Mechanism of the anticoagulant effect of
warfarin as evaluated in rabbits by selective
depression of individual procoagulant vitamin
K-dependent clotting factors.
A Zivelin, … , L V Rao, S I Rapaport
J Clin Invest. 1993;92(5):2131-2140.
We have evaluated the contribution of depression of individual procoagulant vitamin K-dependent clotting factors to the ability of warfarin to protect rabbits against tissue factor-induced coagulation. Mean activities of individual procoagulant factors were determined, in assays with rabbit substrates, for a group of rabbits achieving a protective degree of
anticoagulation with warfarin. Values were: factor VII, 12%; factor IX, 7%; factor X, 14%, and prothrombin, 13%. The effect upon tissue factor-induced coagulation of selective
immunodepletion of each factor to a comparable level was then evaluated.
Immunodepletion of plasma factor X or prothrombin, but not of factor VII or factor IX, protected otherwise normal rabbits against tissue factor-induced coagulation. Next, we determined the effect upon the protection in warfarin-treated rabbits of selectively restoring factor X or prothrombin before infusing tissue factor. When either factor was selectively restored, warfarin's protective effect was abolished. Moreover, selective restoration of
prothrombin sensitized warfarin-treated rabbits to coagulation more severe than observed in nontreated control rabbits. One may extrapolate from these data that depression of both factor X and prothrombin are required for warfarin's clinical antithrombotic efficacy and that depression of plasma prothrombin is particularly important.
Research Article
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Mechanism of the
Effect of Warfarin
in Rabbits
by Selective Depression of Individual
Procoagulant Vitamin K-dependent Clotting Factors
Ariella Zivelin, L. Vijaya Mohan Rao, and Samuel 1. Rapaport
DepartmentsofMedicine and Pathology, University of California, SanDiego, California92093
We have evaluatedthecontribution of depression of individual procoagulant vitamin K-dependent clotting factors to the abil-ity of warfarin to protect rabbits against tissue factor-induced coagulation. Mean activities of individual procoagulant factors were determined, in assays with rabbit substrates, for a group ofrabbitsachievingaprotective degree of anticoagulation with warfarin. Values were: factor VII, 12%; factor IX, 7%; factor X, 14%, and prothrombin, 13%. The effect upon tissue factor-in-ducedcoagulation of selective immunodepletion of each factor toacomparable level wasthenevaluated. Immunodepletion of plasmafactor X or prothrombin, but not of factor VII or factor IX, protected otherwise normal rabbits against tissue factor-induced coagulation. Next, we determined the effect upon the protection in warfarin-treated rabbits of selectively restoring factor X or prothrombinbefore infusing tissue factor. When either factor was selectively restored, warfarin's protective ef-fect was abolished. Moreover, selective restoration of prothrombin sensitized warfarin-treated rabbits to coagulation more severe than observed in nontreated control rabbits. One may extrapolate from these datathatdepressionofboth factor
X and prothrombin are required for warfarin's clinical anti-thromboticefficacyandthatdepressionof plasma prothrombin is particularly important. (J. Clin. Invest. 1993. 92:2131-2140.) Key words: tissue factor * intravascular coagulation . factorVII* factorX*prothrombin
Warfarinand relatedvitamin K antagonists were used clini-cally for many years before it wasrecognized that they im-pairednotonlythesynthesis ofprocoagulant factors, factors VII, IX,X, andprothrombin, but alsothesynthesis ofanticoag-ulantfactors,protein C and protein S. Although warfarin's anti-thrombotic efficacy is established in a variety of clinical cir-cumstances(1),it is not clear why in these circumstances the effect of depressingprocoagulantfactorsoutweighs the effect of depressing anticoagulantfactors.
Addresscorrespondence to Dr. Samuel I. Rapaport, UCSD Medical
Center,MailCode8423,200 West Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92103. Ariella Zivelin's present address is Institute ofThrombosis and He-mostasis, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, 52621, Israel;
L.VijayaMohan Rao's present address is Department of Biochemis-try, TheUniversityof Texas Health Center at Tyler, Tyler, TX 75710.
Receivedforpublication 24 March 1993 and in revisedform 3 June 1993.
In 1958, Siseetal. (2) observed that both hemorrhage and thrombosis in patients receivingavitamin K antagonistwere
moreclosely related to specific plasma prothrombin activity thantothe"prothrombin time,"atestparticularly sensitiveto
the effect of vitamin K antagonists upon plasma factor VII activity. Reports ofvenousthrombo-embolism in patients with hereditary factor VII deficiency (3, 4) also raised uncertaintyas
totheimportance ofdepressed factor VII activity for warfarin's antithrombotic efficacy. Recently, Furie et al. (5) reported that theplasma native prothrombin antigen level correlatedclosely with the presence of bleedingor thromboembolic complica-tionsin patients given warfarin. Moreover, Xietal.(6) have shown that adding purified prothrombin to pooled plasma frompatients givenavitamin K antagonist increased thrombin
generation whereas adding purified factors VII, IX, or X
Only a few animal studies have been carried out on the mechanism ofthe antithrombotic effect of warfarin. Izakand Galewsky (7)reported in 1966 thattreatmentwith warfarin
failed toprevent intravascular coagulation in rabbits infused withacrude tissue factor (TF)1 preparation. Wessler and col-leagues (8-10), using a rabbit stasis thrombosis model,
re-ported that warfarin protected against thrombosisnotonly by depressing factor VII initially and other vitamin K-dependent procoagulant factors after 2 d but also byenhancing,after 6 d,
aninhibitory activity in plasma against factor Xa. Thereareno confirmatory studies in the literature of this last observation.
We report here studies inarabbit model system of the
con-tribution ofthe depression ofeach procoagulant vitamin K-de-pendentclotting factortowarfarin's functionas an anticoagu-lant agent. The data provide evidence for the importanceof depression of both plasma prothrombin activity and plasma factor X activity for the ability of warfarintoprotect rabbits against TF-induced intravascular coagulation.
General. Sodium warfarin for intravenous administrationwas agift
from DuPontPharmaceuticals(Willimgton, DE).Rabbit anti-human
prothrombin antiserumand rabbitanti-human factor X antiserum werefromAmericanBioproducts (Parsippany,NJ). Rabbitplasmafor
protein purification was purchased from Pel-Freez Biologicals (Rogers,AR).
Reagentsforclottingassays. Rabbit brainthromboplastin (TF)
wasfrom Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). AutomatedAPTT was
from GeneralDiagnostics(MorrisPlains, NJ).KaolincephalinAPTT Reagent was from Helena Laboratories (Beaumont, TX). Bovine thrombin and humanfibrinogenreferenceplasmawerefrom Baxter Diagnostics (Deerfield, IL). Human substrate plasmas deficient ina 1.Abbreviationused in this paper: TF, tissue factor.
J.Clin. Invest.
© The AmericanSocietyfor ClinicalInvestigation,Inc.
0021-9738/93/11/2131/10 $2.00
specificclotting factor werefrom patientsseen attheUniversity of
California, San Diego (UCSD) MedicalCenter, fromGeorge King Bio-Medical (Overland Park, KS), or were prepared by
immu-noadsorbing normal human plasma.
