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Botany Bill on the Hill. Wayne Padgett September 4, 2019


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Botany Bill on the Hill Wayne Padgett September 4, 2019.

(2) HR 1572 - Botanical Sciences and. Native Plant Materials Research, Restoration, and Promotion Act March 6, 2019. Introduced by Congressman Mike Quigley, 5th District Illinois.

(3) HR 1572 - Botanical Sciences and. Native Plant Materials Research, Restoration, and Promotion Act July 18, 2019. Testimony in Front of House Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Rep. Debra Haaland, 1st Dist. NM. Rep. John Curtis, 3rd Dist. Utah.

(4) S 2384 - Botanical Sciences and. Native Plant Materials Research, Restoration, and Promotion Act July 23, 2019. Introduced by Senator Mazie Hirono, Senator for Hawaii.

(5) HR 1572 and S 2384 Key Components  Title I – Promoting Botanical Research and Botanical Sciences Capacity  Title 2 – Generating Demand for Native Plant Materials  Title 3 - Authorization of Federal Native Plant Materials Related Activities.

(6) What We Know Our Ecosystems are Broken.

(7) What We Know Wildland Fires are Burning Record Numbers of Acres.

(8) What We Know Resilient ecosystems provide more ecosystem services than broken ecosystems Wildlife and Bird Habitat Pollinator Habitat Water Quality & Quantity Carbon Sequestration Etc..

(9) What We Know Ecosystem restoration is cheaper in the long run than fire suppression.

(10) What We Need to Know How to better restore native ecosystems following fire and other disturbances.

(11) What We Need to Know How to develop and use locally adapted native plant materials. Images from Dr. Beth Leger, Leger Labs, University of Nevada Reno.

(12) What We Need to Know How to better combat invasive species. Dr. Andrea Kramer, Conservation Scientist Chicago Botanic Garden.

(13) What We Need to Know How to manage and restore ecosystems under changing climates.

(14) What We Need to Know How we can better promote the recovery of threatened and endangered plant species. Bear Claw Poppy, Melissa Buchman, St George FO.

(15) What Are the Current Issues? We are losing botanists faster than we can replace them*.

(16) What Are the Current Issues?  Promoted efficient and effective land management and restoration  Loss of people on the ground  Loss of corporate memory  20X less botanists/ecologists in federal agencies than wildlife biologists *2009 Survey.

(17) What Are the Current Issues? Fire suppression funding is eating our programs alive.

(18) What Are the Current Issues? 1995 Appropriated Funds. 2015 Appropriated Funds.

(19) What Are the Current Issues? Funding for T&E Plants is completely out of whack! Group Plants Vertibrates Invertibrates Grand Total. # T&E % of Species Species 944 58% 415 25% 275 17% 1,634. 100%.

(20) What Are the Current Issues? Funding for T&E Plants is completely out of whack! Group Plants Vertibrates Invertibrates Grand Total. # T&E % of Species Species 944 58% 415 25% 275 17% 1,634. 100%. Total % of Expenditures Funding $38,983,506 3% $1,226,413,581 94% $43,733,637 3% $1,309,130,724. 100%.

(21) What Are the Current Issues? We can’t help make the best decisions if we don’t have anyone at the table.

(22) How These Bills Help Promote Botanical Research Both HR 1572 & S 2384 Allocate $10 Million And such sums as are necessary for each fiscal year thereafter.

(23) How These Bills Help Promote Botanical Capacity By not later than September 30, 2021, the Secretary shall hire not greater than 20 fulltime botanical scientists Loan Forgiveness Program.

(24) How These Bills Help Promote Botanical Capacity Botanical Capacity - $ 3 Million Loan Forgiveness - $ 1 Million $ Up to $50,000/student. And such sums as are necessary for each fiscal year thereafter.

(25) How These Bills Help Authorization of Federal Native Plant Materials Related Activities SEC. 301. Interagency Plant Materials Efforts SEC. 302. BLM Plant Conservation Program Sec. 304. Grants to support collaborative efforts to prevent endangered species status [Added in S 2384].

(26) How These Bills Help Authorization of Federal Native Plant Materials Related Activities $35 Million And such sums as are necessary for each fiscal year thereafter.

(27) How These Bills Help [Added to S 2384] Grants to Support Collaborative Efforts to Prevent Endangered Species Status $54 Million And such sums as are necessary for each fiscal year thereafter.

(28) Funding Allocation Botanical Research Botanical Capacity Loan Forgiveness Authorization of Native Plant Materials Related Activities Grants to Support Collaborative Efforts to Prevent Endangered Species Status Total. HR 1572 $10 Million $ 3 Million $ 1 Million $35 Million. S 2384 $10 Million $ 3 Million $ 1 Million $35 Million $54 Million. $49 Million $103 Million.

(29) Bill Cosponsors HR 1572 has 51 Cosponsors (6 Republicans*) S 2384 Has 10 Cosponsors (0 Republicans). * None from the West!.

(30) What Can You Do? Call Senator Romney Call Rep. Curtis Call Rep. McAdams.

(31) Questions???.



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