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Mesoscopic transport in ferromagnetic oxides


Academic year: 2020

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M esoscop ic T ransport in

F errom agnetic O xides


Jan Johannes Versluijs

A th e s is s u b m i tt e d fo r t h e d e g r e e o f D o c to r o f P h ilo s o p h y

in t h e U n iv e r s ity o f D u b lin

D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s ic s T rin ity C o lle g e D u b lin


f^^TRlNiTY COLLEGE 1 7 DbC 2002 ^



This thesis is subm itted by the undersigned for exam ination for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Dublin. It has not been subm itted as an exercise for a degree at any other university.

This thesis, ap a rt from the advice, assistance and joint effort mentioned in the acknowl­ edgements and in the text, is entirely my own work.

I agree th a t the library may lend or copy this thesis freely on request.


Sum m ary

The study presented in this thesis is concerned with mesoscopic transport in half-

metallic ferromagnetic oxides. Two techniques have been developed to gain insight into the

extrinsic transport properties of these oxides.

The first, scanning tunneling potentiometry (STP), was used to correlate topographic

features of a thin film sample with the flow of cnrrent through the sample. A Scanning

Tunneling Microscope (STM) was modified succesfully to obtain simultaneously topographic

and potentiometric images of a polycrystalline (Lao.





0 3

thin film. Large voltage

drops were observed to coincide with grain boundaries, whereas in the grains themselves

essentialy no change in voltage was found. Prom the voltage drop associated with the grain

boundaries, an estimate of the resistivity of these grain boundaries can be obtained. It is

found that it ranges from 3 x 10~^ 0 cm^ to 3 x 10“^


cm^, with an average value of 6 x 10~®


cm^, which is comparable with other reports in the literature.

The second method described in this thesis is the study of magneto-transport properties

in point contacts. Two tiny single crystals of either magnetite (Fe

3 0 4

) or (Lao.





0 3

axe mounted in a device where their separation can be controlled using a piezo-electric actu­

ator. The two crystallites are brought into contact, and the resistance of the contact between

them is monitored while they are being pulled apart again. Simple vibration insulation en­

sures that the contacts are stable for up to a minute or more, which is long enough to obtain

current-voltage characteristics and measure the magnetoresistance and its hysteresis.


a field. Strong non-linear current-voltage characteristics are observed, which can be fitted

to an / =

GV + cV^ law. Room temperature magnetoresistance (MR) values of up to 85

% for Fe3 0 4

and up to 45

% for (Lao,7Sro.3)Mn0 3

have been found for contacts with a low

zero-bias conductance

{G <C Go), in fields of 7 mT. For increasing conductance the MR falls

off quickly.

The huge room temperature MR values in small fields are larger than those reported

in any other ferromagnetic materials, such as ballistic Ni nanocontacts or tunnel junctions.

Here MR is defined as

. We rule out magnetostriction as the main explanation

for these large eff^ects. The magnetic hysteresis of around 1 mT shows that it is related

to the magnetization process of the crystalhtes. Two possible explanations are considered;

tunneling and spin pressure on a narrow domain wall pinned at the contact. Seeing the

contact as a magnetic tunnel junction can explain the dependence of the MR on contact

conductance, assuming that the smallest contacts, with a low conductance value, contain

fewer impurities in the insulating barrier. The bias dependence of the MR could be then be

due to magnon creation in the electrodes.


A ck n ow led gem en ts

F irst and foremost, th ank s to Mike Coey, for giving me th e o p p o rtu n ity to join his lab,

for th e interest he has shown in this work, and for th e supervision and guidance throughout.

T hanks to Fred O tt for g etting me started w ith th e S T P and point contacts set-ups, for

all th e help w ith electronics and Delphi, and for th e frequent ” ca va pas!” . Thanks to Prof

Gospodinov and Revcolevschi for providing th e Fe

3 0 4

or (Lao,




)M n

0 3

single crystals, to

Dr SteinbeiB for giving me th e chance to work a t his group in th e In s titu t fiir Physikalische

Hochtechnologie, to Jurgen Osing, Shane M urphy and D iarm aid Mac M ath u n a for th eir help

w ith th e design and wiring of th e cryostat probes, to Dave Grouse, Jam es Egan and Mick

Reilly from th e mechanical workshop for all their help, to Joe McCauley, K en Concannon,

P a t Flanagan for all their electronical troubleshooting, and to Jackie B allentine Arm strong,

Tom Burke, Jo h n Kelly for chasing up all those orders.

T hen th ere are all the other present and former G roup D m em bers, be it long- or

short-term : Nora, Jam es, A m anda and Rhian, Rui, G areth, Treasa, Paul, Miyuki, Jiang,

Venki, M azhar, Ciara, Cora, Em m a, Oscar, Han, Guenole, Pablo, R aju, Sandrine, Virginie,

Sandrine, Sonia, Stefan, Stefan, Fernando, Eoin, K atie, Rob, Alex, Rex, Jim Cullen, Vassil

Skumryev, Sebastian, Steve, and th e numerous sum m er students. T h an k you for all your

help, th a n k you for m aking th e lab such an fun, messy, interesting, international place to

work, and for providing much entertainm ent during and outside office hours: th an k you for

all th e H am ilton coffee breaks, sessions a t th e Pav and other w atering holes, for th e theatre,

musicals, concerts, visits to th e IFC and Sinterklaas evenings, and for all th e chocolate,

baklava, turron, caipirinhas, polos, p o ta to curries and other goodies.


