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DNA hybridization probe for clinical diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica


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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MIcROBIOLOGY, Apr. 1989, p.671-676 0095-1137/89/040671-06$02.00/0

CopyrightC 1989, American Society for Microbiology


Hybridization Probe for Clinical Diagnosis of





DepartmentofTropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health,' andDepartment of Pathology, Brigham and

Women'sHospital,2 Boston, Massachusetts 02115;Division of


Diseases, University of California, San Diego, Medical Center, SanDiego, California 920933;and Laboratorio de Parasitologia, Colonia Napoles, MexicoCity, Mexico4

Received 17 August1988/Accepted 15 December 1988

As an alternative to microscopic identification of Entamoeba histolytica parasites isolated from-stool, a

sensitive andspecies-specificDNAhybridizationprobewasmadefor rapid diagnosis ofE.histolytica parasites

inclinical samples directly appliedtonylon membranes.TheDNA hybridization probewasmade by screening agenomic library ofavirulentHM-1:IMSS strain ofE.histolyticatodetect recombinant plasmidscontaining

highly repeated parasite DNAsequences.Fourplasmid clones that reactedacrossEntamoeba speciescodedfor

highly repeatedrRNAgenesofE.histolytica. Four other plasmid cloneswereE.histolytica specificinthat they

bound to four axenized and nine xenic strains of E. histolytica but did not recognize closely related E.

histolytica-like Laredo, Entamoeba moshkovskii, or Entamoeba invadens parasites. The diagnostic clones

detected as few as eight cultured amoebae and did not distinguish between pathogenic and nonpathogenic zymodemes of E. histolytica. The diagnostic clones were sequenced and contained 145-base-pair sequences

which appear to be tandemly repeated in the genome. No stable transcript which is homologous to the diagnosticDNAwas detected. Inastudyof stoolsamples from MexicoCity shown by microscopytocontain

E. histolytica, Entamoebacoli, Giardia lamblia, Endolimaxnana, Trichuris trichiuria, andChilomastix mesnili

parasites,the DNAhybridization probedemonstratedasensitivityof 1.0andaspecificityof 0.93. Weconclude

that the DNAhybridization probecanbeused forrapid andaccuratediagnosisof E. histolyticaparasites.

Entamoeba histolytica is an enteric protozoan parasite which causes amoebic dysentery in humans (12, 26). The

mostcommoninfectionwith E.histolyticaisasymptomatic,

in which the amoeboid forms of the parasite, called tropho-zoites, reside-in the lumen of the colon and transform to cysts, which are passed in the feces. Such asymptomatic

infections with E. histolytica arefrequent among

homosex-ualmenin Westerncountries (1). However, E.histolytica is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing

countries such asMexico andIndia, because the

trophozo-ites mayinvade thecolonic mucosaandcausedysenteryor

liverabscesses orboth.

Presently, infections with E. histolyticaare diagnosed by

light microscopy identification of trophozoites or ofcysts

separated from stool by dilution, filtration, and flotation

during centrifugation (5). These methodsaretimeconsuming

and require extensive experience to assure accuracy of

morphologicalidentification. Pastorpresentinvasive

amoe-biasismaybe suggested by the identification of antiamoebic antibodies in patient serum(24).

In this paper, recombinant DNA methodologies previ-ouslyusedtocreatesensitive andspecific diagnostic probes

for Plasmodiumfalciparum and Onchocerca volvulus para-sites (3, 21) are applied toE. histolytica. We show that the DNA hybridization probe binds to highly repeated and species-specific DNA sequences in E. histolytica and that theprobecanbe usedtoidentify parasites directlyinpatient

stool samples.

* Correspondingauthor.


Entamoeba strains. Trophozoites of E. histolytica strains

(Table 1), E. histolytica-like Laredo,andEntamoeba mosh-kovskiiwereobtained fromL. Diamond, NationalInstitutes

ofHealth, Bethesda, Md.,andgrownaxenicallyin TYI-S-33 medium (8). Entamoeba invadens trophozoites were

ob-tained from the American Type Culture Collection,

Gaith-ersburg, Md.,and culturedaxenically. Clinical isolatesof E.

histolytica (Table 1) obtained from stools or liver abscess

fluids submitted to the Microbiology Laboratory of the

University ofCalifornia, San Diego, Medical Center were

cultured in Robinson medium (18) and subsequently trans-ferred toTYSGM mediumcontainingEscherichia coli0111

(7). Forzymodeme identification, parasites were lysedand

electrophoresed on thin-layer starch gels, and the relative

mobilities ofglucose-phosphate isomerase, NADP+

oxido-reductase, phosphoglucomutase, and hexokinase were de-termined(20).Otherzymodeme-characterizedstrains(Table 1) were from P. Sargeaunt, LondonSchool ofHygiene and

Tropical Medicine, London, England.

