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S E A T I N G G S A P R I C E S E F F E C T I V E J U L Y 1 4 , 2 0 1 2


A U T H O R I Z E D F E D E R A L S U P P L Y S C H E D U L E F S C G R O U P 7 1 , P A R T I O F F I C E F U R N I T U R E C O N T R A C T N O . G S - 2 8 F - 0 0 2 0 M


G S A 2 0 1 2


HBF General Services Administration

Contract #GS-28F-0020M

Effective July 14, 2012


Schedule Title and FSC Group, part and section:

Federal Supply Schedule Group 71, Part 1 Office Furniture

FSC Classes: 7105, 7110, 7125 and 7195

GSA Contract Number: GS-28F-0020M

Contract Period: July 14, 2012 thru March 13, 2017

Business Size: Large

Contractor’s Name, Address and Phone Number:

HBF PO Box 8

Hickory, NC 28603-0008 828.328.2064

Contractor Administrator: Vickie Whetzel vwhetzel@hbf.com

For Assistance and Ordering Information, please refer to the following url’s:

On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, pricing and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage at http://www.fss.gsa.gov. For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules, click on FSS Schedules button at http://www.fss.gsa.gov.


1. Table of awarded special item numbers:

SIN No. 711-8, 9, 11, 16, 18, 19, 95 HBF Furniture GSA Price List June 12, 2011

2. Maximum Order: $200,000 NET Furniture

3. Minimum Order: $100

4. Geographic coverage (delivery area):

48 contiguous states. All other shipments via customs brokerage firm and/or consolidation port.

5. Point of Production: Hickory, Catawba County, North Carolina USA Wayland, NY, USA

6. Discount from List Price: $1-$99,999 LIST: 54.90% $100,000 LIST - $200,000 NET (MOL): 55.30%

7. Quantity Discount: N/A


9. Government Credit Card Information:

9a. Accepted below micropurchase threshold: Yes

9b. Accepted above the micropurchase threshold: Yes

10. Foreign Items: None

11. Delivery:

11a. Time of Delivery: Standard delivery is 4-10 weeks after receipt of order.

11b. Expedited Delivery: Yes

11c. Overnight and Second Day Delivery: Yes

11d. Urgent Requirements: Yes

12. FOB Point: Origin manufacturer prepaid and invoiced.

13. Ordering Address: HBF PO Box 8 Hickory, NC 28603-0008 Fax: 828.328.8816 14. Payment Address: HBF PO Box 281970 Atlanta, GA 30384-1970

15. Warranty Provisions: Five Year Limited Warranty as noted in HBF price lists.

16. Exporting Packing Charges: N/A

17. Terms and Conditions of Government Purchase Card Acceptance (any thresholds above the micropurchase level): Yes, no additional discount.

18. Terms and Conditions of Rental, Maintenance and Repair: N/A

19. Terms and Conditions of Installation: 10% of GSA Net price of the purchase order for installation projects up to $500. Installation projects in excess of $500 will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis determined by customer’s scope of work identified.

20. Terms and Conditions of Repair Parts

(indicating date of parts price list and any discounts from list price): N/A

21. List of Service and Distribution Points: N/A

22. List of Participating Dealers: N/A

23. Preventative Maintenance: N/A

24. Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliant: Yes

25. Environmental Attributes:

HBF is in compliance with current environmental laws and regulations and employs an on-site Environmental Engineer.


HBF an d HBF Textiles are committ ed to prot ectin g the en viron ment for future generation s. We un derstan d th e p otential impact our p rodu cts an d have int egrated life cyc le p rin cipals into our design an d man u facturing syst ems driving c ont inu ou s improvement in produ cts, work pace env iron ment s and our commu n ity as a wh ole.

We strive to meet the most stringent env iron mental stan dards, inc lu ding GREE NGUARD® I n door Air Quality Stan dard, Cradle to Cradle Certification ®, an d th e F orest Stewardsh ip Cou n cil (F SC)®. We prov ide the ecoScorecard® tool to help our clien ts calcu lat e the en vironmental b en efits of us ing HBF produ cts in Leadersh ip in En ergy an d En viron mental Design (LEE D)® projects.



HBF 's p rodu ct ion facilities, organ izational p olicies an d compon ent mat erials of th e pr odu cts th emselves have met all of th e nec essary qu alificat ion s t o comp ly with th e industry's most compreh ensive fu rn iture sustainab ility standard.

lev el® 1 is th e mu lti-attribute, sustain ab ility standard and th ird-party certification program for th e furn iture in dustry. It h as b een created to deliver th e most open an d tran sparent mean s of evalu at in g an d communicating th e en viron mental and social imp acts of fu rn iture produ cts in th e bu ilt en viron ment.

Taking into account a comp an y's social action s, energy usage, material selection an d hu man an d ecosyst em h ea lth imp acts, level® address es h ow a produ ct is su stain ab le from mu ltip le p ersp ect ives. With level®, cu stomers can make in formed c hoices ab out commercial fu rn itu re that ex ceed sin gle attrib ute eco-certification s. Th e level® bran d identifies that a produ ct h as b een vetted b y an in dependent th ird p arty certifier and its nu meric markin g 1 , 2 or 3 in dicates what threshold of certification it has ach ieved.

HBF 's seatin g, occasional tab les , cas egood an d con ferenc e lin es are level® 1 certified. Please down loa d th e certificates below for the comp lete details. F or more in formation ab out th e ANSI/BIF MA level® stan dar d, visit www.levelcert ified.org


All HBF seating produ cts are GREENGUARD® In door Air Qualit y Certified. HBF casegood produ cts , con ference tab les an d oc casional tab les are GRE E NGUARD In door Air Qualit y Certified® wh en utilizing approv ed core and fin ish mat erials.

GRE E NGUARD® certification is a valu ab le tool for arch it ects, design ers, produ ct sp ecifiers, an d purch asing organ ization s th at ch oos e to locate, specify, an d purchas e low-emitting p rodu cts for in door en viron ments . GRE E NGUARD® estab lish es certifica tion procedures inclu ding test methods, allowab le emiss ion s levels, produ ct samp le c ollect ion an d han dling , t estin g typ e and frequ en cy, and p rogram app lic ation pr oces ses an d acceptan ce.

F or more in formation r egarding HBF ’s GREE NGUARD® certific ates, p lease visit: HBF low emittin g produ cts .

F or more in formation r egarding th e GREENGUARD® E n vironmental In st itute, p lease visit : www.green guard.org .


HBF h olds Forest St ewardsh ip Counc il® ( FSC) Ch ain -of- Cu stody Certificat ion ® (SW-COC-00 3305). Th is certification agreement allows HBF to offer F SC® certified w ood ven eer or core on a project sp ecific bas is.

