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Workout Routine


Academic year: 2021

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Chhiinn UUpp 44 88 44001100 9900

IInncclliinneeBBeenncchhPPrreessss 44 88 44001100 9900 R Raacckk DDeeaaddlliifftt 44 88 22111111 9900 T Trriicceeppss DDiippss 44 88 44001100 9900 H Hiigghh PPuullll 44 88 22111100 4455

Decline plank with alternate foot Decline plank with alternate foot touch (Ball foot swap)

touch (Ball foot swap)

4 4 2255 22001100 4455 M MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 1 1 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt S Sqquuaatt 44** 88 44001100 9900 L

LyyiinnggHHaammssttrriinngg CCuurrll 66 66 44001100 9900 IInncclliinneebbaacckk eexxtteennssiioonn 44 88 44001111 00 C

Caallff RRaaiissee 44 1122 44001100 9900 H

Haannggiinngg LLeegg RRaaiissee 44 1155 33001100 00 D



Puullll--uupp 33 1122 33111111 6600


Seeaatteed d bbaarrbbeelll l sshhoouullddeer r pprreessss 33 1122 44001100 6600 B

Baanndd ppuullll 33 1515 2200XX11 1100


Beenntt--oovveerr rrooww 33 1122 33001100 7755 D

DuummbbbbeellllPPuullll--oovveerr 33 1100 44111111 00 C

Clloossee--ggrriip p llaat t ppuullllddoowwnn 33 1100 33001111 1100 F

Faacceeppuullll 33 1515 22001100 9900


Laatteerraall RRaaiissee 33 1155 22001100 4455 IInncclliinneeBBeenncchhsshhrruugg 33 1155 22001111 4455


MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 2 2 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt IInncclliinne e dduummbbbbeelll l bbeenncch h pprreessss 33 1122** 44001100 9900 G

Guuiilllloottiinne e PPrreesss s ((oovveer r nenecckk)) 33 1100** 44001100 9900 D

DeecclliinneeBBeenncchhpprreessss 33 1122 33001100 6600 E

EZZBBaarrpprreeaacchheerr cucurrllss 33 1122 44001100 6600 IInncclliinne e bbeenncch h hhaammmmeer r ccuurrll 33 1100 33001100 4455 D

Deecclliinne e EEZ Z bbaar r ttrriicceepps s pprreessss 33 1122 33111100 4455 C

Caabblle e ttrriicceepps s pprreessss--ddoowwnn 22 3300**** 22001100 00 C

Clloosse e ggrriip p ccaabblle e bbiicceepps s ccuurrll 22 2244**** 22001100 00 *Last

*Last set set drop drop set set **All **All sets sets drop drop setset M

MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 2 2 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt F

Frroonntt ssqquuaattss 22 44 66001100 9900 K

Knneeeelliinng g hhaammssttrriinng g cucurrll 44 44 44001100 9900 F

Frroonntt ssqquuaattss 22 2200 33001111 118800 IInncclliinne e bbaacck k eexxtteennssiioonn 33 1122 33001122 1100 R

Reevveerrsse e bbaacck k lleeg g rraaiissee 33 1100 33001111 1100 D

Duummbbbbeellllsstteepp--uupp 33 1155 22001100 118800 L

Leeggpprreessss 33 4455** 22001100 6600 F

Faarrmmeerr’’ss wwaallkk 33 4400mm XX 9900 *15 reps with close feet, 15 with hip width feet, 15 with wide feet



Unnddeerrhhaannd d llaat t ppuullllddoowwnn 22 1100 44001100 6600 S

Seeaatteeddccaabbllee rrooww 22 1100** 33001100 6600 R

ReevveerrsseeBBeenncchhRoRoww 11 1100** 33001100 9900 S

Seeaatteed d dduummbbbbeelll l sshhoouullddeer r pprreessss 11 1515 33001100 9900 C

Caabbllee llaatteerraallrraaiissee 22 1122** 33001100 6600 F

Faacceeppuullll 22 1212** 33001100 6600 *Last set is drop-set

*Last set is drop-set


MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 3 3 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt IInncclliinne e dduummbbbbeelll l bbeenncch h pprreessss 22 1100 33001100 9900 IInncclliinneedduummbbbbeellllflyfly 22 1122 33001100 9900 P

