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Anticonvulsive and antioxidant activity of aqueous root extract of Moringa oleifera in ferric chloride-induced epileptic rats


Academic year: 2020

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Arkadeb Dutta

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tract of MO in njury. Reducing atographic identif encourages its u ng 200-250 g, w ed; intracortically and FeCl3 injec

e (CAT), supero induced brain mically from diffe nd SOD activity c rats. Serotoni ne and nor-epin ted rats in comp vulsant diazepa ating free radica xcitability. rds: Moringa ole


ted to release s or veins [1]. auses neuronal ve free radicals

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wn as drumstick value. The cons rs. The present epsy, a serious enol, flavonoid c

radical scaveng ng free radical-i nto four groups

(100mM; 8μl); m (DZ) pretreat (SOD) activities onin, dopamine ons. A statistica

in MO pretrea und to be eleva

declined in the ated epileptic gr ively prevents by regulating pro

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opment of „pos ylactic administ ytoin and carb ence to placebo res [5]. Thus a ate the proper rrhagic brain inj ptogenesis in th atory has demo nting post-traum me of Acoru tocortical dam ptogenesis in rats

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s root extr

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ani Guha


k tree in South A sumption of the study has teste neurological d content of MO, ging compounds

nduced epilepsy (n=6 in each g FeCl3 injected

ed (20mg/kg, i. s were studied a e and nor-epine ally significant re ated group when ated significantly caudate nucleu roup and synchr

the advent of otective neurotra

ed epilepsy, neu

sttraumatic‰ epile tration of the bamazepine did o in the propo a major conce r and effective jury in order to he later period onstrated an ef matic epilepsy by us calamus

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Asian countries a root of MO redu ed the efficacy o

isorder, from no and high perfo s in the extract i y. Holtzman Str group): normal + MO pretreate p). Lipid peroxi as indirect para ephrine were a eduction in lipid n compared to y in cerebral co us and in cereb ronizes with the FeCl3 induced

ansmitters to res

urotransmitter, b

epsy have sho major anticonv d not yield a ortion of patien rn has always e treatments fo

prevent the de of their life. fective way for y feeding aqueou in ferric ch us prevents

erric chloride p c discharges an

f particular inter sy in humans. al model for p ebral cortex and lved for the p


are consumed uced neuronal of the aqueous on-penetrating ormance liquid in the present ain adult rats, control; sham ed (350mg/kg, idation (LPO), meters of free also evaluated d peroxidation, the untreated ortex whereas bellum of

MO-changes with d epilepsy by strain neuronal

brain damage,

wn that early vulsant drugs any favorable ts developing

remained to or patients of evelopment of

Recently, our r treating and us extract from

loride-induced post-traumatic

produces focal nd behavioral rest due to its

Willmore and post traumatic proposed that post traumatic



et al

. International Journal of Phytomedicine 4 (4) 486-495


PAGE | 487 |

epilepsy. Thus by preventing excessive production of free radicals could be an effective strategy to attenuate the convulsive seizures in iron-induced epilepsy.

Another prime factor known to be responsible for modulating epileptic seizures is neurotransmitter metabolism [7]. Excitatory neurotransmission in traumatized brain injury evokes the pathogenesis for epileptic seizures [8]. Moreover, neurotransmitter such as serotonin, dopamine and nor-epinephrine exhibit neuroprotective role in preventing seizure-induced neuronal damage in various parts of the brain in kianic acid-induced and temporal lobe epilepsy [9].

Thus effective formulations of anti-epileptic drugs which can reduce free radical-induced oxidative damage and modulates the neurotransmitter function towards cessation of convulsive seizures are in great demand [10]. Researches on dietary antioxidants and herbal extracts have demonstrated that many of them are effective in attenuating the development of post-traumatic epilepsy and are also advantageous for their frequent dietary consumption and having no adverse effects [6]. MO, commonly known as drumstick tree is used as medicinal food in South Asian countries and in Africa [11]. Different parts of the plant have been found to exhibit diabetic, wound healing, ulcerative [12] and anti-inflammatory activity with rich contents of antioxidants [11]. Earlier our laboratory has provided evidence that, aqueous root extract of MO at a dose of 350 mg/kg body weight inhibited excitatory neurotransmission in penicillin-induced convulsions [13, 14]. Thus, in the present we are using the dose 350 mg/kg body weight. This study might possibly be the first to examine the effect of the aqueous root extract of MO on preventing iron-induced oxidative damage in brain and thereby preventing post-traumatic epilepsy. Another aim of the study is to investigate that whether MO extract has any beneficial effect on post-traumatic epilepsy by modulating the concentration of neuroprotective biogenic amines (such as, dopamine, serotonin and nor epinephrine) in different brain regions of rats.

