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Detection of infectious bursal disease viruses by using cloned cDNA probes


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CopyrightC 1989, American Society forMicrobiology

Detection of Infectious

Bursal Disease

Viruses by






FoodAnimal HealthResearch Program, Ohio AgriculturalResearch and Development Center,

The Ohio State





Received 8 June 1989/Accepted9 August 1989

Amolecular clonerepresenting 445 base pairsatthe3'endof infectiousbursaldiseasevirus (IBDV)genome

segmentBwasused inadot blot hybridization assaytodetectviralRNAfromcellculture and fromchicken

bursa and spleen tissue specimens. The cloned nucleotide sequence represents approximately 14% of the virus-encoded polymerase (VP-1) gene. The lower detection limitof radiolabeled probesprepared from this

clonewas0.1ngof IBDV double-stranded RNA. The probe hadbroad specificity andwasusedtodetectfour serotype1 IBDV strains andoneserotype2 IBDVstrain. This probe,however,didnot cross-reactwith nucleic acid extracted from nine unrelated poultry viruses. A rapidprocedurefor isolation ofIBDV genomic RNA frombursa and spleen tissue specimenswasdeveloped and used with the dot blothybridizationassaytodetect IBDVstrainsin tissue samples from experimentally infectedandcommercially rearedchickens.

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) infections have been observed in chickens since 1957 (5). It causes an immunosuppressive diseasein young chickens. Initially only one serotype of this birnavirus was thought to exist. How-ever, a second serotype isolated from turkeys was desig-nated serotype 2, and previously known isolates of IBDV from chickens were designated serotype 1 (13, 18). No pathogenicserotype 2viruseshave been isolated, and sero-type 1 viruses are pathogenic only in chickens. Several antigenic subtypes ofserotype 1 viruses havebeen described (12).

The IBDV genome consists of two segments of double-strandedRNA(dsRNA).Thelargestsegment (A)is approx-imately 3,400 base pairs long and contains a large open reading frame whichistranslatedinto apolyprotein(11). The smallersegment (B) is approximately 2,900base pairs long and encodes a 90,000-molecular-weight protein(20). Differ-ences in the electrophoretic mobilities ofthe genome seg-mentshavebeen observedbetween serotype 1and2viruses (3, 14).The nucleotide sequence homology ofgenome seg-mentsfromdifferentIBDV isolateshas not beenreported.

Diagnostic assays currently used forIBDV infection are the agar-gel precipitintest, the enzyme-linked immunosor-bentassay, the virusneutralizationassayin cell cultureand embryonated chicken eggs, immunofluorescence tech-niques, and electron microscopy. The


im-munosorbentassayis usedtodetectantibodiestothevirus. It is fast and sensitive butmay not be a reliable


assayforIBDV early in infection


Neutralizationassays and the agar-gel


test are also


to detect antibodies to IBDV.


with the


immunosorbent assay, neutralization assays are more dif-ficult and time


and the

agar-gel precipitin

testis less sensitive. Immunofluorescence


are used to

detectviralantigensin tissuesectionsor







Devel-opmentCenter,The Ohio StateUniversity.

tPresent address: Atlantic

Veterinary College,

University of

Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PrinceEdward Island CiA 4P3, Canada.

(1, 16). They are not used routinely for IBDV because it is difficultto test largenumbers of samples, expensive equip-ment is required, and false-negative results have been ob-tained with impression smear samples (1). A diagnostic assaywhichis notonlysensitive and fastbut can be adapted to test many samples for IBDV infections is needed.

Improved methods of DNA cloning and hybridization have led tothe developmentof diagnostic assays which use nucleic acid probes to detect human and animal pathogens (25). To examine the possibility of using DNA probes to detectIBDV,molecularclones of the virus were prepared in our laboratory. In this communication, we describe the


ofDNA probes from a cloned segment ofthe IBDV genome and the use of these probes to detect viral dsRNA in cell culture samples and tissue specimens from infected birds. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of IBDV cDNA probes for therapid diagnosis ofIBDV infec-tions inpoultry.


