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Academic year: 2022



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NO. 1


PROJECT NAME: Southridge Elementary School 20 Year Refresh Renovation CLIENT NAME: Lewisville ISD

LOCATION: Lewisville, Texas PROJECT NUMBER: 1743-47-01

PROPOSAL DATE: Tuesday, January, 26, 2021, 2:00 PM ADDENDUM DATE: Thursday, January, 21, 2021

For additional information regarding this project, contact Ron Rodpracha at 800.687.1229.


Civil Items - Pages

Landscape Items - Pages Structural Items - Pages Architectural Items 2 Pages Foodservice Items - Pages

Plumbing Items - Pages

Mechanical Items - Pages Electrical Items 1 Pages Technology Items 1 Pages




Architectural Items For Addendum No. 1

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A. This Addendum shall be considered part of the contract documents for the above-mentioned project as though it had been issued at the same time and incorporated integrally therewith. Where provisions of the following supplementary data differ from those of the original contract documents, this Addendum shall govern and take precedence.

B. Proposers are hereby notified that they shall make any necessary adjustments in their estimate on account of this Addendum. It will be construed that each Proposer’s proposal is submitted with full knowledge of all modifications and supplemental data specified therein. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided on the proposal form. Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification.



AD No 1, Arch. Item 1: To the Project Manual, Sections as listed below, Part 2 – Products;

Products listed herein are considered acceptable for conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The manufacturer, supplier and installer are responsible for meeting all requirements given in the contract documents unless specifically noted in the written approval.

1) To Section 09 6500, “RESILIENT FLOORING,”

Model Omnisports Multiuse as manufactured by Tarkett Sports.

AD No 1, Arch. Item 2: To the Project Manual, Section 01 6210, “SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS AND COLORS,”

Revise title of finish schedule to be ‘SOUTHRIDGE ES 20 YEAR REFRESH’.

AD No 1, Arch. Item 3: To the Project Manual,

Add section 07 2400 ‘Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems’ in its entirety.

AD No 1, Arch. Item 4: To the Project Manual, Section 11 4000, ‘FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT’

To Part 3 – EQUIPMENT, ITEM #1, add note H. A specific product manufactured by the following listed manufacturer is acceptable only if the specific product can evidence compliance with the specified item and the contract documents:

American Panel and Masterbilt.

AD No 1, Arch. Item 5: To the Project Manual, Add section 11 6100 ‘Stage Equipment’ in its entirety.


AD No 1, Arch. Item 6: To the Drawings, Sheet G1.2, “GENERAL DATA,”

Replace sheet in its entirety. Revisions include the following:

• Clarifications to scope items 6 & 7



AD No 1, Arch. Item 7: To the Drawings, Sheet AD1.1, “DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN – SECTION 1,”

At Cafeteria 1.08: At the overhead projector, revise note to be M8.

AD No 1, Arch. Item 8: To the Drawings, Sheet A4.8, “TYP INTERIOR FINISH DETAILS,”


AD No 1, Arch. Item 9: To the Drawings, Sheet A7.0, “OVERALL ROOF PLAN,”

Scope of roofing work has been updated. Replace sheet in its entirety.



Electrical Items For Addendum No. 1

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A. This Addendum shall be considered part of the contract documents for the above-mentioned project as though it had been issued at the same time and incorporated integrally therewith. Where provisions of the following supplementary data differ from those of the original contract documents, this Addendum shall govern and take precedence.

B. Proposers are hereby notified that they shall make any necessary adjustments in their estimate on account of this Addendum. It will be construed that each Proposer’s proposal is submitted with full knowledge of all modifications and supplemental data specified therein. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided on the proposal form. Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification.



AD No 1, Elec. Item 1: To the Drawings, Sheet ED1.2, “ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN – SECTION 2,”

Refer to attached drawing ED1.2 for revised demo scope in CONFERENCE 219.

AD No 1, Elec. Item 2: To the Drawings, Sheet EL1.1, “LIGHTING FLOOR PLAN - SECTION 1,”

Refer to attached drawing EL1.1 for revised Theatrical Lighting Plan Notes.