Table o f C ontents

S u m m a r y ... ii

A ck n o w led g em e n ts ... v

1 I n t r o d u c t io n ... 3

1.1 Spin E le c tro n ic s... 4

1.1.1 Spin p o la riz a tio n ... 6

1.1.2 Andreev Reflection ... 7

1.1.3 Spin Accumulation and D iffusion... 10

1.2 Basic Concepts of T ransport ... 11

1.2.1 Ballistic Transport and Q uantum C onductance... 12

1.2.2 Diffusive tran sp o rt and h o p p in g ... 15

1.2.3 M agnetoresistance... 16

1.3 M a te r ia ls ... 17

1.3.1 Manganese oxides ... 17

1.3.2 M a g n e tite ... 19

1.4 Scanning Tunneling P o te n tio m e try ... 22

References ... 24

2 L itera tu re R e v ie w ... 28

2.1 G rain B o u n d aries... 28

2.2 Nanowires and N a n o c o n ta c ts... 29

2.3 Domain W a lls ... 31

2.3.1 Domain Walls in nanowires and contacts ... 32

2.3.2 Domain Wall R esistivity... 35

2.3.3 Current-wall in te ra c tio n ... 41

References ... 45

3 E x p e rim en ta l S e t - u p ... 53

3.1 Sample C h ara cterisatio n ... 53

3.1.1 X-ray D iffraction... 53

3.1.2 Scanning Electron M icroscopy... 54

3.1.3 Atomic Force Microscopy and Magnetic Force M icro sc o p y ... 55

3.1.4 V ibrating Sample M ag n e to m e try ... 57

3.1.5 SQ U ID ... 59

3.1.6 Transport M easu rem en ts... 59

3.2 Scanning Tunnelling Potentiom etry ... 59

3.2.1 Set-up ... 60

3.2.2 Software ... 63


3.3.1 Room T em perature m easurem ents... 65

3.3.2 Low Tem perature M e a su re m e n ts... 69

References ... 73

4 R e s u l t s ...74

4.1 Scanning Tunnelling Potentiom etry ... 74

4.2 Point c o n ta c ts ... 78

4.2.1 (La{) 7Sro.3)M n03... 78

4.2.2 F 6304... 94

References ... I l l 5 D iscussion 8z Further W o r k ...112

5.1 Scanning Tunneling P o te n tio m e try ... 112

5.1.1 Future w o r k ... 113

5.2 Point C o n ta c t s ... 114

5.2.1 M ag n e to stric tio n ... 115

5.2.2 Transport in point c o n ta c ts ... 118

5.2.3 Spin P r e s s u re ... 128

5.2.4 Future work ... 136

References ... 139


C hapter 1

In trod u ctio n

In recent years, there have been a huge number of studies concerned with using mag­

netic materials for possible applications, such as non-volatile memory devices or sensors.

This had led to a search for new materials, with higher Curie tem peratures and better in­

trinsic magnetic properties. Half-metals and magnetic semiconductors especially are at the

center of the attention. But also well-known materials, such as m agnetite and Cr02, have

recaptured interest for use in novel devices. The requirements for switching devices of prac­

tical use are a high Curie tem perature (> 200 °C), low power consumption, and large enough

output for small fields.

Most ferromagnetic manganese oxides exhibit a large change in electrical resistivity

when subjected to a magnetic field. This effect is most pronounced in the vicinity of the

Curie tem perature, where the Colossal Magnetoresistance is associated with a metal insulator

transition.. The potential of Colossal MagnetoResistance (CMR) for practical applications,

however, is limited because of the large field (of the order of 1 T) needed for the modification

of the intrinsic magnetic order required to observe the effect.


T he other line of investigation in this work is concerned w ith th e understanding of electronic transport in nanometric structures. This is im portant, both from a basic point of view and from a technological perspective, considering the m iniaturisation of device di­ m ensions in com m unication and information technology. T he study of m etallic nanowires and nanocontacts has received a great deal o f attention in the last few years. Here we ex­ tend this to nanocontacts in half-metallic oxides, and in particular to m agnetite, Fe3 0 4, and (Lao.7Sro.3)M n0 3 (LSMO). M agnetite is the oldest known m agnetic material; it is a ferrimagnet, w ith a high Curie tem perature (860 K). LSMO has the highest known Curie tem perature of the rnanganites (380 K). B oth have a spin polarization of RilOO %, which makes it the m ost suitable candidate for potential applications.

T his work is therefore m ainly concerned w ith the investigation o f microscopic or meso­ scopic scale transport properties of half-m etallic oxides, and of LSMO and m agnetite in particular. Several experim ental m ethods using point probes have been used to study trans­ port through grain boundaries, crystallite interfaces and nanocontacts. Section 1.1 outlines the emerging field of spin electronics, and introduces a few im portant concepts. Section 1.2 gives a basic explanation of the different transport mechanisms in th e nanometric half-m etallic oxides structures studied here. Section 1.3 introduces m agnetite and LSMO to the reader. T his chapter concludes w ith some remarks on th e Scanning Tunneling Potentiom -etry (ST P ) used here to study transport through grain boundaries in LSMO. ST P can be used to sim ultaneously measure surface topography and spatial variations of the electrical potential.


Spin E lectronics


at Bell, conventional electronics has proceeded to change modern daily life, with its use in

everyday equipment like computers, radio, television and the telephone. Electronics, with

its transistors and other devices, is based on manipulating and controlling a current flow

by applying an electric field, which acts as a force on the charge of the electrons. Only a

few devices, like relays, solenoids and Hall probes make use of a magnetic field. The fact

th at electrons have a magnetic moment (they are either spin-up or spin-down) as well as a

charge has until recently led to very little practical application: ’’Conventional electronics

has hitherto ignored the spin of the electron” [1].

