-ated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights con-veyed by this License.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distribut-ing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, in-dependent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the owner-ship of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly in-dicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becom-ing aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it en- forceable.


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.

paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829469 4829469 4829469 460375 460375 460375


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829470 4829470 4829470 460376 460376 460376


Funded through



Brian Jackson, Jeremy McIntyre, and Stefan “Bo” Martensson Jr


Ben Anderson, Elliander Eldridge, Mad Alchemist, and

Ryan Thomas Blanchard


Devin Pigman, Eric Montgomery, Milton Murphy, Paul Banyai,

and Peter W. Gordon

Bardic Sorcerer:

Bryan Allen Hickok, Jeremy Kear, Michael Finigan,

and Peter *LifescanX* Poulsen


Twin Greater Swag Lords:

Kimberly Burgess, Mark D Strahm, Milo MacManus & Ottis MacManus, and Shaun McMahon.

Ultimate Collector:

Aaron Switzer, Andreas Turriff, Anish Hermon, AntHover, Archastrel, Ashley Shackelford, Becca Fraser, Ben Edwards, Brandon C Skipper, Brandon O’Brien, Bret Dixon, Brett Easterbrook, Brock Synnes, Angel Tarragon, Charles Town, Crane Laws, David Crutchfield, David DeRocha, Devin Rogers, Dick “Ozz” Voisine, Dustin Niepoetter, Eagle, Gaelen Karol, Horst Klinkenborg, Jairain, James Pontius, Jan Birch, Jason “Hierax” Verbitsky, Jeremiah Davis, Jeremy “SeeleyOne” Seeley, Jody Cline, Johannes Luber, Joseph Mason , Joshua Jenkins, Josip Dujmović, Kary “Realm Master K” Williams, Mathieu Bourgoin, Michael “Maikeruu” Pierno, Michael Garman, Michael Moore, Mike “Vwoom” Hammer, Nick Wihtol, Oliver Peltier, Paul Ryan, Philip Minchin, rectulo, Sam Wong, Samuel A. Lyons, Scott Kehl, Sid McFadden , Steve Davies, The Doerr Family, Travis Carpenter, Warren P Nelson, and William Perry.

Greater Swag Lord:

<HoSp>, Alex Duden, Andrea Martinelli, Bo Lehmann, Charlie Daniel, Christopher Adams - Syntrix, Conrad Dunkerson, Cris Folley, Jr., Daniel Nissman, Daniel Smits, David Lucardie, Dennis de Lange, Dennis Gregg, Dominique, Don, Beth, & Meghan Ferris, FX, Hugh Gorick, J. Quincy Sperber, Jack Brown, Jason Riek, Jon Messenger,

Katherine Provance, Michael Lonon, Peter Engebos, Rea Wolf, Richard Libera, Scott Maynard, SilentKror, Timothy B. Marshall, Todd Laughlin, Ultharwe, Vicente Cartas Espinel, Winthrop Wilcox, and Zach Ortmann.

Twin Soul Weavers:

Aaron Clites, Bobby McGuire, Collin&Ross, Jason Hewett & James McGowan, Jeremy Miller, Jesse Gates, and August Brissey, The McGuire Clan, and William Akin.

Swag Lord:

AJ Carruthers, Boyd Stephenson, Christopher Chung, Christopher Hill, Craig Johnston (flash_ cxxi), Damien Radisson, Dan Wentzel, Dennis Stewart, E Bordeaux, Edwin Frerichs the Third, Gabriel, Garcia Emilien, Geoffrey Ford, Jason Jensen, John Young, Joseph, Justin P. Sluder, Keith Preston, Martin Blake, Michael G Townsend, Paulo M Djordjevic, Ryan Oxley, Stephanie Wagner, Trampas Whiteman, Wade Geer, and Wayne Kostencki.

Twin Wizards:

Aaron Holding, Alex Blair, Alfred Frendo-Cumbo Jr., Benzil, Brendon Parker, Christopher Szynkowski, Connor Lynch, David J Rust, David Mullins, Jerry Castaldo, Mark Sierens, Paul Thomas Mountford, Peter Allan & Christian Malleck, Robert Hobby & Jeff Hobby, Stephen Carter and Scott Kyrish, and Zachary Forsythe.

Soul Weaver:

A. Michelle Simmons, Aaron Croy, Adam Jacobsen, Alan-Michael Havens, Andrew Clucas, Andrew Gray, Andrew Hauptman, Ben, Ben Buckner, Blitz


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829470 4829470 4829470 460376 460376 460376


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829471 4829471 4829471 460377 460377 460377


Tiger, Brett Griggs, Brett Mikuchonis, Brett Walsh, Brewe,

Brian Tetirick, Carlos Figueroa, Clay Pelon, Conner Glover, Cory Welch, Coyotekin, dallunb, dan h, Daniel Crook, Darryl Hambly, Dave ‘Wintergreen’ Harrison, David Fogarty, DualShadow, Ed Kowalczewski, Eric France, Erich Salvesen, Erik A Giberson, F. Emond, François Emond, Frank and Karen Amaral, Fred Bagley, gumboots_smithy, j. e. bean, J.R. Fortin, Jack Sheldon, James Adams, James Breach, James Holt, James Keener, James Krolak, James P Richardson, James Smyth, Jason Shuey, Jason Templeton, Jeff Rosenberg, Jeffry Rinkel, Jeremy Tuck, Jim Reader, Joe Medica, Joe Thater John Buckley, John Geyer, Joseph Allan Andersen, JuliusderBastler, Justin Michael Boese, K. Verbaant, Keith Mosher, Kevin Cartee, Kyle McCarty, Laithoron Aernelóth, Lazarus Acteon, Lee Perry, LordNightwinter, Loriean, Mark A. McCormick, Mark Featherston, Mark Weiher, Martin Hamilton, Mathew Irizarry, Matt Kava, Matthew “AbyssalToaster” Anderson, Michael Anthony Cotignola III, Michael Pietrelli, Mike and Jess Doerrler, Nicolas Desjardins, NorseK, Palak Shah, Pascal Bouchard, Paul, Paul Wilson, Pekka Lähteenmäki, Peter T Schulte, Ralph Reinert, Ray Brooks, Richard M Sykes, Rob ‘Wolfthulhu’, Rob Belkowski, Roger Paulo Soder, Scott Kling, Sean H Birge, Shadizar (RWoods), Silvan Fricker, Stefan Krannich, Stephen B Keith, Steve Gruis, Steve Luke, Steve Schwai, Steven Blewett, Steven Jefferson, Stoakley Lloyd, Ted Lee, Tim Brehaut, Timothy Graham, Timothy H. Ott, Sr. & Family, Trevyn Hey, TriOmegaZero, Tyler Brenman, Vincent Kalman, Will Teets , Zachary Guder, and Zachary Hero.


