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San Francisco Flex Academy


Academic year: 2021

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San Francisco Flex Academy

Every school in California is required by st at e law t o publish a School Account abilit y Report Card (SARC), by February 1 of each year. T he SARC cont ains informat ion about t he condit ion and performance of each California public school. Under t he Local Cont rol Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educat ional agencies (LEAs) are required t o prepare a Local Cont rol Account abilit y Plan (LCAP), w hich describes how t hey int end t o meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, w it h specific act ivit ies t o address st at e and local priorit ies. Addit ionally, dat a report ed in an LCAP is t o be consist ent w it h dat a report ed in t he SARC.

For more informat ion about SARC requirement s, see t he California Depart ment of Educat ion (CDE) SARC W eb page at ht t p://w w w .cde.ca.gov/t a/ac/sa/.

View t his SARC online at t he school and/or LEA W eb sit es.

For more informat ion about t he LCFF or LCAP, see t he CDE LCFF W eb page at ht t p://w w w .cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/lc/.

For addit ional informat ion about t he school, parent s and communit y members should cont act t he school principal or t he dist rict office.

California Department of Education

School Accountability Report Card

Reported Using Data from the 2013-14 School Year

Published During 2014-15

View Larger Map

Mr. Steve Henderson

Principal, San Francisco Flex Academy

T he mission of SF Flex is t o prepare graduat es for college, life w ide learning, and act ive cit izenship in a diverse societ y.

W e are a t uit ion free public high school serving t eens from San Francisco and t he surrounding Bay Area.

Founded in 2010 and now part of a grow ing net w ork of Flex Academy schools, SF Flex is a small school driven by a set of Core Values t hat are t he foundat ion of an inclusive, diverse, and support ive school cult ure.

Our academic program is built on an innovat ive model t hat combines on-line learning w it h direct inst ruct ion from cert ified t eachers. Our st rengt h is personalizing learning for each st udent and allow ing choice and flexibilit y during t he school day.

St udent s have a great er responsibilit y in t heir educat ion, w hich allow s t hem develop t he habit s of mind t hat lead t o independence and self-direct ion.

Perhaps most import ant , at SF Flex Academy st udent s learn how t o learn. Our challenging st andards based curriculum embedded w it hin our unique approach t o high school educat ion creat es an environment w here st udent s have t he opport unit y t o build t he execut ive funct ioning and met a cognit ive skills necessary for college and career success. T he curriculum is enriched w it h engaging project learning experiences t hat build skills including communicat ion and collaborat ion, project management , self-underst anding, and informat ion age research.

Our goal is t o help every st udent build t he skills and confidence for college and career success.

1195 Hudson Ave.

San Francisco, CA 94124 Phone: 415-762-8800 E-mail: calston@flexsf.org

About Our School About Our School

Contact Contact


Last updated: 2/20/2015

About This School

Contact Information - Most Recent Year Contact Information - Most Recent Year


School Name San Francisco Flex Academy

St reet 1195 Hudson Ave.

Cit y, St at e, Zip San Francisco, Ca, 94124

Phone Number 415-762-8800

Principal Mr. St eve Henderson

E-mail Address calst on@flexsf.org

Web Sit e ht t p://w w w .flexsf.org

Count y-Dist rict - School (CDS) Code


Dist rict

Dist rict Name SBE - San Francisco Flex Academy

Phone Number (415) 762-8800

Web Sit e ht t p://w w w .flexsf.org

Superint endent First Name


Superint endent Last Name


E-mail Address shenderson@flexsf.org

School Description and Mission Statement (Most Recent Year) School Description and Mission Statement (Most Recent Year)

SF Flex is a full-t ime, t uit ion-free, public chart er school

locat ed in t he Bayview neighborhood of San Francisco serving st udent s in grades 9-12 from San Francisco and anyw here in t he Bay Area.

T he mission of SF Flex Academy is t o prepare graduat es for college, life-w ide learning, career success, and act ive cit izenship in a diverse societ y.

Graduat es of SF Flex Academy are professional, commit t ed t o

success, det ermined t o achieve, empow ered t o t ake cont rol of t heir lives, and act ive cit izens.