Spin electronics, also known as spintronics or magnetoelectronics, is a new branch of

physics where the electron spin (as opposed to, or in addition to the electron charge) is the

active element manipulated in transport processes. This new field [2] [3] combines two well

established areas of research: magnetism and electronics. Devices based on spin electron­

ics can potentially complement or replace various conventional electronic devices with an

improved performance, or even find application in quantum computing and communication




Efforts in spin electronics are directed at a wide range of issues. Prom a fundamental

point of view, concepts such a spin-dependent transport, spin diffusion length, spin injection,

spin accumulation and spin-induced magnetic switching are receiving a great deal of atten­

tion, while also the feasability of novel devices structures is studied. At the same time new

materials are investigated, with special emphasis on half-metallic m aterials and magnetic

semiconductors. All these topics are briefly introduced below.


carri-ers consisting of th e spin-up electrons and th e spin down electrons, respectively, and with

different tran sp o rt properties. For this to be a valid model, th e conduction in th e channels

has to be independent, ie. th a t there is no mixing of th e two channels. This means th a t

th e characteristic spin flip tim e has to be sufficiently long com pared w ith other scattering



Spin polarization

It is useful to now introduce here the concept of spin polarization. For spin electronics

to work one needs a source of spins to m anipulate. Ferrom agnetic m aterials are obvious

candidates, w ith th eir spin dependent band structure, w ith th e m ajority subband containing

electrons w ith spin parallel to th e m agnetization direction, and th e m inority subband where

th e spins are antiparallel. T he spin polarization P is a m easure of th e ratio between spin-

up and spin-down electrons ’available’ at the Fermi level. Several definitions are possible,

depending on which physical processes are being considered. Perhaps th e m ost natu ral

definition is:

p„ =


- I - rii


Pho to em iss io n


Mag net ic


T e d r o w -

A n d r e e v

1 iinnel Junction

C o n t a c t

M e s e r v e y








Figure 1.1.

Several ways to determine the spin polarization

the case of ballistic transport, the spin polarization is defined as:


Jt -



- {mi)^

J | +

(m;)^ + (n?;)^ ’

with V the wave velocity. For diffusive transport, or tunneling through a large barrier this becom es [5]:


Materials with a 100 % spin polarization are known as half-metals, since only electrons with

one spin orientation are available for transport at the Fermi level.


A n d reev R eflection


metal is impinging on the interface. Since there are no single particle states available within

the superconducting gap A, for it to enter into the superconductor, and become part of the

supercurrent, it must be a member of a Cooper pair. This means th a t the other electron of

the pair, with spin down, leaves a hole behind at the interface. This hole, with momentum

and spin opposite to th a t of the spin-down electron, will be Andreev reflected back into the

metal, and will be part of a parallel conduction channel. This leads, for voltages less than

A /e, to a doubhng of the conductance

G = d l / d V

compared to the normal state case.


in c id e n t e le c tro n

A n d re e v R e fle c te d h o le

N i ( E ) N (E )

M e ta l (P = 0 ) S u p e r c o n d u c to r

in c id e n t e le c tro n N o s ta te

a v a ila b le y

N o A n d re e v R e fle c tio n


M e ta l (P = 1 0 0 % ) S u p e r c o n d u c to r

Figure 1.2.

Andreev reflection at a normal metal / superconductor interface (top) and

a t a half metal / superconductor interface (bottom).


normal metal / superconductor interface. This time, a Cooper pair cannot be formed, since

the density of states near the Fermi level in the down band is zero: there are no spin-down

electrons available. So, Andreev reflection is not possible, and the conversion from normal

current into supercurrent is blocked. This means th at in the case of a fully spin polarized

metal the conductance G = 0 for voltages smaller than A /e. So, for P = 0 the conductance

is doubled compared to the normal state conductance, because of Andreev reflection at

the interface, while for

P = 100% Andreev reflection is blocked, leading to a surpression

of the conductance. For intermediate values of the polarization, a modified version of the

Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) theory [6] is needed to determine the value of P

from the


d l / d V

curve. The BTK theory takes interfacial scattering into account, through

a param eter Z, with Z = 0 for ballistic transport, and Z ^ oo for tunnel junctions. For

T —> 0, y —> 0 and Z —^ 0, the theory yields:


where G„ is the conductance in the normal state case

(V > A), and

Pc is the contact


''•’ft ~ (-^f) ^ F i

P r =


A^T [ Ef) ''-’f t + { E p ) '^’Fi ’


N(j the spin dependent density of states. In this case

Pc can be obtained directly from

the d l / d V

at y = 0, while for finite tem peratures and interface scattering a numerical fitting

is needed.

M a te r ia l NiFe Co Fe Ni NiMnSb LSMO CrOa

P c(% ) 37 42 45 46.5 58 78 90

Table 1. Spin polarization for different materials, after Soulen et al. [7]


variety of m aterials, see Table 1. Here a superconducting tip is driven into th e m aterial un­

der investigation (or vice versa: a tip of th e m aterial is driven into a superconducting film),

and th e current-voltage characteristics m easured a t liquid helium tem peratures. T he val­

ues of Pc thus obtained for th e 3d m etals are a little higher th a n those rep o rted by Tedrow

and Meservey [8], who m easured th e (tunneling) polarisation using ferrom agnetic-insulator-

superconductor junctions. However, this technique is sensitive to th e n a tu re of states in the

first few monolayers of th e ferrom agnetic electrode [9], while th e m ethod described above

probes th e polarization of th e bulk current. B oth LSMO and C r02 show a high spin po­

larization, close to th e value expected for a half metallic ferrom agnet. T h e complete spin

polarization of C r02 was subsequently confirmed in A ndreev [10] and tu n n el jun ction exper­

im ents [11].

