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Academic year: 2021

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1. Full name and date

 Mäntysalo, Raine Juhani  Male

 Date: June 19th, 2016

2. Date and place of birth, nationality and current residence

 Born December 1, 1963, in Toijala, Finland  Citizenship: Finn

 Current residence: Lohja, Finland

3. Education and degrees awarded

 Doctor of Science, University of Oulu, Finland, major subject architecture, March, 2001

 Architect, University of Oulu, Finland, January, 1994

 Docent (planning theory & participatory urban planning), Univ. of Oulu, February, 2005

4. Other education and training, qualifications and skills  CAD Basic Education, Tampere Adult Education Center, 1999 5. Languages

 Mother tongue: Finnish  English, excellent  Swedish, fair  German, mediocre

6. Current position

 Full Professor of strategic urban planning, Aalto University (former Helsinki University of Technology), School of Engineering, Department of Built Environment (formerly Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics), October

2008-7. Previous work experience

 Director, Helsinki University of Technology/Centre for Urban and Regional Studies YTK, 2008-11

 Acting Research Director, Helsinki University of Technology/YTK, 2007-08  Senior Assistant, University of Oulu, 2005-07

 Acting Professor, University of Oulu, 2002

 Assistant, University of Oulu, 1999-2001, 2003-05  Doctoral student, University of Oulu, 1994-99

8. Research funding, leadership and supervision

 Principal Investigator of Academy of Finland Strategic Research Council research consortium project BeMInE - Beyond MALPE-coordination: Strategic Envisioning (2016-2019) with 11 Finnish and international partners, 786 053 € (total consortium funding 3 755 892 €)

 Principal Investigator of Academy of Finland research consortium project Strategic spatial planning with momentum gaining scenario storytelling: legitimacy contested?, 2015-2019, 396 769 €


 Sub-project leader in the international research project consortium Action-oriented Planning, Regulation and Investments Lab, JPI Urban Europe Programme 2013-2016  Principal Investigator of Academy of Finland research project Architects, New Public

Management and Public Interest in Finnish Planning, 2011-2014, 399 371 €

 Sub-project Principal Investigator of Academy of Finland research project of the Academy of Finland project consortium BALANCE - Balancing local politics, housing preferences and sustainability in the new detached housing areas in the rural-urban interaction zones, 2011-2015, 307 712 €

 Responsible Leader of Finnish State Council project consortium JULMA, 2014-2015  Responsible Leader of Tekes project SASUI Systemic Architectures for Sustainable

Urban Development, 2014-2015

 Responsible Leader of Tekes project URBA The Future Concepts of Urban Housing, 2007-2010

 Responsible Leader of Tekes project KAVERI - Sustainable shopping locations and concepts in a network city, 2010-2012

 Responsible Leader of Environment Cluster project Car-dependent urban structure and its alternatives, 2006-2010

 Module Leader of the ARTTU Evaluation Programme on the PARAS reform of local government and services, 2008-2012

 Doctoral Students Supervised: Seppo Raatikainen (2004) (secondary supervisor), Emilia Rönkkö (2012) (primary supervisor)

 12 active Doctoral Students under supervision

9. Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence

 Leader of international Master’s Programme Managing Spatial Change, Aalto University School of Engineering, 2012-2016

 Responsible coordinator of the Finnish Major Rakennettu ympäristö (Built environment) in the Aalto University School of Engineering Bachelor Programme, 2012-

 Responsible coordinator of the Finnish Major Land Use Planning and Urban Studies in the Masters Programme of Real Estate Economics, Aalto University School of Engineering, 2012-2016

 Head of further education programme in urban and regional studies ‘Pitkä kurssi’, Helsinki University of Technology/YTK, 2008-2012

 Head of academic urban and regional planning apprenticeship programme, Helsinki University of Technology/YTK, 2009-2012

10. Awards, prizes and honours

 The AESOP Best Paper Prize 2003

 The Finnish Urban Research Paper of the Year Award 2010 (with Pia Bäcklund, first author)

 Planning Theory journal’s nominee for the AESOP Best Paper Prize 2012 (with Alessandro Balducci and Jonna Kangasoja, co-authors)

11. Other academic merits

 Visiting Professor in University of Amsterdam, two months in 2016  Visiting Professor in Politecnico di Milano, two months, 2015.

 Management Committee Member in Cost Action TU1002 "Accessibility instruments for planning practice in Europe", 2010-2014


 Board memberships in Finnish Doctoral Programmes (Graduate School for Real Estate, Construction and Planning, 2008; Doctoral Programme of the Built Environment, 2009-2015)

 The Finnish Society of Housing and Planning (board member 2007-2012)  The Finnish Society for Urban Studies (vice board member 2003-2013)  Nordic Association for Architectural Research (board member 2002-07)

 Nordic Cooperation for Urban and Housing Research NSBB (board member 2009-)  Nordic planning research network PLANNORD (board member 2003-, PhD network

coordinator 2013-2015)

 AESOP (Association for European Schools of Planning) Heads of Schools (2008-)  Memberships in Scientific Committees: Member of The Federation of Finnish Learned

Societies,The Finnish Publication Forum Project, Panel 22, 2010-2013, Member of the Finnish Jury for the Urban Studies paper Award, 2004)

 Memberships in Advisory Committees (The Academy of Finland 2003, the Modern Wooden Town Graduate School 2005)

 Memberships in Editorial Boards: European Planning Studies, 2012-; Planning Theory and Practice, 2014-; DATUTOP – Dept. of Arch. Tampere Univ. of Tech. Occasional Papers, 2002-; Liikenne/Kaupunki –vuosikirja, 2013-2015)

