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5. CONGRESSES ATTENDED WITHOUT PRESENTING A PAPER. VIII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Leeds, August 1975.


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VIII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Leeds, 17-23 August 1975.

International Conference on the Teaching of Spoken English, University of Leeds, 5-20 August 1977.

II Congreso de la AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-norteamericanos), Universidad de Valencia, 17-20 December 1978.

IX International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 6-11 August 1979.

TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Spain Conference, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Barcelona, 1-3 May 1981.

VI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-norteamericanos, Sitges (Barcelona), 14-17 December 1982.

TESOL Spain Conference, Hotel Expo, Barcelona, 29 April 1983 – 1 May 1983. X International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Utrecht, 1-6 August 1983.

Primer coloquio sobre la investigación sonográfica, Laboratorio de Fonética de la Universidad de Barcelona, 3 March 1984.

Approaches to Language Acquisition, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Barcelona, 26-29 September 1984.

Modern Trends in the Teaching of Historical Phonology, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Barcelona, 5-6 February 1985.

VII International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Pavia, Università degli Studi, 9-13 September 1985.

IX Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de Murcia, 17-20 December 1985. Romance Linguistics Seminar 14, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 3-4 January 1986.

X Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de Zaragoza, 16-19 December 1986. VIII International Congress on Historical Linguistics, Université de Lille, 31 August - 4 September 1987.

XI Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de León, 16-19 December 1987. Romance Linguistics Seminar 16, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 5-6 January 1988.


Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, Westfield College, University of London, 28-31 March 1988, Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, St Salvator’s Hall, University of St Andrews, 20-23 March 1989.

TESOL Spain (12th annual convention), Hotel Princesa Sofía, Barcelona, 21-23 April 1989.

IX International Congress on Historical Linguistics, Rutgers University, New Jersey, 14-18 August 1989.

XIX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística e Filoloxía Románicas, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 4-9 September 1989.

XIII Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de Tarragona, 18-20 December 1989.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, Earnshaw Hall, University of Sheffield, 26-29 March 1990.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 19, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 3-4 January 1991.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, Queen’s Elms Halls of Residence, Queen’s University of Belfast, 25-28 March 1991.

Grundfragen der Übersetzungswissenschaft, Universität Leipzig, 25-27 June 1991.

Xth International Congress on Historical Linguistics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 12-16 August 1991.

XII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Université d’Aix-en-Provence, 19-24 August 1991.

New Sounds 92” (Second Amsterdam Symposium on the Acquisition of Second-Language Speech), University of Amsterdam, 13-16 April 1992.

«The Changing Voices of Europe» (Social and political change and their linguistic repercussions, past, present and future) – a colloquium to mark the retirement of Professor Glanville Price, Gregynog (The University College of Wales, Aberystwith), 13-15 July 1992.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, Dale Hall, University of Liverpool, 25-28 March 1993.

XIth International Congress on Historical Linguistics, University of California Los Angeles, 16-21 August 1993.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 22, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 4-5 January 1994.

8th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, University of Edinburgh, 19-23 September 1994.


Jornadas de Filología Aragonesa (conmemorativas de la publicación del volumen L del Archivo de Filología Aragonesa), Universidad de Zaragoza, 19-21 December 1994.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 23, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 4-5 January 1995, XIIth International Congress on Historical Linguistics, Hulme Hall, University of Manchester, 13-18 August 1995.

XII Congreso da la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, University of Birmingham, 21-26 August 1995.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 24, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 3-4 January 1996.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, University of Bristol , 31 March – 3 April 1996.

9th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 26-31 August 1996.

XX Congreso de la AEDEAN, University of Barcelona, 12-14 December 1996. Romance Linguistics Seminar 25, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 3-4 January 1997.

I Trobada d’Estudios y Rechiras arredol d’a Luenga Aragonesa y a suya Literatura, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses (en colaboración con el Consello d’a Fabla Aragonesa), Huesca, 20-22 February 1997.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, King’s College, University of London, 13-16 April 1997.