1 .1 .3

S p in A c c u m u la tio n an d D iffu sio n

Assume a current flowing from a ferrom agnetic m aterial into a param agnet. The elec­

trons coming from th e ferrom agnet are spin polarized, say, th ere are more spin-up electrons

th a n spin-down. So, there is a net influx into th e param agnet of spin-up electrons over

spin-down ones. This surplus is causing a certain m agnetic m om ent per volume in th e p ara­

m agnetic m aterial near th e interface. At th e sam e tim e, spin flip scatterin g will tend to

flip th e up-spins into down-spins. These two com peting processes will lead to a dynamic

equilibrium , w ith a spin accum ulation near th e interface, which will drop of over a certain

length scale known as th e spin diffusion length (See Figure 1.3).T h e spin diffusion length

is strongly dependent on th e am ount of impiirities in a m aterial since these introduce more

spin-flip scattering. Typical spin diffusion lengths vary from microns in very pure m etals to


e ‘

Figiire 1.3.

Spin accumulation occurs when a spin-polarized current from a ferromagnet

(F) enters a paramagnet (P).


B asic C on cep ts o f Transport


the Fermi velocity

Vp =

We can now classify the two distinct transport regimes in mesoscopic structm ’es as

follows. When

X p “C L < l e , k ,

the electrons are said to behave ballistically, th at is, they

travel through the structure without being scattered. The other limit,

< le,li <C



the diffusive regime, where the electron undergo many scattering events while traversing the



B a llistic Transport and Q uantum C on d u ctance

The resistance of a point contact has been calculated by Sharvin [12]. It is found th at

for a small point contact, i.e. with a radius r smaller than the mean free path

Xmfp, the


R is given by

i = —

(1 6



h 47






kp the Fermi wave vector and

A = yrr^ the area of the point contact. For a contact

with r = 10 nm this would give a resistance of 1



[19]. and electromagnetic relays [20] also show clear evidence for quantized conductance.

The quantum of conductance found is Go = ^ ~ (12.9

where e is the charge

of an electron, and


the Planck constant. The conductance quantization is caused by

the quantization of electron momentum in directions perpendicular to th a t of current flow.

Consider two electron gas reservoirs connected by a narrow constriction with a diameter


see Fig 1.4. We assume th at the electrons move ballistically between the two reservoirs,






Figure 1.4.

Two reservoirs with chemical potential //j and



connected by a constriction

of size


and are only scattered by the boundaries of the constriction. This means th a t the electrons

behave like a one-dimensional electron gas: in the ^-direction the electron momentum is

continuous, while in the


and y-directions, due to the small size


of the constriction, the

momentum is quantized. The energy of the electron can then be written:





the indices for the allowed transverse modes,


the reduced Planck constant,


the electron mass, and


the component of the wavevector in the


-direction. The first

term on the right hand side of equation (1.7) is the quantized term, while the other term is

represents the continuous contribution. Applying a small potential difference between the


The number of electrons


then contributing to the current is:

N = ^gn{EF)i ni -




) ^







Qn (Ep)

the density of state at the Fermi level for mode n. This leads to an expression

for the charge current

due to mode


In = e V F n N = { E p ) {l^l ~ ^2) . (1-9)



the group velocity of mode n at the Fermi level. The density of states at the Fermi

level for a ID electron gas is given by:

‘ = j - .


Finally, substituting equation (1.10) into (1.9) gives a conductance


per mode of:

Go = ^ = - ^ , (1.1 1 )

^ bias ^

or for the total conductance



G = N G


= ‘^ N ,





the number of available modes below the Fermi level.

When changing the size of the constriction, the number of allowed modes available

for transport changes too, and this leads to a stepwise change in the observed conductance.

W hen the size of the constriction is small enough (of the order of Angstroms), the energy

level spacing becomes larger then the thermal energy, and conductance quantization can be

observed at room temperature.


wave in each mode. In general, this condition need not hold, and this leads to the Landauer

formula, a generalization of equation (1.12)

2 N , N , \

G = -^ (

J ,


where the conductance is the sum over all available modes of the spin-dependent transmission

probabilities T^. For systems with spin degeneracy, and completely open or closed modes (Tj

either 0 or 1), the Landauer formula reduces to equation (1.12).


D iffusive tran sp ort and hopping

When an electron is scattered many times while traversing a system, it is said to behave

diffusively. Drude’s expression for the conductivity


of such a system,

2 7 e U e T

a = ^ =




is based on the assumption that the electrons can be viewed as an ideal gas. Here electrons

are seen as particles that can move freely in between occasional scattering events, where they

loose all information about energy, direction and velocity after each event. The electrons are

moving randomly, with the mean velocity zero. Application of an electric field will accelerate

the electrons, leading to a mean velocity, also known as the drift velocity.


1 .2 .3 M a g n e t o r e s is t a n c e

T he change in resistance of a material when applying a field is known as the magne­

toresistance (MR). It is often expressed as

M R ( H ) = X 100%, (1.15)

with R { H ) and i?(0) th e resistance w ith and without applied field H. T he effects of a mag­

netic field can influence th e transport properties of materials via several physical mechanisms.