Purified coagulation proteins
RabbitTF.Purified rabbit brainTFapoprotein( 11 )wasreconstituted
intophospholipidvesiclescontaining phosphatidylserineand
phospha-tidylcholinein aratio of4:6(12)and stored at-750C.
Rabbit factors VII, IX, X, andprothrombin. The initial steps of purificationofrabbit vitaminK-dependentclottingfactorswere
essen-tially the same asfor the humanproteins (13, 14),buttheelution profile fromaDEAE-Sephadex columndiffered. Rabbit factorIX was elutedseparately from theotherclotting factorsand waspurified to
homogeneityasdescribed earlier ( 15). Prothrombin, factor VII, and factor X, which overlappedonelution fromaDEAE-Sephadex
col-umn, wereappliedto a5X38-cmheparinagarose column(14). The columnwasdeveloped withaninitial buffer (0.02Msodium citrate,1 mMbenzamidine,pH7.5)toyield partially purified factorVII.Then, boundproteinswereelutedwithalinear saltgradient of0-0.6MNaCl
in0.02Mcitrate, 1 mMbenzamidine,pH 7.5(totalgradient volume, 2,000 ml). Thisseparatedprothrombin from factor X, yielding appar-entlyhomogeneousprothrombinandpartially purified factorX.
X werepurifiedtoapparenthomogeneityasdescribed earlier ( 14).As measured inchromogenicassays, theprothrombin preparation
con-tained <0.01% thrombin and the factor X preparation contained
Anti-factorVIIIgG. Partially purified rabbit factorVIIwas subjected
toSDS-PAGEona 10% polyacrylamideslabgel.Themajor stained protein band, which corresponded to the molecularweight of factor
VII,was electroeluted and used as theantigentoimmunizeagoat as
described earlier ( 15).Theantiserumwasheatinactivatedat560Cfor
30 min and the IgG fractionwasseparatedbyprecipitation at40%
ammoniumsulfate saturation followed by DEAE-Affi-Gelblue
chro-matography.TheIgGhad aspecificactivity of10-50inhibitor U/mg protein, bound stronglytorabbit factorVII on animmunoblot,and
hadnoinhibitory activity against rabbit factors IX,X, orprothrombin.
Forthisandsubsequentantibodies,oneinhibitor unitwasdefinedas theconcentrationof IgGin anequalpartmixture of IgGandrabbit plasmathatinhibited50%oftheclotting factor activityin themixture in 30-60min at room temperature.
Anti-factorIXIgG.AmAbagainst rabbit factorIX(mAb 170.1)
waspreparedby standardtechniquesandpurified byuseofamAb
purificationkit(Bio-RadLaboratories, Richmond, CA).mAb 170.1 wasofsubclassIgGl,had aninhibitory activity of200U/mg IgG,and boundonlytorabbit factorIX onan immunoblot of rabbit plasma. Monospecific polyclonal antibodies against rabbit factor IX were
raisedin a goat asdescribed earlier (15).
Anti-factorXIgG. mAbsagainst rabbit factorX were prepared usingstandardtechniques withpartially purifiedrabbitfactorX asan
antigenand the IgG waspurifiedasdescribed above. mAb 409 was used to prepare rabbitfactor X-deficientsubstrate plasma.Antibody
mAb 541,whichwasofsubclassIgG3 and had a titer of 75 U/mg IgG, wasinjectedintorabbits to immunodeplete plasmafactorXactivity.
Antiprothrombin IgG. Our purified rabbit prothrombin
prepara-tion lost most of itsactivityonovernightdialysisat4°Cinto Hepes buffer. SDS-PAGE analysis of thedialyzedsample revealed amajor proteinbandcorrespondingtoprethrombin 1. This band was electro-eluted from a Coomassie blue-stained SDS-PAGE slab gel and used as
antigentoraise amonospecificantiserumin a goat. The antiserum was
affinity purifiedon aprethrombin1 column that was prepared by cou-pling 300 mg of rabbit prethrombin 1 to 25 mlAffi-Gel15 as described in themanufacturer's (Bio-Rad Laboratories)technicalbulletin. About
100mlofantiserumwasprecipitatedat40% ammonium sulfate
satura-tion. Theprecipitatewasdissolved anddialyzed extensivelyinTBS,
and mixed from 4 htoovernightwith theimmobilized prethrombin1
at4VC. Unbound orweaklyboundproteinswerewashed with TBS
followedbyTBScontaining1 MNaCl.TheboundIgGwaseluted with
0.1Mglycine,pH2.4, intotesttubescontaining 0.1vol of 1.0 M Tris. TheelutedIgGwasconcentratedby precipitation with 80% ammo-nium sulfatesaturation, dissolved,anddialyzed extensivelyinHepes buffer.Theaffinity-purified IgGhadaspecific activityof 3inhibitory U/mgofprotein.
ControlIgGpreparations.Ananti-humanthyroglobulinIgGthat wasunreactiveagainst clotting factorswaspurified from ascitic fluid kindly providedby Dr. M. Zanetti (Department ofMedicine, UCSD). NonimmunegoatIgGwaspurifiedasdescribedabove from
commer-cial goatserum(SigmaChemicalCo.).
deficiency substrate
Rabbit substrateplasmasdeficientin factorVII, IX, or X were
pre-pared byimmunoaffinitychromatography againstgoatanti-factorVII IgG,againstamixture of anti-factorIXmAb 170.1and goat
anti-fac-torIXIgG,andagainstanti-factor X mAb409.In preparing the im-munoadsorbant columns, the IgGs were coupled to Affi-Gel 15, - 5
mgof IgG/ml of beads, accordingtothe manufacturer's instructions. Platelet-poorcitrated rabbit plasma( 15-25ml)wasadded to a 5-10-mlspecific antibodycolumn and rotatedon amixer for 4-6 h at4VC.
Factors VII and Xsubstrateplasmashad< 1%activityof thespecific factor. Factor IX substrateplasmahad - 3% residual factor IX
activ-ity. These substrate plasmas were stored at -750C.
A serum reagentfor usein specific rabbit and human prothrombin
(factor II)assayswaspreparedby clottingeither rabbit or human blood in a glasstube containing a 1:100-200 vol of rabbit brain TF (Sigma
ChemicalCo.).After2-4 h the serumwasseparatedfrom the clotby
twosuccessive centrifugations for 10 min at 10,000g, followed by dialysisof the serum into TBS. Serum so prepared contained < 1%
prothrombinactivityand>60%activityoffactorsVIIand X.
sulfate-adsorbed rabbit plasma
Barium-adsorbed rabbit plasma, prepared as described earlier ( 16), was added in assaysfor factorsVII, IX, and X to ensure that variation in levels of factors V and VIII in test samples did notinfluencethe
clotting times ofthese assays.Since the serum used in the prothrombin assay lackedfibrinogen, a specialbarium-adsorbedplasma reagent with ahigherfibrinogen level was prepared forthis assay from blood
ob-tained fromarabbit given anintravenousinjectionof 100,ug/kgof
Escherichia coli endotoxin (0111 :B4; Sigma Chemical Co.) 24 h
experimental procedures
Animalprotocols. Female NewZealandrabbits (1.5-2.4 kg) wereused inprotocols approved by theAnimal Subjects CommitteeofUCSD. Rectaltemperatures, takenbeforeandafteranexperimenttomonitor againstcontamination of infused material with endotoxin, were un-changed.
