Executive Corridor Darlington Memorial Hospital Hollyhurst Road
Darlington DL3 6HX Switchboard Tel: 01325 38 0100 Foundation Trust Office: 01325 74 3625 Trust Secretariat Office: 01325 74 3579
Direct Fax: 01325 74 3741
Foundation Trust Office, Darlington Memorial Hospital, Hollyhurst Road, Darlington, County Durham DL3 6HX Tel: 01325 743625 Fax: 01325 743741
Our Reference 01/12/45
Your Reference
Direct line 01325 743625 Email [email protected] 22 March 2012
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“Act”) – Request for Information
Thank you for your email dated 26 January 2012 in which you request information about maternity services. You asked:
1. Total spending on maternity services for 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12, broken down by financial year (budgeted/forecast figures may be used to give a full-year figure for 2011/12; please do not provide a part-year figure).
(*Please see below clarification)
2009/10 2010/11 2011/12
YTD (M9)
2011/12 projection Obstetrics £17,117,993 £19,617,040 £13,855,827 £18,474,437 Obstetrics Midwife led £2,321,358 £2,397,788 £1,693,596 £2,258,127 Comm Midwives £3,523,365 £3,599,878 £2,542,651 £3,390,201 Total £22,962,716 £25,614,705 £18,092,074 £24,122,765 Costs are fully absorbed costs including overheads
2009/10 and 2010/11 figures taken from Reference Costs
2011/12 figures based on Service Line Reporting model as at Dec 11, extrapolated in 12ths
2. The number of midwives in the staffing establishment, measured as FTE and headcount, separately for 2009/10, 2010/11, and as of Jan 2012 (or most recent available data)
Staffing figures for midwives for periods requested are as follows:
Year Heads FTE 09/10 257 210.51 10/11 255 204.25
Foundation Trust Office, Darlington Memorial Hospital, Hollyhurst Road, Darlington, County Durham DL3 6HX Tel: 01325 743625 Fax: 01325 743741
Jan12 269 215.73
3. The forecast number of midwives in the staffing establishment, measured as FTE and headcount, for 2012/13, 2013/14, and 2014/15
Answer: It is planned that the workforce acuity tool ‘Birthrate Plus’ will be carried out during 2012. This will identify any gaps in the midwifery workforce and following this a Business Case will be developed to secure funding for any additional staff required.
4. The target maternity bed occupancy rate for 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, and any future target rates as far as 2014/15, broken down by financial year
Answer: The Trust does not have the target rate separated out just for Maternity so unfortunately we cannot respond to this question.
5. The actual maternity bed occupancy rate in 2009/10, 2010/11, and 2011/12, broken down by financial year
CDDFT Obstetric Bed Occupancy 2009/10, 2010/11 And 2011/12 (Up to December 2011)
Ward Code Measure 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 (Up to Dec 11) B08
(7 beds)
Avail 2,675 2,555 1,925
Occ 905 787 237
33.83% 30.80% 12.31%
D61 (26 beds)
Avail 9,490 9,490 7,150
Occ 5,466 4,850 3,883
57.60% 51.11% 54.31%
(33 beds - 23 x Postnatal / Antenatal and 10 x Labour)
Avail 12,045 12,045 9,075
Occ 7,962 8,371 6,460
66.10% 69.50% 71.18%
6. The number of recorded maternal deaths at the Trust for 2010/11 and 2011/12, broken down by financial year?
2010/11 0
2011/12 0
Foundation Trust Office, Darlington Memorial Hospital, Hollyhurst Road, Darlington, County Durham DL3 6HX Tel: 01325 743625 Fax: 01325 743741
With regards to the year 2009/10, the Trust is neither able to confirm nor deny whether it holds the information requested in accordance with the refusal notice requirements contained within section 17 of the Act.
7. The number of recorded maternal injuries at the Trust for 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12, broken down by financial year. (*Please see below clarification).
2009/10 2010/11 2011/feb 2012
Total 5896 5985 5457
Preterm labour 452 496 412
Perineal repair
2nd degree 1132 1348 1333
3rd degree (split into a, b and c)
97 3a 56,3b 22,3c 14 3a 47, 3b 31, 3c 11
4th degree 5 3 2
Manual removal of placenta, no heamorrhage
16 13 16
PPH >500mls 1189 1241 1116
Fetal distress 240 195 180
Length of labour
1st stage >16hrs 102 73 59
2nd stage>2hrs 791 687 610
Failed Induction Of Labour
N/A 24 46
Shoulder dystocia 79 69 64
8. Total spending on compensation payouts relating to maternity cases for 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12, broken down by financial year. (*Please see below
Answer: In order to comply with your request the Trust would have to examine a large number of individual case files. We currently hold a large number of files but are unable to identify those files which may have involved compensation payments.
All of these cases will have been referred to the NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA) who will have conducted the litigation on the Trust’s behalf. In some cases the NHSLA may have forwarded a copy of the outcome to the Trust but this is not usual practice and the Trust has no centralised system whereby we can identify which files may have made compensation payments.
In accordance with Section 16 of the Act (duty to provide advice and assistance) and Section 21 of the Act (Information accessible by other means) we would
Foundation Trust Office, Darlington Memorial Hospital, Hollyhurst Road, Darlington, County Durham DL3 6HX Tel: 01325 743625 Fax: 01325 743741
suggest that you contact the NHSLA who will be able to assist you. Please contact Julianne Vernon at the following email address: [email protected] 9. A list of the maternity units and wards run by the Trust
Darlington Memorial Hospital: Labour Ward, Ward 61, Antenatal Clinic, Pregnancy Assessment Unit
The University Hospital of North Durham: Labour Ward, Ward 10, Antenatal Clinic, Pregnancy Assessment Unit
Bishop Auckland Hospital: Midwifery-Led Unit, Antenatal Clinic, Pregnancy Assessment Unit
In line with the Information Commissioner’s directive on the disclosure of information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 your request will form part of our disclosure log. Therefore, a version of our response which will protect your anonymity will be posted on the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust website.
If you have any queries or wish to discuss the information supplied, please do not hesitate to contact me on the above telephone number or at the above address.
If you are not satisfied with the way in which your request has been dealt with you have the right to complain. Please put your complaint in writing and send it to:
The Chief Executive
County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Darlington Memorial Hospital
Hollyhurst Road Darlington, DL3 6HX
If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at the following address:
Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House
Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely
Foundation Trust Office, Darlington Memorial Hospital, Hollyhurst Road, Darlington, County Durham DL3 6HX Tel: 01325 743625 Fax: 01325 743741
Joanna Tyrrell
Freedom of Information Officer