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Modified In-School Off-School Approach Modules (MISOSA)

Distance Education for Elementary Schools



Revised 2010

by the Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS),

DepEd - Division of Negros Occidental

under the Strengthening the Implementation of Basic Education

in Selected Provinces in the Visayas (STRIVE).

Section 9 of Presidential Decree No. 49 provides:

“No copyright shall subsist in any work of the

Government of the Republic of the Philippines. However,

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the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of

such work for profit.”



Have you ever played with words? We can play a

guessing game out of words. We can combine letters to form

new words. A new word learned everyday will increase your

speaking and writing vocabulary.

In this module you will learn to make a new word using

prefixes and suffixes. Do you know what prefixes and suffixes

are? If you don’t, this module will teach you what suffixes and

prefixes are.

This module will teach you the following:

-making new words with the use of prefixes and suffixes

-identify meaning of unfamiliar words through the use of

prefixes and suffixes

Read and study all the exercises in this module.

Good luck!





A word has also a family you and me. A word family is a word list wherein the words that belong to it have a common root. Take a look at the root word ACT.

Act is a root word. A root word is a word from which other words are formed either by adding a beginning part of an ending part.













Study the following. The underlined word is the root words. 1. review

2. replay 3. wooden 4. midnight 5. unload

A. Write the root word for each of these words. Write it in your notebook. 1. disappear 6. disallow

2. rewrite 7. misbehave 3. impossible 8. considerate 4. wonderful 9. unfair 5. colorless 10. instruction

B. In your notebook copy words that co ntai n root word fro m each nu mber. Underl i ned the root word each.




A. Read the fol l owi ng paragraphs.

1. There are new fl oweri ng pl ants i n the garden. So me at the m bear sweet-s mel l i ng fl owers such as rosal and sa mpagui ta. Others bear odorl ess but beauti ful ones.

2. Pl ants have l ocal and sci enti fi c names are hard to spell . Thei r na mes are often mi sspel l ed and mi s pronounced. An e xa mpl e i s Hi bi scus. Thi s i s the sci enti fi c name o f gu ma mel a.

3. Every no w and then the gardener repai nts the fl ower pots and fence . He cl eans the surroundi ngs so the grade wi l l not l ook unti dy.

These words are found i n the paragraphs you have just read.


mi spronounced odorl ess mi sspel l ed beauti ful repai nt

unti dy

W hat i s the root word of each word i n Col umn A?

Answe r: pronounce, spel l , pai nt, ti dy

W hat are the letters or syll ables pl aced before the rootword?

Answe r: mi s-, re-, un-

W hat i s the rootword of each word i n C ol umn B?


GRADE IV B. Prefixes

Read these sentences.

1. Nol i sai d, “I di dn’t wri te my paragra ph wel l . There are so many mi stake s. I have to wri te i t.

W hat wi ll Noli do wi th hi s paragraph?

Do wri te and rewri te have the sa me meani ng? Ans wer: No

W hat does rewri te mean? Ans wer: to wri te agai n

W hat syll abl e was used to mean do ag ai n? Ans wer: re-

2. “W here di d I pl aced my ke ys?” Father asked. He coul d not fi nd hi s keys. He mi spl aced them.

Do pl ace and mi spl aced have the sa me meani ng?

W hen you mi spl aced so methi ng, you put i t i n the wrong way. W hat syll abl e i s added to the word mi spl ace?

The syl l abl e mi s- means wrong.



Here are so me more syl l abl es that change the meani ng of a word when added to i t.

C. Stud y t he following cha rt.

Prefi x Meani ng W ords wi th Prefi xes i nter- between, a mong

i nterchange, i nteract i nternati onal

pre- before prewar, preschool mi s- wrong mi spl ace, mi sbehave I m-, i n-, di s-,

u m-, i r-, il -

not I mpossi bl e, i mpol i te, i ncorrect, i naccurate, di shonest, di sconti nue, uncl ean, unequal , i rregul ar, i ll egal , i lli terate

under- l ess than average undernouri shed underesti mate over- too much overfed, overheat

overacti ve

super- superi or super man, superstar supernatural ,



Read these sentences.

1. Ra mon got a l o w mark i n the test. He had i ncorrect answers. 2. Most of hi s i ncorrect answers were mi s spel l ed words.

3. Hi s teacher sai d that i t wi l l be i mp ossi bl e for hi m to be a spel li ng contestant.

4. He was di sappoi nted wi th what hi s tea cher sai d. W hat are the words wi th prefi xes?

Gi ve the meani ng of these words.

You wi l l l earn more about prefi xes fro m the chart bel ow.

Study the chart. Thi nk of a word or a group of words to fi l l i n the bl anks.