Viruses. The BB isolate isanattenuated vaccinestrain of IBDV which was commercially available





Ithaca,N.Y.).Thegenomeofthis viruswasused to obtain the cDNA clones used for


of the probes. Six IBDV isolates,


both serotypes (1 and2)andfour

antigenic subtypes



wereused in thedot-blot


assays. The serotype and sub-type of the viruses used in this




described(12) and are


in Table 1. Threeofthese isolates are


available serotype 1 vaccine strains:SAL






Iowa), D-78


Intervet America Inc., Mills-boro, Del.), and UV




Omaha, Nebr.). The



and E viruses are field isolates. The OH virus was isolated from


in Ohio (13). It is a serotype 2 virus which is


in chickens or


The MD and E viruses are


newserotype 1 isolates from chickens and


referred toasvariants(12).The





virus(ST-C)is used






toevaluate the


ofserotype1vaccines.Thisserotype 1 virus has notbeen


to cell culture and thus was


on April 11, 2020 by guest



TABLE 1. Serotypeandsubtypespecificities of IBDVisolates

Virusisolate Serotype Subtypea

BB 1 A


UV 1 B

D-78 i C

MD i F

E 1 F

ST-C 1 NDb


aSix antigenic subtypes of serotype 1 viruses were identified (11)and


bND, Notdetermined.ThehighlypathogenicST-C viruswasnotplaced

intoanantigenic subtype because it isnotadaptedtoreplicateincellculture.

cNA, Not applicable. The OH and other serotype 2 viruses were not

classified as toantigenicsubtype because ofthelimited number ofviruses


propagated in3-week-old


chicks(13). Because it is not adapted to cell




subgroup has notbeen determined. All virusesused in these studies except ST-C were grown and their titers were determinedingrivet monkey





Nine poultry viruses were used to determine the

speci-ficityof the BB-15probe. The viruses testedwereobtained fromacommercial vaccine manufacturer(American Scien-tific Laboratories) and included infectious laryngotracheitis virus (herpesvirus), fowl poxvirus, pigeon poxvirus, infec-tious bronchitis virus


LaSotaand Bi Newcas-tledisease viruses(paramyxoviruses),


enteritis virus (adenovirus), turkey herpesvirus (Marek's disease vaccine), andanavian reovirus.

RNA extraction and purification. Virus particles were harvested from cell culture fluid by using Freon (E. I. du Pont de Nemours &Co.,Inc., Wilmington, Del.) extraction aspreviously described (14). Chickenbursas


the ST-C virus were homogenized andthen frozenand thawed threetimes beforeFreonextraction.Freon-extractedviruses wereconcentratedbycentrifugationat132,000 x gfor3 hat 4°C. Viral pellets were suspended inTNE(10mMTris[pH 8.0], 100 mM NaCI, 1 mM EDTA)containing 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Proteinase K (SigmaChemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.) was added to a final concentration of2.0 mg/ml, andthe samples wereincubatedat37°Cfor 2 h. The RNAswere extractedwith phenol and chloroform and then precipitatedinethanol. Cellular DNA was removed by using RNase-free DNase I (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, Ind.) at a concentration of 100 U/mg of total nucleic acid.

dsRNAwasseparatedfromsingle-strandedRNA by using a modification of the CF-11 cellulose column procedure of Melloretal. (19). A 3-ml syringe was plugged with silicone-treated glass wool and filled with 1 g of CF-11 cellulose powder (Whatman International Ltd., Maidstone, England). Viral RNA samples were placed in STE (50 mM Tris [pH 7.0], 100mM


1 mM EDTA) containing 15% (vol/vol) ethanol. A 5.0-ml volume of STE-ethanol buffer was added to each column, followed by addition of thesamples. Each column was washed with 10 ml of STE-ethanol buffer, and the dsRNA was eluted in 4.0 ml of STE without ethanol. Beforecloning and hybridization


the viral RNA was concentrated by ethanolprecipitation.