SF Flex blends t he best of a rigorous, college-preparat ory, comprehensive high school environment w it h on-line curriculum. St udent s at t end school

every day in a safe, diverse, and support ive school communit y t hat includes a dedicat ed comput er w ork st at ion for every st udent , t ext books, novels, mat h manipulat ives, science

equipment , art supplies, and more. W it h t he largest choice of elect ives of any school in t he San Francisco Bay Area, SF Flex put s st udent s in t he

driver’s seat by allow ing t hem t o choose from an array of courses so t hey can explore and develop t heir int erest s.

T eachers at SF Flex are highly qualified and specially

t rained t o use dat a generat ed from t he aw ard w inning, st andards based K12 Inc. curriculum t o t ailor inst ruct ion for individual st udent s, t arget skill development , and build

subject mat t er mast ery. Classes are small, t ypically bet w een 5 and 12 st udent s.

SF Flex provides engaging and personalized learning t hat

maximizes each st udent 's full pot ent ial. Our program creat es an educat ion t hat fit s t he individual st udent so t hose w ho need more t ime and support in cert ain subject s can get it , and t hose w ho are ready t o move ahead can do so at t heir ow n pace. Most of all, st udent s at SF Flex learn how about t hemselves and learn how t o learn.

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy

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Last updated: 2/20/2015 2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015

Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2013-14) Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2013-14)

Grade Level Number of St udent s

Grade 9 21

Grade 10 20

Grade 11 35

Grade 12 33

T ot al Enrollment 109

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2013-14) Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2013-14)

Group Percent of Tot al Enrollment

Black or African American 31.0

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive 1.0

Asian 15.0

Filipino 2.0

Hispanic or Lat ino 15.8

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander 1.0

W hit e 32.0

T w o or More Races 0.8

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged 41.2

English Learners 5.2

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies 8.2

Black or A frican A merican A merican Indian or A lask a Nativ e A sian

Filipino Hispanic or Latino

Nativ e Hawaiian or Pacific Islander W hite

Two or More Races








2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015

A. Conditions of Learning

State Priority: Basic

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Basic St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 1):

Degree t o w hich t eachers are appropriat ely assigned and fully credent ialed in t he subject area and for t he pupils t hey are t eaching;

Pupils have access t o st andards-aligned inst ruct ional mat erials; and School facilit ies are maint ained in good repair.

Not e: “Misassignment s” refers t o t he number of posit ions filled by t eachers w ho lack legal aut horizat ion t o t each t hat grade level, subject area, st udent group, et c.

* T ot al T eacher Misassignment s includes t he number of Misassignment s of T eachers of English Learners.

Teacher Credentials Teacher Credentials

Teachers School Dist rict

2012- 13

2013- 14

2014- 15

2014- 15

W it h Full Credent ial 5 4 6

W it hout Full Credent ial 0 0 0

T eachers T eaching Out side Subject Area of Compet ence (w it h full credent ial)

0 0 0

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Teachers with Full C redential Teachers without Full C redential

Teachers Teaching O utside Subject A rea of C ompetence

Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions

Indicat or

2012- 13

2013- 14

2014- 15

Misassignment s of T eachers of English Learners

0 0 0

T ot al T eacher Misassignment s* 0 0 0

Vacant T eacher Posit ions 0 0 0

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners Total Teacher Misassignments

Vacant Teacher Positions

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015 Not e: High-povert y schools are defined as t hose schools w it h st udent eligibilit y of approximat ely 40 percent or more in t he free and reduced price meals program. Low - povert y schools are t hose w it h st udent eligibilit y of approximat ely 39 percent or less in t he free and reduced price meals program.

Y ear and mont h in w hich dat a w ere collect ed: December 2014

School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements - Most Recent Year

Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2013-14) Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2013-14)

Locat ion of Classes

Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subject s Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers

Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subject s Not Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers

T his School 97 3

All Schools in Dist rict 97 3

High-Povert y Schools in Dist rict

0 0

Low -Povert y Schools in Dist rict

97 3

Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials - Most Recent Year Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials - Most Recent Year

Subject Text books and Inst ruct ional Mat erials/year of Adopt ion

From Most Recent Adopt ion?

Percent St udent s Lacking Own Assigned Copy


Art s All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0

Mat hemat ics

All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0


All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0

Hist ory-Social

Science All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0

Foreign Language

All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0

Healt h

All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0

Visual and

Performing Art s All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0

Science Lab

Eqpmt (9-12) All t ext books and inst ruct ional mat erial is from K12 Inc. It is st andards aligned and UC A-G approved.