Airton Cesar Agostinho, Ben Walker , Bleeyargh, Brendan Weir, Bret Anderson, Buster Zlug Mølborg Erlingsøn, Camden Kammer, Chip, Chris Sanderson, Clawbane, Dal Porto, Daniel Ricks, Gary Kacmarcik, Greg Lang, gum-boots_smithy, J. Michael Matkin, Jack Sheldon, James Fadavi, James Small, Jason Crook, Jason M. LaRue, Jay Estrada, Jean-Michael D., John “King” Roberts, John Hollar, Keavin Hill, Lee Hulbert, Magus, Mark Knights, Martin Severin Jensen, Matthew Siadak, Matthew Stanton, Michael Hart, Michael R. Snow, MiniMajik, Nate Daugherty, Nathan Martin, Orphen, Øyvind Kittelsaa, Phillip Heaton, Phillip Marashian, Rene Hernandez, Ross Thompson, Ryan Sander, Sean Holland & Tyche’s Games, Steve “Slipperboy” Donohue, Steve Johnson Tealus, Thaine Hepler, Thomas Brown, Thomas Diener, Will Satzinger, William Rodriguez, and Xday.


Adam Steffes, Alai, Alexander Kluding, Alexander R. Corbett, Andrew Shultz, Anton Wood, AokoKaze, Benjamin Meck, Bill (The Bear) Heritage-Smith, Blake Inouye, Bob Galley, Bobby Nichols, Brandon Slaten, Brian A Green, Brian Wells, Bruno Alves Marques, Bryce Vails, Burt Silva, Carl L

Gilchrist, Casey Conner, Charles Otlowski, chris, Chris Brong, Chris Dron, Chris Fee, Chris Mortika, Christopher Mathieu, Chuck DeVries, Chuck Hinrichs, Cory Burma, Cory Hughes, Cory Hughes, Craig “Stevo” Stephenson, Curtis Shephard, Damien Brunetto, Dan D., Daniel Bryan, Daniel Miller, David Brennan, David Headquist, David J. Parker, David Nielson, Derek Brown, Derek Getz, Devon W., E. Christopher Lloyd, Elisabeth Espiritu, Faelias Dracon, Frank Carr, Gavin Halldorson, Gideon Glass, Glenn Berry, Gulliver, Hiatea, Ivo Blackrazor, J. Walker, James May, Jeff Threatt, Jens Johansen, Jeremy Stone, Jesse L Bigenho, John Rondeau, Jon Brumfield , Jonathan Eisenhauer, Joseph Dubie and Josh Short, Josh Louie, Joshua , joshua davenport, Katy Richard, Keith Davies, Keith M, Ken “Professor” Thronberry, Ken Laird, Kenneth F Perez, Kevin Templeton, Kimmo Kalske, Kris Jutzi, Lars Emil “TheHolyMage” Nielsen, Laruuk, Leif Bergman, Lyzard, Matthew Hartwell, Matthew Kury, MaxMahem, Mezanth, Michael Eaves, Michael Schell, Mitch Christov, Mitchell Osborne, Myles C. Allen, Paul Arington, Peter Chon, Philippe Niederkorn, Quothe, r r michael humphreys, Raymond Finch, Rednal, Robert Haubenstricker, Romain Darmon, Ron Schmidt, Rooney Smith, Ross Simpson, Russ Luzetski, Ryan Weis, Sam Stoute, Sandro Thalmann, Sandro Thalmann, Sean Eustis, Sean Sanders, Seth Wilcox, Sham Suri, Shawn Janzen, Skyler Weaver, Spencer Brint, Spencer Davis, Spookdragon, Stephen Griffith, Steve Lord, Steven J. Fader, the Zimbas, Thomas Veilleux, Tim Hernandez, Tim Mushel, Timaoh, Tobias Dworschak, Travis Stodter, Trseratt, Wesley Strey, Wikijesus, Williamoak, Wm Jay Carter III, and Zherlthsh.

PDF Summoner and Spellslinger:

Aaron Alberg, Aaron O, Aaron Scott, Aaron Segal, Adam “WhirlwindMonk” Bednarek, Adam Elliott, Albert Rigo, Alex Baumgartner, Alex R., Allan Hill, Andrew Parran, Andrew Wilson, Anthony S. Evangelista, Antonio Martorell, Ariel Weis, Atiran Tares, Atramagus, Austin T., Avi Hecht, Azriel, B. Beverungen, Baldorien, Bambisauce, Bill “Wystan” C., Bill Ashbaugh, Bob Huss, Bobby Jennigs, Brandon Masters, Brian “Nitehood” Johnson, Brian Coss, Brian J. Burke, Brian Summers, Bryan Christian, Carl LeCompte, castella-nash, Cauldron Moose, Chad ‘Skrymir’ Hughes, Charles E. Schindler, Jr., Charles Myers, Chris Bauer, Chris Burns, Chris Heilman, Chris Trevino, Christopher Rowe, Christopher Rowe, Christos “+5 toaster” Gurd, Cody Alexander Martin, Coleman Kolb, Cortney Sauk, Craig Coxson, Crowfeathers, Dag, Dale Norman, Dan “Quas’thelin” Ward, Dan Anderson, Daniel “Deathcon” Anderson, Daniel Gray, Daniel Hager, Daniel Heneghan, Dave M., Dave Tomczyk, David E Mumaw, David Fagerstrom, David Goldstein, David Harrison, David


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829471 4829471 4829471 460377 460377 460377


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829472 4829472 4829472 460378 460378 460378