Preparation of the BB-15 cDNA clone. The dsRNA genome segments of the BB virus were used. The IBDV RNA was placed in a 10-,ul volume of 90% dimethyl sulfoxide and heated at 65°C for 90 min. Just before being added to the

first-strand cDNA reactionmixture,the RNAwasheated for

anadditional 3 minat100°C.RandomcalfthymusDNAwas



thefirst-strand reaction. Denatured viral RNA (5.0


and random primers (1.0 p.g) were added to the reaction mixture containing 50 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 75 mM KCI, 10 mMMgCi2, 10 mMdithiothreitol,and the

deoxynu-cleoside triphosphates at 1.5 mM each. Reverse tran-scriptase (75 U; Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals) was added, and incubation was at 42°C for 2 h. Following incubation,thesampleswereethanolprecipitated. ds cDNA was synthesized by the procedures ofGubler and Hoffman (9). The reagents in this reaction mixture were identical to those used in the first-strand reaction, except that DNA polymerase I (25 U; Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals) was used in place of reverse transcriptase and 0.85 U of RNase H(Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals) was added. Incubation wasat 16°C for 2 h. Double-stranded cDNAwas tailed by using dCTP and terminal transferase (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals) and then annealed into pUC9 previously restricted with PstI and oligo(dG) tailed. The recombinant plasmids were used to transform Escherichia coli JM107


Virus-specific cloneswereidentifiedby usingacolonyblot hybridization procedure (8). The BB-15 clone was selected from thevirus-specific cDNA clones identified. Its location on the viral genome was determined by using Northern (RNA) blot hybridization and nucleotide sequence analysis (22, 24).

Northern blot hybridization. Purified dsRNA from IBDV strain BB wasdenatured andseparatedon a1%agarosegel containing 2.2 Mformaldehyde aspreviously described(17). SeparatedRNAsegments weretransferredto anylon mem-brane (Biotrans; ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc., Irvine, Calif.) by using the capillary blot procedure (26), and the membrane was baked at 80°C for 1 h before hybridization.

Preparation of probes. Radiolabeled cDNA probes were prepared from the BB-15 clone. Plasmids containing the BB-15 insert were extracted as described previously (4). Cloned IBDV sequences in BB-15 were excised frompUC9 plasmids by using PstI and separated on 6% polyacrylamide gels in TBE buffer (90 mM Tris, 90 mM boric acid, 1 mM EDTA [pH 8.3]). The cloned fragments were electroeluted from gels into TBE buffer before use in the nick translation reactions. Nick translations were conducted with 50 jxCi of [32P]dCTP (specific activity, >600 Ci/mmol; ICN Pharma-ceuticals) (21). The probes were purified by centrifugation through Sephadex G-50 columns before use (17).

For colony blot and Northern blot hybridizations, probes were prepared directly from the purified viral dsRNA ge-nome by using methods previously described (10; D. J. Jackwood, submitted for publication).

Preparation of IBDV RNAfrom infected cell cultures. Cell culture-grown virus was frozen and thawed three times. Viral RNA was prepared for hybridizations by using a modification of the procedure described by Shockley et al. (23). A 1.0-ml volume ofcell culture fluid containing 0.5% Nonidet P-40 (Bethesda Research Laboratories, Inc., Gaith-ersburg, Md.) was kept at 0°C for 30 min. The samples were then centrifuged at 15,000 x g for 2.0 min in a microcentri-fuge, and 0.3 ml of supernatant was added to an equal volume of a freshly prepared solution containing 2 parts of 37% (wt/wt) formaldehyde and 3 parts of 20x SSC (3.0 M NaCI, 0.3 M sodium citrate; lx SSC is 0.15 M NaCI plus 0.015Msodium citrate). This solution wasincubated at 60°C for 30 min. Following incubation, an equal volume of

on April 11, 2020 by guest



1 2 3


21. 58

-5. 19




-1. 94 1.889

1.60 1.31

0. 92




A- B--A


FIG. 1. Agarose gel electrophoresis of IBDV genomic RNA followingpurification with CF-11cellulose. The nucleic acidswere

visualized after being stained with ethidium bromide. Lambda bacteriophage DNAdigested withHindIII andEcoRI(lane 1) and pBR322 (lane 2) were included for size references. Viral genome

segments A and B purified from IBDV strain BB (lane 3) are

indicated. Kb, Kilobases.

amide (0.6 ml)wasadded and the dsRNAwas denatured at

100°C for 3 min.

