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r .' J;3U:r"LETTIN ,HARGA Noo






ATTIVITAJIET TAL-GHAQDATAL-iB'OLKLbR.. ., .... '.' •• Pag .. 100 EVENTS OF' FOLKLORISTIC TNTEREST G.LanPranco'. ~ .•••• 101· NOTA 'DWA'R' I L...; MUZEW 'TALeFOLKLOR .' .' ••.•••••.•.•••.• . 108 EX VOTO U WEGHDIET Raf.Bonnici-Cali' •...•• 10~

THE 'WATER SEL1-ER Hand-coloured,G.1anfra:nco ••• ~" ~'. ~.112

MILL-GHAR GRAD-DAR Dr ~ Ch ~Cassar, M. D ... ' .. 113~ i

RESULTS·'OFTRUCK-NAME WATCHING ••• Ġ "Lanfranco •••••• ' .l:15


GALanfranco . . . 121

-... -.

; Ii~kontenut ta I ' dan' il":Bullettin huwa 'copyright,'u: xejn. minnu

ma jista jigi riprodott minghir il-kunsens bil-miktub ta' l-Editur u"'l-awtur ~lbncernat.' L.:..Imnara u l':'Editur huma

ufficjafum~nt irregistrati ghandil-Press Registrar.



f' dan il-Bullettin m


bilfors dawk tal l:..Editurjew "t?-l-G,haqda tal-FolklQr, jekk m~ jl~unx

hemm specifikat l i hu hekk. " " , ' . Edi tur: Guido' Lan'franc 0 . ' Korrispondenza,,, artikoli:, :hlasi jiet

ghandhom" jintbghatu lilu f'


~,st. Trophimus Street, Sliema,Mal ta •



Minbarra ix-xoghol normali l i tirrikjedi Ghaqda, billi

jsiru l.aqgh.a.t, .t.a.l-kum.i.tat.,. korrispondenzID, u rutina, di.n-is-sena l i gha.d,d.i,e.t .m.indu .harge.t l-abbar Mnara, kienet ukoll mimlija

negoz,jat.i .. d.v~ar .. i,1-.ftu1:r, ,tal-Muzew tal-fQlklor, u iS.sa

il-prepar-axjoniji.e.tqe~ jghagglu aktar. Kellna diversi laqghat mal-PRO

tal-Min.i,st.e.ru.tal-Kul tura., s-Sur lvIichael Schembri, u ukoll ergajna

morna nar.aw i.l-p're.pa,ramenti fil-palazz ta I l-Inkwizi tur, (18-8-81) ,

30~.5.-,8.1,; .. ipvistajna ,;il-.M;uzew tal-Knisja ta I Haz-Zabbar, u

3-6-81 kienhemm laqgha ta' diskussjoni, fis-sede ta' Din 'L-Art

Helwa.,· i'l--He'l t.

Is-Segretarjuonorarju,G.Lanfranco, ta ghajnuna lill-Jane Griffin, l i giet mill-Amerkapiex·taghmel studju dwar San Pawl

f' Hal ta', davvw.arha. il-posti jiet konnessi ma I l-Appostlu, u hi ja

J " •

uiiet l-a~preiza~enttaghha fil-kitba l i harget: Ukoll,

is-·segr.etarju ghamel, tahdita. dvmr il-Jolklor lokali, (26-3:"81),

lill-grupp ta' xi tletin, memb~i tal-Ghaqda nYoung Wo~enChristian

Association l i gew mill-Ingilterra, u qaghdu fid-Dolmen Hotel. Il-Kumitat ghas-sena 1981 huwa hekk: President:Dr.C.Cassar,MD, G.Lanfranco,Segretarju Onorarju; Raf.Bonnici Cali' Kaxxier Onorarju; Membri: is-S'ri JoBuontempo, Angffiilio Dougall, Charles Coleiro,

Jos.Drago, Dr. V.N.Pellegrini,LL.D.,Miss.M.R.Pisani. Onotarju, is-Sur J.Cassar Pullicino.



A chronological list frolil August 1979, to July 1981. This is a list incorporating also Ewterial which had to be excluded from Hnara Noo3

of 1980, dUD to lack of space~



The l'1inister of Trade eave advance notice about a law to abolish toys in the form of weapons, like revolvers, Bwords, etc •• The Peac'e Lab,Hal Far, had children cerel:lOniously bury toys.

13th Aug., the Perseid meteor shower reached i ts maximmn, and reminds one of the Gozitan tradition, when people


out on the

fields to look for ;:)t~ LaJl.rel1ce iS Coal; the meteor shower is

known as ti~q~s of Bt~La~renc~

Grocers will henceforth be closed on Sundays and public holidays;

Tri recent years there used to be a roster, now abolished. Horse races were held at Ghajns..ul()Ll on the occasion of the 'fe'ast of the Mdonna of Loreto.

feast of St~ Helen,BtKara, againstarted to be held in the morn-ing; in 1978 it was held in the afternoon.


Malte se Fo):t-.Gro_1.J.J2. returned from Libya(Tripoli); tViva Malta'

had taken part in a folk festival, for 1st Se;1t. Revol. celebrations. On the ~est of Our Lady, at Mosta, sparrows vnth strings and ribbons on their le gs, streaming behind, were released from the curch

door, as the statue was ~or;ling out e Whilst i t is part of a celebrati

on, it is still cruelty to birds, and no need to be encouraged.

8th SelJtel~lber COE1Elernorated as usual with a Hass for the Dead of the

sieges af


Johnis co-Cathedral. \Vreaths were laid at the

monument,Victory Square, Vittoriosa, by the Vittoriosa Cult.& Hist" Soc.; froYrl this yea.r, Govt c representati ves laid wreaths at foot

of Freedom monument at Vittoriosa, instead of other sites. The regatta took place as welle

Sar il-p_ell~grj~}]'N,::J:,-j;;~'l.r:.roti u muturi mir-Rabat -Mosta, ghall

Haz-Zabbar, fil festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja, fejn tbierku.

Hor~9~ at St. Venera for 23rd, were cancelled, due to no

permit being given, as a public road was to be used;these had to be organized by the Nationalist Party Club. At Ghaxaq, 18 races


-102-The Curia announced that bells should hot be rung betvJeen llpm and 6p m, except Christmas and Easter; also permissible after

Thursday evening function, Friday 3pri1; calling people to mass should not excedd 10 notes; Permissible also at funerals. October

A t parish of Burmarrad, 21st, bless.ing _o_~ fa~l~_s~t.2..Q1§ .• 14th,feast of St. DiElitri, Gharb, Gozo.


As from this year, POP):2Y_ Day will be discontinued; the British Legion had contributed to the fund since its inception. The

occasion used to be very popular in :t1oJ.ta, wj_th poppies of several types sold for funds, big ones on cars and horses, small on la~el.

Christ the Ki~g, EtS from this year, will incluc1e a Jesus Festival

in front of St. John's, after the corgege fron Floriana; formorly i t \"Jas a lOj:Jg, elaborate corgege, fron Castil10, through valletta, to Floriana granaries.


The Ministure of culturo, opened a rqustHlm . ...91...01d ma <?hin_e}:'2:, at Sta Venera,· the Vincenzo Bugeja Technical Huseum, at the Social Action Centre.

For Christnas, the Nat:Lonal Festi vi ties ComE1i ttee organised the Chrismas C!i~ competition, the street lighting competition, and for the first time, oppn air cribs.

The fifth anni versinry of Re-public Da,.y 'vvas celebrated on the 13th at Cospicua and Vi ttoriosa Freedoli1 lionUl~lent.

On 16th, Canterini di Ortigia, a folk grou12 from Sicily, gave a sho1/1 at the Phoenicia, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute.

On Christmaa and New Year, P]ls services \'1i11 stop beh.,reen nobm and 3 .. 30pm, for a lunch time break.

1980 January



27th people were encouraged to p resent gifts of money or food at church, to be presented to the archbishop for needy chmldren This was on Candle:~las.

-_._~---24th, a mass for journalists, on the occasion of their protector, St.Frances de Sales; held at Catholic institute.

l'11useum Dept .. issued a set of four ~rnving§; tVfO r;laps by Ittar and



' 0

1980 (Contfd) February

-103-The seminarians li t the candles of t'he congregation outsiqe the

or€),toryof, St" John, "tq ini tiate ,the celebration of Candlemas Ceremon?, . . , . . '


, Malta·' s ~'Y..blic Day'was celelJl'ated for the firwt,time' iriParis on December 13th~ by the Charge' d I Affaires, at, the Erllbassy of Mal ta

in Paris 0, . Jrhe, Mal tese comnluni ty of South California, celebrated

New Year's'Eve vr.i.th"inaltese disheso(both re,porte,dFe1):198ID) March, , ,


_. " ' . ' . . .'

Peni ten:t:i§!..l procession at Senglea with Statu-e "Of, Redeel].§)r, led

,by the Archbishopo,.. . ,

MaterB61~i-donsigli' School, Paola 3 held aDgoll~ compet;Ltion Lqpt .~RP~q~ displays of the Table were held as usual in Valletta and gospi,clJ,a, .,PaG;8Vllle(Augu3t,i ni


ns) .and Lija" , " i , i '

", Mini~ture passio:h;,gtatue, 'standards., ett, ,wereċarr;re:(i<:':by,boys

i.nthe'~li:r!;-gt~9_;P.;§.~?..§1(:m'procession at -Qormi; it,iF3 'h:n~own. as

r Tal-Bonu' " ,and ,for,: sevElral,year,s :organizedby Karmerlll; Azzopardi.