Peeccttoorraall//ttrriicceeppss ddiipp 11 FF** 44001100 9900 S

Sppiiddeerr CCuurrll 22 1122 33001111 6600 D

Deecclliinne e EEZ Z babar r ttrriicceepps s EEXXTTEENNSSIIOONN 22 1212 44001100 6600 S

Sttaannddiinng g ccaabblle e hhaammmmeer r ccuurrll 22 1122**** 33001100 6600 IInncclliinne e EEZZ--bbaar r ttrriicceepps s PRPREESSSS 22 1122****** 44001100 6600 D

Diiaammoonndd pprreessss--uupp 11 FF** 33001100 00 *3 times

*3 times to failure, 20 to failure, 20 sec pause at sec pause at top position top position **Last set drop **Last set drop set set ***Straight into diamond ***Straight into diamond presspress


MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 3 3 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt L

Lyyiinngghhaammssttrriinnggccuurrll 22 66** 44001100 3300 S

Sqquuaatt 22 1122**** 33001100 6600


Leeggpprreessss 11 5050 11001100 112200 F

Faarrmmeerr’’ss wwaallkk 44 4400mm XX 00


ReevveerrsseeSSlleeddddrraagg 44 4400mm XX 9900--112200 D

Deecclliinne e ppllaannk k wwiitth h ffoooot t ttoouucchh 44 2244 22111111 3300 G

Gaarrhhaammmmeerr rraaiissee 44 1122 22001100 6600 *Final set drop set

*Final set drop set **Increase weight to failure at **Increase weight to failure at 6 reps, reduce and perform 6 reps, reduce and perform 6 more, repeat twice6 more, repeat twice more for 4 parts



Raacckk DDeeaaddlliifftt 55 55 33111111 9900 S

Seeaatteed d BBaarrbbeelll l sshhoouullddeer r pprreessss 55 55 44001100 9900 R

Reevveerrsse e iinncclliinne e dduummbbbbeelll l rrooww 44 66 33001100 9900 D

Duummbbbbeellllhhiigghhppuullll 44 66 22001100 9900 IInncclliinne e rreevveerrsse e dduummbbbbeelll l flyfly 33 1155 33001100 00 D Duummbbbbeellllsshhrruugg 33 1155 22001100 00 F Faacceeppuullll 33 1515 22001100 6600 M MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 4 4 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt IInncclliinneebbeenncchhpprreessss 55 55 44001100 9900 U

Unnddeerrhhaannd d ggrriip p cchhiin n uupp 55 55 44001100 9900 T

Trriicceeppss ddiipp 44 77 33001100 7755 P

Prreeaacchheer r dduummbbbbeelll l hhaammmmeer r ccuurrll 44 77 33001100 7755 B

Baarrbbeellll rroolllloouutt 44 66 44001100 6600 H

Haannggiinngg lleegg rraaiissee 44 1122 44001100 9900


MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 4 4 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt S

Sqquuaatt 66** 66 44001100 115500


Lyyiinng g hhaammssttrriinng g ccuurrll 66** 44 44001111 112200 R

Reevveerrsse e dduummbbbbeelll l sslleed d ddrraagg 44 4400mm XX 00 D

Duummbbbbeellllsstteepp--uupp 44 1155 22001100 9900 *After final set, reduce weight and perform 25 reps



Puulllluupp 33 66 44001100 1100


Duummbbbbeellllppuulllloovveerr 33 88 33001100 1100 S

Seeaatteeddccaabbllee rrooww 33 88 33001100 1100 R

Raacckk DDeeaaddlliifftt 33 1100 22111111 112200 S

Seeaatteeddsshhoouullddeerr prrep essss 33 66 44001100 00 C

Caabbllee llaatteerraallrraaiissee 33 1100 22001100 00 C

Caabbllee uupprriigghhtt rrooww 33 1122 22001100 9900


MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 5 5 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt IInncclliinne e dduummbbbbeelll l bbeenncch h pprreessss 33 66 33111100 1100 D Deecclliinneebbeenncchhpprreessss 33 66 44001100 1100 D Duummbbbbeellllbbeenncchh pprreessss 33 66 44001100 9900 E EZZbbaarrpprreeaacchheerr ccuurrll 33 66 44001100 1100 IInncclliinneedduummbbbbeellllcucurrll 33 66 33111100 1100 Kneeling overhead cable curl