Material and Methods

Collection of Plant material

The roots of MO were procured in bulk from United Chemical and Allied products (Kolkata) and authenticated by Botanical Survey of India (Howrah, India). The bulk amount was used throughout the experimental study.

Preparation of aqueous extract of MO

The bulk amount was used throughout the experimental study. The root bark was discarded because it has toxic action [15]. The woody portion of the roots (1 kg) was crushed, sun-dried, grinded and spread over tray with shifting of materials daily to avoid growth of fungus. The powder was soaked in water overnight and the extractive solution was filtered with Whatman No.1 filter paper and subjected to lyophilization [16]. The final yield was found to be 13% of dry matter [17].

Total reducing capacity of aqueous extract of MO

The reducing power of aqueous extract of MO was determined according to the method of Oyaizu, 1986 [18].

Measurement of Total antioxidant capacity in aqueous

extract of MO by FRAP method

Total antioxidant activity was measured according to the method of Pe arrieta et al, 2008 [19].

Measurement of total phenolic compounds in aqueous

extract of


The total phenolic compounds were measured according to the method of Pe arrieta et al, 2008 [19].

Measurement of total flavonoid content in aqueous

extract of MO

Total flavonoid content was measured according to the method of Pe arrieta et al, 2008 [19].

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of

aqueous extract of MO

In order to identify plant phenolic compounds such as gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin and quercetin by HPLC was done according to the method of Pe arrieta et al, 2008 [19] with slight modification. A volume of 20 μl of the filtered aqueous extract (0.45 μm syringe filter, Millipore, USA) was injected into a C8 column (250mm x 4.6mm I.D.; 3Å particle diameter; Waters, USA) from an autosampler (Waters 717, USA), using gradient flow of two solvents (Solvent A: 0.1 M sodium acetate pH 3.5: methanol: actonirile = 90:9:1; solvent B; methanol) by binary HPLC pumps (Waters 515, USA). The gradient was set as 5% solvent B from 0-10 mins, 40% of B for 0-10-40mins, 0-100% B for 40-60 mins, and followed by 5% of B upto 70mins. Aqueous solutions of gallic acid and methanolic solution of catechin, epicatechin, quercetin at different concentrations were injected as standards into the column under same conditions. The run time was set for 70 mins and peaks were identified in the sample by spiking with individual standards at 280 nm by a dual absorbance detector (Waters 2875, USA). Concentrations of the compounds in the extract were evaluated from the standard curves of gallic acid (10-1000 øg/ml), catechin (50-1000 øg/ml), epicatechin (100 øg-1500 øg), quercetin (40-500 øg/ml). Values were expressed in mg per gram of dry matter.

Superoxide anion radical scavenging activities of


constituents identified in aqueous root




et al

. International Journal of Phytomedicine 4 (4) 486-495


PAGE | 488 |

Nitric oxide radical scavenging effect of polyphenolic

constituents identified in aqueous root extract

Nitric oxide generated from sodium nitroprusside in aqueous solution at physiological pH interacts with oxygen to produce nitrite ions, which were measured by Griess reagent [21].

Animal and maintenance

Adult male Holtzman strain rats weighing 200-250g were used for the study. Animals were housed in cages (46 × 24 × 20 cm) with two animals per cage in a temperature (22Àμ1ÀC), humidity (55-60%) and light-controlled room (lights on at 6:30 hrs, lights off at 18:30 hrs). Rats were provided commercial rodent diet (Lipton India, Delhi) and water ad libitum. Tail pinch and hand clapping tests were also performed to check any pre-existing epileptogenesis. All procedures and protocols used in the present study were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the Institute and followed the guidelines documented in the National Institute of HealthÊs Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