"Jtt!t:2...l : ,,: '

;C:'" , " ,'. ~'t ,~" , " " : '" , . , "

st: Pau).) s'!~Mi~~i3ion'ary: COlle:ge; Rab~t, Ladieġ'dircl~ o.rg~nizei:l a Figo'lla' comp'eti tion . ' "," .' ," ,;, . ' ,,' , ;, ,

_ _ .!. - - . ": C '" . , . " " . . . : " . ' , F " . : • ; . " ," : " ,

) ~oodFr.:hQ§.X.LE .. Q.~~?ion.§. taking place, in Mal ta, were, 13, Gozo 5"

, ' . . .. , ' . ' , " . . . ' . . . . . : " , . : , ' .

'Free'domdaycelebrations tool~place aLVittoriosa :and Valletta March 31st .. , andat Vi,ctoria Gozo. lt was also celebrated in , Mose O\V ~ by the MaJ, ta::..USSR, Frj. endship .society ~ , . .' ,


,R~~§2:Lrr~e,",st:!~<2.g P,~~cesE3io~

did not' take plate'


of rain,i'l1 th,e rriorning5 butat 'Qormi was held, in the'cift:ernaon. This has nbt· happ0n'ed for many year8~At P,aola,held SundaY",~ater"

Hilton 'Hot~l organizeda c:ompeti


of de~orated:·.~.9;s'ter'egA§, includinghard..;boj_le6_ eggsc" .' .. ' " ' , ; . ,',.'

AF~gĠjj:_~j~,9_:r:.~;~ \IlYJa~ h~ld

for, the s6cond' electoral dis::tr:Lb:t ch:iJldrne 9

hyt'heNinistry of works al1,d., sportse ' c ' . " " . " " : ,

. 011 Tel,Effilea ,Sicilia:n TV??


Good Fridgr:g{'


was screenc". skn'

Ġiri6r t~ia'di

tional feast":was inaugurat'8,d wi thth:6: Zejtun


16n; 'ATMar'saxlokk,~ was the 'usual gatherint~ b'ut bad~:weather

dis-couraged ,the,' fi:rst,dipforseveralo ' , : ' " . '

: t > l,.. . : " . : : . 7· ' . " . . .' . . . '. ~ ~.:.~ " _ ' . " ~. : ..

T;heballro6m and theloggiafoye;rof,the Hilton, 'provided an exhib-, .. ition oflocal ~nd~trie:~._~.r!-..(LSr8j:ts, inċludihg'a kajikk,·fish,lace, ,,';" potter.y,qubbajt S'Eand, :wic'ker, , 'filigree,:etc .•• ,; all with.,·the worker

present on the.::;sp.ot 9 organized 'by Ch,ain.e d.e':,Rolisj3e1J,rs. . ...

' .. .'.).


" ,

-104- ' ":",,


Tbi~ year "tbe Kalkaraparish had i ts' turn


offering' the'; 011 f6r "tHe' whole year ,"in the sil ver lamp offeredby the Order' of St", John in 1960 to the Grotto of St. Paul at Rabat'.

13th;ri:esur~e~tf6~n p:to,ċess:Lon

h'eld at Vittori;sa;i t had ,been

cahce.ITeddue to rai,n. . '. , . . . .. . " " ..

The Hilton organi'zed an egg-hunt;, young guestscollectedthem.: from whe're they were' hidden invari"ousplaces in the hotel ~ .

The. Cat'l1o'li'c ,Action organize'd a Best-dressed' 'Dotl :Competi tion 'at"'San Anton Gardens, for part of their Spring Festival. '


St .. Josep]y the Yforke..r, ceiebrated by poli tical parties, and, by the church. In severallocalities, a procession before mass'consisted ofcarryil1g diffeneIit tools bf trades, to church, for, blessing. No floats .took uart in the May ,Day festi:fti t i e s . · ' , . , ~1' ~ ',1 .,'~' • ' . , • .... ... "'-"C _ _ ,""""'_...-~~ • ' . .... The.,:.National Festivi ties Committee' ,re-introduced the Kummiti va

in Gozo, for Carniv:a+, this year; ·!t took place last about 35 yrs"agoo Tlle Commi ttee also' Qrganized a carni val 'cake competi tion'for

canfectioners, restaurantsj hotals~etc •.

: . .' t ' , ' . " .. < . . . • ' . , ' , i

For "c;arnifval,fourfor.eign fOI:1t groups were invi ted tOparticip.;3.te : one fromYllgpslavi


·op.e'l?o'1anu,:on's--·Plonaco, and another from Messina. The'SlggIev;i Farmersv Centre, Siggiewi$ organized a ceremony for' the . q.les?,:ing


;farme:rs I,to:ols and. animals. . '

"ib!tPĦ~o;ks ~·egui-~·b~~;'re

reconfirined 'by police; Permi ts gi ven for

. 20mins .. salute when statue is taken out of niche; during the triduum ., aft'er' the' 'fur..ctioYls; EV,e of" feast",20mins :after morning 'church. fJJ):J,ctr :

"~. :f'or, 30.nlJ.nsoc'dter i evening,' ts;'<?:nelation, for l hro,' ground,displ~ys~

he,ffur'e<,llpm":' ,On feast:day;fo:r· 20minq a.fter morning. Te Dehm,foX", 30 mins after after noon functiOn: for 30 mins b'fore procession, :f'0:r;:.30 m;LIfp; p;rJ..·teJ;'minatiop Of ,procession. The licenced person,~GĠm-.. : fi:rme,d :.1?Y'~itfu~·,Ohaqda J?il-!ot~knici Mal t,in is to be' 6,n' tl+es:pot during


f,:i~:;Eng,';;g~ ;:r0'.sPGll1sfl;;>J,,~ to ren1:ove .IunE;xploded ,petards 6.,pe-tards 'oy~:r.



e,~cee(lil:lg ~5cmdiaino, roċk1ets with· borribattachrnents;'" wrapping ma-eer:Lal other than cardboard, are not permittedo

Father's Day is catching on; mother's day is well established since tl1e 5(J!-l37""The Cemetary is visi ted for both occasions by those who lost their father and mother, and flowers are available for salen

Feast of §~~~~!h~n~ of Padova is held by the Franciscans Mfunmr, and includes blessing and distribution of bread to children at even~

ing mass. At Ghajn Dwioli a procession is also heldo

.s.lst _~ someone imagined seeing a whi te-robea lady, or nun, walking on the sea at the Exiles, Sliema; different versionschanged the story and some saw her with dogs, others at Sto Andrews, etc& Two men are


'(June 1:980 cqnt'd),

-105-. Mnarj§t included'adefilei of traditional horsedrawnvehicles,

farmers tools ~:n show, folk-singing during night, and agr;icul.tural show .. A defil.e I of folk costumes wa.s als,o organized inside ,B'llskett.


As p: art of the Marian Renewal '80, a pilgrimage left the Carmel-ite church at Valletta, with the statue, and stopped at the granar-fus Floriana, in the evening, where thousands participated with

lighted candilleso(19th JulY)

llth;two persons killed, five inj~red, at Zebbug limits, on expl-osion of firework§. factoryo Parliamenl set up , 'a c ommi ttee to· rec-ommend ways of avoiding simi1ar tragediesp and fireworks were

'll1eanwhile;,banned,o::'\ Police.raide,dfirewqrks',stor:es ,;. arr-e'sted' cland-: iestine yrorker.s. fn ,thiscland-:field, .andby ecland-:Iidof 'July ~thecominit:teedrew

;\Up a prelimi,nary r<;3p'orta By 25th polic-:erestarted lssuing ,pernii tso

,Many,towns" andvillc;tges had, postponedtheirfeast' daYs 'due to lack 'of fireworks 0 ' . , " . , '

ieast of Ehrist the King; ::Paola inciude;d 'neW' d~co.r:a:tibns,); "am'OIlgst them astatUt::r of. Grand Ma-ste:rAntoine. de Paule .. made in 'papie'i~ mache' by Fr, George' Deguara.,

',' : 'August

Feast of ,San:'ta Mc;tr1'ja c!9.1'ebrated in 10 towns and uillagks


Malta . andi Gozo,.::,"",:,:",'" . .

The B:i,.sb,';p of,~ Gozo led a :pilgrimag~ of the sick and disabl'e'd -ro

R6meand,Lovrdes~ " .

,,'st .. Michael 's' 'F:i,.reworks' Factory workers, of, Lija, returned :f';om' Monaco, afterwinniIlg first prize at,the I:tlternational F?-reworks , ,competi tfon.They were greeted at Luqa, and escorte'd home, by a· fleet

of 10 decorated'cars from; Lija'o . . ' . . Ghanges"of str:eet names yalletta: Britttania Str.now Mel:LtaBtr"

Irish Str" now M<;3di terranean str,,; Scots. Str., now Miki.el Anton

Vassalli r str" }Li ttorioB§; Irish Str", nowWenzu ~er. Str. ; Brittannia ..


now Hi1da Tabone Str~~ Sliema P:rince of Wales Junction,nowChristian Brothers Str,,;(Freres); Prince Albert Street, now Guze'Ellul Mercer; Alexandra Street,now Karm Galea Str.Naxxar Coronati(;m Str. ,;q.ow

Guze' Muscat 'Str .. ;Gozo,(Nadur). High Str",now Decffil1ber 13th 'Str.;

~annat)Zabbetta St~nowOctober 10th Str.; (Xewkija) Brittania Str,


ow Freedom Str.;Britannia Junction now Molina Junction. Duke Qf York .qtro,Pao1anow F.Tor+ell Str) ' . .