Pier, Denys van den Berg, Derek Burge, Devin La Salle, Dodgy Farmer, Don Cerio, Donna Nutter, Douglas P. Fields, Jr., Dwarf, Eggtooth, Emelyn Carroll, Eric Lehan, Eric McClanahan, Eric Prister, erick figueroa, Erik Saltwell, Étienne De Sloover, Fabio Ticconi, Fimbul, Francis Richardson, Frank Gawryla, Franz Lunzer, FrictorOTS, Gabriel “Pepipawa” Kuri, Gabriel Hesson, GenericD, George Panopoulos, Gnomemullet, gra-ham fear, Grant D Ruhoff, Grant Lindsay, Grausum, Greg, Greg Krywusha, Guillermo Santiago, Gullven, Guy Thompson, Gythi, H&M Pumple, Hamish Thomson, Harrison Snodgrass, Hugo “Keeper” Mardolcar, Ike Ellsworth, Imban, ixokai, J. Edward Casteele, J. Schultz, Jack Gulick, Jacob Shapiro, Jadher Machado, Jaime Garmendia, Jake Raynolds, James the Deity, Jamison, Jan Egil “Jedidiah Curzon” Bjune, Jason F. Broadley, Jason Gassel, Jason M. Black, Javier Machado, JD Stocksett, Jeff Persson, Jenevieve “Tasha” DeFer, Jeremy Seow, Jerold Yocom, Jerry Aunspaw, JF, Jill and Rob, jinx7027, Joe Dunham, Joe Fusion, Joerg Gering, John “johnkzin” Rudd, John Cobb, John Groszkiewicz, Johny Woller Skovdal, Jonas Karlsson, Jonathan Howard , Joshua F. Knowles, Joshua Slane, Justin Dugas, Justin McDaniel, Justin Mohn, Kahz, Kai Salmon, Kai Wolf, Kari Ward, Ken (Reyder) Andrews, Ken Hilf, Kevin Conway, Kevin Shilling, Kris Knives, Kronno, Scion of Zuko, Kyle Ballard, Landvaettir, Lapsed Pacifist, Lectral, Lee C., Lester Ward, Link Oberg, Lord Anubitz, Maplesnuzzles, Marc Margelli, Marco “_Journeyman_” Bignami, Martin Nichol, Matt Lugo, Matthew Winchester-Arlow, Michael C, Michael D. Blanchard, Michael De Rosa, Michael Miller, Michael Pelletier, Michael Ross, Michelle Scott Roark, Michiel Nankman, Mikael Assarsson, Mike Carmody, mindlord, Morlane, NarfMann, Nathan Jack, Nicholas Sturm, Nick Lee, Nick Poland, Nora Hailey, noty, Oliver von Spreckelsen, Olna Jenn Smith, Patrick Prince, Patrick Schweicher, Paul Benjamin, Philip Grassie, Phillip Ash, powerful hallucinogens, Quothe, Ralph Miller, Randall, Randall McNallen, RandomOne Sagritalo, Raven Pomper, redsixwing, Requeim, Richard Kirby, Richard N, Rick Hewitt, Rob Mayer, Robert Small, Rocky Williams, Rod Shelton, Russ Ventimeglia, Ryan Blackstock, Ryan Kent, S. R. Dreamholde, Sam Hing, Sam Wright, Samuel Munilla, Scathaigh, Scott Vandehey, Sean, Sean S., Shannon Spear, Shawn McMannis, Shaz, Simmy Sims, Simon* “h3rne” Hunt, Smurfy911, Sonny Barnette, Spencer Bowers, SSG Louis J. Bianco AKA Zimrok, Stephan Szabo, Steve Dodge, Steve Powell, Steven Oatney, Tad Duncan, Thierry De Gagné, Thomas Schellenberg, Timothy Baker, Timothy J. Karwatt, Tom Dale, Tommy Tramantano, Tony Miller, Trevor D. Oakerson, Troy “Wrongtown” Hall, Troy Wells, TTTTTTTT, Tyrrin, Vaughan Monnes, W Birchler, Warlich, Wes Uber, Wesley Martin, William Booth, William

Stapleton, wraith808, YoMaBi, Yotam Haimberg, Zach Bertram, Zafri Mollon, and Zoldar.


A Foley, Albert Nakano, alexander, Alexander Bjorn, Almonihah, Andrew Beauman, Andrew Hess, Andrew Hill, Andrew James Princep, Anthony Royle, Ari Stone, Arkane Loste, AxelMajere, Ben McFarland, Blake Jamison, Brady T. Chin, Brandon Blackmoor, Brian Bauer, Brian J Ratcliff, Brian Wing, Bruno Teixeira Maia, BSOD, Caleb Gillombardo, Chad Bartlett, Charles Scott, chris blondin, Chris Korfmann, Chris O., Chris Turner, Christian Dobson, Christopher S Ryan, Claus Olesen, Connor Christlieb, Craig Carter, Craig ONeil, Curtis Gibson, Damien Porter, Dan Ben, Dan S, dark2dawn, Darrick Dahl, DayDreamer, Dedstuff, Dik Bots, Dingleson, Dmitry Shkurko, Don Tucker, Doug “Dhomal” Raas, DY Verden, Edward Eldritch, Eric Baierl, Eric Hindley, Erin A. Kinser, Farmaduke, Floyd C. Wesel, François Boivin, Gareth Lewis, Garrick J Williams, Gideon Kalve Jarvis, Gregory Krakovich, GURPSGM, Hari Seldom, Ian Liddle, James Tomasino, Jared Meyer, Jason Aschberger, Jay Kint, Jeremy H. L.(DarkSkrypter), Jeremy Liu, Jerrin Strongblade, Jesse Anderson, Jesse Petersen, Jessica Trantham, Ji Atkinson, Jim Heath, John-Matthew DeFoggi, John-Matthew DeFoggi, Jon Preston, Jonathan Korman, Jordan Irwin, Jordan Peters, Joseph Gilbert, Justin C, Justin Thyme, Karl Taylor, Kevin, Kevin O’Toole, Kevin Rau, Kristopher Stein, Lawrence Eger, Lobster, Lod Marcannis, Logan Brock, M. Grancey, Marcel Zwiers, Mark, Mason M., Matthew French, Matthew P., Matthew Stigler, Mattison Bodini, Mike “Rhishisikk” Kochis, Myles L., Niadh, Nicholas Glavor, Nicholas Oquendo, Nick Esposito, Nova Wurmson, Patrick Ford, Patrick W., Paul Taylor, Phillip Hollweck, Rafael Dera, Randy Murnighan, Raven Daegmorgan, Relkin, Robert Daines, Salacar, Seth Swanson, Shane David Brown, Silver Games LLC, SilverWolf, Silvio Herrera Gea , Simon Collins, Sir Meta, SkrypterX, Slava J., SnowBouLe, Sparksol, SpikeRosered, TeichDragon, “They’re All Dead” Dave, Thomas Keller, Thomas Lucas, Tim Johnson, Timothy J. Watkins, Tony Howell, Tony Troskoski, Val Beyer, Yehuda Kossowsky, and Zachary “Quacky” Dearing.