AD No 1, Elec. Item 3: To the Drawings, Sheet EP1.2, “ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN – SECTION 2,”

Refer to attached drawing EP1.2 for revised circuiting and noting for this area.

AD No 1, Elec. Item 4: To the Drawings, Sheet EP1.4, “ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN – SECTION 4,”

Refer to attached drawing EP1.4 for revised circuiting and noting for this area.

AD No 1, Elec. Item 5: To the Drawings, Sheet EP1.5, “ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN – SECTION 5,”

Refer to attached drawing EP1.5 for revised circuiting and noting for this area.






A. This Addendum shall be considered part of the contract documents for the above-mentioned project as though it had been issued at the same time and incorporated integrally therewith. Where provisions of the following supplementary data differ from those of the original contract documents, this Addendum shall govern and take precedence.

B. Proposers are hereby notified that they shall make any necessary adjustments in their estimate on account of this Addendum. It will be construed that each Proposer’s proposal is submitted with full knowledge of all modifications and supplemental data specified therein. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided on the proposal form. Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification.



AD No 1, Tech. Item 1: To the Drawings, Sheet ET1.1, “ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION FLOOR PLAN - SECTION 1,”

Refer to attached drawing ET1.1 for changes and added plan notes.

AD No 1, Tech. Item 2: To the Drawings, Sheet ET1.2, “ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION FLOOR PLAN - SECTION 2,”

Refer to attached drawing ET1.2 for changes and added plan notes.

AD No 1, Tech. Item 3: To the Drawings, Sheet ET1.3, “ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION FLOOR PLAN - SECTION 3,”

Refer to attached drawing ET1.3 for changes.

AD No 1, Tech. Item 4: To the Drawings, Sheet ET1.4, “ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION FLOOR PLAN - SECTION 4,”

Refer to attached drawing ET1.4 for changes and added plan notes.

AD No 1, Tech. Item 5: To the Drawings, Sheet ET1.5, “ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION FLOOR PLAN - SECTION 5,”

Refer to attached drawing ET1.5 for changes and added plan notes.

AD No 1, Tech. Item 6: To the Drawings, Sheet ET7.2, “ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION DETAILS & SYMBOLS,”

Refer to attached drawing ET7.2 for change detail #6.








A. Composite wall and soffit cladding of rigid insulation and reinforced finish coating ("Class PB").

B. Drainage and water-resistive barriers behind insulation board.


A. Section 05 4000 - Cold-Formed Metal Framing: Sheathing on metal studs.

B. Section 07 6200 - Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim: Perimeter flashings.


A. ASTM B117 - Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus 2019.

B. ASTM C297/C297M - Standard Test Method for Flatwise Tensile Strength of Sandwich Constructions 2016.

C. ASTM C578 - Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation 2019.

D. ASTM C847 - Standard Specification for Metal Lath 2018.

E. ASTM C1063 - Standard Specification for Installation of Lathing and Furring to Receive Interior and Exterior Portland Cement-Based Plaster 2019a.

F. ASTM C1397 - Standard Practice for Application of Class PB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and EIFS with Drainage 2013 (Reapproved 2019).

G. ASTM D968 - Standard Test Methods for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by Falling Abrasive 2017.

H. ASTM D2247 - Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity 2015.

I. ASTM D3273 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber 2016.

J. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 2020.

K. ASTM E330/E330M - Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference 2014.

L. ASTM E331 - Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference 2000 (Reapproved 2016).

M. ASTM E2486/E2486M - Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Class PB and PI Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) 2013 (Reapproved 2018).

N. ASTM G153 - Standard Practice for Operating Enclosed Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials 2013.

O. ASTM G155 - Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials 2013.

P. ICC-ES AC219 - Acceptance Criteria for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems 2009, with Editorial Revision (2014).

Q. NFPA 259 - Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials 2018.

R. NFPA 268 - Standard Test Method for Determining Ignitibility of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source 2017.

S. NFPA 285 - Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components 2019.



A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures.

B. Shop Drawings: Indicate wall and soffit joint patterns, joint details, and molding profiles.

C. Product Data: Provide data on system materials, product characteristics, performance criteria, and system limitations.

D. Selection Samples: Submit manufacturer's standard range of samples illustrating available coating colors and textures.