' .. ew Add.ltlonE! to 0tree'E fJamE?s lnc.LUo.e: Hal ta(.Cosplcua)John Pace; ,'{Fgura)Pellicani, "Sur,Aldebaran Merhba,; {Sengkea:) Marżu 31;

Wi ttoriosa.) Triq t 79 ; {Marsaxlokk) : Labour, Dun Slav Gatt ,Gorg. Gravina


Xatt i8- sajjieda; (Zabbar):Dukkar, Telliera, Silla, il-'Vulkan', Qoton, Ghollieq, Ki tti,en, .Saghtar, GhobbejraJ., Gilbiena)T Kahwiela, Krexxuni; (Paola):Temi Zammit, FUhhar, Xu; (~arxien): tlagarC"~<T~"


" ,


., ~,

~ugust 1980 contYd)

'4106--• (Mqabba):


Imterrqa,' Fidwa, Pal, ic-Cavi, Troll, Saljat:u.,ra; (safi) Nassaba, Kaccaturi, Kuc'card, . Summien, T,e;;l.1eri t; (SiggiE;lwi) :

Demn1;l.q" .RebbieghSl.?, Newba~ Swieqi, Lorenzo Gafa i ,L-Iskola, Hal Xluq~

Hal Nikluzi 9 Hal Kbil> Tal Prq-v:ide:1Z21., Pie,tru Felici, Kir9ippu, Pawlu VI> Piet:i.'u Mallia~ l--Ghid; (Btkara): Ga D:trnech Debono';

[S'ta:. Veno!'a):Qawsq;]J_a, ,Turretta; (Lija): tal-Mirru-rli, Hal Bordi;

;QQ.~O{V.ictoria);:· Via.n:L, I<::arlnGp:le9-, G~l<',enek,Gil;ju, Nagri,':,Sa,ghtar, Borg G'2~Y·:i':;n,;J\1ail.~Zu 3j-~ YJif3tin'Gamil1eri', Anici, Cetta ~.ntoJf?

Fomm il-.Gi1·, JVIattia Preti; (Ghajnsie18m): Malta~ KernrJ1una,' [i}'i,lflaj

~ J1aghdija, rGle~!.eagl'~sl ,Bahhara, "Guzeppi Cali~'; Ga'vvw:i.., .. Ci,ef, Latini; (Ghetrb}: .T1i~4a13CassCi.r:,' ']:i'elj:c GrE;,ch; (Kercem),: . GUz.E; i Flores, Sokkors;

. Ka.1C3-.nd.tiet, Pie.si "Ghadira;) 'VJonzu.}Tiht'o·ff, Go'jji,:rl,' Gami·etir,::B1+mm.ien~

·Horg, "(Hi:W0~lf'Orn): l,uz·zv" Q,olla; ,(Munxar) :Q~s'ab" .. Tarsus;· . . ( Nadur) (F'" fi.ttE)Td.,~azz:cu Pisan:i'~ .Pij11l Ce'l+.ini,·Isqof Buttigieg,

iAg~u,s.;de., SQldf.J,nis~· Ellul iV1'@rcK::'? Iridicirja, GUZ.8 i·Bonnici sE1ngranti:;

: , .Bing,emma? t a.l'..:.Hc.\lJ. ~':;:::CQa:L~~: lT'6Barocci? ", Wied is-.Sultan, Barbagann~

. ot tu1~ru 30.;" (S:allnat!~ "L,.;..,Isl:ola~ '. il:-B1iP-J.;,;(Xagh:r:a):Bambina, Aris 5

JVIi thna~JU!e:l~' HL'\.qd~'8·;:( Xs,;"rkj.ja);A< Mallj,a:'Vernbn', ·.Arciprirat . Grech 9 Indrj. I ' Borg; ~MajlliiUlf'i?c::.. I,abo~n-; '. RotUl:.da~, WiJ5i1et~ il~Bahar, ',Sa±-dinell~

Na;r:.cis~ !Qronf'ol?G'iLzj~; ..:-.~(:~~e,b1j.'i) : Saj!ji:~cla,pi·enja~ .. ,Om$ru ,A tena,

.' !1;e'~~~rjYf~ " , : ' .,::. ;'~:"' . " : ; . . : . . . . ','. ::.-- .... "

.::r ::::;,;: :: ...

Othe.Il 'Street; .Changes:~ '.1P2\oriana:.B.r;i:tanncLa:S'tz'deLribW 'Vo.Dimech Str

<-,'./. ~' .' , ... ...".~ ... ""'~--?t-.._,,- "'-..,'--~ • . ,,,--,~,,,,,-,--,,-._,,",,,"_.,. .' . , .. ., ,'. " . " .

HamJ,"'.un 'Lox;d I!Jf.Jr(ċi ·:st:c',,)l'iOVT HahlJ.'eli:JVIag~C'i.St:~..,. " " . . . .. ,

-'-'~'-,:!" . . ' . : : _ ' , - ' :" ' . : '. . . '; .

S0'rite'ubeJ? ' . . . . . 1 ' 0 : ..

- ' : : : " , , _ _ .l. .... ""'_.> ". ~ ' . . :':' .. _ "'1 .:. . ' . . . ' . ; .~' ' < , • • , , :

Maria 1'-1ater Gratj,ae Band ClUb. Zabhar~ inaug1J:r>ated 'a ~canopied.

la ttice-·work;; (K2J,mtZ7.2. )'~dGri~ted by supporters 0


The-'NaTIonal :EJestivi":ie.s Som:OJ.ittee, organized a Christmas Crib competition v!i.th 8Gv0ral categorles; open air, m8C11anical;gtatic, For the firAt time also com~8tition for the best locally made


Feast of ,?t,,_}:::::J,<?YLhel.a at Naxxar, Dec.13th;

'19"-' .';;" _o}:;


Blessing 01 an:Lmal,g cer0monytoo:,., p12,c8 at Rabat, Mosta, st", Venera .

... "" ... ""_. ~."" 1I1t~-...., • •

February " and Xaghra, Gozo 0

O:---"'---:-,-.... .. ~.-.

The General Soft Drinks Co ",Ltdo'< inaugurated a 1 Spri te '. folk-.singing

campaign~ .startillg w:i. th Zej'~un!'~ and:meant to follow in ot-hE?X::Y:illag2',:::: c:xndtowl18', The beE3t·~l~~13.Gwn'.f'o~k',~inge:i,"'$ participated~ " .


. '







. . . . . ;')

,. 123~d; report: QY~ the::c9riJ.ilttttE?e ~ §,;:~t,


to" :recommend measures, for the

.cont~ol of .. :t:V'§}L9~r::~~·matJ.utqt.cui:\e pfĠ:sented final report: to parliamen L



-107-The ,Minister of Education SUsp~:hded the l.enten· Sermoll@ :iil Sċhools;

·the sermons had neverbeeh interrupted; the suspension was effected after a pastoral: of the bi shops offended the authori ties.

Prime Minister announced that there would be no fireworks for the March 31st festivities.




showed disagreement with the reoport of recommendations'by the committee set up by government for the

purpose~ as they cannot work if the conditions recommended are to


The Europa set of Malta ~t~2~ depicts the Mnarja races, and the Gostrao

The Immaċulate Conception Parish Church, Hamrun, organized a l~

,1.@.st SJlP~J:.:. presentation for Maunday Thursday and Good Friday;;-From this year9 The Paceville Last Supper will includea set of

passion statues. ,~ ,


April, issued list of numerous other street name changes.' ':'" _


-~ . \ . " . ' .. :','~ ~

May: ',: ",,' '"

The Rabat Farmers' Centl"'8 of the SocialA'-c"bionMoveine'rit;: or.ganiz:ed a ceremony of the .l?1~_?~?_in$_.:.olf6trmersJ~ 'tooIksand machinery, near.' the Church of St, Dql-!.1inj"ċ,;o,,-. ~ '., ,!, : ; ' " '; ,

In support


'P~lio;:'Week';,,: th~ ~4~enicia

Hotel organizeq. the


a tYPE? of ~anque.t of the past~',i , ' " , , ,,:."



of December 13 f?9.o,MarE>a;h'i'ghWay; exposed'a well

on the roclt cut wall of th~r6ad;voluntee,rsturned i t inibo a

, cave! overlooJ:cLng ,the'i;oad., and housed OurLady of Lourdes sta tue 0

blessed on 8th~' . '



Movement organized vafious acti vi ties,

inclu--ding visit to maternity section .of"hbspitals; Addolorata Cemetery, masses; cmtertaillment for JJone mothersc

The long establj.ched and polular Market atvalletta, cease<3J to, " function on 31st, by Govt"order; the BeJt is-Sebh Mar:Ketreplaces ito Q.a:rni vaJ.: this year ha.dorilY two grotesque m0?lt


participa'ti:nt; " although other sections were well,represtntedo Foreign'folk groups included, Germany, FI'ance, Po]Jand; Morocco,' Sicily. A new :L:g.ttod:':' uction is the MascotCom~peti'tlon, "vi thtħe" danceing. groups, for "

children ' , , ' " .. , ! ,

.., . ', .


s;inc e i,ts inception as Rediffusion, ,had broadcast,. '.

SUl'l;~~Y_Ji<:3...§.§.direct from various Churches; this year, only,from~ "'the Ursulinechurch, G'manga. " .~. \' . "): ~~. '\ ':1' ';' ' ;.~ \." . ;" , ',' .~: ,.' -.... ' \ . ( 1


(J.981,oonttd) -108-June

Archbishop issued circular tonarish priests, stressing ~eed to deal pith prioritie'$, in their·· church, vifhen spending money; col-1:ection for furnichingE?,;constru.ction and 'changes, must first receive theapJ0roval' of'theCuria~ . .


At the Trade Fair, Naxxa, the Agriculture and 'Flsheries section exhibited a large number of tools and objects formerly more' ,o;ften found and·used in farms .andhouses ofvillages.

N 0 T A D W A R

I L - M U Z E W


. . .