Preparationof E. histolytica nucleic acids. For DNA,

tro-phozoites of E. histolytica growing in axenic cultures were

washedinphosphate-buffered saline, lysed in 10 volumesof

lysisbuffer(1% N-lauroyl sarcosyl[sarcosyl],8 Murea. 0.16

M sodium phosphate buffer [pH 6.8]), and extracted with

phenol-chloroform. DNA in thelysis solutionwas boundto

a hydroxylapatite column, which was washed in 8 M urea

and 0.16 M phosphate and then in 0.19 M phosphate to

remove carbohydrates and RNA, respectively. DNA was

eluted with 0.48 M phosphate, dialyzed-exhaustively in 10 mM Tris and 1 mM EDTA, pH 8, and concentrated by

ethanol precipitation. RNAwasprepared by lysing

tropho-zoites in 5.7 M guanidinium isothiocyanate, 1% sarcosyl,

and 5%


and centrifugingthemthrougha


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TABLE 1. Strains of Entainoeba species andhybridization results


Species Strain Culture Zymodeme' Source

pEH2 pEH6

E. histolytica HM-1:IHSS Axenic II ((P) Diamond + +

E. histolytica CDC:0784:4 Axenic Il(P) Diamond + +

E. histolytica HK-9 Axenic I1 (P) Diamond + +

E. histolytica 200-NIH Axenic I1 (P) Diamond + +

E. histolytica 53 Xenic Il (P) Reed + +

E. histolytica 1519 Xenic XIV (P) Sargeaunt + +

E. histolytica 1453 Xenic XIV(P) Sargeaunt + +

E. histolytica 1704 Xenic XIX(P) Sargeaunt + +

E. histolytica 1721 Xenic XIX(P) Sargeaunt + +

E. histolytica 100 Xenic I(NP) Reed + +

E. histolytica 98 Xenic lll (NP) Reed + +

E. histolytica 1749 Xenic Il (NP) Sargeaunt + +

E. histolytica Laredo Axenic Diamond - +

E. moshkovskii Axenic Diamond - +

E.invadens Axenic ATCC - +

Zymodemesasdefined by Sargeauntetal.(20).P.Pathogenic; NP,nonpathogenic.

b Hybridization withpEH2,an E.histolytica-specific probe,orpEH6,anrRNA geneprobe whichhybridizesacrossEntainoebaspecies.

cesium chloride cushion (14). RNA was radiolabeled for

Southern hybridizationby a kinasereaction (14).

Screening of an E. histolytica genomic DNA library for highly


DNAsequences. Genomic DNA ofthe

HM-1:IMSS strain of E. histolytica was partially cut with the

restriction enzyme Sau3A to produce fragments ranging in

molecular size from 300 to 5,000 base pairs (bp) on 1%

agarosegels. Thegenomic DNAfragmentswereligated into

theplasmid pUC18, whichwas cutwith BamHIand treated

with calfintestinal phosphatase, and were transformed into JM109 cells. Some 400colonies were lifted onto

nitrocellu-lose and hybridized with nick-translated (14)genomic DNA of E. histolytica.

Characterization of recombinant DNA clones. Twelve recombinant plasmid clones (pEH1 through pEH12) were

selected, purifiedon



radiola-beled, and hybridized to(i) dotblotsof Entamoeba

tropho-zoites(aspreparedbelow),(ii) Southern blots ofE.