E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate preparation required, installation techniques, and jointing requirements.


A. Maintain copy of specified installation standard and manufacturer's installation instructions at project site at all times during installation.

B. EIFS Manufacturer Qualifications: Provide all EIFS products other than insulation from the same manufacturer with qualifications as follows:

1. Member in good standing of EIMA (EIFS Industry Members Association).

2. Manufacturer of EIFS products for not less than 5 years.

3. Manufacturing facilities ISO 9001 certified.

C. Insulation Manufacturer Qualifications: Approved by manufacturer of EIFS and approved and labeled under third party quality program as required by applicable building code.

D. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in EIFS work, with not less than [__] years of documented experience, and approved by the EIFS manufacturer.

1.06 MOCK-UP

A. Construct mock-up of typical EIFS application on specified substrate, size as indicated on drawings, and including flashings, joints, and edge conditions.

B. Locate mock-up at approved location convenient for comparison to finished work.

C. Mock-up may remain as part of the Work.


A. Delivery: Deliver materials to project site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers with labels intact. Inspect materials and notify manufacturer of any discrepancies.

B. Storage: Store materials as directed by manufacturer's written instructions.

1. Protect adhesives and finish materials from freezing, temperatures below 40 degrees F and temperatures in excess of 90 degrees F.

2. Protect Portland cement based materials from moisture and humidity. Store under cover off the ground in a dry location.

3. Protect insulation materials from exposure to sunlight.


A. Do not prepare materials or apply EIFS under conditions other than those described in the manufacturer's written instructions.

B. Do not prepare materials or apply EIFS during inclement weather unless areas of installation are protected. Protect installed EIFS areas from inclement weather until dry.

C. Do not install coatings or sealants when ambient temperature is below 40 degrees F.

D. Do not leave installed insulation board exposed to sunlight for extended periods of time.


A. See Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements.



07 2400 - 3 EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS B. Provide manufacturer's standard material warranty, covering a period of not less than 5 years.

C. Provide separate warranty from installer covering labor for repairs or replacement for a period of not less than 5 years.


A. Acceptable Manufacturers:

1. Parex USA, Inc.: www.parex.com.

2. Sto Corp: www.stocorp.com.

3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.


A. Allowable Wind Loading: At least 90 psf, positive and negative, determined by testing conducted in accordance with ASTM E 330, with maximum deflection of 1/120 and factor of safety of 3.0.

B. Fire Characteristics:

1. Flammability: Pass, when tested in accordance with NFPA 285.

2. Ignitibility: No sustained flaming when tested in accordance with NFPA 268.

3. Potential Heat of Foam Plastic Insulation Tested Independently of Assembly: No portion of the assembly having potential heat that exceeds that of the insulation sample tested for flammability (above), when tested in accordance with NFPA 259 with results expressed in Btu per square foot.

C. Adhesion of Water-Resistive Coating to Substrate: For each combination of coating and substrate, minimum flatwise tensile bond strength of 15 psi, when tested in accordance with ASTM C297/C297M.

D. Adhesion to Water-Resistive Coating: For each combination of insulation board and substrate, when tested in accordance with ASTM C297/C297M, maximum adhesive failure of 25 percent unless flatwise tensile bond strength exceeds 15 psi in all samples.

E. Water Penetration Resistance: No water penetration beyond the plane of the base

coat/insulation board interface after 15 minutes, when tested in accordance with ASTM E331 at 6.24 psf differential pressure with tracer dye in the water spray; include in tested sample at least two vertical joints and one horizontal joint of same type to be used in construction;

disassemble sample if necessary to determine extent of water penetration.

F. Drainage Efficiency: Average minimum efficiency of 90 percent, when tested in accordance with ASTM E2273 for 75 minutes.

G. Salt Spray Resistance: No cracking, checking, crazing, erosion, blistering, peeling,

delamination, or corrosion of finish coating after 300 hours exposure in accordance with ASTM B117, using at least three samples matching intended assembly, at least 4 by 6 inches in size.

H. Freeze-Thaw Resistance: No cracking, checking, crazing, erosion, blistering, peeling,

delamination, or corrosion of finish coating when viewed under 5x magnification after 10 cycles, when tested in accordance with ICC-ES AC 219 or 235.