, :

Huwa mahsub l·idan il-Muzew Nazzjonali tal-Folklor ser jiftah aktar tard. din-:-is-sena, mill-Mini.steru tal-Kultura.


xi ftit

~ ~ ... : .. : -. ,. ., . ~, . .

snin ilu, l-hawn, l-Ghaqda tal-Folklor uriet interess specij.ali :,f'd,an il:..progett, kellha laqghat mal-Ministru u mad-i!lirett1,lr

tal-M~zewijiet, kitbet fil-gazzetti biex titlob ko-operazjoni pUbbJ.ika,

' .. gabret xi materjal, ghamlet xi donazzjonijiet, u offriet ghajnuna

li informa'zj'oni fejnjehtieg~ 'JIJi-na minn qalbna nawgurawli dan il-mD.:Zevir ':jiftahk'b I·wicc il-gid, biex b' hekk ikollna nukleju ta l oggetti

u =\.nformazjoni dwar il-folklor lokali, li fuqu jinbena ak~ar, :meta


japprezza akta'r' il-wirt ta' missirijietnao Ser

. , . ,

ikun 'f;Ll":pa:Lażz ta',. l-irikV1izi tur ,il-B.irgu, l i fl:-istess hin. ser

.jinżamri1.bhalEv.palazz ,tal l~epoka u' statura tieghu stess', u·: ghalhekk

" ;'.

dan.,.mhux ser, ikun biss bidu tal-muzew tal-folkor, izda.::wkoll.monument

. , ' . '., .


nazzjonali tal-epoka tieghuo








\\/E{--: I=JD·IET






Jekk niehdu l-ghad'd tal-knejjes l i fihom fadal xi'ġbot­ jiet tal-weghdi, mili-e~vwel nindun!3.i.v, 'li meta ma kienx hawn kumn tajiet to.' traffiku,' kien hawn knej jes meqjusa bhala santwarji i;kull naha tal'-gzej jer taghna; minn dawn 'fadal tal-Mellieha, ta' Haz-Zabbar, Tal-Herba(f'Birkirkarai ta' 'Duna, ('fir~ Rabat), u ohrajn, kollha bl~is.em tal~Nadohna, bhal ma huma

l-Madonna tal-Karmnu, tal-Me'n.sija, tat l':'Isperanza, tal'~Prov­

idenza," tal-MiraklJb.,' tal-Ghar, u phrajn" F'Ghawdex hemm tal-' Qala, u ta t Pinu.'

Nafu l i ki'en hemm Ohi'aj~ li' tilf'u <i-'għadd taf kwadri zghar


maghrufa' ahjar bhala' tal-Ex-Vot'o,


tilfu wkoli i..:..isem li' 'h:ellholn ta' Santwar ju ~." Dan gara," minhabba' l i it-rettuti ta' dawn il-knejjeB z~alja~ meta war~bu dawn il~

l ~ .

kwadriWe'għd:L, bl-isk'uza li dawn ma:'kellhomx siwi t8.i art±. -. ,-, Bosta mi'nn' dawn i l . .'kwadri-weghdi,tha'llevv jinqerdu, l i maghhom

inqerdu paghi tkt mistorja 'ta' missirijietna,( ghax da\rm'kienu

jur:lil. xeni u ~-gr~j jiet 'tal niket jew ferh mill"';haj ja itk.!) l~ul-Jum," T

l i fihom' konna' narav{ id-drawwietfl-flbieB', ghamaratad-'dJar, ':'

. . . ~.. ',. . ' . . - . ~

r-ghodo'd, snajJa, l i h\ve j j eg ohra ta', l-imghoddIb. 'Fihom konnahar:':" aw mohh il-poplu, it-twemmin u t-tama l i kellu, waqt l i kien

ihabbat wiccu mal-gwaj, max-xorti hazina tal-mard, dizgrazzji u ghawg iehor"

Barra mit-tpingija hazina jew tajba, l i ~ienet bizzejjed biex turi dan i l ... ghaY·Jg, il-kwadri weghda aktarx kien ikollhom maghhom ukoll ki tbo. qasira, li ,turi l-'ismu ta! min gh·amel 'il-weghda, bid-data u ''l-tistorja' ta' dim il-grajja. ~. r


-110-I,ki tba kienet .aktar mik1huba- bi t;..taljan " ghax dan kj.e.n

l-ilsion. ta' l-ap1nlinistraz.zjoni tal-Gv(.'irn li tal-Knisja, ,_s0s-seklu

" . • . ' \ . I

l i hareg" u gho.dd gmielu ta i exompji gliad llniErtghu na"I;au.rhom

fis-. ,'\ . ' , -

.-santwarji l i fadal. ).

Ir-retturi tas-santwar3i, h~mm bzonn l i jifhmu l i dawn

iJ-kwadri weghda hUl:la l~i~bah'tizjin tal-kni..sja, tizjin \-Jisq

alS.,tar siewi' :mid ... damaski -u' irhal:1i'jiet li, jistgħJl jinxtraw

,bil-flus kull 1ileta wiehed irid,:Lh1ma'-dawn l"'og betti tal-w,eghda




jinxtrawx, u ma ssibhomx meta trid; dawn saru f!w~qthom biSS,

frott tac-cirkost,anzi l i sab mihom poplu L1sejken mahkum mj.ll-mard, di3gra2:,zji u ghawg iehor.

Il-poplu, fidil ghat-twemmin tieghu, ried,.juri qalbu meta heles mill-r,larr;l, tempesti, d±zcrazzji fuq 1-0rt, u grajjiet

ohra l i kienu jnikktuh. Dawn il-l~wo.dri weghdi kiqnu l-isbaħ

sfog ta' ha,jr lejn il-grazzjL l i nqalghu ghat-talb li11-1\4-10-bil-ghajnuna till-Hadonna u tal-qaddisin, kif jidher fil...;.;ki tb,s;. fuq l~i3te0s kwad~u j6w ghdtj~ oħra,

"jew ghot~a:ohro.ll,ghi;:mdħa,tfakh:.o.rna l i 1.,;,gh6nja 8ktarx

kienu jaghtu fl~s jew'oege~ti t~l-fidda jew deh~b, 'waqt l i

hadd-iehoi~ien jaghtixem~', zejt, u hwejjeg ohra tal 'htiagti

ghas-santVfarju. 'Kienhermn min jaghti bo.stul1 j eVJkrozzi 'wara l i

helsu Elinn L1ard fis-sieq, kintorini war01 l-ugi,gh tad-dahr,

habel :li salva li-ll,.-xi hadd Elill-gharq, xab.~a l i wiphe.d biha

he;L~s mill--gh'o.du., E1elftalji, lbiesi: u ħv:re j j eg; ohra l i j fakl\:ru

. . . , .' ..

. }.rqaghda Elw.eghra l i Vli'ehad k~en fiha. Xi nisg kelthom ukoll

id-drawwa l i ~[\.ghtu xi doheb'li bih kienu jizzejhu, xi giziro.no.,

labra, curkett? imsieltet; ohro.jn kienu jaghtu forlll.ra tal-fidda

ta' idejn, saqajn, ucuh, widnGjn, jevl figura shiha ta' bniedem, tarbija fil-fisqija, , rgiel jew nisa gharkubtejhon, l i kienu

jinxtraw mill-argentiera bi ftit flUS, imma ma kellhomx lizvanta


-111 ...

li kienu mpingijin fuq.drapp jew injdm) lijitmermru bil~


Dawn il-forIi.1Yl1 1wllh01':1 i t-tifsir taghhorJ; nghidu ahna;

forma ta~ id, sinjAl car ta' mard fid-dbigh, u l-istess nghidu

ghnll"';forr:ml l-ohr,a" KienhĠli1El min jaghti forl~1Cl t.a I qalb, mhux

g~ax m~rid bl~albu, imma ghax kellu xinardiehof tai~ruh jew tal-gisem, nhrdli lY!..0 riedx juri x'kien.

Il-foqrn kienu wkoll snbu mezz kif juru l-istess hagn

.bhal.;...davik l i ijienu jis:tru il-forom tnl-fidda. Dawn kienu jixtru

jew jng.hmlub-:ide jhO~l1 stess, forom. tax-xe:]gha, ". ta I . sn.qajn, idejn

ecc·., l i ftit li, tejn fadai minnhom fis-santwarji taghna.

Ta'1iin iho.jjar lir-retturi tas-santwarji5 l i jghozzu

kull ghamla ta' ex-voto, kem:1 Jekk huma tal-fic1qa, u kenun jel~k

huma ta' materjal iehor, bhall-krozzi, .bsaten, hbula, i"TiJaffi,

xemgha., ecc., imma fuq kollox jipp'reseTvaw il-J9i t tUl~iii j fa~kru

fil-grazzji, ukoll bil-kitba, ghax dawn huma l-ahjar xieda

tal-weghdi. Ikun ukoll haga flokho.~ jekk jingabnr Kollox fi ktieb,

imqar f!manoskritt, kull oggutt, bil-kitbo. u l-istorjo. tieghu, bhalma ghamel il-kappillan Dun Guzepp Zarb, illum l'1onsinjur, l i kollu heggG., gabar gabar kull llG.gD:to.' devozzjonili sab

fis-Santwar ju tal-r1adonna tal-Grazzji f I Haz~ Zabbar, nizzel kollox

fi ktieb'u stamphh, u kompla gabar kollox f'muzew maghqud

mal-. knisjomal-., mal-. bhomal-.lma hemm go santvJarji ohrajn barra


Hnlto., nghidiu

ahna dak tal-IvIadonna ta' Pompe:;!i..