FSC® Ch ain -of-Cu stody certificat ion tracks certified wood fr om th e forest to fin al produ ction to en sur e th at respon sib le forestry practices were maintain ed at every level an d t o preserve th is n atural resource for gen erations to come.

F or more in formation r egarding FSC®, p lease visit: www.fs c.org .


A n u mb er of HBF produ cts contribute toward t he atta in ment of LEED® credit s.

LEE D® Develop ed b y the U.S. Green Bu ildin g Coun cil, th e Leadersh ip in En ergy an d En vir onmental Des ign (LEE D®) Green Bu ildin g Rating System™ en courages and accelerat es global adopt ion of sustainab le green bu ilding an d develop ment practices through th e creation and imp lementation of un iversally u n derstood an d accept ed tools an d p erforman ce crit eria.

F or more in formation r egarding HBF ’s contribution toward the attain ment of LEE D® cr edits, p lease visit: www.hb f.ecoscorecard.com.

F or more in formation r egarding th e LEE D® Green Bu ildin g Rating System, p lease visit: www.u sgb c.org.

ecoScorec ard®

Th e HBF ecoScorecard® is an on lin e t ool availab le for con sumers to identify en viron mentally sen sitive produ cts an d a veh icle to calcu late th e contribution of HBF p rodu cts towards th e attainment of LEE D® cr edits. Th e HBF ecoScorecard® offers th e followin g b en efits :

- Au tomated assistan ce with LEE D® docu mentation. - Cu stomized review and compar ison of multip le produ ct s.


- Ab ility to print, down load an d/or email LEE D Sp ecificat ion Sh eet s an d an alysis in formation for all p rodu cts th at contribut e to t he rating sy stem.

- Redu ced time an d cost associat ed with LEE D® research and docu mentation .

- Accu rate an d stra ightforward in for mation of product attribut es an d LEE D® contrib ution . - Assists specifiers in demon strating h ow HBF produ cts ap p ly t o real- world, h igh

p erfor man ce green bu ildin g n eeds .

F or more in formation r egarding HBF ’s ecoScorecard®, p lease visit: www.h b f.ecoscorecard.com.

F or more in formation r egarding ecoScorecard®, p lease visit : www.ecoScorecard.com.


HBF p rodu cts a re design ed an d rigorously tested to ensure they meet in dustry durab ility stan dards. We bu ild produ cts that have a lon g u sefu l life an d can with stan d rep eated service, repair and han dling; an d have standardized p rodu ct parts and comp on ent s availab le to facilitate maintenan ce, s ervicin g an d reassembly.

In commercial office en viron ments, th e deman ds of th e furn itur e in clu de h eavy use, limit ed maintenan ce an d max imu m flex ib ility. Each design is car efu lly considered for stru ct ure, strength , an d durab ility to exceed client exp ectat ions. Several HBF produ cts ar e desig ned to be remanu factu red in order to fac ilitate th e replacement of comp on ents . Th ese elements are crit ical to a long produ ct lif ecycle an d redu ced lan dfill was te.


HBF ’s r espons e to th e en vir onment does not en d after p roducin g our produ ct. We un derstan d that the da y ma y come wh en you want to rep lace your furn itu re.

F or in formation an d instru ctions regardin g disassemb ly of HBF produ cts for recy cling , p lease visit : HBF

dis assemb ly drawings . To request a sp ecific p rodu ct drawing, please con tact our Cust omer S ervice Depart ment at 855 .HBF .20 20 or h b fservic e@hb f.com.

F or in formation on recycling office fu rn itu re componen ts and oth er as semb led produ cts, p lea se contact the USEPA office of Waste an d Recyclin g in your region at www.epa.gov/waste/wyl/region al.htm.


HBF is committ ed to u sin g renewab le mat erials and textiles wh en ever p oss ib le. By in tegrat ing recycled, rap idly ren ewab le an d natural materials, int o our p rocess es when p ossib le; HBF supp orts our mis sion to serve our clien ts’ n eeds wh ile imp roving th e en viron ment.


HBF u ses Green-Blend® p an el materials wherever p ossib le. Green-Blen d®pan el material cores ar e p rodu ced with n o added ur ea formaldeh yde an d contribute towards LEE D® Rap idly Renewab le Ma terials and Recycled Content credits.

Green -Blen d is SCS® certified 10 0% pre-con su mer recyc led wood fib er panel material th at has n o u rea-formaldeh yde added during the manu facturing process. It comb ines low emission standards, certified recycled content and su stainab le raw materia ls with th e reliab ility of a p roven in du stry track record of wood based panel material.


HBF u ses lu mber sourced from woodlan ds in th e Northern App alach ian an d Alleghan y Mou ntains . All lu mb er is harvest ed un der strict government sup ervision , adherin g to soun d forest ry pract ices. HBF consciously partn ers with ven dor s th at adh ere to environ mentally r esp ons ib le, socially b eneficial a nd econ omica lly viab le st an dards. Some HBF pr odu cts are available with F SC® certified mat erials.


All HBF Text iles uph olstery produ cts utiliz e p oly foam that is ch loroflu orocarbon (CF C)free. Preserve® HR foam produ cts are also in corp or ated in to man y HBF produ cts. Preserve HR is s oy b io-bas ed h igh -resilien ce foam with b io-base conten t an d recycled p oly ester.


Lean manu facturing is an int egral p art of th e HBF an d HBF Textile p rocess for elimin ating waste an d min imizin g our en viron menta l imp act . Lean seeks to elimin ate waste from ever y bu sines s process. Lean drives cont in uou s


imp rovement and provides on goin g opportun ity to implement n ew en viron mentally con scious alternatives t o traditional meth ods.


HBF utilizes a p owder coat fin ish or b rush ed/polished alu minum p arts for th e majorit y of our exp osed metal comp on ents . Decorative metals used in manu factu ring ar e GREE NGUARD® In door Air Quality Cert ified to ensure min imal imp act on the in door en viron ment. Bru shed a lu minu m an d die cast alu minu m comp on ents are 10 0% recyclab le an d contain recycled content.


HBF mon itors an d maintain s low emissions of h azardou s air pollu tant s.

HBF h as ach ieved “small source” statu s for air emissions as well as GRE ENGUARD® In door Air Quality Certificat ion for th e majority of its products.


Liqu id waste from ou r wood fin ish ing process is sent offsite to be fu el b len ded an d used b y cement kiln s. Solid waste is also sent offsite to gen erate electricity. Most sa wdust an d some wood wast e are used as in dustrial b oiler fu el b y th ird parties.