histolyt-ica DNA which was restriction cut, separated on 1 or 2%

agarosegels(1 ,ug perlane),and transferredtonitrocellulose

or Genescreen Plus nylon membranes (Dupont, NEN



Boston, Mass.), or (iii) Northern (RNA)

blots of E. histolytica RNAwhich was separated on

dena-turinggels containing 1% agarose and 6% formaldehyde or

1%agaroseand1.2%methyl mercury (14) andtransferred to

nitrocellulose. For nitrocellulose, hybridizations were

per-formed at42°C overnightin 50%formamide, 10x Denhardt

solution, 5x SSC (lx SSC is 0.15 M NaCI plus 0.015 M

sodium citrate), and 500 ,ug ofherring sperm DNA per ml

(22), followed by three 30-min washes in 0.5% sodium

dodecylsulfate(SDS) and 0.1% SSC. For Genescreen Plus,

hybridizations were performed at 42°C overnight in 50%

formamide, 1 M NaCl, 1% SDS, 10% dextran, and herring

spermDNA, followed by two 30-min washes in 2x SSC at

22°C, 2x SSC and 1% SDS at 65°C, and


SSC at 220C.

The sizeof the insert DNA in recombinantDNAclones was determined by cutting with restriction enzymes and by agarosegel electrophoresis.

DNAsequence analysis. pEH5 and pEH11, two E.

histolyt-ica-specific recombinantDNA clones containing 145-bp

in-serts in the opposite orientation


thepolylinker, and

pEH3, pEH4, pEH6, and pEH10, four recombinant clones

coding for rRNA gene sequences, were subcloned into

M13mpl8 and M13mpl9. Single-stranded DNA was

pre-pared from recombinant phage, and the DNA sequence was determined with the dideoxy chain termination method of Sanger et al. (19). Both pEH5 andpEH11 were sequenced

completelyin both directions,whilepartialsequencesof the

rRNA clones were compared with homologous sequences for the small-subunit rRNA sequence ofDictyostelium dis-coideum (15) to locate the clones on the rRNA gene. To

determinewhether therewereanysignificantDNA sequence

homologies between the 145-bp E. histolytica-specific

diag-nostic sequence and other known DNA sequences, the entire GenBank was searched by using a Lipman-Pearson FASTNalgorithm with a k-tuple of 2.

Dotblots. E. histolytica DNA wasdiluted in 10 mM Tris and 1 mM EDTA, pH 8, denatured in 0.25 N NaOH, and spotted onto nylon membranes by usinga 96-spot minifold apparatus (Schleicher & Schuell, Inc., Keene, N.H.). For determination of copy number, inserts ofpEH5 and pEH6 were electroeluted from agarose gels, diluted, and spotted

onto nylon membranes and hybridized in parallel with

tro-phozoites. Trophozoites ofaxenized amoebaewere washed

in phosphate-buffered saline, counted with a

hemacytome-ter, diluted, lysed in 10 mM Tris, 100 mM EDTA, 0.1%

TritonX-100, and 100


ofproteinase K permlfor60min

at 50°C (3), denatured with NaOH, and spotted. Xenic cultures oftrophozoites wereseparated from most bacteria

by means ofa Percoll gradient(17), extensively washed in

phosphate-buffered saline,frozen in 10 mM Tris and 100 mM

EDTA, andshippedfrom SanDiegotoBoston. Frozen xenic cultures werethawed, diluted, andlysed before application

to nylonmembranes.

Determination of the best conditions for detecting E.

his-tolytica parasites in stool. Optimal conditions for preparing

parasite DNAfrom stool samples were determined by trial

and error experiments in which cultured E. histolytica

trophozoitesweremixed with uninfectedstools,dotblotted,

andhybridizedwith theE.histolytica-specificclonepEH12.

Samples containing1,000 to5,000E.histolytica trophozoites

and 200 ,ul ofstool werediluted into 800 pi of10 mMTris buffer and then incubated for 1 hat 37°Cwith either 0to500

mM EDTA, 0to 1% SDS, or 0.5 N NaOH. Subsequently,

stool bacteriaanddebriswereremovedbycentrifugationfor

1min inamicrocentrifuge.Then, 100 ,ulof each supernatant

was spotted in duplicate ontonylon membranes, denatured with 0.5 N NaOH if this had not been done already, and

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hybridized with radiolabeled pEH12. Alternatively, the 1,400-bp insert of pEH12 was cut out of the plasmid, separated on an agarose gel, and radiolabeled to reduce background hybridization.