F'dan l"';artiklu qasir, jixraq l i nghidu xi haga dwar

il-weghdi ghal?lla ta' tal~, pellegrinaggi, zjarat, u. ghOlllil iehor,

bhal ghotja taf kariia mal-fogra,istituti ta' l-iltiema, ecc. L-awtorita' tal-Knisjo., meta tat xi hemm nazzjonali, bhal xi pesta, gwerra, jew gwaj iehor, 2Jt"-fitrx l i ghaLllet vveghda ta'

pellegrinagg ta I peni tenza, bhal fil-kaz ta I Sc:m Girgor, meta

l-isqof jit~aq mill-kattidral ghall-knisja taz-Zejtun, iDma


-112-mbeghda, fejn jaghmel zjara, u jaghti hajr l-A~la.ghall­

grazzja li jkun qala f , Nghidu ahYl.8." nies taKottonera u

l-.' ,

inhawi, aktarx li kienujae;hzlu jimxu sas-sanb"iarju tal-Mellieha

waqt l i dawl~ ta' nhavv'i ohra kienu jaghzlu l i jimxu sa dak ta

Haz-Zabbar jew knejjes ohra ,sk'ond is-sa1).ho. to.' dak l i jkun.

Hb~ghad kienet dahlet ukoll id-clral,ja tal-l~lixi mis-sinjuri

haf.~a, qara purei,ssj oni jiet tal-Gimgha l':"kbira, to, I irgiel

jerfghu is-slaleb j ew il~vo..ri '. jew dhrnj-n ir:lxekklin minn-ktaj j en

to..l-J:ladid v/arn l-ist,ess' vari tla t din il-,purċissj oni hekk


I1a'davvit id-drawwiet 'jistghu jinghacl"clu' \ilkoll cla\vk, .li jiehdu

. , ~

. f:l.iexk.en zQ.ghar 'biz, zejt mill-lampiet. tas-sc(ntviar ji, biex jidilku

fejn'~kunheli1ln l-uC;igh, je,.fr dawk li ~iehdu l-ilma' tan,:"ni+xiegha

mil-l-ghelr tal;...f1::idonna tal-Hallieha biex jixorbuh flok L1edieinD. . . . . ( .

" gho.ll-fejqnn taghhot.1o

Nnghlaqbilli nghid l i dawn r:::t'hnE1iex dui:\wv4et taghna l-Haltin biss, iElf:la te.' kull' POplll .iehor li jsib r'uhu mahkum

mill-bizgha, u ma jibqaghluxghajr it-tama fil-hanin Alla~

-~---""--OPPOSITE •..•. The Water SellEir, a sketeh b'y G .1anfrane o.

When most feast days oeeur during the summer, i t is to be understood that thirst has to be quenched;' nowadays we find a large number ofdrinKs available at stands, ice-ereams and other refreshments, but our' forefathersdid not have these

faeilities. When the festa is in one1s own"village or town, one

'could easily have a drinkat home or at friends or tavern, but when visiting a neighbouring village, mostly, walking to.the,plaee, one had to rely on the lIvater seller ·for a eu:p of refreshment. "

---000000000--- .


( ( 'I .,r----J. '''''''' ' ' " "-,'


/ ) 1\ ' . ! r--f ' . j _ _ __ '"



. , .,,:::0 ;,·.;....-: ( (







Fi /\

'0 -



Hinn Dr,. Charles Cassar ,M. D.',

Jinstabu bosta~ gh8rien, f I Nal ta u Ghawdex, imxerrdin l-hawn -1..1'

l-hemm, il-bicca l-kbira taht sisien gl101jif:l... :::"-b~lerien, , jew

kenl[lijiet, ghal-bosta snin, swev'J biex l-m1wel nies l i zaru

il-gzejjer taghna l:1ark'u jghixu fihom, u SVJev{ uko~l'bhala qq~ra.

Jekl-t niflu wiehed minn davm 'l-gherien, naslu biex n9.raw kif kienu jghixu B-nies.tal-qedem, f'dawnit-toqob kbar

fil-blat, minghir ilqugh minn barra:. ' F ' b o s t a minn' dawn


~ie l i kienu jghixu aktar minn familja wahda, ;u maghhom kienu

> • J a d hhl u _-l ' bh eJJehl U 0 __ . · i · · k 11


l • • .. l.

Naraw fi davm il-postijiet, il-maqghad ta l-irqad, jew blat, daqsxejn gholi aktar mill-art, fejn fuq dan nahseb l i kienu

jqeghdu xi tibep; jew xi ,bicca blata l-gew~va mill-ghar, 'li hija


hafna, jqeghdu l-qasbija,

bit~tiben fuqhamqatt~ z~hi~:

'lla ' qabilna,. f v dawn l-gherien q~ienu ji tniĠldu u jmutu.


Gherienkbar, bhal ma h8111111 'I'al Żuta', limiti tas-§iggie'v7i, jew

. -' . . : '

-bhalta',l...;Imtahleb, kienu joqghodu fihom, jew familja numeruza

, . ,

bi=!.-bhejjem b Qwllox, j'ev! meta wiehed mill-familja jizzewv{eg ,

jibqa mal-missie u l-omm. GhalheJ:dr insibu, lmltant, dawn

l-gherien maqsuma minn gewvfa, bil-gebel. Instabu v/koll fI da,.n

l-gherien, xi rkejjen l-havvn u l-hemm, imgermda , fejn kienu

jsa-jru meta ma kienux jistghu 'johorgu waqt 'xita. :, Illum dawn

l-gherien ghadhom hemm, u f'xi uhud Il1innhom ghCl.dhom joqghodu

nnies, bhal fa' Zuta. Izda daz-zmien dawn l-gherien gew

mirquma bil-hitan minn gewwa u minn barra, u tiskantla daz-zmien tisma minnhom hierga l-muzJhka, jekk mhux ukoll mghammrin

mit-televizjoni. L-gherien il-kbar gew irrangati u mniffdin, u


-114-l':bl-:-l11ixja l-quddiem tac:':;lvilizzazzjoni, il-gzejjer to.ghna

bdew heTgin bil"':'Elodil-yaodmill-uzu ta! da,~n l-gherien, ghall

imkejjom ahjarq Gho.ll-"ovlwel bdew j:fubnu ghorof blgebel mhux

m~hdu6, u zghir, imkahho.l bit-tajti, bil-ghamla ckejkna u

rett-~ngolo.ri, b'so.qaf ka~atteristiku ghall-Malta. Is~saqaf kien

, maghmul minn xorok: to.l-qasba, Taht ix .... xo:bok mit-tul, l>:1en



fuq il,bejt 'l:1on ikun D12,'ghnul Iait-torba



fug din ldsja gir, p~orcellana u deffun,. imballat

bil-marzebba. . .. ~

Dawn l-ghorof illu[1' q,ed imorru, izdo.. gho.d fadal xiwahdiet

" l-hemm u l-hawn


. Dawn l-:ghorof ,. kien ikollhom

ukoll l-ait, imballta bit-torba.

L-ghamara kienet i~ter,ssanti hafpa.

gho.ll-hazna ·tal-praken u "1-10zor tan-nev!l.

'Is-senduq kien iservi

Illum qed nghixu fi dj~l.r. xort-oh:'r'a L1inn dawk ta I l-il~lghoddi.

Xejn gherien,1zda djar sbieh; .. 'bl-edukD.zzj~ni




il-bniedem qed jghix ta'. bnie,deq,u l-bheljJjeI1 inl\!arrbin ghalihom kif titlob l-igjene.

Ahna l-Naltin nghinu ruhna, u ghal-grazzja t'Alla clejj(::m

si bna Eli21 imexxina l-quddiem, u gh<::'.lhekk f t dan is-seklu ghoxrin

se nkunu rfajna rasna u giehna, hallejnC\. l-ghc::..r, u 11m] clarna

saret p alo.zz. Dan kollu juri li 'n-nc::..zzjon sto.ghna, u l-fqir

ghandu 11lin jahseb fih, raertu kollu tc:t' davJk l i mexxer! in-nazzjon, biex dan il-faqar imur L1inn pajjizno., u l-bniederi1 b'hekk hc..i. id-dinjita' teighu.



-115-Results of Truck-Name Watching during December

1976 -




by Guido Lanfranco Back;ground

Sporadic instances of motor cars can be traced in the Maltese islands, to the first decade of this century, and one or two occasions can be classifed as public transpott. The name carozza was a general term for a coach or carriage, and the motorized specimens became known as karrozza tan·.nar, or tal-pitrolju. Before the first world war, motor cars were extremely few, but that war had introduced inta our islands quite a number df motorized ~~hicles, ~including ambulances, and these were tised along~idehorsedrawn carriages and also horse-dravll1 amb&rlanc es, \~fhj_ch' 1Here, very much like an omni bus 1,1Ji th a red cross o'n the sidecurtain< Just after the war

most vehicles wera sold ~ocally, and the ambulances,-especially formed a nucleBB of trucks which VJere oonverted into buses of sorts, vdth the addi tion of windows on sides, and a balcony at the end to allow for a legally im}Josed back door~ These belonged

. " '.' . . '

mostly to individuAls rather than companies, and e~eryone painted his car according to one's fancy, with the inc~usiQn of figures, and especially named on the sides, refering to famout people, operas, place:s, and a.!dverts7 with a stress on saints. Other ambulances were convertedmore aasily tnto.trucks for transport of material and merchandize, and these-formed part of the first transport service of the kindo However, both the bu~es and tru6k

types were too few to cope with the n~eds of the time, and the transport of material and household furniture, etc •• , had to be undertaken by ordinary working, carts, of which there vVGre several sized and mO-difications'r Still chassis were imported c11eapiy from England, and the bodh built lo~a~ly~both for the buses and the trucks. The "lattei also included decor~tion and nam~s