Bloodsampling, injections, and infusions. Blood samples of 1.5-2
ml wereobtained by inserting a 23-gauge needle into amarginal ear vein that had been dilated by rubbing the ear with xylene. Nine parts of blooddripping freely from the hub were collected into an Eppendorf tube containing one part of a balanced citrate anticoagulant (0.06 M sodium citrate, 0.04 M citric acid). Platelet-poorplasma wasobtained bytwo successivecentrifugationsin an Eppendorfcentrifugefor 6 min at 15,000 g, at 4°C. The plasma was stored in - 0.2-mlaliquots in
plastic vials at -75°C. Blood for cell counts was collectedinto EDTA-coated microtainers (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). Larger amounts of blood for making rabbit reagents were obtained from a central ear artery.
TF was infused through a marginal ear vein as described earlier (12). Warfarin and IgG were injected either directly into a marginal ear vein through a 23-gaugebutterflyset orinto thetubingofarunning
infusion.In someexperimentsIgG was also added to thecontentsofan
Administration of warfarin. Rabbitsweregivenaspecialdiet de-pleted of vitamin K (ICNBiochemicals, Cleveland, OH), beginning
3-4 d before warfarin inearlyexperimentsandbeginningonday 1 of warfarin in laterexperiments.Therabbits were injectedintravenously
daily for a consecutive 5 d with 0.5mg/kgof al-mg/mlstock solution of sodium warfarin in isotonic sterile saline. Bloodsampleswere
ob-tained dailytomonitor warfarintreatmentbyamodified version ofthe
ProthrombinandProconvertin (P&P)testof Owrenand Aas (17). TF-induced intravascular coagulation. Rabbitswereinfusedover
- 4 hwith100mlofisotonic saline containing - 20ng/ml of
recon-stitutedTF.The total TFinfusedwas 1Mg/kg.At anadjusted flowrate of 25ml/h, TF,which had beeninjected intotheinfusion bag, beganto enterthe animal - 30minafterthe startoftheinfusion, i.e., after
materialfromtheinfusionbag hadreplaced thesalinein theinfusion tubing.Intravascular coagulationwasmonitored by serial measure-mentsoffibrinogen, factorV, andfactorVIII. Unlessotherwise stated,
testresults were expressed as percentof initialvaluesobtained froma
Five batchesofTF were used. Afirstgroupof15controlrabbits
were infusedwithbatch 1 or 2.Fibrinogen, factorV,andfactorVIII
levelswerereduced to - 50%bythe endoftheinfusion,and onerabbit
died shortly afterthe TFinfusionwasstarted.Asecond groupofsix control rabbitswereinfused withTFfrombatches 3, 4,or5, which
turned out to be more potent. Fibrinogen, factor V,andfactorVIII levelsfellby 75%,and threeof the six animals diedduringthecourse oftheinfusion. Data fromanexperimental TF-infused group were
always compared withdatafromthe control groupinfusedwith TFof equivalentpotency.
assaysAutomatedinstruments yieldingaphoto-opticalendpointwereused.
Sampleswere testedinduplicate,and the mean was taken as the value
forthespecimen.Testplasmaswerediluted forassay in coldTBS/BSA unless otherwisenoted.Pooledcitrated platelet-poorplasmafrom six
toeight rabbitswasused as arabbit plasmareferencestandardwithan
assigned value of 100% forallfactorsexceptfibrinogen (seebelow).
Whenplasma sampleswere assayedfor activity after rabbitsweregiven purified human factor X orprothrombin, clotting times were con-verted to percent activity ofthefactor from both astandard curve preparedwithrabbitreferenceplasma and astandardcurveprepared withahumanreferenceplasma. Substrate plasmas for specificfactor
assays ofrabbitplasma were: for factorsVII, X, andprothrombin,of rabbitorigin;for factor IX, ofhuman or rabbit origin; forfactorsVand VIII,ofhuman origin.
TheP&P test. In the test asmodifiedforthisstudy, 100 Mlofrabbit
plasmadiluted 1:5 with barium sulfate-adsorbed rabbitplasma was
incubated for3 min at370Cwith100 Ml rabbitbrain TF(Sigma Chemi-calCo.).Clottingwastriggered bytheadditionof100
of25mMCaCl2, which inthis and other tests citedbelow had been warmed to37°C.
Measurementoffibrinogen.Themethodof Clauss ( 18)wasused. 100Mlof 80 U/mlbovinethrombin was addedto200AL rabbit plasma
dilutedin Veronalbuffer (28.4mMsodiumbarbital, 125 mMNaCl,
pH7.35).Clotting timeswereconverted tofibrinogenconcentration
fromastandard curve preparedwithahumanfibrinogen.
Factor V was measured in aone-stage assay in which 100
of human immunodepleted factor V-deficient plasma was incubatedwith 100Mlof a 1:50-200 dilution of the test sample and 100 Ml rabbit brainTF(SigmaChemical Co.) for 3 min, and clotting wastriggeredby theadditionof 100Ml 25 mMCaCl2.
Factor VIII was measured in a one-stage assay in which 100
ofhereditaryhumanfactor VIII-deficient plasma,100 Mlof a1:10or1:20
dilutionof test sample, and100AlofAPTTreagent were incubated for 5 min, andclottingwastriggered bytheaddition of 100 Ml of 30 mM
FactorVIIwasmeasured inaone-stage assay in which100Alofan
equal part mixture of rabbit immunodepleted factor VII-deficient
plasmaandbarium-adsorbedrabbitplasma, 100Mlofa1:50-200
dilu-tion oftestplasma,and100 Ml rabbit brainTF(SigmaChemicalCo.) wereincubated together for3 min,andclottingwastriggeredbythe
addition of 100Mlof 25mMCaCI2.
FactorX wasmeasuredessentiallyas forfactorVII except that
rabbitimmunodepleted factorX-deficientplasmawasusedasthe
Prothrombinwasmeasured inaone-stage assay inwhich 100MA of
anequalpartmixture of rabbitserumreagent andspecial
barium-ad-sorbedrabbitplasma,100 Ml ofa1:10-40 dilutionoftestplasma,and 100Ml of rabbit brainTF(SigmaChemicalCo.)wereincubated to-getherfor3min,andclottingwastriggered bythe addition of100Ml of 25 mMCaCl2.
Factor IXwasmeasured inaone-stage assay in which 100M1ofan equal part mixture ofrabbit immunodepleted factor IX-deficient plasmaandbariumadsorbedoxplasmaorofhumanfactor
IX-defi-cient plasmaandbarium-adsorbedrabbitplasma, 100Mlofa1:5-10
dilution oftestplasma,and100Mlof APTTreagentwereincubated for 5min,andclottingwasthentriggered bythe addition of100 MAlof 35 mMCaCl2.Verysimilarvalues wereobtained witheither substrate for
rabbit plasmatestsamples whenplasma factorIXactivitywas <25%, i.e.,withinthe range criticalforthe presentexperiments.