Because it is not possible to make E. histolytica cysts in vitro, E. invadens cysts prepared by removing glucose from the medium and incubating for 4 days (25) were used to determine the best way to release DNA from cysts. Contam-inating E. invadens trophozoites were removed fromthe cyst preparations by lysis in 1% Nonidet P-40, which did not disrupt the cysts. E. invadens cysts (1,000 to5,000/ml) were washed three times by centrifugation inphosphate-buffered saline and then incubated for1 h at 37°C either in 1% SDS, 5.7 M guanidinium isothiocyanate, and 0.5 NNaOH in 0.14 M NaCl or in 100 ng of proteinase K perml. Alternatively, cysts werefrozen indry ice and ethanol andthawed in a 37°C water bath three times, boiled for 5 min in 10% SDS, or sonicated for 1 min with a probe sonicator. Cyst walls were pelleted with a microcentrifuge, and samples of the super-natants were spotted onto nylon filters and hybridized with radiolabeled genomic E. invadens DNA, because the E. histolytica-specific probes did not bind to them.

Preparation of patient stool samples. Stool samples (123) came from patients referred by their physicians to the Laboratorio de Parasitologia in Mexico City for identifica-tion of intestinal parasites. Cysts and eggs were concen-trated by flotation from 10 to 50 g of stool (5),and parasites were identified bymorphology bymicroscopic examination. Parallel samples contained 1 g of untreated stool directly frozen or cysts concentrated by flotation. The concentrated cysts were divided into two samples: one frozendirectly and the other fixed with 10%Formalin before freezing.

To each patientsample, 0.5 mlof 10 mM Tris and 500 mM EDTA, pH 8, were added upon thawing toprevent degrada-tion of DNA, andsamples were frozen in ethanol-dry ice and thawed in water at 37°C for three cycles to rupture cysts. One hundred microliters ofeachsamplewasdirectly applied

to the minifold after a spin (14,000 rpm, 1 min) to remove

unlysed bacteria and stool debris, and the DNA on the

membranes was subsequently denatured with 0.5 N NaOH and 1.5 M NaCI. To prevent background hybridization of vector sequences to stool, the 1,400-bp insert of pEH12, a recombinant clone specific for E. histolytica DNA, was cut out withEcoRI andHindIII, electrophoresedin

low-melting-point agarose, andradiolabeledbyrandom-oligomerpriming (10). Afterall the DNA hybridizations of the stool samples

were completed and positive and negative samples were

identified, themicroscopic diagnoses were sent from Mexico City. The sensitivity of the hybridization probe was calcu-lated by dividing thenumber ofsamplesidentified as positive withbothmicroscopy and DNAhybridization by the number positive withmicroscopyalone. Thespecificity of the probe wascalculated by dividing the number ofsamples identified as negative with bothmicroscopyand the DNA probe by the number negative with microscopy alone.


Specificity oftheDNAhybridization probe for E. histolytica. When a genomic library of E. histolytica was screened for

highlyrepeated DNAsequences, two classes ofrecombinant

plasmid clones were obtained. In the first class were four clones (pEH2, pEH5, pEH11, andpEH12) which appeared specific for E. histolytica DNA sequences. These clones bound to all the axenized strains of E. histolytica tested but did not bindtoclosely related E. histolytica-like Laredo, E.

E.h. E.m. E.i.



2 C L

- 1250

eç 250 ' *


* 50 &


zm 1250



c 250

t 50


r--H 2 C

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E.m. Ed.

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FIG. 1. Specificity of binding of recombinant DNA clones to dot

blottedEntamnoeba species. (A) Nick-translated pEH2, one of four diagnostic hybridization probes, bound to trophozoites of HM-1:IHSS (lane H),200-NIH(lane2), and CDC:0784:4(laneC) strains of E. histolytica (E.h) but did not bind to trophozoites of E.

histolvtica-like Laredo (lane L), E. moshkovskii (E.m.), or E.

invadens (E.i.). (B) In contrast, pEH6, a cloned portion of the small-subunitrRNA gene ofE.histolytica, bound toall Entamoeba species tested.

moshkovskii, or E. invadens parasites (Fig. 1A andTable 1). The clonesdid not bind tohuman, Giardia, or bacterial DNA (data not shown). These E. histolytica-specific clones recog-nized all E. histolytica trophozoites tested, including three pathogenic(II,XIV, and XIX)and twononpathogenic (I and

III) zymodemes of E. histolytica growing in xenic cultures

(Fig. 2 and Table 1).