-116-available space on sides and bonnet, but unlike the bises, trucks had less space to satisfy the whims of d~corators, and a smaller name was usually resorted to, for the bonnet or the sides, but still. the bonnets of cars of those days were very small, and decoration on theu had to be inconspicuous. By about 1927, government aclopted a colour system for grouping destinations

for buses, and this destroyed the random decoration with personal inspirations of pwnerls, but these buses still bore some small

name on the side or on the bonnet, which by that time, had

devel-op~d into .a bigCe:r affairo In ,about 1933, no rno.:re, decoration was

allowed on the sides of buses, and only a few te tained names on the bonnet. T~ese latter eventually disappeared for ever, and only limited stiips for destination details remained. Trucks had increased too, and they retained a name on the bonnet to,this day

§,oJl18 names fromthci old busq,.§ of the 192Q .. '.s

From aId phot6gralJhs onĠ may gtean several names of old buses, amongst which one can riame the following: San Filep, St. George, St. Gaetan, St. Peter and Paul, Cottoner, Pinto, Nannar'ino, 'j\httew Callus, EViline, Pauline, Helita, St. :JRita, San Guzepp, St. Paul, Bajadera, Othello,'Favorita, Sarisun, Queen Hary, St. Philip's Car, Peac eCar, 'l'ravia ta, Splendid, Yan1<.:eo, l\few York, Superior,

Wembley, Cordina's, Htarfa Car, etc •• , these being painted in large letters on the sides of the btises. In the present generation of buses, decoration is internal, and rsstricted to the driver's cabin, vlhichmay have simple or Glaborate paintings or decorations facing the passenger sections, and incJu.ie a180 occasionally',

statues, lights, and artificail flower8; still more recentlY,these

d~corations in modern buses is diminishing, and even buses are beinc replaced by buses from London, impo:ħted by governr:lGnt in 1980-81, and sold to owners~ Trucks appear to be the last to carry

relics of the past craze on decoration, and the art which expressed the lives of the Maltese,is being lost in the trend'where life


-117-is becoming too hectic and impersonal!. 1here may eventually be a tirne, when trucks will also cease to reflect their owners l tbuch.

Truck-Nam.e_ Wa tchinp;

The lo.rge nmaber of trucks encumbering our roads, obstruct-ing traffic, drivobstruct-ing dangerously all over the place, with only rare exceptions, all h~yaBome name painted on their bonn~t sides. Ho.ving observeG:. ::'11e variety they offer, I decided to 1i1a};.:e· a list of some I coti.ld come o.cross myself 6n my way to. work, and notho.ving much time


my disposo.l, I jotted down those names. \"ihilst driving or asked S0111eono at my side towri te th81~l down for me .as I drove along. I m~d~ this decision in Dece~ber


and decided


step Teco~dingthem in J~nuary


'In this latter yoar, the i:;raffic and li cencing authori ti es, decided to replo.c.E:? the first

numbers df the registration plates, by meo.ns of letters, in order to scatter licencing of vehicles o~er the year, to o.void congestion at licencing offices at the ~eginning of the year. The following is· 0.- list of names on trucks I recorded in the til11e stated abovĠ,

a:ndtill then the numher plates wore as shown. From the list you will ea~fly notice the namos of saints, filmstars, heros of other' types, singers, names from classico.l films and characters, ·nicknal~r1eS

names of countrios 01' cities, and other expressionsadmired by thS owner.

List of truck names

(where registration numbers aro not recorded, or not complete, 'it could meo.n that the numberplate was either dirty with cemantand mud, or obscured by the b~c1L.flap left dangling over i t, or simply the truck would have been driving too fast to allow both the name and the plo.te to be recorded together, and ,referonce is heregiven to thennme.) Adeleide




Al Capone


Argyone 111








75798 .



. Aldo Noro




Al1!!ays Ho.ppy



Bir l'1iftuh ---Bruce Lee 42699 Bismark 40730 Boneta 31488 Blue Lagoon 84796 Bul1fight 38767 " Bandit Boy 84933 Concorde 3805 Denfsi 3645 Devil Earth 357~7 Demise Roussos 6700 Detroit ---El Dorado L~5923 8th September 43696 EJedora 4561 FreecYom 56021 Frida 57042 Flamingo 42139 11 Vapur 3872 Gun Smole 687.03 Germany 49347 Good Luck 3914 Gold Dust 64229 Heathrow 39649 Hunter 49087 Joe Frazor 40308 Jaws 44250 Jason King ---Kangaro083854 Kaboccu 47096

-118-Blue Rock Thrush 53753 Back Again 470'57

Bra~e Boy 53901 Bi smarll: 12509 Black Pirate ---Blue Uave 42601 Bullfight 78679, Connie 20905 David f\Iark 48013 Devil Woman ---David 36044 Delilah 41609 Elvis '+2953 Elton John 39954 Fedora 29173 Firefly 55641 Frida 16265 lt's Not Enough 39715 l sabel1a 1136~, Golden Arro~ 25259 Ganni Morandi 13920 Gay Hunter 27670 Golden Eagle Happy Go Lucky ---Jumbo 32197 Jomar 30002 Kung Fu 678 Brazil 53299 B B C 47690 Bird of Paradise '12175 Bul1fichter 78679 Bad Boy 80534 Censina 31986 Don't Worry ---Demise Roussos 78110' Dolores 312-8 East of Ed:en37886 El Cordobes ---Furia Cavallo Firofly 54154 Five Brothers 2--23 lnter 12967 Golden Arrow 38575 Good Luck 31451 Gianni Nażzaro 40879 HavJaii ~i ve 0 ---J'ohn l'1arY43911 Junior Tarzan 46078 King of Kings ---King of the Road --- Kennedy 41577


-119-Li ttle Tarzan 5.460

Li ttle Evan 53429

Li ttle _.Simon 43846

Little Mario 18186

> .

Liljoe ---

Landon Town


Light Finger 49,695

Lightning Express 40098 li verpool 89233-'

Li ve and Let Liye 53464 live and Let Live 27654 liaviour Elarine 53230

Love Me or .Leave .Me 49492 Lucky Boy 54856

Lucky Boy; 66725·

Let Me Pass 78425·

Matador --- .

Moira, 84927

, .

Master Trouble 49231

Manolita 37058

. . .

Mexieo 43691

Monte Carl0 12883

Notre Dame 44414

New Life 11687

Baradise 8376

Pussy {lat 83680

Quo Vadis ,68561

Red Baron

---Road Runner .. 37750

Road Devil 82080

Red Lion 44460

Red Lion 38998 '

San Gwann 75420

San Rafel 81173

San Gejtanu 463.94

~anta l~ita


Santa 1ucia39701

Sai.nt Hary 80316

Saill't Mary 27915.




Santa Nar:ij;t 39065

st. Anthony 46556

St. Dominic 31348

Lady in Blue 81465

M.Lourtles --838

Mari"a Bambina 6738.7

Mountairi 1288





Notre Dame 53422

PandorEC I0493

Pagliero 57184

Quo Va'dis83224


-:...---Road Runner 29333

Robin Hood 6053

Red Lion3384

Red Lion 36958

San Gwann 74024

San Bert

861-San Gejtanu 16975

Santa Rita 10624 .

" Saint Nicholas


Saint Mary 12503 '

"Saint Hary 32997

Saint t1ary 34191·

St. Gaetan 43135

St. Paul 58848

St. Peter -080

Lady Blue 207 .

My Love,for

Ever';...'----JvIaria .Balllbina· 85'371

My Friend ---....:...:. .... '

Manuel 5706 ' ..

Mont.e, Carl0 1'3799'

Morning Star 52344

New lVioxico 2261


1488-Paul Anka 35976

Rock - n-

Go--_.:..-Red $tar 42356'

Riviera 11205

Red Lion 58457'

Santa Tereza

---San Guzepp 29884

Santa Rita 8764

Santa Tereza 81057

Sai n-t Mary

3367-Saint Mary 467-4

Si:1int Mary 67574

Santa Marija 25009

st. Sebastian 8331

St .. Paul 23923

St. Paul 29754


St. John 47177 St. Catherine 2790 St. George 31394 St. Peter -9196 St. J ose~) ph 79L~1 St.Helen 53750 St,> Francis 72503 street Fighter 85050 , Spartacus 83659 Superstar 71~-73 Sandy Lee ---Skippy ----.-, , St. Quinton 8506L~ Tal-Grazzja ---Tar-Tortru 47040 Trinital 30989 True Love 34-270 Tom ~1ix 15509 Transfiguration ---Tom }1ix 5509 Ursus i7142 United Forge 53122 Vmctor Royal 42913 Werwer 92287 White Brothers, 32245 Zunzan 37510 -120-St. Philip 17982 St. Andrew 30322 St. George 34736 St, Joseph 76615 St .Joseph 701? St.Helen 20019 St.Siephen 20346 , Smiler 2941 " " Su~er Rocket---~~ Super star 5'1206' ' Salvatore ---Silka 8793 Santa Fe' 22144 ' Taz-Zgey 63851 Tcny 36765

To Rome With Love Tal-Life Tridcmt Tal-Hocc ---Tom Jones 48526 Ustinov 11 76414 USA 4373 Victoria 44126 Winner 1-07 Zorro 48015 St. Philip 36157 St. George 35608 St. John 45290 St. Joseph 28730 St. Helen 81751 St. Christopher 39147 Sew'Bird'15280 Salvatur 2340 Spper rriger '37909' Sunny Boy 37046 Sunflower 32841 Soe Me Again 79875 Santa Fe f '14273 Tiger of Wales 35977 Tiger Snake 45553 True Love 62412 ~J.lho Saj.nt 33866 Truck EXDress 22164 J, The Sailor 45921 UNICOP ---Winner 31351