Kneeling overhead cable curl (Underhand grip, pull behind head (Underhand grip, pull behind head facing station) facing station) 3 3 66 33001111 1100 T Trriicceeppss ddiippss 33 66 44001100 1100 D

Deecclliinne e llyyiinng g ttrriicceepps s eexxtteennssiioonn 33 66 44001100 1100 Standing overhead triceps extension

Standing overhead triceps extension (Rope pull away from station)

(Rope pull away from station)


3 66 33111100 4455


MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 5 5 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt L

Lyyiinngghhaammssttrriinnggccuurrll 44 66 33001100 1100 W

Weeiigghhtteed d gglluutteeuus s bbrriiddggee 44 66 22001111 00 W

Waallkkiinng g dduummbbbbeelll l lluunnggee 44 4400mm XX 9900 F

Frroonnt t ssqquuaat t ((ccoommpplleette e iin n 225 5 mmiinnss))** 1100 66 33001100 00 S

Sqquuaat t ((ccoommpplleette e bbootth h iin n 25 25 mmiinnss))** 1100 99 33001100 6600 B

Baarrbbeellll rroolllloouutt 44 66 44001100 00 H

Haannggiinngg lleegg rraaiissee 44 1122 44001100 3300 D



Laattppuullll--ddoowwnn 22 1100 44001100 9900 S

Seeaatteeddccaabbllee rrooww 22** 1100 33001100 9900 R

Reevveerrsseebbeenncchhrrooww 11** 1100 33001100 00 S

Seeaatteed d dduummbbbbeelll l sshhoouullddeer r pprreessss 11 1515 33001100 3300 C

Caabbllee llaatteerraallrraaiissee 22** 1122 33001100 00 F

Faacceeppuullll 22** 1212 33001100 3300 B

Baarrbbeellll rroolllloouutt 22 88 44001100 6600 *Final set drop set

*Final set drop set M

MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 6 6 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt IInncclliinneebbeenncchhpprreessss 22 1100 33001100 3300 IInncclliinneedduummbbbbeellllflyfly 22 1122 33001100 3300 T

Trriicceeppss ddiippss 11 FF** 44001100 9900 S

Sppiiddeer r ccuurrl l ((SSttaannddiinng g pprreeaacchheer r ccuurrll)) 22 1122 33001111 00 D

Deecclliinne e EEZ Z babar r ttrriicceepps s eexxtteennssiioonn 22 1122 44001100 9900 S

Sttaannddiinng g ccaabblle e hhaammmmeer r ccuurrll 22 1122**** 33001100 00 IInncclliinne e EEZ Z bbaar r ttrriicceepps s pprreessss 22 1122++ 44001100 00 D

Diiaammoonndd pprreessss uupp 11 FF 22001100 9900 *3 times to failure, isolate at top position 20 seconds

*3 times to failure, isolate at top position 20 seconds **Final set drop set +Straight into last set**Final set drop set +Straight into last set M

MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 6 6 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt L

Lyyiinngghhaammssttrriinnggccuurrll 22** 66 44001100 9900 S

Sqquuaatt 22** 1122 33001100 112200


Leeggpprreessss 11 5050 11001100 118800 F

Faarrmmeerr’’ss wwaallkk 44 3300mm XX 00


Reevveerrsseesslleeddddrraagg 44 3300mm XX 118800 D

Deecclliinne e dduummbbbbeelll l ccrruunncchh 44 1122 33001100 3300 T

Tooeess ttoobbaarr 44 1100 33001100 00


Haannggiinngg lleegg rraaiissee 44 1100 33001100 6600 *All sets are drop sets, you should be failing at stated rep amounts



