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Classic Scrum Master vs. Classic Project Manager


Academic year: 2021

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Classic Scrum Master vs. Classic Project Manager

Team, what do


think it takes to

become an effective project team?



be an effective

project team. Any questions?


Greg Smith -Agile Coach/Trainer

Certified Scrum Master |PMI - ACP® | Certified Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) Consultant

 I help individuals, teams, and companies move to Agile

with a practical, effective approach

 Since 2001 helped over 100 organizations move to

Agile such as Exxon, Halliburton, Microsoft, JP Morgan Chase, TD Ameritrade, Dictionary.com, Fannie Mae, State of Texas, StubHub, Autodesk, Costco, CDW,

World Bank, State of Washington WaTech, Washington Department of Early Learning, State of Idaho, Blue Cross of Idaho, and New York City I.T.

 Author – Becoming Agile in an Imperfect World

(part of the curriculum for PMI-ACP® Certification)

 Experienced in Traditional, Lean, and Agile methods

 Frequent PMI Chapter Trainer and Presenter


Copyright Greg Smith

Email: [email protected] AgileSmith


3 The last 3 phases are where we deliver production ready

code. These 3 phases are at the core of the Scrum process.

Scrum From A Project Perspective



Scrum From A Project Perspective

Daily Standup Burndown Chart Story Points Sprint Planning Backlog Grooming Demo Retrospective Velocity Review Acceptance Criteria Contract Management Resource Planning Justification Feasibility Risk Management Project Estimate Budgeting Communication Plan Buy vs. Build


PMBOK® is still good,



Some May Call This A Hybrid



Copyright Greg Smith


Does Your Home Have Plumbing and Electricity?

Does That Make it a Hybrid?



Project Managers and Scrum Masters

Can Both Make Sense for a Project



Classic Project Manager

Status reporting

May be blamed if project fails Leads meetings

Assigns tasks

Reports on spend/budget

Contract/Vendor Management Leads Staffing/Resource Planning Leads Risk Management

Leads Big Up Front Planning Ties action to project metrics Admin work

Tracks hours worked by team

Manages governance and gateways Works with 1 to 7 projects

Methods may not be software specific (PMBOK)



Classic Scrum Master

Agile process coach and trainer

Isolate team from distractions

A servant leader

Drive project with Product Owner

Ties actions to customer value

Helps create team chemistry

Helps remove impediments

Coaches executives

Skilled at driving change

Process improver/waste remover

Leads collaborative decision making

Works with 1 to 3 projects


Great soft skills



Forget “Classic” - What Is Good for Both?

Agile process coach and trainer

Isolate team from distractions

A servant leader

Drive project with Product Owner

Ties actions to customer value

Helps create team chemistry

Helps remove impediments

Coaches executives

Skilled at driving change

Process improver/waste remover

Leads collaborative decision making

Works with 1 to 3 projects


Great soft skills

Goal is to become dispensable

Status reporting – many levels May be blamed if project fails Leads meetings

Assigns tasks

Reports on spend/budget

Contract/Vendor Management Leads Staffing/Resource Planning Leads Risk Management

Leads Big Up Front Planning Ties action to project metrics

Admin work

Tracks hours worked by team

Manages governance and gateways Works with 1 to 7 projects

Methods may not be software specific (PMBOK)


A Little More on Scrum Masters:

Servant Leadership


Removing Impediments

. Prevent unnecessary team

interruptions. Stop team members from getting bounced

around projects. Create an environment that allows focus.

Fall on the sword for the team

. When the servant leader can,

they do tasks the team is asked to do that do not correlate

directly to project value. This could be a compliance meeting

or scoping potential new projects.


. Although we like the team to self-organize, a

servant leader often helps with facilitation or coaching team

members on good facilitation practices.


Typical Shepherd Activities


Motivate People

Empower Teams

Align Results

Optimize Communication

Enforce Discipline

Reduce Risk

Measure Performance

Evaluate Feedback

Acquire Knowledge

Manage Uncertainty

Evolve Processes


Shepherding Could Be Called

“Light Touch” Leadership


“While Light-Touch Leadership may be “light” in terms of decision making, it’s heavy in articulating goals, facilitating interactions, improving team dynamics, supporting collaboration, and

encouraging experimentation and innovation.

When a good Light-Touch Leader is working, she or he is nearly invisible. Things seem to happen smoothly and the teams operate seemingly without a leader.”

– Jim Highsmith



Servants/Shepherds Carry Food and Water

Food and water for project teams is keeping up morale,

providing good tools/environments to support the

project, and ensuring celebrations after a tough project.

Copyright Greg Smith



Note That The Scrum Master Definition is

Squishy in the Agile Community

Drives the team to Agile Perfection. No plans to leave. Leads all meetings. Known as a driver. Famous. Teaches the team how to fish. Continuous knowledge transfer Coaches individuals as needed.

Low profile and looking to take the team to a level where they are not needed



One Role or Two?


Here are some potential models depending on your work mix, org structure,

and what level of Agile is being pursued at your company

Structure Notes

One Project Manager

and One Scrum Master

Per Project

Good if there are numerous PMBOK type items that need to be done for projects and the PM does not have time to live with the team. Also good if PMs don’t like collaborative

planning, being a therapist, or dislike Agile .

One PM for every 3*

Projects, One Scrum

Master Per Project

A good model when there is not a huge workload for reporting or governance. In this model a PM might be considered a Program Manager. Good if the 3* project teams all role up to one value stream or Line Of Business.

One Consolidated Role

Witnessed this at Stubhub. We did not create Scrum Masters instead we created Agile Project Managers who could do both roles. Works well when the existing PMs are already collaborative servant leaders. One caveat is you usually have to hire more PMs, as they cannot work with as many project teams when Agile is being used.


One More Thing We Can Learn From

Agile and Scrum Masters


Copyright Road and Track



What is Project Success?


What is Project Success?


Copyright Road and Track


What is Project Success?


Per Bob Lutz:

One guy I informally interviewed about

how the Aztek happened was one of

the top guys on the project.

And this guy, he looks at me and he

says, "I'm proud of it." Proud of the

Aztek? "Yup.

That was the best

program we ever did at GM


We made all our internal goals, we

made the timing, and I'm really proud

of the part I played in it

." He had tears

in his eyes. It was almost tragic.


Was This Success?


Copyright Greg Smith

GM forecast sales of up to 75,000 Azteks per year, and

needed to produce 30,000 annually to break even.

During market research the Aztek didn't just fail—it scored dead last.

Respondents said,



[email protected] (206) 854-9229




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