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Weather Forecast

F air t o n lf h t u d T u e r f iy , w a rn * er. H ig h realerd ay 81, low 34; low ih ia m o m ln c 44.


t o dX y

s i x Irrig a te d C oun ties In Idaho

V O L . X X I. NO. 5 5 - 6 C EN TS. Full 8-Hour LeW«d. Wre Tel»*r«Ptile

Service o f t i e D nllM Tttm T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O , M OND AY, J U N E 20, 1938 O F F IC IA L C OUNTY N E W S P A P E R

C h in e s e



B y R O BE R T BELLAIBE SH A N G H AI. Jun o 20 (U.R)—O cn, L m ig M n o-S h an , com m andcr o f the B8fh division , w lilch com prises the b e st of a c n e r u lh s lm o C hlang Knl- Sh ek 's troops, w ns executed

■ Frldny fo r disobeyin g orders, It was o ffic ia lly ann ou n ced by the Chinese today.

T lie e xec u tion of General Lung w a s Interpreted a s a gcncrnl Btlffen Ing o f C hin ese resistan ce. T he heav Jest c on c en tr ation o f waf m achines a n d m e n slnco th e oulbtcftk o f Ihc w ar poured In to th e narrow Y angtse valley below t h e pcQvlslonol capital

a t H an kow . I

G en eral L u ng w as held responsib le fo r th e fa ll o f Lnufeng, etrateglc c ity o n t h e L u ng-H n l railroad line.

Hr- disobeyed th e orders of Chlang and retreated. L ater h e recaptured th e c ity bu t t h e counter-offen.slve w as consid ered m ore costly than con tin u ou s dcferise.s.

D ee p e st D efen se Lines T h o u sa n d s o f C hin ese troops wer»

draw ing up fo r th e deepest defen- ,siv o Jlnos o f t h e c o n flic t in th e vie- . In lty o f K iu k lan g o n th e Y angtse 'r iver . Ijctw een H an kow and Anlclng w here t h o J ap an ese have estab­

lish e d a b a « . '

I t WM e stim a ted th a t m ore th an 200 J ap an ese w arsh ip s and t i« m - porLs w ere operatin g alon g tb o Y an gtxe, couU i o l t h e capl'*!. BheW- in g sh ore lin e d e fen ses, and landing troop s In preparation for t h e drive on K lu U a n g .

T h re e hu nd red Japan ese planes based a t W u b u and N ank ing oper­

a t e d o v e r a w ide a rea o f the valley, S e e k to P u a Boom s J a p a n ese troops were attem pting to o u tfla n k th o boom s which the C h ln c ie p la ce d In t h e Y angtze to h a lt t h e p assage of w arship s on Han kow . C hin ese report# sa id th at fo u r d l r l ^ s . o f t j a p a o c a a . troopn alread y h a d lan d e d above "Wuhu.

Se v e ra l d ivision s aboard transports w ere a w a itin g lan d in g attem p ts elsew h ere.

J a p a n ese outh orltlcs m ode the firs t m a jo r concession since Secre­

tary o f S tn to H u ll’a protest to Tokyo, ngrceln g to return the gen­

eral h osp ital o f the M cU iodlsl Epis­

copal c h u rcli Ar Soochow to Amer­

ic an custody w ith in a w eek.' Y a m f ll I'U n # InsptoU on R oar A dm iral Harry E. Ynrnell, com m and er o f th e u n ite d States Pnclflc flee t, w ill Jeavo for Wuliu on the Y angtze aboard the gun- boftt Isab el for a n liuipec.lon o f tho river an far n« N anking. Tho Jopu- ne.'io c laim t h is ntretch Is n o t rafe for forclBii /.hlp|)lnB-

Y ellow river floods In th e iinrtl) were reported to bo Mib.sltllna but of H an kow thoiisivndo of C hi­

n ese workers w ere str<-i»Klhf»hiK tho

<llkna alon g Iho YnnKl/.u w hich wiin ri'piirted .leveu iind ono-linlf feet ubovc! iiorm ul.

'i'lu! Jaim iic.so lictit four armies aKitlnsl Hiinkow a.i the raiiipaiit Yelltjw river reiielicd It-n cre^t nfter liiylng wusti! tlitiii.Min(ln of i.riui»ii nillea o f teir ltory and halllim tin Japiinriid (ifrcinilve In tlio north.

S tiffe n D e fe n s e ; E x e c u te G e n e r a l^ ^ ^ ^ Toll Continues to --- Mount Follpwing World’s

Sees Kidnaper



N i:w YOUIC me 20 (IID — The federalKialid Jnry InveMlKatii;>g a tli-rniiiii (■pv rhiK 1rrturned Hirer1 In- illrlm i'iilfl liMlaV II^^aln^t IB per.- in itud in K t» (. (ler m an war nfd The -fncern naiiiied were:

I.t. CcminuuK Ir-r Udo von ))(>iil ,1

!,t C(iniiiiatiiili-r Xetnifln Men /rl.