I. Weathering Resistance: No cracking, checking, crazing, erosion, blistering, peeling, delamination, or corrosion of finish coating when viewed under 5x magnification after 2000 hours of accelerated weathering conducted in accordance with ASTM G153 Cycle 1 or ASTM G155 Cycle 1, 5, or 9.

J. Water Degradation Resistance: No cracking, checking, crazing, erosion, blistering, peeling, delamination, or corrosion of finish coating after 14 days exposure, when tested in accordance with ASTM D2247.

K. Mildew Resistance: No growth supported on finish coating during 28 day exposure period, when tested in accordance with ASTM D3273.


L. Abrasion Resistance Of Finish: No cracking, checking or loss of film integrity when tested in accordance with ASTM D968 with 500 liters of sand.

M. Impact Resistance: Construct system to provide the following impact resistance without exposure of broken reinforcing mesh, when tested in accordance with ASTM E2486:

1. Standard: 25 to 49 in-lb, for areas inaccessible to public.

2. Medium: 50 to 89 in-lb, for areas with limited access to public.

3. High: 90 to 150 in-lb, for areas with general access to public.

4. Ultra-High: Over 150 in-lb, for areas subject to potential abuse.


A. Finish Coating Top Coat: Water-based, air curing, acrylic finish with integral color and texture.

1. Texture: Fine.

2. Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard range.

B. Base Coat: Fiber-reinforced, polymer-based product compatible with insulation board and reinforcing mesh.

C. Reinforcing Mesh: Balanced, open weave glass fiber fabric, treated for compatibility and improved bond with coating, weight, strength, and number of layers as required to meet required system impact rating.

D. Insulation Board: Molded, expanded polystyrene board ; ASTM C 578, Type I ; with the following characteristics:

1. Grooved Board: Back side of board adjacent to sheathing grooved with vertical channels designed to allow moisture to drain; at drainage points provide board configuration that permits drainage to the exterior.

2. Board Size: As recommended by EIFS finish manufacturer.

3. Board Size Tolerance: plus/minus 1/16 inch from square and dimension.

4. Board Thickness: 2 inches.

5. Thickness Tolerance: plus/minus 1/16 inch maximum.

6. Board Edges: Square.

7. Thermal Resistance (R factor per 1 in (25.4 mm)) at 75 degrees F: 4.20.

8. Board Density: 1.8 lb/cu ft.

9. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread/Smoke developed index of 25/450, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84.

E. Water-Resistive Barrier Coating: Fluid-applied air and water barrier membrane; applied to sheathing; furnished or approved by EIFS manufacturer.

F. Fluid-Applied Flashing: Flexible water based polymer material suitable for use with reinforcing mesh and, if used with water-resistive barrier sheet, certified compatible with sheet material.

G. Flashing Tape: Self-adhering rubberized asphalt tape with polyethylene backing or other material and surface conditioner furnished or approved by EIFS manufacturer.


A. Insulation Adhesive: Type required by EIFS manufacturer for project substrate.

B. Insulation Fasteners: Fastener and plate system appropriate for substrate and as recommended by EIFS manufacturer.

C. Metal Flashings: As specified in Section 07 6200.

D. Metal Lath: ASTM C847, self-furring galvanized diamond mesh, 2.5 lb/sq yd.

E. Trim: EIFS manufacturer's standard PVC trim accessories, as required for a complete project and including starter track and drainage accessories.

F. Sealant Materials: As recommended by EIFS manufacturer.



07 2400 - 5 EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS G. Exterior Soffit Vents: One piece, perforated, solid vinyl, with plaster or EIFS edge and

manufactured especially for soffit application. Provide where required.


A. Install in accordance with EIFS manufacturer's instructions and ASTM C1397.

B. Where different requirements appear in either document, comply with the most stringent.

C. Neither of these documents supercedes the provisions of the Contract Documents that define the contractual relationships between the parties or the scope of work.


A. Verify that substrate is sound and free of oil, dirt, other surface contaminants, efflorescence, loose materials, or protrusions that could interfere with EIFS installation and is of a type and construction that is acceptable to EIFS manufacturer. Do not begin work until substrate and adjacent materials are complete and thoroughly dry.