Animal experimentation

Sixty rats were equally divided into five groups (n=12 per group) and assigned the following treatments: Group I the normal control; Group II sham control received intracortical injection of saline; Group III the FeCl3 group received intracortical injection of freshly

prepared FeCl3 solution (100mM, 8øl); Group IV received MO

(350mg/kg; orally) for 14 days prior to FeCl3 administration and

Group V received an antiepileptic drug diazepam (DZ) (20mg/kg i.p) 1 hr prior to FeCl3 administration. Behavioral observations and

EEG recordings were continuously monitored from 1 hr to 5 hr after administration of FeCl3 solution. The convulsive effect was

estimated using the number of wet dog shakes (WDS) as an indicator according to the method of Lanthorn and Isaacson (1978). After EEG recording rats were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) were estimated from 6 rats in each groups (i.e. 30 rats) and neurotransmitters serotonin (5HT), norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) level were estimated in cerebral cortex (CC), midbrain (MB), cerebellum (CB) and caudate nucleus (CN) from 6 rats in each group (i.e. 30 rats).

Induction of epilepsy by intra-cortical administration of

ferric chloride (FeCl


) stereotaxically

Iron-induced experimental epilepsy model was prepared by injecting 8 øl freshly prepared aqueous solution containing 100mM FeCl3 over a period of 5 min into the sensorimotor cortex [6] by

using stereotaxic apparatus (INCO, India Ltd).

EEG recording

For electrocortiocographic recordings, electrodes were implanted stereotaxically on the surface cortex and a reference electrode was implanted over the frontal bone [6].

Behavioral study on epileptic seizures by Wet Dog

Shakes (WDS)

Behavioral observations [22] were noted for 4 h after administration of FeCl3 solution. Animals were placed in individual observation chambers (40 x 24 x 15 cm). The frequencies of WDS were recorded throughout a 1 hr period by observers with no knowledge of the treatment given to the rats. WDS was identified as a rapid rhythmic shaking of the head in a radial motion. The signs were counted and presented as number of events per hour [6].

Biochemical estimation of SOD, CAT, LPO

After completion of EEG recordings at day 5, rats(n=6 in each group) were killed by cervical dislocation and the brain was removed immediately and washed in ice-cold phosphate buffer saline to remove blood and homogenized (10% w/v) in ice-cold 150mM potassium chloride in a homogenizer (Polytron, Switzerland). The homogenate was then centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 min in a cooling centrifuge (REMI, India) and the supernatant was collected for analysis of superoxide dismutase [23], catalase [24] and lipid peroxidation [25].

Estimations of brain monoamines

5HT, DA and NE level wereestimated from different brain tissues (CC, MB, CN and CB) after homogenizing in acidified butanol [14].

Estimation of protein

Protein concentration in the tissue homogenate was estimated by the method of Lowry et al, 1951 [26] using bovine serum albumin as the reference standard.

Statistical analysis

The values of estimation of total reducing power, total antioxidant activities, total phenolic content, flavonoid content, concentrations of gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, quercetin and their superoxide anion and nitric oxide scavenging activities were averaged and expressed as mean μ SEM. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to evaluate whether there was any significant effect of MO treatment on the serotonin, dopamine and nor-epinephrine levels in different brain regions in post-traumatic epilepsy and also to investigate its effect on superoxide dismutase, catalase activity and on lipid peroxidation. The level of significance was set at P<0.05. When significant was found, multiple comparison t test was used as post hoc analysis of the data in between the MO treated and untreated groups.




The root acid/ was than redu trolox

Figur antio oleife

Galli from high follow epica

μ 0.0

Figur liquid G= g

oxidant prop

eous root ext

total polypheno extract of MO w /gm and 11.95μ0 found that the e the reported va cing antioxidant x/gm of dry weig

re 1 Polyphen oxidant power ( fera. Values expr

c acid, catechi the HPLC prof content of gall wed by querce atechin (2.91 μ 0 08 mg/ gm of dry

re 2 Identificatio d chromatograph gallic acid; C= ca

perties and

ract of MO

olic content and

was estimated t 0.197 catechin ø estimated total alues in the lea t power was fo ght (Fig 1).

nol, Flavonoid (FRAP) of aque ressed in Meanμ

n, epicatechin iling of the aque ic acid (18.51μ

etin (7.18 μ 0. 0.032 mg/ gm of y weight) (Table

on of plant poly hy of aqueous r atechin; E= epica


radical sca

flavonoid conte o be 662.33μ 2 ømol/gm of dry w

polyphenol cont af, seeds and s und to be 607.