The m ost well-known are normal, anistropic and giant m agnetoresistance.

Normal, or Lorentz magnetoresistance (NM R) is related to the Hall effect. Charge

carriers in a field are deflected from the direction of the current because o f th e Lorentz force

= e l f X and this reduces their effective mean free path causing a change in resistivity

of the material. To lowest order, the NM R has a dependence, w ith the largest effect

found in low resistivity m aterials, where the mean free path is long and th e electrons travel

a significant part of a cyclotron orbit before scattering (lim it UcT > 1, where lOc = e B / m ) .

Anisotropic m agnetoresistance (AMR) finds its origins in the spin-orbit coupling, which

causes th e spin-up and spin-down states to be mixed. It can be determ ined by measuring

the resistivity change as function of the angle between current direction and m agnetization.

The A M R values for m anganites and Fe3 0 4 at room tem perature are low ( ~ —0.2 %, with

a peak o f ~ —2 % at th e Curie tem perature for LCMO [22]; —0.2 % for Fe3 0 4 [23] ) .

In 1988, Baibich et al. [24] found an MR of 50 % in F e/C r multilayers, at 4.2 K. This effect was dubbed giant m agnetoresistance (GMR). It is strongly dependent on the thickness

of the layers, due to the oscillatory exchange coupling between th e ferromagnetic layers. In


of the electrons as they travel through the multilayer.


M aterials

1.3 .1

M a n g a n e se o x id e s

Mixed valence manganites,

, where

is a rare earth and


is a transitional metal (see Figure 1.5.), have generated a great deal of interest recently, due

Figure 1.5.

The ideal perovskite crystal structure, ABO3

. Here A is a rare eaxth (La^"*")

or transition metal (Sr^+) (black), and B is Mn^'^ or Mn'^"'', (pink). The oxygen is shown in


to their peculiar magnetic and transport properties [25]. End members, like

and Ca^''‘Mn'*''‘

0 3

“ are insulating and anti-ferromagnetic, while compounds with values of

X ~ 0.3 are ferromagnetic below the Curie tem perature and undergo an insulator to metal


oxygen to th e n eigh bo uring Mn^"''. D ue to th e stro n g in tra -a to m ic H u n d ’s co uphng th e

electrons can only ho p if th e spins of th e m anganese ions are p arallel. T h e configurations

M n^+—0 ^ “ —is/in '^ a n d Mn^+ —O^” —Mn^"*" are degenerate; th e lowest en erg y of th e system a t

low te m p e ra tu re corresp on ds to a parallel alignm ent. T h e tra n s fe r o f electro ns becom es m ore

difficult if th e spins of th e m anganese ions are n o t p arallel. T h is leads to a direct rela tio n

betw een co n d u ctiv ity a n d ferrom agnetism . A core of localised sp in po larised electrons form

th e t2g b an d , w hile th e co n d u ctio n b an d (th e Cg b and ) co n tain s less th e n one electro n p e r M n

ion. A m ore th o ro u g h tre a tm e n t [28] shows th a t in som e cases (like C r0 2 a n d LSM O) th e

co n d u ctio n b a n d is sp lit in to a m a jo rity an d m in ority b an d s u n til th e co n d u ctio n electrons

rem ain in only one o f th e sp in states. T hese m a terials are th e h a lf m etallic ferrom agnets.

See F ig 1.6. T h ere is som e d isp u te ab o u t w h eth er th e lower edge of th e spin-dow n b a n d in

LSM O lies ju s t above [29], or below [30] th e Ferm i level E f . However, even if it Hes below

E p , th e electrons in th e b a n d will still b e locahzed, a n d th e c u rre n t is th e n carried by th e

sp in -u p electrons. T h is is a ty p e IIIA half-m etal [31].

However, the double exchange mechanism alone is not sufficient to explain the magni­

tude of the change in resistivity around


or the large resistivity for tem peratures

T > Tc


Recent work has focussed on mechanisms th a t localize the conduction electrons, such as

the Jahn-Teller effect, charge fluctuations due to cationic disorder, or magnetic impurities.

T h e usefulness of th e C M R effect for p ractical ap p licatio n s, how ever, is lim ited due

to th e large m ag n etic field req u ired to observe th e effect. However, p o ly cry stallin e sam ples

show a low field m a g n eto resista n ce w hich is ab sen t in single cry stals [33]. T h is low field M R

is therefore an ex trin sic effect; it has been re p o rte d in bulk, p o ly c ry stallin e th in films [34],


Heavy electrons

Heavy electrons

Type lA

Type IIB


Figure 1.6. Schem atic bandstructure of different types o f half-m etallic ferromagnets. For T yp e lA , only spin-down electron are present at the Fermi level, the density of states for spin-up electron is zero. C r02 is an exam ple of this type half-m etal. M agnetite is an exam ple of a T ype IIB half-metallic ferromagnetic, where the carriers at the Fermi level are in a band sufficiently narrow for them to be localized. LSMO is o f type IIIA, with localized spin-up carriers and delocalized spin-down carriers. Classification after C oey et al. [31]

grain boundaries or crystallite interfaces. Compared w ith single crystals and epitaxial films

the polycrystalline sam ples have a higher resistivity, presumably caused by the presence of

grain boundaries. Tw o groups [35] [36] devised an elegant experim ent to separate the intrinsic

CMR effect from the extrinsic low field effect. W hereas the CM R effect decreases w ith lower

tem peratures, the low field MR becomes larger for decreasing tem peratures.