B. Verify that substrate surface is flat, with no deviation greater than 1/4 in when tested with a 10 ft straightedge.


A. Install self-furring metal lath over solid substrates that are deemed unacceptable to receive adhesively applied insulation. Install in accordance with ASTM C1063, except for butt-lapping instead of overlapping..

1. Attach to concrete and concrete masonry using corrosion-resistant power or powder actuated fasteners or hardened concrete stub nails not less than 3/4 inch long and with heads not less than 3/8 inch wide. Ensure that fasteners are securely attached to substrate and spaced at maximum 16 inches on center horizontally and 7 inches vertically.

B. Apply primer to substrate as recommended by EIFS manufacturer for project conditions.


A. Apply barrier coating as recommended by coating manufacturer; prime substrate as required before application.

B. Seal all substrate transitions and intersections with other materials to form continuous water- resistive barrier on exterior of sheathing, using method recommended by manufacturer.

C. At door and window rough openings and other wall penetrations, seal water-resistive barrier and flexible flashings to rough opening before installation of metal flashings, sills, or frames, using method recommended by manufacturer.

D. At moving expansion joints, apply flexible flashing or flashing tape across and recessed into joint with U-loop forming continuous barrier but allowing movement.

E. Lap flexible flashing or flashing tape at least 2 inches on each side of joint or transition.

F. Install drainage layer or spacers after flashing tape has been completed.

G. Exterior Soffit Vents: Install according to manufacturer's written instructions and in locations shown on the drawings. Provide vent area specified.


A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Prior to installation of boards, install starter track and other trim level and plumb and securely fastened. Install only in full lengths, to minimize moisture intrusion; cut horizontal trim tight to vertical trim.


C. Install back wrap reinforcing mesh at all openings and terminations that are not to be protected with trim.

D. On wall surfaces, install boards horizontally. On horizontal surfaces, install boards front to back.

E. Install boards in layers to achieve thickness and shapes as shown on the drawings.

F. Place boards in a method to maximize tight joints. Stagger vertical joints and interlock at corners. Butt edges and ends tight to adjacent board and to protrusions. Achieve a continuous flush insulation surface, with no gaps in excess of 1/16 inch.

G. Fill gaps greater than 1/16 inch with strips or shims cut from the same insulation material.

H. Rasp irregularities off surface of installed insulation board.

I. Adhesive Attachment: Use method recommended by EIFS manufacturer.


A. Base Coat: Apply in thickness as necessary to fully embed reinforcing mesh, wrinkle free, including back-wrap at all terminations of the EIFS. Install reinforcing fabric as recommended by EIFS manufacturer.

1. Lap reinforcing mesh edges and ends a minimum of 2-1/2 inches.

2. Allow base coat to dry a minimum of 24 hours before next coating application.

B. At areas subject to abuse, install second layer of reinforcing mesh embedded in second coat of base coating, tightly butting ends and edges of mesh.

C. Apply finish coat after base coat has dried not less than 24 hours, embed finish aggregate, and finish to a uniform texture and color.

D. Finish Coat Thickness: As recommended by manufacturer.


A. Clean EIFS surfaces and work areas of foreign materials resulting from EIFS operations.


A. Protect completed work from damage and soiling by subsequent work.




11 6100 - 1 STAGE EQUIPMENT SECTION 11 6100



A. Stage Curtains, Tracks and Hardware 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS

A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.

B. Refer to the Contract Drawings for any plans, graphic representations, schedules, and notations showing stage equipment work.


A. For the sake of brevity these specifications shall omit phrases such as "(Sub) Contractor shall furnish and install", "unless otherwise indicated or specified", etc., but these phrases are nevertheless implied. Mention of materials and operations requires the (Sub) Contractor to furnish and install such materials and perform such operations completely to the satisfaction of the Architect. Exceptions are noted herein or shown on the drawings.


A. Work under this contract shall include the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, transportation services, supervision, etc., necessary to complete the installation of stage equipment and hardware as well as any other items as herein listed, all as described in these specifications, as illustrated on the accompanying drawings; or as directed by the Architect or his Representative.