Alex B Fafara III, Antifinity, Daniel Piasecki, Dmitry Shkurko, Gregory Pisano, J. Pintar, Jeff Smith, Lee Barklam, Nick Guido, Ninja Pigeon, Pamela Collins, Paul Pomykala, Paul Sharpe, Sam J, Seth Drebitko, Tokkan, and Zach Phillips.


Killstring, Shawn “Slate” Jones


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829472 4829472 4829472 460378 460378 460378


paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015 paizo.com #3539816, James Gilbreath <evilprozac79@hotmail.com>, May 1, 2015

4829473 4829473 4829473 460379 460379 460379


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction ...1

Basic Magic ...7

Alteration ... 10

Conjuration ... 14

Creation ... 18

Dark ... 20

Death ... 22

Destruction ... 24

Divination ... 26

Enhancement ... 30

Fate ... 32

Illusion ... 34

Life ... 36

Light... 38

Mind ... 40

Nature ... 44

Protection ... 48

Telekinesis ... 50

Time ... 52

War ... 54

Warp ... 56

Weather ... 58

Classes ...63

Armorist ... 64

Elementalist ... 68

Eliciter ... 70

Fey Adept ... 74

Hedgewitch ... 77

Incanter ... 85

Mageknight ... 92

Shifter ... 96

Soul Weaver ... 100

Symbiat ... 104

Thaumaturge ... 107

Archetypes ... 110

Prestige Class ... 112

Bokor ...112

Advanced Magic ...115

Using Advanced Magic ...116

Advanced Talents ... 117

Alteration Talents ...117 Conjuration Talents ...117 Creation Talents ...118 Dark Talents ...119 Death Talents ...119 Destruction Talents ...122 Divination Talents ...122 Enhancement Talents ...123 Fate Talents ...124 Illusion Talents ...124 Life Talents ...125 Light Talents ...125 Mind Talents ...125 Nature Talents ...126 Telekinesis Talents ...128 Time Talents ...128 War Talents ...128 Warp Talents ...128 Weather Talents ...130

Rituals ... 131

Using a ritual ...131 Ritual Books...131 Scrolls ...131 Researching Rituals ...132

Mixing Spells & Rituals ...132

Converting Spells to Rituals ...132

Sample Rituals ...133

Optional Pricing ...134


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Table of Contents

Spellcrafting ... 136

Spellbooks ...138 Sample Spells ...138

Incantations ... 140

The Role of Incantations ...140

Discovering Incantations ...141

Using Incantations ...141

Failed Incantations ...141

Special Rules ...141

Creating New Incantations ...142

Sample Incantations ...145

Player Options ...147

Feats ... 148

Casting Traditions ... 153

Sample Casting Traditions ...154

Drawbacks ...156

Boons ...161

Multiple Traditions ...161

Magic Items ...163

Using Magic Items ... 164

Spell Trigger & Spell Completion Items ....164

Adjusting Wealth by Level ...164

Crafting Magic Items ... 164

Quick Conversions ... 164

Magic Talents ...164

Rituals ...164

Item Creation with SoP ... 165

Item Base Powers ...166

Miscellaneous Variables ... 171

Talent-Based Magic Items ... 171

Scribe Scroll ...171

Brew Potion ...171

Wondrous Items ...172

Craft Rod ...172

Attribute-Based Magic Items ... 172

Forge Ring ...172

Craft Wand ...172

Craft Staff ...173

Craft Magic Arms and Armor ...175

Altered Weapon Special Qualities ...177

Altered Armor Special Qualities ...178

Creativity and Custom Magic Items ... 178

Using the System ... 178

Example 1 ...178

Example 2 ...179

Example 3 ...180

Example 4 ...180

Example 5 ...180

Sample Magic Items ... 181

Scrolls ...181 Potions ...181 Wondrous Items ...182 Rings/Equipment ...182 Rods ...183 Staves ...183

Using This Book ...185

Customization ...186

Sample Worlds ... 190

Shadows of Baine...190

The Children of Ire ...192

Everforge ...195

Stars of Mìngyun ...197

Organizations ... 200

The Blue Cowl ...200

Whitecloud Monastery ...202

The Bloodworks ...203

Beast Wardens ...204

The Artificer’s Guild ...205

The White Lotus Cult ...206

NPCs ... 208

Appendix ...216

Skeleton and Zombies ... 216

Animated Objects ... 217

Character Sheet ... 219


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Fourteen carts, each one stacked as high as it could be with corpses. It would have to be enough.

As invisible hands pulled the carts into a line across the hilltop, Soren spared a glance for the warcamp below. It was giant — thousands of soldiers, not all of them human or even mortal. An eclectic combina-tion of mercenaries, slaves, fanatics, and demons, all fallen in behind one banner: Warsong the Conqueror, scourge of the west and sacker of the civilized lands.

Soren would enjoy killing him.

Welcome to Spheres of Power, a new magic system for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Spheres of Power (SoP) can be used alongside Pathfinder’s core magic system or may com-pletely replace it, and like many Pathfinder systems is easily adapted to the third edition of the world’s oldest roleplaying game, as well as many other table-top RPGs.

A small rustling of leaves announced the arrival of Deema, Soren’s companion.

“Have they stirred?” she asked, stepping close and glancing at the valley below.

“No,” Soren said, his eyes sweeping the camp. “It seems our illusion’s held.”

Deema brushed the long, silver hair from her face and gave a wilting laugh that somehow managed to warm the heart and freeze the blood at the same time. “Then for all his power, Warsong is ours. Let us begin.” Deema held out her hand and a small creature, the imp she kept as an advisor, flew from its perch on one of the wagons. The creature placed a book in Deema’s outstretched hand and, as Deema searched the pages, took up a new perch on its mistress’ shoulder. Deema read aloud a few words in the arcane tongue and the wagons slowly pirouetted, tipping the bodies onto the ground. Soren whipped back his sleeves. It was time.