Y es 0.0

SF Flex Academy is locat ed at t he SFUSD school facilit y Gloria R. Davis school in Bayview .

T he result s of t he most recent sit e inspect ion w ere all posit ive, including as follow s:

Syst ems: Excellent Condit ion (including Gas lines, HVAC, Sew er)

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015

School Facility Good Repair Status - Most Recent Year

Overall Facility Rate - Most Recent Year

Int erior: Int erior Surfaces – Excellent Condit ion

Elect rical: - Excellent , all inspect ed and passed current code.

Rest rooms/Fount ains:


Safet y: Fire Safet y, Hazmat – Syst em in excellent condit ion. Sprinkler and Life

Safet y syst ems checked and t est ed quart erly, monit ored 24-7. No know n hazardous mat erials.

Syst em Inspect ed Rat ing

Repair Needed and Act ion Taken or


Syst ems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical/HVAC, Sew er


Int erior: Int erior Surfaces Good

Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, Pest /Vermin Infest at ion


Elect rical: Elect rical Good

Rest rooms/Fount ains: Rest rooms, Sinks/Fount ains


Safet y: Fire Safet y, Hazardous Mat erials Good

St ruct ural: St ruct ural Damage, Roofs Good

Ext ernal: Playground/School Grounds, W indow s/Doors/Gat es/Fences


Overall Rat ing Good

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015

B. Pupil Outcomes

State Priority: Pupil Achievement

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Pupil Achievement St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 4):

St at ew ide assessment s (i.e., California Assessment of St udent Performance and Progress and it s successor t he St andardized T est ing and Report ing Program);

T he Academic Performance Index; and

T he percent age of pupils w ho have successfully complet ed courses t hat sat isfy t he requirement s for ent rance t o t he Universit y of California and t he California St at e Universit y, or career t echnical educat ion sequences or programs of st udy.

Not e: Science assessment s include California St andards T est s (CST s), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alt ernat e Performance Assessment (CAPA).

Not e: Scores are not show n w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

Not e: Science assessment s include CST s, CMA, and CAPA in grades 5, 8, and 10.

Not e: Scores are not show n w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress/ Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress/ Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students in Science – Three-Year Comparison

Students in Science – Three-Year Comparison


Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced (meet ing or exceeding t he st at e st andards)

School Dist rict St at e

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) 37 63 56 37 63 56 60 59 60

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Results by Student Group in Science (School Year California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Results by Student Group in Science (School Year 2013-14)


Group Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

All St udent s in t he LEA 56

All St udent s at t he School 56



Black or African American

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive



Hispanic or Lat ino

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander

W hit e

T w o or More Races

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged

English Learners

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies

St udent s Receiving Migrant Educat ion Services

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015 Not e: ST AR Program w as last administ ered in 2012–13. Percent ages are not calculat ed w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

Not e: For 2014 and subsequent years, t he st at ew ide and similar schools ranks w ill no longer be produced.

Not e: “N/D” means t hat no dat a w ere available t o t he CDE or LEA t o report . “B” means t he school did not have a valid API Base and t here is no Grow t h or t arget informat ion. “C” means t he school had significant demographic changes and t here is no Grow t h or t arget informat ion.

Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students - Three-Year Comparison Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students - Three-Year Comparison


Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced (meet ing or exceeding t he st at e st andards)

School Dist rict St at e

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

English-Language Art s 39% 46% 54% 39% 46% 54% 54% 56% 55%

Mat hemat ics 13% 8% 8% 13% 8% 8% 49% 50% 50%

Hist ory-Social Science 33% 32% 48% 33% 32% 48% 48% 49% 49%

Academic Performance Index Ranks – Three-Year Comparison Academic Performance Index Ranks – Three-Year Comparison

API Rank 2011 2012 2013

St at ew ide 2 1 4

Similar Schools 1

Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – Three-Year Comparison Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – Three-Year Comparison

Group Act ual API Change 2011 Act ual API Change 2012 Act ual API Change 2013

All St udent s at t he School B 3 85

Black or African American

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive



Hispanic or Lat ino

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander

W hit e

T w o or More Races

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged

English Learners

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015

Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2013-14) Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2013-14)

SF Flex does not offer a Career T echnical Educat ion Program.