B. This contractor shall coordinate all work closely with General Contractor, particularly in coordinating the installation of A/C ducts, water or sprinkler pipes, drain pipes, and support steel. This contractor shall furnish and install a complete Stage Equipment package with all necessary apparatus and equipment, etc., required to insure on completion, systems of high quality in excellent working order as specified herein.


A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section.

B. All fabrics used in the fabrication of the stage curtains shall be inherently or chemically flameproofed as defined by the Bureau of Standards of U.S. Department of Commerce and shall pass all flameproofing test as required by local authorities.

C. Should any stage equipment be found defective, not meeting specifications, or that which has not been approved in writing by the Owner shall, upon discovery (including any time within the period of the guarantee), be replaced with the specified equipment or material at no additional cost.

D. All sizes in the specifications are approximate and should be adhered to as closely as possible but all curtains and equipment shall be sized to fit and mask the stage properly. The exact measurements are the responsibility of the Stage Contractor. If there are discrepancies in the specifications and/or drawings, the Stage Contractor shall ask for a clarification from the Architect. If no clarification is requested, the Architect's judgment shall rule.

E. Approved Stage Equipment Contractor

1. One company shall be responsible for the installation of all aspects of the stage

equipment as specified in this section. This shall include but not be limited to all, curtains, tracks, and miscellaneous equipment.


2. In order to be a Stage Equipment Contractor on this project, a Contractor must have successfully completed at least five (5) projects of similar size and scope within the last five (5) years. Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish list of these projects and contact names and phone numbers for references. Companies, which have no experience in the installation and operation of a similar style of stage equipment, will not be considered.

The stage equipment contractor shall have been in business under the same name for five (5) full years preceding the date of this bid doing work similar to the type specified.

The decision of the Architect as to the capability of the Bidder to successfully complete and maintain the system, based on this pre-qualification information shall be final.

3. The Stage Equipment Contractor shall employ only fully trained stage riggers and mechanics, assisted by common laborers, for the erection of the stage equipment. The stage riggers shall be completely familiar with the type of equipment to be installed. A competent Job Superintendent shall be on the job at all times when work is in progress.

He shall represent the Stage Equipment Contractor and all directions given by him shall be as binding as if given by the Stage Equipment Contractor.


A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures.

B. Shop drawings and equipment data sheets shall be submitted to the Architect/Architect's Representative under general provisions within 90 days after award of the contract. Failure to comply with this 90-day requirement shall be cause for disqualification of the selected (Sub) Contractor and cancellation of contract without cost to the Owner, on the basis that the selected (Sub) Contractor does not have the ability or intention to comply with the specifications.

C. Approval of submitted equipment shall be obtained prior to equipment purchasing or

fabrication. If shop drawings are rejected, correct and resubmit in the manner as specified. All shop drawing information shall be submitted at the same time; no partial submittal will be accepted.

D. Drawings shall indicate complete details, dimensions, product types and locations of all equipment, clearances required, guides, cables, sets, (sub) contractor fabricated equipment, and all other details required to completely describe the work to be performed. Submittals drawings shall be presented at a scale of not less than 1/8" = 1'-0" for plans, 1/4" for equipment layouts. Each sheet to allow space for approval stamps and have the name of the project, the (sub) contractors and/or the supplier's name, address telephone number, and the date submitted.

E. Fabric Samples:

1. Submit sample books of each fabric specified, containing standard colors available in the quality of the material specified for the Owner's or Architect's selection of color and approval. More than one color may be selected. After selection, upon request, submit one square foot samples of each material in each color for final review.

F. Record Drawings and Data:

1. Submit in accordance with General Provisions. Also within 30 days of final test and completion of the installation, submit the following to the Architect:

a. Three (3) sets of maintenance data.

b. Three (3) notarized Certificates of FLAMEPROOFING for each fabric used.

c. Three (3) Certificates of Guarantee

G. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.


A. The Stage Contractor shall guarantee all of the work that is performed under this contract, including all materials, and workmanship, for a period of one (1) year from the date of full acceptance of the work. Lamps for lighting fixtures shall be guaranteed against failure for thirty (30) days. Nothing in this guarantee shall cause repair or replacement by the Stage Equipment



11 6100 - 3 STAGE EQUIPMENT Contractor where negligence, neglect or improper operation by the Owner has caused the failure of any equipment installed under this contract.



