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Stockholm, 27 september 2007 ETPs relevans för Sverige ETP och Arbetsprogrammen Dan Andrée Utbildningsdepartementet


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27 september 2007

ETPs – relevans för Sverige

ETP och Arbetsprogrammen Dan Andrée


ETP och arbetsprogrammen

• FP7 på 60 sekunder!

• Hur har Strategic Research Agendas

tagits upp i FP7, SPs och


• Hur tas arbetsprogrammen fram och hur

kan man påverka dessa?


FP7 budget (€ 50 521 million, current prices) € million Ideas, 7 510 People, 4 750 Capacities, 4 097 JRC (EC), 1 751 Cooperation, 32 413


FP7 Budget 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Year M€ Series1

FP7 budget 2007 - 2013


FP7 2007-2013 ‘Cooperation’ budget

I. Cooperation

Budget (€ million, current prices)

* Not including the Fusion (1 947) and Fission and radiation protection (287)

32 413 Total* 1 400 10. Security 1 430 9. Space 623 8. Socioeconomic Sciences and the Humanities

4 160 7. Transport (including Aeronautics)

1 890 6. Environment (including Climate Change)

2 350 5. Energy

3 475 4. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new

Production Technologies

9 050 3. Information and Communication Technologies

1 935 2. Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology

6 100 1. Health 32 413 Total* 1 400 10. Security 1 430 9. Space 623 8. Socioeconomic Sciences and the Humanities

4 160 7. Transport (including Aeronautics)

1 890 6. Environment (including Climate Change)

2 350 5. Energy

3 475 4. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new

Production Technologies

9 050 3. Information and Communication Technologies

1 935 2. Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology

6 100 1. Health


FP7 aspects

• Larger budget +60% • Longer period 7 years

• Cooperation - The Core of FP7

• New initiatives: ERC, ETP, JTIs, Regions

• Continuity with improvements – simplifications • Integrated approach

– Themes contain all aspects (international,

dissemination, SMEs, flexibility, cross-cutting issues)

• Annual Work Programmes gives comprehensive overview


Implementation of FP7

• Legislative Documents (Council, EP):

– The Framework Programme, the Specific Programmes, the

Rules for Participation

• Implementing documents (Commission/PC):

– Annual Work Programmes (Call for proposals)

• Topics

• Rules/Agreements (Commission)

– Rules for submission, evaluation – Grant Agreements

• Other Documents


European Technology Platforms

• Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies

- EuMaT

• Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe- ACARE

• Embedded Computing Systems- ARTEMIS • European Biofuels Technology Platform- Biofuels • European Construction Technology Platform


• European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council- ENIAC

• European Rail Research Advisory Council- ERRAC • European Road Transport Research Advisory

Council- ERTRAC

• European Space Technology Platform- ESTP • European Steel Technology Platform- ESTEP • European Technology Platform for the Electricity

Networks of the Future- SmartGrids

• European Technology Platform for Wind Energy -TPWind

• European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration- EPoSS

• Food for Life- Food

• Forest based sector Technology Platform- Forestry • Future Manufacturing Technologies


• Future Textiles and Clothing- FTC

• Global Animal Health- GAH

• Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Platform - HFP • Industrial Safety ETP- IndustrialSafety • Innovative Medicines for Europe - IME • Integral Satcom Initiative- ISI

• Mobile and Wireless Communications - eMobility • Nanotechnologies for Medical Applications


• Networked and Electronic Media - NEM • Networked European Software and Services

Initiative- NESSI

• Photonics21- Photonics • Photovoltaics- Photovoltaics • Plants for the Future- Plants • Robotics- EUROP

• Sustainable Chemistry - SusChem

• Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform -WSSTP

• Waterborne ETP- Waterborne


ETP/SRA in the Framework


• FP7

• Cooperation Specific Programme


ETP in FP7

Introduction (cooperation part)

“In the case of subjects of industrial relevance in particular, the topics have been identified relying, among other sources, on the work of different ‘European

Technology Platforms’ set up in fields where Europe's competitiveness, economic growth and welfare depend on important research and technological progress in the medium to long term.

European Technology Platforms bring together stakeholders, under industrial leadership, to define and implement a Strategic Research Agenda.

This Framework Programme will contribute to the realisation of these Strategic Research Agendas where these present true European added value.

European Technology Platforms, with the possible participation of regional research driven clusters, can play a role in facilitating and organising the participation of

industry, including SMEs, in research projects relating to their specific field, including projects eligible for funding under the Framework Programme.”


FP7 – Theme 4 NMP

“Industry-relevant priorities and their integration for sectoral applications can be established

through activities like the European

Technology Platforms in fields such as nano-electronics, manufacturing, power

generation, steel, chemistry, energy, the transport industry, construction, industrial safety, textiles, ceramics, forest-based

industry and nano-medicine. This will help

establish common research priorities and targets.”


SP Cooperation

Adaptation to evolving needs and opportunities

“The continued industrial relevance of the themes, and the continued participation of industry in them, will be ensured by relying, among other sources, on the work of the various "European Technology Platforms".