H olli ' Id by th e Kovcrm neiil.

lo be In Ihe rteli'h defeii"'' m liilnliy’s counlec r-,ploiilagii .l.'im rlin nil.

n L T h e iiiidlclirK■nl.i. iiiinu'd ( I n n oHIclally ii» Iho count.V M«'iiMir- Ing the wide r■npUiuiiHe nelwolK, dl- reeled iil Anir rieii n drri'iinii .... -rel.i.

Thn III pern were aecut.n:l of eoimplriiiK lo oht ahi and tran nmit lo O ein iiu iy plaim and code^ drtdliiK w ith al reraft, ^.^el-l, anil ri.i inlAl nrmainr'llln of lilt• D tilled tlloli

Three< of 1llii>.-le liidtclcd Were charged w ith Iriluuimlllhitf a 11'- slr lr le d rode lined liy Alnei Ican in llllary a Ire Ml.(I 1nnd llirir i.lalli>nn

■niene tlliieo nire a.iy are' muter


;ler Wur Id war epyhiK

■Iliey «r.

.loh an n a H ofiiiani 1, n halidtenner of the (In in iiiii lliii•r Kmcipa; prl- vato Kilel 1 (lianer o t tlio 11. fl.

aiin y . fnrn ir ily a lia d ie d lo Ihn air s ta tio n nt M itchell r ield army iii'tlM hend ip iniletn tor Ui« M etio- pulln; mid Clilelithr r (lunlav Uum- ilc h , a I). H. army ilenerlrr, Wliii-.o

M B S . CLA V DINE M CALL . . . U t t le photographed, the w ife o f Ih e doom ed U d n ap -tlayer o f J a m ts B . C ash, Jr„ c am e out of h e r seclDsloQ to visit her hnaband.

T h e coDTieted killer n ow aw aits e x e c v llo n a t th e R aU ord, Flo., s ta te prU on.


L ew U ton haa been d esign ated as the sit e for the 103B S ta t e P ed era- tlotx o f Labor con ven tion S e p t. IQ, 20 and 21, it w as announced hero tills a fte rn oon by H. H. Freedlielm , organizer for the A m erican Federa­

tion o f Ijxbor and aU o a m em ber of the s ta te execu tive com m lltee.

Freed lielm returne<i today from N am pu w here execiitlve.s m et Sun*

{lay to deride on con ven tion tim e, city am i o ilier daln. T w in f ^ lls , ac­

cord ing to 1-teedhelm , Is In lin e for the 1030 convention.

A l Naiiipii the executives dUclu.sed labor le((I.Hlallon w hich will bo broiiKlii. Ijefpro the lenlslature of Id aho w hen it nipets again . Inclu ded amnni; leKlslation w ill be rela-

^tatut<■.s for tho PettlnKili bill, imbliiiK a c t to parallel the WftK- iiatln niil labor relation s law, ])lumiilni{ iKxl electrical r la le exam - loti liiw.s, a full rrew (rallrorul) iiiid ft(!verul other Hema yet ii prore.M of form ation.

. I. HiitLsen, second dlatilut vice ,l(lent. Niinipii, pI•^•^l<led over thn Hiindiiy niecllnK iiiul sp eak ci.i In- lulled AUKUst Uo.s(|v!ht, necn'tiiry,

mi ti. V, Lund, iiie-Odrnt <.f the la te fed eriitlon, U iilli are residents if I'oratello,


B y STEW A R T BROWN ROM E. Ju n o 20 (UR)—Prem ier B e n ito Mus.sollnl Is consid erin g a B r itish su ggestion t h a t h e se ek a truce In tho S p anish Civil w ar as one m ean s o f sp eeding the o p e r a ­ tion o f th o A n g lo -lta lla n p a c t. It w as confirm ed in w ell-inform ed quarters today.

D lplom otlc circles reported th at Lord P erth. JJrlUsh am bassador, m ade the siiggcstlon to C ount G alcozzo C lano, Ita lia n foreign m inister, T h e later was reported t o have tran sm itted th e proposal to M ussolini, w h o Is n ow a t RoccadellQ C am lnatc.

DiscDsa Compromise I t w as n o t know n w hen Musso- llnl'R decision w ould be com m uni c atc d to Lord P erth. Dlplomat.% Bald th a t It w ould bo d iffic u lt to gues.^

M ussolini’s reaction to the su g g es­

tion th a t h e approach G e n e ralis­

sim o F ran cisco Franco.