For many, magic is the heart of the fantasy roleplaying experi-ence. It’s what gives a setting its appeal, the heroes their pow-er, and the villains their terrifying capacity for destruction. As such, the rules and capacities of magic determine what kinds of stories can be told—after all, a world where magic is reli-able and divided between arcane and divine sources is different from one where magic is risky and only wielded by a select few.

Likewise, a magic user who can cross dimensions at will has a very different adventuring career than one who must use a horse to travel, even at the heights of his power.

Soren took a deep breath and stretched his hands forward, letting his magic flow. Beside him, he felt Deema’s power grow as she likewise summoned her magic and, placing a hand on his shoulder, added it to his own. Soren felt his magic grow as it mixed and mingled with that of his companion, surging to heights he could have never reached alone. It was terribly seductive, wielding this much power. He could get used to it. Soren had no need for words or gestures; his was a pure magic. In quick succession he turned his attention to each pile of corpses, wrapping his magic around the bodies like a puppeteer stringing a marionette, raising them to their feet. Then, his own work done, Soren shifted control of their joint magic to Deema. She spoke the arcane tongue, and the corps-es began to change. Some transformed into hideous beasts, while others grew in size until they looked as big as giants, or sprouted wings and claws until they looked more like the bodies of devils than of men. It was beautiful. Death and its possibilities had always fascinated Soren, but Deema’s creations were something else entirely; undead crea-tures transformed into true horrors, easily the match of whatever beasts Warsong kept in his employ. Soren may have been the more powerful magician of the duo (indeed, few creatures this side of mortality could match his raw eldritch potency), but Deema’s finesse with the magical arts was truly worthy of legends.

Spheres of Power is a tool for customizing magic, allowing play-ers and GMs to change magic to fit their needs, rather than fitting their needs around the magic. With Spheres of Power, a GM can craft a setting based on a favorite book or movie or could craft a world of his own creation without having to force that world into the Vancian system. Martial art styles that ma-nipulate the elements, spirits that must be invoked and bound to use their power, casters who must ingest rare metals to use magic—all of these and more become possibilities with the Spheres of Power system.

There was a flash, a furious rumble, and something came hurtling out of the camp below. With nothing but instinct guiding him, Soren released his magic from the pair-bond and summoned the first thing he could think of: a giant stone wall. It materialized in front of them just in time to hold back an explosion of flames.

Chapter 1


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Chapter 1

“It seems someone’s noticed us,” Soren yelled over the roaring fire. Deema quickly wove a more complete magical barrier around them while Soren let his own wall dissolve, turning his attention to other magics. As the fire blazed around him, Soren stretched his magic through the worlds, finding those allies he had long-since bound to his service. One by one, half a dozen creatures, all of different shapes and sizes, appeared before him. Soren pointed at the camp.

“Find the wizard and destroy him. Then, sow confusion in their ranks.” The creatures flew, ran, or slithered off, and within seconds the rain of fire stopped. Soren could still hear flames roaring below, but now the bursts seemed to be targeted everywhere at once as the unfortunate magician tried to fend off six of Soren’s best minions.

The camp was bustling now; the magical exchange had acted as a stim-ulant, and soldiers were now rushing to organize their defenses. Yet even with those few seconds of warning, they’d never be able to form ranks in time to stop the flood of horrors Soren and Deema were about to unleash on them.

Soren turned to his companion and held out his hand. “Shall we kill a warlord?” he asked.

Deema took the offered hand and smiled, for all the world as if she were at a party and had just been asked to dance.

“I would love nothing more.”

Navigating this Book

Chapter 2—Basic Magic: This chapter covers the basic rules

for the Spheres of Power system. Rather than gaining spells, casters choose areas of magic (spheres) they will possess mas-tery over, and use magic talents to further refine, empower, and develop their magical skill. This chapter also covers the basics for working the spheres, including caster level (the measure of a caster’s raw power, akin to the way Base Attack Bonus measures a character’s martial prowess), Magic Skill Bonus and Magic Skill Defense (a number similar to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game’s caster level, which is used for opposed checks, over-coming spell resistance, and making concentration checks), as well as rules for how these systems work when mixed with the more-familiar spell system from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game’s core magic system.

Chapter 3—Classes: Eleven base classes and one prestige

class give players and GMs a series of options designed from the ground up for use with the Spheres of Power system.

Armorist: The armorist binds weapons and armor to her

ser-vice, creating items of vast power to fit her needs. With little need for outside equipment, an armorist can temporarily create weapons and armor for her allies and summon powerful equip-ment onto her own body.

Elementalist: A master of destructive magic, the elementalist

can summon and control raw power in a variety of forms and can bring death to his enemies through fire, ice, lightning, and other ways.

Eliciter: Few creatures are as adept at manipulating minds as

an eliciter, who can manipulate a creature’s emotions to both empower and enslave.

Fey Adept: The secret of the Fey is the mastery of illusion magic

to the point of crafting reality, and the fey adepts are their mor-tal students. A fey adept manipulates perception and reality to a startling degree, using illusions to accomplish tangible effects.

Hedgewitch: No two hedgewitches are exactly alike, as this class

excels at mixing and matching the powers of other classes through the use of its traditions. A hedgewitch could be a mas-ter of herbal magic, a dealer in forbidden arts, a charlatan, or all of the above.

Incanter: The undisputed master of magic, the incanter gains

more magic talents than any other class, and is perfect for those who enjoy power and versatility in their casters.

Mageknight: When a warrior seeks to increase their power

through magic, they often choose the path of the mageknight. Mageknights combine weapons and spheres to become a dead-ly force on the battlefield.

Shifter: Shifters use their magic to manipulate their bodies,

ever-changing to suit their needs and overcome challenges. Shifters take on a variety of forms until few are sure which is their real one, if there even is such a thing.

Soul Weaver: Masters of both life and death, soul weavers are

mediums, healers, necromancers, and summoners of spirits and shades. A soul weaver may either bless or curse the living and can enact powerful magic on those who fall under their sway.

Symbiat: Symbiats are masters of telepathy and telekinetics,

us-ing psionic magic to accomplish impressive feats. Symbiats use their power with a level of detail and finesse no other caster can copy, pushing their bodies to inhuman extremes or reading their opponent’s mind to stay one step ahead of its movements.

Thaumaturge: There are those who seek power down forbidden

or unsafe paths, risking their bodies and souls to lift their magic to heights few would dare to tread. These are thaumaturges, and few can match their raw magical might.