Humanprothrombinantigenand human factor Xantigenwere
mea-sured by electroimmunoassay (EIA)with specific antibodies in 1%
Seakem agarose ME inaTris-Tricinebuffer, pH8.6(81mMTris-HCl
and 24 mMtricine). Antibodyconcentrations were0.5% for rabbit
anti-humanprothrombinantiserumand 0.4% for rabbit anti-human
testsHematocrit and platelet counts were determined with a Coulter ST counter(Coulter Electronics Inc.,Hialeah, FL) inthehematology labo-ratoryofthe UCSDMedical Center.
Reduced and nonreducedSDS-PAGEon8-10%gelswereperformed
accordingtothe methodofLaemmli ( 19).Proteinsweretransblotted ontoImmobilonPmembrane(Millipore, Bedford, MA) accordingto
the methodof Towbinet al.(20).Electroelution ofproteinbandsfrom
astained SDS-PAGE wascarried out with anelectroelution system
(Bio-Rad Laboratories) accordingtothemanufacturer'sinstructions.
Statistical methods
Allvalues reported in the tables aremean±SDand all values reported in the graphs are means±SEM. When datafromtwo groups were
com-pared,atwo-tailedstudent's groupttest wasused.
of warfarin upon rabbit vitamin K-dependent proco-agulantfactors. In aninitial experiment with 13 rabbits given 0.5 mg/kg warfarin daily, animals werefoundtofall intotwononoverlapping groups. One group, referred to hereafter as
high responders, hada meanP&Pactivityonday 4 of warfarin
of 17±8% (SEM). Asecondgroup,referredtohereafteraslow responders, had a meanP&Pactivityon day 4of warfarin of
Activity levelsof factors II, VII, IX, and Xweremeasured
daily for4din 23 high responder rabbits. FactorVIIactivity
hadfallentoits fullextentby24 h, which was the time the first
postwarfarin samplewasdrawn.FactorsIX, X, and prothrom-binwerealso reduced at24 h,but 2 to 3 dwere required for factors IX and X to fall to their full extent, and 4 d were re-quiredforthe fall in prothrombin activityto level off. Mean
K-depen-dent procoagulantfactors from a large group ofrabbits after 4 d ofwarfarin arelisted in Table I. It isemphasizedthat thesedata were obtained in assays with rabbit substrates.
ofwarfarin upon coagulation induced by the
infu-sionofTF.Ninecontrolnon-warfarin-treated rabbits infused
over4 hwith 1ag/kg ofTF(batch 1) had clear-cut evidence of intravascular coagulation (Fig. 1). By the end of the infusion mean values were 50% for fibrinogen, 35% for factor V, and 42%for factor VIII. In six high responder warfarin-treated rab-bits(meanP&Ptestactivity of17±8%)infused withthesame batchofTF,intravascularcoagulationwasattenuated.By the endoftheTFinfusion mean values were 88% forfibrinogen, 93%for factor V, and80% for factorVIII(Fig.1). These mean valuesdiffered from the mean values for the control rabbits (P
<0.05forfibrinogen,andP <0.001 for factorsVandVIII). In five low responder warfarin-treated rabbits (mean P&P test activity of48±3%)infused withthe TF,intravascular coagula-tion wasonlypartiallyattenuated. By the end of theinfusion mean values were 75%for fibrinogen, 50% for factor V, and 43% for factorVIII(Fig. 1). Therefore, only highresponder rabbits, witha P&P test ofbetween 5 and 35% after4 d of warfarin,were used infurther studies.
Evaluation of the
TF-induced intravascular
coagulation ofselective
depression offactors
IX, X,
and prothrombin
Antibodieswereadministered to otherwise normal rabbitsto
depressselectively plasma activitiesof the vitamin K-depen-dentprocoagulant factorstolevelssimilartothoseobtainedin high responderrabbits after4dof warfarin(Fig. 2).The rab-bitswere theninfused withTFfor4hand thedegree ofintravas-cular coagulation was compared to that observed in appro-priatecontrol groups.
effect of
degrees of
selective reductionof
VIIactivity upon
TF-induced intravascularcoag-ulation. 12 rabbitswere
with 250inhibitory
U of purifiedgoatanti-rabbit factorVIIIgG,andanadditional250 Uof IgGwereaddedtotheinfusion bag.Theanimals could be divided intotwodistinctgroups. Inonegroupof sixanimals,
with a mean valuefor factorVIIactivity before immunodeple-tion of95%,thefactorVIIlevelfellto 10-15%
(Fig. 2).
In asecond groupof six rabbits, witha meanvaluefor factorVII
activity beforeimmunodepletion of 56%,themeanfactorVII
levelfellto< 1%.
Immunodepression of plasma factor VII activity to 10-15%, i.e.,to alevelcomparabletothemeanlevelobtained in rabbits
warfarin (Table I), failedtopreventTF-inducedTableL Mean Valuesforthe P&PTestand Individual Vitamin
K-dependent ProcoagulantFactors
inHigh Responder Rabbitsafter4dof Warfarin
Assay n Activity±SD Range
P&P 38 16±8 5-35 Factor II 38 13±10 3-54 FactorVII 38 12±11 0.5-50 Factor IX 23 7±4 2-25 Factor X 38 14±7 4-36
100 75
501 25
100 75 50 25
125 100 75 50 25
0 1 2 3 4
TIME (Houi
Figure1.Theeffect of
treatment with warfarin
upontheextentof TF-induced intravascular coagulationas mea-5 6 suredbythe decrease in
plasmalevelsof fibrino-v
and factor VIII(C).
The...infusionperiod isindicatedbyabar. (n) High respondersto
war-...farintreatment(n 6);
(A) low respondersto
5 6 7 =5); (V) control rabbits nottreated with
Valuesaremean±SEM of the
-Q meanpercentbefore in-fusion. Mean valuesat
the end of the infusion forhigh responders and control animals dif-fered: P<0.05 for
fi-5 6 7 brinogenand P<0.001
rs) for factorVand VIII.
intravascular coagulation. By the end ofa 4-h TF infusion
mean valueswere40% forfibrinogen, 33% for factorV,and 31% for factorVIII. These values differed from the values ob-served in control warfarin-treated animalsinfused with TF but
LLI C) (x
i'-. 12
z 2
0 1 2 3 4 5
TIME (Hours)
0 1 2 3 4 5
TIME (Hours)
< 75
Z 20
T-!_ t 'LU 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4, 5 6
TIME (Hours)
>12 10
< 7 H2
_ J2 U1
a-Figure 2. Specific immunodepletionofplasmalevels of factorsVII, IX, X, andprothrombintolevelscomparabletothose obtainedin
high responder rabbits given warfarin. Specificantibodiesweregiven (I ) afterthe initial bloodsamplewasdrawn. The animalswerethen
infusedwith TFovertheperiodindicatedbythe bar. Valuesaremean
percentactivity±SEM.Detailsaregivenin thetext. 2134 A. Zivelin,L. V M.Rao,and S. I.Rapaport
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
15 ,
..I .
?01- U
-10 '-* --. /
D 7 5
1 1 )0-f 75
, I 2-!
' 2
ul ul
100 U
75- 50-25
0 1 2 3 4 5
125 -,- .IT T
50 25
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 3. Evidence that selectivedepression of factorVII to 10-15%of
normalplasma activity failstoprevent
TF-in-duced intravascular
co-agulationasmonitored byconsumptionof plasmafibrinogen(A), factorV(B), and factor VIII (C). Values are mean(±SEM) percent of the mean initial value.(.)Anti-factor
VII-treated rabbits (n
=6 );(.) controlrabbits (n=3);(n) warfarin-treatedrabbits (n =7).
with TF over the period indicated by the bar.