M a g n etite

M agnetite, Fe3 0 4, is the oldest m agnetic material known to man. In the form o f nat­

urally m agnetized lodestone it was used as a prim itive compass by th e Chinese as far back

as lOOAD, and it has been the subject o f intensive study due to its interesting m agnetic


as shown in Figure 1.7, with the tetrahedral sites occupied by the ferric Fe^"'' ions, and the

octahedral sites shared by ferrous Fe^+ and Fe^"*“ ions. It can be seen as a face centered

cubic lattice of oxygen anions with the iron cations situated on the interstices. The lat­

tice parameter is 0.8398



From an ionic point of view, magnetite can be written as

tively.The presence of chains of octrahedral sites along all <110> directions, leads to a low

Figure 1.7.

The magnetite (Fe3 0 4

) crystal structure. The oxygen anions (red) form a

face centered cubic lattice, with the ions cations situated on the interstices. The Fe ions

sit at either octahedral sites (green) or tetrahedral sites (brown). The chains of octrahedral

sites in the <110> directions are clearly visible.

resistivity of around 5 mOcm at room temperature, due to rapid carrier hopping between

Fe^"*" and Fe^"^ ions at these B-sites. Carriers are small polarons in a minority spin




All the electrons are localized, but only spin-down carriers are present at

Ep. This

is a Type




(See Figure 1.6). The electronic configuration of the Fe^"*" ions

is 3d^, whereas that of the Fe^"*" ions is

3dP. This means that the Fe^"*" ions have one extra

electron in an anti-bonding


orbital, and it is this electron that can hop from site to site.


respec-tetrahedral s it e s

o c ta h e d r a l s i t e s



Figure 1.8.

A schematic representation of the electronic structure of the Fe ions in


when the two neighbouring B-sites axe ahgned ferromagnetically which is indeed the case

for bulk magnetite, due to the dominant antiferromagnetic A-B superexchange coupling. At

a certain temperature, called the Verwey temperature,

Ty = 120 K, the resistivity increases

by about two orders of magnitude. The details of this transition are not exactly understood


but it is generally agreed that at

Ty the hopping freezes out, leading to an ordered ar­

ray of Fe^"*" and Fe^"*" ions with static charges. Below the Verwey temperature the resistivity

roughly follows a T~^ law, evidence for variable range hopping


Magnetite is a ferrimagnet with a Curie temperature of 850 °C. Both the Fe^'*" and


Fe3+ ions o c c u p y te tr a h e d r a l A -site s, t h e o th e r h a lf o c c u p y h a lf o f th e o c ta h e d r a l B -site s.

Since th e s e tw o s u b la ttic e s a re co u p le d a n tife rro m a g n e tic a lly v ia s u p e re x c h a n g e , th e ir 5 fig

m o m e n ts c a n ce l o u t, a n d t h e to ta l n e t m o m e n t of ~ 4 fig p e r fo rm u la u n it F e3 0 4 com es fro m

th e Fe^"*" io n o n th e o c tr a h e d r a l B -s ite .


Scanning Tunneling P o ten tio m etry

E v e r sin ce th e first S c a n n in g T u n n e lin g M ic ro sco p e (S T M ) w as b u ild b y B in n ig et al.

[50], t h e n u m b e r o f a p p lic a tio n s h a s in c re a se d tre m e n d o u s ly . I t h a s b e e n u s e d to s tu d y th e

s tr u c tu r a l a n d e le c tro n ic p ro p e rtie s o f c o n d u c tiv e o r sem i c o n d u c tiv e su rfa c e s in a ir, liq u id

a n d U H V e n v iro n m e n ts , w ith a to m ic o r n e a r a to m ic re s o lu tio n s . S T M ’s h a v e also b e e n u se d

for lith o g ra p h y , a n d e v en for m a n ip u la tin g sin g le a to m s . S c a n n in g T u n n e lin g P o te n tio m e ­

t r y ( S T P ) is a n e x p e rim e n ta l te c h n iq u e t h a t e x p a n d s a S T M to s im u lta n e o u s ly im ag e th e

su rfa c e to p o g ra p h y a n d m a p th e p o te n tia l d is tr ib u tio n o f t h e m a te r ia l u n d e r s tu d y . S T P

w as first d e v e lo p e d by M u ra lt a n d P o h l [51] to s tu d y e le c tric a l t r a n s p o r t in d isc o n tin u o u s

go ld film s. S e m ic o n d u c to rs, h e te r o ju n c tio n s [52], m e ta ls [53] a n d h ig h - T c s u p e rc o n d u c to rs

[54] h av e also b e e n in v e s tig a te d , to p ro b e v a ria tio n s in t h e p o te n tia l n e a r film d isc o n tin u ­

itie s a n d g ra in b o u n d a rie s , a n d lo ca liz e d d efects. C o n v o lu tio n b e tw e e n t h e t ip s h a p e a n d

t h e su rfa c e to p o g ra p h y c a n le a d to a r tifa c ts in t h e p o te n tia l d is tr ib u tio n [55], b u t c a re fu l

e x p e rim e n ts h av e u n a m b ig u o u s ly sh o w n s te p s in th e p o te n tia l n e a r g ra in b o u n d a rie s a n d

c ry s ta llite in terfaces.