Courses for University of California and/or California State University Admission Courses for University of California and/or California State University Admission

UC/CSU Course Measure Percent

2013-14 St udent s Enrolled in Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission 100.0

2012-13 Graduat es W ho Complet ed All Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission 100.0

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015

State Priority: Other Pupil Outcomes

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Ot her Pupil Out comes St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 8):

Pupil out comes in t he subject areas of English, mat hemat ics, and physical educat ion.

Not e: Percent ages are not calculat ed w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

Not e: Percent ages are not calculat ed w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

California High School Exit Examination Results for All Grade Ten Students – Three-Year Comparison (if California High School Exit Examination Results for All Grade Ten Students – Three-Year Comparison (if applicable)



Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

School Dist rict St at e

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

English-Language Art s 81% 86% 93% 81% 86% 93% 56% 57% 56%

Mat hemat ics 69% 80% 90% 69% 80% 90% 58% 60% 62%

English-Language Art s Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0 20 40 60 80 100

Mat hemat ics Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0 20 40 60 80 100

California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2013-14) California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2013-14)

Grade level

Percent of St udent s Meet ing Fit ness St andards

Four of Six St andards Five of Six St andards Six of Six St andards

9 8.0% 22.0% 70.0%

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015

C. Engagement

State Priority: Parental Involvement

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Parent al Involvement St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 3):

Effort s t he school dist rict makes t o seek parent input in making decisions for t he school dist rict and each schoolsit e.

State Priority: Pupil Engagement

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Pupil Engagement St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 5):

High school dropout rat es; and High school graduat ion rat es.

Opportunities for Parental Involvement - Most Recent Year Opportunities for Parental Involvement - Most Recent Year

W elcome t o Families of Flex t he San Francisco Flex Academy PT SA!

Our mission is t o engage, enrich and encourage t he st udent s and st aff w it hin our unique educat ional environment .

For families, t his means w e are here t o support our

st udent s, t o support our families in support ing our st udent s and t o support our st aff in support ing our st udent s.

T here are a number of w ays w e can become informed and st ay involved in our st udent ’s educat ion. First ly, log int o t he OLS syst em, follow your st udent ’s progress, read your kmails and communicat e w it h Mr.

Henderson, t eachers and st aff.

Secondly, part icipat e. Part icipat e in w hat ever w ay

w orks for you, volunt eer for a commit t ee, at t end school board meet ings, chair an act ivit y such as career day, mont hly breakfast s, pot lucks and appreciat ion lunches. Commit t o once a w eek, one a mont h or a couple t imes a school year, if you are w illing, w e can make it w ork.

And last ly, join t he PT SA! W e are encouraging all of our st udent s, families and st aff t o become members.

Email Ms. T ejuco t o get involved at ct ejuco@flexsf.org.

Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate) Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate)

Indicat or

School Dist rict St at e

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Dropout Rat e 37.5 27.6 29.4 14.7 13.1 11.4

Graduat ion Rat e 62.5 55.17 64.71 77.14 78.87 80.44

Dropout /Graduat ion Rat e (Four-Year Cohort Rat e) Chart

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

Dropout Rate Graduation Rate

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Completion of High School Graduation Requirements Completion of High School Graduation Requirements


Graduat ing Class of 2013

School Dist rict St at e

All St udent s 75 75 84

Black or African American 70 70 75

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive 77

Asian 50 50 92

Filipino 92

Hispanic or Lat ino 72 72 80

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander 84

W hit e 88 88 90

T w o or More Races 89

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged 78 78 82

English Learners 125 125 53

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies 60

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

State Priority: School Climate

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he School Climat e St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 6):

Pupil suspension rat es;

Pupil expulsion rat es; and

Ot her local measures on t he sense of safet y.

Suspensions and Expulsions Suspensions and Expulsions

School Dist rict St at e

Rat e 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Suspensions 5.00 8.00 19.00 5.00 8.00 19.00 5.70 5.10 4.40

Expulsions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0 5 10 15 20

School Suspensions District Suspensions State Suspensions


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

School Expulsions District Expulsions State Expulsions

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015

School Safety Plan - Most Recent Year School Safety Plan - Most Recent Year

SF Flex Academy has a comprehensive Safet y Plan. It w as last review ed at t he beginning of t he school year and updat ed as appropriat e. It w as feat ured in facult y PD during t his t ime so facult y are aw are of t heir roles.

Our program’s Safet y Plan is organized and all st aff members t rained in order t o effect ively prepare for maximum safet y, efficiency and communicat ion in t he event of an emergency.