100- 0
75 !
50 Figure4. Evidence that
S!_~-~' immunodepression of
25 factor VII to< 1%of
0 , . , normalplasmaactivity
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 protectsagainst TF-in-duced intravascular
ATO agulationasmonitored
FACTOR V B by consumption of
fi-100 - *yibrinogen(A), factor V
75 Q (B),andfactor
-(C). Datafrom rabbits 50 N with selective
depres-25 sion of factorVIIto
10-15%of normal
0 , plasmaactivityarealso
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
plotted forcomparison.
Values are mean
125 (±SEM)percent ofthe
FACTOR VIII C meanvaluesbefore the
100 e injection of the IgG.
75 Rabbits with< 1%
activ-50 ity (n=6);
rabbits25 with 10-15%plasma factorVIIactivity(n
0 =6).The TFinfusion
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 period isindicatedby
not fromthe values observed in control nontreated animalsinfused with TF(Fig. 3).
In rabbitsimmunodepleted toplasma factor VII levels of
<1%, a 4-h infusion ofTF resulted in the following mean
values:85% for fibrinogen,72%for factorV, and 75% for factor VIII.Immunodepletion of plasma factorVIIto < 1%,in con-trast toimmunodepletion of plasma factorVII to 10-1 5%,
pro-tected rabbits against TF-induced intravascular coagulation
Theinability ofselective reduction ofplasmafactorIXactiv-itytoprotect against TF-induced intravascular coagulation. 12 rabbitswereinjected intravenously with500 U/kgof
monoclo-nalanti-factorIXIgG. 1hlater eight rabbitswereinfused with
TFandfour rabbitswereinfusedwithsaline.Nine rabbits were
injected withacontrol monoclonal anti-humanthyroglobulin
IgG (2.5 mg/kg). 1 hlaterfive oftheseanimalswere infused
with TF and the remaining four animals were infused with
At 1 h after the anti-factor IX IgG injection the mean
plasmafactor IXactivityof the animalsgivenTFwas13%,and
by2hafter theinjection it had fallento 7%(Fig. 2).The latter was the same mean plasma activity as that found in a large group of rabbitsgivenwarfarin(Table I). Bythe endof theTF infusion meanvalues were 46% for fibrinogen, 40% for factor V, and 42% for factor VIII (Fig. 5).Thesevalues did not differ
fromthe values in animalsinfused withTFafterreceiving the controlmonoclonal IgG. Thus, selective depletion of plasma
factor IX activityto a level comparable to that measured in
rabbitsgiven warfarin failedto protect rabbits against
Theprotectiveeffectofselective reduction offactorXactivity upon TF-induced intravascular coagulation. 11 rabbits were injected with - 300 inhibitory U of monoclonal anti-factor X
lo0 75S
l I
LU C-)
50 25
100 75
25 T
00 11, 2
3 44 55 66 71P9 100 75 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(Hours)Figure5. Evidence that
immunode-pression of plasma fac-torIXactivityfailsto
prevent TF-induced in-travascularcoagulation
asmonitored by
con-sumption offibrinogen
(A), factorV(B),and
factorVIII(C).Values aremean(±SEM) per-centofthemeaninitial values.
) Rabbitsre-ceivinganti-IXIgGand infused with TF (n
=8); (m) rabbits receiv-ing controlIgGand in-fused withTF(n= 5);
(o) rabbitsreceiving ei-ther controlIgG (n=4)
oranti-IXIgG (n=4)
and infused with saline. The infusionperiodis indicatedby thebar.
I -_
Moo-O °5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-to_ O5 0---_
IgG, and an additional 125-150 U was added to the infusion bag. Within 30 min of the initial injection factor X activity had fallen to 10-20% (Fig. 2), which was comparable to the mean 14%activity ofhigh responder rabbits given warfarin (Table I). Sevenoftherabbitswereinfusedwith TF, and the four remain-ing rabbits were infused with saline as controls. In the latter the anti-factor X IgG had no effect upon fibrinogen, factor V, or platelets, butdid alter the measurement of factor VIII as de-scribedbelow.
factor Xactivity
substantiallyprotected therabbits against TF-induced intravas-cular coagulation. At the end of the TF infusion the mean fibrinogen level was 81% (Fig. 6 A), which differed from the 19% mean fibrinogen level of control rabbits infused with TF and was comparable to the 85% meanfibrinogen level of war-farin-treated rabbits infused with TF. At the end of the TF infusion the mean factorVlevel was 68% (Fig. 6 B), which differed from the mean factorVlevel ofcontrol nontreated rabbitsinfused withTF and was comparable to the 78% mean factorVactivity of warfarin-treated rabbits infused withTF.
became apparent inmeasuring plasma
factor VIII levels in factorX-depleted rabbit plasma. In contrast to thefactorVassay, in which rabbit plasmatestsamples were assayed at a 1:50-200 dilution, testsamples were assayedfor factorVIIIata1:20dilution.MeanfactorVIIIlevels in thefirst sample measured after the injection of anti-factor X IgG, which was 30 min after beginning an infusion, were reduced125 FACTOR V B
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 6. Evidence that
immunode-pression of plasma fac-torXactivitytolevels
ob-tained inhigh
re-spondersgiven warfarin
protectsagainst TF-in-ducedintravascular
co-agulationasmonitored byconsumption of
fi-brinogen (A), factorV
(C). The TFinfusion
periodisindicated by
the bar. (v) Nontreated
(o) warfarin-treated rabbits(n= 7);
rabbitstreatedwith anti-factorXIgG(n=7). Values are mean percent(±SEM)of meaninitial values for
fibrinogenandfactor Vand mean percent of thesample 30 min after
injectionof IgG for fac-tor VIII.Atthe endof the TFinfusion the P valuesfor differencesin means for the anti-X/TF animals and the
warfarin/TFanimals were: for fibrinogen, P=0.46; for factor V, P
=0.22;forfactorVIII, P=0.73. Thecorresponding P values for
dif-ferencesin means for theanti-X/TFanimals and the control/TF
animalswere:for fibrinogen,P<0.0001;forfactor V,P=0.001; for factorVIII,P=0.0 12.
both for animals infused withsaline (56±6%) and for animals infusedwith TF (66±6%). Since the anti-rabbit factor X IgG did not inhibit human factor X in the factor VIII-deficient substrate plasma, it appeared that a markedly reduced factor X level in a rabbitplasma test sample relative to the factor X level of the rabbitplasma reference standard influenced the test re-sult of our factor VIII assay.
Therefore, in the analysis of the factor VIII data, the factor VIII level 30min after beginning an infusion ofTF, rather than thefactorVIIIlevel beforeinjecting the anti-factor X IgG, was assignedavalue of100%. When the data were plotted as per-centof this initial value (Fig. 6 C), the mean plasma factor VIII level at the end of the TF infusion differed from the mean factor VIIIlevel ofcontrol rabbits infused with TF and was comparable to the meanfactorVIIIlevel ofwarfarin-treated rabbitsinfused with TF. Thus, all data were consistent in estab-lishing that selective depression of factor X to a level compara-bleto that obtained in high responder rabbits given warfarin protectedagainstTF-induced intravascularcoagulation in our rabbit model.