content and f eous root extra

μ SEM of triplicat

and quercetin eous root extrac 0.372 mg/ gm 074 mg/ gm o f dry weight) and


yphenols by hig root extract of M atechin; Q= que


et al

. Inter

avenging of

ent in aqueous 2.517ømol gallic weight (Fig 1). It tent was higher stem. The ferric 83μ 2.22 ømol

ferric reducing act of Moringa


were identified ct (Fig 2) and a

of dry weight) of dry weight), d caechin (1.08

gh performance Moringa oleifera.


rnational Jour


Table extrac

Run 1

Gallic Catec Epicat Querc Values

The s (Fig 3 found Super epicat conce effects

Figure identif Super Result polyph

nal of Phytom

1: Quantification ct of Moringa ole

Run 2

acid 18.94 18.2 hin 1.00 1.16 techin 2.94 2.87 cetin 7.27 7.14 s are Meanμ SE

superoxide scav 3B) effects of th in concentratio roxide scaveng techin and que entrations (10-

s in relatively hig

e 3 Free radica fied in the aqu roxide scavengin ts were expre henolic compoun

medicine 4 (4)


n of some plant leifera by HPLC

Run 3 m

26 18.34 18.51 0. 6 1.08 1.08 0. 7 2.91 2.91 0. 4 7.15 7.18 0. EM of triplicate ru

venging (Fig 3A) he identified pol ons between 10 ging activities ercetin were fo

125 øg) than t gher concentratio

al scavenging a ueous root extr ng activity; B) ni essed as Mea nds.



AGE | 489 |

polyphenols in q

mean SEM

.037 .08 .032 .074

un. øg/100g of e

) and nitric oxid lyphenol and fla 0- 125 øg and of gallic ac ound to be hig their nitric oxid ons (500-2500 ø

activities of plan ract of Moringa itric oxide scave anμ SEM of


queous root


de scavenging avonoids were 500-2500 øg. cid, catechin, gher in lower de scavenging øg).

nt polyphenols a oleifera. A) enging activity.



Adm grou was contr obse DZ p untre anim

Figur oleife Scor coun P<0.



The of hi high-5b). wave not e (Fig volta of M epile

havioral manif

inistration of Fe ps of animals ( never observed rol group of anim erved in MO pre

pretreated -FeC eated-FeCl3 inje

mals have shown

re 4. Effect of pr fera (MO) and

res (WDS). MO nts. Values are e


ect of aqueo

veform of FeC

continuous EEG gh-voltage fast -voltage sharp w

The sham contr eform and spikin exhibit high volt 5c). The DZ-p age wave and po MO extract prev epsy.

estations in F

eCl3 resulted in (FeCl3, FeCl3+M

d after intracorti mals. Significant treated - FeCl3

Cl3 injected grou

ected group of behavioral evid

retreatment of a diazepam (DZ) (350 mg/kg) and expressed as M

ous root ext



-induced ep

G recordings sho activity with spi waves in untrea rol group showe ng (Fig 5a). Rats tage waves and retreated group olyspiking (Fig 5 vented epileptifo





development of MO, FeCl3+DZ)

cal injection of t reduction in W injected group ( up (P<0.01) in animals (Fig 4 dences of seizure

aqueous root ext ) on FeCl3-indu

d DZ (20 mg/kg) eanμ SEM (n=6

tract of MO


owed progressiv iking, burst of p ated-FeCl3 injec

d no evidences s pretreated with d sparse spiking p also did not s 5d), indicating th

orm activity in


et al

. Inter

d epilepsy

f WDS in three whereas WDS saline in sham WDS counts was (P<0.01) and in comparison to ). None of the es.