HBF an d HBF Textiles embrace recy cling in our daily procedures . F abr ic and leather sh ort en ds are not dis carded but are inc orp orated into our s amp lin g process . Packaging comp on ents, cardb oard, Da cron , s crap st eel an d wood, florescent lights, office p ap er, alu minu m and p last ic cont ain ers are all recycled intern ally or b y an outside sou rce.

26. Data Universal Number Systems (DUNS) No.: 12-804-5148



Updated 7.14.12


Nest Series

Linea Bench Series

Grade AA for Seating and Benches

Ski Side and Lounge

Trestle Lounge

Wedge Lounge

Fine Line Lounge

Flight Swivel and Conference


Nest Series

Wing Series

Lens Series

Ski Series

Trestle Series

Fine Line Series


Costa Table Series

LOGICmeet Conference Series (Glass Tops and Wood and

Intersecting Bases only)


HBF 2012 Seating Price List Contents

Effective Date: July 15, 2012



COM/COL Ordering Requirements ...3

Combinations of Upholstery Applications ...4

Contrast Welt ...4

ecoScorecard ...5

Finish Availability Chart ...5

GreenGuard Certification ...5

High Performance Products ...6

Master Style Index ...2

Seating Ordering Procedure ...3

Special Code Compliance – CAL 117 ...4

Special Code Compliance – CAL 133 ...4

Spring Down Cushions ...4

Veneer Options ...5

Vertical Application Standard ...4

Yardage Requirements ...3

SIDE CONFERENCE SEATING Side Conference Seating Price Comparison...7

Bolano...8 Brentwood ...8 C Collection ...8 Camden ...9 Charlotte ...9 Como ...9 Corfino ...10 Cortona ...10 Del Mar ...10 Exeter ...11 Flight ...12 Florence ...14 Hamilton ...14 Karina ...15 March ...15 Nest ...16 Perfect Pitch ...18 Rosslyn ...18 Serene ...18 Siena ...18 Ski ...19 Solace ...19 Tryon ...19

SWIVEL TILT SEATING Swivel Tilt Seating Price Comparison ...21

Cadre ...23 Cadre Specifications ...23 Détente ...25 Détente Specifications ...25 Dove ...27 Dove Specifications ...27 Flight Specifications ...29 Flight ...29 Mode ...32 Mode Specifications ...32 MV9 ...33 MV9 Specifications ...33 Regent ...34 Regent Specifications ...34 LOUNGE SEATING Lounge Seating Price Comparison ...36

Alibi II ...37 Bianco ...37 Brentwood ...38 C Collection ...41 Carmel ...44 Charlie ...45 Charlotte ...47 Chill II ...48 Chill III...48 Cortona ...49 Dialogue ...49 Duna ...50 Encircle ...50 Esplanade ...51 Fine Line ...52 Florence ...52 Grigio ...52 Linea Benches ...53 Nest ...54 Perfect Pitch ...55 Salon ...55 Scoop ...56 Ski ...60 Trestle ...60 Venice ...61 Wedge ...61 Westwood ...62

Mailing Address: Shipping Address: Contact: Order Processing: HBF HBF Phone: 1.855.HBF.2020 Phone: 1.855.HBF.2020

PO Box 8 900 - 12th Street Drive NW 828.328.2064 828.328.2064

Hickory NC 28603-0008 Hickory NC 28601-4763 Fax: 828.328.8816 Fax: 828.485.2690

Info: hbfservice@hbf.com hbforders@hbf.com www.hbf.com

http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 1 July 2012


HBF 2012 Master Style Index

1170-15 Regent 34 1170-25 Regent 34 1172-15 Regent 35 1172-25 Regent 35 1240-11 Détente 25 1240-21 Détente 25 1242-11 Détente 26 1242-21 Détente 26 1250-11 MV9 33 1250-21 MV9 33 1252-11 Cadre 23 1252-21 Cadre 23 1256-11 Cadre 24 1256-21 Cadre 24 1258-11 Mode 32 1258-21 Mode 32 1260-11 Dove 27 1260-12 Dove 27 1260-21 Dove 28 1260-22 Dove 28 1262-11 Flight 30 1262-21 Flight 30 1262-31 Flight 30 1263-10 Flight 12 3100-10 March 15 3101-10 March 15 3121-10 Hamilton 14 3176-10 Camden 9 3177-10 Camden 9 3204-10 Del Mar 10 3204-12 Del Mar 10 3211-10 Brentwood 8 3217-10 Exeter 11 3218-10 Exeter 11 3225-10 Rosslyn 18 3242-10 Tryon 19 3243-10 Tryon 20 3245-10 Cortona 10 3249-10 Charlotte 9 3250-10 Charlotte 9 3252-10 Florence 14 3253-10 Florence 14 3254-10 Siena 18 3255-10 Siena 19 3256-10 Siena 19 3257-10 Como 9 3258-10 Como 10 3260-10 C 8 3261-10 C 8 3263-10 Karina 15 3264-10 Corfino 10 3265-10 Bolano 8 3266-10 Solace 19 3267-10 Serene 18 3268-10 Perfect Pitch 18 3269-10 Nest 17 3270-10 Nest 17 3271-10 Ski 19 5012-30 Brentwood 38 5012-32 Brentwood 38 5012-33 Brentwood 38 5013-30 Brentwood 38 5013-32 Brentwood 38 5013-33 Brentwood 38 5014-30 Brentwood 39 5014-32 Brentwood 39 5014-33 Brentwood 39 5015-30 Brentwood 39 5015-32 Brentwood 39 5015-33 Brentwood 39 5016-30 Brentwood 40 5016-32 Brentwood 40 5016-33 Brentwood 40 5017-30 Brentwood 40 5017-32 Brentwood 40 5017-33 Brentwood 40 5018-30 Westwood 62 5019-30 Westwood 62 5020-30 Westwood 62 5021-30 Carmel 44 5021-32 Carmel 44 5022-30 Carmel 44 5022-32 Carmel 44 5023-30 Carmel 44 5023-32 Carmel 45 5024-30 Carmel 45 5024-32 Carmel 45 5029-30 Westwood 62 5044-30 Venice 61 5045-30 Venice 61 5049-30 Charlie 45 5049-32 Charlie 45 5050-30 Charlie 46 5050-32 Charlie 46 5051-30 Charlie 46 5051-32 Charlie 46 5066-30 Scoop 56 5067-30 Scoop 57 5067-31 Scoop 57 5068-30 Scoop 57 5069-30 Scoop 58 5069-31 Scoop 58 5069-32 Scoop 58 5070-30 Scoop 59 5071-30 Scoop 59 5072-89 Scoop 59 5080-30 Cortona 49 5081-30 Cortona 49 5086-30 Charlotte 47 5087-30 Charlotte 47 5088-30 Charlotte 47 5089-30 Charlotte 47 5091-30 Florence 52 5092-30 Florence 52 5095-30 Bianco 37 5096-30 Bianco 37 5097-30 Grigio 52 5098-30 Grigio 53 5103-30 Dialogue 49 5104-89 Dialogue 49 5106-30 Chill III 48 5106-32 Chill III 48 5108-30 Chill III 48 5108-32 Chill III 48 5111-30 Chill II 48 5111-32 Chill II 48 5113-30 Chill II 48 5113-32 Chill II 48 5116-30 Alibi II 37 5118-30 Alibi II 37 5121-30 C 41 5121-32 C 41 5122-30 C 42 5122-32 C 42 5123-30 C 42 5123-32 C 42 5124-30 C 43 5124-32 C 43 5125-30 C 43 5125-32 C 43 5131-30 Esplanade 51 5132-30 Esplanade 51 5133-30 Esplanade 51 5134-30 Encircle 50 5135-30 Encircle 50 5136-30 Encircle 51 5137-30 Perfect Pitch 55 5138-30 Perfect Pitch 55 5139-30 Salon 55 5140-30 Salon 56 5141-30 Salon 56 5142-30 Fine Line 52 5143-30 Fine Line 52 5144-30 Wedge 61 5145-30 Wedge 61 5146-30 Ski 60 5147-30 Ski 60 5148-30 Trestle 60 5149-30 Trestle 60 5151-30 Duna 50 5152-30 Duna 50 5154-30 Nest 54 Style Product