Bokor: The bokor is a prestige class that combines the core

Pathfinder spell system with the SoP sphere system, represent-ing those casters willrepresent-ing to study magic in all of its forms. This chapter concludes with a series of archetypes designed to adapt the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game’s core classes to the Spheres of Power system.

Chapter 4—Advanced Magic: This chapter covers a series

of optional magic rules, which both players and GMs can use to increase the scope of their adventures. This includes magic such as resurrection, long-distance teleportation, planar bind-ing, and other magical feats that, depending on play style, may or may not become part of any given campaign. This magic is divided into four systems for ease of use:

Advanced Talents: These abilities function similarly to standard

magic talents, but they have strict requirements and can greatly increase the scope of a base sphere’s power.

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Chapter 1

Rituals: Rituals allow a caster to invest time and material

com-ponents to create magical effects. Rituals provide the utility of spells to a world of spheres.

Spellcrafting: Spellcrafting allows casters to create unique

ex-pressions of magic such as signature spells or other abilities outside the scope of the standard SoP system.

Incantations: Similar to incantations from older roleplaying

sys-tems, this magic system allows creatures to use skill checks and strict criteria to accomplish great feats of magic, often in a campaign-centric way that adds wonder and mystery to a plot.

Chapter 5—Player Options: Feats can be found here as well

as rules for creating a caster’s tradition.

A caster’s tradition is a shorthand for the rules and regulations that are associated with a particular caster’s magic style. In the core Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, these are things akin to a wizard needing a spell book and materials to use his magic, as well as his need to gesture and speak in a magical language. Likewise, it is similar to a cleric’s need to pray to her Deity and use her holy symbol as a focus in order to cast spells. Casting traditions allow not only players to customize the why’s and how’s of their magic users, but also GMs to dictate the rules

of magic in a particular world, allowing them to create settings that otherwise would not translate well to the magic rules of the core Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Chapter 6—Magic Items (Coming Soon): This chapter

cov-ers not only how to adapt Spheres of Power for the creation of pre-existing magic items, but also includes new rules for the use and creation of magic items.

Chapter 7—Sample Worlds and Using this Book (Coming Soon): Most of the mechanics presented in this book are

de-signed not to dictate to you how magic and magic-users should work, but instead to allow players and GMs a measure of con-trol over how magic can work, how it interacts with the cam-paign setting, and how it functions for the players themselves. This chapter details a number of sample settings, and provides rules and guidelines for how to use Spheres of Power to create a unique and flavorful campaign setting.

Magic is so intricately tied to how a world works and how ad-venturer’s ply their trade that every change in magic can have long-reaching effects on how a setting feels and operates in a game. These guidelines are here to help GMs maneuver these new rules and use them to present something new and

wonder-ful to their gaming groups.

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Destruction Divination Enhancement

Mind Nature Protection Telekinesis

Time War Warp Weather

Fate Illusion Life


Alteration Conjuration Creation Dark

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Basic Magic

Chapter 2

Basic Magic

Artemis leapt over the palisade, his magic wrapped around himself like a cloak. To the uncanny observer, the dark-haired half-elf would appear as nothing but a passing presence on the wind. As for canny observers, that was what his swords were for.

Artemis paused, sinking deeper into the shadows as he observed his sur-roundings. Guards circled the outer wall, and the inner wall was cov-ered in lanterns, as if to make sure no shadow could cross the courtyard and provide cover to an approaching enemy. A pity, that; as much as Artemis trusted his own magic, he wouldn’t have minded a little bit more of a cover of darkness.

Artemis waited until he was sure every eye was turned away, and then ran across the courtyard as quickly and quietly as he could. He was certain every door would be locked, so instead he headed for the one opening he could see: a small window on the second story. Artemis ran, jumped, and grabbed himself mid-air with his own magic, hurling himself straight for the window. Artemis made himself as small as pos-sible and passed through the small opening, tumbling across the floor on the other side.

It was a small room; storage from the looks of things. A man and a woman, both wearing servant’s garb, sat in the room at a small table with a bottle of wine between them. They both leaped to their feet in shock at his entrance, but before either of them could scream Artemis had already unleashed his magic, stretching across the room with his thoughts and boring into their minds. Their eyes rolled up and silently they both crumpled to the floor, sound asleep.

He leapt to his feet and he was halfway to the door on the other side when...

“You’re getting sloppy, boy.”

Artemis whirled around, a spell half-formed in his mind before he real-ized he recognreal-ized the voice.

“Thanak?” he called quietly, his eyes scanning the room. Sure enough, a tall elf with hair so red it appeared to be on fire stepped out from behind a stack of boxes. He leaned casually against the stack of containers, one hand resting leisurely on the rapier hilt at his belt.

“It really wasn’t hard to know where to find you,” Thanak said, casu-ally brushing dust off the front of his vest. “All I had to do was find the flashiest and most unnecessarily complicated place to make an entrance and wait for you here.”

“What are you even doing here?” Artemis said, incredulity playing across his face. “Wait, nevermind, I don’t have time for this,” Artemis turned back around and strode purposefully toward the door.

“The job’s done.”

Artemis froze, one hand on the door latch. “Eh?” he asked.

“We’ve taken care of it” the elf said, a smile crossing his lips. “We couldn’t wait for you to finish leaping through windows, so we broke out your dear prisoner a few minutes ago. He’s being taken care of...ah.”

The door Artemis’ hand was on opened, and a short, blond man with a very handsome face stepped through.

“Your man is in an empty wine barrel on the back of a horse-drawn cart, which should be leaving the castle as we speak,” he said, closing the door behind him and smiling at both of them. “I told the driver to let him out as soon as they were out of sight of the castle, and then to take him wherever he wanted to go.”

Artemis stared dumbfounded at the newcomer. “Skew? You’re here too?” “Thanak asked me along,” the blond man said with a nod toward the elf. “He wanted me to charm a few guards for him, so we could get your prisoner out with a minimum of fuss.”

Artemis looked from one of them to the other, a dozen questions battling with each other in his mind.

“How did you even get in here?” he asked finally.

“It was fairly simple, really,” said Thanak, straightening himself and walking toward the door. “A charm, a little darkness, and a teleporta-tion, and suddenly we’re inside with little fuss at all”.

“And now,” he said, opening the door, “I think we should be off. These two will wake up eventually, and as much fun as I’m sure you’d find fighting our way through a castle’s worth of armed guards, the rest of us would just as soon go home.”

As Thanak made his way into the hall, Skew frowned slightly and leaned in closer to Artemis.