Prefi x Root W ord Ne w W ord Meani ng of the Ne w W ord re- vi ew

read count

revi ew reread recount

to vi ew or see agai n to read agai n

to count agai n i m- poli te

pure pati ent perfect

i mpol i te i mpure i mpati ent ________

not pol i te, bad manners not pure, di rty

__________ __________ un- cl ean

co mmon fai r

co mfortabl e

uncl ean unco mmon unfai r

unco mfortabl e

Not cl ean, di rty Not co mmon, rare Mi s- i nterpret

i nform behave

mi si nterpret mi si nfor m mi sbehave

To i nterpret i ncorrectl y To gi ve i ncorrect




Add a negati ve prefi x to the underl i ned word i n the sentence. 1. The forgettabl e erupti on of Mount Pi natubo brought great

destructi on to the peopl e.

2. Many fortunate peopl e l ost thei r properti es.

3. It i s possi bl e for them to get bac k al l thei r l ost properti es.

4. The peopl e coul d hardl y forget the pl easant experi ences they had. 5. The erupti on of Mt. Pi natubo made thei r li fe orderl y.

A prefix is a syllable placed before a word. It changes meaning of the word.




A. Add a prefix to the wo rds in pa re ntheses to complete the sentences. use re-, un-, or mis-

(count) 1. I forgot how many oranges there we re so I had to ________ the m.

(understood) 2. So me of the pupi l s ______ the di recti on so they di d the wrong thi ng.

(fri endl y) 3. It i s not good to be ______ to others. (open) 4. Gl ory’s Store wa s te mporari l y cl osed.

It wi ll ______ i n March.

(prepared) 5. Mari o got l ow i n the test because he was ______for i t.

B. Fill in t he blanks wit h prefixes. U se unde r-, supe r-, inte r-, ove r-, unde r- or pre-, to the underli ned words in the se ntence.

1. Mari o eats too much candy and junk fo od but he i s not heal thy. He i s ____nouri shed.

2. A gi ant i s a strong man. He has ____ hu man strength.

3. Many countri es are me mbers of the Un i ted Nati ons. The uni ted Nati ons i s an nati onal organi zati on.

4. My pet dog ate too much. It was fe d.

5. My brother i s onl y fi ve years ol d. He is attendi ng school at the Heal th Center.

6. Ronal d i s onl y 15 years ol d. He i s ___age to vote.



8. A wi se pupi l knows to ____change work wi th pl ay. 9. The ___ was pri ce of ri ce was ei ght ce ntavos.

10. If the prescri pti on call s for a teaspoonful of medi ci ne, a tabl espoonful of medi ci ne i s an _____ dose of i t.

Let’s Continue the Lesson

You kno w no w what prefi xes are. Thi s ti me you wi l l l earn what suffi xes are.

Read these sentences.

1. Bougai nvil l ea fl owers are of di fferent col ors. They are col orful .

W hat word descri bes the fl owers? Ans wer: col orful

Gi ve the rootword. Ans wer: col or

W hat syll abl e us added at the end of the rooword? Ans wer: ful

W hat does col orful mean? Ans wer: ful l of col ors

2. Mari o i s a grown-up boy but he acts l i ke a chi l d. He i s chil di sh. W hat does chil di sh mean?



E. St udy t he C hart.

Suffi x Meani ng W ords wi th Suffi xes

-ful ful l of careful , wonderful , beauti ful -l ess wi thout col orl ess, odorl ess, tastel ess -ward i n the directi on back ward, si deward, for ward -ness bei ng ki ndness, hel pful ness, happi ness -i sh so me what l i ke boyi sh, chil di sh, fooli sh

- ment -i on

resul t of appoi ntment, move ment, devel op ment, agree ment, constructi on, destructi on, erupti on

-ous -l y

quali ty poi sonous, courageous, i ndustri ous, fri endl y, l ovel y




Do thi s practi ce exerci ses. Refer to the chart i f you are not sure of your answer.

A. Add the appropri ate suffi x to the wo rd i n the parenthesi s that wi l l fi t the meani ng of the sentence. W ri te the new word i n your notebook.

(govern) 1. The ___ protects the wel fare of the peopl e.

(cool ) 2. Peopl e go to Bagui o duri ng summer to enjoy the ____ of the mountai n ai r.

(hel p) 3. Al l an had to be _____ i f he wanted t o be the presi dent of the Sci ence cl ub.

(fri end) 4. The ____ l ady at the store al ways gives a s mi l e to her costu mers.

(odor) 5.So me fl o wers are _____.

B. Add a suffi x to the underl i ned word i n the sentence to make the sentence correct. W ri te the new word i n your notebook.

1. The construct of the street was a pro je ct of the l ocal government. 2. The peopl e were thank to the l ocal offici al s.

3. They pl anted trees and fl oweri ng pl ants on the roadsi de. They wer e hel p to make thei r barangay cl ean and beauti ful .