Preparation of IBDV RNA from tissue specimens. Bursa andspleentissueswereharvested from 4-week-old chicksat

2 or 3 days following intranasal inoculation withthe ST-C virus. Bursa tissueswerealsoobtained from chickensonfive

poultry farms with suspected cases of infectious bursal

disease. Tissue samples were homogenized in TNE buffer,

frozen and thawed three times, and then treated with

pro-teinase K(2 mg/ml) in 0.5%SDS at37°C for 2 h. Following incubation, the samples were extracted with phenol and

chloroform. An equal volume of formamidewasadded, and

the viral dsRNAwasdenatured at 100°C for 3 min. Preparation of nucleic acid from poultry viruses. The specificity of the BB-15 probe for IBDVwasdeterminedby

using the UV strain of IBDV and the nineunrelated poultry viruses listedabove. The nucleic acidwasextracteddirectly

from virions contained in vaccine vials without further

passageincell culture. Each vaccine vial containeda mini-mum of 1,000 doses of infectious virus. The lyophilized viruses were suspended in TNE containing 0.5% SDS and

treated withproteinase K(2.0 mg/ml),and the nucleic acids

wereextractedasdescribedpreviously for bursaandspleen tissues. Alternatively, the lyophilized viruses were

sus-pended in TNE and the nucleic acids were extracted as

describedpreviouslyfor cellculture-propagated viruses. Binding ofviral nucleic acid to nylon membranes. IBDV RNA extracted from cell culture or tissue specimens and

viral nucleic acids from vaccine viruses were placed on

nylonmembranes(Biotrans;ICNPharmaceuticals) by using

a96-well filtration manifold(Hybri-dot; BethesdaResearch





-B-FIG. 2. Northern blot hybridization. IBDVgenomic RNA (BB) andBGM-70 cell culture nucleic acid(C) were denatured, separated ona1% agarose-formaldehyde gel, and blotted onto nylon branes. Duplicate membranes were prepared. One of these mem-braneswasincubated withaprobe prepared from the BB genome (panel 1). The other filterwas incubated with a probe prepared from the BB-15 clone (panel 2). Viral genome segments A and B are labeled.

followedby 20x SSC, and the samples were applied by using strong suction. Membranes containing viral RNA were air dried for 30 min andthen baked at80°C for 1 h.

Dotblothybridizations. Nylon membranes containing viral nucleic acid samples were prehybridized for 4 h at 42°C ina hybridization solution containing 5x SSC, 5x Denhardt solution (0.1% [wt/vol] Ficoll, 0.1% [wt/vol] polyvinylpyr-rolidone, 0.1% [wt/vol] bovine serum albumin), 50 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.5), 0.1% (wt/vol) SDS, 250 pug of salmon sperm DNA per ml, and 50% (vol/vol) formamide. Followingprehybridization,freshhybridizationsolution and radiolabeled





cpm per



added. Incubation was continued at42°C for 18 h. Hybrid-ized membranes were washed at room temperature in 2x SSC containing 0.1% (wt/vol) SDS and then in O.lx SSC containing 0.1%(wt/vol) SDSbeforeautoradiography.