This Specific Programme, together with the contributions made by industry, will thereby contribute to the implementation of relevant Strategic

Research Agendas such as those established and developed by the

European Technology Platforms where these present genuine European added value. The broad research needs identified in available Strategic Research Agendas are already well reflected across the ten themes. European Technology Platforms, with possible participation of regional research-driven clusters, can play a role to facilitate and organise the participation of industry, including SMEs, in research projects relating to their specific filed, including projects eligible for funding under the

Framework Programme. The more detailed incorporation of their

technical content will be reflected subsequently when formulating the detailed work programme for specific calls for proposals.”


Cooperation SP

4. Nano-sciences, Nano-technologies, Materials and new Production Technologies

“Strong contributions to industrial needs and

complementarities through initiatives and funded projects will be ensured in particular through activities like the European Technology

Platforms (e.g. in the potential areas of

sustainable chemistry, energy, new

manufacturing, power generation, industrial

safety, nano-medicine, steel, textiles, ceramics, forest-based sector, etc) and possible support to Joint Technology Initiatives.2


Cooperation 2007 WP, Theme 4

“A key issue will be to integrate competitiveness, innovation and sustainability into the research

activities covered by the Theme as well as

initiatives capable of fostering the dialogue with society at large. In addition to taking into

account the Strategic Research Agendas

(SRAs) of the several European Technology Platforms associated with this Theme 4,

research has to be complemented by activities aimed at education, and skills development and addressing the more long-term research issues underlying many technology fields.”


2007 WP, Theme 4

“Furthermore, during the last few years, much effort has been spent by the stakeholders within the European Technology Platforms (ETPs) around the definition of strategic research in about 30 EU sectors. The NMP programme is the most involved among FP7 Themes, since it is directly related to 12 and indirectly to 4 of these ETPs. Integrating the long-term vision that industry itself provides will greatly enhance the

effectiveness of RTD related to long-term challenges, also allowing benefits for additional sectors and other stakeholders to be included, through the development of generic technologies.”


2007 WP, Theme 4

II.4 Activity 4.4 Integration of

technologies for industrial applications

“The integration of knowledge and technologies of the three areas of research above is essential in order to speed up the transformation of

European industry and its economy, while adopting a safe, socially responsible and

sustainable approach. The research will focus on new applications and novel, step-change solutions responding to major challenges, including the RTD needs identified by the


Example: Industrial Safety ETP

Overall goal

“By 2020, industrial safety shall have progressively improved (by a 25 %) in terms of reduction of accidents and diseases at work, control of environmental risks and in production losses due to accidents”.

This includes the development of:

- advanced detection and monitoring technologies at workplace - secure integrated industrial processes

- a global approach all along the life cycle

- knowledge on health and environmental effects of nano-particles Basic knowledge, methods and technologies need to be developed in: · Technical issues

· Societal issues

· Enabling technology development

In the 2007 WP for NMP:

NMP-2007-1.3-1 Specific, easy-to-use portable devices for measurement and analysis

NMP-2007-1.3-2 Risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles on health and the environment NMP-2007-1.3-3 Scientific review of the data and studies on the potential impact of engineered

nanoparticles on health, safety and the environment

NMP-2007-1.3-4 Creation of a critical and commented database on the health, safety and environmental impact of nanoparticles

NMP-2007-1.3-5 Coordination in studying the environmental, safety and health impact of engineered nanoparticles and nanotechnology based materials and products




• Begränsat

• Innovative Medicine Initiative – JTI


• Domineras av Food for life, Plants for the future, Forest, Animal health, Chemistry, Water


• En betydande andel går till 12-14 plattformar

Energy, Environment, Transport

• Betydande andelar går till områden relevanta för SRAs

Socio – economic


SRA in 2007 WPs

Några observationer

• SRA sträcker sig ofta mer än 7 år

• SRA är inte bundna av de 10 tematiska områdena

• Arbetsprogrammen uppdateras årligen, dvs man kan inte räkna med att allt kan komma med de första åren

• En analys kan bara göras efter projekturval – slutet av 2007/början 2008

Preliminär analys

• Signifikant genomslag i 2007 WP

• Förväntar sig störrre täckning kommande år • Skillnader mellan de tematiska områdena


Funding for ETPs

• Main responsibility : Stakeholders

• FP7

– Cooperation WP

– Joint Technology Initiatives – Risk Sharing Finance Facility – ERA NET

– Capacities, People, (Ideas)

• Structural Funds, Eureka

• National Programmes!


Hur kan man påverka


Kräver kunskap om hur

arbetsprogrammen tas fram

internt inom kommissionen


Work Programme Annual Cycle

Year 2008

• 1-2 Q (2007) Consultation

• 2-3 Q (2007) Draft Commission proposal

• 3-4 Q (2007) Interservice Consultation

• 4Q (2007)

Formal PC opinion

• 4 Q (2007)

Commission decision


Consultation 2008 Work Programmes

• Based on indicative priorities for year 2007

and outcome of calls during year 2007, if


• Advisory Groups


• European Technology Platforms

• Expert Groups


When and how to give input to WP

• Strategy needed!

• Work through the established ETP

• At least 1 year before WP is published – coordinate with WP/budget cycle

• Establish network/good contacts with stakeholder:

• Officials in the Commission DG RTD but also policy DGs • National officials – national programmes

• PC Members-experts - NCP • (Advisory Groups)

• Other stakeholders – regional offices, industrial organisations

• Make priorities - Be realistic • On-going political discussion


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