' P er th and C lano m et today and d iscussed a com prom ise on the pact w ith regard to t h e Sp anish Civil w ar. T iio agreem en t originally wa;

to g o Into e ffec t u p o n . the w ith' d raw al o f volu nteers from th e c o n ­ flict.

P rem ier B e n ito M ussolini, con vln ced t h a t there w ill be no na- tlonaU st victory i n S p ain for som e tim e, reportedly h a s proposed that the B r lt ls h -lt ^ la n agreem ent b«

p u t in to operation w ithou t w aitin g for a solu tion of t h o war's Inter- n a tion al com p lication s.

N o Quick Victory In form ed quarters said that M ussolini, balked In h is hop es for early B r itish r ecognition o f Italy's E th iop ian conquest by the failu re o f ' th e n a tio n a lists to ach lcve a lelc, fin a l victory, w anta to detach 5 Bpanlah (juestloji from "

agreem ent.

T h eir possible com prom ise, i t was said , probably w outa bo su bm itted to t h e in tern ation al n o n -ln ter tlon c om m ltteo w h ich m ee U tom or­

row In London.

Pass Up Million



^ T O K Y O , June 20 (UW—G e n e ral K ttzushlge Ugakl, foreign m in ister, asked foreign powers today to take n e w meflsure-s to protect th e ir n a - tlonals In C hina because, he saldl th e area of hostilities m ay be g r ea t­

ly expanded.

G eneral URokl sent a circular to foreign diplom ats sayin g th a t Jap an sin cerely desired to le ssen th e lik e ­ lih ood o f danger to .foreigners oi foreign property. H e requested th a t foreign aulhoritles take adequate mea.iures as follows:

- 1 . Foreign nation als and foreign vesccls should be kept o u l o f th e Kones in which there are C hin ese m ilitary establl.ihmcnts,

2. Land marks for Uie gu id an ce of th o Japanese air force sh ou ld be placed on foreign properly -within th e zonc-s of hO'itillUcs.

3. Chin ese should be prohibited from uU lliln g foreign property. In t h e even t the Chinese did use for­

e ig n property, the Japan ese would be obliged to attack and w ould re- fu so \ to assume responsibility for dam age.

T lie circular described th e pres­

e n t hostilities as bein g In a zone e a st of a lin e linking Sian . Y in - cheng. H anyang and P eih a l. sou th o f the Yellow river, exclu din g for­

e ig n le ased areas an d concessions a n d also th e areas su b ject t o J a p a ­ n e se occupation.

Worst Railroad Disaster

67 Reported Injured After

Bridge Falls Eye-Witness Tells Story

Of Montana Train Wreck


L O S ANGELES. Ju n e 20 CU P) — Mra. Ethel Pardic G n ynor, 45, crodlert an elgtit-pou nd girl In her arm s today, and lasi.iti'd It w a s bom lalnlessly wlille sho “doied " In a lyiinotlc fii>ell.

Hho was pu l Into th e trajic e by her hiwband. llo y a l I<eroy O ayn or, a p ractition er o f iMyehoftnalyslH. Two m edical doctorii delivered tJic baby and attested to tlir ap p aren t pain- IciMir.vH of tho birUi,

A few m ltiiile.i afte r th e b irth , she wan thattluK clii-erfully.

"I m il tru tlifu lly say t h a t tills WHS w im t nilKlit t>e nccurntely ter m ­ ed II piiliile.-M birth." She siild , "I Imvc known Ihe throes o f p a in a m oth er endiire.i in c hild birth. I have iiad flvi! othern"

h igh tren«ou and

^ S E U A R Y yV EBSTE a PAU L 0 1 1 8 0 N ' 1 . . , Sw sp p ln r a fortnn e in favor o f roraaoee, pretty , R oaem ary W ebster, top ph oto, S l-y e a r-o ld N ew York toeiallte, m arried P au l G ilson, lower photo. C a n U n , N. Y., coorthouse clerk, after flee in g Ihe oam p u i o f S t Law rence un iver­

sit y on her graduation eve. T h e d l» a p p ro \ln i W ebster* Im m ediate­

l y announced (hey h a d w arned th e ir d au fh ter sh e would be d liln - herlted o f "close to a m illion" If rhe w en t through w ith (h e m ar­



PORTLAND, Me.. Junn 30 fU.Ri—

Mulnn w en t to ttie jxills today to voto In the prim aries o n tw o p a r ti­

s a n tlckeUi ajid to rtI th e slago In thin 'barometer i.latr" for an r ire - tloJi In November on the Imuo of thn New Deal.

U epubllcan O ovenior Ix-wln O.