All the above were collectod from the

Sliema-St.Julians-Gzira-Valletta area, and I thanl~ niy wife Salvina, my Brother ,Ed'win, and _a lecturer colleague Isabelle Agius, who patiently jotted

down my dictates whilst riding with me to work~ St.George 35608 was a petroleum truck. Angolina;-Kangaroo, Elton Joh, San Rafel, Connie~

were smallBr vehiclos(vans). As a general rule, Iocal trucks livery consists of a re d cabin and bonnet, and a green carr~ing' space;

mud-guards and chassis black. Only exceptions are purpecabins or other combinations of colour.




l:f\1 T

B'113L, I




1-1 Y

OF' IN'rERI!';Sr TO' LOCAL 11'0LKLORTSj,'S (PAl(T FOUR) 'C ompiled by GUIDO LJlJ,jF'11ANCO

Local TrE\.d~s

~ .... ;

An Outline IIistory of l'1al te se I ,dustries A.Leaverj Sunday Times Sna.j ja Qodina' u Snaj


Godda C. Clews 'lRorca


L-Induratur Karr:J.. Cassar; l'lument,10-8-8L

Il-:Hi thna ta I Ganu J. Dea'con; in B'Kara, Taghrj.f ••• 1980

Bejjiegha l i 'Ghadhom J-idhru Sgmmy Calleja; In-Taghna,lL~-10-80

Crafts in Hal ta Lola Sammut Sunday [Times 10-5-81 Il-Karret tuni Karm. Cass8.r Hument



,Tal-F'uhharKarm C.s:-ssar Hument 27-7-80 Tal-F'iJ,ugranu . Karm Cassar, Mument 20-7'-81

Xoghol Niesna fl-Imghoddi Sammy Calleja ", In":,,Ta.ghna 23-6-81 Saints,. Devo~i.ċms, V;L.l1cv:~es ~ festas

San Leonardu,Patrun ta' Hal-Kirkop;nemig Zamr.lit',In-l'aglma,20-9-80

i '

Festi Titulari flghawdex~SariLaVJrenz;Franz Zagra,HuJ1lent,10-8-80 Xbihat ta i San Lawrenz fil..;..Be1 t; Lorenzo Zahra, HlUi1oril, 10-8-80

St.Catherine's Day by CorrespondentjlsundayTimes 30...;11 .... 80 Guardamangia Frans Zahra In-'raghna, 30-5-8J,~ ", Hal-Balzan Frans Z::J.hra In-Taghna, 11-7-81

Santa Venera Frans Zahra In-Taghna, 25-7-81 Lap si C.C1ews Torca9 31-5-81

Il-Festa Ta' Santa T1a:bija ta' Nannietna;C.Clews;'ro rca ,9-8-81 New Statue at Lie sse &hurch;staff re porter;The Times,16-7-81 Festa Ta' San Duminl-\:u Parrocca tan-Nazzarenu; Frans Zahra; In-Taghna Statwi fil-Birgu; Lorenzo Zahra; In-Taghna,31-7-81 18-7-81 Festa HadonnaTa I Lourdes, Imsierah; F. Zahra; In-1'aghna, 1-13-81




> J !

Il-Bambina--ix-Xaghra; Frans- Zahra; Hument'," 7-7-80 San ~},ep ta I Ira'z-Zebbug; Alfredo Caruana;


lum'en t ,14-6:..81



\JzurIil Hal-Tarxien; Alfred Hassa:; 1v1m.lent,


XtTista Tara Nhar San Filep; by L.C.; In-Taghna, 12-6":81 Santa Harija tal-(;!re n'di-; Denise l1icall'ef;Lehen •• 11":10-80' San Frangisk tar-Ibbat; 'Alexander Binnici; In:''l\s1.ghna, 19-9-80 $0n Frangisk tar-RabatjAlexal1cler BonniQi; Lel:.enooo , 20"':9-80 Il-Festa ':(10.' . San Leonardu; Remig ZCUl1li1i


In--rraghna; 18-9-80 T0 1-:-:-Grazzja, Haz-Zabbar; Frans Zahra; In.--Taghna~- 13-9-80 Id-Devozzjoni tar-Ruzarju; Frc:ms Zahra; lri:..-'I1aghna;· 6.-10-80 .


, ~- .".

Santa Katarina;: Frans Zahra; Lehen.ry.; 15-11-80

~. .... .. '

Festa Ta' L-Annunzjata, Hal-Balzan;Pawl\.l GrimajlIument,17;':;'8-80 Santa l'1arija FI Ghawdex;Korrispondent;' In-Taghna; 11;...8-80

Besta Tag San' 'Ge~,tanu; Louis Cuschieri; In-Taghna; 5-8-80 San Duminh:u, Valletta; Frans Zahra; In-:-Taghna; 2-8-80

L-Imgarr Dejjem Ki'el1 ir-Rahal .. Ta'


Sant"! .. 1'1?ri~a tal-.Belt Victoria, Ghavlde.:S:; Fr .. Zahra; In-Taghna,14-8-80

San g.uz~}?ptal-Qala; FI'ans Zahra; Nument 1 ;3:-8-80

San Gtljan; . Frans Zahra; In-'raghna; )0-8-80

Santa' Marija, Iz-Że bbug; Frans ZahrCl.; 1'.'Iument 24';"8-80

~~ !

Il-J19-donna tal L"oreto;Ghajnslelem; Frans Zahra; Hument,31-8-80


Korres}Jorident. Sp-ec jali;

I;~:-~Taghna, 15-8~8'0

Il·-Bambj.na, L-Isla; Frans'Zahra ; .In-Taghna; 6-9~80 Stel1a r-1aris, Sliema; Frans Zahra; In-'raghna, 23-8-80 Feasti:s in General

Il-Festi Ta I Dari; Rafel Bonnici Cali I ; Lehen; 16-5-8L

Grajja tal-Kwadru tal Santa Rita,Knisja ta' L-Agonstinja1hi,Ghandex Nikol Vella Apap; Lehen, 16-5-81

Dwar il-Festa l'i.ntika ta t San Girgor; 1\.no11 .. ; Haj ja, 21-4-81

Uzanzi Unirr.i fil-FestL Lokali; korrispondont; 24-8-80 L-Element Folk!boristiku :bak·~Fosti Religjuzi f f l\'bl ta;



-12-3-elementi Folkloristici tClI-Festi Religjuzi l·'1altin; . t1Clry Anne Casso.r; Il-Mument, <8-:-6.-81

;;.;:H.:::;o,;:;:l:.u..Y--:.;W~e..::.e.=:.k:.-:;::.o-.;.::n_d . Eqst e:('

Il-Festa ta.' l-Ghid fil-Bidu ta.s-Seklu; C. Cle,ws; Torca., 19-4-81

Vo.ri Godda f i H<.:;.l HOrltii; In~To.ghna; 4-4-81 ,"

Purcissjoni tnl-Gil:lgha JL-Kbin,No,sta; Frctl1s Zahra; l'1umunt, 5-4-81 Purcissjoni tal-Gimgha l-Kbira., QorEli ;'Fra.ns Zah:ra, I1uuent, 29- 3-81 Purc. tal-GiElgha l-Kbira, Xaghra, Ghawdex; Fr .·Zo.hra, Nument, 22-3-81

Purc. tal-GlimghD. l-Kbira, Ta I Giezu, il-Bel t; F\Zahra,HuL18nt, 8-3-.81

Pu:tc.· tal-Gil:lgha l-Kbira, Hal-Luqa; Frans Zciij.ra, HUli18nt, 15-3-81

Purcissjoni tal-Gimgha l-Kbira fin-No.xxar; Po.~l Catanio., G\Vlda, 10-4-31

Lotal Sc:ulptors and Statuaries( Good Friday Processions i11' Hal ta) Origin of Good Frida.y Processions in the Haltose Isle,nds.

both by Joe Grima, Democrat, April 11,


18,-4-81 19-4~81

Drawwiet u Purcissjonijiet tal-Ghid,F'I'·blta;Jos.Grima,Nur.1ent,

'Relikvd tal-PasE;jo:r).i; Lorenzo Zahl'a.; In~Taghna;15-L~-81

. Pureiss_ tal-GiJ:lghCL l-Kbira, tal-Isla, u tal-Kcctiral, Ghavldexj·

Frans Zatira, .Il-HUi~18nt, 12-4-81


Il-PresGpJu f '1J[al ta; lbfel Bonnici Cali; Lehen ••• ; 20 .... 12-80

Il-Milied. ta! Barra u te\. I Tfuli ti; korrispondent ; In-'ragh:q.a, 22-12-80

" '. LGgencls of Christll1as;Joe Cordina; The Times;13-12-80

.. The Development of the Praes.epio; Joe Bozzina; S;~mday Timo,s, 21-12-80

Chr:Lstnias Supplemon t; korrespondent; Qwida, 19-12-80

Cribs, in Bavarian 1-1useum;' anon;.: 'The '11imes; 20-12-80;.


-. ~ ~ .

Other Devotionsbesidos festas '!,

Il-Kappella. ta' So.n Cir;Roderick Pace;Mumont;20-7-81' Il-Kurcifiss Nirakoluz fil-Knisja ta' Giezu;Norbort Ellul

In-I[lghaa; 14-4-81

Vingenti Il-Mejda l i Saret Istituzjoni; C.Clews; Torca; 12-4-81

80 Il-Nadonna ta' Caraffa u L-Ordni Gerosolimitan;M.Ca.uchi;Torca,7-12

Qima LE?jn il-Madonna tal-KarJ~mu,flGhaVidex;Nikol Vella f-I.pa.p;11-7-81

GheluQ. ii-Ni t t Sena l:1ill-Inkurunazzjoni tnl-Kvladru


tal-Karmnu, fil-Belt Valletta; Lehen is-SewvlD., 11-7-81



(. " -;:124~




-~\" .-, '"" ..

