Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
1 | P a g e G o D i g i t a l … G o M o b i l e ! w w w . m c c n e b . e d u / i d s
A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 Video is everywhere and there are many proven ways to use it in the classroom. There are many devices and recording methods, and all allow you to capture images and sounds.
Whether used to cover the same material quarter after quarter, record student presentations and guest speakers, or demonstrate a procedure, video is a powerful multipurpose tool.
In this workshop, you will learn about: various recording tools and devices
general recording principles and guidelines uploading media to the Ensemble Video Server
including your video in a BlackBoard course, faculty website, or program resource page
Instructional Design Services (IDS), at Fort Omaha Campus, supports video capture and consults with you to determine the right tool for the job.
iPhones and Android phones are very popular and can record high quality video.
iPads and Android tablets also record high quality video.
Camtasia Computer Software:
Camtasia is a screen capturing software. It records computer screen displays.
Desktop Video:
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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A U G U S T 2 0 1 4
Smart Podium:
Also called Digital Ink, records hand drawn information, equations, and formulae.
LifeSize Campus Share System:
A video conferencing and lecture capture technology, Campus Share connects
classrooms across the college. Available at all campuses with ten systems now in place, presentations can be stored in individual instructor channels. Visit for more information.
IDS also helps you record video and produce programs by:
Providing small cameras for in-class or location recording, handheld or on a tripod Recording your presentation for you
Producing a program on your topic or program area from script to final program After you’ve captured your presentation or produced your program, save it to a computer, either in a folder you’re familiar with or on the desktop.
Make sure your Internet connection is not interrupted and that your file has the appropriate file extension (.MP4, .MOV, .WMV, etc.). Failure to do this will result in a “Conversion Error.”
The maximum upload-size is 2 Gigabytes. While this is a very large allowance, some cameras record at extremely high-definition, which can make a large video file. If you are recording video with a smart phone or tablet, make sure you are recording
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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A U G U S T 2 0 1 4
Ensemble Video
1. Open a browser and navigate to
2. Choose “” in the “Domain” drop-down menu, and login by entering your MCC username and password.
3. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to choose the course library you’d like to add video to.
4. Click the “+ add” button to add a video.
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 6. The “Credits” page does not need to be filled out. Click the “Continue” button to skip
this page and continue uploading your video.
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 computer.
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 9. Below is an image of the upload progress bar and the spinning upload indicator.
10. Once the upload is complete, you will see a “Pending Conversion” message. This indicates your video has been successfully uploaded. Your video will continue to
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
7 | P a g e G o D i g i t a l … G o M o b i l e ! w w w . m c c n e b . e d u / i d s
A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 11. The “Publish” page may not have any “web publishing points” listed under Playlists (see
the image below). If this is the case, click the “Save and Publish” button to skip this page and continue uploading your video.
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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Embedding your video in ANGEL:
1. “Embedding” your video means that a video player is included on a webpage. To embed your video, click the title link for the video you want to embed.
2. Your video will open in a small window inside the webpage. Under your video, click the “Embed Code” link.
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
9 | P a g e G o D i g i t a l … G o M o b i l e ! w w w . m c c n e b . e d u / i d s
A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 4. “Paste” this code into a website or ANGEL page by going to that page’s HTML editor (shown
below), right-clicking, and choosing the “Paste” option in the menu. Save that page and your embedded video will play if it has been converted successfully and is “Ready” to play.
5. If a video displays a “Conversion Error,” make sure your internet connection was not interrupted and that your file has the appropriate file extension (.MP4, .MOV, .WMV, etc.). Also, remember that the Maximum upload-size is 2 Gigabytes. While is this a very large allowance, some cameras record at extremely high-definition, which can make a large video file.
6. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to brainstorm ways for using Ensemble in your course, contact:
Erik Peterson – 402-457-2769 or [email protected]
Curtis Bryant – 402-457-2853 or [email protected]
Chuck Davis – 402-457-2866 or [email protected]
7. You can find further information about Ensemble and including video in ANGEL in the “Intro
to ANGEL at MCC” course in ANGEL. If you do not have access to this, please contact the
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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Creating a public link to your video:
1. To create a public link to your video in Ensemble, start at the Media Library page of the library where the video has been uploaded.
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
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A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 3. Click the “Add a New Destination” button.
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
12 | P a g e G o D i g i t a l … G o M o b i l e ! w w w . m c c n e b . e d u / i d s
A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 5. After you save, you should see your Web Publishing Destination listed. Next, click the
“Quick Publish” button.
6. Click the “Web Site” link to open a website with links to your video on it. You can remove this page at any time by clicking the red warning sign next to the Web Site link.
7. To share links to your videos, either copy the individual titles by right-clicking on their title-links, and choosing “Copy.” Then paste them into a document, ANGEL link item, or email by right-clicking and choosing “Paste.”
8. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to brainstorm ways for using Ensemble in your course, contact:
Erik Peterson – 402-457-2769 or [email protected]
Curtis Bryant – 402-457-2853 or [email protected]
Chuck Davis – 402-457-2866 or [email protected]
Recording Video and
Uploading to Ensemble
13 | P a g e G o D i g i t a l … G o M o b i l e ! w w w . m c c n e b . e d u / i d s
A U G U S T 2 0 1 4