Burrown was exjM-elcil to w o re un easy victory and re-nom lim tlon over Htalo Senator Il.jy I., I'en iald of W lnter|x)rl. Former (lovernnr l->

J . Brnnn. the nlule'n New 1 sp okesm an and leader, Is uno|)p<>'"'d , for the DemiKTttllo gubprnntoriiil 'nonilniUUm.

M INN E A PO L IS M inn., Ju n e 20 Ol.PJ—A record prim ary vote a p ­ peared probable today oa M inn eso­

ta n s w en t to the polls to se lec t three p ar ty tick ets for the N ovem ber elec ­ tio n . ''

P rincipally because o f tum ultou s cam p aign in tho P a rm e r-U b o r g u b e r n a t o r i a l

race, i t was be­

lieved t h o vole m ig h t pa.u the record m a r k of about 713,003 bal­

lo ts ca.st In the prim ary of 1034,

I t was estimated U iot h alf Uie total v ote would be cast In tho Parmer- Labor c o l u m n attention!

focuhed upon tho I

b itter strUBgle be-l tw een G ov. Elmer A . Henson, seeking

r celectlon, ond Iljalm er Peterson, c andldato of more roiw ervatlvo p arty members.

Republieans, It was believed, would I>oll In exce.vi of 00 per cen t or the rem otnder.

Jupportlng belief th at the Kiirni -Labor total would bo ununuully h ig h viiis tvW tn re th a t mivny Ue publicans and Deniocrutn plan n ed to vote th o Kiinner-Ixitxir tick et for P etersen in tho liopo o f <Iefeatlng Henson.

M ILES CITY. M ont.. June 20 <U.R)

— Paul P. Of?irig. Rflnncapolls, sp e­

c ia l coal age n t for tho Milwaukee railroad, th is m o n iln g was Jubilant

■Ing of h is fam ily from the w recked "Olympian," flag troln of th e road,

“T h ere were eight In our party,"

G ehrig said. "There was m y wife, th r ee son s. Leo. Jack, and Paul, Jr..

m y tw o daughters. Barbara and M aureen, ond m y niece, H elena G eh­

rig. w ho was taking her second train ride and preferred to ride In the day coach.

"My fam ily w as In the Ipswich tourist sleeper. T h e first thin g I no­

ticed w as a i.erlcs o f Jars and then th e car began slipp ing over on Its aide.

"I g o t my fam ily together. Wo wero In bertlis oppasito each other, and by breakin g ou t a window on the w est side o f tiio creek wo able to clim b up on th e roof.,

"My son . Leo, and I worked with others in the party to pull the wo­

m en a n d child ren from the sleeping c ar a n d tlie d ay coach n ext to it on to th is roof. T h ey were all hu d­

dled th e re together and we hod nc w ay o f g e ttin g off.

"‘T h e river or creek was sure run­

n in g f a st p a s t't h is car and I could fee l the current w ashing a t the car we w ere stan d in g on, but there was

; w ater on one sid e o f us and the U n - id e r on t h e other, blocking our way


P hially, a fte r working for a n hour so a farm er cam e from 'Baugus w ith a ladder. It w as n o t a Btrong ladder and we h a d to placo It on lts

edge a lon g th e .sla n t m g side o f th e vage 'so m e o f b is fam ily's baggace.

250 Coyotes Killed in 60 Days By Twin Falls Aerial Hunters

M<iie t h a n :i;>0 coyolen. r<irnier- U p IInlll lliln m o rn in g , rc c o rd s n le p iiiUi pltiiN-d tn III... lliil. from ly p ie y liig o n nlieeii In nU Idalio nliow, :j:i:i 1-iiyolen h a d h e ed klilnil th o a ir, a few mlm, i l n atl*-r ho ci>mil|i-M, Induy ro am e d n o m ure durliiK llto li.m i. of tly .n ii o r nn Im d le a rn e d of h<-i •-\h lr ll i'i' t lie . aflei- th e y h a d m e t n w ltt a n d Miro nvvt nut ■ td Uiiee h o u ts e v e r y d a y . Venn liv e d nnn ..li.H ni.il Vh.' V,H i­

ile iilh flcim th e ^l^len. Appicix lliia Ii-ly n,^0 g a llo n s o f g a s- in a l w hich hinl c(.-.t ( lllKlll' I ll II W eilne.iilay will m a rk th e end olinn h a ve l)ecn c o nnum ed b y tho e .itlm a te d $ai)0 ciicli v c .r In Mle c|l or 11 IH)-day a irp la n e h u n t (or T aylnr- end 1 pla ne w h irli llio tw o losM-a wan dead. A iiollier 1.h o i i'liyoten w h ic h lian b r fti c a rrie d on fllern 11ne 1n th e iiim t. u n it h e r m a le w ai a Ir.o klllcil.