The protective effect of selective reduction of plasma prothrombin activity upon TF-induced intravascular coagula-tion. 10 rabbitswere
with 150inhibitory
Uof affin-itypurifiedgoat anti-rabbit prothrombin IgG, and an addi-tional75Uof IgGwasaddedtotheinfusionbag.Insixrabbits the meanprothrombin activityfell to 10%(Fig.2),whichwas comparabletothe 13%activityofhigh responder rabbits given warfarin (Table I). Theserabbitswereinfusedwith TF. Three rabbits, inwhich theplasmaprothrombin activity fellto be-tween 2 and 3%,andafourthrabbit withaplasma prothrom-binactivityof 1 1%wereinfused with salineas acontrol for the effectof theinjection of theIgGupon hemostatic factors and theirmeasurement.Mean valuesforfibrinogenatthe endofa4-hinfusionwere
93% for control prothrombin-depleted animals infused with saline, 19% for controlnonprothrombin-depletedanimals in-fusedwith TF, and 75% forprothrombin-depleted animals in-fusedwithTF.This last valuewascomparabletothe85%mean
fibrinogen level ofwarfarin-treated animals infused with TF
(Fig.7A). Mean values for factorV(Fig.7B)atthe endofa
4-hinfusionwere79% for controlprothrombin-depleted ani-malsinfused withsaline, 17%forcontrol
non-prothrombin-depleted rabbits infused with TF, 61% for
prothrombin-de-pleted animalsinfused with TF,and78%for warfarin-treated animalsinfused withTF.Althoughthemeanvaluefor factorV
TFwaslowerthan the value for factor V of the warfarin-treated animals (P=0.012), itwas
impressively higher
than the value for thecon-trol TF-infused rabbits(P<0.0005).
Thedata on factorVIIIlevelswereless clearcut(Fig.7C).
Mean factor VIII levels fell 30 min after
of anti-prothrombinIgGto70-75%ofmean valuesbeforethe injec-tion in both animals infused withTFand inanimals infused withsaline. Atthe end of infusionthe meanfactorVIIIlevel was lower for the animals infused withTFthan for the animals infused with saline(P=0.004).It wasalso lower than for the warfarin-treated animals infused withTF(P= 0.008).How-ever,the mean factor VIII level for theprothrombin-depleted rabbitsinfused withTF washigherthanfor the control rabbits infused withTF(P=0.003).
Incontrast to theinjectionof the otherIgG
theinjectionoftheanti-rabbitprothrombin IgGcauseda50%FIBRINOGEN
75 N"V 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
U-Ld M:
0 z
* U
. .m 100
75 50 25
75 .~
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
125, _ __ _
'0 =
)5 | _
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 7. Evidence that
selective immunode-pression ofplasma prothrombin activity to levels comparable to thoseobtainedinhigh
responders given
TF-induced intravascu-larcoagulationas
moni-toredby consumption offibrinogen (A), factor
V(B),and factor VIII
(C).(.) Rabbits given antiprothrombin IgG
andinfused withTF (n
=6); (o)
warfarin-treatedrabbits infused
with TF (n =7); (v)
control nontreated rab-bitsinfused withTF(n
=3); (o)control
anti-prothrombinIgG and infused withsaline(n
=4). Values are mean percent (±SEM) of
meaninitial values be-fore theIgGinjection
(4),orbefore the
infu-sion. Theinfusion pe-riod isindicatedby the bar.Atthe end of the TFinfusionthe P valuesfor differencesbetween meansforanti-II /TF andwarfarin/TF animalswere:forfibrinogen,P=0.2; for factorV, P=0.0 12; for factorVIII, P=0.008. ThecorrespondingPvaluesfor differencesbetweenmeansof anti-II/TFanimals andcontrol/TF
animalswere:forfibrinogen,P=0.002; for factorV, P<0.0005;for
fall in the mean platelet count of both rabbits infused with saline andrabbits infused withTF(Table II). Because plasma prothrombinconcentration exceeds by many-fold the concen-trations of factors VII, IX, or X, the platelet fall after anti-prothrombinIgG is presumed to stem from the binding oflarge enough amounts of prothrombin-antiprothrombin immune complexes to platelets to cause platelet sequestration. After 2 h, platelet counts began to rise both in rabbits infused with saline and inrabbits infusedwith TF, which indicated that sufficient thrombin had notbeengenerated in the rabbits infused with
TFtodepress the platelet count further.
Viewed as a whole the above data on fibrinogen, factor V, factor VIII, and platelets provide convincing evidence that se-lectiveimmunodepletion of plasma prothrombin activity sub-stantially protected rabbits against TF-induced intravascular coagulation.
Selective restoration offactor X in warfarin-treated rabbits infusedwithTF.Itwasclear from the data above that immuno-depletionof either plasma factor X or prothrombin to activities comparable to those obtained in warfarin-treated rabbits suf-ficed to protect otherwise normal rabbits against TF-induced intravascularcoagulation. Our next step was to determine the effect of selective restoration of factor X upon the protection warfarin afforded against TF-induced intravascular
TableII.Mean Platelet Count ofRabbits Given
AntiprothrombinIgGandInfusedwith Either TForSaline Mean platelet count
Time TFinfusion (n=6) Saline infusion (n=4)
0 h* 520±125 586±151
30 min 263±70 270±144 2 h 374±80 363±122
4h 393±84 381±126
*Before IgG and thebeginningofaninfusion.
Since itwasnecessaryto use
human factorXfor thispurpose, inapreliminary experiment,
1 U of human factor X was added in vitro to 1 ml of rabbit factor X-deficient plasma, and the resultantplasma factorXactivity
with rabbitfactor X-deficientsubstrate. Thefollowingvalues were obtained: 100%, when clottingtimes wereconvertedto
percent activity from ahuman plasma reference curve;
from arabbitplasmareferencecurve. Asevaluated ina
one-stagefactorXassay withrabbitreagents, humanfactorXhada
much loweractivityinrabbit plasmathandid rabbit factorX.
Becauseof thisobservation,threewarfarin-treated rabbits were injected with 400-500 Uof purifiedhumanfactorX be-foreinfusingTF.Thisraisedthemeaninitial
factorXactivity of 19%to57%asreadfromarabbit reference
curve, and to 600% asread from ahuman plasma reference
curve(Fig. 8).ThemeanplasmahumanfactorX
level after theinjectionwas475%.Bytheendofthe 4-h TFinfusion meanplasmafactorXactivityhad fallento25%asreadfromarabbit reference curve, and to 220% as read from a human referencecurve.