Number Name Page

Style Product

Number Name Page Style Number Name Product Page

http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 2 July 2012


HBF Seating Order Procedure

Coverings All upholstered items may be ordered using HBF Textiles, HBF Leathers, Edelman Leather, or coverings furnished by the customer. Prices listed as COM refer to Customer’s Own Material. Prices listed as COL refer to Customer’s Own Leather. Prices listed as GRADE refer to HBF Textiles, HBF Leathers and Edelman Leather

Yardage requirements shown in the price list are based on non-directional 54” material. The following conversion chart should be used to determine requirements when COM is 54” wide or less and has a repeat of 2” or more. Add together the vertical and horizontal repeat to determine which column should be used as

a reference.

Fabric Plain 2”-14” 15”-24” 25”-27” 28”-36”

Width Fabric Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat

54” + 0% +10% +15% +20% +25% 50” 10% 20% 25% 30% 35% 48” 15% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45” 40% 50% 55% 60% 65% 36” 50% 60% 65% 70% 75%

To determine the possibility of reduced yardage requirements for orders of ten (10) or more units, please contact HBF Customer Service.

When sending COL for use on one of our upholstered pieces, please send eighteen (18) square feet of leather for each yard of 54” plain fabric required for that item.


Prior to acceptance of order specifying COM/COL, a memo sample must be submitted to HBF for determination of suitability.

For ease of expediting your COM/COL order, we require the following information:

1. Fabric description Shipping Address: HBF

2. Fabric source 900 12th Street Drive NW 3. Order line, product name or number Hickory, NC 28601-4763 4. Fabric color

5. A swatch of the covering

6. Special application instructions, if any

If COM/COL is of a type requiring choices of seam placement, face side, position of design or repeat; these instructions must be clearly stated on the original order.

HBF reserves the right to reject any COM or COL. HBF assumes no responsibility for suitability or wearability of COM/COL. Difficult COM/COL may be subject to additional charge if additional labor costs are incurred.

Orders specifying COM/COL will not be scheduled for production until all COM/COL is received by HBF.

To ensure proper COM/COL expediting, please tag fabric/leather with the following information: 1. Purchasing dealer name and purchase order number

2. HBF acknowledgement number, if available

3. Other pertinent information which will enable proper COM/COL identification

http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 3 July 2012


HBF Seating Order Procedure

Standard Vertical The standard application of fabrics with stripes, vines or floral patterns is vertical. When specifying upholstery

Application fabrics with any of these designs, the application direction must be noted on all purchase orders and a sketch indicating the direction of application must accompany the purchase order.

Combination of All seating ordered with combination of upholstery applications (fabric, leather) is subject to a $95 List upcharge

Upholstery Applications in addition to the following pricing conditions:

1. Combinations using HBF Textiles and COM will be priced at the COM price. HBF Textiles will be entered as a separate order and invoiced separately.

2. Combinations using HBF Textiles and HBF Leathers or Edelman Leather, or COM and HBF Leathers or Edelman Leather, will be priced at the appropriate Leather I-V or Edel 1-12 price.

3. Combinations using HBF Textiles and COL, two COL’s, or COM and COL, will be priced at the COL price. HBF Textiles will be entered as a separate order and invoiced separately.

4. Combinations using two HBF Textiles will be invoiced at higher grade price.

Contrast Welt Contrast Welt is only available on products that are offered with welt as an integral part of the design. “Standard with Welt” is noted in the price list description of each individual applicable product. All welts are cut standard on the bias. Adding welt or contrast welt to other HBF seating products is not an option. The following List upcharges apply to applications of Contrast Welt only to HBF seating products standard with welt:

COM/HBF Textiles COL/HBF Leathers, Edelman Leather

Chair $100 $285

Loveseat $145 $360

Sofa $200 $435

The above List upcharges do not include the cost of HBF Textiles, HBF Leathers or Edelman Leather. For contrast welt yardage/square footage and welt cording requirements by individual style, please contact HBF Customer Service.

Spring Down Cushions Optional spring down cushions are available on most loose cushion HBF lounge seating. List upcharges are: Chair $100

Loveseat $180 Sofa $275

Special Code California Technical Bulletin 117

Compliance Unless otherwise specified, foam used in all HBF seating products complies with these guidelines.

California Technical Bulletin 133

Following are the Net upcharges and minimum unit requirements for special foam to comply with these guidelines.

Side Conference Chairs $105 Net per unit (minimum of two units) Swivel/Tilt Chairs $155 Net per unit (minimum of two units)

Lounge Chairs $215 Net per unit

Ottomans $105 Net per unit

Loveseats $280 Net per unit

Sofas $325 Net per unit

Bench Seating $155 Net per unit (regardless of size)

HBF can not be held liable if original purchase order does not indicate a requirement for California Technical Bulletin 133 compliance.

Boston Fire Code New York Port Authority

Please contact HBF Customer Service if compliance is required for these special codes.

http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 4 July 2012


Veneer and Finishes The following slip matched veneers are available with the finish options as shown below.