Characterization of theBB-15cDNA clone.The viral RNA appeared to be extremely pure following CF-11 cellulose purification (Fig. 1).Withcolonyblothybridizations, IBDV-specific clones were identified in the BB cDNA library. Clone BB-15 was selectedatrandom from the IBDV clones observed. Northernblothybridizationresults indicatedthat clone BB-15hybridizedtoviralgenome segment B(Fig. 2). The cDNA probe prepared directly from the BB dsRNA genome was used as acontrol in the Northern blot hybrid-ization. This



to both segments of the genome


2). Thenucleotide sequence of BB-15 cDNA was determined and


with the


genome sequencesof Australian IBDV strain 002-73(11, 20). Nucle-otidesequencehomologyof 94% was observed betweenthe BB-15 and the 002-73 viruses at the 3' end of genome segment B. Homology of the BB-15 sequence with other

on April 11, 2020 by guest



Kilobase pairs

2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

VP1 90,000 molecularweight IBDV 002-73



Clone BB-15

FIG. 3. Region of IBDVgenomesegmentBrepresentedbyBB-15cloned cDNA. GenomesegmentB ofAustralianIBDVisolate002-73 is represented in the top line. This segmentcontains an open readingframe which is translated into the 90,000-molecular-weight viral polymerase (VP-1). The entiresequenceofBB-15cDNA isrepresentedatthe3' end of thisgenomesegment.

regions of the 002-73 genome was notobserved. This

con-firmed Northern blothybridization resultsobtained withthis clone and also identified its location on the 3' end ofthis

genome segment(Fig. 3).

Sensitivity and specificity of the BB-15 probe in dot blot hybridization reactions. The sensitivity of the BB-15 probe

wasdetermined by using purified viral RNA. After

purifica-tionoverCF-11cellulose, BB viral RNAwasquantitatedby

using spectrophotometryat260nm.Cell culture nucleic acid

extracted from uninfected BGM-70cells was included as a

negative control.Avolumeofdimethylsulfoxidewasadded

to a final concentration of 90%, and the samples were

denatured at100°C for 3min.Quantities rangingfrom 100to 0.1ngof denatured nucleic acidswere spottedontoanylon

membrane whichwasthenair dried and bakedat80°Cfor1 h. Following 48 h of autoradiography, the BB-15 probe detected thelowestquantityof BB RNAtested,0.1ng(Fig. 4). This quantity ofdsRNA representsapproximately 1.4 x

107IBDVparticles. Theability ofthisprobetodetectlower quantities of IBDV dsRNAwas not determined.

Thespecificity ofthe BB-15probefor IBDVwastestedby using nucleic acid extracted from nine unrelated poultry viruses which included both DNA and RNA viruses. IBDV isolate UVwasusedas apositive control. Boththe protein-ase K and SSC-formaldehyde extraction procedures were

used. Theprobe did nothybridize tonucleic acid extracted from any of the unrelated viruses tested; however, it did

hybridize to the IBDV viral RNAfrom vaccine strain UV with bothextraction procedures (data not shown).

Detectionof IBDV dsRNA from infected cell culture

sam-ples. Five heterologous IBDV strains, which included four

Purified BGM-70

BB RNA Contro]l



1 00.0% nqg

°.0 naCT

1. 0 nig

0.1 ng

FIG. 4. Dot blot hybridization of theBB viralgenome. A

nick-translated probewaspreparedfromBB-15 cDNA and usedtodetect different concentrations of CF-11 cellulose-purified dsRNA from

homologous IBDV isolateBB.Following48 hofautoradiography,

thelowest concentration(0.1 ng)ofBBgenomicRNAwasdetected.

Nucleic acid from BGM-70 cellswasusedas acontrol.

serotype 1viruses andone serotype 2virus, weregrown in BGM-70cells. The four serotype 1 viruses tested represent threedifferentantigenic subtypesofIBDV. All five viruses

were detectedby the BB-15 probe (Fig. 5). This probe did

not hybridize to control cell culture nucleic acid. Titers of

the cellculture-propagated viruses ranged from 2 x 105-5 to

2 x 108.050%tissue culture infective dosesperml(Fig. 5). Tenfold dilutions of the RNA samples were placed on the nylon membrane. Each sample contained a 25-, 2.5-, or

0.25-jtl volume of the original cell culture medium.

Differ-encesin theintensities of the signals were observedamong

the viral RNA samples and appearedtocorrelate withvirus titers in theoriginal cell culture fluid.