In th is w ork we use S T P to show t h a t t h e re s is tiv ity of p o ly c ry s ta llin e L S M O film s

com es m a in ly fro m th e g ra in b o u n d a rie s , a n d t h a t s te p s in t h e lo ca l p o te n tia l co in cid e w ith

th e s e g ra in b o u n d a rie s . S e c tio n 3.2 d eals w ith th e e x p e rim e n ta l s e t-u p , t h e e le c tro n ic s a n d


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C hapter 2

L iteratu re R ev iew

In recent years there has been a growing interest in transport on a mesoscopic scale.

On the one hand this interest is driven by the need to understand the physics of devices

with decreasing dimensions, due to the miniaturisation in the information and communica­

tion technology industry. On the other hand, the advances in lithography and patterning

techniques, as well as the rise of scanning probe microscopy, has made this study of trans­

port properties in mesoscopic samples possible. In this chapter we review the literature

on transport through grain boundaries (Section 2.l), and artificially made nanowires and

nanocontacts (Section 2.2). We will conclude with a brief overview of how domain walls

in small devices differ from those in bulk, the role domain walls play in transport on a

mesoscopic scale, and how they interact with charge carriers (Section 2.3).


G rain B o u n d a ries


inside the barrier. When the Fermi level of the electrode coincides with the energies of these

localized states, the conductivity is resonantly enhanced. Lattice mismatch between two

neighbouring grains will lead to dislocations and stress th a t can result in a disordered region

a few nanometers wide. It has been suggested th a t this region will have a reduced



th at it may be paramagnetic [6].


N a n o w ires and N a n o c o n ta c ts

Quantization of electrical conductance has first been observed in gated structures in

two-dimensional electron gas systems [9] [10], where it is found th a t the conductance varies

in a step-like manner, with conductance values of integer multiples of Go = 2e^//i. In the

Landauer formalism the conductance G of a contact is expressed as


the transmission for channel


with spin up or down, as discussed in Section 1.2.1.

The total conductance is determined by summing over all channels. For ballistic contacts

Since the first observation of quantized conductance in 2-DEGs, the effect has also been

observed in simple metalhc nanowires such as Au, Na, P t, Ni, Bi, [11][12][13][14][15] and also in

manganites [16]. For these measurements, a wide range of experimental techniques have been

used, such as the scanning tunnelling microscope [15], mechanical break junctions [14], and

even simple table-top set-ups using macroscopic wires. Using an STM inside a transmission

electron microscope, Ohnishi

et al.

[18] were able to study the relation between conductance

and structure of gold nanocontacts. The influence of structure on the conductance of the

contact has also been recognized by Van Ruitenbeek and coworkers [19] [20], who show th at



-th e steps in conductance are related to rearrangem ents of -th e contact.

For monovalent m etals, such as Au, th e conductance is directly related to th e num ber

of atom s in th e neck of th e contact. For m aterials w ith a higher chemical valence, for example

Al, th e relation is not so straightforw ard, as shown by Scheer et al. [21]. C urrent-voltage

characteristics of superconducting Al nanocontacts were m easured and fitted to show th a t

even for th e smallest obtainable contacts, w ith

G < Go,

th ree channels (each w ith Tj < 1)

contribute to th e tran sp o rt. For Au nanocontacts they find th a t th e sm allest contacts contain

only one channel. Similar results have been found in Nb and P b contacts [22]. O ther work, by

Garcia-M ochales

et al.


has shown th a t th e shift of th e peaks in conductance histogram s,

away from integer values of Go, can be explained by th e existence of internal disorder in th e


From L andauer’s formula (2.1) it could be concluded th a t for m agnetic m aterials,

w ith th e spin degeneracy lifted, for example by applying a field, th e conductance could

vary w ith step sizes of

^Gq =

jh .

A few papers have been published, b o th theoretical

and experim ental, on this topic

[24] [25] [26].


et al.

find quantization of conductance in

units of


for Ni nanowires in zero field, b u t observe quantization in units of


when the

m agnetization of th e sam ple is alm ost completely satu rate d in a field of 6.7 m T. This suggest

th a t dom ain walls play a role, which is indeed confirmed by theoretical work

[25] [26].


it is w orth m entioning th a t the peaks at 0.5 Go and 1.5 Go in conductance histogram s have

even been found in non-m agnetic Au contacts under electrochem ical po ten tial control


It is rem arkable experim ental fact, which seems not to be fully understood, th a t in many

nanowires and nanocontacts th e conductance does seem to be quantized a t approxim ately



D om ain Walls

In ferromagnetic materials the exchange interactions, due to Pauli’s exclusion principle,

tend to align the magnetic moments parallel to each other. In an infinite bulk sample,

the ground state would therefore be a homogeneously magnetized single domain. In finite

samples however, one single domain would lead to magnetic charges at the surface, and with

it shape demagnetizing fields. This increases the m agnetostatic energy of the system. In

order to minimize the total energy of the system, multiple domains will form, with alternating

directions of magnetization [28]. In between the domains, the magnetization vector has to

rotate from one direction to another and the resulting magnetic structure is called a domain

wall (Figures 2.1 and 2.2). Obviously, the magnetization in a domain wall is not uniform.

Figure 2.1.

A Bloch wall, where the magnetization rotates out of plane from one direc­

tion to another.

Figure 2.2.

A Neel wall, where the magnetization rotates in plane from one direction to


leading to an increase in exchange, anisotropy and dipole energies. The process of domain

formation is therefore a balance between the energy cost of forming the domain walls on the

one hand, and the decrease in the magnetostatic energy on the other hand. Section 2.3.1


and location of domain walls. Section 2.3.2 reviews theoretical and experimental studies on

the resistivity of a domain wall, while Section 2.3.3 finishes this chapter with a discussion of

the interactions of a domain wall with a spin and/or charge current.