Wood owes its inherent beauty to variations in color, grain, and texture; therefore, these variations are not considered defects. Due to the natural color and grain variances of wood substance the final finish color, texture and grain may vary from one furniture piece to another even though they are finished at the same time. Exposure to light and the aging process will cause changes in surface color of natural wood products. Light finishes on wood products do not mask the natural characteristics of wood. HBF does not guarantee the exact matching of grain, pattern and color.

GREENGUARD® All HBF side conference, swivel tilt and lounge seating products are GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified®. HBF bench seating has been GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified® when utilizing approved core and finishing materials. Please contact HBF Customer Relations for pricing and lead time information.

Finish Availability Chart

All seating products have a 30˚ sheen.

An upcharge of 5% Net COM per seating unit, with a minimum upcharge of $500 Net per order, will apply for any custom wood finish.

HBF ecoScorecard The HBF ecoScorecard is an online tool available for consumers to identify environmentally sensitive products. The calculator is also a highly useful vehicle to calculate the contribution of HBF products towards the attainment of LEED credits. For more information regarding HBF’s ecoScorecard, please visit http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com. The HBF ecoScorecard offers the following benefits:

• Automated assistance with LEED documentation • Customized review and comparison of multiple products

• Ability to print, download and/or email LEED Specification Sheets and analysis information for all products

that contribute to the rating system

• Reduced time and cost associated with LEED research and documentation

• Accurate and straightforward information on product attributes and LEED contribution

• Assists specifiers in demonstrating how HBF products apply to real-world, high performance green building needs

HBF Seating Order Procedure

Maple Cherry Oak Walnut

01 Centennial • • 02 Espresso • • 03 Imperial • • 05 Tuscan • • 06 Amber • • 07 Chestnut • • 09 Onyx • • 10 Honey • • 11 Amazon • • 12 Wheat • 16 Caramel • • 17 Scone 18 Biscotti • 19 Butterscotch 20 Hazelnut • 21 Chai 22 Cider • 23 Mocha • 24 Chocolat • 25 Cocoa • 26 Latte • 27 Honeycomb • 28 Nectar • 29 Nutmeg • 30 Toffee • http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 5 July 2012


HBF Seating Order Procedure

HBF High Performance HBF and HBF Textiles have long been leaders in contract furnishings and known for industry-leading product

Products design coupled with the highest quality construction, comfort and aesthetic beauty.

Now these same principals are the cornerstones of HBF Healthcare high performance products. We have consulted with healthcare designers and clients to provide products and options for interiors that will provide quality sustainable design solutions for the future. These effective solutions will address the unique interactions required by any high-use facility. Visit www.hbfhealthcare.com for additional high performance product information. Seating Product High Performance Options:

• Bariatric Approved Products • Guest and Lounge Seating • Tandem Seating

• Arm Caps • Moisture Barrier • Replaceable Components

• Wall Saver Legs • Wipe Out - Clean Out • Upholstery Products from HBF Textiles

http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 6 July 2012


Cor fino C Siena C C Flight C Bolano C Cortona C Ser ene C Tryon C Como C C M ar ch C C Exeter C Brentwood C Solace C C Collection C C Camden C C Per fect Pitch C Del Mar C C Karina C Ski C N est C C Rosslyn C Florence C C Charlotte C C Hamilton C

HBF Side Conference Seating


$800-899 $900-999 $1000-1099 $1100-1199 $1200-1299 $1300-1399 $1400-1499 $1500-1599 $1600-1699 $1700-1799 Style Effective July 20 12 $1800-1899 $1900-1999 C = Chair

COM List Prices Effec

tive 7.20



OH 321/2 AH 26 OW 27 WBA 181/2 OD 231/2 DED SH 181/2 DEW SD 17 R Weight 44 OH 321/2 AH OW 241/4 WBA OD 231/2 DED SH 181/2 DEW SD 17 R Weight 40 OH 33 AH 251/2 OW 241/2 WBA 171/2 OD 25 DED SH 19 DEW SD 17 R Weight 42

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

Maple, standard with welt (See Brentwood lounge seating for additional Brentwood product.) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

54 3

45 21/2

Maple, armless (See C Collection lounge seating and occasional tables for additional product.) Due to design details of this product, fabric with horizontal and vertical lines or patterns may appear distorted when used on seating with significant curves. Some materials are not recommended for this product. A list of all HBF Textiles approved product is available upon request. All COM products being considered must be approved by HBF prior to placing the order; please send cutting for approval.

Maple, arms (See C Collection lounge seating and occasional tables for additional product.) Due to design details of this product, fabric with horizontal and vertical lines or patterns may appear distorted when used on seating with significant curves. Some materials are not recommended for this product. A list of all HBF Textiles approved product is available upon request. All COM products being considered must be approved by HBF prior to placing the order; please send cutting for approval.

(Content 2% post-consumer, 0% pre-consumer) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

(Content 2% post-consumer, 0% pre-consumer) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® 45 21/2 1275 1435 1405 1440 1470 1505 1530 1560 1590 1620 1660 1685 1715 1740 1770 1810 1845 1880 1835 2205 2290 2375 2715 2400 2525 2725 2775 3025 3125 3425 5375 Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H

Brentwood 3211-10

C Collection 3260-10

C Collection 3261-10

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 1185 1345 1340 1380 1420 1460 1490 1525 1565 1600 1645 1680 1710 1745 1780 1830 1870 1910 1855 2300 2405 2505 2915 2535 2685 2925 2985 3285 3405 3765 6105 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 1195 1355 1325 1360 1390 1425 1450 1480 1510 1540 1580 1605 1635 1660 1690 1730 1765 1800 1755 2125 2210 2295 2635 2320 2445 2645 2695 2945 3045 3345 5295 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 36 Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 2

Bolano 3265-10

955 1115 1055 1085 1110 1124 1160 1180 1210 1230 1260 1285 1305 1330 1350 1385 1415 1440 1405 1700 1770 1835 2110 1855 1955 2115 2155 2355 2435 2675 4235 OH 321/4 AH 26 OW 221/2 WBA 191/4 OD 24 DED SH 20 DEW SD 191/2 R Weight 32




OH 331/2 AH 261/4 OW 233/4 WBA 19 OD 23 DED SH 191/2 DEW 22 SD 19 R Weight 34 OH 331/2 AH 241/4 OW 241/4 WBA 211/2 OD 25 DED SH 191/4 DEW 241/4 SD 19 R Weight 47 OH 331/2 AH OW 241/4 WBA OD 25 DED SH 191/4 DEW 241/4 SD 19 R Weight 45 OH 331/2 AH 241/2 OW 221/2 WBA 181/2 OD 251/2 DED 41/2 SH 181/2 DEW 221/2 SD 18 R Weight 32

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 18 1

Maple, wood slat back, standard with welt GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 45 21/2

Maple, standard with welt (See Charlotte lounge seating for additional Charlotte product.) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Maple, fully upholstered back, wood arm, standard with welt.