Puulllluupp 33 88 44001100 1100


Duummbbbbeellllppuulllloovveerr 33 1100 33111111 00 S

Seeaatteeddccaabbllee rrooww 33 1122 33001100 9900 R

Reevveerrsseebbeenncchhrrooww 33 1122 33001111 00 S

Seeaatteed d dduummbbbbeelll l sshhoouullddeer r pprreessss 33 1010 44001100 9900 IInncclliinne e rreevveerrsse e dduummbbbbeelll l flyfly 33 2200 22001100 00 F

Faacceeppuullll 33 2020 22001100 9900


MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 7 7 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt IInncclliinne e dduummbbbbeelll l bbeenncch h pprreessss 33 1100 44001100 9900 IInncclliinneedduummbbbbeellllflyfly 33 1100 33111100 00 T

Trriicceeppss ddiipp 33 1100 44001100 9900 IInncclliinneedduummbbbbeellllcucurrll 33 1100 33111111 00 D

Deecclliinne e EEZ Z bbaar r ttrriicceepps s pprreessss 33 1122 44001100 9900 E

EZZbbaarrpprreeaacchheerr ccuurrll 33 1100 33001100 00 Standing overhead cable triceps

Standing overhead cable triceps extension extension 3 3 1100 33001100 9900 M MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 7 7 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt S Sqquuaatt 55 1122 44001100 6600 W

Waallkkiinng g dduummbbbbeelll l lluunnggee 55 7700mm XX 112200 R

Reevveerrsseesslleeddddrraagg 55 7700mm XX 118800 C



Waallkkiinng g dduummbbbbeelll l lluunnggee 55 4400mm 22001100 00 H

Heexx bbaarr DDeeaaddlliifftt 55 2200 22001100 00 L

Lyyiinngghhaammssttrriinnggccuurrll 55 1100 22001111 00 S

Siissssyy ssqquuaatt 55 1155 22001100 112200 IInncclliinneedduummbbbbeellllcucurrll 44 1155 22001100 00 D

Deecclliinne e EEZ Z bbaar r ttrriicceepps s pprreessss 44 1155 22001100 00 IInncclliinneehhaammmmeerrcucurrll 44 1155 20201111 00 D

Deecclliinne e EEZ Z babar r ttrriicceepps s eexxtteennssiioonn 44 1155 22001100 9900

M MIICCRROOCCYYCCLLE E 8 8 SSeetts s RReepps s TTeemmppo o RReesstt C Chhiinn uupp 33 1212 22001100 00 T Trriicceeppss ddiipp 33 1155 22001100 7755 R Reevveerrsseebbeenncchhrrooww 33 1122 22001100 00 IInncclliinne e dduummbbbbeelll l bbeenncch h pprreessss 33 1122 22001100 7755 S

Seeaatteeddccaabbllee rrooww 33 1155 33001100 00 D

Duummbbbbeelll l bbeenncch h pprreessss 33 1155 33001100 7755 F

Faacceeppuullll 33 1155 22001111 00


Caabbllee ccrroossssoovveerr 33 2255 33001111 6600

Tempo: Tempo:

Speed at which lift and lower weight during rep Speed at which lift and lower weight during rep 1st number: Time weight is lowered

1st number: Time weight is lowered

2nd number: Time movement is held at bo 2nd number: Time movement is held at bottomttom 3rd number: Time weight is lifted

3rd number: Time weight is lifted

4th number: Time held at top of movement 4th number: Time held at top of movement X - Explosive lift X - Explosive lift Workout days: Workout days: M1 - 1 through to 8 M1 - 1 through to 8 M2 - 9 through to 17 M2 - 9 through to 17 M3 - 18 through to 20 M3 - 18 through to 20 M4 - 21 through to 29 M4 - 21 through to 29 M5 - 30 through to 38 M5 - 30 through to 38 M6 - 39 through to 41 M6 - 39 through to 41 M7 - 42 through to 44 M7 - 42 through to 44 M8 - 45 through to 47 M8 - 45 through to 47


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