In contrast, a second class of recombinantplasmid clones (pEH3, pEH4, pEH6, and pEH10) recognized repeated DNA sequences which were conserved across Entamoeba species (Fig. 1B and Table 1). These nonspecific clones appeared to code for portions of the rRNA gene of E.

# of parasites

800 400 200 100 50 25 12

1519 *




1 72 *-*

E Ini

FIG. 2. Representativehybridizationofthe


recombi-nant DNA clone pEH2 to



species. Radiolabeled


insert bound to axenically cultured

HM-1:IHSS (HM-1)andxenic cultures of isolates 1519, 100, and 1721 (Table 1) with similar affinities,


about the same

target copy number in each. Asacontrol,


did not bindtoE.

invadens(E. inv) spottedinparallel. VOL. 27, 1989

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H C 2 B

IKb CX^ Kb

~~~2 3



~ ~ ~ .

2«3 «









o.3 o ; .





0 3

FIG. 3. Southern blots ofE.histolyticaDNAhybridizedwith the

species-specificclonepEH5. DNAsofHM-1:IHSS(lane H),CDC: 0784:4 (lane C), and 200-NIH (lane 2) were cut with TaqI (A) or Sau3A(B). The ladder producedbyincomplete cutting with TaqI shows that the sequence recognized is a tandem repeat. With Sau3A, there was a 1.2-kilobase (Kb)-long restriction fragment length polymorphism, which distinguished200-NIH amoebae from theother two E. histolytica strains.

histolytica, becausethey hybridized to Northern blots ofE.

histolytica RNA and to bands on Southern blots of E.

histolytica DNA, which were also recognized by

radiola-beled E. histolytica RNA(data notshown;4). Partial DNA

sequencing of the clone pEH6 showed homology with the

small-subunitrRNA geneof D.discoideum(16)beginningat

about300bp fromthe 5' endandcontinuingtothe 3' end of

thé gene (data not shown).

Molecularanalysis of theE.histolytica-specific recombinant clones. The four E. histolytica-specific recombinant DNA

clones showednearly identicalpatternsonSouthernblotsof

restriction-enzyme-cut E. histolytica DNA and so

recog-nized thesamehighly repeatedsequenceswithin theparasite

genome (Fig. 3). The sequences recognized were tandem

145-bp long repeats, as shownby the laddersformed when

thegenomicDNA waspartially digested withTaqI(Fig.3A).

Adegeneracy in the repeat oramodification ofasubset of

the repeat


was suggested by the failure to cut

completely with Sau3A(Fig. 3B).

Whenparasite DNA was cut with Sau3A and hybridized

with the diagnostic clone, there was a 1.2-kilobase band in

theDNA fromthe 200-NIHstrain that was not present in the

DNA of the HM-1:IHSS or CDC:0784:4 strain (Fig. 3B).

This restriction fragment length polymorphism may have

potential value in developing a method to distinguish strains

ofE. histolytica, ashasbeen shown forrestriction fragment

length polymorphism defined by an rRNA gene probe (4).

pEH5 and pEH11 each contained single 145-bp inserts, which were in opposite directions within the polylinker of the plasmids. The DNA


of these inserts were

identical, AT-rich, and contained no significant open reading





TAATTTCTAA CTGGGAAAAT CGATC 3' 145 FIG. 4. DNAsequence of145-bp tandemly repeatedE. histolyt-ica-specific sequence. The DNA sequences of the inserts ofpEH5

andpEH11 were identical. Analysis of the sequence revealedno

significant open readingframes.

frames (Fig. 4). There were no DNA sequences found in a

search of the entire GenBank with significant homologyto

the145-bpE.histolytica diagnosticinsert.pEH2and


contained1,800-and1,400-bp inserts,which werècomposed

oftandem repeats of 145bpasdeterminedby partialdigests

with TaqI of gel-purified inserts (data not shown). The E. histolytica-specific recombinant clones did not bind to

Northern blots ofparasiteRNA, suggesting that therepeated

DNA sequences were nottranscribed orthatmRNAswere toofew or toounstable tobe detected.

Sensitivity of the diagnostic clones. The E.

histolytica-specific recombinant clones were very sensitive, detecting as

fewaseightcultured E.histolytica trophozoitesin dotblots

afteranovernight exposure(Fig.5A).Using dilutions of the

145-bp insert spotted in parallel to measure amoeba DNA

content,weestimated that eachparasite contains 50to100fg

of the 145-bprepeat (Fig. SA). Ifweassume that each cell

A # of Parasites

500 250 125 62 31 16 8



40 20 10 5 2.5 1.2 0.6

pg of pEH5 Insert DNA

B # of Parasites

500 250 125 62 31 16 8 4





40 20 10 5 2.5 1.2 0.6 0.3