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV

Maple, armless, standard with welt (See Charlotte lounge seating for additional Charlotte product.)


GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 45 21/2 45 21/2

Camden 3177-10

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 1125 1285 1255 1290 1320 1355 1380 1410 1440 1470 1510 1535 1565 1590 1620 1660 1695 1730 1685 2055 2140 2225 2565 2250 2375 2575 2625 2875 2975 3275 5225

Charlotte 3249-10

Charlotte 3250-10

Como 3257-10

1685 1845 1815 1850 1880 1915 1940 1970 2000 2030 2070 2095 2125 2150 2180 2220 2255 2290 2245 2615 2700 2785 3125 2810 2935 3135 3185 3435 3535 3835 5785 1995 2155 2125 2160 2190 2225 2250 2280 2310 2340 2380 2405 2435 2460 2490 2530 2565 2600 2555 2925 3010 3095 3435 3120 3245 3445 3495 3745 3845 4145 6095 1125 1285 1175 1190 1205 1215 1225 1240 1250 1265 1280 1290 1300 1310 1325 1340 1355 1365 1350 1495 1530 1565 1700 1575 1625 1705 1725 1825 1865 1985 2765 OH 331/2 AH 241/2 OW 221/2 WBA 181/2 OD 251/2 DED 41/2 SH 181/2 DEW 221/2 SD 18 R Weight 32

Maple, open upholstered back, wood arm, standard with welt GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® 41 21/4

Camden 3176-10

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 1435 1595 1550 1585 1610 1640 1665 1690 1720 1745 1780 1805 1830 1855 1880 1920 1950 1980 1945 2285 2360 2440 2750 2460 2575 2755 2800 3030 3120 3395 5170 http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 9 July 2012

OH 301/2 AH 243/4 OW 22 WBA 19 OD 241/4 DED 4 SH 18 DEW 223/4 SD 191/2 R Weight 36 OH 321/2 AH 251/2 OW 231/2 WBA 211/2 OD 241/2 DED SH 181/2 DEW 231/2 SD 181/2 R Weight 48

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H 1435 1595 1525 1550 1570 1595 1615 1635 1655 1675 1705 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 32 13/4

Maple, wood back, wood arm, standard with welt GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H 995 1155 1070 1095 1110 1130 1150 1165 1185 1200 1225 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 1260 1275 1290 1315 1340 1360 1330 1555 1605 1655 1860 27 11/2

Satin pewter metal frame. (See Cortona lounge seating and occasional tables for additional Cortona product.)

Recommend stacking only four (4) high. GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®(Content 17% post-consumer, 12% pre-consumer) Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 1670 1745 1865 1895 2045 2105 2285 3455

Cortona 3245-10

Del Mar 3204-10

OH 321/4 AH 26 OW 221/2 WBA 191/4 OD 24 DED SH 20 DEW SD 191/2 R Weight 36 36 2

Corfino 3264-10

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 895 1055 995 1025 1050 1075 1100 1120 1150 1170 1200 1225 1245 1270 1290 1325 1355 1380 1345 1640 1710 1775 2050 1795 1895 2055 2095 2295 2375 2615 4175

(Content 8% post-consumer, 0% pre-consumer) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

Satin pewter metal base and arm.

OH 301/2 AH 243/4 OW 22 WBA 19 OD 241/4 DED 4 SH 18 DEW 223/4 SD 191/2 R Weight 32 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H 1235 1395 1350 1385 1410 1440 1465 1490 1520 1545 1580 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 41 21/4

Maple, upholstered back, wood arm, standard with welt GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Del Mar 3204-12

1725 1740 1760 1780 1810 1835 1860 1835 2095 2155 2220 2460 2235 2325 2465 2500 2680 2750 2965 4350 1605 1630 1655 1680 1720 1750 1780 1745 2085 2160 2240 2550 2260 2375 2555 2600 2830 2920 3195 4970 OH 331/2 AH 261/4 OW 233/4 WBA 19 OD 23 DED SH 191/2 DEW 22 SD 18 R Weight 35 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 41 21/4

Maple, upholstered back, standard with welt GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Como 3258-10

995 1155 1110 1145 1170 1200 1225 1250 1280 1305 1340 1365 1390 1415 1440 1480 1510 1540 1505 1845 1920 2000 2310 2020 2135 2315 2360 2590 2680 2955 4730 http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 10 July 2012

OH 34 AH 261/4 OW 231/4 WBA 18 OD 24 DED SH 18 DEW 231/4 SD 17 R Weight 34 OH 34 AH 261/4 OW 231/4 WBA 18 OD 24 DED SH 18 DEW 231/4 SD 181/4 R Weight 34

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 32 13/4

Maple, upholstered back, standard with welt.

These HBF standard finishes, or comparable custom finishes, may not be specified: 07, 16, 12, 22.

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 18 1

Maple, wood slat back, standard with welt.

These HBF standard finishes, or comparable custom finishes, may not be specified: 07, 16, 12, 22. GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Exeter 3217-10

Exeter 3218-10

1055 1215 1105 1120 1135 1145 1155 1170 1180 1195 1210 1220 1230 1240 1255 1270 1285 1295 1280 1425 1460 1495 1630 1505 1555 1635 1655 1755 1795 1915 2695 1055 1215 1145 1170 1190 1215 1235 1255 1275 1295 1325 1345 1360 1380 1400 1430 1455 1480 1455 1715 1775 1840 2080 1855 1945 2085 2120 2300 2370 2585 3970 http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 11 July 2012

HBF Side Conference Seating

Flight Side Conference Seating Specifications

Base Four-star polished aluminum base standard with black glide sleeve. Optional polished aluminum glide sleeves are available.

Black or polished aluminum casters are optional; soft wheel casters available.

Adjustments Conference chairs with glides or casters are standard with a swivel only feature. Conference chairs with glides or casters have an optional height adjustable mechanism.

Confernece chairs with glides only have an optional auto-return mechanism with both auto-height return and auto-swivel return features.

Arms Conference chairs are standard without arms

Polished aluminum open arms may also be specified and have an optional upholstered wrapped armrest sleeve available in fabric or leather. (26½" AH, 19" WBA, DED 7")

Fully upholstered, closed arm is also available. (26½" AH, 19½" WBA, DED 5½")

Chair Back Conference chairs are standard with a black urethane outer back shell. Optional upholstered insert is available.

Polished aluminum v-carrier standard.