Read the fol l owi ng story. Fi nd the out the reasons wh y bats fl y at ni ght. WHY BATS FLY AT NIGHT

Once upon a time, the birds in the air had a misunderstanding with the beast of the earth. Each camp fought butterfly against the other, and the outcome of the fight was uncertain for some time. The bat, knowing he had the looks of both bird and beast, did not want to take sides in the foolish conflict.

The birds begged him to join them, but the bat woefully shook his head and said, “I am a beast! When the beast invited him to their camp, the bat sadly said, “I can’t.”

After a long time, the birds and the beast got tired of continuous fighting. Finally they agreed to end their destructive war, and peace at once settled among them. There was much rejoicing in both camps.

When the bat learned that the fight was over, he went to the bird’s camp to join the celebration. But the birds quickly flew away as soon as they saw the bat. Then the bat went to the beasts, but he was told that he was not welcome to their feasting.



Ans wer the fol l owi ng questi ons oral l y. 1. W hat i s the story about?

2. W hy di d the bat not joi n the fi ght?

3. W hen the fi ght was over, what di d the beasts and the bi rds do? 4. Ho w di d the bat feel when he was not accepted by the bi rds and the


5. W hat di d he deci ded to do?

6. Do you agree wi th the bat’s deci si on? W hy or why not?

From the story you have just read cop y the words wi th a prefi x or a suffi x i n your notebook. Gi ve the meani ng of the word based on thei r prefi xes or suffi xes. If you cannot gi ve the me ani ng of the word wi th the ai d of the prefi xes or suffi xes, l ook i t up i n the dicti onary.

W riti ng Acti vi ty:



Here i s another story. Thi s i s real i stic story. It i s true to li fe. Read i t wel l and thi nk of the harmful effects of usi ng drugs.

Drugs Are Dangerous

One of the big problems of teenagers today is drug addiction. Some take drugs because they are curious. They want to find out how drugs will affect them. Others use to forget or escape from their problems.

Doctors say that drugs are highly dangerous, especially when they are used without medical prescription. Although drugs are of different kinds, their effects are generally the same. A large dose of drugs can cause jitters, irritation, slurred speech, and tension. Drugs increase the heart beat, raise the blood pressure, dilate the pupils, and decrease the appetite.

People who take drugs have difficulty in thinking. They often see and hear imaginary things so that they appear to be abnormal. They become talkative,

unsteady or drowsy, and find it hard to coordinate their movements. Drugs users find it hard to make god decisions.

Medical authorities say that drugs can cause dry mouth, sweating, headache, diarrhea, and paleness. An overage of drugs can cause death.

It is a serious crime to keep dangerous drugs or to give or sell them. If you are found guilty of violating the low on drugs, you may not be allowed to enter a

profession such as medicine, law or teaching. It may also be very difficult for you to get a job in the government, business or industry.



Answer the questions orally.

1. What happens to a person if he takes a large amount of drugs? 2. How do you know that a person is taking drugs?

3. What will happen if a person is caught using or selling drugs? Here are some words taken from the story. Read them.

Column A Column B unsteady problems highly teenagers dangerous drugs generally doctors paleness users guilty decisions government things

What have you observed from the words in Column A?



A. Add the appropriate suffix to the word in the parentheses that will fit the sentence. Write the new word in your notebook.

(care) 1. We must be _____ in doing our Science experiment.

(shy) 2. Nora had to overcome her ____ if she wanted to be the president of the Science Club.

(brave) 3. The hero’s ____ was praised by the people.

(postpone) 4. The ____ of the basketball ame was due to the heavy rain. (friend) 5. The ___ lady at the store is my cousin.

(enjoy) 6. Mother tried to make their stay _____.

(forget) 7. May gradmother is very ___. She can’t remember the names of her grandchildren.

(poison) 8. Medicines that are ___ should be kept in a safe place. (erupt) 9. The ____ of the volcano destroyed many properties.

(kind) 10. My friend is well-liked by our classmate because of her _____ .

B. Choose the letter of the definition of the words on the left. Write your answers in your notebook.

1) Sleepless a. harmony in thought or opinion. 2) Kindly b. full of faith

3) Forgetful c. funny or amusing 4) Violinist d. containing poison 5) Sideward e. without sleep



C. Add a prefix to the words in parenthesis to complete the sentence.

(pack) 1. I forgot how many oranges there were in each pack. So I had to ___ them.

(understood) 2. Some of the boys ____ the directions so they did the wrong thing.

(arranged) 3. The room was ____ when the teacher arrived. (friendly) 4. It is not good to be _____ to our neighbors. (open) 5. The store will ____ in March.

(war) 6. The ___ price of sugar was 50 centavos a kilo. (legal) 7. Anything against the law is ______.

(possible) 8. It was ____ for Mario to be an honor pupil. He got a low grade in Science.

(placed) 9. Mother ___ her key. She could not find them.

(certain) 10. She was ____ if she could leave for Baguio next week.


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