pg of pEH6 Insert DNA

FIG. 5. Estimation ofcopynumberofinserts of pEH5andpEH6 in HM-1:IHSS trophozoites. Cultured parasites were diluted and spotted in parallel withdilutionsofpurified inserts of pEH5,which containsa145-bpspecies-specificDNAsequence, andpEH6, which

contains1,600bp of the small-subunit rRNA gene of E. histolytica.

RadiolabeledpEH5(A)and pEH6(B)insertsbothdetectedasfew

as eight parasites, and thereappeared tobeabout 50to100fgof eachtargetDNAperparasite.


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1 1 z* *

7 5

45 * *



FIG. 6. Representative hybridization of the diagnostic DNA probewithstoolsamples.Clinicalsampleswerefrozen andthawed,

centrifuged, spottedintriplicate,andhybridizedwitharadiolabeled pEH12 insert. On the left is the number of each stool sample. Numbers 11, 45,and68arepositive byourcriterion.

contains about 500 fg of DNA (9), the 145-bp repeat

com-prisesat least 10% of the amoebaDNA.Thereappeared to be 50to100fgof thepEH6insert DNApertrophozoite (Fig. SB), suggestingthat the rRNAgenes mayalsocompose10% of theparasite genome.

Conditions for detecting E. histolytica parasites in stool. Cultured E. histolytica trophozoiteswere mixed with unin-fected stools, dot blotted, and probed with the diagnostic

clone pEH12 todetermine by trial and errorconditions for

preserving target DNA andeliminating background

hybrid-ization. We found that the addition of 500 mM EDTA to stool samples was necessary to prevent the rapid

degrada-tionofparasite DNAby stool DNases. A brief

microcentri-fuge spin to remove bacteria and particulate debris greatly

increased theamountofsamplethatcould beapplied tothe filters. Background hybridization was reduced when the

1,400-bpinsert DNAof thediagnosticsequencepEH12was

cut out and separated by agarose gel electrophoresis from the pUC vector before radiolabeling. Comparison of E.

histolytica trophozoites spotted with or without stool

sug-gested that the addition ofstool decreases the sensitivityof theprobe byabout oneorder ofmagnitude.

The best methodofreleasing DNAfrom the E. invadens cysts appeared to be by freezing and thawing three times,

whichmechanically rupturedthe cyst walls. Sonication also released parasite DNA from the cysts butwas labor

inten-sive and potentially hazardous because of production of aerosols during the procedure. In contrast, treatment of cysts withSDS, 0.5 NNaOH, proteinase K, orguanidinium did not release the parasite DNA. We decided therefore to dilute each of the patient samples in four parts of buffer

containing10 mM Tris and 500 mMEDTA,freeze and thaw the samples three times, and then pellet away bacteria and debris before applying the samplestothe nylon filters.

Detection of E. histolytica parasitesinclinicalsamples.The E. histolytica-specific probe pEH12was testedagainst

clin-ical samples from Mexico City in which parasites had been identified by microscopy. To perform a blind trial, the

investigators performingthehybridizationsdidnotknow the resultsof the microscopyuntil after thehybridizationswere

performedand scored. Stoolorpurified cystsand ova were

frozen and thawed to break open cysts in the presence of EDTA to prevent DNase activity, dot blotted onto nylon filters, and hybridized with radiolabeled insert DNA of

pEH12 (Fig. 6). The DNA hybridization probe correctly

identified 25of 25 stools containingE.



for a sensitivity of 1.0. The probe found seven stools to

contain E. histolyîtica parasites found by microscopy to contain otherparasites, not E.


for a specificity of 0.93. These so-called false-positives did not appear to be systematic as they included 4 of 36 Giardia lamblia, 2 of 20 Endolimax nana, 1 of 14 Entamoeba coli, 0 of 8 Chilomastix mesnili, and 0 of 3 Trichuris trichiuria. Ninety-one samples were found not to contain E. histolytica parasites by the DNA hybridization probe. Finally, the probe recognized

equally well parasites from unfractionated stool or from

purified cyst preparations.


DNA hybridization probes fordiagnosis of E. histolytica

were made by identifying and cloning highly repeated and

species-specific amoeba DNA sequences. In a blind study,

these diagnostic probes accurately identified E. histolytica

parasitesin patient samples from Mexico City.

Two types of DNA sequences are highly repeated inE.

histolytica. First, there is the tandemly repeated, slightly