Upholstery Specification Due to design details of this product, some fabric and leather upholstery materials are not recommended for this

Guidelines product. A list of all HBF Textiles approved product is available upon request. All COM or COL products being considered must be approved by HBF prior to placing the order; please send cutting and materials specifications for approval.

Due to the natural characteristics of Limited Edition (Grade V) leather, this product is not available for use on the Flight Series.

Notes Manufactured by HBF, licensed from Giroflex.

http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 12 July 2012


OH 35 AH OW 26 WBA OD 27 DED 15½ SH 20 DEW 26 SD 18 R 20-23½ Weight 27

Armless, black urethane outer back shell, upholstered inner back and seat, swivel only, black guide sleeve

(Content 42% post-consumer, 13% pre-consumer) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 18 1 Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Flight 1263-10

925 1085 975 990 1005 1015 1025 1040 1050 1065 1080 1090 1100 1110 1125 1140 1155 1165 1150 1295 1330 1365 1500 1375 1425 1505 1525 1625 1665 1785 2565

HBF Side Conference Seating

Upholstered Back

Add -UB to style number

Add $90 List

Note: Add 1/2 yd. COM / 9 sq. ft. COL

Polished Aluminum Arm

Add -PA to style number

Add $140 List

Polished Aluminum Arm Upholstered Wrapped Sleeve

Add -PAU to style number

Add $175 List

Closed Arm Fully Upholstered

Add -CFUA to style number

Add $290 List plus cost of additional yardage

Note: Add 1/2 yd. COM / 6 sq. ft. COL

Auto-Return Function Height and Swivel

Add -AR to style number

Add $145 List

Note: Available only when glides specified.

Black Caster

Add -BC to style number

No Charge

Note: 4 Black Casters

Height Adjustable Option

Add -HA to style number

Add $60 List

Note: Available with glides or casters.

Polished Aluminum Glide Sleeve

Add -PAG to style number

Add $20 List

Note: 4 Polished Glide Sleeves.

Polished Aluminum Caster

Add -PAC to style number

Add $40 List

Note: 4 Polished Glide Sleeves

Soft Wheel Polished Aluminum Caster

Add -PAC-SW to style number

Add $45 List

Note: 4 Polished Casters.

Soft Wheel Black Caster

Add -BC-SW to style number

No Charge

Note: 4 Black Casters


http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 13 July 2012


OH 33 AH 24 OW 251/4 WBA 21 OD 243/4 DED 43/4 SH 19 DEW 251/4 SD 18 R Weight 38 OH 33 AH OW 231/2 WBA OD 243/4 DED SH 19 DEW 231/2 SD 18 R Weight 36

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 41 21/4

Maple, standard with welt (See Florence lounge seating for additional Florence product.) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 41 21/4

Maple, armless, standard with welt (See Florence lounge seating for additional Florence product.) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Florence 3252-10

Florence 3253-10

OH 38 AH 26 OW 241/2 WBA 19 OD 31 DED 21/2 SH 19 DEW 241/2 SD 18 R Weight 44 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 45 21/2

Maple, carved wood arm, standard with welt

These HBF standard finishes, or comparable custom finishes, may not be specified: 07, 16, 12, 22. GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®(Content 4% post-consumer, 3% pre-consumer) Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Hamilton 3121-10

1530 1690 1645 1680 1705 1735 1760 1785 1815 1840 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2015 2045 2075 2040 2380 2455 2535 2845 2555 2370 2850 2895 3125 3215 3490 5265 1835 1995 1950 1985 2010 2040 2065 2090 2120 2145 2180 2205 2230 2255 2280 2320 2350 2380 2345 2685 2760 2840 3150 2860 2975 3155 3200 3430 3520 3795 5570 1745 1905 1875 1910 1940 1975 2000 2030 2090 2090 2130 2155 2185 2210 2240 2280 2315 2350 2305 2675 2760 2845 3185 2870 2995 3195 3245 3495 3595 3895 5845 http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 14 July 2012

OH 32 AH 27 OW 24 WBA 201/2 OD 231/2 DED SH 19 DEW SD 181/2 R Weight 34

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

White Oak available in two standard finishes: HBF 16 Caramel and 23 Mocha.

27 11/2 1335 1495 1410 1435 1450 1470 1490 1505 1525 1540 1565 1580 1600 1615 1630 1655 1680 1700 1670 1895 1945 1995 2200 2010 2085 2205 2235 2385 2445 2625 3795 Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H


Karina 3263-10

OH 341/2 AH 251/2 OW 211/2 WBA 18 OD 24 DED SH 19 DEW SD 181/2 R Weight 30 18 1

March 3100-10

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 1145 1305 1195 1210 1225 1235 1245 1260 1270 1285 1300 1310 1320 1330 1345 1360 1375 1385 1370 1515 1550 1585 1720 1595 1645 1725 1745 1845 1885 2005 2755


Maple, wood slat back.

OH 341/2 AH 251/2 OW 211/2 WBA 18 OD 24 DED SH 19 DEW SD 171/2 R Weight 30 27 11/2 995 1155 1070 1095 1110 1130 1150 1165 1185 1200 1225 1240 1260 1275 1290 1315 1340 1360 1330 1555 1605 1655 1860 1670 1745 1865 1895 2045 2105 2285 3455 Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H

March 3101-10


Maple, fully upholstered back.


HBF Side Conference Seating

Nest Side Conference Seating Specifications

Wood Species Maple frame and legs available in all standard HBF finishes on maple in addition to custom colors. Frame and legs also offered in Blanco White painted finish.

Metal Base The elliptical tubular metal base is standard in a polished stainless steel finish with an optional self-return swivel mechanism.

Woven Mesh A semi-translucent polyester woven mesh is standard on the back of Nest Chairs. This 3D mesh material is an integral part of the design of the chair and alternate materials cannot be specified for the back upholstery. This woven mesh material may also be specified for seat upholstery, either in the same color as the back or in a complementary color. The seat may also be specified in any upholstery fabric or leather.

This material is currently available in seven standard colors with additional colors in development. Color selection must be noted on order for each line item.

Tested for dimensional stability and load-bearing capacity, this material functions as a self-supporting surface for the chair back, and has passed ACT standards for flammability, colorfastness and physical properties as well as surpassing an abrasion test of 70,000 double rubs.

Welt Welt is standard on Nest seating and available in seven colors that complement each of the woven mesh options. Welt color is determined by color of mesh specified on the order.

Seat Material Complementing or contrasting seating upholstery may be specified in any fabric or leather available from HBF Textiles as well as COM or COL. All HBF Textiles products are graded into the List price as shown in this price list. (When specifying leather from HBF Textiles a one-hide minimum per order per colorway is required.) The 3D woven mesh material may also be specified for the seat upholstery; see "Mesh Seat" in the grade pricing below.