“Is he always like that?” he whispered, nodding toward Thanak’s re-treating back.

“Just to me,” Artemis whispered back with a sigh. “Father’s privilege.”

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Chapter 2

Using the Spheres

Spheres of Power is a completely new magic system that may be used alongside or may completely replace the core Pathfinder spell system.

Like spells, the spheres grant a magic user the ability to accom-plish great things that would otherwise be impossible. Bending fire, summoning angels, layering enchantments on an unsus-pecting creature’s mind: all of this and more is possible for a master of the spheres.

Like spells, spheres require levels in a magic- using class. Using a sphere ability provokes an attack of opportunity (unless cast defensively), requires a concentration check in difficult situa-tions, ceases to function in an anti-magic field, and is subject to spell resistance. Unlike spells, however, sphere abilities do not require gestures or magic words, nor are they divided between Arcane and Divine sources (although Chapter 5 of this book details Casting Traditions—a way for players and GMs to re-in-troduce these particulars and distinctions). Likewise, just as a fighter may take levels in other martial classes without sacrific-ing his combat ability, a caster may take multiple castsacrific-ing classes without necessarily dividing his power.

Where the core Pathfinder magic system grants access to spells and spell levels, magic users using the Spheres of Power sys-tem (referred to as ‘casters’ in this book) use spheres and tal-ents. There are 20 spheres contained in this book, including Alteration, Creation, Conjuration, Dark, Death, Destruction, Divination, Enhancement, Fate, Illusion, Light, Life, Mind, Nature, Protection, Telekinesis, Time, War, Warp, and Weather. Spheres provide a caster with a broad magical focus; for ex-ample, powers that deal with moving objects through space are contained in the Telekinesis sphere, while powers that deal with manipulating winds and rain are contained in the Weather sphere. Each sphere provides the caster with an at-will ability, which may be further refined through gaining talents associat-ed with that sphere.

Beyond the spheres themselves (located later in this chapter), there are several terms that must be explained for use with this system: Magic Talents, Caster Level, Casting Ability

Modifier, Casting Time, Distances, Spell Points, Saving Throw Difficulty Class, and Magic Skill Bonus and Magic Skill Defense.

Magic Talents

As a caster gains levels, they gain magic talents. Magic talents, like feats, may be spent to allow a caster to gain new powers and abilities.

Whenever a caster gains a magic talent, they may spend it in one of two ways: to gain a new base sphere or to gain a talent associated with a sphere they already possess.

The number of magic talents a caster gains differs between classes, but all characters gain two bonus magic talents the first time they gain a level in a casting class, regardless of which class

is chosen. Once a talent is spent, it cannot be changed except through retraining, which follows the same rules as retraining a feat.

Caster Level

Caster level is not as synonymous with class level in SoP as it is with most of the core Pathfinder spellcasting classes. Instead, it would be more appropriate to think it as akin to Base Attack Bonus: as a creature gains levels in a casting class, they gain caster levels at different rates depending on the class chosen. A multi-classed caster determines his total caster levels by adding together his caster levels from all his classes, similar to how Base Attack Bonus is cumulated between all classes. A caster level of 0 is treated as if it were 1 when determining a caster’s capabilities.

All casting classes fall into one of three categories: High-Casters (wizards, sorcerers, clerics, incanters, soul weavers, fey adepts, etc.), Mid-Casters (bards, magi, inquisitors, symbiats, eliciters, etc.), and Low-Casters (paladins, rangers, armorists, mageknights, etc.). Each of these groups gains caster levels at a slightly different rate, as indicated by Table: Caster Level.

Table: Caster Level

Level High Caster Mid Caster Low Caster

1 +1 0 0 2 +2 +1 +1 3 +3 +2 +1 4 +4 +3 +2 5 +5 +3 +2 6 +6 +4 +3 7 +7 +5 +3 8 +8 +6 +4 9 +9 +6 +4 10 +10 +7 +5 11 +11 +8 +5 12 +12 +9 +6 13 +13 +9 +6 14 +14 +10 +7 15 +15 +11 +7 16 +16 +12 +8 17 +17 +12 +8 18 +18 +13 +9 19 +19 +14 +9 20 +20 +15 +10

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Basic Magic

Casting Ability Modifier

Not every class in the Spheres of Power system uses the same mental ability score when determining their magical potency. Just as with the core Pathfinder magic system, some classes use Intelligence, some use Wisdom, and others use Charisma. In Spheres of Power, this is called their casting ability modifier (CAM). Casting ability modifiers are used to determine the Difficulty Class of sphere abilities, as well as the caster’s total number of spell points.

When adapting an existing class to the Spheres of Power sys-tem, use whichever mental ability score was originally used when determining spell potency. For new classes listed in this book, their mental ability score is listed, or in some cases (in-canter, hedgewitch, mageknight, and thaumaturge) the player is allowed to choose whichever ability score he prefers. If a caster takes levels in multiple casting classes, they must select which of those classes’ casting ability modifiers they will use as their casting ability modifier; only one may be applied. Multiple Traditions is an exception to this rule, and may be found in Chapter 5—Player Options.

Casting Time

Most sphere abilities require a standard action to use, but there are exceptions. Certain abili-ties, such as metamagic feats and some drawbacks, may increase or decrease a casting time by a cer-tain number of ‘steps’ as seen in

Chart: Casting Times.

Note: Unless otherwise specified, a sphere ability cannot have a shorter casting time than a swift action, nor a longer casting time than 1 hour.


Many sphere abilities use Close, Medium, and Long as indica-tors for their range. Just as with spells, Close equals 25 ft + 5 ft per 2 caster levels, Medium equals 100 ft + 10 ft per caster level, and Long equals 400 ft + 40 ft per caster level.

Spell Points

Along with gaining caster levels, casters using the SoP system also gain a spell pool, which accumulates spell points as they gain levels. Spell points are a measure of a spellcaster’s ca-pability and are spent to increase the power of their various sphere abilities. Each caster gains a pool of spell points equal to their class level plus their casting ability modifier. Just like with caster level, a caster adds together all their levels in Sphere casting classes when determining the size of their spell pool. If they possess levels in multiple casting classes, add those class levels together when determining the number of spell points possessed.

A caster’s spell pool refreshes every day after roughly 8 hours of rest. These hours do not need to be consecutive.