degenerate, AT-rich 145-bplong sequence, which is species

specific. This sequence does not appear to be transcribed

into stable RNA and so is similarto otherspecies-specific

and highly repeated DNA sequences used for diagnosis of

malaria and onchocerciasis (3, 21). The function of these

parasite sequences and similar species-specific repeated

DNA sequences in the mammalian genome is not known (13). Second, the rRNA genes of E. histolytica are also

highly repeated, presumablytoamplifytheamountofrRNA

produced by the parasites. Because major portions of the

rRNA genesareconservedacrossspecies (15),thecomplete

rRNA geneswere notusefulasdiagnostic probes.However,

portions ofthe rRNA genes that appeartobespecies specific

have recently been identified (4).

The DNAhybridization probe developedhere recognized

all E. histolytica parasites tested but did not recognize E.

histolytica-like Laredo parasites. These Laredo parasites

likely represent a different species from E. histolytica

be-causetheyarenonpathogenic,growat25instead of37°C,do notbind monoclonal antibodies which bind to E. histolytica

(6), and fail to hybridize with portions of theE. histolytica rRNAgene(4).

The DNA hybridization probes did not distinguish be-tweenE. histolytica zymodemes. The potential importance

ofzymodeme analysis is that it may distinguish potentially

harmful from harmless parasites (20). A recent report sug-geststhatpathogenicandnonpathogenic zymodemesmaybe

distinguished by monoclonal antibody binding to cultured

trophozoites (23). However, whether the zymodeme of a

parasiteis fixedbyits genotypeorisaphenotypictrait with

differential expression dependent upon the environment of

theparasite is presently a subjectof controversy (16).

When compared with microscopy of cysts isolated from

stool by flotation, which is the gold standard for clinical

diagnosis ofE. histolytica, the DNA hybridization probe

performed well. The probe correctly identified 25 of 25

specimens containing E. histolytica and called positive

an-other7of98specimenscalled negative by microscopy.The latterpositives likelyrepresenterrors of the probe but may represent errors of the microscopist (samples were not

available for review by microscopy). Fortunately, these

errorsdidnotappeartobesystematicinthat othercommon

stoolparasitessuch asG.lamblia,E. nana, T.trichiuria, C.

mesnili, orE. coli were not overrepresented. Similar

false-positives have been reported for an ELISA that uses a

VOL. 27,1989

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monoclonal antibody to detect E. histolytica directly from stool (6). The ELISA correctly identified all samples

con-taining E. histolytica parasites seen by microscopy but showed an apparentfalse-positive rate of 13 of46positives (6). Previous ELISAs detectedtrophozoites butnot cysts in stool (2, 11).

The advantage of either the DNA hybridization probe or

the ELISA over microscopy is the brevity of specimen preparation: stool is directly spotted onto nylon filters or is solubilized and placed in microdilution wells, respectively. Inaddition, with the DNA probe as many as 96 specimens per sheettimes 10 to 20sheets can behybridized in parallel. Because DNA hybridization is a simple and potentially inexpensive method for diagnosing E. histolytica, this tech-nique might be used to survey large numbers of persons to estimateaccurately the prevalence of E. histolytica infection and to evaluate the effects of control measures to limit infection with amoebae. Finally, methods to use the poly-merase chain reaction to amplify target DNA and increase the sensitivity of the amoeba probe and to use nonradioac-tive detection systems to replace 32P-labeled probes are presently being developed in our lab.


This work was initiated with a grant from the Edna McConnell Clarke Foundation. Further support came from agrant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. J.S. is a Bur-roughs-Wellcome Life Science Research Foundation Fellow. D.W. is a Burroughs-Wellcome Scholar in Molecular Parasitology. R.A.-S.wassupported by a predoctoral training grant from CONACYT (Mexico). S.R. isaLucille Markey Foundation Fellow.


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on April 11, 2020 by guest



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