by I.u m o in e Hleven->, Im-al tr a im . O r.-a lc>t n iiinber o f coyole.i O no slieeiim aii "cc .m p la h in r ' lo p u r l plliil, w ith fundn nnjijilU-d k illed 1nt 1m y one lim e, lltev e n V flle v e n s a n d K ill.... ii»- H int Iho by v a iliiu . ftlic-pii.en’M leroiilii nil mv, w a ' lA w ht< h m e t ••oyote.n w ere g rtlli tlcini. o r la le , Jilcvenn h a s |,<-en d na lli dullliiK Mti'' im iniinK . tlte - t h a t iiln lie id e it. we ie Ix’cnniling a id e d by ( l i i i n t K lltio u n ie . ubiii a Venn n a niiw ed-off 1^-gaugo la ty a n d m uiiy nl<’| Il lliiMiiHhlOUt liK-al p llo l, bnl III th e h lg lie r u lll- >.liiil«iii >. 1iiiid>'d w ith n i l siKit, Ih o day, knowliiK 11'ml no coyi )|ea tu d e a Uio "c<iyot« f ile r" w ings his fo r III-. •■Mil-." w ero In th o vicliiliy w ay iieio.m tlm te rr a in alm ie. tlu- Hirvc- h(ild.-i IV U n ile d MUIen A lth o u g h a fte r Wediic.'iday, liiK h h nw n ffhodllng an h n f||<-.i. K<iV<-ilii 1. ]ieiiiilt f o r h n n tln g iiloveiiN a n d Kilboi irne pliin lo DiiriiiK Ihn |ia n t tw o n ionthn 111-' COViitl-•> frimi Ihn a ir . ’n i o r e n t aw hile, th e ir Job will COIlIll me.

( ip rra ll'm n iiave c e n le in i i„ p.-unll h i:,n-.-hr,niy b r c a iu e or thn A t (ho p r e s e n t till le llii-V h IIVO n ia h ie , (liKHlh.K, I.Incolii. (;,„uub low am 1 ilii,iui<-i>nin fly in g in v n lv e d a p p l n t n i e n t s m ailo

IIiIa fa it niid w in irr li.l l.iirl of M lnldi>ka a n d .Icroine ,-(>untlea a n d kIIno becaime f ir e a rm s u re an well an for Willi bane.i havliDi been l(H'ulei] u t carrlnl IIIa c o iiiiiierc lal nlilp. Iho spring of IDIIU.

H lc h lle ld . Mho.-ilmne, r a i r f l - l d a n d W iicn 1ii-iidy lo nh>H>t Ihn p la n e In Uovole liu id in u ri om Ihn al r Is (lodillliK. r n o r lo Ihe pre;,ent aiiyv.li< -ic 1Iioiii Ml to 11) f e e t frtrm inilinio In M a lio a n d . liikliiK ' h u n t, m e v eiih r a r ile d ..u t nltnllar Un- llr< animal. Venn’ le c o id in to ro ii-.lil>-ialli» 1. It o p i'ia l ld in In T w in r a ll n com dy. Hillink*!- II (lom liU'vrnii, th e in .id g tily succennfiil. lle a lh H Ion m akliiK e n d i m e e t liy nellltig iii,J I Iliilll cam e w iieii ho nwiri for (lie nlK-ei hlitrr, o f Ihe ei.yolen lie killed. killed 1. 11iici--lciiKc-d fem ale coy- w h en It com es fien 1 llie alla n d

Ih ll It I/I dm Ing ih n lunt llfl- ole wli Imd IxTli la v u g in g liin tlie y ciannot escape.

duy [letliKl I h a l ;ilevi-nn ha^v u n it,. fllichr. ofAli'K O a id iie r , ren ld ln g W lien not o u l ii lyole him l Ing, r d Wld.i * p .v u d la m o ever tlie e n ­ lliii;. ’I'h in eoyotn iiad Htevens and KlIlHiin no iiperale th e tir e w.-^l br,-nusn o f tj,„ o|)i'inIlonn for Iho p a s t M ig lo c it y I'ly in g .t,nvK e at tho o f Ihn oiM-rallonn. 10 yen «nd wan 1<ki M iiart lo lo cal m u iilrlp a l alri >0.1.


, .hn ie 20 (u n nakr rhiln . Ml adi<>

engine tender to m ake a w ay-for the people lo get o ff Uio car lop. TJjo nearly tmder w ater and slan ting, so t h a t th e people had a hartl tim e sta y in g on It.

'Wo m ade a guard rope out of slings from b erth s and asked all tho women and child ren to go first. None seem ed to w a n t to m ake th e trip, un til a N egro w om an, onxlous to get onto dry la n d , said , '1 sure wUl go.’

"This N egro w om an w as sure bravo and a fte r sh e started the rest

us got across.