The 4-hinfusionofTF resulted ina fall ofmeanplasma fibrinogenlevelto19% andmeanplasmafactorVlevelto16%. These mean values wereidentical tothose observed in three TF-infused control rabbits not given warfarin. The mean
plasmafactorVIIIactivity fellto anintermediatevalueof 37%, whichwashigher(P=0.011)than the meanfactorVIIIlevelof
16% in the control rabbits not given warfarin but lower (P =0.010)thanthemeanfactorVIIIlevelof64% inseven
war-farin-treated rabbitsnot
withfactorX.X Figure 8. Mean plasma
600 factor X levels in three 450 [ warfarin-treated rabbits < 300 [| °>*injectedwith human
150 ~0 y factorXand infused withTF.Values are LLJ
Fac-Cy 25 A/ _ j j tor X activity measured a 0 withrabbit substrate0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and read from a rabbit
TIME (Hours) plasma reference curve; (in)factorXactivity
measuredwith rabbit substrate and read fromahumanplasma
These data provided evidence that restoring plasma factor Xactivity in warfarin-treated rabbits could abolish the protec-tion warfarin affordedagainst TF-induced intravascular coagu-lation. Despite the low concentration of prothrombin activity in the warfarin-treated animals (range, 6-25%), sufficient thrombin was generated to induce intravascular coagulation as extensiveasthat observed in control non-warfarin-treated rab-bits.
Selective restoration of prothrombin in warfarin-treated rabbits infused with TF. Eight warfarin-treated rabbits were injected with - 75 U/kg ofhuman prothrombin. Three
rab-bitswereinfused with salineas controls and five rabbits were infused with TF, but, as described below, data from one were excluded. In the remaining four rabbits the mean plasma prothrombin activity 1 h after the injection of prothrombin was
and themeanplasma
anti-gen was 124±21%. Mean activities of the other procoagulant vitaminK-dependent factors in these four rabbits on the day of theexperimentwere:factorVII, 14%; factor IX, 6%; and factor X, 15%.1 haftertheinjection ofprothrombin, which was just be-forebeginninganinfusionofTForsaline, the platelet count andfibrinogen levels were unchanged but mean values in per-centofinitial values wereslightly elevatedfor bothfactor V (133±29%) and factor VIII (125±34%). Since our purified prothrombin contained a trace of thrombin (< 0.01%), it is possible that there were traces ofcirculating thrombin-acti-vatedfactors V and VIIIinthese animals.
Restoring plasma prothrombin activity notonly reversed theprotectionbywarfarinbutstrikingly sensitizedtherabbits to TF-induced intravascularcoagulation. Plasma fibrinogen, factorV, andfactorVIIIfelldramatically duringtheTF infu-sion(Fig. 9).The first rabbit died ofuncontrollable bleeding secondarytodefibrination aftera1-h samplewastaken,andits datawereexcluded.Asecond rabbit died afterasampleat2 h was taken, and the data fromthisanimal were included. In the remainingthreeanimalstheTFinfusionwasstoppedwithin2
to3 h becauseofpersisting oozing ofblood from-thesampling sites. Ascan be seen in Fig. 9, plasma
levels fell within 2 h to unmeasurable levels (< 25 mg/dl), andfactorVand VIII mean activities were <5%. In addition, the mean
platelet countfell from aninitialvalue of759 X 109/literto 100 x 109/ liter after2 hofTFinfusion.
Hematologic parameters. The meanhematocritvalue for the 64 rabbits fell as a consequence ofinfusions andblood sampling fromaninitialvalueof36to33% atthe endofthe infusion period. Thefallinananimal's hematocritwas inde-pendent ofwhether theanimal
intravascular coag-ulation.In 22rabbits with intravascularcoagulation,themeanplatelet count decreased from an initial value of 634±127
x 109/literto a value of 388±151 X 109/literat the end of a
4-h TFinfusion (P<0.001).In32 animals without intravascu-larcoagulation, mean platelet levels were unchanged after a4-h
infusion. The data from 10 animals inwhich,as mentioned earlier, plateletcountsfellafter theinjectionof antiprothrom-bin IgGwereexcluded incalculatingthesemeans(TableII).
Theexperiments reported here provide data on how warfan functionsin vivo as an anticoagulant when TFwas usedto
initiate bloodcoagulation (21).In apreliminary experiment z
I 1-J
.50 FIBRINOGEN A Figure 9. Evidence that
.25 F Nselective restoration of
inwar-LOO- *7° °
rabbits 75 \ _ sensitizesthe rabbits to 50 ! extensiveTF-induced25 intravascular
0 1 2 3 4 5 consumptionof
fibrino-50 gen(A), factor V (B),
andfactor VIII(C).
Values aremean
Lo (±SEM)percent of the
75 meanvaluesbefore the
50 injectionofhuman
25 thebeginningof the
in-o 1 2 fusion in the other
0 1 2 3 4 5 groups. All rabbits were
SO FACTOR VIII C infused withTF. (C)
.25 Warfarin-treatedrabbits
13 bin(n=4); (m)control
nontreatedrabbits (n
50 =3); (o)
warfarin-25 treated rabbits not given
,- \, 1 ._ W prothrombin(n=
1 2 3 4 ' The infusionperiodfor
TIME (Hours) the controlgroupsis
in-dicated bythe bar.The
arrowdenotes the endofthe meaninfusion period forthe experi-mental group. Theasteriskdenotes an unmeasurablefibrinogenlevel
the responseof rabbitsto0.5mg/kgof sodium warfaringiven intravenously daily for4dwasdeterminedasmonitoredbya
timetechnique (a modification of the P&P test[17]).
The rabbits fell into two groups: highre-sponders,inwhich themeanplasmaP&Pactivitydecreasedto
17%, and lowresponders,inwhichthemeanplasmaP&P activ-ity decreasedtoonly48%. Thereasonisunknown,buta
differ-ence in responsiveness to warfarin of rabbits has also been noted by others (22). Contraryto a
single early
report that warfarin treatmentfailedtoprevent intravascularcoagulation inrabbits infused withcrude TF(7),
responderrabbitswereprotected against TF-induced intravascularcoagulation (Fig. 1).The P&P activity range of 5-35% of protected high
re-sponder rabbits is similar to the 10-30% range first
recom-mendedasthetherapeuticrangefor patients monitoredwith theP&P test(23). Moreover, themean P&Pactivity ofour
high responder rabbitsof 16% iscomparabletothe 15%P&P activity later recommended foranticoagulanttherapy in pa-tients with arterial disease(24).In our
this reinforces thevalidityofextrapolatingdatafromourrabbit modeltoanunderstandingofthemechanism ofthe clinical antithrombotic efficacyof warfarin.
Aninitialapproachwas todeterminetheeffect upon
TF-induced coagulationofselectiveimmunodepletion of factors VII, IX, X, andprothrombin to mean levels comparableto
those obtainedinhigh responderrabbitsgivenwarfarin(Table I). It wasthought important to measure the activity of the procoagulant vitaminK-dependentfactorsastheyfunctioned in rabbit plasma. Specific rabbit substrate plasmas for each factor wereprepared and assays using these substrates were
2138 A.Zivelin,L. V. M.Rao, andS. I.Rapaport
standardized. As documented elsewhere (25) this proved es-sential for accurate determination of the plasma activity of fac-tors VII, X, andprothrombin.
Selective immunodepletion of plasma factor VII activity to a mean level ( 1%) comparable to that obtained in high re-sponderrabbitsgivenwarfarin ( 12%) failed to protectagainst TF-induced intravascularcoagulation (Fig.3). We inferfrom thisexperimentalresult that the fall inplasma factor VII activ-ity in patients treated with warfarin, e.g., to the 20% level ob-served inagroup ofpatients stablyanticoagulated witha vita-min Kantagonist (26), contributes little if any to warfarin's antithrombotic efficacy.