2 .3 .1

D o m a in W a lls in n a n o w ires a n d c o n ta c ts

Bloch [29], followed by Landau and Lifshitz [30] was the first to study theoretically the

structure of a domain wall in the bulk. The width of the wall is determined by how quickly

the moments rotate from one direction to the other. The exchange energy, which favors

a parallel alignment of the moments, tends to broaden the wall, with only a very gradual

rotation of the magnetization vector. The anisotropy favors an abrupt change and hence a

narrow wall. The total energy


of the wall, is given by:

E — Epx







the exchange stiffness,


the anisotropy energy density and


the rotation of the

magnetization between two adjacent moments. A stable wall configuration requires a mini­

mization of the total energy with respect to the rotation of magnetization:

— 0. This is

equivalent with the Euler equation for a domain wall:



2 A —

- 0

(2 3)

For the uniaxial anisotropy case, with

fa = Ku

sin^ 0, where

is the uniaxial anisotropy

constant, the wall profile can be calculated analytically:

0(z) = arctan sinh


6y, =


{ A / K


is the domain wall width. Typical values for


in bulk are given in


M a te r ia l Ni Fe Co Permalloy R are earth m agnet

(nm) 72 30 15 1000 5

Table 1.Values for the domain wall w idth for a variety of m aterials, in nm.

th e above calculations, th e geo m etry of th e sam ple is assum ed to b e of no im p o rtan ce. W ith

th e increasing m in iatu rizatio n of devices an d b it size in th e m a g n etic reco rd in g ind ustry , th e

q u e stio n is if th is is still valid. B run o [32] addressed th is issue, a n d c alcu la ted th e s tru c tu re

a n d p ro p e rtie s o f a geom etrically co n strain ed d o m ain wall in a c o n stric tio n se p a ra tin g tw o

w ider regions. He found an aly tic al expressions for th e do m ain wall w id th in th re e different

m od els of constriction:

M o d el C o n str ic tio n 6 ^

C _ f So for |a;| < d gd ' 5 i > 5o for \ x \ > d ^

I I S = 5 o (l + ^ ) f

I I I S = Socosh{x/d) 2d

In th e se con striction s th e d o m ain wall w id th h as becom e in d e p e n d e n t of m a teria l p a ­

ra m e te rs such as th e exchange stiffness a n d an iso tro p y c o n sta n t, a n d d ep en d s only on th e

geom etry. O ne can see th a t 8^ is now of th e order of th e size of th e co n strictio n d. T hese

re su lts are confirm ed by M onte C arlo sim u latio ns of ’’isth m u s” a n d ’’h o u rg lass” geom etries

(sim ilar to M odel I a n d II, respectively) [33]. T hese sim u lation s also show th a t th e wall goes

from a Neel-like configuration for narrow constrictio ns, v ia a cross-over region to B loch-type

for larger co n strictio ns. In th e bulk, th e d om ain wall w id th 6^ is m uch larger th a n th e Ferm i

w av eleng th Xp, w hereas for n an o m etric con strictions, th e wall can becom e very narrow . T his

h a s im p o rta n t im plications for th e resistiv ity of th e do m ain w all (See S ection 2.3.2). T h e

w all energy

7^ , w hich is

2 y / A K for a bulk wall, is now for th e ’’isth m u s” g eom etry

-in d e p e n d e n t of th e an isotrop y c o n stan t K .


films and subm icron magnetic dots, rings and wires [34], For th e work described in this

thesis, th e dom ain stru cture at th e surface and in particu lar in point contacts is of most

im portance.

Since th e form ation of a dom ain wall costs energy, walls tends to localize themselves in

constrictions to minimize their surface area, and hence th eir to ta l energy. A num ber of studies

on this topic are reported in th e literature. H irohata

et al.

[35] [36] p a tte rn ed mesoscopic

” bow-tie” structu res in Permalloy th in films, and investigated th e dom ain stru ctu re w ith

MFM and Scanning Kerr effect microscopy in th e dem agnetized and rem anent state. In

th e dem agnetized (as grown) state, no dom ain walls were observed in th e junction, whereas

in th e rem anent sta te (after applying a 1 T field), walls were found in th e central bow-

tie stru ctu re, suggesting th a t the junctions tra p th e dom ain wall during th e m agnetization

reversal process. M icromagnetic calculations by th e sam e authors confirm these observations.

Van Gorkom et al. calculated th e dom ain stru ctu re in Co and Perm alloy point contacts [37] [38]

and found th a t a Neel wall is formed in th e constriction. More extensive investigation of

m agnetic configurations in nanocontacts are found in Ref. [39]. T h e authors considered two

semi-infinite oppositely magnetized ferrom agnetic bars, connected thro u gh a nanocontact.

D epending on th e form factor of the contact, a blurred Neel- or Bloch-type tran sitio n region

over th e length of th e contact is found for a weak anisotropy. In th e case of strong anisotropy,

a head-to-head Neel wall is formed. Domain wall tra p elem ents have been proposed for use

in MRAM applications, due to their lower switching fields (~ 1 m T ) and sim ilar switching

tim es (~ 1 ns), compared w ith simple rectangular elements [40]. D epending on th e shape

and size of th e point contacts, therm ally-excited fiuctuations betw een a Neel-type and a


Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.5.
Figure 1.6.
Figure 1.7. face centered cubic lattice, with the ions cations situated on the interstices


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