St udent s and parent s also underst and t hat cont ingency preparat ion and procedures are necessary and are conduct ed for t heir safet y and w ell-being. Planning, preparat ion, and t raining w ill help st aff personnel learn t he proper course of act ion in an emergency.St aff has received annual t raining in t he emergency response plan.

Drills are conduct ed periodically t o t est t he effect iveness of t he plan. A debriefing is conduct ed aft er each drill t o receive feedback from all part icipant s on t he effect iveness of t he plan.

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Last updated: 2/20/2015

D. Other SARC Information

T he informat ion in t his sect ion is required t o be in t he SARC but is not included in t he st at e priorit ies for LCFF.

Not e: Cells w it h NA values do not require dat a.

* DW (det erminat ion w aiver) indicat es t hat t he PI st at us of t he school w as carried over from t he prior year in accordance w it h t he flexibilit y grant ed t hrough t he federal w aiver process.

* Number of classes indicat es how many classrooms fall int o each size cat egory (a range of t ot al st udent s per classroom). At t he secondary school level, t his informat ion is report ed by subject area rat her t han grade level.

Adequate Yearly Progress Overall and by Criteria (School Year 2013-14) Adequate Yearly Progress Overall and by Criteria (School Year 2013-14)

AYP Crit eria School Dist rict

Made AY P Overall No

Met Part icipat ion Rat e - English-Language Art s Y es

Met Part icipat ion Rat e - Mat hemat ics Y es

Met Percent Proficient - English-Language Art s No

Met Percent Proficient - Mat hemat ics Y es

Met Graduat ion Rat e N/A

Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2014-15) Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2014-15)

Indicat or School Dist rict

Program Improvement St at us First Y ear of Program Improvement Y ear in Program Improvement *

Number of Schools Current ly in Program Improvement N/A

Percent of Schools Current ly in Program Improvement N/A %

Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Secondary) Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Secondary)

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Subject Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

1-22 23-32 33+ 1-22 23-32 33+ 1-22 23-32 33+

English 10.9 19 2 0 6.0 8 11.0 11 1

Mat hemat ics 11.5 14 2 1 9.0 16 1 1 8.0 12

Science 12.5 10 2 1 11.0 9 2 1 13.0 6

Social Science 8.4 11 1 0 8.0 16 1 9.0 10

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015 Not e: Cells w it h N/A values do not require dat a.

* One Full T ime Equivalent (FT E) equals one st aff member w orking full t ime; one FT E could also represent t w o st aff members w ho each w ork 50 percent of full t ime.

Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2013-14) Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2013-14)

Tit le Number of FTE* Assigned t o School Average Number of St udent s per Academic Counselor

Academic Counselor 1.0 100.0

Counselor (Social/Behavioral or Career Development ) N/A

Library Media T eacher (librarian) N/A

Library Media Services St aff (paraprofessional) N/A

Psychologist N/A

Social W orker N/A

Nurse N/A

Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist N/A

Resource Specialist (non-t eaching) N/A

Ot her N/A

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2013-14) Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2013-14)

T he t ype of services funded at SF Flex Academy during t he fiscal year w ere all academically based. T his included online and onsit e curriculum, t eaching, and t echnology such as comput ers, print ers, copiers, et c.

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


Last updated: 2/20/2015 Not e: Cells w it h N/A values do not require dat a.

*W here t here are st udent course enrollment s.

Advanced Placement Courses (School Year 2013-14) Advanced Placement Courses (School Year 2013-14)

Subject Number of AP Courses Offered* Percent of St udent s In AP Courses

Comput er Science N/A

English 2 N/A

Fine and Performing Art s N/A

Foreign Language 2 N/A

Mat hemat ics 2 N/A

Science N/A

Social Science 4 N/A

All Courses 10 1.1

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy

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Last updated: 2/20/2015

Professional Development – Most Recent Three Years Professional Development – Most Recent Three Years

Every W ednesday aft ernoon, t he st aff part icipat ed in an inclusive Head-of-School-led professional development series for four hours. T opics w ere focused around st udent s’ academic progress, achievement and overall school success. Examples include: dat a based break-out inst ruct ion; syst ems t raining on academic achievement series; grade report ing; part nering w it h parent s; classroom management ; response t o int ervent ion; special educat ion resources and st rat gies; and research based pedagocial pract ices.

2013-14 SARC - San Francisco Flex Academy


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