W lillo wo w ere g e ttin g th e peo­

ple out o f th e tw o cars, m y son, Leo, baby flo a tin g in the creek about five f e e t from the car. H old­

in g on to anoth er m an ’s hand he leaned out an d rescued the baby, and th ey tell m o It is gettin g along fine over a t th e h ospital. T h e boby's m other w as pinn ed un der the car.

We could se e her fee t stickin g out.

It was sure gruesom e.

"As w e w ere goin g across th e lad der we saw th e body o f U ie baggage­

m an pinn ed betw een tho cars. We covered up th e body w ith a blanket so the w om en couldn't se e it. One woman fa in te d and started to slip down betw een the cars in t o ' the creek, p u lling a n oth er w om an w ith ' her, but 1 w as Juit able to grab her.

"All th e p ar ty w ere In pajam as and o tljef lig h t cloth in g they could pick up c o sily a s wo w ere getting out. People o s a w hole were ver;

calm and th e re was n o sig n of hys- terla. W e w ere sure th an k fu l to get out alive.

G ehrig w e n t to th e crash scene this m orn ing to' se e U ha could sal-

Ex-Mayor and Helper W ait for F all Trial

Two m en a a t in th e county ja il h ero t h is a f te rn o o n aw ait- Ipr: S ep tem b er and tria l in th o d is tric t c o u r t on com plaint of m u rd e rin g G eorge L. Olson, Salt Lake C ity je w e lry salesm an.

T ho tw o, D uncan McD. Jolinflton, m a y o r o f T w in FallH fo r tw o termH an d prom inen t local je w e le r n nd h is employe, W illiam LjiV onde, S a tu rd a y afte rn o o n h e a rd P ro b a te Ju d g e Guy L. K in n ey hind them over " w ith o u t bo nd” to an«w er to d is tr ic t co u rt. Ho had d eterm in ed, a f t e r a h ea rin g w hich laKted ap p ro x im a te ly th re e full daya, t h a t "H ufficient evi- d a n c e ha« b een produced to tthow j)robablo cauHo t h a t th e m u rd er w a s com m itted by th e defendantH ."

J u s t prior to Uio lim o the two m en were h e ld for district court, W illiam D un n, attorney for La Vonde, Imd asked tho defen dan t’

relniso becauso "nothing has been sh ow n th a t h e com m itted ony crim e, le t a lon e tho oerlous charge

iiroutiht (Ii

II Malt Ijike City nml i iinipiiny r ployr,

W ith two i(nniiiinliiii".

wan wiilkInK In H.nilli W illow ci yon, 18 inllen noiitii nf <lri.iitflvl w hen tiiey naw ii nnukc. A flcr nit h ig It an d tliinklnii hr Inul killed It, I'reund pU'kfil tlm i.imkr WHS bitten on iho left Indi Ills friends iipiiliinl flrrit runlii'd iiiin to ■> fni-eht 'xrv er ntutlnii. On (lie wiiy, Mio roni- Itanloiin said rreun d tin'inne liynleri-

<-fti and Ihrrw. |ilin.->rlf hIhiuI the hark se a t of the ear, deniillr i-ttorl o f M elvin W rsteiiim an . UU, and A llen H anks, 3J, (o n iiilio l lilin.

Prom the ranger «lntliin, I 'm in il won taken lo a jihydlrian’n citflen In TiK)ele ntid then pliti ed In an lu ii- huiaiirn but died eii x x ilo to Malt Lako n ity . Dr, J. II. I'erk o f Too.-Ui sa id liin youth uiu>“ ” 'n lly "uc- ruinbed to a frnt-luieil Akiiil, le ce iv - r d while tlirashlnK armind in Iho cur.

Y<H)TII I)|«)>VNH VALIC, Ore., Jinin ail lUlti- llom er Iliisliby, 16, drowned yenleitluy when lie fell Into n deep pond a t liie font o f nn Irrigation eanal nplllway.

Ilfl silpiieit from u lirlitim whleli crossfs the top of the sp illw ay.


—Mlwi (la y W ay. pretty Ifl-ycar- old Kirnno Hlalo rollrKe lO-ed, will iiBsInt tlin Cloldeii Oat« liiler- n atlon al expo^lllon In publlclzlnit U s r«Tfntly chtlslrnri^ J\in j.one—

'•Goy Way."

HTAIl 08H 1N IN G , N, V„ June 20 (UP) - 'Uli-hiird W h ltiu y looked like » rliirli lo<lBy for a berlii on llin /llOK Hlng "varnlty" biisriiall tomn.

■nie form er presUlent ot Ihe New York Block cxchanKfl played llr«l bane In Ilia tryou t Kiniie y.-nl«-rday.