Notes If Nest chairs with the self-return swivel option are specified and intended to be used with an accompanying table, it should be noted that, depending on chair placement with relation to the table, the chair arm potentially may contact the table surface when self-return activates.

All Nest seating products meet ANSI/BIFMA structural testing standards. Nest seating is warranted under normal commercial office single shift use and conditions, which does not include high use areas, higher education, healthcare or hospitality environments.

See HBF Nest Lounge Seating and Occasional Tables for additional Nest Products.

Smoke Graphite Lime Chalk Brick Stone Linen

http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 16 July 2012


OH 33 AH 28 OW 28½ WBA 19¹⁄₅ OD 23½ DED SH 19 DEW SD 18 R Weight 22

HBF Side Conference Seating

Fixed metal base.

(Content 9% post-consumer, 3% pre-consumer) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

List Prices Yards Sq. Ft Dimensions

COM COL Mesh Seat Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Seat: ¾yd. 13½ Sq. Ft. Back: ¾yd. 13½ Sq. Ft. Combined: 1¼yd. 22½ Sq. Ft. Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Nest 3270-10

1595 1755 1660 1645 1660 1675 1685 1695 1710 1720 1735 1750 1760 1770 1780 1795 1810 1825 1835 1820 1965 2000 2035 2170 2045 2095 2175 2195 2295 2335 2455 3235

Swivel Self Return Base

Add -SRB to style number

Add $85 List

Note: For metal base only

OH 33 AH 28 OW 28½ WBA 19¹⁄₅ OD 23½ DED SH 19 DEW SD 18 R Weight 17 Wood legs.

(Content 1% post-consumer, 0% pre-consumer) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

COM COL Mesh Seat Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Seat: ¾yd. 13½ Sq. Ft. Back: ¾yd. 13½ Sq. Ft. Combined: 1¼yd. 22½ Sq. Ft. Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Nest 3269-10

1445 1605 1510 1495 1510 1525 1535 1545 1560 1570 1585 1600 1610 1620 1630 1645 1660 1675 1685 1670 1815 1850 1885 2020 1895 1945 2025 2045 2145 2185 2305 3085



http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 17 July 2012

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

OH 361/2 AH 241/2 OW 25 WBA 211/2 OD 26 DED SH 19 DEW 25 SD 201/2 R Weight 30 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 32 13/4

Maple, open back, wood arm, leg with Karillien birch inlay, standard with welt.

These HBF standard finishes, or comparable custom finishes, may not be specified: 07, 16, 12, 22. GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®(Content 2% post-consumer, 2% pre-consumer)

Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Rosslyn 3225-10

OH 311/4 AH 251/2 OW 231/4 WBA 171/2 OD 233/4 DED SH 191/4 DEW SD 19 R Weight 27


Serene 3267-10

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 995 1155 1070 1095 1110 1130 1150 1165 1185 1200 1225 1240 1260 1275 1290 1315 1340 1360 1330 1555 1605 1655 1860 1670 1745 1865 1895 2045 2105 2285 3455

Maple, open upholstered back.

1525 1685 1615 1640 1660 1685 1705 1725 1745 1765 1795 1815 1830 1850 1870 1900 1925 1950 1925 2185 2245 2310 2550 2325 2415 2555 2590 2770 2840 3055 4440 OH 311/4 AH 251/2 OW 221/4 WBA 181/4 OD 231/2 DED SH 19 DEW 221/2 SD 19 R Weight 32 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 18 1

Maple, open wood back GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Siena 3254-10

875 1035 925 940 955 965 975 990 1000 1015 1030 1340 1050 1060 1075 1090 1105 1115 1100 1245 1280 1315 1450 1325 1375 1455 1475 1575 1615 1735 2515 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 45

Maple (See Perfect Pitch lounge seating for additional product.) Due to design details of this product, fabric with horizontal and vertical lines or patterns may appear distorted when used on seating with significant curves. Mohair, velvet and other pile fabrics are not recommended for this product. A list of all HBF Textiles approved product is available upon request. All COM products being considered must be approved by HBF prior to placing

the order; please send cutting for approval. GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 21/2

Perfect Pitch 3268-10

1275 1435 1405 1440 1470 1505 1530 1560 1590 1620 1660 1685 1715 1740 1770 1810 1845 1880 1835 2205 2290 2375 2715 2400 2525 2725 2775 3025 3125 3425 5375 OH 321/2 AH 231/2 OW 243/4 WBA 211/2 OD 25 DED SH 19 DEW SD 171/4 R Weight 41 http://hbf.ecoscorecard.com 18 July 2012

HBF Side Conference Seating

List Prices Sq. Ft. Yards Dimensions

OH 32 AH 25 OW 26¾ WBA 20 OD 25 DED SH 17 DEW SD 18 R Weight

(Content 12% post-consumer, 0% pre-consumer) GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED®

49½ 2¾

Ski 3271-10

COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 1495 1655 1635 1675 1710 1745 1775 1805 1845 1875 1915 1945 1980 2010 2040 2085 2125 2160 2110 2520 2610 2705 3080 2735 2870 3090 3145 3420 3530 3860 6005

Brushed stainless steel base

OH 311/4 AH 251/2 OW 221/4 WBA 181/4 OD 231/2 DED SH 19 DEW 221/4 SD 18 R Weight 33 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H 995 1155 1095 1125 1150 1175 1200 1220 1250 1270 1300 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 1325 1345 1370 1390 1425 1455 1480 1445 1740 1810 1875 36 2

Maple, fully upholstered back GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12 2150 1895 1995 2155 2195 2395 2475 2715 4275

Siena 3256-10

OH 311/4 AH 251/2 OW 221/4 WBA 181/4 OD 231/4 DED SH 19 DEW 221/4 SD 18 R Weight 32 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H 925 1085 975 990 1005 1015 1025 1040 1050 1065 1080 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV 18 1

Maple, open upholstered inside back, open wood outside back GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED® Leather V Edel 1 Edel 2 Edel 3 Edel 4 Edel 5 Edel 6 Edel 7 Edel 12

Siena 3255-10

1090 1100 1110 1125 1140 1155 1165 1150 1295 1330 1365 1500 1375 1425 1505 1525 1625 1665 1785 2565 OH 34 AH 251/2 OW 223/4 WBA 18 OD 241/2 DED 6 SH 181/2 DEW 223/4 SD 18 R Weight 38 COM COL Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade E Grade F Grade G Grade H 995 1155 1125 1160 1190 1225 1250 1280 1310 1340 1380 Grade J Grade K Grade L Grade M Grade N Grade P Grade Q Leather I Leather II Leather III Leather IV


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