XIIIth International Congress on Historical Linguistics, University of Düsseldorf, 10-17 August 1997.

British Association of Academic Phoneticians , Queen’s University, Belfast, 6-9 April 1998.

XXII Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de Lérida, 17-19 December 1998. Romance Linguistics Seminar 27, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 4-5 January 1999.

II Trobada d’Estudios y Rechiras arredol d’a Luenga Aragonesa y a suya Literatura, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses (en colaboración con el Consello d’a Fabla Aragonesa), Huesca, 18-20 November 1999.

British Association of Academic Phoneticians, Kelvin Conference Centre, University of Glasgow, 3-6 April 2000.

11th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 7-11 de setiembre 2000.


Romance Linguistics Seminar 29, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 4-5 de enero 2001.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, University of Newcastle, 2-4 April 2001.

La traducció a la classe de llengua estrangera, Universitat de Vic, 25 June 2001.

International Conference on Late Modern English, University of Edinburgh, 29 de agosto - 1 September 2001.

III Trobada d’Estudios y Rechiras arredol d’a Luenga Aragonesa y a suya Literatura, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses (en colaboración con el Consello d’a Fabla Aragonesa), Huesca, 17-20 October 2001.

2nd International Contrastive Linguistics Conference, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 24-27 October 2001.

British Association of Academic Phoneticians, University of Newcastle upon Tyne , 25-27 March 2002.

12th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, University of Glasgow, 21-26 August 2002.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 31, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 3-4 January 2003.

VII Jornades de Traducció a Vic, Facultat de Ciències, Humanes, Traducció i Documentació, Universitat de Vic, 27-28 March 2003.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland, The Kelvin Conference Centre, University of Glasgow, 14-16 April 2003.

V Curso La Variación Sociolingüística: Directions in Social Dialectology. Conference in Honour of Peter Trudgill, Universidad de Murcia, 6-7 November 2003.

XXVII Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de Salamanca, 18-20 December 2003.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 32, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 5-6 January 2004.

Els mètodes en dialectologia: continuïtat o alternativa? (10 horas), Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 11 March 2004.

British Association of Academic Phoneticians, University of Cambridge (Girton College), 24-26 March 2004.

Sociolinguistics Symposium 15, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1-4 April 2004.


13th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, University of Vienna, 23-28 August 2004.

XXVIII Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de Valencia, 16-18 December 2004.

Association of Hispanists of GB and Ireland (50th Anniversary), ADEIT, Valencia, 28 de marzo - 3 April 2005.

New Reflections On Grammaticalization 3, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 17-20 July 2005.

XXVIII Congreso de la AEDEAN, Universidad de Jaén, 15-17 December 2005. Romance Linguistics Seminar 34, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 5-6 January 2006.

British Association of Academic Phoneticians, University of Edinburgh, 10-12 April 2006.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 35, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 4-5 January 2007.

16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, 6-10 August 2007.

V Trobada d’Estudios y Rechiras arredol d’a Luenga Aragonesa y a suya Literatura, Inst. de Estudios Altoaragoneses (+ Consello d’a Fabla Aragonesa), Huesca, 14-16 February 2008.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 37, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 5-6 January 2009.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 38, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 4-5 January 2010.

Workshop on Sound Change, Institut d’Estudis Catalans (U. Autònoma de Barcelona), Barcelona, 21-22 October 2010.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 39, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 5-6 January 2011.

Phonetics & Phonology in Iberia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 21-22 June 2011. As Linguas e Culturas do Camiño de Santiago de Compostela: Presente e Futuro, Santiago de Compostela, 21-22 October 2011.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 40, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 5-6 January 2012.

Romance Linguistics Seminar 42, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 3-4 January 2014.


ESSE 12, University of Košice, Slovakia, 29 de agosto - 2 September 2014. Romance Linguistics Seminar 43, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, 5-6 January 2015.

18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, SECC, Glasgow, 10-14


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