Detectionof IBDV dsRNAfrom tissuespecimens.To deter-mine theusefulnessof theBB-15probeanddot blot hybrid-ization procedure for detecting IBDV in chickens, 4-week-old specific-pathogen-free chicks (COFAL/Marek; SPAFAS, Inc., Norwich, Conn.) were infected with the ST-C virus. At days 2 and 3 postexposure, the birds were

sacrificed and bursa and spleen tissueswerecollected.Gross lesions typicalofinfectiousbursal diseasewereobservedin thebursasatnecropsy.

Each sample contained a pool oftwo bursas or spleens

homogenized in 2.0 ml of TNE buffer. IBDV genomic RNA

was prepared for hybridization by using proteinase K,

followedbyextractionwithphenolandchloroform. Tenfold dilutions of each sample placed on the nylon membrane containeda250-, 25-,or2.5-plvolume of the original tissue homogenate. Attempts to use the Nonidet

P-40-SSC-form-aldehyde extraction procedure on chicken tissue

homoge-nates were unsuccessful because of thepoor filterability of


The BB-15probe detectedIBDV inthe spleens and bursas ofexperimentally infected birds at 2 and 3 days

postexpo-sure but not in similar tissues from mock-infected control chickens(Fig. 6).

Eight samples of bursa tissuewerealso obtained from five

differentcommercialchicken operations designatedAtoE. Each sample containedapool of2to 10bursas whichwere

homogenized in TNE buffer (1 ml per bursa). Samples

containing0.5-mlvolumes ofhomogenized bursa tissuewere

treated withproteinaseKasdescribed previouslyandplaced on a nylon membrane. A tenfold dilution of each sample placed on the membrane contained a 250-, 25-, or 2.5-,ul

volume ofthe original bursa homogenate. Dot blot hybrid-izationsusing theBB-15 probe indicatedthatbursa samples fromfarms AtoDcontainedIBDV(Fig.7). Hybridization of theBB-15probetosamplesfromfarm E and the bursa tissue from an uninfected control chicken was not detected. The

presence of IBDV in the bursa tissue from farm C was

confirmed by passage of the homogenate in BGM-70cells.



a M"

on April 11, 2020 by guest




iBDV Sample Volume


TCID5O/ml (ul)

25 2.5 0. 25

2 X


2 X



2 X


2 X 108O

2 X



2 X


< 2 X 101.0

FIG. 5. Dot blothybridizationofcell culture-grownIBDVisolates usinganick-translated probe preparedfromthe BB-15 cDNA. (A)

IBDVisolateswere grownin BGM-70cells.ViralRNAwasextracted, and serial 10-fold dilutions of each samplewere made. Theresulting

dilutions containeda25-, 2.5-,or0.25-,ulvolumeoftheoriginalculturemedium, whichwasplacedonnylon membranesby usingadot blot

filtrationmanifold. (B) Thetiter of each viral isolate isreportedasthereciprocalof the last dilution whichwasequivalenttoa50%tissue

culture infective dose(TCID50). Mock-infected BGM-70cellswereusedas acontrol.

Cytopathic effects typical of IBDV were observed after passage2, and theIBDV isolatewassubsequently identified

byserologic procedures (N.M.Ismail andY. M.Saif, Avian

Dis., in press). Sample





Diagnosis of IBDV infection currently reliesondetection

ofantibodiestothe virus and thepresenceoflesions in the bursaof Fabricius. Detection ofIBDVinfections is

accom-plished by using immunofluorescence techniques, electron microscopy, orinvitro virusneutralization, whichrequires isolation andgrowthof the virus in culture. We have shown that a dot blot hybridization procedure which uses cDNA probescanbeusedtodetectgenomicRNA of IBDV isolates

asearly as2days following exposure tothe virus.

Further-more, the IBDV genomicRNA extracted directly from the bursas ofinfected birdscan bedetected with theseprobes, thereby eliminatingthe need for virus isolation andgrowthin culture. Bursa tissues submittedtoourlaboratoryfrom five commercial poultry operations were tested with the BB-15

probe.Theprobedetected IBDV RNA insamplesfrom four of the five farms.These studies demonstratethepotentialfor

using nucleic acid probes for early diagnosis of IBDV infections in commercialpoultry operations.