tract of Moringa uced Wet Dog

) reduced WDS 6). * P< 0.05; **

on cortical

ve development polyspiking, and cted group (Fig of high-voltage MO extract did g was observed show any high at pretreatment


rnational Jour


Figure Moring seizur the po fronta senso cerebr pretre spikes




SOD induce compa Fig 6A untrea protein protein a sign P<0.0 compa Althou DZ+Fe but we 6B). FeCl3

signific anima contro found nmole nmole

nal of Phytom

e 5. Representat ga oleifera (MO re activity after osition of the rec l lobe. A) EEG f orimotor cortex;

ral cortex; C) A ated FeCl3 inje s in DZ pretreate

ct of aqueous

utase (SOD)

in FeCl



activity was sign ed group (28.0 arison to sham A). CAT activity ated FeCl3-induc

n in compariso n, Fig 6B). Whe nificant reductio 01; DZ+FeCl3: 1

arison to their ugh CAT activit

eCl3: 16.21μ 0.7

ere not significa

induced da cantly higher (P als (8.92 μ0.47 ol (3.00μ0.34 nm

to be significant e/gm tissue; p< e/g tissue; p<0.0

medicine 4 (4)


tive electroence O) and diazepa

FeCl3 administ cording electrode

from sham cont B) epileptiform Appearance of s ected rats; D) Lo ed FeCl3 injected

s root extrac

and catalase

uced epilepsy

nificantly higher 09μ1.25 U/mg

control group ( y was also sign ced group of an on to control g ereas, in animals n in SOD (MO 8.41μ 0.08 U/m untreated FeC y (MO+ FeCl3:

75 U/mg; P<0.0 nt in comparison

amage was in P<0.001) level o 7 nmole/gm tiss mole/gm tissue) tly reduced in M <0.01) and in D

1) as compariso



AGE | 490 |

lographic (EEG) am (DZ) pretre tration. Numbers es: 1 and 2- surf

rol rats injected m seizures of F single positive ow voltage wav d rats.

ct of MO on

e (CAT) activ

(P<0.01) in unt of protein) o (14.81μ1.02 U/m nificantly higher nimals (20.15 μ

groups (15.11μ0 s pretreated with O+ FeCl3: 20.87

mg; P<0.01) wer Cl3-induced gro

17.03μ 0.63 U 1) decreased in n to FeCl3-induc

ncreased as of LPO in untre sue) as compa ). Peroxidation MO treated anima DZ treated grou on to control (Fig


) recordings of eated rats on

s 1-3 indicate face cortex; 3- with saline at FeCl3 injected

waves in MO es with single


ities and on

treated FeCl3

-of animals in mg of protein, r (P<0.001) in 0.92 U/mg) of 0.96 U/mg of h MO and DZ, 7μ 0.76 U/mg;

re observed in oup (Fig 6A). U/mg; P<0.01; these groups ced group (Fig

evident from ated group of ared to sham


Figur contr brain expre epile




A si øg/10 tissu comp wet 5HT (0.11 0.007 to th obse incre P<0.

re 6 Changes o rol (cl), sham co n. A significant re

essed as mean eptic group.

ect of aqueou

contents in d

eptic rats

gnificant decrea 00g wet tissue; e; P<0.02) of u parison to sham tissue) and MB

levels were fou 13± 0.009øg/10 7øg/100g wet ti he untreated FeC erved in CB and ease in DA lev 001) and CN (3

of antioxidant enz ntrol (sham), fer eduction in SOD

μS.E.M. *p<0.0

s root extract

different brain

ase in the 5HT P<0.01) and in untreated FeCl3

m control group B (0.292± 0.019

und to be increa 00g wet tissue

ssue; P<0.001) Cl3-induced gro

d CN between t vel in CB (1.0 3.676±0.117øg/


zymes like supe rric chloride (FeC D, CAT and LPO 01, **p<0.001 wh

ts of MO on 5

regions of F

T level in CC MB (0.181μ 0.0

3-induced group

of CC (0.085± 9øg/100g wet tis ased significantl

; P<0.001) an pretreated rats up. No significa he groups ( Fig 029±0.047øg/100

/100g wet tissue


et al

. Inter

roxide dismutas Cl3) induced epil

was observed in hen compared w

5HT, DA and




(0.051μ 0.005 024øg/100g wet p was found in ± 0.008øg/100g ssue) (Fig 7A). y in CC of MO d DZ (0.097± s in comparison ant change was g 7). Significant 0g wet tissue; e; P<0.01) was

rnational Jour

se (SOD) [A], cat eptic and Moring n MO pretreated with sham contro

found sham 0.164ø MO ( 0.248ø tissue to be s induce observ Cereb group with s in MO (0.047 anima region and D

nal of Phytom

talase (CAT) [B] nga oleifera (MO) d group than FeC

l group, #p<0.01

in FeCl3-induc

control (CB: 0. øg/100g wet tis (CB: 0.512 ± øg/100g wet tiss

; CN: 1.954 ± 0 significantly dec ed untreated gro ved in DA levels bral NE was sign (0.019 μ 0.003 sham control gro O treated (0.036 7 μ 0.002 øg/100 als ( Fig 7C). Sim n of the animals DZ treated FeCl3