 Referee for scientific journals: Land Use Policy 2014, Planning Theory & Practice 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, Environment and Planning C 2013, Routledge 2011, Planning Theory 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, European Planning Studies 2013, 2014, 2015, Planning Practice and Research 2016, Town Planning Review 2004, Finnish Journal of UrbanStudies 2001, 2003, 2005, 2009, Kunnallistieteellinen aikakauskirja

2011, Fennia 2009, Alue ja ympäristö 2008, DATUTOP 2003 – 2005  Referee or opponent for 11 Finnish doctoral theses

 Referee for doctoral theses abroad (KTH, Stockholm, 2011, University of Life Sciences, Norway, 2004, 2006 & 2011, Luleå University of Technology, 2012, Politecnico di Milano, twice in 2013)

 Expert committee member for three professorship nominations, University of Life Sciences, Norway, 2011, 2016.

 Expert committee member for associate professorship nomination, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2014

 Referee for adjunct professorship nomination (Antti Ahlava), Aalto University, 2010  Coordinator for the University of Oulu, Department of Architecture Research

Assessment Exercise, 2006-2007

 Organized several sessions on various topics in international conferences and

workshops (e.g. Bi-annual symposium for Nordic PLANNORD Network 2007, Annual seminar for Nordic Cooperation for Urban and Housing Research NSBB 2008 & 2012, Workshops for European network Economics & Built Heritage 2007 & 2008, Annual symposium for Nordic Association for Architectural Research 2000, scientific

committee member for the AESOP 2010 Conference ‘Space is Luxury’, Aalto University, Finland, Roundtable in AESOP 2013 Conference in Dublin)

 Provided numerous invited and contributed presentations in international conferences and seminars

 Delivered invited lectures at universities abroad (e.g. University of Florence; Budapest University of Technology and Economics; University of Life Sciences & University of


Tromsø, Norway; University of Madrid; KTH, Sweden; University of Newcastle; Politecnico di Milano) and research institutes (Nordregio Sweden, NIBR Norway)

12. Scientific and societal impact of research

 24 refereed journal articles, altogether 111 scientific publications.  10 most cited publications (Google scholar):

1. Bäcklund, P. & R. Mäntysalo (2010). “Agonism and institutional ambiguity”, in Planning Theory 9 (4), pp. 257-272. 59 citations.

2. Mäntysalo, R. (2002). ”Dilemmas in Critical Planning Theory”, in Town Planning Review 73 (4),pp. 417-436. 45 citations.

3. Mäntysalo, R. (2000). Land-use Planning as Inter-organizational Learning, Acta Universitatis Ouluensis Technica C 155, Oulu , (URL: http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9514258444/). 39 citations. 4. Mäntysalo, R. & A. Balducci & J. Kangasoja (2011). “Planning as agonistic communication in a

trading zone” Planning Theory, 10 (3), pp. 257–272. 30 citations.

5. Mäntysalo, R. (1999). “Learning from the UK: Towards Market-Oriented Land-Use Planning in Finland “, in Housing, Theory and Society 4/1999. 27 citations.

6. Mäntysalo, R. & I.-L. Saglie (2010): “Private influence preceding public involvement”, in Planning Theory and Practice, 11 (3), pp. 317-338. 28 citations.

7. Mäntysalo, R. & I.-L. Saglie & G. Cars (2011): “Between input legitimacy and output efficiency” European Planning Studies 19 (12), pp. 21092126. 26 citations.

8. Mäntysalo, R. (2005). ”Approaches to Participation in Urban Planning Theories”, in Iacopo Zetti & Shira Brand (eds.): Rehabilitation in Suburban Areas. University of Florence, pp. 23-38. 20 citations.

9. Kanninen, V.; P. Kontio; R. Mäntysalo & M. Ristimäki (eds.). Autoriippuvainen yhdyskunta ja sen vaihtoehdot. TKK/YTK B 101, Espoo, 2010. 18 citations.

10. Book: Balducci, A. & Mäntysalo, R. (eds.) (2013). Urban planning as a trading zone. Springer, Dordrecht. 16 citations.

 Head of further urban and regional planning education at YTK, 2008-2011

 Leader of several research projects for Finnish Ministry of Environment related to the evaluation of Land Use and Building Act, 2012-2015

 News bulletins, articles and consultations for the Finnish Government related to results of ARTTU Evaluation Programme on the Finnish municipal reform (2008-2012)  Popular articles in the Ministry of Environment magazine Asu ja Rakenna (Dwell and

Build) on research results of projects funded by the Ministry (e.g. Mäntysalo 2010; Kanninen et.al. 2009; Mäntysalo 2006)

 Delivered lectures in various seminars where the beneficiaries of my research projects have been different municipalities, regional councils and third sector associations  Provided interviews and short essays to the main Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat

and to Nordregio News

13. Positions of trust in society and other societal merits

 Participated in different expert forums deliberating national reforms on e.g. Helsinki metropolitan Act, strategic land use planning (STRASI/Ministry of Environment), land use and transportation planning integration (MaaLi forum/Ministries of Environment and Transportation), revision of Land Use and Building Act (AKSU/Ministry of Environment) and revision of the Communal Act (Uusi Kunta 2017/Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities)

 Steering Group member of LHT-network that develops regional planning onland use, housing and transportation, 2011-


 Scientific advisory member of the Board of World Alliance for Low Carbon Cities, 2012-

 Advisor for public organizations (e.g. Finnish Ministries, Finnish Regional Councils and municipalities)

 Member of the Education & Research Committee of the Finnish Association of Architects, 2003-06


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