Our procedures for purification and cloning of the BB

genome were generally similar to those usedbyAzad et al.

(2)to clone Australian IBDV strain 002-73. However,

sev-eral changes in purification of the dsRNA genome and second-strand cDNAsynthesisreduced the numberofsteps

1 *

2 i

3 *

4 4


1 4 2


4 3

5 a

6 Ili

7 7

8 8

FIG. 6. Dotblothybridizationof IBDV (strain ST-C)extracted from spleen and bursal tissues. Two separate extractions and

hybridizations (AandB)were conductedwith the tissue samples. Four-week-oldchickenswereinfectedwithST-C,and tissueswere

collectedat2or3daysfollowingexposure. Samples1and 2were

collected atdays 2 and 3, respectively, from the spleen. Bursal

samples3 and 4werecollectedatday 2,and bursalsamples5and 6 were collected 3 days following exposure to ST-C. Samples 7

(spleen) and 8(bursa) were collected from mock-infected control

chickensonday3. Eachsampledotcontained250,25,or2.5,ulof

theoriginaltissuehomogenate. BB







on April 11, 2020 by guest





A l *

B _ O


C *




D .f D



Control Control

FIG. Dot blothybridizationusingbursal tissuefrom

commer-cially reared chickens suspected of having IBDV infections. Two

separate extractions and hybridizations (1 and 2) were conducted

with the bursaltissues. Samplesfromfivedifferentfarms (A to E)

were examined. Bursal tissue from mock-infected chickens was

usedasanegative control.Eachsample dotcontained 250, 25,or2.5

,ul of the originalbursa homogenate.

required to prepare IBDV clone libraries. Purification of

viral dsRNA with CF-11 cellulose columns yielded high-quality RNA which could be used for cloning or probe

synthesis. This procedure is easier and faster than differen-tial LiCl purification of dsRNA (2, 6).

The Northern blot hybridization results indicated that clone BB-15was located onIBDVgenome segment B. The location ofBB-15 onthe 3' end ofgenome segment B was

determinedby nucleotide sequenceanalysis. The nucleotide sequencehomologyobserved between the BB-15 clone and the publishedsequenceofthe 002-73virus(20)was94%.The

degree of nucleotide sequence homology among the ge-nomesofother IBDV strainsis notknown.

The stringency of the hybridization and wash procedures

used in these studies was relatively low, particularly for a

cDNA-RNA hybrid. Under these conditions, the BB-15

cDNAprobe showedlittleor nobackgroundhybridizationto

nucleic acid fromuninfected cell culture ortissue samples.

Furthermore, the probe did not hybridize to nucleotide

sequencesfrom nine unrelated poultry viruses which were

tested by using procedures developed for the dsRNA


The BB-15 probedetected the lowest quantity ofpurified

genomic RNA tested from the homologous BB virus, i.e.,

0.1ng. The sensitivitiesreported forother probes used with

thistypeofhybridizationassay arein therangeof1to10pg

(25,26). Althoughthe limitsof sensitivity ofthe BB-15 probe were not determined, improvements in sensitivity may be

possible by increasing the probelength orspecific activity.

In additiontodetectinghomologousvirus, the BB-15probe

detected IBDV RNA extracted from four heterologous

IBDV strains. These strains included IBDV isolates from

three antigenic subtypes ofserotype 1 virus and one

sero-type 2virus. Thus, under relativelylow-stringency

hybrid-izationconditions,the BB-15probe showedbroad specificity

for the IBDV strainstested.

We are currently examining other areas of the IBDV

genomeforregions whichexhibit more nucleotide

heteroge-neity amongthe viral isolates. If


withgreater heter-ogeneity exist, it may be possible to differentiate among IBDV strains by using a cDNA or RNA


under more stringent hybridization conditions.


The technical assistance of JerryMeitzlerwasinstrumentaltothe completion of these studies.

Salaries and research supportwere providedbystate andfederal funds appropriated to the OhioAgricultural Research and Develop-ment Center, The Ohio State University.


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