He got two hita In tin e e tinu'n al bat. did b etter th a n aviTiiKn (leUI- Ing anil ran th o biiKes well, W lill- ney played varaity biuieiiall and fnnlball iia an un<ler-Kradii»ln at Harvard u n iversity.

l l c b c l I ' l a n c H D rop lioinliH o n Itiiri-cloiiii

nAI«!I';i,O N A . Juno 20 (IK’t Nu(li>i>iill»l alriilatu-a dToiH»-‘1 Ixiiiilm on Hari-elontk in twi> alti t<Klay nnd th e n nwriit roiilliward fur a n olh r r general raid uIouk liiyallftt M etlUerranean coanl.

Inci-ndiary bomlm wrrr ilnipix-d (lay killin g iietw rrn :>U an

tann ing t'onsldoiabln ilrnl of murder

h a s been no Indlratlon m ade In th is record, by any distor­

tion, IJiot cun connect Uie defend­

ant, W illiam LaVonde. w ith this a n y oUier crime," Dunn

fliH h E le ctio n (Uvv»

(U m irol to Vc. Valvra

n illlL I N , Juno 30 (lll'i - I'riino Mlnlnter Eum on Do V alera’n Manm W li parly iian oblalned an nlmolul' inaJoiU y In JCiio'a parliaiiirnl, le lurtm fron i It ld a y 's general rlcrlioi show ed tixlVy,

liy m ld -a lie rn o o n (lie cumit wu M anna riU i 70; Thie (laH )Unllf<

Ireland) 40; Independi-nls nrvrii, am l.nl)or Bix, Do Vairra could win llv<

o f Iho le n m ln in g 10 neuls, ot w hhli Ijibor in lg lit loko three.

U wan the first Ume In nix yrai<

flint tlio Amerle«n-lK)rn iireiiilpr lin' im d a in fo ninjorlty. w illioiit d e ­ pend in g on Lobor support.

T H A IN W R E C K S C E N E , C U STER 'C R E E K , M ont^

(V ia R u ral T eleph on e to M iles C ity . M o n t.), (U.R) — CrancH pulled s m ash ed coaches of o ne o f th e w o rld’s w o rst ra ilro ad d is a s te rs fro m th e m uddy w a te rs o f C u s te r C reek to d ay a s th e to ll re ach e d 40 d ead an d 6 7 in ju re d . A a th - o ritie s said t h e d e a th toll m ig h t exceed 60.

A fr e a k c lo u d b u rs t t h a t s e n t a “fla s h floo d" ro a rin g down C u s te r C ree k , t r a n s ­ fo rm in g i t in to a ra g in g to r ­ re n t, cau sed a tr e s tle to col­

lap se u n d e r t h e C hicago, Mil- waukc-e, S t, P a u l an d P acific’s w e stb o u n d O lym pian S un d ay m o rn in g , plu n g in g a locomo- tivo a n d s ix c a rs in to th e sw irlin g w a te rs .

J . J . o sU e, a s s is ta n t p a sse n g e r a g e n t of th e U llw a u k ee , w h o a rr iv e d by p la n e (n>m f it. P a u l, s a id 40 bodies o t m e n , w om en a n d cbU dreQ vic tim s of th e d is a s te r h a d b e en <located.

W o rk e rs w ith a c e ty le n e to r c h e s c u t th r o u g h s te e l c a r s K a r c h l n c Xor bodies.

O u ste r c o u n ty C o ro n e r R a lp h B ra y s a id 15 bodies, s e v e ra l u n re c o g n is­

a b le, w ere In th e M iles C ity m o rg u e;

one w a s a t O le n d iv e. a n d f o u r m o re w ere ra c o v ered f ro m th e w reckage d u r in g t h e n ig h t. . ,

“A t / le i a t ao m ore w U l.b e added U )t d e a th l is t w lie n r u e u e n r

Ueepff!.? 8 ^ - A e s c u e r s s a id s e M n ^ b o d W tnMt beeft Id o w n s tre im I v th e toiw rent.

S e r e r a l D ays’ C b e d t S e v e ra l d a y s wUl be r e q u ir e d to co m p lete o n a c c u ra te c a s u a lty lis t.

F o ^ f l B f i b a n d a g e d aurvlTors w w ^ ^ M l l e s C ity h o s p ita ls . M a ny o f th e m w ere o n ly slig h tly in ju r e d a n d w ere to bo re le a s e d w ith in th e n e x t a< h o u rs.

C u ste r c re ek is 30 m ile s e a s t o f M iles C ity In e a s te r n M o n ta n a . M iles C ity Is lOO m ile s fro m th e N o rth D a k o ta line.