A. For the purposes of establishing a standard of quality desired on this project, the rigging hardware products of Texas Scenic Co., Inc. of San Antonio, Texas are specified.

Manufacturers whose equipment has prior approval to be used on this project include the following companies:

1. Texas Scenic Company, Inc.

2. J.R. Clancy 3. H & H Specialties

4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.


A. Paint as required under this section shall be the manufacture's standard finish and color except as noted.

B. All equipment items shall be new and conform to applicable provisions of Underwriters' Laboratories and American Standards Assoc.

C. Where acceptable equipment items are specified by catalog number only, device shall meet all published manufacturer's specifications. Where quantities are not given, refer to drawings.

Where two or more products are listed, contractor may use either, at his discretion. Equipment shall not be substituted without specific written approval by the Architect/Architect's

Representative under the substitution paragraphs of these specifications.


A. All turnbuckles, clips, tracks, chains and other items of incidental hardware shall be furnished plated or painted. Wire rope shall be galvanized. Fasteners, chain, and other miscellaneous hardware shall be either cadmium or zinc plated.

B. All materials used in this project shall be new, unused and of the latest design. Refurbished materials are not permitted.

C. In order to establish minimum standards of safety, a minimum factor of 8 shall be used for all equipment and hardware used on this project


1. Hanging Support Chains and Fittings

a. All hanging supports shall be 3/8” Proof Coil Chain secured with ¼” shackles or chain bolts at the structure and equipment ends.  “S” hooks are NOT acceptable methods of attachment

2. 2 Pipe Battens

a. Pipe battens shall be 1-1/2" in diameter schedule 40 pipe. All battens shall be painted black to prevent rusting. Where splicing is required, a pin, 18" long and the same diameter as the inside diameter as the pipe shall be used. This pin shall be held in place with no less than four (4) bolts (two each half, 6” O.C., @ 90 degrees).

3. Curtain Traveler Tracks

a. Tracks shall be by H&H Specialties of South El Monte, California. Manufacturer's recommendations on installation of all tracks and related hardware shall be followed.

Automatic Devices Inc. of Allentown, PA shall be considered equal.

b. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.

4. Straight Curtain Tracks

a. If the curtains to be hung on rope-operated traveler tracks are 12’ or higher in finished height, provide track hardware equal to H&H # 400 Series Track complete with all


necessary accessories for proper operation including ?” diameter black polyester braided over solid aramid core operating line, rear fold guides, trim chains, 4”

diameter adjustable floor block.

b. If the curtains to be hung on walk-along or rope-operated tracks are less than 12’

high, provide track hardware equal to H&H #100 Series Track complete with all necessary accessories for proper operation including ¼” diameter black polyester braided over solid aramid core operating line, rear fold guides, trim chains, and 4”

diameter adjustable floor block.

c. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.

5. Curved Curtain Tracks

a. If the curtains to be hung on rope-operated traveler tracks are 12’ or higher in finished height, provide track hardware equal to H&H # 500 Curved Track complete with all necessary accessories for proper operation including ?” diameter black polyester braided over solid aramid core operating line, trim chains, 4” diameter adjustable floor block.

b. If the curtains to be hung on walk-along or rope-operated tracks are less than 12’

high, provide track hardware equal to H&H #300 Series Track complete with all necessary accessories for proper operation including ¼” diameter black polyester braided over solid aramid core operating line, rear fold guides, trim chains, and 4”

diameter adjustable floor block.

c. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.

B. Stage Curtains 1. Fabrics

a. Valance and Front Curtain:

1) Inherently Flame Retardant (IFR), 25 oz. Charisma Velour (54" width) as supplied by KM Mills of Greenville, S.C. Color to be selected by


2) Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.

b. Borders, Rear and Side Curtains:

1) Inherently Flame Retardant (IFR), 16 oz. Pride Velour (54" width) as supplied by KM Mills of Greenville, S.C. Color to be black.

2) Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements.