-medicine 4 (4)


and Lipid perox ) and diazepam Cl3 induced epile

1 when compare

ced group in co .786± 0.018øg/1 sue) group ( Fi

0.59øg/100g sue) and DZ (C

.156 øg/100g we creased (p<0.001 oup ( Fig 7B). s in CC and MB i nificantly increas øg/100g wet tis oup, whereas th

μ 0.005 øg/100 0g wet tissue; P< milar changes we between sham c -injected groups



AGE | 491 |

xidation (LPO) [C (DZ) pretreated eptic rats. The re ed with FeCl3 ind

omparison to th 100g wet tissue ig 7B). When p wet tissue; C B: 0.625 ± 0.06 et tissue), the le 1) in comparison No significant c in between grou ed in FeCl3-injec

sue; P<0.02) wh e level increase g wet tissue; P< <0.001) treated ere also found in

control, untreate s.


C] level in epileptic rats esults are duced

heir respective e; CN: 2.788± pretreated with CN: 1.701 ± 64øg/100g wet evel was found n to the FeCl3

-changes were ps.

cted untreated hen compared ed significantly <0.01) and DZ FeCl3-injected


Figu midb Morin ***p<


The aque free neur dama exhib free abou mice root [28] a comp activ Seve such oxida these of b gluta prod radic neur seizu

ure 7. Changes brain (MB), cere inga oleifera (M <0.001 when com


present study eous extract of M

radical injury otransmitter hom age. The data bited prominent radical scaveng ut phytochemica e. They have iso

and it is establ and antioxidant pound which is vity of Moringa ol eral lines of evid h as reactive ox

ative stress and e reactive specie brain structures amate and N-m uce reactive o cal induced bra onal transmissio ures [31]. In the

of neurotransmi bellum (CB) and O) and diazepa mpared with sha

y demonstrated MO significantly y in brain on

meostasis to pr showed that antioxidant ac gers. Recently K ls and acute tox olated „saponin‰

ished that sapo activity [29]. Thu responsible for oleifera aqueous

dence suggeste xygen and nitro d free iron cataly

es which damag [30]. Moreove methyl-D-asparta xygen and nitr ain damage ma

on as is manife present study, F


tters like seroto d caudate nucle am (DZ) pretrea am control group

that pretreatm reduced ferric c n rats and m

revent epilepsy aqueous root tivity and const Kasolo et al, 201 icity of Moringa from water ext onin has anticon us, saponin mig anticonvulsant root extract. ed that excessiv

gen species are yses the format ges the membran er, excitatory n ate in epileptic rogen species ay evoke hype ested in the fo FeCl3-induced e


et al

. Inter

nin (5HT) [A], d eus (CN) of con ated epileptic ra p, #p<0.01, ##p<

ment with the hloride-induced modulated the

from oxidative extract of MO titutes effective 1 [27] reported oleifera roots in ract of Moringa nvulsant activity ht be the active and antioxidant

ve free radicals e the cause of tion of some of ne-lipid integrity neurotransmitter c seizures can

[30]. The free er-excitability in orm of epileptic pileptic animals

rnational Jour

opamine (DA) [B trol (CL), sham ats brain. The re <0.001 when com

exhibi increa the ac indica admin Thus, order the se need advers extrac suppo compo and fr root e the be and w of ne manife invest reduct defens memb antiox acute

nal of Phytom

B] and norepine control (sham), esults are expre mpared with FeC

ted significant r ase in enzymatic ctivation of antio

tive of free rad nistration of FeC developing drug to prevent oxida eizure developm of medicines w se effects has ct, as traditiona orted with the ounds in roots a ree radical scav extract on FeCl3

ehavioral abnor were also accom euronal after-di estations and e

igated at the ce tion in lipid pe se might indica brane damage xidant compound

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hippocampal lesion [32]. The decrease in oxidative parameters might be the results of the free radical scavenging activities of the compounds identified in the extract in present study.