M ilw aukee tr a i n s w ere r u n n in g o n sc h ed u le over N o rth e r n P a c lfle tra c k s. T h e y w ero r o u te d o v e r th o

REPUNED M ILES C ITY , M ont., Jun e 30 (U.PJ—R ailroad o fflclo ls today re­

fused to perm it IntCTvlewlng of Lewis W illiam s, porter hero of the crash yesterd ay o f tho C hi­

cago. M ilw aukee, St. P a u l and P acific train "O lym pian.”

s denied by Judge

iiiy ijy t o i l f tie r | / u l ti ilA l In . .tid,

HIn niotloi K liniey, how

of Jlrnt degree murder w ith whieh th e two m en ore eiiarg- dekUi by hanging or ( lifetim e In prinon. U olli m en a t tin limn they were arraigned entered plcan of n o t giillty,

MoAt app arently dam aging evl>

i-nce |irodnc'e<l againnt tlie tw(

len during llie h earing wan testl- ly by ofJicern th at a ,a5 Colt gun , tlie kcyn lo Otwin’

VO ringn hiul i>een found l>ii[i/'d In Johnnloirn ntoro band

ddllloii to a cach e of J<

a lenale valu e (if lin,lH)0 whirl) wan fiiund h idd en In Ihe Door Mip- porln. OIniin wan killed iiy n ViA eal- il>er b u llel w lili'h wnn lllv d liiKi Hie Imrk of hifl nerk, phyni.'lann te,itl lylnK l<T tiio pro/^ cutlon ralil.

An Ihe h e a tin g Haturdny neilred a clow , JudKo K inney denied Jainr U. Jlolliw eli’B appeal lor a poit poneinent o f the hearing, llnlliwell reprenents J o lin ’it* ...

Altliougli Oli.on’n body wan loin id In h h rar near thn sid e entrnnco or til" IMrk hotel May 34. (Jlilef of I'ollre Hiiward O lllelte, under

lu lnatloii. jtd inllleil that onicers n ot kn ow wliero tlio aelual Bhoollng took plare.

’I'lin trial for the two m en In dli trii-l riiiirt 1« e*i>ei-leil lo get in del way MKin after the fail (ein i hlatln nepteinlier 13.

m iD O ) : WINK WlMiU.I'.DON.TCng., June 30 0)1',)—

Doirald llu ilgo of Oakland. Calif., tipeneil di-ten.io o t idn all-Kiigiand nlnuleA clminpiun&lilp Imtay witli fl-3, n-;i, fl-;i victory over K.

(land aid ow er. U .ndon.

latter road from Terry to M iles City, whero th ey returned to Uio M ilw au­

kee m olnllne.

In add ition lo p u lling wrecked irs ou t of the creek, crews also began to drive p lies over Uto old trestlo sito for a tem porary atruc- turb, U allroad o fficia ls sa id they e x - l>ected lo h ave train s runn in g over

0 tem jw rary bridge T uesday.

W aters ne c ed e 'n io w aters of C uster creek had re­

ced e. revealing Uio torn and tw isted locom otive and c ars o f tho O lym pian, de luxe passen ger filer of tlio CliICBgo, M ilwaukee, 6 t . Paid and Pacific railroad. W orkers wlUi ncetyleno torches cut through tlio iteel w alls of the cars to free more bodies.

A pall o f ninoko from tho acely- ne torcties h u ng over tho wrockago 1 tho su n rose this m orning. A ew runlied constru ction of a new ..enlle, from w hich it cron e w ill a t- teinjit lo rulso n subm erged sleeping ir know n to con tain bodies ot 17


A wreckin g train wan ordered ou t of M iles C ity to mako U ie attem pt, Init it was feared hero t h e car Is so full of m ud the bottom m ay break and Ihe bixllen float downstream.

Two E se spe O nly tw o m en, D ean Ilanscom , New York City, an d A. W . Olson, a Irahnnan of 'racotna, W asii., escajwd from the car. lluiiscom 'n parenta arrived iiero Ibis m orning from New York.

Tho railroad bridge over Custer cri'ek ciillapsed beneaU i th e sp eeding (la in early Wniiday m orning. A p- pioKlnmtely ■ IDO passen gers w e r t alxinrd. O f this im nlber 07 WSr« in ­ jured. 'llilr ly w ero know n to hav«

escaped iinlnjured. It w as fe a re d U iat all tiie irm aln er w ere dead.

Uomo o t the dead h a d twen se n t to M iles OUy, ao m iles aw ay, o n th » rencne tra itu w h ich h a d taken th«

Injured to hospitals.

Am ong U ie dead were f iv t m o n - l>ers o t U ie U aln's crew. T lw r w l (CoDllnusd oa rage • . C o la w I)

Work for a Bigger and Better Twin Falls—Join Your Chamber of Commerce!


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