Additional observations supportthisconclusion. As men-tioned earlier,venousthromboembolism has beenreported in patients withhereditary factor VIIdeficiency (3, 4). Adding purifiedfactorVII to aplasma level of 5% generated maximal prothrombinaseactivity when the coagulation reactionsof he-reditary factor VII-deficientplasma wereinitiatedin vitrowith diluteTF(6). Finally,aplasmafactorVIIlevelof between 5 and10%hasbeenreported to be adequate forsurgical hemosta-sis inpatients with hereditary factorVIIdeficiency (27, 28).
Asexpected,sinceTFinitiates coagulationthrough the for-mation of factor VII(a)/TFcomplexes,selective immunode-pletion of plasma factor VII activity to < 1% protected the rabbits againstTF-inducedintravascularcoagulation(Fig. 4). However, the intensity of warfarintherapy needed toachieve
anantithrombotic effect fromsuch severedepletion ofplasma factorVIIactivitywould have an unacceptablerisk ofclinical bleeding.
Selectiveimmunodepressionof plasma factorIX tolevels comparable to the 7% meanlevel ofhigh responder rabbits givenwarfarin also failedtoprotect rabbitsagainstTF-induced intravascular coagulation (Fig. 5). Therefore, in at least some clinical circumstances depression ofplasma factorIXactivity may notcontribute significantlytotheantithrombotic efficacy ofwarfarin.However,it ispremature to conclude that depres-sionof factorIXactivity failstocontributetothe antithrom-boticefficacy of warfarin when coagulation is initiated by a lowerconcentration ofTF or byfactor XIa. Further data are needed but may not beobtainablewith the present model sys-tem, which isinsensitivetoinfusion of concentrations ofTF
much lower than 1ytg/kg(29).
In contrastto the above, selective immunodepression of either factorX(Fig.6)orprothrombin (Fig. 7)tomeanlevels comparabletothose observed inhigh responderrabbitsgiven warfarin(TableI)protected rabbits against TF-induced intra-vascularcoagulation. Theseobservationsinotherwise normal rabbits prompted us to carry out additional experiments to determinewhetherdepression of factorXaloneor prothrom-bin alone would also protectagainst TF-induced coagulationin
animals,inwhichprotein C and S levels are depressed. Therefore, either plasma factorX orprothrombin was restored in high responder rabbits given warfarin before theywereinfused withTF.Becausehighlypurified rabbitfac-tor Xandrabbitprothrombinwerenotavailable insufficient quantity for these experiments, purified human proteins hadto be used.
Theinjection of 400-500Uof human factorXinto a2-kg rabbit, which, as discussed earlier, raised theanimal'splasma factorXlevelfrom- 20% toonly- 60% asdetermined from
a rabbit plasma reference curve,reversedtheprotection
war-farin afforded against TF-induced intravascular coagulation.
Despite a mean plasma prothrombin activity of only 15%, manifestations of intravascular coagulation in theseanimals were virtuallyindistinguishable fromthose observed when TF was infused into control animals with a normal plasma prothrombin level.
However, theeffect of restoringfactor X in these experi-ments must be evaluatedwiththecaveatthatthetestresult in our one-stage rabbit factor X assay isdetermined bythe initial rates, over secondsafterrecalcifyingthe reactionmixture, of the generation and function ofhuman factor Xa in rabbit plasma. Because theseinitialrates areslower than ifthesample containedanequivalent concentration ofrabbitfactor X, clot-ting timesconvertedtopercentactivityfromarabbit
referencecurve willyieldamuch lower valueforfactorX activ-ity than clotting times converted to percent activity from a
human plasma reference curve. It is possible that the large amounts ofhuman factor Xthatwere injected into
which raised plasma levels to- 600%as measuredwitha hu-man plasmareferencestandard(Fig. 8),could have had much moreofaprocoagulanteffectover the4hofaTFinfusionthan onemightassume from the - 40% increase inplasma factorX
concentrationthat wasmeasuredwith arabbit plasma refer-ence standard.
Restoring prothrombin in high responder rabbits given warfarin not only reversed warfarin's protection but sensitized the animals toTF-induced intravascularcoagulation (Fig. 9). Incontrast to the protection seen in rabbits immunodepleted of plasmafactor X, the comparably low factor X activity of warfarin-treated animals with restored prothrombin failed to prevent massive TF-induced intravascular coagulation with un-controllablebleedingdue to defibrination. It is assumed that thisreflectedaninabilityof depressedproteinC and S levels to regulate the TF-induced coagulation. It is also believed that the differencebetweenreversingprotectionby restoringfactorX
and enhancing intravascular coagulation by restoring prothrombin reflects prothrombin's role as the substrate for thrombin.
In the present experiments the prevention of a fall in plasma fibrinogen, factorV, and factor VIII levels has been taken asevidence forreduced TF-induced intravascular coagu-lation.Althoughunquestionablytrue forfibrinogen,onecould questionwhetherthemaintenance of factorVandVIIIlevels in warfarin-treated animals infused with TF could have re-sulted atleast in part from reduced plasma protein C and S levels. This seems most unlikely to us in view of the striking depletion ofplasma factorVand VIII observed after TF infu-sion inwarfarin-treatedanimals with restored prothrombin.
Theprothrombintime test is sensitive to the combined ac-tivity of factor VII,factor X, and prothrombin. However, when warfarin is given to a patient the initial prolongation of the prothrombin timestems primarily from a reduced plasma
fac-tor VIIactivity,since factor VII has an intravascular
half-clear-ancetimeofonly 5h(30). Although an initial fall in plasma factorVIIto levelsof 10- 15% within 1-2d of starting warfarin therapy may yield a prothrombin time in the accepted thera-peutic range, yet, as strongly supported by the data here, a patientwill notbe protected against thrombosis. Indeed,
be-cause proteinC also hasa similarly short intravascular
half-clearancetime (31 ), the prolonged prothrombin time during
the first dayortwo oftreatment with warfarin is thought to
mask aninitial
ofpotential hypercoagulability.efficacy
of warfarininpatients
willnotbeobtaineduntil bothplasma
andplasma prothrombin activityaresubstantially depressed.
impres-sive in vivo evidenceof the
ofprothrombin activity
effect.It isincreasingly recognized (32, 33)
that whenpatients
aregiven bothheparin
and warfarin fortreatment ofanacute throm-boticepisode,
shouldbecontinued for several days afterstarting
of theprothrombin
time. Inview of theintravascular half-clearance time in humans for factorXof- 40h(34)
of- 60h(34),
to us toextend theperiod
to6 d inpatients
withevidence of extensivevenousthrombosis.A clini-calstudy
eitherasspecific prothrombin activity
orasnativeprothrombin antigen
is discontinuedshouldprovide
the in-formationneededtovalidatethe aboverecommendation. AcknowlednmentsWeacknowledge theexperttechnical assistance ofMr. AnD.Hoang.
This workwassupported by NationalHeartLung and Blood
Insti-tute(NHLBI)grantsHL-27234 (to S. I. Rapaport)andHL-42813(to
L. V.M.Rao).L. V.M. RaoisarecipientofaResearchCareer Devel-opment AwardfromNHLBI.
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