San,Nikola ':tal-Qeden ~ ta' I~sa; anon; ,Jtn-Tnghnix; 2'2-12-80' "

,St.~ Le'o na;r d' Cha~)el at Zabbar; Cetrmol i\ttard;'I1

he Ti'llle's;I";'B-8'l

:.Il:-'Grotta ta I San l--1awl;' Frans Zahra jIn-Taghna; 27-6-81 r'

Il-Knistja tĊċ'San PUblju, Rabat,; Biagio Galoa; Il-Haj ja, 2-7-81, 1-7-81


Krii~j'~: parro~kj(1..1i,

Ghmvde:x; F. Zo.hra; t1ut18nt, 18-6-81,

Zewg Kurci fi,ssi .r:l:i,rc:.koluzi fir-Rabar t I Gh<:1.'wdex; NikQl' 'Vella Apap,

" Lehen' 23-3-81

San Gorg,Hega~o Hartri';Nih:::ol Volla ,A})ap, HUE10nt , 12-7-81

Il-Kappadoc ja, Art' San Gorg; Nikol Vella ApD.}); r,1uii1ent, 19-7-81 Naduf,Parroxa,Ghmvdex; Frans Zahra; IvIument; 5-7-81

Kercem, Parrocca', Ghawdex; ~rans Zaħ.ra; ftIument; 12-7-81

I.d-Devozzjoni 1ejn San Guzopp f'Bormla;Cho.r1os Galoa Scannura,

Lehen, 14-3~81



Haz-Zo.bbar u Hadd in-'-Nies; Karm Bonavia; Lehqn, 7-3-81

.. . . . . ' . • ~ t~ < •

Xbiha ta1-f1o.donna tal-Buon Konsill f l So.ntu \:'Jistin,.!B'havJdox;

Nikol Vellil AJ?0}J; .Lehon; 2-5-'81

Graj jBt Bikrin t'l i Santa Hnri jet tal-Portu Salvu'; '" Al~xande:r BODl1i,ci



5-81 :~

Qima Lejn il-I-1ad6i1na tnl-Fiducja;Spigolntrici; Hajja,28-2-81 L



Our Lady of Consolati od; lIary Bonnici; rTitles ,22':"2-81

Purcissjonijiot ,vC?tiuitas-Sona 1881; N:Lkol Vella Apap~ Lehen, 23:-5=81

L-BvJweih Tempju tn1 Ho.rija E\ambina, L-Isla'; I\.lexo.ndor Bonnici,

lVIUi~lOnt, 2Lj,':' 5.:.31 , ' , ,

Exhi,bi,tion OID. Exhumation of,3t . Anthony IS BOdYi'Timos,24,-2-:81

1iiant II.ntn'i-n tal Po.dovo.,


l:-Qim9. Lejh,KniE3ja S~Fro.n:gisk,R2.bat,Gho.wdex,

NikoT 'Vella l\.pa}) , Lehen" 13-6-81

Kif Bdj_et il-CiimD. Lejn San Bastjo.n F'1b1 Qormi.Caruol Bio.nchi,

In-Taghno., 16-8-80

Il-l1adonna tal-Herba; J.Deacon;in B'K:J.ro. Taghrif .... 1980

Il-Qima Lejn Santa Elona; So.l; in B'Kara rro.ghrif,ed.J.Deacon,1980 IElkejjen Paw1ini; Fro.ns Zahra; l'iIunent; 15-2-81

Kwadru Tit1J,lari,Katidf0.1,Ghawdex; Carmolo ,sciclunajLehon,9-8-80

So.:b.t 'Aga ta, Po. trun0_«a' ~'10.1 ta i'Vi ctor Co.Yl1il1e:bi; Lehen ... 31-1-81


-125-Nadonna tas-Sahha--Ti fkira ta' Graj jiet Gheziez I':Iarbutin ma L-Imghoddi;A1exander Bonnici; Hajja, 18-10-80

San Benedettu Giuzeppi Labrel (1748-178\'J3) u r-Ro.bta Teighu

Mal-Gzejjer ta' HaltC'.. u Ghmvdex;Nikol Vella .ilpap;Lehen;25-4-81 San Benedettu Ahh2.ti;Niko1 Vella Apa:p;In;..;To.ghna,12-&13-8-80

Miscellaneous \

Rega' T-Tajr tal-Karti; C.Clews; Torca; 19-7-81

Feo.tures of an Island Economy 1800-1914;.ilrthurCl~re;Hyphen,N06;181

L-.ilkbar" Avve.niEwrittaf ll'uqil:_Bahar(Rega t ta) .ililton Cassar; Torca7-9-80

. "Ir-Reg:a'tta: . .to.t-8 ta I Settenbru; J. S.; In-Taghna;: 6-®-80'

Il-Kunjom u l- L:lqo.E1 fil-FolldoT;Raf~Bonnici Cali;Nno.ra 3,1980


C. Cassar ; Mnara 3,1980 •

Bibliog~~phy of interest to Maltose Folklorists;G.Lanfranco,Mnara '80

Salient Poin,ts ••• fO'l.~ D. History of l'1al tose Costui:1e; V .}l.PellQgril1.i; \lil SOfJ.e.·.Recent Comr!1Unications on the Folk Nedicine of Ma1ta;

G.Lanfranco, Mnara 3, 1980

The Mediterranean Islands as Places of Sunthesis betweon .ilrab and


European Cultures. J.Cassar PUllicino;Jour.Mal.Stud.13.'79 The Throe Sto1en Prtncesses ••• G.Nifsud Chricop;Jour.Mal.St.13'79 Ca1endars



Halta Art Calendar 1982,Pain±ings by' Ganni Vella;Cauchi's Mosta'81 Heritage Calendo.r 1981; Klabb Kotba Mo.ltin 1981

Displ2.Y of The Last Supper,Domus Pius IX,Co;spicua,Malta, 8 postcards folding in two sets • .

Pamph lets /b.q.Qk~

The Nob1es'of' Malta, 1570-1800; John r-:Iont2.ito;415PP ;1'Iidsea,1979 I1-M2.clonna ta1-Ghar;M.Fso.d.ni;64pp;0.P.1980

Skungrar' u Orazzjoni fil-Poezija Popol2.ri Religjuz2. F'IvIal ta J.Cassar Pul1icino;Univ.Malt·a.Loct.1979; 1981. 51pp Niltaqghu ma S.Gej:hanu;1L~80-1980 Walter Calillori 1980;76pp Fratel1anzi u Xirkiet tas-SnajjaKarm.Ellul Galea;in parts in

Il-Hajja, from 26 May 1981 et.seq.

Ghawdex .Johlonl Fil-LeggenL~i; Gorg Pisani, 1980; 88pp'

Wirja ta' sett ta' Varj_ •• ta1-Gimgha 1-Kbira,Zabbar;Ernm.Bona.via, .il Vil1age in Nalta; .. Jer8171Y


& Winston 1980


-126-RovievJs ,r;

Impres8ion8 of Gozi'tah' Logentlls; ~ro:Cassar 'Pu11icino; ,sund •. Titles


Gh7:'lyvdex Joh10l~1 bi l.;·:Lo ggebdi ;; Gorg l"1i:fsud;" Mumont,. 28-12 .... 80 .

Be'j~-~S-torja? Hol~,l~

rrbevidin, u


GhaHdox) Hurl1ont. 3-8-8D

I1-Hrojj'oi" ta'""' 1-Ah\1a Griml;l~;'


Ga11Gja;' In-Taghna,13-1~81

Maltese Vi11.:::lgo Lifo; J 00 Felice Pace.; ,sundo rJ~iri1os, 14 .... 12 .... 80 ...

. ;L-Il:mara, Bullotin tal-'Ghnqcb . tal--F6ik1~r, l\[o ~3, 1980; J" Cnssar

\ : ' : ' " Pullicino ,Tho·'rinos,· 17 .... 12-80

':.-·P.~i jee t JTIla 8i 8 ... J. ~~

Legends and H:i:story of St-"Pnul.'s. ,shipwrock in Mn1t-a. Jcmo Gr·if'fin;


,,student Prrbj., for AL1i ty ampng Natipn?, Upi vorsity. of l\tinneso.~a"

Hamlyne Univorsj.tyo 198D,submitted Foh 1981. 77pp. . .

-+~+-+~+-+~+-+-+~+­ t!t~t!t~t~t!t!t!t

* * *



* * *


. Ki tbagha11-I'nmara, gJi'andha tasal ghand l-Editur kmieni



keITjm jist'a jkun,qabe1 jibda jfassal l":'edizjoni :Ji.i jmiss" Din

. ' ~


il-kitba ghandha tkun originali, qatt ma dehr~t.b.and'ohra, .. ~_.~_._""_

. ihbazata 'fuq osservazzj'6'nijiet, espe'rjenzi jew ricerka personali"

Informazzjoni dwar .xi pubblikazzjonijiet tal nteress folk10ristikus

jew noti dwar xi attivi'baj'i'et folkloristici konnessi ma' Malta, jew

f I Hal ta, huma ,wkoll l~istiedna, bi~x l-informazzjoni li tidher

f I dawn is-sezzjonijiet tkurj, qktarkom,pli ta;, s 'issa, l-Editur

ma rceva, l-ebda lto,ntri buzjonijiet, .·U ga'l:Yarhom kollha hu •


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The present analysis extended the use of this Bayesian framework to fit the model against hypoxic volume data and examined how parameter estimation and predictive uncertainty can

Only preoperative use of pain medication and preopera- tive neuropathic pain were associated with increased postoperative pain after primary THA in a fast-track set- ting, including

Analyses were performed according to randomised treatment group (pregabalin 150-600 mg daily or placebo), pain improvement (0-10 numerical pain rating scale scores at trial

Studies were included if the following criteria were met: (1) study design: comparative studies (randomized con- trolled trials, RCTs or non-RCTs); (2) study subjects: adult