Saving Throw Difficulty Class

Whenever a sphere ability calls for a saving throw, the Difficulty Class (DC) for that saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 the caster level + the caster’s casting ability modifier. If the targeted crea-ture meets or exceeds this number with their saving throw, they often reduce or negate the effect. If a caster chooses to use an effect at a lower caster level than his maximum, the DC is also lowered.

Magic Skill Bonus and Magic Skill Defense

Sometimes, it isn’t a caster’s raw power that is important, but rather his skill and experience with magic in general. This in-cludes concentration checks or times when a caster directly pits his magic against that of another caster. At these times, the caster’s magic skill bonus (MSB) and magic skill defense (MSD) are used to determine the outcome.

A caster’s MSB is equal to his total levels in casting classes. A caster’s MSD is equal to 11 + his total levels in casting classes. Sometimes, a power or circumstance will call for a magic skill check. At this point, the caster making the check rolls a d20 and adds her MSB to the roll. If this equals or exceeds the tar-get’s MSD, the check succeeds. If not, the check fails.

When a Sphere caster makes a concentration check (as called for by the Pathfinder Core rulebook), instead of rolling a d20 and adding his caster level + his casting ability modifier, he rolls a d20 and adds his MSB + his casting ability modifier to the roll. Treat an effect’s caster level/2 as the effective spell level for this purpose. A spellcaster may always choose to manifest a magical effect at a lower caster level than his total in order to make a concentration check easier.

Example: When casting defensively, a caster must make a concentration check (1d20 + caster level + Int, Wis, or Cha) against a DC equal to 15 + double the spell level. In SoP, this would instead require a check equal to 1d20 + MSB + casting ability modifier, and would be against a DC equal to 15 + the caster level of the ability.

When attempting to penetrate a creature’s Spell Resistance, she rolls a d20 and adds her MSB to the roll.

An MSB is also used when attempting to counter another cast-er’s magic, such as when using the Counterspell feat.

Any feat or ability that would normally call for a caster level check instead calls for an MSB check. Any feat or ability that normally adds to a creature’s caster level for the purposes of one of the caster level checks listed above instead adds to their MSB for that purpose.

When combining SoP with the core Pathfinder magic system, whenever a caster level check is called for or when a DC of 10 or 11 + a creature’s caster level is called for, the character’s MSB and MSD should be substituted respectively.

Chart: Casting Times

1 hour 10 minutes 1 minute 1-round full-round action standard action move action swift action

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Chapter 2

You have the ability to change the physical makeup


of creatures.

Shapeshift: As a standard action you may shapeshift yourself or a touched creature, changing their form for as long as you concentrate. If the target is unwilling, this costs a spell point, and they are allowed a Fortitude save to negate. You may spend a spell point to allow a shapeshift to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration. You may dis-miss your shapeshift as a free action.

Shapeshift is a polymorph effect. A target may only be

affect-ed by one shapeshift at any one time. If a caster attempts to place a second shapeshift on a target, he must succeed at a magic skill check. If he succeeds, the second shapeshift is successfully placed on the target, dismissing and dispelling the first.

When shapeshifting a target, the caster must choose a form and a series of traits for them. Forms constitute a creature’s basic physical makeup (humanoid, draconic, animalistic, avian, etc.) while traits are special characteristics or alterations (natural attacks, creature size, monster special abilities, etc.). A caster may grant up to 1 trait + 1 per 5 caster levels and cannot grant the same trait more than once unless the trait indicates it may be granted multiple times.

With the exception of Blank Form (detailed below), placing a form on a creature causes that creature’s physical body to change into that of another creature. The target gains the listed number of limbs and loses all others. The target loses any ex-traordinary or supernatural abilities, natural attacks, and move-ment types dependent on their original form (darkvision, scent, wings, claws, etc.) and gains the listed benefits in their place. Alternate sources of physical traits (such as a dragon sorcer-er’s ability to grow claws) still function. In addition, the target’s equipment melds into their new form, causing them to lose their armor and shield bonuses and the ability to pull any item from a backpack or belt. They also cannot activate magic items (although constant bonuses from magic items still remain). This cannot be used to assume the guise of a specific individual creature, but otherwise adds a +10 bonus to Disguise checks made to appear as a different race, gender, or species. The cast-er may cause the target to cosmetically appear as whatevcast-er type of creature he desires, although if the target is not granted the right physical attributes (for example, granting the right size category or number of legs), the disguise may fail completely. When a caster first gains the Alteration sphere, they may grant creatures the Blank Form and the traits listed below. Additional forms and traits may be gained by taking Alteration talents. Any trait may be granted to any form.

Blank Form: Unlike other forms, the Blank

Form does not change the creature’s basic makeup. They do not gain the +10 bonus to Disguise checks, nor do they lose their abilities, equipment, natural attacks, or any other aspect of their unaltered form. The Blank Form allows a caster to add traits to a creature without fundamentally changing the target first.

A caster may grant the following traits to a creature affected by their shapeshift. A target must possess the appropriate limb where listed, and cannot grant a natural attack to a limb that already possesses a natural attack.

• Darkvision 60 ft • Low-light vision

• 2 claw attacks (Primary attacks, 1d4, 1d3 small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.

• 1 bite attack (Primary attack, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires head). You may grant this trait multiple times.

• 1 gore attack (primary, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires head). You may grant this trait multiple times.

• 2 slam attacks (primary, 1d4, 1d3 small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.

• 2 pincers (secondary, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.

• You change the target’s cosmetic appearance. This could include changing the target’s apparent age, mak-ing an elf into an orc, disguismak-ing a large dog as a small pony, changing a male into a female, or some other such alteration. This grants the target a +10 bonus to Disguise checks. This trait may only be applied to the Blank Form, as such changes are assumed with other forms.

Alteration Talents

Additional Limbs

You may apply the following traits to any form. You may grant each trait multiple times.

• An extra pair of arms.

• A prehensile tail, which may be used to hold objects as if it were a hand, and retrieve objects from a belt or pouch as a swift action.

• Tail slap (Secondary, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires tail) • Stinger (Primary, 1d4, 1d3 small, requires tail)

• A pair of legs. This grants a 20 ft land speed if the tar-get didn’t possess one. If this is not the form’s first pair of legs, the target gains a +4 CMD bonus against trip at-tempts. If this causes the target to become a quadruped, they gain the related increase to carrying capacity and may serve as a mount for creatures smaller than itself. • An extra head.

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