2. Flameproofing

a. Fabrics used in fabrication of draperies shall be inherently flameproof or shall be chemically flameproof with a formula approved Bureau of Standards U.S. Department of Commerce, and finished fabric, after treatment, shall pass such tests as are required by the Fire Marshall of the local Fire Dept., and Owner. A certificate for each type and color of cloth used shall be furnished to the Owner when request for final payment is made. Certificate shall state name of Stage Equipment Contractor, name of firm doing flameproofing treatment, date of treatment, date re-treatment will be required, method of treatment, and to the certificate shall be affixed the signature of an officer, or authorized representative of the firm furnishing the draperies. A Notary Public in the State of Texas shall notarize the information on certificate.

3. Fabrication of Standard Stage Draperies

a. Sew fabrics with box pleats to 3-1/2" wide heavy-duty upholstery jute webbing, pleats spaced 12" on centers, unless otherwise specified. Use mercerized cotton thread, minimum weight #16, color to match cloth shall be full length and shall be without splices for entire length of the curtain.

b. Properly join panels smooth and free of puckering at seams, hems, and turnbacks.

c. Where completed curtains are to be operated on a traveler track, equip each pleat with a 2" plated harness snap-hook mounted to curtain by means of a strap of web- belting to curtain by riveting with not less than 2 tubular rivets per snap-hook. Web- belting straps shall pass over front and backsides of pleats, and rivets shall go



11 6100 - 5 STAGE EQUIPMENT completely through the web belting, jute webbing, and all thickness of curtain fabric.

Canvas straps, leather straps, grommets and s-hooks, cotter key hooks, etc., shall not be acceptable.

d. Where completed curtains are to be tied to a pipe batten, each pleat shall be equipped with a 30" long #4 braided nylon tie line through a No. 2, or larger brass grommet, each to be on 12" centers located in the box pleats at the webbing.

e. Bottom hems of all floor length curtains shall be 5" and shall be equipped with a separate canvas pocket sewn inside bottom hems in such manner as to have the bottom of the canvas pocket at least 1-1/2" above bottom of curtain hem. Load canvas pocket with #6 galvanized pump chain, secured to prevent bunching and shifting within the pocket. All other curtains shall have 3” bottom hem.

f. Off-stage vertical hems and center-facing turnbacks of the front curtain shall be twenty-four inches (24") of material faced back and no sewn hem shall be permitted within these hems. Vertical hems of all masking borders, and side/rear curtains shall be 3".

g. Finish curtains properly in the best manner and method of the industry, and after hanging, thoroughly brush to remove dust, visible dirt, loose threads, loose fabric lint, etc. Wrinkles shall be allowed to fall our naturally.

4. Stage Curtain Schedule

Curtain Fabric Qty. Fullness Installation

Valance 25 oz.

IFR Velour

1 Panel 75%

Added Fullness

On Pipe Batten Front Curtain 25 oz.

IFR Velour

2 Panels 75%

Added Fullness

On Track

Cyclorama Masking Borders

16 oz.

IFR Velour

Provide quantity indicated on drawings


Added Fullness

On Pipe Batten Side Cyclorama


16 oz.

IFR Velour

2 Panels on each side of stage


Added Fullness

On Track

Rear Cyclorama Curtains

16 oz.

IFR Velour

2 Panels across rear of stage


Added Fullness

On Track


5. Valance should be sized at 2’ wider than proscenium opening and should be sized to cover 20% of height of opening.

6. Front Curtain should overlap proscenium opening 2’ on each side and have a 3’ overlap at center.


A. General

1. Verify that job conditions are ready to receive work of this section. Notify Architect of any existing condition which will adversely affect execution. Beginning of execution will constitute acceptance of existing conditions.

2. Verify that field measurements are as shown on shop drawings or match specified sizes 3. Verify that mechanical, electrical, and other items affecting work of this section are in

place and ready to receive the work.


B. Installation

1. Install using skilled workmen in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions and recommendations.

2. Install work in accordance highest industry standards. Handle materials to avoid dents and other damages.

3. Set and secure materials and components rigid, plump, and square.


A. Protect installed products until completion of project.

B. Touch up, repair, or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion.


A. It shall be the responsibility of this Contractor to remove all debris from the building or site caused by his operations to a common trash point or receptacle on the job site, as determined by the General Contractor.



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