Extensive researches based on neurotransmitter involvement in generating or abolishing epileptic seizure has displayed that an intricate mechanism of interactions exists between neurotransmitters and epileptic seizures [9]. A wealth of literature has provided an inverse relationship of serotonin concentration with epileptic seizures. Enhancement of 5HT transmission by administering 5HT agonists in epileptic foci of substantia niagra has been found to reduce convulsions [33]. The reduction of seizures in these studies can better be explained as an agonist-induced preferential activation of 5HT receptor subtypes in the epileptic foci [9]. This was confirmed in a study where mice having mutation in a 5HT receptor subtype was found to be susceptible to sound-induced epileptic seizures [34]. In the present study, we investigated serotonin concentration in different brain areas and found a significant rise in 5HT concentration in CC of MO pretreated-epileptic rats. Thus it can be speculated that MO-induced neuro-protection by 5HT may either be due to attenuation of free radical induced damage in the site of FeCl3 injection or may

be due to the direct central inhibitory effect of the extract.

DA is commonly known to exert neuro-protection against hippocampal cell death [35]. A study by Bozzi et al, 2000 [35] revealed that hippocampal cell death could not be averted in kianic acid-induced seizures in homozygous DA D2 receptor deficient mice and postulated that inhibitory control of dopamine on glutamate excitotoxicity is due to DA and D2 receptor interaction. A reciprocal relationship of glutamate and DA exits in neural networks in almost all parts of the brain. Paroxysmal activity in the cortex of epileptic patients leads to increased activity of glutamatergic fibers, thereby increasing tonic release of DA and down regulating DA receptors [36]. The down regulation of receptor reduces the phasic response of DA and thus could not prevent seizures. The mechanism pointed out the need for introducing D2 DA receptor agonists in treating epilepsy. In the present study different brain areas were used to analyse the DA levels in MO-pretreated and untreated FeCl3 injected rats and a significant

increase in DA concentration was observed in CN and CB in untreated epileptic animals. DA level was reduced significantly in MO pretreated epileptic group in the same parts of the brain in comparison to the untreated epileptic rats The CN, located within the basal ganglia of brain is highly innervated by dopaminergic neurons. These neurons originate mainly from the ventral tegmental area and the substantia nigra pars compacta, and electrical stimulation of the latter is known to suppress hippocampal epilepsy by activating dopaminergic projections [37].

CB plays an important role in the integration of sensory perception, coordination and motor control. From the data obtained in the present study we can postulate that MO might be responsible in modulating the receptor dependent phasic response in treating post traumatic seizures. This interesting observation may also lead the way to future investigation for further elucidation of the structures of biochemical compounds in the extract and their any direct role on DA receptor function.

Another neurotransmitter included in the present study is NE since the nor-adrenergic pathway by some extent is able to suppress the epileptic seizures generated by electric shock or certain chemical compounds [38]. Alteration in NE level in cerebellum of MO untreated epileptic rats was significant and was lower than the normal animals. It is known that noradrenergic deficits singly or with 5HT may contribute to some form of epilepsies and the degree of susceptibility to the seizures is modulated by noradrenergic pathway. Barry et al, 1987 [39] in a classical experiment in mice showed that grafting of NE-rich cell suspension effectively reduced the kindling-induced epileptic seizure. In the present model of post traumatic injury, the significant rise in NE concentration in MO-treated FeCl3 injected animals with parallel reduction in seizure

activity might suggest that root extract of MO potentiates the favorable balance between neurotransmitter function to reduce neuronal hyper excitability.


Based on the results of the present study, it may be concluded that the antiepileptic action of the aqueous root extract of MO in post-traumatic injury might be the result of attenuating the free radical generation, as evident from decreased brain tissue damage. Moreover, MO attributed to a favorable balance on neurotransmitter level for suppressing seizure activity. The present study also encourages further investigations for existence of any compounds modulating the neurotransmitter-receptor interaction and more importantly as the use of the plant product as food for reducing the chances of occurrence of epilepsy from post-traumatic brain injury.

Authors' contributions

Koushik Ray carried out the electrophysiological study and wrote the manuscript. Arkodeb Dutta managed the literature search and undertook the statistical analysis. Rimi Hazra carried out the neurochemical and antioxidant study. Debjani Guha designed the study and wrote the protocol and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors contributed to and have approved the final manuscript.


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